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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  June 18, 2024 8:25am-10:00am MSK

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per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift, the deposit is the best percentage. good morning, evgenia neronskaya is in the studio and i will tell you about the weather for today. in the coastal regions of the far east, precipitation is becoming less, but in khabarovsk it is still damp and rainy, and finally to the south of primorye. summer has passed, it’s +21 in vladivostok. far from the ocean, the rains are barely noticeable, in the amur region +20-25, the temperature is even higher in transbaikalia, but in the afternoon short rain showers are not excluded. on south siberia is also rainy, the temperature drops from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk 22-23°. on tuesday, the north wind will add more coolness, but the closer to the urals, the more sun, in pirmeia in yekaterinburg +27, in orenburg almost 37. on european territory it is southern. the cyclone
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brought its rains to the white sea. in arkhangelsk it is still up to +25, but in the north-west it will become cooler, there will also be cheese and only the baltic shores aside, in kaliningrad it is sunny +23. in the center it is a little fresher, from time to time, rain, thunderstorms, kolugi to ryazan - 21-23. in the volga region it is hot -30 and above, heavy thunderstorms. dry, hot weather is returning to the southern regions. on the sea coast it is comfortable +28:30, with the warm part above 30. in the astrakhan region the air will heat up to 40 and not a drop of rain. thunderstorms and hail occur in mountainous areas. in st. petersburg it also rains + 20-22, in moscow about 25, short rains and thunderstorms. and by this time i’m all about the weather. point zero. premiere. today at 22:20 on ntv. it's ozone's birthday. tell me the discounts. discounts about
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ozone birthday sale, ultimate shop sandals up to 899, men's t-shirts up to 399, women's families jeans up to 899. millions of people choose fitolax, fruit-based laxative chewable tablets. try a new product: phytolax gummy berries, just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause bloating cramps. phytolax from evollar.
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thank you, natasha. good morning, kompira's efforts. good morning, love, how did you sleep? but no way? i worked all night, i have to give the manuscript today. oh yeah, yeah natasha, make me some herbal tea. okay, herbal. “you’re joking, but by the way i had a terrible dream, yes, as if i was going out on tverskaya at night, that’s it, that’s it, dear, that’s it, i’m late, they’re waiting for me at the publishing house, i ’m late, you’ll tell me in the evening, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that's it,
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quietly, don't twitch, we've been herding you for a long time, quietly
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added an order, detective, new, wrote something, prolific devil, he'll sit in the basement, they'll write another one,
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open up bukhtar, oh you, oh ? you are smart, hello, artyom, everything is fine here, yes, otherwise, listening to the sounds from behind the wall, i thought that you were extracting testimony from the criminals, what are you doing, i’m trying to hang a picture, but it’s curious, the green
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carriage, do you know where this plot came from, no, sit down, nikrasov has such lines, o stage, stage, not a poet, who was not a theatergoer, who did not surrender into sweet captivity, did not rush backstage, who did not pay huge prices for a chair at benefit performances, who did not wait hourly for the green carriage, you know, there is there is an old theatrical legend that if an actor suddenly sees a green jacket in the night, then... he is waiting, this means unprecedented success and recognition of talent, but for this a misfortune must happen to someone close to him. zenaida afanasyevna, they scared me. this means that artyom and i are even.
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i, too, was frightened by the otherworldly sounds when you tried to attach this masterpiece to the wall. that's it, i'm calling the experts. here artyom, i wanted to ask you for mukhtar to go to the promenade to the store, otherwise the bags, you know, are heavy, of course, what are you doing, mukhtar, work, thank you, mukhtar, let's go, let's go, my dear, well, we'll be back soon, thank you, no for what. well what, what business, who has a malicious alimony kolodin, i have a malicious shoemaker, they came to describe your property, and that they literally drive you out into the street, they don’t like bailiffs and are afraid. whether to harm
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someone, but this bailiff always acts according to his conscience, with fun i will try to pull on... pain is important, what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain, thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of its causes occurrence. pintalgin will do without pain,
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in trouble, join a good deed on the website pomoćvbede.rf, nikolaevich, may i? i hope you all read the summary over the weekend ? is that correct, comrade lieutenant colonel, with the operational report? yes, nothing significant, the usual turnover, well, that’s it, but that’s not it, the man has disappeared, here i have a statement, so far it’s...
