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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 19, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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is it scary when a tragedy occurs? on may 30 , a tragedy occurred, my aunt called me and said: take me to the ambulance. i said, okay, i literally, well , 5 minutes there across the road, she was literally 5 minutes from the ambulance, i saw her off and didn’t have time to drive away, the ambulance, i saw that everything was on fire, well, that is, smoke was coming out, i ran all the way to the house, people were screaming, help, the children are burning, i ran in with my keys, opened the apartment, but it was no longer possible to enter there... everything was in smoke and the room
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was engulfed in fire, i screamed bogdan, ruslan, to my cry, none of the children responded, i immediately fell, lost consciousness, but they took me out of the entrance, then the fire department arrived, they put out the fire, and they took the children out of the now, well, smoky room, the firefighters said they were holding hands, holding hands, yes, they were holding. by the hands and there in the kitchen they hid, fought for 30 minutes for their lives, bogdan sighed deeply, opened his eyes, and ruslan still blinked a little, but they thought that he would conceive, but would come to his senses, but it’s no use, after 30 minutes the doctors said everything, kids, how old were the boys?
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bogdan was 3 years old, ruslan was 2 years old. alexander, but really the boys could not be saved, they had no chance. in 5 minutes, of course, if there was a lot of smoke and was already heavily engulfed in fire, this could result in damage to the lungs, because carbon monoxide, it displaces the movement of oxygen through the blood and thus...
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why does she have she has a daughter, she has a granddaughter, i don’t know why she always addressed only to me, she called me that day, she said, call me, bogdan came up to me, he said, mom, let’s go for a walk, i say, let’s go, i say, now i’ll see the woman off and we ’ll go, these were the last words he said to me, and before this terrible incident, you left the boys alone, i live in a dormitory like this, well, we have an old dormitory, you have to go downstairs to get water, well, to drink, sometimes they fall asleep there at lunchtime, once i run there i’ll get water there i run to buy bread, because i’m a single mother, i’m alone. i raised my children, i never left them for such a big break, only for a short time, well, literally there for 10 minutes, and i might not be at home, but i was always there and close to you, you said, you raised your children alone, but your children one father? no, different fathers, but bogdan’s father found out
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that i got pregnant, he immediately said, i don’t need this child, no help, nothing, he won’t help, but... ruslan, father, he, too, seemed to tell me i don’t need a child, i went to my homeland. anna, but i understand that it was difficult for you to raise your sons alone, but still your sons are very small, you were not afraid to leave them, well, even for 5 minutes alone, or when you left, nothing was foreshadowed, nothing was foreshadowed at all, 3 days before the tragedy , my eldest son walked to me, i said, mom, i love you, i also tell him, bogdash, i love you, maybe he felt that something would happen, this is when you can leave an older child, that’s especially true for me it resonated that your eldest son bogdan said: let’s go mom for a walk, you go outside and you don’t you take them, although well, you could have taken them with you
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then you would have avoided this tragedy. anna, what were your boys like? kind, cheerful, played and laughed, and bogdan loved to dance, take pictures, loved. that is, they were so shabut just to get something into the socket, they didn’t have that, they played, laughed, always, that’s how their life was always in full swing, i didn’t refuse them anything, there were cookies, fruits, candy, juice, everything, everything, everything, everything for them, never offended , well, like a mother, yes, she could there, bogdan, you can’t be strict there, but you’re probably you yourself made guesses about what could have happened while you were not at home, that it all happened in the socket, well, everything was always turned off, that is, even the light was never turned on during the day, everything was always turned off. did your neighbors or friends try to help you during the fire? my sister, husband, she doused him with water, he tried to go there twice, he
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says, well, everything there was already on fire, it was pointless to go there, he says: it’s my fault that i couldn’t get in there, well inside the apartment, now? those around you support you, it helps me my cousin, natalya, can cope, she says: you have to live, life goes on, i tell her, i understand, but how can i live without them, so from the first day she has been with me everywhere, everywhere, that is, is it really only her, only her, mine sister, that is, it turns out to be an aunt, a daughter, she actually said, you’re still giving birth, why does she say this to a mother who has just had babies... she thinks that it’s all my fault, you know, anna, not only she thinks so, she i saw this fire with my own eyes and was shocked that you didn’t even try save the children. in the studio olga smirnova. hello olga. hello. olga, how
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are you related to anna? three sisters. do you live far from her? no, our house is nearby. do you remember approximately what time that ill-fated day began? the fire was about 60 somewhere, at that moment i was leaving the entrance, anya was running past me, screaming loudly, i immediately drew attention to her windows, there was black smoke and flames, she immediately ran into the entrance and ran out with all the residents, literally there minute, that is, she did not try to save her sons, not i tried to go into the apartment, well, there ’s no time there to save her, she says that she didn’t have the keys, i did.
