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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 18, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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gun, shot! russian artillerymen destroyed camouflaged firing positions in the ssu in the kherson direction, and also who is guarding the sky above? moscow and other russian regions were covered by bad weather. we'll tell you what to expect today soon. hello,
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welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhsereva. the united states is trying to impose an order on the world based on double standards. and the desire of other countries for independence is seen as a threat to their dominance. vladimir putin stated this in an article for a north korean newspaper, which is the main official publication in the country. it was published ahead of the visit.
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for negotiations in an expanded format, as well as face to face. attention to this visit, of course, is increased; washington has already announced that it will monitor the negotiations. what worries us is the deepening of cooperation and relations between these countries, not only because of how it will affect the ukrainian conflict, but because there may be a certain reciprocity that may affect the state of affairs on the korean floor.
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the strikes were carried out by fighters from gun b, one of the targets hit, a temporary deployment point set up in an abandoned building on the right bank of the dnieper. the k-52m helicopter of the north group of forces destroyed ukrainian armored vehicles and infantry. after the attack, the crew released heat traps and successfully returned to the departure airfield. and in the svatovo sector, the crew of the anti-tank complex was knocked out by the american one. artery m-113, which tried
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to deliver militants to our positions, in the southern direction they worked on enemy drones our anti-aircraft gunners used missile systems and guns to shoot down the copters. ilya ushan observed the coordinated work of the fighters. here is one of the lines of air defense, thanks to which the number of drones flying to donetsk has already been reduced tens of times. the division commander says they work in small groups. there are observation posts at the heights, they are the first to meet enemy drones and in general anything that can fly, our task is to cover troops and objects from enemy air attacks, well, what sort of, that is, this, well, this is helicopters, planes, unmanned aerial vehicles, how often do you have here in piwi, well , quite often a day there are about five of them, maybe not ours, not ours, fpv drones or as they are also called komikazas, now the main headache of the zenichs. for smaller copters
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, a good old hunting rifle. for large and heavy ones with aircraft-type engines , there are portable systems, such as this verbo manpads or the strela complex. well, it’s clear that without the good old anti-aircraft installation, or as it is called in the troops, zushki, anti-aircraft gunners also cannot do without, rapid-fire and powerful weapons, their explosive ammunition leave no chance, even here in the avdeevsky direction drones of various types regularly appear, in this area too we could not do without them. now the drone detector has detected some movement in the air, you hear such an annoying, loud squeak, and the calculation is already 23. begins to look for a target in the sky, while everything seems to be calm, together with the denitschiki donetsk is guarded by a newly developed the local federal security service, the kupol system, the special services even calculated that every week with the help
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of electronic warfare they manage to land on average 200-300 drones that fly towards civilian targets, dozens of different models that the enemy launches simply do not reach their targets, but the first ones to meet drones are... the military near the front line, but sometimes it’s a little hard for us, well, we’re trying to work for glory, to sell everything , what we see, the height is 2-2.5 km, it’s very difficult to hit them, but yes in principle yes, it happens that we get hit and basically knock everything down. those who distinguished themselves, shot down several especially dangerous uavs, were awarded by the commander right in their positions with medals for courage for their bravery, thank you for their service, also in russia, too.
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meanwhile, the list of states that signed the final communication is decreasing. rwanda withdrew the signature; earlier, iraq and jordan disappeared, which, according to the swiss foreign ministry, were initially added there by mistake. zakharova called on the west and kiev to stop changing the causes and consequences of the ukrainian crisis, to realize that there is a reasonable alternative the peace plan presented by the russian president does not exist, to begin the process of a real settlement is completed. military operations, otherwise the conditions for starting negotiations for them will be, quote, much worse. the political fate of the head of the european commission, ursulle fondeen, hangs in the air. the heads of state and government of the eu have not reached
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an agreement on her reassignment. this became known following an informal meeting of leaders of 27 countries. as the head of the european council, charles michel, noted, the european official shared her thoughts.
