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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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the investigative committee detained three defendants in the case of mass food poisoning from a delivery service. suppress and neutralize. after probably hundreds of komikazes planted, we have already stopped counting them. our correspondent observed electronic warfare units working on the front line. joe biden's associates are thinking about changing horses at the crossing. who can participate in the presidential race instead of him. the us is always manipulating social media to spread misinformation. we recorded more than 300 information attacks on the sputnik vaccine. about how the pentagon tweeted all sorts of lies about vaccines, elizabeth gerson. and in paris, at the ninety- third year of her life, the legendary french actress anouk aimee died. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. northern allowances should be
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taken out of brackets when calculating personal income tax, payments to zemstvo doctors and teachers in the far east can be increased, and far eastern mortgages will be extended to participants in the northern military district. this news came today from yakutsk, which visited by vladimir putin. the president had not been there for 10 years. he had planned a visit to the republic of sakha yakutia back in january, but then the weather got in the way. today, the head of state first went to the creative cluster kvartal truda. he... was shown the republic's successes in the it field, cluster residents receive tax and insurance benefits, and high-quality virtual film production and sound recording studios are available to them. vladimir putin was also presented with several innovative projects, including a medical image analyzer based on artificial intelligence and aircraft engine monitoring systems. a teleconference took place with the city of kirovskoye in the dpr, sponsored by yakutsk, where sakha yakutia is helping.
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at a distance of up to 4 km. the president held a separate meeting with doctors, teachers and specialists in other fields who moved to the far east to work there. vladimir putin noted that the region is developing at an accelerated pace, young people are actively traveling there, and it is necessary to continue to create attractive conditions for work and life in the republic. we kept the mortgage at 2% and will keep it that way quality, in this form. we will create
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conditions for attracting specialists, and we are expanding it, by the way, to include participants of the svo, which means we will create attractive conditions for other specialists, i know they are here, they are also there for doctors, teachers, cultural workers, etc. in general, we will work on a broad front. rental apartments that can be rented for a third of the market price. vladimir putin noted that in the far east it is necessary to develop the production of energy-efficient building materials, to reduce shipping costs from other regions. among the important projects for the republic, the president also named the eastern railway range, access to the sea of ​​okhotsk, and the bridge to sakhalin, and supported the proposal of one of the conversation participants not to take into account northern surcharges in the new one.
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i’ll add that the head of state’s big far eastern trip begins with a visit to yakutsk; in the evening he will go on a state visit to the dprk, and the next
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day to vietnam. russian military hit the warehouse of the 44th artillery brigade the apu from which the distribution came has been delivered. weapons from the west, our ministry of defense reports. on the front line , foreign equipment and artillery are also destroyed regularly; over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost four armored vehicles and four us-made guns, a polish artillery mount and a british howitzer. a workshop for the production of attack drones and two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were also liquidated. 10 counterattacks were repelled; in so , during the battles, the enemy lost over 1,800. how electronic warfare is used grouping of troops vostok, report by our correspondent sergei pikulin. a few years ago, this was exclusively peaceful equipment for filming weddings, birthdays
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, corporate parties, but now drones are the main striking force on both sides. over the past year, after probably hundreds of kamikazes planted, we have already stopped counting them. work is carried out every day, enemy attack weapons are landed or destroyed every day. this is the electronic warfare unit of the pacific fleet of the eastern military district, now helping infantry to move forward, they come to where the enemy is using fpv drones, essentially it is a jammer, the detection radius of the drone is 2 km, which means they work on the front line. the left is clear, suppressing signals. frequencies , enemy drones simply do not reach our positions, one of them loses control and falls, such a suppression system can be installed on any equipment, and the arsenal also includes anti-drone guns, detectors warning of the approach of a drone, there is a means of detecting a cellular signal,
