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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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despite increasing pressure from the collective west, vietnam will strengthen political and economic ties with russia, about vladimir putin’s visit to hanoi, roman’s report. marine brigade, a new residential complex for military personnel, a branch of the nafimov school, about the first visit of defense minister andrei belousov to vladivostok, the main base of the techoot fleet, report by sergei antsigin. the assault on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on motorcycles, under carbon, our assault troops took a large strong point, using cunning and speed. sergey has all the details pikulina. guided by the principle of fairness. today the state duma made
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changes to the tax law, who pays how much now, and what new social benefits will be available? anton talpa will tell you. a new ultra-modern pharmaceutical enterprise in st. petersburg. the opening was attended by the city governor and the minister of health. with details ilya fiudotsov. the mir card operator experienced a technical glitch. about the consequences denis tolalayev. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this program today, its presenters are elmira ikhendieva and vladimir chernyshov. which he visited on
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a state visit to hanoi, the head of our state held meetings with all the leaders of this country, including the national leader, secretary general of the vietnamese communist party phu trong. both sides have repeatedly emphasized today that bilateral relations are a priority for both moscow and hanoi. russia and vietnam, as announced after the negotiations, will continue to increase cooperation in the field of defense and security; several important agreements have been signed economic documents, in particular , a russian company will develop an oil field on the vietnamese shelf in the south china sea, about the visit of the russian president to vietnam, roman sobol. in hanoi today there is +40 suffocating humidity, from which no shade can save you, but vladimir putin courageously held an official welcoming ceremony in a clearing near the presidential palace. dialects, firstly, discussed
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the development of trade. vietnam buys mineral fertilizers, coal, food from us, we are interested in supplying fabrics, coffee and mobile electronics, which vietnam produces in large quantities under license. also in vietnam there is a representative office of our banks, gazprom, rosatom, and local businessmen willingly invest in russian projects, helping to develop new fields and build agricultural complexes. at the end of the meeting it was signed.
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the president noted that in the international arena , moscow and hanoi always coordinate their positions and make unanimous decisions on most issues. our countries firmly uphold the principles of supremacy international law, sovereignty, non -interference in the internal affairs of other states, coordinates efforts at key multilateral platforms, including the un, as well as within the framework of the russia-asian dialogue at east asian summits. we agreed to strengthen cooperation in accordance with the principles of equality, mutual respect, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, based on the principles of the un charter. we will not enter into alliances with third countries to harm independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity each other. we will also not act against third countries, we will always contribute to cooperation in the region and the world. hanoi, with asian equanimity , ignored the american protests, although the united states also came. i was invited to a meeting of graduates
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of soviet and russian universities, there are many of them in vietnam, people who are respected and accomplished in their country, they greeted the russian leader with applause. all the applause for me goes to the russian federation and its people, who also have very kind feelings towards vietnam. putin i remembered the long-standing connection between our peoples. the soviet union helped the country defend.
