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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  June 20, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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black soil, intense downpours with thunderstorms and hail, and again rivers will flow through the streets, gusty winds will bend and break trees, be extremely careful and avoid shaky structures, in the south everything is calm for now, in the crimea without precipitation it is hot like summer, in st. petersburg it will get colder to +18, in moscow rain, strong wind and +22, sunny on friday, extreme measure, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. for me, this is a departure from the old, fresh, bright, bold, sizes, softness, colors, everything for large and small forms. make purchases at pyaterochka, save up electronic stickers buy a towel from an italian brand from 1 rub. collect the entire collection. bravisimo and high quality. pyaterochka helps out. in the sportsmaster.
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half prices for world and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. bailiffs premieres from monday at 22:10 on ntv. thank you honey! god forbid, why did you
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do this, i don’t know, it’s a pity, it’s a pity for whom, these beggars are a real mafia, and that this granny, and this granny, otherwise who would be standing here. hello, hello, look, mukhtar, you see, worker, get ready for everything today finish, don’t bother me, you won’t have time today , you’ll have time tomorrow, by the way, i’m going fishing tomorrow, saturday, i understand. what
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you say, fishing, yeah, and lyudmila let me go, imagine she let me go, she probably understands that summer is passing, and i ’ve never been fishing, but what about summer, youth is passing, and you’re still going fishing? on fishing, oh, youth, my belarus, yes, don’t get distracted, otherwise your fishing will be covered under the burden of reporting, don’t scribble, right? i’m silent, well, old man, you were warned, good luck, no need, grandfather, we will help you they warned me, it was my own fault, they killed
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me, and so, oh, will you go out at dawn?
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you sit on the shore with a fishing rod and look at the water, and there is silence, yes! my wife wouldn’t bother me right now, i just can’t concentrate, so come with me, kolosov is listening, what’s going on and where? fishing is over, of course. yes, there is, i’m leaving, there was a gang attack in the area of ​​the underground passage, there was a live wound,
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where the victim was, he was taken to the hospital by ambulance, they said. the sixth they took him away, they say the old man will recover, the knife hit his belt with a sliding wound, there are witnesses, so we asked all the locals, no one saw anything, no one saw this old man either, i saw him, the wound is not dangerous, but given the age of the patient, there was a lot of blood loss, i understood everything, i need 5 minutes, but without you, if possible, okay , ok, ok, nikolaevich, you can talk, you know those who attacked you, you have seen them before,
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the granny always stood there, so devout. yesterday i was going, there was no granny, but the grandfather was standing there, this one, i was also wondering if this was her husband, so they have a family contract or something, well, i don’t know, but maybe the granny was sick, and she didn’t want to lose the place, a bread place, and this place, yes, i saw, they served her well, how... to put pressure on people’s pity, but the grandfather is not the same, it’s unlikely that anyone will give it to him, why is this? well, you know, you also need to be able to ask, but he stands there, his head lowered,
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he can barely pull his hand, either he’s collecting alms, or he’s waiting for his grandmother, well, i immediately thought, he’ll be in pargara. his patrons, since he was caught, decided to hang all the dogs on him, do you think he ran away not from us, but from them, they are choosing everyone who can know him as an executioner, it seems to me that someone is coming after me, i am afraid, stay there, i will arrive soon, your brother is getting rid of everyone who knew about his past, are you sure that he will not get through you so that they finally catch you, all your life, alex the fierce, the case of orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, from june 29 at 13:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, opeppt can help. it
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a unique destiny, a unique culture , unique people, original and complete mysteries, with a broad soul and rich. a country that never ceases to amaze. discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. well, in general, no one saw anything, no one knows anything. what did you want? the place is a bread place. do you know how much a professional beggar earns? how many?