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excuse me, lieutenant colonel, isn’t this the same girin, the writer, books are all over the place for sale, the same one, a well-known personality, so they decided not to make a fuss. for now, do not include this incident in the report, i will i ask you to take care of this matter, here is my wife’s statement, photographs, description, in general, that’s all, come on, let’s work, kolosov, i ’ll ask you to stay, the duty officer told me that
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today you again... came to work with your dog, we talked with you on this topic, the room is not suitable for your dog to be here. artyom, we agreed, i understand, mukhtar, he is a smart dog, you often involve him in cases, in investigations, so take him, put him to pleasure. let him work with a dog handler, lives in a hostel, well, nurseries, well, there are people here all the time, suddenly there’s a check, it’s clear to you,
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it’s definitely still a lieutenant colonel, it’s clear, what’s clear to you? mukhtar should not be involved in the case. nothing is clear to you, go, but so that mukhtar doesn’t catch my eye, often, there is, girin, nikita isakovich, born fifty-eighth, yesterday morning left his dacha in a citroen car, dark green metallic, driving towards the publisher, i didn’t show up either at the publisher or at home until this morning. the mobile phone is turned off, the statement was drawn up from the words of the wife, who is our wife? so, my wife, olga varobyova, is a theater actress, and has been acting a lot in tv series lately. well, what, khrulev? anti-mukhtar sentiments again. okay,
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join us, if anything happens, mukhtar will tell you everything. you'll get it from him. so, at night an interception operation was announced throughout the city. oops, right away? as i understand it, the wife has a direct line to the gods. so, let's continue. the interception did not bring any results. this morning we got the case. yes. the interception operation did not produce results. an operation has been included in the plan, let him do it we'll have nothing to do anyway. strange.
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with bohemians, fly, let's go! natasha, make your comrade a policeman coffee, okay, don’t move, gun on the floor, mukhtar, sit, bravo, what kind of defender do you have,
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so it looks like i played, i play a role in the series as a special agent, are you? they point a weapon at him, you can be left without an arm, but now tell me about your husband, i had a bad dream the night before, i go out on tverskaya at night, don’t joke, he really doesn’t like it when you agree, it’s already scary, and i’m met with green the carriage rushes, for us actresses it is a sign, you know why, yes, i know, success for you, misfortune for a relative, by the way, ... nikita has a green car, he went to viktor mikhailovich, nikita wrote something, and he had to give the manuscript, and disappeared, i told her called. tell me, over the last period of time you haven’t noticed anything strange in your husband’s behavior, maybe someone called him, strangers are at your house, nikita
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has been walking around angry lately, arguing with me, writing his book, but what do we care about him? book, the cat would have cried money from it anyway, if not for victor mikhailovich, viktor mikhailovich, nikita's publisher, well, how can i tell you, in the early nineties, yes , there was a time when people were grabbing all these strawberries, now be sure to give a chip, or
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promote it so that the reader buys without looking, that is, you want to say that girin’s books are not for sale, of course, and in general these books of his are like a sickle to me, excuse me,
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natasha, tell me, how long have you been working for the girins? it’s been 2 years already, i came from chelyabinsk to the theater school, i didn’t get in, i got a job with them, this year i’ll go again, and that means you, like olga vladimirovna, will also be an actress, right? yes, vladimirovna. she’s very good, she teaches me all kinds of acting, but it’s really hard for her and nikita, and why is it hard, oh, i’m chatting with you for some reason, i need to serve coffee, and natasha, they ’re having serious conversations, you’d better tell me why it’s hard for olga vladimirovna, i ’ll tell you, and then they’ll fire me. let this remain our little secret. viktor mikhailovich constantly lent money to nikita. he paid him the entire fee for this book. but
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nikita was delaying the deadlines. that is a book it’s not ready yet, but the fee has already been paid? interesting. nikita, where did you go, everyone is already looking for you. what, how many, where can i get them? when? well what did he say? nikita says he was kidnapped, they demand 300 thousand dollars, he said they will kill him. tell me, has there been anything strange in girin’s behavior lately? no, i don’t even understand why anyone