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in modern conditions this looks somehow especially acute, but nevertheless we have changed almost nothing, and the democratic people's republic of korea has similar agreements with other countries, first, further regarding the reasons ... for providing mutual military assistance, also it is written: in case of aggression, military aggression. now, what about ukraine? the ukrainian regime began aggression, but not against russia, it began aggression against lugansk, which we recognized
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and donetsk people's republics before they were part of the russian federation. now about the possibility of somehow using the opportunities. possibility of each other in this conflict, but we do not ask anyone for this, no one offered this to us, so there is no need. the president answered other questions from russian journalists; we will return to them later, for now on the results of vladimir putin’s state visit. his trip to vietnam and the dprk haunts the western press, in an effort to work out an anti-russian agenda, what not there they didn't come up with it. well, under the guise of serious analytics, there are cliches and fakes, as usual, everything is given out. wishful thinking, but one feels uncertainty and confusion. information flows were filtered by vladimir kabyakov. volodya, what do our western colleagues write, what assessments do they give? well, yes, of course, a lot depends on the assessments, but in principle it is not easy to interpret putin’s asian trip in the western press. on the one hand, there is
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a thesis: putin and kim are a summit of the isolated; on the other hand , there is a visit to vietnam, but vietnam still has agreements on strategic cooperation with russia, with the usa, with china with... with india with south korea, but let's talk about everything in order: the western press is now interpreting, wondering what exactly was on the table during the negotiations between putin and kim, about what exactly did they agree on in what volumes, and... of course, they publish articles with analysis of what to expect and what response should be from the west and the us allies. some of the headlines in european publications were predictable; well, they were already encountered during kim’s visit to russia last year. here, for example, the french alemont, the putin and kimchanin editorial, the alarming rogue summit. the german business publication handle blad, in an article about the signing of the agreement, also cites one of the most repeated narratives. quote the summit poses the biggest threat to national security. us affairs since the korean war. and both publications publish the following thesis that this whole story may clearly not please china,
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which considers itself the main patron of north korea. well, look, south korean agencies report that siul i immediately turned to beijing, asking what russia is doing there right now under your nose? and here are the headlines: south korea asks china to play constructive role amid concerns about russia- north korea military cooperation. the chinese respond to south korea both through the foreign ministry and through their english-language publication. global times, which is called china's main foreign policy microphone. quote from the chinese publication: north korea and russia, as friendly close neighbors, have a legitimate need for exchanges, cooperation and development of relations. and further in another article, the chinese global times gives a detailed interpretation. well, it is also believed that this particular publication, as a rule, writes what official beijing thinks, but because of its political traditions , it does not always want to express it through the leaders of the party and the foreign ministry. so here's the headline: moscow has become more capable of leading the long haul.
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will fail. well, this was the reaction from china, although the europeans, states, japan, the united states on the isolation and sanctions of north korea , south korea expected and predicted elements of discontent from beijing. well look, at the same time, the office of the president of south korea reported that siul may reconsider the refusal to send weapons.
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and now suddenly south korea is surprised, indignant and comes out with this escalating proposal on its part, threatening supplies to ukraine. well, yes, here, by the way, here are two views on the problem, on this one inside south korea, the first is really, this is how they did it, this is such a sharp response to moscow, but there is another point of view in analytical materials, this is assessed as a failure of diplomacy efforts south korea, siul failed find a balance with russia, stop moscow's rapprochement and'. russia, but the introduction of economic
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sanctions against moscow, voting on resolutions condemning russia at the un general assemblies, all this greatly narrowed this corridor of interaction with moscow, and this is the result that turned out, well, let's look further for the reaction, what happens if a visit to north korea, the western press actually played out as expected, saying that isolated putin flew to north korea out of despair... vietnam is the only country in world, which over the past 10 months biden, sijinping, and putin have visited on extensive state visits; in a wider time period, these leaders have only visited saudi arabia, but it is vietnam, over the last year and a half, that has simply become a place of visits all the big leaders, by the way, scholz also flew here, by the way, the reaction of the german business press is already interesting, for a year and a half now... you can already see