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the enemy decided to stick on the phone in good in a camouflaged dugout, it immediately gave away its location, this is a frequency spectrum detector, that is, you can also use a wi-fi signal to detect there, and this is the t-90, here the tank already has a suppression system from the factory, we can fire on the move and inflict damage on the enemy fire damage, and accordingly , special installations work at the same time, which allow us to jam, these drones cannot reach us, the operator loses control of his drone, oddly enough, but now both attack aircraft and artillerymen prefer work in bad weather, the worse the better. do you hear, the rain is dripping, the best weather for work, both ours and the tank crews, they still don’t get shot at at any time of the day and in any weather, we still have a calmer sky, the sky is overcast,
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which means the enemy birds don’t fly . our electronic warfare system is constantly being improved, and engineers are now working on a universal individual suppression system. to save him, but the wounds turned out to be too severe, they came to honor valery on the day of remembrance his friends and colleagues, including war reporters with whom he worked in the donbass and other hot spots. valery was only 46, 18 of them he worked for ntv. valery has always been distinguished by his caring approach to his
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work, sincerely worried about every shoot, every report, and was a very good and responsive person. i was lucky to work with him for 3 months in syria. to be honest, at first i was afraid, because he was like that, he had a reputation for being such a stern, healthy guy, which he always was, but he came, me i met as if... my father, although the age difference there is only 4 years older, and 3 months flew by so unnoticed, and great, and about valera it must be said that he was not just a cameraman, but really a co-author who always suggested , how best to remove it, where it is better to stand, and where it is better not to stand, vladimir putin, as well as the government and the ministry of defense, sent vinkin to the farewell ceremony, and valery kozhin was buried in the tver region, in his native kolyazin. three people
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detained in connection with mass poisoning users of the food delivery service, the investigative committee said that this is the general director of the kitchen in the area, anton lozin, the head of the company’s quality department, elena mashkova , and the head of the manufacturer of the beans that were used for salads, vladimir shin, the issue of choosing a preventive measure for them, the company’s activities, is being decided. is now suspended. the department clarified that all mass poisonings were caused by products from one manufacturer. a criminal case has also been initiated in connection with the illegal registration of foreign citizens. meanwhile the number victims due to poor quality food are growing. in kazan, the number of people hospitalized with batulism increased to 14, the same in nizhny novgorod, including a child, 20 people are in hospitals in the moscow region. most of the patients are in moscow, according to the latest data, 55. of them , 30 are in serious condition in intensive care. in total
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, 121 people sought medical help. criminal cases of poisoning in different regions have been transferred to the main department of the investigative committee. now they are finding out which other regions the dangerous virus could have reached. products. the ministry of internal affairs reported which errors in their foreign passports are the reason why russians are most often denied travel abroad. further business news and denis talalaev, denis, so what’s the matter. well , it will probably be difficult to check the machine-readable lines yourself, in the ministry of internal affairs, but they advise you to first pay attention to the letter y. the main directorate for migration issues of the ministry of internal affairs of russia reported that grant passports of russians are most often recognized as invalid due to errors in personal data in the machine-readable zone of the document. received the department’s response was retold by official representative of the ministry of internal affairs irina volk in her telegram channel. she adds that a technical glitch that caused errors in the same machine-readable lines for
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grant passports was fixed last year. but as for the incorrect spelling of first and last names, the biggest problems, according to irina volk, are with the letter y and its incorrect spelling in latin letters. an official representative of the ministry of internal affairs indicates if in the birth certificate or in the internal passport, the surname, patronymic name contains the letter y, or it is replaced by e, then it should be in the passport.
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investors are successfully ignoring expensive oil ; it seems that they are increasingly looking at the calendar for july 26, when the russian central bank will announce a decision on the key rate, and there is a high probability that the key rate will rise. the official exchange rates for today , established by the central bank without exchange trading, are dollar 8905, euro 9539. the network of stores for construction and repair merlen announced today that it is rebranding in russia, and now it will continue.
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to emphasize, it is reported that rebranding will also affect signs, transport, and employee uniforms, but the company assures that the change of brand will not affect relationships with partners in any way, that there will be no organizational changes...