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multiply your salary by two, or even three, oh well, maybe retrain? what will you do? i’ll also lend you a mukhtar , no, i’m afraid they won’t believe me, the mukhtar looks too well-fed. the foam is long gone, if she doesn’t learn anything from the old man, it’s like a hanger we’ll catch you, oh, i wouldn’t want to, it’s really terrible, it was a shame to ask, well, when i remember, what a pain. natasha’s eyes are in your eyes, and those who
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attacked you, you said that you knew them, they drove me away, they say you can’t ask here, well, i was scared, i thought the police would take me away, we need you to write a statement to identify them, yeah. “daughter, i’m afraid, ivan nikolaevich, you have nothing to fear, we guarantee you protection, but you understand that without your help.” “we won’t be able to catch them, if you catch them , you’ll catch them, their little ones will be left free, i’d rather lie here and return home to my wife, because if anything
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happens to me, she can’t live without me, the doctor asked me to remind her, 5 minutes have passed. nikolayevich, you get better, please, the doctors say that it’s not serious early, you’ll be discharged soon, i still beg you, let’s return to our conversation once again, because without your help we won’t be able to put them in jail, i’m afraid. luda, well, you and i agreed that i was going fishing, did you forget or what? well, you let me go yourself, yes, i have the car from artyom i'll take it. okay, that's it, come on, bye, there's no time,
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why are you unharnessing my car? yes. i took bulenki, but he has some problems with the injector, but you won’t give it to me, or what? i'll give it to you, how can i refuse the best fisherman on the planet? i'll bring you some fish for that. tolik, you shouldn’t have gone to the cops, but gotten a job as a fisherman. whatever is not a day is a holiday. oh, what is this? so sour, little bastard, you’re the only one who makes me happy, my good one. len, did you find out anything? yes, seryogin remembered them, says that they repeatedly approached him and drove them away. i wish they were there tributes are constantly being collected. well, let's go there with him, let him identify him. no, he won’t go anywhere, he won’t identify anyone, he won’t write a statement. fears.
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there is no evidence, no one will claim it. more expensive for ourselves, so we caught the hangman, but what if we cause fire ourselves, for example, well , make them light up, change our clothes and provoke. and what, in my opinion, is a great idea, guys, just not tomorrow, i have fishing, tolya, but you still don’t have a car, you yourself already said that you want to retrain as a beggar, so i don’t i understood what the hints were. please,
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leave me alone, i won’t put on this trash, tolik, come on, for my sake, tolik, or you put it on. or you'll go fishing on foot, lord, what do i look like ? you really didn’t look like a mug, besides, you also shaved it today, you know,
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yes, if only there was stubble, len, but what if we... give him a black eye, no, you you know, it’s better to stuff it to make it more believable, however, the holy fool was offended, they took a pretty penny, so tolik, let’s try, ask me, come on, ask, ask, give me the car for fishing, bastard, shchepkin, i don’t believe it, i’m also stanislavki, you know stop chatting already, we need to get down to business. uh-huh, now i believe it, damn it, why are you so little, but hold on, and why is this, i’m telling you, they walk around with these sprouts. well, handsome, brilliant, so what 's wrong with you, seryogin? oh, grandfather, where am i, just a minute, young man, later,
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and nikolai nikolaevich, so we’re questioning a witness, okay, so you ’re questioning a blind man, he didn’t see anything, but he heard, yes, well, okay, okay, let’s proceed, i won’t interfere. well, tolik, a genius , we’ll give you one small touch left, but an important one, mukhtar, for sure, is a blind dog cook. please submit your love operation,
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please submit for your surgery, please submit for your surgery, thank you, please submit for your surgery, young man. add a little more to the ten, but you’re blind, i hear from the characteristic crunch that it’s a ten, give it to surgery, please, it’s necessary, as if this is all i’ve been doing all my life, handsome, he ’s treating everyone today, he’ll save money not only for beer, but for fish, give it to a blind man for surgery.