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headlines like this: look, there are two articles about putin’s visit: the first: partner of europe by free trade vietnam has rolled out the red carpet for putin, immediately the next article: the worst suspicion vietnam may not be an exemplary democracy, well , such a fairly quick change of mood, well... south korea and japan, the european allies of the united states are now really looking at the reaction washington, how he will react, we are now joined by alexey veselovsky, our north american columnist, and he is already on the air with us. lyosh, well, the american press, the white house, in fact, how they interpret putin's visit to north korea and vietnam? well, colleagues, of course, in the west these visits are regarded as nothing other than a threat to the world order. wall street journal writes russia and other countries have put aside historical differences to
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collectively confront what they see as a dominant international system. the us washington post notes that the security and mutual assistance agreement signed with pyongyang is a clear response to president biden and ukrainian president vladimir zelensky, just 6 years later days after they signed a ten-year security agreement obliging the united states to provide kiev with a wide range of military assistance, the west is especially worried about the scope of the agreement between moscow and phinyang that russia is ready to offer the dprk. what technologies or weapons and does this mutual assistance agreement apply in the event of an attack on one of the countries, on nuclear forces? these are the questions the west is most concerned about? as authoritarian powers such as russia, north korea, iran and china increasingly unite, then it is even more important that we are united
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as countries that believe in freedom and democracy, the most important answer must be the strengthening of nato, our still... independent foreign policy from washington, and of course, all this cannot please the united states, not a single country should not provide a platform for putin if he can travel freely, this could lead to the normalization of russia's drinking violations of international law, this reuters agency quotes the reaction of the american embassy in vietnam to putin's visit, well
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bloomberg notes that despite a certain risk of falling out with washington, which hanoi has taken... the russian leader, this risk is nevertheless justified, since strong ties with russia for vietnam are not only conditioned historically, they are also necessary for the country now to balance between the us and china. well, lesh , by the way, i’m looking at the message now, it turns out that washington is still not taking its eyes off vietnam, but the state department just announced that the us assistant secretary of state will be sent to hanoi a day later immediately after the visit of vladimir putin. the americans began to fuss. thank you, colleagues, vladimir kobyakov and alexey veselovsky, and the western reaction to vladimir putin’s trip to vietnam and the dprk. well now, let's return again to vladimir putin's press conference, where he answers questions from russian journalists; in particular, the head of state was asked about possible peace negotiations with ukraine. and now vladimir putin
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commented on moscow’s proposal and the reaction of western countries to these initiatives. as for the reaction.
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who say that yes, maybe this is an ultimatum, yes, excessive demands, but you can’t refuse, you need to think and figure it out, but what was set out by our partners is not an ultimatum, they came up with some formulas, although there is a result, the result of our negotiations in minsk and istanbul, why no one remembers this, i said it there 100 times, if we agreed then and it bears the signature of the head of the negotiation group. on the battlefield, which allows us to put forward some additional conditions that are in no way related to our agreements in istanbul, no there is nothing like that that could
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somehow change the position of the other negotiating country in this case , ukraine, so i don’t think that such nihilism in relation to our proposals will remain. for sure, something will always change, including our conditions, depending on the situation on earth. the president answers other questions from russian journalists, and we continue to follow the press conference in hanoi. today, defense minister andrei belousov inspected infrastructure facilities 155 marine brigades. this happened during a working trip to the troops of the eastern military district. minister. got acquainted with the conditions of accommodation of the marines, saw how the construction of new facilities of the military camp was underway, and communicating with the commanders of the unit, belousov demanded that construction deadlines be strictly adhered to, the minister also checked
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the quality of new housing for the military and the medical care they were provided. sergey antsigin with details. as russian minister of defense, andrei belousov made his first visit to vladivostok, the main base of the tekhotn fleet. the visit program was intense; the head of the military department first visited the 155th separate one. in the military town, andrei belousov was informed about the prospects for the construction of new facilities on the territory of the formation and plans for the reconstruction of the existing infrastructure. as part of the first stage , three barracks for 400 military personnel each and a canteen for a thousand seats should be built by december 1 next year. during the second stage, they plan to build three more barracks, a universal training complex, equipment storage and points for its repair and maintenance. the minister of defense instructed to conduct it carefully.
