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tv   Aleks Lyutii  NTV  June 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:11pm MSK

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what did you drink, if, apparently, someone really wanted this to happen, who, i don’t know what happened, andrey, you have spirin, it must be somewhere. hold on, we were looking for you, you were admitted to the hospital...
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redfin disappeared until he disappeared, ours is now figuring out the circumstances, okay, let's go, just first we'll stop somewhere, let me lead you, no need.
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well, alexander ivanovich, as usual, good morning, comrades, how are you resurrected, hands, andrey, what are you doing, are you crazy, i myself, who is this, the organizer of the banquet? i told you not to take your eyes off him, where to go, where, andrei petrovich, i met a suspicious guy right here yesterday, i tried to detain him, i didn’t know that krasnoperov would run away, did you see him, but no, it was dark and he was running, you’ll never catch him, then he got into a car and just a car, saw it?
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write an explanation for the car, understand? what cup did you find it in? i'm very worried about my husband, where is he? we don’t know why you arranged all this, that’s why you are pursuing him, he is not guilty of anything, please sit down, where is my husband, please sit down, where is my husband? when did you see him last time? last night at about 12, he couldn’t sleep, he went to his office to work, they didn’t pay attention, maybe some personal things were missing, no, you think he was kidnapped, comrade lieutenant colonel, now he’s been kidnapped, please check , the passport money is in place, lord, yes they are in the office, honestly, i’m listening, 3 hours ago at the local railway station we saw a man who looked like... so, where was he
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going? let's find out, i think he's unlikely to come into his city apartment. okay, let's go krasnopery's orientation at all stations in this direction. we have no reason to search for him. grounds, tol, the wife’s statement about her husband’s disappearance. please, we were going on vacation, all the documents.
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skarovna, are you home? someone
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planted a window for you, and the old one was dying. where were you, these guys, i already told the police everything, and two more. so look, these ones, yes, it seems like we should definitely, but it doesn’t seem like i didn’t really get a good look at their faces, i was lying crouched in the trunk, i didn’t see them, but i heard their voices, what they called each other, here this victor kuzmich was there, i don’t remember, excuse me, i
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had a headache, you said it yourself, their boss ordered to get rid of himself, i said that someone ordered them, well, it was this man, andrei petrovich. “sorry, i have to get injections, well, you see, he swam, apparently someone tried very hard, we need his testimony to take the redfin, otherwise he will leave us, his chest is tired, and his heart wants.” rest a little, the dreams are gone, you are gone too, because now you and i, hello, viktor kuzmich,
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it’s great! "sorry, i wasn't prepared, otherwise you exchanged your lackey for a cooperative choir when you arrived, if you are sulking for the season in vain, i didn’t order you to be pressed into the cell, i’m not a dog, i don’t pull liars on orders, that’s why i came. “i need money and documents, everything was tight then, but i had to leave in a hurry, where can i call from you, there on the corner on the street, but it seems to me that he
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just wants to be alone, it’s noisy at home, i have a small child, you understand, he has a personal car, what are you with his salary, a working volga, he drives the bosses like that, come here, listen, if this is it. your brother, try to find out where he is, just don’t say anything, okay, hello, viktor kuzmich, yes, yes, i found out, hello, this is his boss, i myself don’t know where sasha is, he thought with you, tell me, what tell him, can he come pick you up? hung up, damn, why didn't you eat enough porridge when you were a kid, now it's so fashionable, don't take it for an idiot, get ready, you have
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to go somewhere, where, to pick up something at my trust, it's already under cover, that's why you you will go there without me. the native village was crying in the stavropol territory, the nazis burned it down to the ground, damn, i still hoped, find out. maybe someone survived? we need someone who can identify that krasnoperov is the executioner. i'm listening, eliseev. andrey, why are you doing this? go. mash, calm down. i asked you. do you understand that this is just mean? mash, calm down, you don’t know all the circumstances. i don't want to know all the circumstances. you understand that this is just mean, mean and dishonest. mash, listen, i'm just trying
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to help. you're trying to help by fabricating a case against kostya, you know, i thought you were different, i really thought we could stay friends, but now, seriously, it’s all over between us, it’s all over, please don’t ever call me again, don’t ever call me again. what do you need? i just wanted to say that gaidukov also disappeared, but he and krasnoperov are definitely not together. krasnoperov called gaidukov’s sister, looking for his driver. fine.
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to you there is still there is there is occupy so your class citizens citizens are robbing rob this is who it is he was rubbing next to me i saw oh koshelev there he is oh you robbed herod.