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yes, i know,
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nothing, i don’t know, i walked from the church, to the holy square, kissed myself, but my legs are sore, i can’t stand for a long time. but how are you asking your grandmother in the side, or what? who is it, who is it that is asking for mercy, god bless you, my pension is small, but it’s enough, how many old women do i need, a guest, a glass of cereal, something bad, we have a witness here one, mrs. pavlova, yes, she claims that she saw you in the passage, she even gave you a begging favor, but how can he take such a sin for himself? yes, this did not happen, who is pavlova? well, let’s call in person, remember, but don’t, don’t, don’t,
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don’t, i remembered, lord, lord, i also collected for the saint’s church, well, is this a sin, mother abbess instructed me, well... . mother superior, what is her name? domna vasilievna, may she rest in heaven, so eternal, would she be alive, she would confirm everything i gave her a penny there, lord, but what ’s wrong now, the law has come out that you can’t collect money for the temple of god, and where did your grandmother get such a poor cell phone, better tell me, lord, but it’s hanging on every sapryak, and why don’t i man or what? yes, and if i get lost, you know how old women get lost in the catacombs, and then they brought a corpse, i don’t know whose, or what - i immediately called a loved one, well, of course. that means we are
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poor, but not beggars, in march 53, near vladimir, a corpse was found with a broken ear exactly 12 cm, and then in sixty-four not 11 kopecks fault, exactly 12, exactly in the twenties there was such a thief, ivan burdasov, so he killed with a blow to the ear, i’m sure that we will find all the answers to questions in burdasov’s past, but now you need to think not... in the past after june 1941 burdasov was no longer seen anywhere, an elusive maniac from the past, and if we assume that burdasov did embroider, to look for the living among the dead, the dead among the living, oh, you kindled my curiosity, in a series based on real events, damn it, mommies, they are killing us one by one, something is wrong with this hospital
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yes, they are sick. too moral, and if still in court, he will express his special opinion, the ultimate measure, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. alex fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. tun eye drops were created specifically for nutrition, restoration and youthful eyes. triple action for eye health. sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best percentage. polaris technology discount up to 70%. or kedo kedos and flip-flops with discounts of up to 65% on yandex market. picador,
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of course, in order for the dog to fall out, but your dog doesn’t bite, otherwise you know, i ’ve been afraid of dog dentists since childhood. timid, that means, yeah, very timid, i stopped stuttering for 3 days, your dog bit me, i’m afraid i’ll start stuttering again, and the knife you took out, what a knife, and the feathers, or something, boss, this knife has a knife, climb, ours is 2 cm shorter, there is no lock, so it doesn’t fall under edged weapons, you’re good. knowledge of criminal law, you write, write, but about the fact that arms were twisted, yes, write too, write everything, very good, just don’t get distracted, uh-huh, i
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’ll write more about this, by the way, my mother told me, well, she saw on tv that all sorts of bandits dress up on purpose. listen, stop explaining, why are you yelling at me, but my mother told me that my police should take care of me and protect me, when they offend me, then my beloved mothers and acquaintances, and oh, what a good lawyer! so, you claim that you played in transition for the second time, yes, yesterday and today, but is this forbidden, but how do you
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you think, i don’t know, they told me that it’s possible, who, girlfriend, we study together. so what's your girlfriend's last name? surname? why do you need a last name? you will have to inform your place of study. where do you study? at the conservatory? i’m finishing, no need to report anywhere, please. okay, i won’t tell anyone, but on one condition: you must tell me the whole truth,
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so who put you in this place, are you ready to tell me everything, i haven’t heard, but i ’ll tell you everything, that’s good. forgive me, i need to step away for a minute, while you put yourself in order, let's go, let's go out, mukhta, listen, i’m a dog, what are you allowing yourself to do, but stop being jealous of me, i’m not breeding crooks, i’m bringing down criminals, understand? “come on, get to the point of what you ’re rubbing into me, and you ’re going to rub it in with your bosses when they force him
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to answer the prosecutor’s report, listen, are you scaring me or something, why should you scare me, you ’re already scared, you’ve already turned away “ we don’t have anything on us, just pockets.” whoa, witnesses, where are the witnesses, who saw, who saw, i ask you, did you see, so you seemed to be blind? what are you doing, mukhtar, maybe your dog is everything? i saw, but let them write a complaint against me, for a tuzik, bite, ugh, mukhtar, then i ’ll bring such a cart to court against your owner that you’ll have to work for me all your life. i said, stop explaining, sivakov, otherwise i’ll put you
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on hold for 15 days, understand? you can do this , citizen-boss, without any questions, but remember, you have to answer for everything, for this too, and after the audition, the main director said that they could take me to the orchestra, but for this you need a good instrument. do you know how much a good flute costs? expensive, my roommate in the dorm is here i got sick, the temperature was 40, in general, i was lucky , i was lucky that my friend got sick, of course, i first took her place, you can’t just get there, she’ll immediately kick you out, the neighbor promised that if i worked for her, she would recommend me, and i didn’t deceive her, no, i worked for her for a whole week. and then she introduced me to the owner, which means that the head
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of the artel is a woman, yes, victoria pavlovna, it was she who put me in this place, it was a stupid idea from the very beginning, why stupid, because i wasn’t stabbed, such sheep like me, who agree to such adventures, usually. down the drain, you know, instead of operational activities, we are engaged in a booth with dressing up, and where is the result, there is no result, you know, don’t get angry, there is something, yes, for example, for example, we know that the artel of beggars is led by a woman.