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people, help, the children are burning, i ran in to live with my own, i opened the doors with the keys, but it was impossible to get in there, everything there was corrosive smoke , there was flames, i say,
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feed the children, dress them, put them on shoes, and clean the house, cook food, when
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do all this, why did everyone take it now, rallied and blamed anna for not getting into this burning house, why, we need another death, mom came, mom opened the door lost consciousness, everyone was in such a situation, someone was in such a situation, she lost consciousness in such a situation. i was in such a situation, a fire started in our apartment, the washing machine caught fire, i had a small child, we quickly threw this car away, called the firemen, they grabbed the child, it will happen, but i would have done the first thing, without thinking about anything hot, nor about the smoke of the flame, especially since your room is clearly small, since in a dorm, we were not in this situation. under the arm, anywhere, but never
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left a small child alone at home, alexandra, but she could have saved the children, or it would have been a meaningless sacrifice, she could have, her relative doused himself with water in order to go there, she could do the same, which means there were people there who doused themselves in order to run in there, that’s right, that means there were people who were ready to help with this, i don’t agree, it all depends on the degree at which the neighbor tried to come in, that is... the difference is one minute, it’s colossal, one minute decides everything. olga, despite all these arguments, you think that anna is guilty of the deaths of the children, of course she’s guilty, she left the children more than once, tribute, at night with whom were they, alone, with me at night were they like they were with you, how were they with you? at night, she simply told us that she left the children for a maximum of 5-10-15 minutes, she came in the morning, what kind of relationship were you with anna before the tragedy? she really helped and gave her the stove, and gave her the tv, now that’s it, i’m bad,
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everything she just said, there is no grain of truth, they said that the children were dirty , that the children were not hungry there, absolutely everything, the children are always fed , always clean, you didn’t leave them at night, no, you didn’t, no, you never left them overnight, it’s all slander and lies, as they said, it’s either you or you, we ’ll put you in prison, or you take it. this is what my relatives have been saying since the day my children died, this is what nazarova marina gennadievna says, my aunt, her daughter says, well, olga thinks that you are to blame for the tragedy, and you yourself think who is to blame? i myself, i consider myself guilty only of the fact that i left them at home, for everything that happened, my aunt, marina nazarova, is to blame gennadievna, she told me to accompany her from the house to the ambulance. what do you think, is it the fault of the aunt who called and asked for help, this has nothing to do with
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the aunt, it has to do with the fact that it just happened at this moment when you were not at home, anger only breeds anger and in no way in the case of a sick person with oncology, your relative, who needs your help just as much as the children needed, of course you can’t blame him, ana, are you communicating with your aunt now? no, i don't communicate, no i don’t keep in touch, she called my sister’s natalya, who... will support me in this difficult moment, she called her, did she threaten her, did she threaten? yes, well , if i hadn’t given the money, the last money would have come from payment for the children. yes, yes, yes, allowance, i blocked the card, since this card is mine, and it managed all the money, so the last payments arrived, i blocked the card in order to withdraw this money for the first time for myself, well, rent a living space, because that i have nothing left at all, she said, if you won’t give this money now,
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we’ll come to you, we’ll feed you with this money, but why did you even have to give her child benefits? she said that this animal is not worthy of taking this money, so she said, immediately bring them to her hospital this money, you know, your aunt’s daughter insists that she did all this for the safety of the children, because she was always afraid that something could happen to them, in our studio yulia trofimova, and what are you lying to, who are you lying to, who took what money from you, why did you have this money they took it, i'm not lying. 30 you could skip and i took this money from you, stocked up your refrigerator, i stocked it for 10,000, you had the rest, where did you put it, after 3 days you called me and said, lend me 500 rubles, i don’t have any bread or milk, well, what did you do with