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germany, which is reeling from the last european parliament elections, where angry voters made clear their frustrations over immigration and climate policy. i think the message of the election results is that voters are clearly unhappy with many of these politicians who weren't even to begin with.
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launched a large-scale operation on social networks against our drug sputnik. at least three hundred media attacks were carried out in washington. about american methods of fighting competitors, elizaveta gerson. since then from the moment russia announced to the whole world the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus, sputnik vi, criticism became a constant companion to any information about our vaccine in the western press. to begin with, our country was called upon to take its time, save human lives and escape in this one.
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russia to slow down and sent a call to adhere to international recommendations. it will soon be 4 years since our vaccine was registered. it is now registered in 71 countries with a total population of more than 4 billion people, but in the european union, britain, usa, it still raises doubts. now another confirmation has come that... such attacks are not just a reflex from the west to scold or ignore any russian product. these information attacks are planned in a military manner. reuters reports that the pentagon was behind attacks on the chinese covid vaccine. the pentagon has waged a secret anti-vaccination campaign to undermine china's position during the pandemic. we drew attention to this report, this is another proof that the united states always manipulates social networks to spread misinformation. this article also mentions the russian vaccine as the main competitor to the american one. we remember
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what obstacles russia had to face when promoting v satellites on the international market. for its part, rdif wanted to confirm that we have recorded more than 300 information attacks on the sputnik vaccine, an apparently coordinated, active disinformation campaign to disrupt vaccinations in russia and prevent the sputnik vaccine from reaching foreign markets. the russian direct investment fund responded to this attack by anonymous accounts, opened his page on the social network, collected a million subscribers, openly with the help of scientists and research, publications in the leading medical journals of the planet, fought against fakes, nonsense, memes, anonymous people. in response to 300 information attacks , more than 300,000 publications were published about the safety and effectiveness of the satellite, that is, 100 times more. in some countries, like hungary, it was possible to compare our vaccine with western astrazenica. modern comparison was in favor of the satellite. in other countries and not they experimented, chose only one
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companion, and lived with him, for example, san marina, surrounded on all sides by italy. at the beginning of twenty-one, they, being small, with a population of 30,00 people, did not receive ampoules from brussels. people there were seriously ill, the country's authorities turned to moscow for help. the satellite showed almost one hundred percent efficiency here. the covid hospital was closed as unnecessary. boris johnson boasted that britain was the first in the world to vaccinate its population against coronavirus, a loud statement, but it's not true. at that time, vaccinations were already being done in china and russia, but in russia sputnik v was registered back in august of that year, and the british had nothing special to brag about, since the vaccine was not locally produced, but an american-german fizer brought from brussels, but this is an example that suggests that... that misinformation and suppression of the successes of our science were at the level of the first person
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of the state. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexander dzekin and valeria polukhina, ntv television company. london. and now the footage which we just received, vladimir putin arrived on a working trip to yakutia. it is taking place as part of the president's eastern tour in yakutsk; the head of state is expected to visit the exhibition of the creative industry. and then vladimir putin will be shown samples of industrial products that are used in a special operation. also, as part of the visit , the president will meet with participants in the zemsky teacher and zemsky doctors program. other young professionals who came to work in the far east. besides, the president will hold negotiations with the head of the republic aisen nikolaev. from yakutia , vladimir putin will head to the dprk and vietnam. the number of nizhny novgorod residents who were hospitalized with symptoms of batulism increased to fourteen. one of them
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is a child. 12 people are in intensive care, the regional ministry of health reported. it is known that all victims ordered food through a delivery service. the regional department of rospotrebnadzor is conducting an investigation; products that could cause diseases. searches are underway in kazan, where 14 people have already been hospitalized with suspicion of the same infectious disease. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. today, most of the victims from poor-quality food are in moscow. according to the latest data, more than a hundred people turned to doctors for help. 55 victims are in serious condition, 30 of them are in intensive care. patients receive complex therapy, which includes the mandatory administration of anti-inflammatory serum, antibacterial and symptomatic treatment. patients are under round-the-clock supervision by several specialists, these are infectious disease doctors, resuscitators, but also
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, of course, nursing staff. the first cases of suspected poisoning... according to the investigative committee, kitchen staff tried to destroy some of the products, but did not have time. and as it just became known, the investigative committee detained three defendants in the case of mass food poisoning of a delivery service. the department reported that the head of a product production organization, the general director of a private delivery company and the head of the quality department, we will continue to monitor. several russian regions from the central part to siberia were covered by bad weather. in moscow , half of the monthly norm of precipitation fell on monday, and the most powerful rain salvo hit
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the west and southwest of the capital. visibility dropped to just a few when it rained. let's go, he floats away, great, cool, beautiful, there will be something to remember, summer is interesting, muscovites are promised the same weather today, if thunderstorms have been going on in the capital for several days, then in in kazan they replaced the thirty-degree heat. the city center was hit the hardest,
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cars got stuck.
