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tv   Zolotoi zapas  NTV  June 18, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

1:30 am
petrovich is escaping, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, don’t shoot! a doctor behind him.
1:31 am
hey, listen. then they informed me that a friend of our border guard had arrived, like he wanted to sort things out, his friend came, but this is not a problem, we need to set him up to the fullest, in general, i’ll take care of it here, and you, let’s send the little man to moscow, let him have a little time at home will hide, well, you know what, okay.
1:32 am
who are you going to see, lieutenant colonel seremet from moscow, have your armored personnel been arrested? what do you mean arrested? and that means he was arrested for illegal gold mining and smuggling, and where he is sitting, in the isolation ward, but there is one strange thing, he has been registered with the investigative committee since the day before yesterday, investigators of the twisted and evdakims, but there is no record of the cell number, and i have not yet been able to establish contact with the isolation ward. my person will be
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on duty there only the day after tomorrow, what should i do? wait, go to the hotel, get settled, you have a room booked there, i’ll call you. arina, what kind of news is this? introductory in 2 weeks? i won’t go, i feel good here, with you. no, arin, you are darkening something. listen, stop being a fool, that's how you are i dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, i graduated from college, who was screaming? i won’t go to moscow, to moscow, why not, and i’m mediocre, i realized that, so, wait, maybe the reason is something or someone else, yes, hi, i managed to find out, arrested, yes, yes, yes, as soon as possible, how?
1:34 am
okay, i'll wait bye. okay, if you don’t want to go to college, don’t, you’ll go to a factory to make rompers. and i would go, i spoiled you, if only mom and dad were alive. yes, yes, now. he was arrested, he is in the leninsky season, i already know, come in, i left the following through one of my twisted friends, yes, they are ready to meet. will meet me,
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yes, but not officially at the trading post restaurant, when, well, if you agree, they will call. okay, make an appointment, and i’ll inform the management, well, trust, but check, and this is right, i ask you, no, thank you, thank you, that’s it,
1:36 am
hello, hello, well, i’m waiting for a call, if everything works out, we’ll seryogu soon we'll see, really, when? i hope this evening, maybe tomorrow morning, the main thing is not to jinx it, nothing,
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nothing, we’ll get it out, figure out what’s what, to whom this. i needed a charter, but maybe i ’ll go to the pre-trial detention center? no, it’s not worth it, go, relax, if anything happens, i’ll call you right away, i’ll be waiting, bar, can i have a vacation in my room, and what is there, i need 300 g, although no, give me a bottle, then what’s 800. yes, yes , good evening, your order, thank you.
1:38 am
1:39 am
stand, listen to everyone, i heard, quietly, quietly, he’s there, that means, let’s move away. we’ll surround you, we’ll take him alive, petrovich, or maybe i’ll let him have the south, or maybe mashka the little frog, we have to catch him first, but where the hell will he go, then you two go there, the rest follow me, go ahead, stay here
1:40 am
he, bitch, these... the tracks are fresh. and where are you, come out and where are you, and your mother, and bitch, what are you, where are you, that you froze, that you froze, rub me, idiot, wait, now, wait, what are you jumping, decide the rope, idiot, rope , quietly, ah, well, well, and the hand, who
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shot, petrovich, hand, hand, okay, don’t whine, he’ll heal before the wedding, well, they froze, that’s it, forward after him, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, ah... holy shit, kartafa, ah bitch, why are you up, karta, continue the pursuit, oh my, breathe, begor, karta, come on! and burry,
1:42 am
can you go? where? i, i can’t get up petrovich, call the turntable, i feel like i won’t last long, nothing, nothing, nothing, you’ll outlive everyone, i feel it, i’m dying, i feel it, i’ll call the turntable now, it’s a mess, where are you in the clearing?
1:43 am
well, urad, did you run away? lying in the ground, hands behind your head, i said hands behind your head, legs wider, wider than your legs, just lie there, hello, brother, i have him, i took him, here, here to the left of you, you see me, i see, i see, i’m coming come to you, come on, run, you're black, i'll blow your head off, oh, what do you answer me, we'll rip off three skins from you, impale the bitch, put your hands, put your hands behind your back,
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put your hands behind your back, like this, like this, right? mess, what are you, what are you, how much is everything, bitch! bro,
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he left, i hit him once, and he left, he killed the mess, a dirty bucket, you caught him, he won’t go far, he’ll bleed, petrovich, let’s bury him, the mess, no, now, that means, we’ll set up camp, tomorrow morning let's take gad.
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1:47 am
get up, get up, i said, pack up all this canoe, you have to go, stanislav igorevich, wake up. stanislav igorevich, wake up morning. what's happened? who are you? what do you want here? senior investigator of the investigative committee, vishnyakov. search warrant. get started.
