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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm MSK

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“nothing, i don’t forget to anyone, uh-huh, well, i noticed that they managed without me, and it’s somehow surprising, now i’ll go and figure it out, it should have been me in his place, if you rub yourself, you will”? an overdose of the drug, by the way, a pet, i take him away, you say that you are a cop, always drunk, always dirty, you behave like a hooligan, well, sorry, i’m not a cop anymore, i don’t drink anymore, but it’s raining and he’s allowed, yes, he maybe, i haven’t seen you like this for a long time,
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you still look the same, and your lip is broken, but in terms of content you’re no longer the same, you don’t drink, you’re not rude, you’re not laughs, i see myself in you 10 years ago, i like it, no? forward, for a long time, don’t think they’ve already arrived, yes, exactly here, oh, here, come on, show me where you hid the bodies, yes, under this pine tree, exactly here. there were beautiful women, what were their names?
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nastya and margarita are beautiful, especially nastya, a creature, why so harsh, commander!
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what are you watching? yes, i don’t know you, but i ’ll shave you, why are you still watching? i 'll go take a shower, you'll look like that too. yes, well , how kind it is, lesh, since you called, i understood, well, we’ll be there now, let’s do it, just like that, i didn’t even go and wash for you, let’s go for a walk along the road.
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look who came to us, free dog app, and why is he so rumpled, he spent the whole night reading an article in a cheap newspaper, admit it, maksimov, you paid to have this published? paid, i can’t, risking my life, i single-handedly detained a dangerous criminal, and by the way, not a word about the dog, i’ll have to write a refutation that you only know how to drink alone, gnizdelov, just try it, i told you, i’m on you draw out such a statement, you’re a bastard, don’t remind me how many times i saved your ass , how many times, which ass, i won’t do it again, great, hello, max, what maniac
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has shown up? yes, not just a maniac, pokotilov, who killed 12 girls, but do you think he remembers anything, right? yesterday , he unexpectedly decided to confess to two more murders, promised to show where he hid the corpses, well, he showed, but there is no need to pretend to be vigorously active, the maniac will soon appear on his own, right, why? i’ll explain it for the stupid, he acted spontaneously, you know the word, spontaneously, he got away from the fresh air, but he doesn’t know what to do next, maksimov’s psychology, his service weapon is in
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place, which means they didn’t shoot from it, it turns out his pistol was in the tank, where he was leading the convoy exactly to the cache. it means he had an accomplice, a weapon, yes, it still doesn’t change anything, but he’s not going anywhere, where will he run away, he’s in prison, i understand, i understand, you watch over the corpse for now, okay, let’s keep you company, i hear, i hear you, good girl, you’re mine, well done,
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who’s the one who hung it, hello, my good one, hello. why won't he take the eye out of you? maybe he feels anything trying to stop you from getting into trouble? maybe, what’s on the phone right away? put it in its place, that means, the fingerprints on the phone were extremely damaged,
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the phones rang twice to the same number, the number was disconnected, well, thanks for that, irina, hello, what an irina, with whom you had an affair behind my back. well , i said it then, i’ll repeat it now, nothing happened, len, 7 years have passed at maksimov’s, you’re still afraid to admit, that’s exactly 7 years, and what did you remember, friend, because it doesn’t matter what the difference is, ugh, max, get out , hello, max. do you know each other? well, yes, we met a couple of times, read. irina gritsai, strictly speaking, there is no point in imagining. 7 years ago i was involved in the pokatilov case, i’m also aware of it. yes, when i found out that pokatilov had escaped,
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i decided to offer my help. pokatatilov stole a convoy car.
