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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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today, comrade president and i adopted a statement that supports the principles of the russian-vietnamese comprehensive strategic partnership, which was specifically discussed on...
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ukrainian resources is not true, and the commission admitted it, which means the ministry of health did not support the idea of ​​banning driving for people over 70 years of age. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. in moscow , parks and summer terraces and cafes were closed due to dangerous weather. a cold front is approaching the capital. it brought thunderstorms, hail and squally winds. showers have already begun over the west and... just south of the capital region , half the monthly norm is promised by lunchtime, and forecasters compare the total volume of precipitation to that of a lake. the weather danger level has been raised to orange, second to last on the scale. in addition, experts predict the formation of tornadoes. the storm is expected to subside overnight. vladimir putin is on a state visit to vietnam today. as a result, the parties are expected to sign about 20 documents. first the turn connects our countries. economic
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cooperation in energy, agriculture and mechanical engineering. report by roman sobor. if the day before vladimir putin received an exceptionally warm welcome in the capital of the dprk, when, as it seemed to us, the entire population of pyongyang lined the streets with bouquets and flags, welcoming the russian leader, today in hanoi our delegation received a wave of warmth of a slightly different kind, in vietnam +40 .
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and monstrous humidity, from which no shade can save. after the honor march guard of a joint photo in phai , russian-vietnamese negotiations immediately begin. strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership with vietnam remains one of our priorities. trade and economic ties are steadily developing. last year's trade turnover. grew by 8%, intergovernmental commissions on both sides are working closely on this; the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between the european union and vietnam certainly contributes to the growth of trade turnover. vietnam buys mineral fertilizers, coal, and food from us. we are interested in the supply of fabrics, coffee and mobile electronics, which vietnam produces in large quantities under licenses. also in vietnam there is a representative office of our banks, gazprom, ras.
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coordinate efforts at key multilateral platforms, including the un, as well as within the framework of the russia-ocean dialogue at east asian summits. we agreed to strengthen cooperation in accordance with the principles of equality, mutual respect, non- interference in each other's internal affairs, based on the principles of the un charter. we will not enter into alliances with third countries in order to harm each other's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. we will also not oppose third countries.
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signed the day before in pyongyang by vladimir putin and kim chin-in. the full text of the document was published by the dprk central news agency. the agreement is valid indefinitely and provides for expanded cooperation in trade, as well as economics, investment, science and technology. but the key point is the article that if one of the parties
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finds itself in a state of war due to an armed attacks by one or more states, the other side will immediately provide military assistance to it with all means at its disposal. the west has already stated that the military alliance between russia and... the ndr violates un resolutions and threatens global security, but as russian foreign minister sergei lavrov noted, only those who are planning aggression against our countries can object to the russian-north korean defense partnership. construction of new and reconstruction of old military infrastructure facilities in primorye andrei belousov inspected today. the minister of defense promised to take the quality and schedule of work under personal control. report by sergei antsigin. as minister of defense. for the first time in russia, andrei belousov visited vladivostok, the main base of the tekhotian fleet. the visit program was intense; the head of the military department first visited the 155th separate guards marine brigade. in the military camp , andrei belousov was informed about the prospects for the construction of new facilities on the territory of the formation and plans for reconstruction
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existing infrastructure. as part of the first stage , three barracks for 400 military personnel each and a canteen for a thousand seats should be built by december 1 next year.