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needed to kidnap nikita? why did you decide that he was kidnapped? well, you know, it’s not the first time i’ve lived if a famous person disappeared for no reason. then he was probably kidnapped, you know, it actually seems to me that nikita owed money to someone, yes, but the fact that he had big debts is not the right word, they will kill him, and where will i get this money, lena, yes, i, len, listen, girin called, said that he was kidnapped, they demand a ransom, yes. it is necessary to organize telephone wiretapping at the dacha. fine. what should i do? calm down, we'll figure something out. i'll
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call you, take your time. say that you don’t have time to collect the entire amount, bargain, the main thing is not to take any rash actions, okay? yes, yes, one more request, give me something that nikita either often carried it, or held it in his hands, why, mukhtar can help us, while the guards are driving, we will go out to look around, as i felt, it was not for nothing that i dreamed of a green carriage. mukhtar, follow me, i think that your father was killed by a fierce one, he often visited your dacha, the summer when your father died, he actually lived there, write the address, you know what i think, that i am doing nonsense, here two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, tenants
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from the first floor. saw a man with a bloody hand, got behind the wheel of a taxi and drove away, raise the personnel, the traffic police are on the floor, check all the taxis in the city, tell me how long ago the hazel tree on the site dried up, and how the father died, so it dried up, alex lyuty, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, point zero, premiere , today at 22:20 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get the head working. comfort at low prices on the yandex market. from small things to significant things. kitford equipment with discounts up to 31% on the yandex market. doesn't bite. in the old farmstead there is no luck. here's the arc. brings good luck. pecks, pecks, pecks. take
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for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. well, where you go, everything
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will cool down. did you order beer? yes, they'll bring it now. guys. it turns out that the writer owes a fairly large amount of money. or maybe your publisher organized this kidnapping? well, theoretically this is possible, as a writer, he is not interested in him at all, but as a debtor very, well, the maid creature natasha also confirms this, who is she? well, he’s been living there for 2 years already, i told artyom all right, well, tell me who your maids are, i’ll tell you who you ’re sleeping with, let’s make lena happy, lena, they’re like spiders at this dacha! in the bank, gilin was arguing with his wife and was a jealous admirer, the publisher was arguing with girin because of money, and ulga vladimirovna was with the publisher, and they didn’t share, thank you, well, he’s her fan, even
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more of a lover, yeah, okay, so, all arrows converge on the publisher, right? yes, money money, money, although even if girina does not survive, then the scandal is a very good advertisement for the publishing house, but no, i would not discard my wife’s version, gilin said that he would leave her without a penny if she left him, and maybe , let’s pin the publisher to the wall, but you know, there aren’t enough facts, guys, no one saw it, i’m a piece. strength, you ask mukhtar, well, in general, i think that we need to arrange a confrontation between vorobyov and the publisher, but
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i wonder how they are going to receive the ransom, why didn’t you wake me up, i’ll be late, let him you will be the one with whom you had a drink yesterday, come on, stop it, artyom and i have all the mugs, your artyom has only a dog at home, and you have a wife, a child, hello, daddy, he hasn’t seen you at all for weeks, soon your face will appear forget, yes, i see him now , i saw him the day before yesterday, yeah, they paid against me, let's all sleep together?
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and we’ll take mom with us, she’s just coming for the weekend, she was there recently, you’d say too, she was last weekend, a long time ago, yes, okay, lyusenka, i ran, and scrambled eggs, i’m late, i’m late, i’m late, i’m late, bye, dad, you are the best to me, come on, come on. the criminals are already missing you, they’re waiting, they can’t wait for their shchepkin, my love, to come , they’re worried that you’re not catching them, lyuska, don’t be so hard, please, i’m really late,
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that’s all. someone asked not to be late, probably yesterday there was a late meeting, don’t get your hopes up, by the way, all of moscow already knows that guerin was kidnapped, he even names the ransom amount, look at it, i wonder how they will know, our bosses will be torn into a thousand little policemen, i contacted my friends journalists, they found out through their channels that an unknown person called, reported the news and...