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the other 20 for the evening, i didn’t have the money, go get the keys, because there’s food, and she doesn’t have a refrigerator at home, and the food was stored at my mother’s house, and so that the children wouldn’t be hungry, she told you, come get the keys, i'm going to the hospital, kids, what there was no conversation, she said come take me from home to the ambulance, she shouldn’t have given it to you, she said feed the cat, what are you talking about, that
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now always, when your mother went to the hospital, you and the children lived in her apartment, you protect. yourself, you are looking for an excuse for yourself, but you have no excuse for what i left, i have no excuse for me, you always left, you’re not used to it, they are tied to you like dogs , they were always sitting there hungry, so shaggy, it’s still no good, what kind of bruises , here you i spent almost all of last summer with me, i take him away from you to sit in the bath, and he is covered in bruises, where, well , where does this come from, this is really so, no, this is not true, how do children in such a situation get bruises..
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by the way, bogdan was raised by my mother until he was two years old, he was given to her when he turned two, that is, bogdan was raised by your mother until he was 2 years old, he did not live with her, we lived together with her, he did not live with her, she did. i lived in this hostel, i rented a room there from natasha burdochkina, well, the fact is that the boy was raised by your mother, of course, a grief-stricken mother or a cold-blooded killer of her own children, what else, dear? and friends will tell you about the ban, we will find out in a couple of minutes, we almost disrupted the gru operation, there is another problem, we were just discussing your find, the decision was made to limit access to the archive to the extreme, why is this all of a sudden? they are afraid that something else will come to light, i understand, your hands are tied, each of us has our own
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limitations, three people were killed, i will not back down, even if my investigation may to be someone is not... and you will waste your time. alex lyuty, the case of orphans. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. closing a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments. and we will return 5% of the rate in money, he is alone, is it okay when we are together, together? "even better, when something is over, but in fact is just beginning,
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said he got into the dog’s car, but all these years she does not lose hope of finding him, her mother always said, he speaks alive, as well as the story of viktor nikolaevich, whom his parents abandoned at the age of three; from odessa onwards, i became a teacher in an orphanage. she told me that they took you off the bus, she said, that’s it, i don’t hold any grudges against my parents, nothing, just to find out whether i’m alone or not, in the world, wait for me on friday at 17:55 on ntv. beyond the border, this is beyond the border, two children died in a fire in the apartment of a two-story building in novosibirsk. the fire occurred when the boys' mother went away on business. she left the house for literally 5 minutes to visit her seriously ill aunt, says thirty-six-year-old anna shcherbina. and when she returned, her apartment was already on fire. she says: come me!
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chip, there is a fire, a fire, there are small children there, i went there soon, we arrived there, everything was burning there, it was already burning badly. that day, marina says, was not the first time anna left her children alone in the apartment; her aunt assures her that her niece has never been a good mother. anya wasn’t ready to be a mother from the very beginning, she wasn’t when she gave birth to them, so when i was still in good health, the children were well-groomed and well-fed. she always loved herself more than anyone , then she began to leave them more, go away at night, bogdan complained to me, woman, she beats us, i ’ll say, show me how she beats, he’ll show his fist like that, i wanted the children to be alive and to be taken to an orphanage, because they would no longer see anything with her, marina is crying, innocent children died a terrible
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death, i think what’s worse? indications for a mother, rather than losing children, well, no, well , for me it is, for me, and then as he decides, it’s already law enforcement agencies, it will be so. anya, why does your aunt say that your children were afraid of you and complained about you. my children never complained about me, but they loved me, both of them. well, you heard what auntie said, the kids told her that mom was even shown hitting her like that. the kids never showed this, never.