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there is another apartment building waiting to move in. the minister of defense, accompanied by the commander of the pacific fleet, visited two apartments on the ground floor. military personnel receive housing with a fine finish, there are the necessary household appliances and all communications are provided. the new residential complex includes five more unfinished high-rise buildings; their commissioning period was delayed due to problems with financing. andrei belousov noted that the necessary decisions on this issue had been made, ordered to intensify work with
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the destruction of another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, which impeded the further advance of russian assault groups, it was discovered by aerial reconnaissance and transferred the coordinates to the artillery crews of self-propelled howitzers akatsiya, group of troops vostok, excuse me, group of troops , center, about 50 military personnel and artillery mounts were eliminated. surprise ingenuity helped the fighters of the vostok group of troops during the assault on the stronghold point in the ugledar direction. report by sergei pikulin. this is what one of the main fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces in vugledar looks like from the air. large coal-harvesting industrial zone. around the field, and here in every forest belt , the enemy dug in. even approaching the support man is
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a problem. it is not easy to overcome the postcard - as the military calls the open area. first comes serious art preparation. then our machine gunners. our assault troops from transbaikalia are constantly changing tactics, it’s not the bikers who came to the front line, it’s the motorcycles that are almost here. standard equipment, here unique footage, speed of more than a hundred kilometers/h across the field, such a small, extremely maneuverable target, unlike heavy equipment, is difficult to hit, soldiers roll into the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine, the battle begins, i’m right, you’re right, the group works quickly from the air, they are led by ours drone operators, this support tower was cleared in a few minutes, the effect of surprise worked, we have to...
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we have to do it. the movements of the infantrymen in the trench are brought to the point of automaticity. over and over again they run through all possible options and emergency
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situations. such training allows save the lives of our soldiers. sergey pikulin and aleibzhanov ntv. ugledar direction of the special operation. about one and a half thousand children from new russian regions received targeted assistance thanks to the institution of the ombudsman for children's rights. according to children's obbudsman maria lvova belova, work is actively underway to reunite families who. divided during the period of the northern military district, in such matters russia is guided only by verified lists. bebelova noted that there are many fakes, for example, lists of supposedly separated families on the ukrainian war website after verification they turned out to be untrue . a new principle, we checked these lists ourselves, it turns out that most of the families have already been found a long time ago, some do not confirm this information at all, they say that i don’t have such grandchildren there, for example, yes, or we are there together.
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tfl personal income tax. the document was submitted to the government as part of the budget package and is aimed at building a more equitable, balanced tax system. it is assumed that the personal income tax scale will be five-step, the existing base rate 13% will remain for annual income up to 2,400,000 rubles. and then there will be a smooth increase at the highest rate of 22%, for income in excess of 50 million. according to estimates from. the changes will not affect 97% of russians, but even today deputies are considering a number of amendments to the tax
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code. today, through a separate bill that will be considered in the first reading, we hope to introduce a tax deduction, a tax refund, the so-called tax cashback for low-income families. according to government estimates, this will affect half of russian families with two or more children, as has already happened with... it is said that such families will actually pay 6% taxes to the budget, taxes on personal income, both mom and dad. also on the agenda of the state duma meeting is a bill on indexing pensions for military pensioners by 5.1% due to clarification of the inflation forecast. well, the ministry of health did not support the idea of ​​banning driving for people over 70 years of age. more business news. denis talalaev, denis, what was your argument? well, they indicated that if the commission did allow
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a person to drive, then there was no reason to worry. the ministry of health decided not to float the idea of ​​banning russians over seventy from driving. assistant to the minister of health, alexey kuznetsov , said that the proposal does not seem to have been worked out, because a person can drive a car if his health allows him to do it safely for himself and for other road users, and the assessment of health, added alexey kuznetsov, is carried out by a special medical commission , all requirements are clearly regulated. earlier, the shot telegram channel reported that: with a proposal to ban russians over seventy from driving, participants in the russian veterans movement spoke out and even approached the ministry of internal affairs with the idea of ​​developing a joint bill. while on the move , russian veterans said that with age - quote, hearing and vision often deteriorate, reactions slow down, which can lead to increased danger on the road (end of quote). and russian veterans, as