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please, meet olga vorobyova, the wife of the kidnapped writer, she has interesting news for you, today i turned to a notary to mortgage an apartment and a dacha, and i was informed that nikita sold the apartment and dacha 2 weeks ago, in a week we are supposed to move out, but to whom?
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“this is my private life, but i guarantee you, vitya would never have agreed to this, well, why didn’t he, my husband was in the way, but we were going to get a divorce anyway, nikita already i'm fed up with my scandals, but we know , i'll fire this rubbish." they won't hire me to any decent place anymore, sorry, will you allow it, yes,
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please, yes, yes, vitya, thank you, you will come yourself, okay. i'll wait, thank you , well, you see, he gives 300,000 dollars, and you think so about him, when i found out that janichia, i immediately called him, by the way, it was he who told me to tell you that everything was sold, when they should call you today, they said to the dacha in the afternoon,
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artyom and mukhtar, nikolai nikolaevich, will go with you now. you can’t find a more reliable defense, and now we ’ll hold a small meeting, tell me, they won’t kill him, who, nikita, we won’t allow this. try to talk longer, we will try to detect the call, what should we say? demand
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a guarantee of release, try to negotiate so that our person will go to the transfer with you, where can i say, well, you’re afraid to carry such a large sum of money alone, i ’ll try, wait, come on, hello, hello, hello, olechka, you found the money, nikita, how you, it’s tolerable, i’m tolerant, but i’m afraid they say that... if you don’t give money, they they will kill me, i found the money, vitya gave it, yes, they say that in an hour you should be ready to go by car, where they will say that you took your mobile phones with you and... so that there are no cops, do you understand? nikita, how will they free you? where is the guarantee? olenka, they say, as soon as they are convinced that the money is real, they will immediately let me go. do you believe them? listen, dear, we have no other guarantees, please fulfill all their demands. nikita, did you spot it? i'm afraid. it’s okay, vitya will come with me. vitya?
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wait a second. yes, olya, they agree, they ask for money. that's it, they hung up, they called from their mobile phone, they recorded the conversation, they are establishing the location and the owner, so, there is a beacon on your car, so we won’t lose you, the phone is wiretapped, if anything urgent happens, i’ll call you on your mobile phone, i thought, why did they ask to bring the money in a bag, well, most likely... they suggested a version of a beacon, it’s easy to hide in a diplomat, well , you can quickly find it in a bag, hello, he said to go towards the roundabout, so that’s it, you please don’t worry, everything will be fine, we’re watching you, you’ll see if you lead, but no,
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olechka, i can’t, i have things to do, i’m a coward. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. residents of the druzhba garden community have experienced a neighborhood war and stray dogs. dogs line up along the fence - it's scary! last summer elena poisoned two of my dogs. elena, you really poisoned animals and
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didn’t poison anyone. i used to feed them because they were hungry. they are afraid not only to go outside, but also to eat the harvest of their own beds. on strawberries... will the neighbors be able to conclude a peace agreement? well, i disturbed the neighbors, i was deprived of ownership rights to the apartment for sale, are you not afraid that you will be evicted from this plot here too, i am very afraid, but... where will i put all this property, i am responsible for them, this is for brink, today at 16:45 on ntv. alex fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? ceresidit grouts: a wide range
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tyoma, well, there are no messages yet, calm down, calm down, calm down. polinka, listen carefully, now there will be a bridge across the ring road, and as soon as you cross it, throw the bag out the window, i got it, damn it, artyom, yes, why throw it out the window, damn it, they made us, that's all. urgently contact the traffic cops at the roundabout, yes, let them intercept the bastards.
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i think that nikita isakovich will explain everything to us at the department. well done, well done, smart, good dog, good. yes, the plan was brilliant, if it weren’t for your dog, everything would have worked out. tell me, why did you need all this? what would you like? my wife is being changed almost before my eyes by my publisher, but i can’t say a word, so i decided to punish her.