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don't believe me with the wiring? i don’t, i think she just left a lighter somewhere within reach, because even the last time i saw bogdan, he was playing with a lighter, that is, he knew how to light it if she was at home i left it somewhere, everything was there like this, and at the same time, in the morning, for some reason, you boarded up the glass with plywood, which you didn’t have, why, they would at least shout out the window to someone that they need help, and you with plywood she hammered the windows that day, and before that, since she
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didn’t have any glass, she put sushi in there... for laundry , they were just like her dogs hanging on this dryer, waving their hands, what happened, children, anya, why didn’t you have any glass at all? initially, when i moved into this apartment, there was half there, there was half, there was half, half, there was glass, half, there was no glass, i spent the whole winter in a blanket and, well , i covered the windows with a blanket, first covered them with film, then covered them with blankets so that the house was warm, i personally called and said, sister, my heart almost stopped right now, what happened, i almost lost ruslan, and where were you, and i was resting in the next room, someone came knocking from the street, take off the handle and stand, based on what i hear from your words, i understand that you constantly had to worry about anna's children, of course, of course, she’s a really bad mother, but in my opinion you can’t even call her that, a mother, what a mother, she’s slandering, i’m now left alone,
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there’s no one to defend myself.
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or they didn’t even come to them, they even came no , she came and saw that everything was fine, although the kids were always dirty, always undressed, and by the way, you know, it’s so painful to even realize that they bought suits for the children to wear for the funeral, i’m collecting a bag for ruslan, a bag for bogdan, i have it here in my soul, lord, even if they die, children will wear new things, andrey, if indeed, relatives signaled many times, why did they sting? could have remained without a reaction, i believe that here there was an omission of an employee of the guardianship and support agency who should have checked all the complaints, all the signals, come to see how the children were living, what the living conditions were and the broken windows in the winter, this was already clear,
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a decision should have been made about going to court to limit parental rights or deprive parental rights, now a tragedy has occurred, unfortunately, children have died, employees of the competent authorities will bear responsibility for not... paying attention to this family before, yes, it is the employee of the body that is authorized to control and supervise the upbringing of minors, he will have to bear responsibility, including criminal liability, the exits of the guardianship authorities, pdn, and so on, all this is recorded, and most likely they made a conclusion, an inspection of the home, and since they did not go to court with restrictions, with deprivation of parental rights, then there were no grounds. anna, have guardianship officials checked your family? pdn. came to see me guardianship authorities, looked at my apartment, made her notes, she said, although they were shouting there, take the children there, they are not in proper shape, yes, there are neighbors there, she turned straight and said, i don’t see
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anything like that i took it now, well, i tore the children away from their mother, there are toys, she says, show me the things, i showed all the things, she says, show me, what did you cook today, i opened the pan for her, i said, here... i cooked, well, eat , on the day when the tragedy occurred, she came running, what is julia? yes, she rushed at me the fight screamed: “you are a murderer, you killed your children.” julia, did that happen? yes, anya, when i arrived, your children were lying on the ground, and you were standing there very actively communicating with your neighbors, i didn’t talk to the neighbors, i talked to the police. julia, do you have such a negative attitude towards kanya, only after this tragedy or did something happen before that? scary, only after that, but no, at one time i even tried to communicate with her, i came to her when she was just given this apartment to live there, it was really clean there, then i came to them, who gave her this apartment, i rented this apartment for 5.00 rubles, but
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you didn’t have your own home, no, you didn’t have your own home, and your parents couldn’t help you, i don’t have parents, but where your mother, my mother died, how did she die, wasn’t it you who killed her, did you kill her? what happened to anna's mother? her mother ran away from her, she ran and poked a knife in her back, and nine stab wounds, she just wanted to scare her, did she bear some kind of responsibility? she served 5 years in prison. anna, this is terrible accusation, you really took the life of your mother, the woman who gave you life, she was an alcoholic, she never cared for me, what difference does it make? this is mom, well, at that moment - i’m shocked, you know what, from the fact that you speak as if you did something for granted, i know that i am your version, what happened then, a big conflict between us between happened between mother and daughter, i understand, this is a sin, a very