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max, i’m sorry that nothing worked out for you and me then, nothing could have worked out then, i know you were married, but... now you’re divorced, now i need to kill a maniac, i know the man i love i was so in love then, now. yes, listen, max, listen, we managed to identify the car in which pokotilov left the forest. congratulations, but i want to have breakfast now. now i'll spoil your appetite. listen, the owner of the car is olga kovaleva. lena said that the girl’s appearance matches the type of all pokotilov’s victims. lena is generally an expert on all women. yes, stop it, that's not what i'm talking about. the most important thing is that the car is now parked at kovaleva’s entrance. so maybe ride there? yes, i understand, come on, i’m leaving, news,
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i see you still have a lot of friends, reign. hello, television, this is gnezdilov, i’m here now i’m going to take a dangerous maniac, so let’s send the television cameras, i’ve already sent you the address, follow me, the eagles. stop,
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i'll take the gun now. you see how i will take on the most dangerous maniac, remember, my name is gnezdily, captain
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gnezdilov, i took it, let’s work together, i will kill until irina dies. so, we are in an apartment where a new victim of a maniac has been discovered. let's see how captain gnezdilov conducts the investigation. late, what do you mean late? how come you're late? we're filming. no one can move, police, get out with your hands up. with her hands she screamed that you were yelling, it’s not him, how is it not him, just like that, a maniac 10 years older, then, well,
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he beat himself, tied him up and put him in a closet, who are you, last name, first name, patronymic, vitaly borisovich udolov, i live on rocket street, so i’ll finish the report, that’s it, good topic, i ’ll explain everything to you later, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. gnizdilov, did you call the journalists? well, yes,
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i just wanted to increase the authority of the police in the eyes of the public, so to speak, by my own example, well, you understand that you you exposed yourself to ridicule, and most importantly, now everyone knows that a dangerous maniac escaped, what did you achieve? no, no, in general, the minister called me. he gave me 3 days to catch this bastard, otherwise you will have another boss, boris borisovich, i will do my best, i will try, oh well. yes, it was already attached, from today you are personally responsible for the safety of witness udolov, boris, bori, why, i’m not a security guard, i just wanted a maniac, from morning to evening you sit next to witness udolov, you understand me, yes, why you're still here, no, i'm not there, ah... ah, if
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my dream came true, what kind of life would it be like then, if it was, start a wonderful life with a sber subscription, get more cashback for purchases, and also access to movies and music it’s more profitable in savings with prime. it’s not so simple there, check several dozen villages, where you generally have trouble with communication, she’s there alone struggling with something unclear, that’s all, this is the beginning, you yourself don’t know what you’re faced with and are ready to use any resource just to avoid disasters, i am your main resource, point zero,
12:17 pm
premiere, it’s hard to even imagine how this will end for us, and what the consequences will be, the infection could go further, today at 22:20 on ntv. alex fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. polaris equipment with discounts up to 70%. am i doing something good? no. and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, you choose the right categories every month, for example, clothing, sports products, you get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, in you can’t put your pocket in, here are rubles, vtb, together
12:18 pm
everything will work out, i’m marina kraves, and this is your deepest desire, you’ve thrown them far, but... ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes, and a bigger closet, but maybe you’ll always be in ozone advertising, maybe, tell me, discounts , discounts, oh, ozone birthday sale, faju dress up to 999, nabara women's sneakers up to 799, baby duck t-shirts up to 199, pay less, global village corn polka dots 64.90, 25% off shipping. from 30 minutes as long as pyaterochka is in the app, pyaterochka helps out, try more this summer, free delivery of the artful point, yandex food, what will your summer be like, now we’ll see at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a built-in hyundai dishwasher for 22,990 rubles. alex fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at
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12:21 pm
premiere today at 22:20 on ntv. i hardly knew the murdered woman, i only met her yesterday, or rather, she met me. how did this happen? well, i was sitting at the bar, she sat down next to me word by word, we started talking. how did you end up in her apartment? she invited herself, said that she would cook dinner, and then some guy came, like this one? yes. exactly him, he immediately knocked me out, i didn’t even have time to say anything, and then i woke up tied up, did you see how he killed kovalev?
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yes, she cried, said that she helped him escape, but he just laughed, but why did he leave you alive? he said that i would be the messenger and showed a photograph. that woman, our employee, yes irina gritsal, yes, yes, yes, he said to tell the police that this is all because of her, and he will kill until you give her to him, and why does he want to kill you, because i imprisoned him, this has never happened to you, none of your clients or their relatives wanted to kill you, not only them. it smells great, let's drink, let's drink, it's true, i don't drink at all, i know,
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i know a lot about you, but it's good, thank you, for the meeting, for the meeting, this is not wine, until the maniac is caught, stay, live with me, alena, you see and say that you know everything about me, len has been living with leonidov for a long time, well, you saw, he’s more likely with her. in general, no one will be against it,
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but go away, go away, huh? "sorry, last one time is not himself, he has some kind of increased concern for me, he’s right, i should start over again, everything is one to one, given, hello, no prints were found on the steering wheel of the murdered girl’s car, is this good or bad, maksimov, did you bring the steering wheel to mine? did you wipe it? no, why? how do you know that i have it? well, i didn’t know, you just told me yourself. lin, what are you saying? since the steering wheel
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was wiped off, it means she wasn’t driving, except for her, there was only a witness from the closet in the car. okay, i understand, that's it, come on, hello leonidva, here... in general, it looks like this tool is trying deceive us? yes, pokatilov would hardly have killed the girl who helped him escape from prison. yes, i agree. i'll go to the hospital and interrogate the guy myself. come with you. not worth it. better find out who visited pokotilov lately. well, that's all for now. bye. what kind of person is this?