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who took the money for the highway? natasha? so natasha organized the kidnapping? natasha? she hired actors from the agency. well, here we are, nikita isaakovich, surprise, sasha, what does it all mean, these are
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actors, i agreed. actors, why, and you ’re great, you held up well, and this is a keepsake for you, i knew you’d like it, thank you guys, but you’re welcome, call me again, if anything happens, here are your keys to the super-muper-hyper- jeep, bye... stupid girl, is it really possible, you almost gave me a heart attack? nikita, now let's continue our game.
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well, then everything is simple, i called, asked for a ransom, i knew. victor will give money there is nowhere else to take olga. why did you sell your apartment and dacha? well, you see, natasha and i wanted to go abroad and buy a private house there. do you know where you are now, natasha? now? i don't know, probably
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at home? and what? i'm afraid that your plans will not come true. why? your wife found a note that your lover left you. natasha. odue is an old, old horseradish, what a bitch. it’s a pity that under the fraud article they give so little. it’s okay, he’ll serve his time and write a book about
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the perfect crime. yes, there is also such a scandal, it will become very popular. no, i just wonder who will publish it? them? i think viktor mikhailovich is not happy about the lost 300 thousand. and the girl natasha, she’s good, yes, how she threw him, she also waved her hand, no, with such talent, i don’t think even interpol would find him, and you know what i called our investigation, how come on surprise us, yes, green carriage, why green carriage, on the day when it all started, i bought... this picture, tried to hang it, a neighbor came knocking and told me an amazing story about the green carriage, so what?
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it’s a long story, well, okay, but the fact that i didn’t hang the picture, the hammer disappeared, so here it is, it’s a disaster, a disaster, yes you... do n’t worry, tell everything in order, which means don’t worry, everything was stolen, everything, what exactly was stolen, money, huge amounts of money in foreign currency, what amount we are talking about, i can’t
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tell you, but what’s a secret, or what? well, what's the secret here? you know how much was there, and there were also my diamonds, shut up, ira, we’re not talking about pennies, but why is the picture here, hanging here, behind it is a safe, a picture with... well, in general, you will have to tell us what exactly was stolen from you, otherwise how will we look for it? lord, of course i will say, but this matter is confidential, so we turned to your leadership, why should we do this, nikolai nikolaevich? it’s necessary, lenochka, it’s necessary, who needs it, why is it necessary, it arises on the eve of a day off, there is a duty group, this crime was committed at the dacha, outside the city, especially since this is
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not our precinct at all, this is a request from brusnikin’s superiors, but a request management is order, and this order will be accepted for investigation. well, nikolai nikolaevich, we have our own things to do around the city, so i say, but deal with this matter especially carefully, clearly, clearly, here you go, shchepkin is already there, by the way, where is kolosov? we are looking, the phone is turned off, we need to find it, let him also leave with his dog, the dog, you yourself said that... she should not be here, so brusnikina, don’t fool me, urgently find the dog and her kolosova, they’ve come.
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yes, hello, lord, lena, what happened? what? len, do you know which one it is now? well out of
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why on earth should i drop everything and go to you? where to the dacha? ok, ok, damn, give me the address, ok, ok, i'm going, yes, i'll be at your place in half an hour, come on, crazy woman! vera, vera, wait, listen, freedom was calling, but in the end, damn, okay, mukhtar, get ready, it’s time to go, the trumpet is calling.
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and if my dream came true, such a life would be the way out, if it were a dream, start a wonderful life.
