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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 18, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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two corpses, here you go, excuse me, comrade colonel, uh, except for the fradans, let's go, yeah, with permission, everyone is free, we'll return to this conversation in the evening, what happened to you, something happened, that's it? sis, they closed, that they closed, who was closed, well, stop crying, please, he came, he said, i’ll ruin you, 100,000, and where can i get that, sis, i closed the dining room, well, i ’ll be gone for a week of food, oh, it’ll be gone , wants money, money? and
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where he? there goes the cap. okay, calm down, please. dear, please wait. hello, hello. lieutenant colonel solovets, tell me, on what basis did you close the canteen? unsanitary? no certificate for mayonnaise? wait a minute, you and mayonnaise, well, we can somehow agree on a humane basis and solve the problem. yes, he’s the smartest one, what about me?
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you will have a car, yes, it will be fun, the guys took a steam bath, listen, andrey, you know the markings of the cartridge cases that i found here, so steamy, yeah, and the markings of the remaining cartridges in the guard’s pistol match, well, that’s wonderful, consider it revealed, interesting , from... volkin, how are you doing? it turns out quickly, he shot himself, hit himself in the head, he called the police himself, andryushenka, there is no need to complicate anything, or do you need another goukhar, oh, bulkin, bulkin, just look.
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what's there? yes, i’m listening to you, talk, talk, you didn’t want to talk, so, i’m crimea, let’s finish here. well, captain igor, does our comrade confess? what is there to confess? a friend over there is telling some fairy tale, uh-huh, a gray wolf came and ate everyone, well, yes, supposedly there was some girl who knocked him out, can you imagine this one, then he woke up, then she he was knocked out again, then he woke up again, ran to the bathhouse, and everyone there was killed, ah-ah-ah-ah, what a bad fairy tale there is, only it’s true, what the girl looked like, blonde, shoulder-length hair, in the back braided braid, built-in, short, beautiful infection, what she was wearing, remember, short sheepskin coat, black... jeans, that is, some
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girl came and knocked out such a healthy boar, but i myself didn’t understand how it happened, he didn’t understand what you didn’t understand, they shot from your pistol, therefore in any case, we have to detain you, we’ll also check your hands for traces of powder gases, then it will become clear whether you shot or didn’t shoot, but nothing will become clear, i didn’t kill, so let’s talk about gusev again, goose, goose, i’m golubev’s guard, he today i decided to sit in the bathhouse with my friends, with some friends, there was someone else, well, yes, a certain guest who for some reason never arrived, he called and said, like, a tire has broken, he’ll pick up in half an hour, he called for 5 minutes back, there is a number, well, call georgivich, and you, dear man, will come with us to the department for complete free support, at the same time, by the way, you can help draw up an identikit, georgivich, great, you need to enter one character by phone number, address at the place of registration, and so that someone can urgently go there, i’ll send information by sms, that’s it, come on , he’ll send a blast, okay, get up, what... georgievich, yes, an identikit girl.
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they put, you know, he’s like that, half five women can be detained based on him, but it’s as usual, yeah, but you believe in this girl, well, in general, that she exists, well , in general, i believe, they set him up, in my opinion, not maybe the guard is so stupid as to lie so primitively, so we are working on it, i also think that the guard was framed, there are other versions, but there is another one, a certain goose, he was supposed to come there, but for some reason he didn’t come, we he was identified from a database of former bandits. he has a lot of all sorts of dilapidation behind him, you know, if this was revenge or some kind of commercial dispute, we need to look for something more recent, well , let's see what the guy brings us, we'll see, oh, it's easy to remember, yes, kirill, well i'm at the address, but then the goose's sister says that
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he came in, collected all the money for the person he was, packed a large bag, said that he needed to stay somewhere for a month, yes, listen, i also took this goose laptop from his room, fine, then take it straight to the technical department. i’m already running, i’m still waiting, say hello from me, yes, it’s late, so, that’s it, andryukha, i’m now going to the source, he should have more recent information about the goose itself and about the dead, and you and the guy, when he returns, take care of the papers, first of all for today's fight, because if the matter comes to court, the papers must be in everything is fine, comrade marshal georgievich, when will they give me a captain? on the centenary of the october revolution, that’s it, go to work, i understand you, okay, i’ll tell you,