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they have already had a housewarming party, i’ve been living here for about a year and a half, the area is very good, favorable, there is a school, a kindergarten, a children’s clinic nearby, it’s very convenient, as if for mothers with military personnel, no matter how far they don’t have to travel, the microdistrict continues to develop now in turn to move into another apartment building, the minister of defense, accompanied by the commander of the tikhotsk fleet , visited two apartments on the ground floor, military personnel receive: clean housing finishing, there are the necessary household appliances and all communications are provided. the new residential complex includes five more unfinished high-rise buildings; their
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commissioning has been delayed due to problems with financing. andrey belousov noted that the necessary decisions on this issue have been made and ordered to intensify work on construction sites. once again, name the dates, two houses with 24-204 apartments, accordingly, it is planned to ensure complete readiness. from the first half of the twenty-fifth year, that is, by july 1, exactly. andrey belousov paid special attention to the development of social infrastructure in the microdistrict. the accompanying minister-governor of primorye , oleg kozhimyaka, said that it is planned to build another school, two kindergartens and a sports and recreation complex. the head of the department asked the employees of the largest military service in the far east how things were going with the treatment and medical rehabilitation of military personnel. okeansky, they began accepting the first patients here back in the thirty-third year of the last century, and now the health resort needs large-scale reconstruction. to speed up this process, andrei belousov instructed to include
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the sanatorium in the federal program for creating standard rehabilitation centers for participants in a special military operation. the minister personally talked with the medical staff and found out what modern equipment needs to be additionally equipped in the medical building. how many of these devices do you need, how many do you need? well, at least two more to include these barracks there. andrey belousov summed up the results of his visit to vladivostok at the branch nakhimov naval school. he emphasized that the ministry of defense, the command of the pacific fleet of the primorye authorities have one common task - to ensure the unconditional implementation of all plans for the development of military and social infrastructure. the 155th brigade is fighting very successfully in... the zone of combat contact as part of a special military operation in one of the most difficult directions in the northern group. and therefore
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we need to make sure that when the fighters return, everything here is worthy was ready. sergey antsidin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. and today the russian ministry of defense stated that they responded to the attempts of the kiev regime to damage russian energy facilities. our military carried out a group strike with precision weapons, as well as drones, on ukrainian energy facilities that support production. weapons and military equipment, all intended targets were hit. meanwhile, in the verbov area, fighters of the novorossiysk mountain formation of airborne troops struck the enemy, for this used heavy flamethrower systems of the sun. this time, thermoboric shells covered the deep shelter of observation strongholds and caches with ammunition of the armed forces of ukraine. the flamethrower system is capable of destroying the most protected targets of the militants
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and damaging their armored vehicles, in the area of ​​responsibility of the group of troops in the center , russian military pilots destroyed the uav, the crew of su-30 cm fighters eliminated it, as reported by the ministry of defense, during a combat mission, fighter crews also worked cover for aircraft, bomber attack aircraft, as well as military helicopters. in the northern military district zone, active hostilities are now taking place, including in the ugledar direction, the nationalists are trying to hold on to their positions, well , despite the fact that they have been strengthening strongholds for... for several years, russian fighters are occupying them one after another, helping this includes non-standard actions, for example, lightning attacks using motor vehicles. sergei pikulin reports from the sogulyadar direction. so from the air looks like one of the main fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine in ugledar, a large coal-harvesting industrial zone, around the field, and here the enemy has dug in in every forest belt. even approaching the support man is a problem. crossing the postcard, as the military calls the open area, is not easy.
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first comes the serious one. artillery preparation, then our machine gunners do not allow the enemy to raise his head. our assault troops from transbaikalia are constantly changing tactics, it’s not the bikers who came to the front line with motorcycles, there ’s almost standard equipment here, here’s unique footage: the speed is more than a hundred km/h across the field such a small, extremely maneuverable target, unlike heavy equipment, is difficult to hit; the soldiers roll into the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. the battle begins, i'm right, you're right, the group is working quickly, our drone operators are leading them from the air, this support area was cleared in a few minutes, the effect of surprise worked, we didn't have a stall, then later, when we were moving forward, there was an enemy, well, probably , a certain group of 7 to 10 people, there were firing points, but since
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we did it all. before the assault, serious oporniks are being built these are the copies that are created using cards, and here the guys are already training. these shots were taken a week before the assault on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, according to our intelligence data, they built an exact copy of the enemy trenches, a large opornik, so strong, that’s because it is almost 2 s2 km, branched out, yes, we train, explain, show, explain what the nuances are . what
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problems there are, what, how to do, how not to do, the movements of infantrymen in a trench are brought to the point of automatism, all possible options and abnormal ones are run through over and over again situations, such training allows us to save the lives of our soldiers. sergei pikulindzhanov, ugledar branch of the special operation. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. guided by the principle of fairness, today they introduced it in the state duma.