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with the letter y. the main directorate for migration issues of the russian ministry of internal affairs reported that russian citizens’ passports are most often invalidated due to errors in personal data and the machine-readable zone of the document. the department’s response was recounted by the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs, irina volk, in her telegram channel. she adds that a technical glitch that caused those same errors in machine-readable strings foreign passports were eliminated last year, and as for the incorrect spelling of first and last names, the most problems, according to irina volk, are with the letter yo and its incorrect spelling in latin letters. the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs
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rbc said that different spellings of names and surnames in latin letters are not a mistake, and this cannot be a basis for confiscation of a passport at the border, and therefore, the foreign ministry assured, russians who travel abroad are not allowed. the message that russians are finding errors in their passports at the border and are not release them from the country, they began to actively come after amendments came into effect in december last year, which defined the criteria for invalidating grant passports. the vice-president of the russian labor operators association, artur muradyan, at the end of may called this problem an avalanche-like one. well, last week arthur muradyan clarified that the new clarification from mead improves. with regard to the state of affairs regarding the grand passports of tourists , the range of errors due to which the passport can be confiscated is narrowing. the russian stock market today at the opening of trading continues
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move in the direction chosen yesterday, down. investors cannot find any positive news yet. the official exchange rates for today, established by the central bank without exchange trading, are dollar 89.05, euro 95.39. in the largest russian banks, rates on... market mortgages, those without government support, exceeded 20%. i got acquainted with the data of the analytical company frenk rg in forbes. of the fifteen banks with the largest home loan portfolios, 12 banks raised market mortgage rates at the beginning of the summer. now at sber, the minimum base rate for the purchase of housing in a new building is 19.5%. maximum 21%. vtb has approximately 18.5 to 19.5%. also in the summer, rates were raised by alfabank, promsvyazbank, and domf. from july 1, russia should end the program of the most massive preferential mortgages for new buildings at 8%. managing director
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of the rating service of the national rating agency sergei grishunin says: in the second half of the year the main issue will be it mortgages and family mortgages in its new form, but for deliveries of 20% mortgages will be taken quote either kamikaze or optimi. julia, everything about economics. thank you, it was denis tolalayev with business news. every day , gifts and letters with words of support for the military and residents of donbass and novorosiya are sent to the ied zone from all over the country. among those who did not stand aside is elena bilyaeva from the perm region. her son died on the front line, and with the payments the family received, she bought a minibus to transport humanitarian aid. this is the pain that does not subside; even a year later, it is not easy for elena to talk about the fatal wound of her only son. dmitry ilashev is a combat veteran; he
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served under contract from the age of 19. we went with him to syria, we went with him to tajikistan. i thought, well, that’s all for now while she rests at home. no. when the start of the special operation was announced, dmitry’s contract ended. there was no summons, but he himself went to the military registration and enlistment office. he served as a senior sniper in the ural battalion and died under a flint fire. a fragment flew right into the lung under the shoulder, that is, without touching the bulletproof vest, nothing and well, in general, this is how it turned out, we looked for him for 10 days, every day we called the hospital, i was there they reported that my son had died, and then elena received insurance payments, she understood that this money would not console or bring her son back, so she made an unconventional decision, spent part of the amount on a memorial plaque, it was hung in the school where dima studied, and also bought a minibus and went to the front line, we had it as a passenger, there were seats here, so we left only these