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well, i’ll get to the office now, great, well, hello, it’s been a long time since you’ve been here. yes, i probably wouldn’t have seen as much if i hadn’t called you myself, right? you offend me, boss, i respect good people, even if it’s a cop, if it weren’t for you, i was still in the zone for someone else’s wetness, and then you handled the case in good conscience, found the real killer, didn’t let the wrong case be sewn up, i i was the only one sitting in my article, i made him sick, so i’m your debtor and i remember that, okay. these are things of a long time ago, here you go, georgivich, have lunch with me, i’ll treat you, thank you, but there’s no time, i’ll have some coffee, okay, listen, i have something to do, you’ve been in business circles for a long time, shed some light on us , today two
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men were killed in the sauna, yes, i heard, aksenov and golubev, it’s a pity, guys, but they knew what they were getting into, you quickly catch the information, but what does it mean? they knew what they were getting into, well, how they had a joint business, a raider business, i don’t know all the nuances, but aksenov acted through the tax inspectorate, and golubev provided legal registration of transactions, money, rattled with a shovel, who provided the bandit cover, well, there was a third in their scheme, their common friend, igor gusev, your coffee, thank you, please,
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this is generally his right hand, and in all matters where physical intervention is required, shmilyov is in business, it’s clear, okay, venechka, i’m sorry, the trumpet is calling, thank you for your help, thank you for the coffee, and you’re still dying, at
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work for pennies, you know, before you die and i don’t plan to, but what a million you made, come to me in safety, most importantly, i’ll tell you. okay, you know i won’t come anyway, thanks again. nikolai yuryevich, please go home, yes, uh-huh, excuse me, timofeev nikolai yuryevich, yes, lieutenant colonel solovets, head of the homicide department, everything is in order, i have a few questions for you, what kind of questions, the fact is that today he was killed in the sauna businessman aksyonov and lawyer golulev. did you know them personally? well, you knew, so what? what kind of relationship did you have? was the relationship normal? yes, we have
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information about what has been going on with you lately these were serious commercial disputes. are you hinting at something? was everything within the legal framework? sorry, i'm in a hurry. did you also have a legal case with golubev? all other questions are only in the presence of my lawyer. what did they find about the murder in the sauna? well, there are several versions. the examination found traces of powder gases on the guard’s hands, but we established that just a few hours before the murder he was in tiri for a practice shooting. well, the examination also found that aksenov and golulev did not resist. and if to assume that the guard
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hit himself in the head, the question arises why he didn’t do anything with the gun, didn’t drop it, most likely they just set him up, well, let him stay with us for the second day, if we don’t find anything, we’ll release it, there’s a working version, we found out that those killed, with the direct participation of the goose, were engaged in raiding and crossed the path of a certain businessman timofeev, nicknamed timokha, timokha we will work off, well, not bad. after all, it’s a joke, so that by the evening the goose will be in
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the department, everyone is free, there is, eh, well, guys, let's figure it out for three, with pleasure, thank you, there was no meat, with cabbage and apples, as they say, the rich you are, the happier you are, glory, you'll have a pie, but no, i... he went to the website of a company that sells real estate kosinos is engaged, yeah, but in any case , he has several offers from this company at the post office, guy for apartments, igor, go through the internet to the address of this agency and blow with andryukha there, and then straight to the addresses, so kirill, you continue collect information on this timofeev. communications, business, well, everything else, but in timofeev’s circle
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there is a certain anton shmilov, try him too, okay, how have i still not made money with this? well, he doesn’t understand in human terms, i’m still going, you’re working. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even
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more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. i think your father was killed by a fierce one. often he is on your visited the dacha. that summer when my father died, he actually lived there. write your address. you know what, i think i'm doing nonsense. we have two strange suicides. suspicious taxi driver. which has not yet been found. residents from the first floor saw a man with a bloody hand who got behind the wheel of a taxi and drove off. raise the personnel, the traffic police on the ceiling, check all the taxis in the city. tell me, how long ago has the hazel tree dried out on the site? yes, just like my father died, he dried up. alex lyuty. the case of the orphans, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv.