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we are guarding, we are guarding, no one has kidnapped the witness yet, don’t worry, not a single mouse will fly through me, well, thank god, good morning. hello, how are you feeling? why are you here? i already told your colleague everything. and i decided to clarify some of the nuances of our business. well, go ahead and clarify. you said that pokotilov showed you my photograph. can you remember what photo this is? certainly. i think it was a newspaper clipping. i
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recognized you immediately. a clipping from a newspaper, strange, strange, what’s strange here, he also said that for 7 years in the zone he looked at this photo every day so as not to forget because of who he ended up behind bars. you understand what’s the matter, dear, 7 years ago i wore glasses and a short haircut, but despite all this, you recognized me immediately. maksimov, you have been gone for 100 years i saw that you are also running after pokatilov, yes , exactly, well, tell me why you called, what you need from me, the girl didn’t come to him, and there was never a woman, no one ever came to him before, in just the last year the guy cleared it out, guy, not this one...
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well, yes, he is the most udalofi, his last name is, you also imprisoned his dad for 15 years, old age, sadness, thank you, please, that's it, i'm done, that's it, behind me, on the steering wheel of the car , which was stolen by pokotilov, your fingerprints were found, how can you explain this, this cannot be, i wiped everything off. maybe stop playing the comedy, maybe you can tell the truth? yes, it was i who helped pokatilov escape, i also found him a chick as a gift, i also
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found him a shelter. slaughterhouse, i know where the abandoned slaughterhouse is, but this will not help you, why, because i will kill you, i am carrying out a task of strict secrecy, i can
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only say one thing, it’s on... why is it connected with the capture of a maniac, help me stand the police knife on the ground quickly is better this way.
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you wanted to kill me, you bastard, but if you wanted to kill me, i need max, not you, fuck you, max, he imprisoned my father for 15 years, we agreed, i will help. i told him to run away, and he would help me remove max, so do you know where pokatiloh is hiding, or what? he’s not hiding, he’s at max’s house now, that is, max is hiding him, he’s waiting for max to kill him, and well, that’s where i’ll take him, but of course, he hit you too hard, what? so what? he rushed at me with a knife, wanted to kill me, i barely had time to react, said something about the car rolling, didn’t say anything,
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didn’t say anything at all, nothing at all, nothing at all, so what? everyone was looking forward to the opening. city ​​cinema, opening was scheduled for sunday, june 22. no one imagined that the war would come irreparably quickly right here, to the cozy city of krasnogvardeysk, the former gadchina. june 22, the day of memory and sorrow. there were 867 days of occupation ahead, children were brought, children to the right, mothers to the left. the germans immediately put the residents in such a position that whoever does not work is doomed to starvation. the sylvia park shootings became as much a part of everyday life as the gallows.
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they did not cooperate with the enemy; the people were stronger than granite stone. the silence of silvia, gaccina. before his execution, grigoryin shouted to the assembled crowd. don't worry, brothers, the germans will not be in leningrad, but the russians will be in berlin. the documentary premieres on june 22 at 23:00 on ntv. point zero. premiere today at 22:20 on ntv. it's ozone's birthday. say discounts, discounts. oh, sale. ozone's birthday. geltek for 529, appetite pans for 1.599, nepi club diapers for 79. closing a loan is like a holiday, itbank gives you a great gift, money, apply
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women's t-shirts izova up to 499. sandals for boys gospis up to 799. ultimate shop sandals up to 899. our new name is t-bank. where else can you go into space and send your mother a star from the sky? turn the department into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, and live communication. only here it is possible. change his name without betraying himself, remaining himself in a country on which the sun never sets, he is the only one 22 june on the day of remembrance and the mourner of the casts destroyed at least two snipers from the magnificent seven, twenty more 15 november 4, 25, as soon as i found out about you about 598 ... the story of one hero, subordination to you,
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such a word, familiar, what? excuse me, he’s just a little foolish about us, most often from those who don’t fit the general comb, it’s customary to call us some kind of abnormal, i’m normal, all this is strange, strange, not strange, but it’s a fact, the red army soldier slepkov eliminated the enemy razvetgruppe, so after all like... that he smelled moonshine, dance, samohosh, they published about you in the newspaper, it was june 22 at 17:00, i’ll cover it on ntv, it was a tactical move, i was just luring him into a trap, but from the outside it looked like this is maksimov, he saved your life by shooting a maniac, so yes, what maniac, this is not a maniac at all, i’m a maniac... i’m just going to take one, and you’ll take us with you, two conditions:
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firstly, you don’t show these shots who create the false appearance that i was scared, and don’t say a word about maksimov, i’m a lone hero, there’s no help for me needed, clear, we agree,
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we received the address, are you far away? come on, i'm there! i drove, come out with your hands up, i know you are here, resistance is useless, the house is surrounded by special forces. oh brother! yes, you are not max, it seems that
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only we need this maniac, where is max, where is irina, where is gnezdilov, finally, where? irina is wounded, maksimov is in her hospital, gnezdilov is looking for an adventure on his own, journalists, he is looking, he wants fame, to get on tv, here is gnezdilov, lying on the floor, what? "either you let irina gritsai die, or she will die gnezdilov, it looks like he was taken hostage, he ran into a maniac instead of reporters." i wonder if you can find out where this message was sent from, but you don’t see that this is max’s apartment, max’s phone isn’t answering, where could he even be, and it’s early tomorrow they won’t get up for a couple, uh-huh, yes, it’s a pity, okay,
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bye, yes, hello, hello, i need a bouquet, what, big, some, beautiful, for you, for your mother, for your wife, for. mistresses, they asked, ira, for us, who, choose, well, let’s take this one, what to pack, yes, yes, sure, oh okay.