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big sin, i do not absolve myself of responsibility, i was imprisoned for this, i am for i served it, alexander, i see that you are as terrified as i am, there is a monster sitting in front of us, and you know, what? she is now grieving and worried that she will not receive child benefits, you don’t feel sorry for the children, why did you give birth to them, i gave birth for myself, and not for me now. throw anything at you, but i don’t see a grieving mother in this woman, she didn’t shed a single tear during the entire program, look at her aunt, and she’s sitting there with a dry eye, she doesn’t care, and in general this is the situation, sorry, when they stabbed windows, and the fact that she killed her mother, prompts some thoughts that it was not she who arranged this arson? tatyana agrees with you and anna’s neighbor in the studio tatyana gerget, hello tatyana! hello,
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tatyana, how could anna start a fire in the apartment? on the day of the fire, it was a tragedy, it was on that day that she blocked two windows with lanterns, there were some minutes to run, she came running first, she could have even at least tried to open the doors, she didn’t open them, she ran out immediately, knocked out the door, she and fled, most likely not from home, tanya, how are you doing? even the keys. your children, aren’t you ashamed, you
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’re slandering things now, aren’t you ashamed that i approached my own children, not the children, they talk about you, and no one knows as much as i do marina, this is a terrible version, it seems plausible to you, the man came out for 5 minutes and so on, what is the intent, why kill your children? as the neighbors say, no, if the goal, as other experts say, is to get money, which she didn’t find with them at all, then why are these things, saying, i don’t understand either, but the windows are boarded up, supposedly lost keys that make it difficult to enter the apartment and so on, these windows are blocked, why are the neighbors saying that the children could have fallen out of the window, they used plywood to prevent them from doing this, who supports anna , believes that the jews are in the tragedy no by what
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you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. call to order a commemorative medal toll- free number 800-600. 6805 or on the website medalmishka.rrf. let's support our people. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the mother left her two sons at home alone; in her absence, a fire occurred, during which the boys suffocated with carbon monoxide. tatyana, do you think that anna could have burned her children? because she is a bad mother and does not care about them, or she has already once set fire to this incident, there was a fire intentional by her, at night, as she always does, she locks the children, puts them to bed at 8:00 pm to go for a walk, she was on the first floor of a neighbor, she went out, set fire
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to the room, the sofa, which the room was open, calmly returned, especially calmly. i returned to the same place where i was walking and then continued to sit, this didn’t happen, they said this to me, although i didn’t do anything there at all, yulia, why didn’t you take the children for yourself, you see that the person couldn’t cope, i when i took bogdana from her, last summer in the winter i didn’t have the opportunity, well, plus he was with your mother until he was two years old, but it turns out that last summer he was constantly with me and i told her: “anka, give me bogdan.” . well, it seems like you can take it, i say, no, i need it according to the documents, she wanted to take it from her in general, according to the documents you will give it, according to the documents you won’t give it, you didn’t give it, because you wouldn’t receive children’s benefits and you would have to work i had to go, and you don’t know what it’s like to work, i gave birth to children for myself, money it has nothing to do with it, as they are now
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saying, then why were your relatives raising one of your sons? we lived with an aunt, i didn’t have my own home at that time, i didn’t rent, we... or with an aunt, then i got pregnant, she said: okay, let you walk around pregnant, let bogdan stay with me, yes, well, that was only a year, up to two years, and then my mother just wasn’t in good health anymore, she, well, he couldn’t even walk, when i started, this, and my mother even moves around the apartment with a crutch, and it’s like a hurricane, while my mother i got up, he’s already in the kitchen, it’s impossible to sit still, tatyana, i understand that you don’t believe anna at all, but anna voiced the version: that the tragedy occurred due to the fact that there was simply a short circuit in the socket, yeah, you can allow that, guess i can’t do this, let’s say that there was a short circuit in the outlet, these are these extension cords that you are on your own.