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good day, boss, great, gnome, it’s great that the car broke down, worse, 2 days ago this car was stolen in the area, the owner is a person from whom nothing can be taken, of course, this is of course, everything is regrettable. well, what does it have to do with me, i have a legal service, so i think, what does it have to do with you, i don’t understand nacha, dwarf, i know that sasha strelinoy’s racers drove three lexuses through your salon last month, you can hear it, so what if , i will close the service and the staff,
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i will fire you, i understand, because, oleg georgievich, what are you doing for a day, and tell all your competitors in the area, if there is no car, i declare terror, it’s clear, well, yes, so be quiet, it’s a gnome, i also had garbage come to me from that car, yes, i know him, he won’t be left behind, in short, here we need... something... then come up with an idea, that means i rented an apartment on korolev se, well, let's go to the address, the devil knows, maybe he's there, let's go, let's hope that the goose will be ours, as we promised, comrade colonel, so, igor,
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let's go i'll rewind. upstairs, and you're here on guard for now, come on, just be careful, oh, girl, hello, i left you with here, your feet need to be down. wipe, wipe, excuse me, girl, i’m senior lieutenant rydanov, criminal investigation department, you can’t tell me, the tenant
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didn’t leave this apartment by accident, i don’t keep an eye on the tenants, i’m cleaning the entrance, yes, girl, you have such an appearance that you don’t care it’s time to join a modeling agency, not clean the entrances. there are enough models without me, but there is no one to clean the entrances. oh, you don't value yourself. take a better look at yourself, look around, look, these guys are walking around, i’ve already seen everything you need,
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get up, get up, don’t get up, the bullet’s out passed, you see, the goose is closed, it almost broke my head, what does he want from me at all, okay, don’t whine, don’t whine, let’s go. well, let's talk, depending on what, why they wanted to kill aksyonov and golubev, why they wanted to kill you, and golubev and this second one, is that even? who? listen, gusev, we know that your trio were involved in raider attacks, but here we don’t have abeb, here is the homicide
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department. i don't understand, boss. we are not interested in this, we are interested in the woman, the shooter who ordered it. but yes, i don’t know if it’s timokha or bite him, bumblebee. they will still get to you. already killed, you're next, maybe we can help you, what, help us, and we 'll take them both, i need to think, okay, igor, into the cell, 10 minutes, wait, shmel, in the interests of timokha, he was discharged from ukraine a week ago some girl, nickname, in my opinion, yalta, or something like that, locals are not enough for him, boss, they are talking about something else for her, come on,
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sit down, she is from ukraine, and no one knows anything about her, like in they are looking for her in moscow, she slapped two thieves there on order, very interesting, the security guard from sauna also talks about some girl, uh-huh, but a particularly female one was waiting for you at the entrance. where to look for her, we don’t know, well, but who she’s in contact with, we know, well, i’m proposing a plan, but first you give us written testimony that your friends were ordered by timokha and bumblebee, listen, ural, you don’t i recognized him for the trash that came to temukha, but this solovets, the old plague, will not agree with such a person, his opera is the same, just knock them down, clearly, buttoned up, in short, dump him, you can’t blame the cops, brother, or else time, yes, how i missed it, ram, that, yes, i
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put the fry near the inter-district department, he says, the goose came out, but the normal one, of course, has nothing to show, but he told this fry to follow the goose, but he missed, ram , the little guy is not a cop, he can’t walk on his heels, it’s funny, where should we look for this bite now, in what chicken coop? andryukha, here they are, let’s turn left, what should we do? okay, that’s it, be quiet, we’re not fighting with the cops, get out of... calmly don’t twitch why are you, what kind of rape are you doing,
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open everyone up to the department and calmly don’t get nervous everything is in order, well, comrade colonel, well done. great, great, hello, hello, great, great, get started, and the court order, check it out, yeah, we have no initiative, everything is according to the law, yeah, yeah,
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well, you also have the opportunity to write a confession, you write on your forehead, there is no need to be rude to shmil, no need, a lawyer here, where is the lawyer? the lawyer is just driving through traffic jams, he’s in the city now, so he’ll come. let's take a piss, but for now, rock it, and why are you as rude as you are, listen, kudos, andryukh, and why are we waiting for a lawyer, let's invite the victim, let her look and say who raped her, we're violating the code of criminal procedure, yes, how smart you are, shmilyov, yes, smart, finished musorsky, in two batches, of course, a bad article, oh, bad . no, not good, hello, come along, don’t be afraid, look carefully at this
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person and say. was he the one who raped you? are you stunned or what? this is the first time i've seen this guy. no, what are you saying, it’s not him? no, he was blond. yeah, small, fat, with beard. and he didn't have a tail. well, that's it, that's it, quiet. thank you very much. sorry to bother you. well, in general, it’s a naked setup. thank you, listen, why are you fooling him? that’s how it should be, i swear to you, no one has ever tricked him like that, that’s it, thank you, oh well, i have nothing to do anyway, they don’t let me work, do you understand? georgievich, are you in the cell before the lawyer arrives? no, slavochka, don’t put him in the cell, i want to apologize to you on behalf of the entire department for
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the inconvenience caused. you are free, things and you can pick up the documents from the duty officer, well, you ’re giving me rubbish in general, you’ve completely forgotten how to work, uh, well, everyone makes mistakes, take off your budenovki, well, what can you do, i’m still on you on every body, without mistakes, you know, no one, they will mistakes, it's a goose, great, healthy, what i wanted, it's time for us to meet and properly discuss the topic, is there any? you think, no, i want to live, but i’m against it, or something, live, that’s why you need to shock, come on in 2 hours in a shopping center, at the main entrance inside, in which shopping center, you know which one, in antarctica, i will, georgievich, timokhova speaks very carefully, he thinks that they can sit on their ears, nothing, nothing, everything is according to plan.