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woman? do you know how much a flute player has to pay for her place every day? well, how much? 1. rub. wow, a serious company? still would. by the way, they have a meeting tomorrow at two. money, or what? company employees. and for what reason collection? the girl doesn't know. she recently got a job there. wow, that’s how they process work records. do you know where the office is? on krasnopresnenskaya. the beggars have an office in the city center. strongly. helen, i told you that this is the mafia. okay, the mafia is not the mafia, you have to think about how to hook them. we will be able to hook them if seregina survives the frost. only then will we be able to pull the thread to the mistress. so, then, i think that the grandmother and the flittist should be released, but we will detain the hairheads until the morning. yeah, overnight they will realize everything and split, so, and tomorrow
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i’ll bring seryogin, he refused, i ’ll try to come to an agreement with him, ivan nikolaevich, just don’t worry, please, okay, it ’s a shame that my daughter brought me, i don’t remember anything or anyone. ivan nikolaevich, you have nothing to fear, point out the criminals to us, we must punish them, come on, ivan nikolaevich, look carefully, do you know any of these people?
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no, ivan nikolaevich, don’t worry, please look again, maybe you’ve met someone before, no, my dear, i haven’t, that’s clear. ivan nikolaevich, then let’s draw up an identification report, take him away. it turns out we caught them in vain, we’ll have to let them go, ivan nikolaevich, but you recognized the one who attacked you, i don’t remember them well,
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maybe he wasn’t the one who left, the paradox happens when they have a knife in their hand, everyone shouts: “police, police , catch the bandits." when the police catch you and take away the knife, no one wants to recognize them, but ivan nikolaevich, sign here that you have no complaints against us or the bandits, nothing, next time we’ll catch them when they kill someone, that’s what i saw - that them briefly, but no, we understand, of course you didn’t remember them, maybe someone else who remembers will not be afraid, but no. they’re afraid, you were also afraid yesterday when he rushed at you with a knife? yes, yesterday tolik took your place, well, in order to provoke them, they wanted to catch those who attacked you, they caught them, but apparently in vain, no one
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can identify them, ivan nikolaevich, dear, what are you afraid of? but they won’t spare anyone, neither old nor small, the day before yesterday they attacked you, yesterday they almost killed a lot of them, today we let's let him go, and tomorrow they will kill someone. ivan nikolaevich, help us, okay, daughter, i’ll show you the one who stabbed me with a knife, prepare the money, money.
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“please, from next week the pay will increase, how much? one and a half instead, so much, baby, i have a queue of people who want to, so think, think, with us, who are you, what do you want, don’t shout like that, we just want” ?