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that’s all, i propose to see what the apartment looks like after the fire, empty openings instead of windows, the facade of a two-story apartment building blackened by soot in the village of krasnoglinny, novosibirsk region, suggests horror. it was here that a fire broke out on may 30. the sons of thirty-six-year-old anna shcherbina, three-year-old bogdan and two-year-old ruslan, were alone in the apartment at that moment. i ran, screamed, help, people, children are burning. in a matter of seconds, she climbed the wooden stairs and opened the front door, but the flames were hot, the woman says. i opened it, and
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there was already smoke, smoke and this fire, i don’t remember who had already taken me out, then everything was like a fog. anna sighs, remembering how her laughter used to echo throughout the house. boys, the apartment was clean and cozy, now there are only charred walls, black boards and burnt ones.
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i won’t let them in until the guardianship authorities come and take them away, this is some kind of extreme degree of despair, it’s impossible to fix anything, it’s very difficult to look at these shots, olga, i see you with tears in my eyes, just me in general it’s even impossible to listen to you, because how can she tell you so calmly, here are the toys left, seeing the death of your children is simply impossible, even a feeling of regret, sorry, i can’t, tatyana, what do you think, what responsibility? tatyana, you say that anna needs to be punished, but her second cousin thinks that she needs to
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be supported and not condemned. in the studio natalya burdochkina. hello, natalya, natalya, why is everyone so up in arms against anna, because the children died, they all behave like this, they all left her, she became. how did we leave? why did she move a kilometer away? yes of course how to approach? i stood watching like this, and you, as a friend, tried to intercede? i stand up for to this day, she’s been with me since the third of the month; she can’t live with me all the time, of course she’s left without everything, of course. why doesn’t she care, let’s calmly, please explain to us what kind of money we are talking about? she received the children's,
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the children's just arrived on the third, we blocked the card so that she could withdraw it from her passport, they had debts there, i think we'll pay off the debts, the balance, from them and from her, why from her, we'll give her the rest her for housing, because she is from a chinese man from 1931, she is with me, even on at the funeral, no one approached her, as if she was completely insensitive, you know? in these shots, smiling, happy and carefree boys pose at home and during walks, and here the eldest son bogdan is on
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the shore of the novosibirsk reservoir. in this photo. the children are enjoying the cake that their mother bought them, and this is a photograph of the whole family, anna captured this moment just 3 days before the tragedies, you can’t look at these shots without a lump in your throat, anna, how did you survive the boys’ funeral? it was hard, then, when they buried me, i stayed, i probably stayed for an hour, maybe even more, i was at the grave, i cried, i sobbed, for me it was, well , as if i had not buried my children, but my children were running around somewhere. now they will return to me, your niece assures that everything was different, she was amazed by your behavior at the funeral, in our studio evgenia rong, hello, evgenia, hello, evgenia, what surprised you so much about anna’s behavior at the funeral? i was surprised by her indifference, she approached one coffin, went to the second to stand to the side, maybe
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the mother was so shocked, i’m not so i think i’m heartbroken, or it wasn’t like it. played out to the public more, because the mother killed by the golem would not behave like that, she didn’t even put flowers, wine, or even a couple of sweets on the grave of her children, and after the funeral, how did she behave? after the funeral , she decided to have a party behind the house, so she called her friends and decided to just have a party, now, in your opinion, anya doesn’t feel sorry for the children either, she absolutely doesn’t feel sorry for the children, a mother who loves her children, she won’t beat them , she... will leave them at home closed, tie them to chairs, tie, just recently she wanted to buy a high chair from me for feeding, but she refused when she saw it because there were no belts, she said how i would tie them and didn’t bother with it, did you really tie up children, no, you i had so much for feeding, until ruslan was a year old, i sat him down and fed him, then i took this chair
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apart and threw it in the trash, what they slander, i don’t tie them up.