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bumblebee, in half an hour i’m meeting with a goose in antarctica, in short, you understand, you’ll be ready, call me back, yes i will. we were assured that you are a pro, but you have already screwed up twice, how do we understand this situation, the cops were herding the goose’s hut, you can’t really argue with them, listen, it’s your problem that’s rubbish, if they work faster than you, i understand, take the money for yourself , i went home, wait, finish the job, how will i finish if the goose is with the cops, listen, the goose is free, in an hour he will meet with timokha in antarctica, you will receive him there, i understand, i understand, i did everything.
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i’ve come, tell me, i have an offer for you, i’m giving you both shopping centers a hundred plus, why are you recalling your woman, which one? i'm talking about the one who killed aksenov and golubev, who tried to kill me, do you agree? that means so, firstly, i don’t have any woman who charged anywhere, secondly, i don’t have a shopping center, i’ll take it from you anyway, we didn’t agree, there’s nothing to negotiate, from you that's it, wait, weaving is on top, i don’t see the point in talking.
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well, everything is fine, and somehow he’s ready, but that’s it, he probably wants to live, us and the urals. accepted, yes i heard, but there seemed to be something wrong there, at first glance, yes, but the head of the slaughter came to you, yes, everything is fine, even if the gosi wanted to drain us into musaran, nothing would have happened anyway, what are you you're not lying, there could have been voice recorders on it, there's nothing superfluous there, you've just gone off topic, but i still don't understand why this arrow with a goose was needed, and how do we
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him yalta? let's bring him, now please, there's a goose meat in the shopping center, fall on his heels and bring him to his lair, oh, here he is the watchdog, our client. listen, exactly.
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yes, everything is fine, the object has been accepted, i went to
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the hotel, i’ll finish the job soon. well, fight, let's show this car, here it is, some guy drove it and said, this is for oleg georgich, please, yeah, yeah, yeah. yes, what is this, a gift for services to the homeland? borya, if i received such gifts, i would have long ago had a dacha on
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the canary islands, and this is a gift for our evil sessionman. i hope he will open the dining room for us now. hello! hello, this is our new friend from tses, lieutenant colonel sylovets, homicide department, well, you can come, pick up your car, we’re waiting, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, volochko, who next, mukhtar or something, yes, zamat, next mukhtar, urgently come, grab your brilliant dog, the star is returning, mukhtar! something interesting, the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. today at 8:25 on ntv. alex is fierce, the case of orphans, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. what
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good morning, about the weather for today evgenia neronskaya. a ridge of high atmospheric pressure is gaining strength over kamchatka. it pushes clouds to the north of the khabarovsk territory into the sea of ​​okhotsk. in magadan today only +10 continuous rains. but in kamchatka it’s already without. precipitation, but it’s also still cool, but on the islands it will warm up to almost twenty. on south mainland from vladivostok to chita, 21-26, sunny, with the exception of rainy khabarovsk, summer is in no hurry to return there. siberia is on the verge of a cold snap, especially the eastern half. today in krasnoyarsk it is still a little above twenty, but tomorrow the temperature will drop by eight degrees, all this with thunderstorms and wind. and southwestern siberia and the urals are covered by an anticyclone, there is no precipitation here, from tyumen to perm 25-2. 27, in orenburg almost 37. on european territory, the main
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character remains the southern cyclone, which will rush from the upper volga in a day to the white sea. along its entire route there are rains, thunderstorms and hail is not excluded. there are also short thunderstorms in the center. the temperature will drop slightly, it will be +20-25. in the volga region it is almost 30. and in the afternoon there are strong thunderstorms. in the south the weather is unstable, only in the mountains is there a possibility of hail, on the black sea coast there is continuous sun. in yalti in sochi. +28, in avstrakhan almost 40, in st. petersburg +21, rains, thunderstorms, in moscow there are also thunderstorms around 25, on wednesday it will warm up to 28°.