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egor, everything about the economy, thank you, denis talolaev, with business news. the pentagon was behind the campaign to discredit russian and chinese coronavirus vaccines during the pandemic. the confirmation was announced by an international agency. more than 300 information attacks were recorded against sputnik v, most of which were planned in ministry of defense
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attacks are not just a reflex from the west to scold or ignore any russian product. these information attacks are planned in a military manner. reuters reports that the pentagon was behind attacks on the chinese covid vaccine. in 2020, us military specialists opened tens of thousands of fake accounts on social networks, denigrated the chinese vaccine in different languages, and targeted the philippines, since the united states needs to keep this important military area under its control. in the underbelly of the celestial empire. they lied about the chinese vaccine, that they die from it rats. muslims were scared that the ampoules contained pork gelatin. the covid death rate in the philippines has been high. china sent a vaccine, but we were not interested in public health, a senior us military officer involved in the program admitted to reuters. we thought about how
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to drag china through the mud. we drew attention to this report, this is another proof that the united states is always manipulating.
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vaccine use activities in countries such as hungary, argentina, and the united arab emirates showed the best results on hundreds of thousands of people who have used the vaccine. in some countries, like hungary, it was possible to compare our vaccine with western vaccines, astrazenica, fizer, and moderna. the comparison was in favor of the satellite. in other countries they did not experiment, they chose only one companion, and they lived with him, for example, san marina, surrounded on all sides by italy. at the beginning of twenty-one, they, being small, with a population of 30,000 people, did not receive ampoules from brussels, people there were seriously ill, the country's authorities turned to moscow for help, the satellite showed almost one hundred percent effectiveness here, the covid hospital was closed as unnecessary. in december 2020, then-prime minister boris johnson boasted that britain was the first in the world to vaccinate
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its population against coronavirus. the statement is loud, but not true. at that time, vaccinations were already done in china. in russia, in russia, sputnik v was registered back in august of that year, and the british had nothing special to brag about, since the vaccine was not locally produced, but an american-german fizer brought from brussels, but this such an example that suggests that disinformation and the suppression of the successes of our science were at the level of the first person of the state. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexander dekin and valeria polukhina, ntv television company. london viewers in the capital will then have a release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. a massive accident occurred this morning in the ryazan region, eight people died on the spot, more than ten were injured in a collision between a minibus,
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a gazelle, a car and two trucks federal highway ural. from the passenger car, as can be seen in the footage, only a pile of twisted metal remained from the scene of the accident. the gazelle was carried into a ditch. according to preliminary data from the state traffic inspectorate, it was this minibus that caused the accident by jumping into the oncoming lane. a criminal case was initiated under an article on violation of traffic rules. the victims, including children , were taken to the nearest clinic in the village of shilova. emergency medical teams from ryazati went to help local doctors. the tver court of the capital sentenced the former head highway sergei kelbakh to 12 years in prison for damage during construction of the central ring road in the moscow region. the ex-official was found guilty. kelbach's bank accounts and cars
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were seized. the investigative committee opened this criminal case in march 2019, which was preceded by a large-scale audit of avtodor, which was carried out by the accounts chamber. according to investigators, sergei kelbakh illegally allocated more than 2 billion budget rubles to one of the companies that was involved in the construction of skat. but in total the accounts chamber revealed violations in financial activities in the amount of more than 5 billion rubles. ursula fondern received an unpleasant surprise from her colleagues in the european union. at an informal meeting held in brussels, the heads of state and heads of state and government of the eu did not reach an agreement on the reappointment of fondelien to the post of president of the european commission, although it would seem that a second term would follow.
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we will have to work hard to reach agreement on candidates and the strategic agenda before this deadline. ursulli funder had to go through another unpleasant moment, after the keynote speech, she was asked to leave without being invited to the main part of the meeting, a working dinner, under the pretext that it was unethical to discuss the candidate in her presence. the re-election of the leadership of the european union is being watched all over the world, but as hungarian prime minister viktor orban noted, he was invited to dinner, his posts have been around for a long time. allocated among those politicians who, even losing popularity in their own countries, will continue their anti-russian and anti-european course.