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man, chief accountant in the interrogation room, documentation on the company’s activities there, well done, great job, in dakivanna, and you here too, have a nice meeting. how are you? fantastic. according to the documents , it turns out that hundreds of people worked for this madam, can you imagine? and what percentages were paid for bread places? just look at the door, all the transitions are written out there. this is a whole cartel for the poor, a well-oiled
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mechanism. yes, people worked, but not for me, for themselves. i, unlike you, gave money to people. “that’s exactly it, victoria palovna, you will say in court, in order to get out of bed, a woman first has to crawl and then get on her knees, it puts pressure on the organs, sometimes i can’t stand up or do anything, my back constantly hurts, it’s all because of the heavy weight, the ugly belly hanging almost to the knees, well, there are hernias, there are hernias, and how many hernias do you have, two even? maybe three how much do you feel your hernia weighs? 30-40 kg. i can’t imagine how difficult it is for an exhausted mother of two children who has turned into a completely helpless person. healthy
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life, give as much love as possible to your children, husband, can i help her? we carried out examinations on the patient, in particular a computed tomography scan of the abdominal organs , which showed the presence of a rather complex pathology: this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. about the sale in honor of ozone's birthday. we give many discounts up to 80%. lavmi bed linen for 1.179 vinarus - the choice of millions for varicose veins vinarus can help 1 2 3 one tablet
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features a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the shipping cost - 349 rub. call and order a commemorative medal toll- free number 800. 60068-05 or on the website medalmishka.rrf. let's support our people. capital punishment, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday. we love traditions and honor our history. we value family, strong
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relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, i don’t know about madam, but these bandits get a five-star rating, and you’re great. well done everyone, what did you want? did i introduce you to the order? and what does the order have to do with it? and the weekend is down the drain again? what are you talking about? well, this matter is more complicated. nikolai nikolaevich, we went to work on saturday to catch these scumbags? so it was your own initiative, you didn’t inform your superiors, i didn’t know anything about it, of course, initiative is punishable, a fair
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point, artyom, at least give me time off, huh? hotguls, come on, it’s not like you have to work hard without days off, who’s going to work? nikolai nikolaevich, have a conscience, come on at least we’ll go for a walk one by one, okay, whatever happens, go for a walk tomorrow, let me go, go. well, are we going to rest tomorrow? are you suggesting that we beg for alms again, or what? no, i just wanted to ask you to fix my injector. len, i’m sorry, for god’s sake, i can’t. there are so many things planned for tomorrow. they’ll teach
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mukhtar to play the flute, but this is serious, and you, i’m going fishing, len, okay, bye, bye, len, happily, so, you’re giving me a car, you know, it’s not a good idea to walk to the conservatory, wait, who, we agreed, i'm sorry, plans have changed, just ask. i have fish in a hungry year, i won’t naked your car anymore, understand? yes, okay, sit down, i’ll at least give you a ride home, no, thank you, we are not proud people and we’ll get there ourselves, as you know?
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start it up! and what has your conscience tormented you, lenka,
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hello, so we decided to fix your car, yes, tell her how you got me out of bed at 5 am, on a day off, at 5:00 am, lenka, well, that’s what i thought , the car is still broken down, yes, we fixed it, maybe i ’ll go fishing with it, if you don’t mind, no, well then they fixed it, i don’t mind, but my wife let me go, lem, she’s so kind to me, she said, tolik, go to hell, bye,
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dark one. you give me a ride to the center, you have your own car, you’re kidding me, why did you give me so much of it, he asked me, but i didn’t give it to him, so you go to the center on foot, i ’ll kill you someday, article 105, part one, let's go to.
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i don’t even understand what i’m doing here, i’m a respectable businessman, yuri alekseevich, well, we also thought that you were a serious businessman. so it is, listen, can you even imagine, how much does one hour of my work cost, i imagine, 100 thousand dollars, as evidenced by this receipt, read it, i think you are familiar with this document, no, judging by this receipt,
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where did you get this receipt? confiscated during the seizure of documents. elena vladimirovna. maybe it will work out? no, alekseevich, it won’t work out. taking into account the bribe that was given to the notary, as evidenced by these testimonies. if you don’t want to get acquainted, if you don’t want to, elena
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vladimirovna, take your mind off the papers, look out the window, there’s a black man standing there mercedes. it can become yours, i'm afraid alekseevich, you misunderstood me, this receipt costs more, right, okay, then name your price. well, it’s a fake, plus a bribe, i think, 15 years of your life,
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sign here, what is this, i’m under arrest, or what? this is a subscription not to leave, go home and think carefully about your affairs. and very soon we will meet again, and aren’t you afraid that i will run away? i’m not afraid, alekseevich, i just think that your partners won’t appreciate it, run away from us, they will look for you, take a pass. i am free? yes yes, yes, hello, nakhtar, what, tem, paradox, yes,
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where does such a lot of money come from, why is there so little of it? have you forgotten that it’s ulyanov’s birthday? i, no, you always remind me of this, in what sense? when i see the intense work of thought on your brow, i immediately begin to remember that today is brusnikin’s birthday. what thoughts, tolya? what to give? so i ask you, what are we going to give? the best gift is a book. criminal code illustrated with comics. there is another proposal, smart guy, to be honest, well, there are zero versions, i knew it myself, so what? and i personally brought out a new law, what law?