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seats, these, everything else was removed and added to the category, this is generally necessary in order to accommodate more humanitarian aid, we are carrying, she car full, first they collected the flight to donbass themselves, bought everything they needed with the remainder of the payments, and then in neighboring cities they learned about the mother who, in memory of her son, was helping the front, packages for the fighters were delivered from morning to... evening, camouflage nets, raincoats, tents, grandmothers shared homemade pickles, we collect boxes, this is water, necessarily medicines, clothes, socks, underwear, some sweets, candy, this car in the donbass is recognized from afar, on the hood is the call sign of dima slippery, on the front line soldiers communicate only with the help of them, but for elena it was it is important to her hero was known by name, as they say, it was the mother who arrived, it was the car that arrived, he is no longer known only as... polish, so this gives me joy, demina’s gazelle has a solid mileage, but has never let me down, there are thousands ahead not the safest kilometers, a family friend, alexander, is driving,
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it is known. you don’t know the route, but when you’re driving for the first time, there are times when you can end up on a road that the military even bypasses, we once had a wonderful moment, we found ourselves on the advanced road of death, half an hour before we blew up a car, her maternal warmth is enough for everyone, elena alexander will definitely stop by dima’s colleagues, then deliver parcels to another 18 battalions that defend the lpr and dpr, and then return home, only to load the hero’s car with everything necessary again hit the road.
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deposit rates, now the best interest rate rate of 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift. deposit, best interest. kitford equipment with discounts up to 31% on the yandex market. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the program today. we are continuing production. in russia, the number of people who arrived from abroad and wished to settle in our country is growing every year. speech. this applies not only to citizens of the former soviet republics, but to residents of europe and america. nahid babayev will continue the topic. ale is very tasty. this is adam talking about dumplings. now his wife, nurie, will have to learn how to sculpt them.
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there is nothing like this in german cuisine. the golembievsky family moved to nizhny novgorod from hannover 3 months ago. father, mother, two sons and daughter-in-law. this was not a spontaneous decision, but a deliberate act. family values, in russia family is the most important thing. this is what government policy is aimed at, but this is not the case in germany. while the family is renting a house, they are busy with paperwork and learning russian. adam and kevin, the eldest son, are builders. we opened a company, have been engaged in construction for 30 years and want to continue do this in nizhny novgorod. of course, the family faced difficulties: firstly, the language, russian is not so easy to learn, and secondly, documents. bureaucracy takes a lot of time and effort. but people here are ready to meet halfway. ministry of international relations below. their period of stay in russia was ending, arend, his wife anissa and eight children were granted asylum
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for a year, this time would be enough to settle in and improve their russian language. in canada, the economy is in shambles, prices are rising, it’s hard to find a job, the country is generally leading wrong policy, there is pressure on christianity. i simply did not see a future for my children in that country. the feinsters moved to russia earlier this year. at home, for the last 15 years they have been engaged in agriculture. they are also planning to open a farm in the nizhny novgorod region. now they are looking at the site. they talk about the search in general about life in russia in their video blog. the view here is fantastic. the primary goal is language. the children are still studying at home, but they want to send them to a russian school.
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in july '22 during a trip to tehran. the german vincent happily switched to russian watches. 3 years ago, he also came first as a tourist, and then decided to move completely. the reason is cultural proximity. the guy has traveled half the world, lived in
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germany, norway, sweden, even egypt. and in every country i have always had many friends from russia. and i have long had this theory that there is something cultural there . and i should probably move to follow that. this is where vincent , an it specialist, happens and many will be surprised now, but he assures that in russia the working conditions are better, and there is more work. in his free time, the german travels, has been to siberia, the black sea, the caucasus, of course, each of the experts faces difficulties in russia, but they cannot be called insurmountable, the main thing is that there is an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable. it turns out that it’s good for a russian, and it can be good for a foreigner too. on hitbay in olga vaillushnikov.


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