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nato's total military spending this year will increase by 18% compared to 23. 2/3 of this money will be used for arms orders in the usa. the finances of the alliance were discussed in washington, where nato secretary general en stoltenberg arrived. another 10 to 10 years ago, members of the block. agreed to bring military spending by each of the participating countries to 2% of gdp, but many for years did not even try to get closer to this figure, which often became the cause of conflicts of mutual reproaches for sabotage. this year, 23 allies will spend at least 2% of gdp on defense, and more and more allies are stepping up and investing in our security. let me clarify that there are 32 countries in nato, the president. biden, with whom the secretary general met in washington, counted himself among those who contributed to the sharp increase in alliance spending. in fact
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, the number has increased, since we took office, since i took office, we have made nato bigger, stronger and more cohesive. one of the main expenses of the alliance, of course, is assistance to ukraine; according to stoltenberg, the more support kiev receives, the faster the conflict will end. by the way, during... china for the cooperation of the prc with russia, and beijing has already received answer. the alliance is a product of the cold war and should rethink its role in the ukraine crisis rather than attack china. beijing said that it was washington that was directly responsible for the fact that the ukrainian crisis flared up to its current proportions. the legendary french actress has passed away. eme is the winner of many film awards, the star of the cult, award-winning melodrama, male and female. in total, eme’s work list includes more than eight dozen films. she first
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appeared on screens at age. 14 years still in mid-forties, and became widely known at the same time when french cinema was overwhelmed by the so-called new wave with its conceptuality, experiments and bright live acting images. this was the game of hanukkah eme; later it would be called one of the symbols of this era. her talent was fully appreciated by federica fellini, the actress starred in two of his films: first there was the sweet life, then 8 and a half, however... for millions of viewers around the world, anu is, first of all, the same romantic and determined frenchwoman from the film by claude lelouch, man and woman. for this role, the performer received a golden globe and a bafta award. anu km, as reported by her daughter, died at home in paris, she was 92 years old. now take a short pause and then watch. joe biden's associates are thinking about changing horses at
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the crossing. who can participate in the presidential race instead of him, new homeland, very tasty, why do foreigners move to russia, what difficulties do they face? i think on a personal level it’s not as bad as people sometimes think, and how they are helped to settle down, architecture, design, people’s mentality, the country is huge, nakhidbayev met with the families of displaced people. anxiety can and should be treated, new, afabazole retard, gradual release of the active substance, just one tablet per day, afabazole anxiety can and should be treated, invite a friend to apply for a black debit card from tebank until june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in the tebank, but singing me to the tebank mom invited me, of course. he’s
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the only one, i have a question, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. sber raised rates on deposit, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. are you going for a run today? iron! vitofer helps maintain normal iron levels; vitofer is easily digestible and is enriched with vitamins and folic acid. everything will come true. tishkina at the dacha, relaxing to the fullest.
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brokerage deposit account. the best interest rate in the sberbank online application. dna today at 17:50 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love it, i recommend it. for me it’s moving away from the old, it’s fresh. boldly, everything is for big and small shapes, save up electronic stickers , buy an italian brand towel from one ruble, collect the entire collection, pyaterochka helps out, it's ozone's birthday, tell me, discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday, lucoil motor oil for 1.499, vernel fabric conditioner for 599, intex pool for 4.499, fill the summer. vivid
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the democratic candidate may not be joe biden. there have been conversations about this in the states for some time now, here is the british scoreboard and the daily mail writes that barack obama could replace biden. journalists did this.