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in order to buy a gift, you need to know the amount you can spend on it, got it, genius, feel superfluous next to a genius, feel as you want, spend money, and what ’s all this? where is the stash, that’s it, tyoma, let’s buy lenin’s favorite perfume and calm down, that’s right, but the idea is not original, but to calm down, of course we’ll buy her perfume, do you even know what kind she uses, hello, i thought you knew , well, at least i know that they are not cheap. well, what
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name? can't you tell by smell? what? perfume? am i a dog, or what? and you don't have a scent sample. please, here is her folder, it even smells, well, it fits, let's go to the store, let's go, yes, okay, we agreed. have a seat,
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tea, coffee, no, thank you, what problems do you have, i don’t know how to start, some time ago, i needed money to develop my business, so you turned to garransi. how do you know? well, yes, a specialist in non-standard cases, in general, i carelessly left a receipt, very carelessly, well, to put it correctly, i offered the receipt myself, but why? however, it doesn’t matter anymore, the receipt. from the cops, they
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thoroughly took care of you, i understand correctly, yes, yes, well, you can go with the simple option, ransom, well, that is, a bribe, they offered, yes, they offered, the investigator, she refused, who is in charge of your case? brusnikina, elena vladimirovna, okay. “i will undertake to solve your problem, thank you, but it will cost you, so much, this is an advance, you will pay exactly the same amount at the end of the case, okay, yes.
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and a criminal with a gun? yes, yes, the only evidence is the perfume she
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wore. it's clear. what perfume did she use? this is exactly what we want to know. here is her folder with documents. could you identify the perfume by them? not that seriously? yes, smell it. it’s hard to say, but the handwriting is good, maybe you can describe her to me, and i’ll pick something suitable, the fact is that we need to find exactly the perfume that she uses, well, what are we going to do, we have a great sniffer, we will surrender to the will of the professionals, girl, you offer us something, and we will choose, okay? please, well, at least these, and
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not him, mukhtar, oh, mukhtar, meet me, zhanna, i like it, it’s very nice. so, what are you doing here? we are studying your car, how it drives, yes, in general, like everyone else, wheels, well, that’s understandable, i want one like yours, i suggest swapping them. in terms of? look how handsome he is. you give me yours, plus one document, you are leaving
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to celebrate your birthday with a good gift, i have already told kiss a very long time ago that he values ​​15 years of his precious life too cheaply, listen, why are you showing off, you can never do that with your salary if you earn money, take it, i 'll take you to the monkey house, if you want, it's nearby, the girl doesn't understand jokes, and what's next, and i wanted to do it in an amicable way, we'll negotiate like an adult.
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or maybe he needs ground coffee, why? you see, after the second sample the aromas are difficult to entertain, and ground coffee brings back abani, no, mukhtar is not one of those who looks for easy ways. you know, there was something japanese there. what a smart dog you have, and your criminal has good
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taste, that is, that is, and... could you wrap them in gift wrapping? well , of course, thank you, i would have enough money for a month, congratulations, what do you suggest? well, i don't know, we can. which is then inconvenient. mukhtar said that she uses precisely these spirits. don't be boring. then we'll still have enough for a bottle of champagne,
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what do you want? they'll find out now. oh, andrey, come in, you weren’t expecting it. oh, where's lena? stays late at work. sorry, lyubov palovna. but i would like to talk to her, yes, of course, but i think everything has already been said between you, forgive me, love is full, but it’s up to us to decide, yes, i think you really need to start all over again, but not with lenochka, we have a wonderful
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woman in tver, guys, tolik is probably with her, but i’ve long since gotten used to tolik not being with us, really in fact, i’m so glad that i was able to come to you today, and mukhtar will come to telena’s birthday, but of course, we won’t sit at the table without him, and we’ll put the dog at the table, definitely, no, i’m just figuratively speaking,