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i’m holding, i’m holding, yeah, so, well, did the beauty get there? you are detained by suspicion of murder of aksyonov and golubev? and also for attempting to assassinate citizen gusev, like this. you recognize me, the cleaning ladies, the beauties. i see it for the first time. oh, what a girlish memory you have, huh? we will have an offer for you. which? we know that you are the same killer who acts on the orders of timofeev, as well as his right hand shmel. now, of course, you will tell us that
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you don’t know any timofeev, we have gone through this a million times, you are all pretending to be professionals, that it seems like professionals of this level do not deliver a customer. only on the third day does it dawn on you that it’s a life sentence, and you calmly hand over everyone, only this time you don’t have three days, you understand, you only have one minute to think, then we ourselves won’t be interested in working with you, because we are not going to beg you for a long time, dear, either now or never, we all have evidence on you, on whose order you are working, we will also prove it, we know that you did not communicate directly with timokha, so we only wrote down conversations ...
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listen, the covers are different here, mine are simpler there were, but these seemed to be leather ones, i didn’t have a chick in my car, and this is a gift from the ministry of internal affairs, compensation for moral damage, well , wow, listen, friend, well, i’m your debtor, so that means, let’s go, open the canteen, of course, of course , in other departments too, of course, of course,
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give it time, you’ll give the dough right back to the office, yeah, i understand. hi, hi, well, i’ve done everything, the goose is in his room, the room is paid for until twelve, yeah, he won’t go rent it out, the employees will come and find his body, how did you get into the room, what difference does it make to you, listen, bunny, a guz is definitely dead, what are the guarantees, you've had a lot of punctures lately,
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you're not punctures, but working moments, give me the money now, where to look for it later, stupid question, and so you know everything. embankment in yalta , my hairdresser, who to approach, you also know, okay, keep it, how much is here, as agreed, half a thousand, come on, get out of here. that's it, well done! well, well, i was in the calculations, in short, and you checked, the goose was definitely
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killed, but don’t smoke, moha, i have a person in my mentor, he speaks from the hotel where the goose spent the night, they took out the blind man at night, stopudov. exactly, yes, i’m telling you, i’m talking about the name of the murdered man, guusev, okay, fine, klyutak, and when you gave away the loot, you didn’t cut off the tail, well, don’t make me laugh, specialists of yalta’s level don’t burn, everyone burns someday, but a story about killers who don’t give up, just fairy tales, you know, stories about killers really. stay where you are. who let you in here? do you have a warrant? here is the court order regarding your arrest and yours. so. you are accused of organizing the contract killing of aksenov and golubev, as well as organizing the murder of citizen gusev. you can't
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prove it. you are wrong. please have your phones. please get your phones out. all your telephone conversations were recorded. besides the microphone in the phone. shmeleva wrote your usual conversations, in the office, restaurant, car, by the way, for which there is also paper from the court, pack them up, uh-huh, great, great, hello, hello, hello, how are you, fine, thank you, written down correctly from my words , signature date, well done, wow, ha! they caught sharks, andryukh, take them away, come on, shmeil, let's go, make room, please, and i have
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a request, come on, what is it, there is a small loophole in the case for lawyers, so, we had very weak grounds for getting a court order for the radio microphone in shmel's phone, maybe we can come to an agreement with yaldy, then there is a story with citizen neprienko that she allegedly leaked information about shmela before i came out. to the court, i think there will be no problems, the girl really wants to be released by retirement, that’s wonderful, i suggest marking the disclosure in your canteen, it won’t work, the canteen is closed, sis, that’s not true, your comrade colonel, what is your job, well, in a sense, excuse me, the lieutenant colonel is listening to the nightingale.
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this matter needs to be noted, and i invite you all to our dining room, and the senior lieutenant will treat us, as i think has already become a good tradition, wow, and comrade colonel will give me a captain for this. we wish you the best morning, further in
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the program. we clarify the details of the emergency, understand car accidents with first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat siddikov. a unique rescue operation whale in the barents sea was carried out by the russians. scientists together with volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations spent several days in teriberka. he slowly plowed the icy expanses of the barents sea, gradually weakening and losing vitality . the fate of the red book giant, which became entangled in fishing nets, was followed all over the world. local sailors were the first to discover the humpback whale in trouble. the ropes cut his body, tightened his neck and mouth, making it impossible for him to breathe or eat normally. here he is, below us, below us, brake to call the dying china from the deadly ones. they deployed an entire headquarters, scientists, sailors, emergency workers and social activists joined the rescue operation, they explored more than 100 km of coastal
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territory, went to sea every day in groups to cope with a seemingly impossible task.


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