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phytolax marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, without causing bloating cramps. phytalax from eval. central television. on saturdays at 19:00 on eto. this is the program today, we continue our release. this year, the russian economy is developing in positive dynamics, mikhail mishustin made this statement today at government meeting. the main topic is the execution of the federal budget for the first quarter. the prime minister noted that over 4 months, gdp increased by more than 5%. this was achieved taking into account the existing conditions. record april. in many ways, this trend, namely low unemployment at a level of already 2.6% and an increase in demand for specialists and investment above 14% in the first quarter, is associated with the budgetary
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impulse. since the beginning of the year, some of the projects have been advanced as much as possible in order to give enterprises more opportunities to purchase the necessary equipment and raw materials. and as a consequence sustainable. mikhail mishustin called for continued strict adherence to executive discipline in terms of income and expenses, so that all planned development projects in the social sphere in industry are completed on time. the state duma today adopted in the first reading amendments to the tax code, including changes affecting individuals, the main innovation is the introduction of a progressive scale of income tax and benefits for families with children. another new tax
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deduction, it has already been called tax cashback. anton talpa studied the document. the modernized taxation system consists of five stages: with an annual salary of up to 2.4000 rubles. tax 13%, everything higher and up to 5.15. 18% on income from... solving social problems for people,
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projects such as the national family project, long active life, support for motherhood and childhood, combating complex diseases and allocations for social infrastructure. according to the ministry of finance, by adopting the new changes, the state budget will receive more than 533 billion rubles in 2025, and this will only increase the salary tax by up to 25%. for the first time we are deciding on a progressive scale, but of course it is important for us that businesses hear that the tax system will be stable, it is important to ensure that the country is strong and developing, and that people live happily and their well-being grows. in addition, as part of modernization , social payments will also be revised.
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can apply for compensation, the state will return 7% of those 13 that were paid to the state treasury, taxation will not change for participants in the special operation. income tax for individuals is not imposed on income in the form of money or other property received by them free of charge during military service under a contract,
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mobilization or while they are part of volunteer formations. income received in connection with the termination of the loan agreement in the event of the death of a serviceman during the performance of the tasks of the military military service, or somewhat later in connection with injury or the received will. also in the list of changes , the indexation of military pensions will increase due to inflation, in the explanatory note indicated that by the end of this year inflation is expected to reach 5.1%. however, there are also those who will pay taxes in the old way; these are not only citizens whose annual income is less than 2,400 thousand rubles. well, for example, pharmaceutical production, as well as pharmacies producing prescription drugs, the same applies to the adopted changes, they will come into force gradually.
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minister of health mikhail murashka announced this during his working visit to the city of nanev, together with governor alexander beglov, they opened an ultra-modern plant for production of medicines, including absolutely unique ones, and also visited the endovideosurgery center, where non-invasive surgery is performed. companies, everything is ready for the launch of a new ultra-modern production line, only distinguished guests, the city governor and the minister of health are expected from the famous city pharmaceuticals, and there is time to study the unique unit in detail.