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long before the tragedy, her eldest son seemed to have a presentiment of trouble. for 3 days in a row i say: “mom, i love you, the child has not left me. mom, i love you, mom, why, i myself didn’t pay any attention to these words, maybe i would have prevented this tragedy, crying my eyes out, the woman assures that she is only to blame for the fact that she could n’t save my sons, i.
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i deliberately set it on fire and i don’t want to believe it, i think that i loved as best i could. crocodile tears, i would describe it that way, because, well, honestly, i don’t believe in sincerity, it’s just really borderline, because you can’t treat your children like that, she had to run in, no matter what state she was in and get the kids out. galin, tell me, maybe she’s so worried, i can’t imagine that a woman who has lost two sons can’t help but feel absolutely nothing and pretend to cry. well, she has protective mechanisms working on her face, one of the mechanisms is to present a special picture, what her relatives call deception, fiction, this is how her brain works, this really happens, her brain learned in childhood to work with some traumatic situations through imagination of special pictures, and here it is hers
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saves. the second defense mechanism is attack. this is aggression, it seems to me that the most painful thing for anna will be to find herself on the outskirts, rejected by everyone, and experience this loneliness. she now really looks safe only for the reason that she came up with this visual vacuum picture for herself, according to which, she has already, she has already lived through the death of her children, can the mother who buried the children be held responsible for the tragedy that occurred? we will continue to understand immediately after the short advertisement, in different documents from a twenty-seven-year-old resident of volgograd has different surnames, in the first document... abilov eldar mirzaguseinovich, a second birth certificate, it already says khamzatkhanov eldar guseinovich, my mother left, leaving me, i did not have any documents with me, i brought a fake document with my homeland, the most important thing
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he still doesn’t have a document, when he turned 14 years old, i went to the passport and table and made documents for him, they told me, i think it’s fake, the man is afraid of deportation, because one of the birth certificates states that he was born in baku, the migration service... i was detained, you don’t have a real document, you were born in azerbaijan, can the man prove that his homeland is russia, will he be able to establish his identity? i have a girlfriend, she is now pregnant, in her fifth month, i would like my child to grow up before my eyes, with my last name, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. there is ascafen p at an affordable price and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headache and migraine. ascafen for headaches. invite a friend to get a black debit card from t-bank before june 30,
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the ear with an awl is like a fingerprint, you can make a psychological portrait of this person, but is he alive or, this is a mystery, the highest measure, a series based on real events, premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, a resident of novosibirsk buried two young sons who died during a fire, and her relatives and friends believe that she herself... is to blame for the tragedy. evgenia, is anna now showing aggression towards those around her? it seems to me that the fact that she says that she will burn down the house in which people live is aggression. is she telling the neighbors? she says openly, she called her mother to go home, which she set on fire, that is, the house in which the children died, she is threatening, yes, she has already burned it and is threatening to set it on fire again. no, no, i, no, i never did.
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mother of the children, now a case has been opened, yes, they have been opened, but under what article was the case opened? i don’t know, they didn’t tell me anything , why should they have, marina? most likely here death by negligence, article 109, a preventive measure should be chosen as part of a criminal case, because the punishment for this crime is up to 4 years in prison, this is a medium-sized crime gravity, the mother should not have left the children alone, these are young children, and accordingly she has already violated.
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dn and guardianship authorities, i would like to send a question there: did they even know?


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