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according to the white house press secretary, the videos showing that biden is not entirely healthy are the work of republicans. an agile corvette under construction was lowered onto... the corvette was working, in particular to search for the destruction of enemy submarines and ships, as well as to cover the landing force when landing on the shore. corvettes of this series are equipped with artillery and missile systems hydroacoustic and radar equipment, while the ship, as
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the military says, is barely noticeable to other people's radars. the family now speaks in a mixture of nizhny novgorod, a mixture of german and nizhny novgorod. galimbievsky from hannover to russia, she arrived only a few months ago, but has already plunged into everyday life and business, and there have been a lot of such migrants lately; european- americans are also coming to our country for permanent residence, which forces them to leave home to seek happiness thousands of kilometers away in a foreign country. side, nahit babaev, asked new russians about their motives. this is adam talking about dumplings, now to his wife,
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their stay in russia was ending, arenda, his wife anissa and eight children were granted asylum for a year, this time
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will be enough to settle down and improve the russian language, in canada the economy is bad, prices growing up, it’s difficult to find a job, the country is generally pursuing the wrong policy, there is pressure on christianity, and i simply did not see the future of my children. in that country. the feinsters moved to russia earlier this year. at home, for the last 15 years they have been engaged in agriculture farming they are also planning to open a farm in the nizhny novgorod region. they're keeping an eye on it now. they talk about the search in general about life in russia in their video blog. the view here is fantastic. this may sound unusual for russia, but we want to develop everything at once, grow vegetables, fruits, breed pigs, birds, cows. the primary goal is language; the children are currently studying at home, but they want to send them to a russian school. dad asked if i liked it here, did i want to return to canada? i answered: i definitely don’t want to. they didn’t want to return home and david's children, he moved to moscow in
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the nineties, worked as a corporate lawyer in an american company, when the contract ended, he decided to stay, he did not want to return to a calm and sometimes boring europe. any foreigner will tell you that the country is very colorful, that is, on the one hand it is european culture, the same museums, operas, ballets, classical music, but on the other hand it is very... everything is different, architecture, design, the mentality of the people, the country is huge. an englishman bought a watch factory in peterhof, when i came to look around, it was as if i had stepped back into the past. david, in fact, saved the enterprise from a three-hundred-year history, modernized the design, modernized production, and attracted new, young personnel. as a former lawyer, i can tell you that it is much more difficult to be a good lathe, or miller, or polisher than to be a good lawyer.
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i had a lot of friends back then from russia, i had long had this theory that there was something cultural there, i should probably move to explore what exactly was going on there. vincent is an it specialist and many now they will be surprised, but he assures that in russia the working conditions are better, and there is more work itself. in his free time, the german travels, was in siberia, on the black sea, in the caucasus, the most vivid memory is from grozny, he came to the bathhouse, everyone looked at me there, everyone was real. chechens from grosny said,
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who are you, where are you from? tell me that i’m german, i came to russia, i’m traveling around russia and someone in fluent german invited me to their place and told me a little about life in grozny. the guy thinks that russia has it simply does not have the best reputation in the west, but at the same time it shares the position of politicians and ordinary europeans. it seems to me that on a personal level it’s not as bad as people sometimes think. of course, each of the experts faces difficulties in russia, but they cannot be called insurmountable, the main thing is that there is an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable, it turns out that it’s good for a russian, and it can be good for a foreigner too. nakhit babaev, olga vailushnikova, andrey shamin, pavel kachur, ilya opoleichuk and vladimir sharykin, ntv. moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod. well, irina polikova is with us, let’s find out the weather forecast. irina, second day in moscow. yes, you don’t
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need to go to the tropics to experience what tropical weather is like. the tropics came on their own, but as soon as they arrived, they left. today in the central regions the last greetings from the southern cyclone, another portion of heavy downpours, but the rain blanket is again not continuous, again covering selectively, according to a system that can only be predicted 2-3 hours in advance. well, the cyclone itself, its main funnel is already in the north, that’s what the cameras now see weather satellite, powerful continuous clouds. it is there that the area of ​​​​impressive precipitation is located, now the murmansk region, karelia, the west of the arkhangelsk region to the komi republic will be enough to get colder by 2-3°, in mormonsk it is stronger, tomorrow it will not be higher than 14-15, well, the next cyclone will not come from the south, but more traditionally from west, so the weather will bring us more traditional weather, the northwestern region will be the first to feel it, new rains, cooler air, it will reach the center on friday, and on friday the decompressed air will be replaced by something more suitable for june in the middle strip. no stuffy tropical nights, and
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new thunderstorms are inevitable with this replacement, they are already strong and thundery on thursday, only wednesday will allow a little rest from the precipitation. it's still raining on the volga. in the south, localized showers are only in the mountains, as well as sun and heat, sea water temperature in the sochi area is -24. and capitals. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +21 with showers and thunderstorms. in moscow, rain is possible at night, and during the day the sun and maximum air temperature are +26-28. on thursday there will be showers again, and then cooler weather. weather forecast from irina palyakova. well, that's the main news by this time. thank you for being with us and see you tomorrow. two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. our new name is t-bank, where else can you go into space
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in volzhsky they are afraid to go outside again because aggressive dogs are waiting for them there.


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