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in just a few minutes this automatic packaging line will start working. here medicines acquire the form in which we buy them. at first. tablets packed in the blisters go into boxes, instructions are put in there, then at the end it ’s all packed into boxes, the guests arrive, they decided to hold the traditional ceremony of ceremoniously pressing the button at a mixer in the shape of a two-meter metal heart, which is ideal for selfies in the style of “i love st. petersburg pharmacology.” mikhailomovich and i just opened it and launched it. a new line, and this is very important for our city, in general for the country, because medicines are supplied not only to st. petersburg, but are received throughout the country, but the important thing is that to open such a line, of course, funds are needed, a special industry support fund was created in st. petersburg and
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the appropriate funds were allocated from st. petersburg to make the new line work, a number of other things were purchased, other equipment that today, in general, produces highly... necessary products. pharmaceutics has its own specifics: most of the production premises are considered a clean zone, and access there is limited, but in order to see result, just go to the packaging workshop, which the distinguished guests did. in addition to the usual well-known drugs, the new production sites will also produce two unique drugs for the country, which are intended to strengthen women's health. the production capacity is also impressive. this capsulator makes two. 1,800 capsules per minute, that is, it has a huge speed, well, our lines on which we make soche, and mostly we make anti-cold products, can produce up to 150 million us dollars, this is in packages of about 5-6 million packages the main task that
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the launch of new production lines should solve is to make high-quality modern medicines available. approximately 80% of drug positions are produced by companies. are included in the list of vitally important drugs. st. petersburg is generally one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. 22 pharmaceutical manufacturers are located in the city, here is also the country’s largest laboratory for drug quality control, but also scientific and educational organizations that are like training centers for specialists, but this is chem vpharma. academy in st. petersburg, one of the most powerful institutes for training personnel, for the development of pharmaceuticals, but also directly the laboratories of various institutes, which, in fact, provide innovative development. the total area of ​​the building in which these production warehouses are located
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helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sbera’s support, starting a business is easier and faster, we open the way to business, sberbusiness. this is the program today. we continue our release. national payment system. reported today about an attempted hacker attack on its infrastructure. denis talalaev joins us with business news. denis,
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who is attacking? well, with a high degree of probability we can talk about hackers. the payment system operator mir announced today that its infrastructure has been subject to dedos attacks. the national payment card system itself assesses their impact as short-term and says that the attacks affected a quote: insignificant number. a forbes source from the field of information security explains what is happening with the activities of ukrainian hackers. on the download website, users are actively complaining that their card payments are not going through, and the yusa service, on its vkontakte page, clarifies that a failure in the nspk country is recorded from approximately 10 a.m. moscow time, as a result, payments from bank cards may not go through. yukas promised to inform users when everything would work, but more than 9 hours have already passed. but there is still no such message. the nspk indicates that the fast payment system is operating as normal
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. and about half an hour ago, the staff of our program really sbp transfers through five different banks were all successful. according to frank-media , clients of large banks, in particular raiffeisen bank, alfabank and vtb, experienced difficulties with the operation of the banking payment application today. the alpha support service clarified that it was from the system. there are no problems with payments, but some customers may not be able to pay for their purchase online. the russian currency rebounded upward today after a three-day fall; even the news that the countries and ambassadors of the european union countries agreed on the 14th package of sanctions against russia. the eu-observer previously wrote that these would be restrictions, for example, on the supply of liquefied gas from russia and on access to dual-use technologies. and the dutch authorities announced today that the new sanctions will be closed. access to european ports for tankers importing russian oil. inflation in russia has been accelerating for 7
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weeks in a row. the ministry of economics reported this, citing data from rosstat. annual price growth as of june 17 was 8.46%. at the beginning of may, the ministry estimated this figure at less than 8%. the acceleration of inflation in russia further increases the likelihood that the russian central bank will raise the key rate at the end of july. and just today the central bank published a summary of the discussion at the last meeting, in which it directly stated: if it does not see a sufficient slowdown in lending and inflation, then at the july meeting... it may significantly raise the key rate, well, on the other hand, there will be a lot of things before the end of july may still happen, but in the 2 weeks since the last meeting of the central bank, in russia, for example, they managed to stop exchange trading in dollars and euros, and the ruble continues to show what the official exchange rates are, which the central bank now sets not for exchange trading, but for interbank transactions. yesterday the dollar and euro