1:48 am
allow me. on what basis? i'm on a business trip here. and we have? there is information that, under the guise of business trips, you are transporting illegally mined gold to moscow. do you have any other information? i am an fsb officer, this is an inspection from the central office. here is my travel order. it’s a good cover, but it doesn’t change the essence of the matter. dmitry yurievich. yes, there are witnesses, come with me, well, how will you explain the origin of
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this metallic-golden color of yours to you. i have no idea, ivanna is not mine, but a hotel one, okay, but do you have any explanation for this? of course there is, and you know it as well as i do, excuse me, i demand that it be entered into the protocol, this... an object, a similar ingot of golden-colored metal, was just planted here by your employees. and i ask you, comrades attesting witnesses, to testify to these words of mine in the protocol. calm down, stanislav igorevich, calm down, you know as well as i do that investigative operational bodies are not yet able to use it will be a little expensive for tossing gold, don’t
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you think? now, you better explain to us the scheme according to which you are with mr. bronnikov and his late father. have been selling gold over the past year and a half, i demand that my detention be immediately reported to moscow and i demand a meeting with the leadership of the fsb directorate for a confrontation with bronnikov. okay, we 'll organize it all for you a little later. ask! end here! oh, you're a pussyfoot,
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damn it! oh, you sinful mother, you ate the whole portrait, well, i’ll get to you, i ’ll take the can, clumsy, in vain i sinned on you, here other cannibals have worked, oh you!
1:52 am
ivan pavlovich, connections, what happened, i’m in the fourth square, we have a dead man here, bronnikov sergei mikhailovich, so, the nature of the wound, gunshot! yes, comrade colonel, major dalinin, the head of the internal security service is coming to see you, hello, what’s going on here? apparently, i wounded him badly,
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just wait here for the armored people, you have nowhere to rush, if toptygin doesn’t die, he ’s a human being. okay, we have to live here, well , god bless, bronnikov was listed in the isolation ward, but when we wanted to interrogate him, he strangely disappeared, and what does strange mean, neither the head of the convoy, nor the guards themselves, can really explain anything... i got the impression that they released him, on some order, or he wasn’t there at all, i thought so too, today
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a radiogram arrived that a dehumanized body had been found, with a driver’s license for bronnikov, where the body was found here, this is how many kilometers away, this is 80 kilometers from the city. how in less than a day, in the absence of roads, he could be more than 80 km away, if documents are confiscated upon arrest, why were they with him, and maybe it wasn’t bronnikov there, or maybe it wasn’t bronnikov here, someone is cleverly leading us by the nose, yes, it’s a very strange thing, i’m afraid we’ll have to get involved, now the main thing , that... sheremet, i came here to help out my friend, sergei mikhailovich bronnikov. why did i give this gold to me?
1:55 am
stanislav igorich, that ingot that we found with you will do a lot. and only you know how many of these ingots you transported to the mainland. okay, why should i meet with your investigators then? investigators? what kind of investigators? there's a recording on the camera. the camera, by the way, is not mine, the department gave it to me. this is the camera. the trouble is that when you commit a crime, you use your official position. so, so what is this? these are your investigators, twisted evdokimov. stanislav igorevich, our investigators, evdokimov and kruchenykh, on the day when this recording was made, were on a business trip to the region,
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and here you are... first-class gangsters bugaev and buravleva, they always work in pairs, how is this possible, you have to explain to me, how is this possible, and what connects you with them, huh? even when the going gets tough, life goes on. everyone has their own mission, ours is to help. we are where people need care, so that they don’t feel so scared, so that hope and love live in their hearts, so that life goes on, it’s so important to help someone in trouble. join the good deed on the website pomoćvbede.rf. vadim, do you even know who this sheremet is?
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lieutenant colonel. from the central office with lubyanka, you understand what we got ourselves into, we were set up, it’s called a friend, and a friend is higher than the mountains, we need to somehow get out, what are you saying, like there is no prisoner, there is no problem, come on. i demand a confrontation with sergei mikhailovich bronnikov. dmitry yurievich, this is urgent. i'm sorry, what? how did he end up there? thank you. stanislav igorich, your accomplice
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died. in what sense, what kind of fake? sergei mikhailovich bronnikov, here. oh, oh, why are you here? what did you say, bitch, sit, what did you say, duty officer, creature, in his pre-trial detention, his handy camera, yeah.