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tell me, how long ago has the hazel tree dried out on the site? yes, just like my father died, he dried up. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods, and get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card (in rubles), thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, pain in the legs. it is important to treat swelling and symptoms of vericosis
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are killing us one by one. capital punishment, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. so, you returned at... 10:00 pm, yes, about that, and did you notice anything when you approached the house, but the fact of the matter is that no, everything is as usual, but as usual, usual , before as open the door, i turn off the outside alarm, otherwise the security will arrive in 3 minutes, yes, one day i forgot to turn it off, shut up, ira, but it could happen that you forgot to turn it on when leaving home, no, it... turns on automatically, if you close the door from the outside with a key, who else could know the lock code, only me and my wife, the code changes about every 10 days, how could a criminal break into the house, but i don’t know, tell me,
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do you have pets, lord, yes , we don’t have any animals, svettor from... do we have slides? no, we don't wear that. it's clear. ok then. you were going to tell us how much was stolen. ira, make us some coffee, please. it was over a million dollars. where is shchepkin? he went straight in the morning to interrogate the village security service. why didn’t he interrogate him yesterday? when we arrived, the night shift had already started. okay, let me know what you found out? in order to break into a safe and steal money,
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you need to get into the house; you can only get into the house by turning off the alarm. well, for today's craftsmen this is not an obstacle. but before that you need to get to a village, entry into which even for the task force is strictly on call, but what do you mean by this? what to say? there is only one version so far: if there was a robbery, it was not without the participation of the owners, then the amount surprises, a million, maybe there was no money. unfortunately, there was money, it was really stolen, i was already reminded of this today, it’s inspiring, our task is to find the one who stole it as soon as possible,
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if it’s the owner, then you prove it, everything is clear to you, clear, we’ve decided interrogate again victims, maybe someone will remember something. work, try to meet the deadlines as soon as possible, let me go, go. tell me, why did you let him through, didn’t you check the documents? what kind of documents, if i know the car, he drives here five times a day to check with his deputy, which means you check the documents only of those you don’t know, and don’t let an unfamiliar car in without calling the owners.
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you are in vain to get excited, i suggest you think together. do you think i didn't think? yes, i broke my head, because responsibility for these the money is on me. well, i want to help you find them. who knew that this money was in your possession? just me. well, the person who entrusted them to me, of course. so, he couldn’t get into your house? he is mine.
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well, you see, four cars arrived yesterday, yeah, but how can you find out who they came to, easily, here are two to the prosecutor, yesterday was his birthday, this daughter came to see her father, and this taxi, look, came to your godson , well, since no one comes to you, who has yesterday...
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irina vasilievna, that means all of yesterday you were with your husband, almost, what does almost mean? in the morning, albert went to his work, then returned in the late afternoon, then suddenly buyers called, buyers, yes, we sold ours yesterday. jeep, you didn’t talk about this, well, it somehow flew out of my head, so many
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events in one day, can you imagine, by the way, the money for the jeep was also stolen, a lot, 50,000 little things, as my husband says, compared to what was there , and you say that... the buyers arrived unexpectedly, before this a woman came, looked at the car, even left a deposit, but we were going to visit, their arrival could have delayed us, but it didn’t, it didn’t delay us, all the formalities were resolved quite quickly, so what are they , who are the buyers? “quite a nice couple, why do you suspect them, this is
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ridiculous, young man, let me be the judge of this, excuse me, i’ll give you a lift, yes, home!” thank you, let's say someone got through the program, what's the alarm? that signals are coming right here, right? well, also, the alarm remote control is in my letter, everything goes through the computer, smartly, you know, what money, well, i think, look, green button, the owners of the house, red, the alarm is on, by the way, yours... now it’s red, which means they’re not at home, but everything is correct, they were called to the investigator today,
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the alarm went on at 9:38. what time shows, but of course, i’m telling you, the computer, tell me, for yesterday’s date you can find out when it turned on, and even for last year, i’ll print it out for you now, hello, how’s the examination, and you know, artyom ? “i was right, this is really a clump of cat hair, well then it’s clear why mukhtar is so angry about it reacted, but where did the cat hair come from, well, i can’t say that, no, how could some cat get in there, this is not a house,
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a fortress, the alarm would have gone off, which means he wandered in there when the alarm was turned off." with the criminals cat, this is some kind of nonsense, or not nonsense, but i’m telling you, we need to take albert urgently, and i ’m asking you, what are the grounds, well, what are these not grounds, look, yo, well, everything is written here, well what is written, what is written, it is written, who robbed the seven, who do you think it is could you do?