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wow , such a society, and the doors are wide open, oh, people, you don’t take care of yourself, zhanata petrovna, the door is open especially for you, however, vladimir pavlovich, you know, i had one client, a man, so he forgot to close the door of his own apartment, painted, painted like a picture, zhanette petrovna, there are children here, yes, children, hi, hi, oh, daniil, why are you so boring? well, are you so boring? let 's clap! june 22, the day of memory and sorrow. refrigerator slepkov destroyed at least two snipers from the magnificent seven. 24 20, 27, another 15, november 4, 25, as soon as i found out about
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you, about the 598 killed fascists , it’s all nonsense, i see you’re not a fan of talking. and what is this story of one hero, subordination to you, this word is familiar, what? excuse me, he simply cannot fool us, most often those who do not fit the the general comb is usually called some kind of abnormal, i’m normal, all this is strange, strange, not strange, but it’s a fact, the red army soldier slepkov eliminated the enemy’s developed group, and as it happened, he smelled moonshine. stuy samogosh, they published about you in the newspaper, it’s june 22 at 17:00, on ntv. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum, have time to open it before the end of june. the
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maxim litovchenko, if he is cured, then he is in the wall, and if he is released to the birds, then the doctor is in the wall. igor ilivanov, in 1937 they conducted the investigation in the same way, without going into the essence of the issue, just to accuse alexander bukharov. another suicide, there are only deaths around the hospital, but this is only the beginning, the ultimate measure, it has created such a mess, shaken up so many people. premiere from monday. at 20:00 on ntv. what should i do with you? how can i
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get a receipt from you? you know? tell yours a kiss that he would have served 15 years in prison, but now he has the full potential, just like you. smart girl, maybe you can remind me of the article? oh, phone, what should i do? and you answer, tell us who we are, where? who should we invite to visit us? no, well, i have no idea or what? come on, give it here. very interesting. listen, crimea, say it like a specialist. what are these keys for? from the safe? right. come on, escort the lady to
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the apartment. arrange it, do everything in the best possible way, let's go, what have you done, why did you bring her here? as if from frost, from frost you say, yes, and you we have one clean one, he’s used to smiling at his grandmother in an envelope, but do you even understand what the kidnapping of a police officer will be like, you and i agreed that you will just solve my problems, everything, do you hear, shut your mouth, sit down, listen, sit down, i tell you i say, well, okay, we agreed to solve your problems, and we
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will solve them, but if you... khruev, in my opinion, and so, crimea, listen here, well, kohl, are you going to take a well-deserved rest? so i need to get a general, i need to, i got it, and what, i’m sitting there, writing my memoirs, remembering, well, there’s something to remember,
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yes. and where are you going, everyone is already waiting for you, i love you , well, wait, well, not now, great, guys, kind, it’s a mess, the door is swinging open, well, guys, you have a conscience, it’s lin’s birthday at work, you’re marinating, who , we are lenok, don’t start, where is lenok, hasn’t she come, i’ll open it in a minute, i don’t understand. hello,
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hello, who are you? khorulev, is it with you? yes, come on in. here, give it to him. from whom? he knows. ok, good bye. all the best. and i, strangely, look like lena’s mobile phone to the guests.
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the key along with the phone, hurry up, through i’ll call you back in 40 minutes, tell you where to go, if you’re late, i’ll blame you. what's wrong with lenna? we have 40 minutes to get to the station to fulfill the demands of the bandits. do you think
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it will work? where will he go? does he need to help out the woman? if he brings his tail behind him, don’t be afraid, my guys are experienced, so you’ll get your piece of paper, and then we’ll kill them as soon as we kill them, we didn’t agree at all, this is also murder, can you imagine that we it will be for this, but don’t fuss, it will already be so for you, we are above the roof, her faces are ours i remember, so i’ll have to kill the cops too... no, not at all, or something, but don’t be afraid, no one will force you to pull the trigger, i’m answering you.
10:00 am
negotiations between vladimir putin and the president of the country took place in vietnam, what was discussed and what did they come to? russian artillerymen destroyed a stronghold of militants in the avdeevsky direction, as well as the defeat of the position of the ukrainian armed forces near dugledar. our assault troops took a large stronghold using cunning and speed. all the details. escalation on the lebanese-israeli border. hezbollah cleared up the shelling, tsahal approved the invasion plan. what can this lead to why operations are not limited to.


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