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reported, have the following idea: to arrange stricter medical conditions for older drivers. and even if everything is normal, then issue them a driver’s license not for 10 years, for example, for five, or even less. russian the stock market today bounced up after its three-day decline, not even hampered by the news that the ambassadors of the european union countries agreed on the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia. the eu-observer previously wrote that these would be restrictions on the supply of liquefied gas from russia, the export of helium, trade in ukrainian works of art and access to dual-use technologies. inflation. in russia has already been accelerating for 7 weeks in a row, the ministry of economics reported this based on data from rosstat, as of june 17, annual growth prices 8.46%. at the beginning of may, the ministry estimated this figure at less than 8%. of all the goods and services, according to statistics provided by rosstat, the ones that rose the most last week were potatoes by almost 8% and an economy class plane ticket by 3.7%. that's it,
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this further increases the likelihood that... the russian central bank will raise the key rate at the end of july, but on the other hand, the ruble is now growing powerfully, the official rates for today, which the central bank set without exchange trading, are the dollar 82.63, the euro 89.09, and there have not been such low rates since june last year, and alorbroker analysts do not rule out that if the rapid growth of the ruble continues, the central bank may, on the contrary , lower the rate in order to stimulate import demand for foreign currency, less than... a quarter of russian companies assess their situation as positive. these are the results of a survey from headhunter. they are cited by forbes. at the end of last year , 38% of respondents gave a positive assessment; now the figure is 23%. approximately 49% of businessmen surveyed say their company is in a stable position. more
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while all positive things are observed in it in the financial sector, negativity prevails in retail, hotel and restaurant businesses, and mining. and processing of raw materials, as analysts note, these are precisely those areas where massive hiring of personnel is required. now business is almost unanimous on what the main problem is. 88% of those surveyed by the headhunter portal talk about a shortage of personnel, and company managers most often cite the geopolitical situation, lack of specialists with the necessary skills and demographics as its reasons. egor is all about economics. thank you, denis. at the izhevsk airport, almost as if according to the script of grigory gorin, about boron minchausen , celebrations were combined with arrests, there, to applause, the former deputy head of the udmurtia highway department was detained, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, joyful cries of urai,
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congratulations were applied to the children. athletes who arrived from competitions, and an ex-official nearby was detained for financial fraud during road construction. next is the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us. marrat, what do you have today? a egor, today in the release of a terrible story from the novosibirsk region , the spouses oleg and anna goldinakh have just been arrested, who are accused of murdering a child of a ten-year-old girl. goldinakh asked their friend to look after them while she was on a business trip. investigators know that golden abused the child and... filmed everything , in the end the girl became ill, they had to call an ambulance, already in the intensive care unit the doctors pronounced her dead in kamenka, where the goldens live, there is talk that the couple are adherents scandalous famous sect. egor, yes, thank you, marat, well , at the end of the issue, i suggest looking outside the window of our studio right now, there
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’s just a catastrophic wind starting there, i once again remind you of the warning from the capital’s authorities: do not go outside... and warn your loved ones about this and relatives. see you at 16:00. see you. travel with alfabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. this alpha friday , june 21, we are giving 30% cashback on all flights within russia. and not just profitable, alpha profitable, oh why men are silent, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase contributes...
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1:23 pm
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helps restore memory and attention, help your head work, this loan is just a hit, only at sovcombank, and there’s no need to delay, sovcombank doesn’t just a loan. hit on ntv program emergency in the studio marat seddikov, we are live, scary stories from the novosibirsk region, arrested today the spouses oleg and anna goldinah, who are accused of murdering a child, were asked to look after the ten-year-old girl goldinakh by a friend of theirs; the woman was leaving for a command post.
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under the supervision of guards , oleg goldin, one of the suspects in the brutal murder of a ten-year-old girl, about 50 years old, enters the meeting room; you can’t tell from him that he was interested in occult knowledge, but preferred to practice on a small child who could not withstand the torture associated with supposedly an exorcism, this is one of the versions of the death of a schoolgirl, you really exorcised child of the devil, what happened, please comment while you have the chance. behind the wall from goldin in another room is his wife anna, she was also taken to court for arrest, hiding from the cameras under a checkered scarf, according to investigators , she also took part in...


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