1:59 am
hello, i’m listening, natelaevna, good afternoon, hello, yes, say, i’m listening, major golikov is bothering you, the fsb’s own security department. natal sergeevna, allow me to ask you a few questions, me? and for what reason? regarding stanislav igorevich sheremet. do you know this person? what exactly is the matter? the fact is that sheremet was detained in komnigorsk during an unscheduled business trip, on suspicion of committing a serious offense. damn, what did you say? i say, arkady dmitrievich in course? yes, he knows. okay, tell me where to go when? so, i’m waiting for you at the intersection of bolshaya lubyanka and
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rozhdestvensky. 12:00 noon, goodbye. gray, how can this be, i wish you good health, whatever fate, old devil, take it all brother,
2:01 am
accept it. reserve, come in, what are you doing, old man, stas, buddy, come on, take off your clothes, that’s it, come on! come on, lenka will come soon, sons, we’ll set the table, we’ll sit for a while, but you give, i remember, a real asian woman, not a pawn, okay, let’s sit down, let’s have a drink, we need to meet, come on. give it to me a piece, forget the taste, well, gray, what are your plans in general, maybe you’ll sit down in moscow,
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i’ll help with work, you’ll live with us for now, but what kind of muscovite am i, stas, i’m a darling in my country, taiga, hunting. you will hit a squirrel in the eye, even remember how you shot spirits, phenomenal, so maybe about moscow, think about what the prospects are there in kamnegorsk, here you would become the head of the security service, some cool office or bank, you you know my character, i’m out of this bank the next day... cool, no, i’d better go home, about work, i’ll find myself something, okay, i’m not persuading you, but if there’s anything, you understand, if there’s anything, i understand.
2:03 am
beard, move faster, he will go into this swamp, are you sure that he is even here, right here. he went there, he is his light, you see, but i don’t see a damn thing,
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2:05 am
what are you doing, you idiot, but help him here , men! well, hold it, hold it, hold it straight, with your hands, you wanted to get away from me, right? thank you, then please, fuck off the bitch, this is a mess for you,
2:06 am
well put it aside, let it go, it’s a mess, it’s right, leave it aside, i said. this means they themselves are to blame, they didn’t calculate the enemy. owner in with a living knife, take it, let's leave, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element, stop to win. fire is the calling of the strong. observer pilots,
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firefighter paratroopers, paratroopers, firefighters, aerial forest guards. the farm is growing, a reliable shield of the russian forest. i think that your father was killed by a fierce one, he often visited your dacha, the summer when your father died, he actually lived there, write the address. you know what i think i 'm doing nonsense, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, tenants from the first floor saw a man with a bloody hand, got behind the wheel of a taxi and drove off, raise the personnel, the traffic police are on the block, check all the taxis in the city, tell me, how long have you been a sugar worker at the station, since your father died so dry, alex is fierce, the orphan case, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00
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on ntv. so what's there? luckily, the bone was not damaged, in a week it will be as good as new. are you calming him down? so that he doesn’t run around anymore, a double dose, yes, yes, we took him, listen, i didn’t know that the border was such a greyhound, i understood, get busy, i’m on urgent business, atela, something it happened? do you know that sheremet has been arrested?
2:09 am
yes, yes, i know, i myself was at the search with the investigative task force, where was the search? well, during the search, his house is here in his office. i was called to the ssb about him, well... this is normal, normal, this is called working out connections, they also talked to me, i honestly said that he always aroused my suspicions, yes, it seemed to me that you somehow always protected him, that you are the opposite, which means the opposite, well, on the contrary, he was the one who made friends with me in order to influence you through me, to influence me, of course, to receive more than just regular awards? no, dear, you know,
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you can’t influence me that easily, i judge a person only by his merits, i think you managed to be friends with him, arkasha, what are you, what do you think, what are you do you suspect me of something? no, no, no, dear, i, i, i don’t suspect you of anything, but... in my opinion, you always somehow cared about him, isn’t it? it’s not true, it’s not true, never, i’m indifferent to him, i think he’s guilty, the investigator said that he traded in metals. nothing yet unknown, i don’t really trust the investigation there, and i don’t think that sasha rimet, for the sake of some dubious benefits, could agree to such a thing, right? arkasha, don’t you know him?
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to the traitors, the werewolves, who disgraced the honor of the mundir, i must see good evidence, they are felkin’s letter, of course.
2:12 am
according to the papers at the base, kronnikov was kept there, but in reality he was not in the detention center, a dead soul, how can this be, let ’s look into it, the head of the detention center has been suspended until it becomes clear what amazing things are happening here, the duty officer is a hack. come on sheremetov’s paddy wagon to the investigative committee, hello, he’s about to be taken, the investigative committee from the isolation wards, that’s it.
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let's get in quickly!
2:14 am
it’s strange, this wasn’t here yesterday, yes , as always, it wasn’t here yesterday, but today it’s taken away, as always, come on, come back, hands, hands, out of the car, get out, quickly, quickly, quietly, quietly, quietly , don't shoot, open the door, let's quickly open the door, let the prisoner out, faster, faster, come in, faster, come on! let's go out, come out, come out, run, let's go, look, pen, pen here, quickly, come on, sit down, sit down quickly, let's go, well, where is it?
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is our detainee stuck in a traffic jam? this is not moscow, what are the traffic jams? can you hurry them up then? well , finally, yes, what? ran away? the circumstance is clarified from the paddy wagon. and what did the guards do? idiots, i wish you good health, comrade general, yes, it’s me, i’m now under investigation, we have an emergency here, the residents of the garden community have friendship.


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