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but they came, but not to take the money, but to give the money, how to give it back, they sold the car and didn’t report it, i think they just forgot, a larger event is crowding out a smaller event, so your version, tolya, fell apart, uh-huh, nothing didn't crumble. yesterday for the first time the alarm at the dacha was turned on at 17:47, that's right, at 18:00 they were already visiting, at 19:23 the alarm was turned off and turned on again at 20:09, this is what happens, they surrounded the dacha in 46 minutes, that's it, who can open locks in 46 minutes,
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find a safe, break into it and steal money? convincingly, and what did i say, we need to hide it urgently, and i say, we’ll hide it when we prove that they really left the guests, but it’s too early, okay, well, let’s try, okay, then how did we agree?
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true, there is something in common, but what exactly? but the fact that all the victims lived either in dachas or in cottages, that is, all the people were not poor, and in all four cases a car was sold on the day of the robbery. kolosov, yes, nikolai nikolaevich, yes, let’s go to the boss, have a meeting, or will he scold, but no, it seems there's nothing to scold for... but he will always find it, okay, i'm off, you call tolik to come over, okay, and yes, it's me, yes, no, everything remains the same, i'll be 20 minutes late, okay , i kiss you, just a little, yes, khrulev
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is calling, come back. sergei makhovikov, let’s bury her from sin, marina alexandrova, we need two times, uncoupling. hundreds of kilometers the infection could go further point zero premiere today at 22:20 on ntv. alex the fierce case of orphans, premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. fill your summer with bright looks. nazon, swimsuits up to rub 1,499. on your feet all day my back gets tired. because of work. i lead a sedentary lifestyle and exercise on a daily basis, but how can i protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support
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meet at the main lottery show in the country they win against us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, sit, sit and wait. this means that the car is mentioned in all cases, and what kind of connection may be, well, it has been established
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that the village guards know. license plates of their cars and don’t even look to see who is there, they let them through unhindered, which means they could have driven into the village in a newly purchased car, uh-huh, how did they get into the house? well, i don’t know, probably the buyers gained trust, found out the location of the room, i don’t know, yeah, they were also shown how to turn off the alarm, the safe where the money is, with money doesn’t understand anything at all, because in...
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hello, yes, daddy, we’re meeting, don’t worry, i’ll be there soon, yeah, come on, flex your brains, flex your brains, well. wait, wait, i know how they got into the house, and how they didn’t get in there, they drove there in a car through the garage, and with the help of this universal key
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you can drive straight in. into the house, click here, the gate opens, uh-huh, the alarm goes off, but what, click here, the garage opens, i saw this in america, i immediately ordered it, we didn’t have specialists then, not like now, i like it, i v completely delighted, the same delight came from the buyer of our jeep, from that moment on in more detail, but she was even more delighted by the fact that you can drive into the house directly not in... based on the cars, but did you report this? i told her that she wanted to try the car while driving, well, on the way back, i showed it. tell me, can i see how this system works? of course, please.
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strange, it doesn't work, how is it? so what would that mean? tell me, after he got it back, did you use the gate? no, when did you replace the keychain? when did they have time? so, it seems that the thread is being tied. so, what happened next? then our buyer arrived, the documents were already ready. and suddenly here the woman felt bad. what happened to her? well, my heart is bad.
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she even drank valerian. exactly this evening the owners will not be at home, the owners themselves warned that they were in a hurry to visit, the question is how they were able to find out where the safe is, well, we’ll catch them, you’ll find out, but how to catch them? well, i’ve done a lot of fishing, i mean with live bait, but that is, you’re suggesting advertise the sale of a car, a very
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expensive car, by the way, it’s time to look for a dacha to welcome guests, yeah, i wonder where you will find such a dacha? tolik, don’t worry, your house won’t be damaged, we need you. expensive apartments, why are you looking at me like that? your ex-husband’s house would suit us, we’re crazy, you think he’ll let you in, there’s no one on the table, but you are, so what? yes, well no, although yes.
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gun, shot! russian artillerymen destroyed camouflaged firing positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kherson direction, and also who guards the sky over donetsk why enemy drones are increasingly failing, ilya ushenin will talk about this. there were hawks, there were birds, about how the pentagon tweeted all sorts of lies about vaccines, elizabeth. the weather was bad. we'll tell you what to expect today soon.


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