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fell in price by about 4.5 rubles, and today they gained about 4.5 rubles. can drive a car if his health allows him to do it safely, for himself and other road users, and the assessment of his health, alexey kuznetsov added, is carried out by a special medical commission, all requirements are clearly regulated. previously the telegram channel shot reported that members of the veterans of russia movement came up with a proposal to ban russians over seventy from driving and even approached the
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ministry of internal affairs with the idea of ​​​​developing a joint bill for the veterans of russia movement. they said that with age, quote, hearing vision often deteriorates, reactions slow down, which can lead to increased danger on the road. end of quote. and russian veterans, as reported, have an idea to arrange for older drivers to undergo more stringent medical examinations on an unscheduled basis, and even if everything is fine norm, then issue them a driver’s license not for 10 years, for example, for five, or even less. everything about economics. thank you, denis. thank you, denis tolalayev with his economic review. to moscow today. as predicted, hurricane edgar struck with a mega-storm. in the north of the city, a tree fell on a passerby, and he died from his injuries in the center. another man, a worker, died under collapsed scaffolding. squally wind with gusts up to 25 m/s. and this 90 km/h raged in other areas of the capital. here in tsaritsina park it was so strong that the girl was carried into the pond,
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rescuers pulled her out. in total from bad weather. 18 people were injured, more than 300 cars were damaged. forecasters say that in an hour there was as much precipitation as usually occurs in 10 days, and the air temperature dropped sharply. authorities are asking moscow residents to refrain from walking for now, at least until 10 p.m. the thunderstorm front is now gradually shifting to the south of the moscow region. well , after this, it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio. zhenya, like this the weather apocalypse has hit the capital today, so we are cautiously wondering if it will happen again tomorrow? yes, there will be no further precipitation, at least we won’t expect such extreme downpours as today in the center. the cold front has passed and left behind a trail of coolness. tomorrow from the door to ryazan 21:23 and the sun, and the rain will still remain in the south of the black earth region, in
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the voronezh, tambov regions, it will pour a lot. severely stormy weather will occur along the volga region in saratov, samara , ulyanovsk regions, and strong thunderstorms in udmurtia with a squally wind, all this against the background of tropical heat, in izhevsk - 28, in samara - 32. in the south, the rains will reach volgograd and stavropol and will bring down the heat for us, but in crimea it is sunny and comfortable 26:28. the cold snap will not yet affect astrakhan, where it is still +34. well , autumn has arrived in the north of european territory, it is cold, cloudy and rainy there. in the northwest, the clouds will part, the sun will appear, it will drop below the horizon for only a short time, and the white nights will be in full swing. in st. petersburg this coming night it will be +13, in the daytime it will be +20. in moscow the nights are no longer the same warm, like the day before, just above 10, and during the day in the capital it is moderate 21-23, no precipitation. but it’s still windy, gusts up to 15 m/sec. be careful, this wind
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will subside later, but it will become even colder. yes, thank you, zhen, evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast. this is the news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernoshelov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. a decision was made to limit access to lyuty’s archive, they are afraid that something else might come out, that is, lyuty was right, there is information on someone from above, when you work with documents, pay attention to a certain red feather, somehow everything works out smoothly, i wanted to ask about the children, we believe that the executioner is alive, well, that’s unlikely,
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they want to set me up, i don’t discuss anything in the house, i don’t know who would care it’s necessary, but i ’ll figure it out, krasnoperov’s patron is a frequent guest of the underground casino, the so-called katran, these are orphans, we suspect that he was involved in their disappearance, my problem, mash, this zinchenko is a really dangerous guy, but your little one is also in implicated in this, then it’s no longer your concern, tell me everything, and maybe i will still have time to help you.
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andrey, were you drinking, if, apparently, someone
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really wanted this to happen, who, i didn’t... but what happened, andrey? do you have sperin? somewhere should it be? hold it! and we were looking for you. the victim was admitted to the hospital. he
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claims that they wanted to kill him for a gambling debt. and he identified yatsenko.


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