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oh, comrade native of the capital, your money goes to pay off debts to the flower shop. yes, well, i’ll keep the business card for myself, as a talisman, so that nothing happens to the girl.
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max, oh, i’m here, where here, he said, he said that pokotilov was hiding in an abandoned slaughterhouse, outside the city, uh-huh, i got it. so, guard me, i'll quickly go there and back.
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don't yell! uh-huh, no noah, i’ll take you off now, uh-huh, hands, gun, so, hands or gun, gun on the ground, slowly, sorry igor. kick the gun at me.
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where is max, my good one, my good one, whatever, i’m also worried about him, but i’m not sure. where is max, just wait! it seemed to me, or it was a dog, yes, he ran to look for max, quickly into the car, we go
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after him, i think that your father was killed by a fierce one, he often visited your dacha, the summer when your father died, he actually lived there, write the address, you know what i think, that i am doing nonsense, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, residents from the first floor saw a person with... and they often hear advice, calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact, anxiety can be treated. a new product, afabazold with
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gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. afabazole, anxiety can and should be treated. fill your summer with bright looks. nazon, swimsuits up to 1.49 rub. important.
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comrade. murders on the old father, the first one vomits and rushes, the whole city is buzzing, a series based on real events, tanya was killed, our tanya, maxim litovchenko, if he is cured, then he is to the wall, and if he was released as a psycho, then the lever of the wall, igor ilivanov , in 1937 they conducted the investigation in the same way, without going into the question of the judge, just to blame, alexander bukharov, another suicide. there are only deaths around the hospital, but this is only the beginning, the ultimate measure, i have made such a mess, shaken up so many people, the premiere is on monday at 20:00 on ntv, now we can talk.
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oh, that's not fair!
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rest for now, drop the gun, or i’ll finish it, come on, give me such pleasure. well, drop the gun, i'm sorry, yeah, it's even a pity to kill you, well, don't kill me, i
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can't. i gave my word, but udalovo, you will give my word, how smart you are, he so wanted to take revenge on you for the death of your father that he even helped me run away, in return he must kill for you irina, exactly, but he didn’t succeed, so i need to finish this matter. that let him hang there for a while to rest, maybe you ’ll take him off somehow, no need, well, i wanted to have
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some news, right? i'll call them, yes, yes, don't break the kidney. nothing happened to the dog, what will happen to him, he was drunk from an overabundance of emotions, he protected you so touchingly, now he’s also touchingly indifferent, max, when you
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’re near, i feel safe, in my opinion it’s quite the opposite, they’re alone from me problems. sorry, but you need papers sign. len, max and i had nothing then, i know, however, as now. i know he still loves you. loves me very much, i know, i just don’t know what to do with this, get well soon.
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we are not working with you for fame, yes, go for it.
1:00 pm
vladimir putin arrived in yakutia on a working trip. the investigative committee detained him. three defendants in the case of mass food poisoning from a delivery service. suppress and neutralize after probably hundreds of those planted, we have already stopped counting them. our correspondent observed how people work on the front line electronic warfare division. joe biden's associates are thinking about who could replace him in the presidential race to replace him at the crossing. and the matter was explained at the ministry of internal affairs because of which ones. due to errors on the grand passport, russians are most often denied travel abroad.


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