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he came to krasnstatt. first, give me three rubles, as agreed, then the address. towards
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the wind, which did not come true, lada vestan boldly forward, i wish you health, comrade mayer, we have a murder, we have an old text. the first one is tearing up and rushing, the whole city is buzzing, the series is based on real events, tanya was killed, our tanya, maxim litovchenko, if he is healed, then he is to the wall, and if you... with the teleptych the lever to the wall began. igor ilivanov. in 1937, they conducted the investigation in the same way, without going into the essence of the issue, just to accuse. alexander bukharov. another suicide. there are only deaths around the hospital. but this is just the beginning. the highest measure. he made such a mess and shook up so many people.
8:16 pm
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8:18 pm
why are you so happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i think i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s called prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear what you think 100 times , it works, what are you doing, i don’t think so, i know, it’s dark, of course, i now... you know your wife, how and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, they’ll explain everything to you in detail when you order , one second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then
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you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, probably, i’ll buy it too, what to think, call, be sure to order, and remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. ordering by phone.
8:20 pm
this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv.
8:21 pm
i hope this is not for your accommodation, because this residential area is not for rent, i’ll leave as soon as i’ve cleared up my affairs to eat. and what, there is no bread, my husband was admitted to the hospital, he has something wrong with his kidneys, and i’m going to go to the dacha, and why is the katran closed for registration?
8:22 pm
good afternoon, do you recognize me, friend, state security major vera nikolaevna grishina, we are not interested in kotran, for now, we are interested in krasnoperov, who he communicates with, who he trusts, we want to know everything, lord, i’m even glad that all this is finally will end. you you can’t imagine how tired i am, my husband and i are old, sick people, and we want peace, but this
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man, he simply left us no choice, these thugs of his, they behave like masters, we are practically hostages here, that is, you want to say , what is this krasnoper here for everyone... that’s what i’m saying, you saw it all yourself, he’s like a spider, he entwined everything here with his cheating web, hooked him on a debt hook, everyone here owed him, everyone was afraid of him, i can write a list , who came, write, in my opinion, she is no actress, you don’t believe her, in that he controlled the kotran?
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but what about the dark green jibuli near his house, pasha saw them, the killer could have come red feather to kill him, but volchansky scared him off, what then with the disappearance of gaidukov, he could have been in the car while his boss escaped on the train, gaidukov’s self-preservation instinct could have kicked in and he simply ran away.
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i told you, yes, i called, but then i changed my mind and didn’t go, in my opinion, you don’t understand what’s going on, at the meeting place that you appointed, there was an assassination attempt by a state security officer, this is an execution article, there is only one suspect based on it... you are the only one who made you call? your accountant? i told you, i warned you, those people, i know them, they will take revenge, they will not spare anyone, and her too, convince him. hello, we need to talk, i said everything, sonya
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is with you, she’s at her grandmother’s, what happened? pack your things, i'll be there soon.
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why do i find out about all the latest, an attempt was made on your life, but i still don’t have a rapport, there was no attempt, just a misunderstanding, well, yes, they accidentally stunned you, drugged you with vodka, threw you in the middle of the highway, you have aspirin, stop fooling around, grishina reported everything to me. take a piece of paper,
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sit down, write down how it all happened, remember, we talked about fraud in the meat store, i told you not to meddle there, there is a large-scale operational development going on there, i have a witness in this case, but he agrees to cooperate only after guarantees of safety for him and his blues, what kind of witness? “very valuable, connect me with those who are involved in this matter, there is no time, oleg, the guy is under pressure, okay, i’ll report him, where he should, but i don’t promise anything, you ’re generally a doctor, for now i’ll take life, just in case, the idea to start a business was born from..."
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at the start in everything, the account was opened in one click, they helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register quickly connected, all this is free, with support it’s easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business,
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andrei petrovich, there is information, in the village, near my native village of polacha, i found a man, in general, before the war, he worked in those. edges by a photographer, he still has a photograph executioner, his last name used to be tails, here in the photograph he is with his daughter and wife, their fate is known, but no, he barely remembered them, and what they do after the war, of course he doesn’t know, he doesn’t look like him, but a man who went through the war could change a lot. find their nosebleeds, got it? got it, well done, volchansky, good job.
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who is this? i have no idea. open up, police. ligav, i won’t let you sleep after work, devils, i received a complaint from the neighbors that you have noise here, a drunken brawl, we’re late, comrades, the last brawl here was about 20 years ago, but now only a sober and healthy spirit, damn it . everything is fine here.
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vitya! it was you who snitched, wasn’t it you, didn’t you pass on this address?
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damn, she brought her tail behind her, i’ll go out, like by mail, and look around. your wife left, the committee members are trying
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to lure me out over the summer, why bother meddling then. maybe it's galya after all, maybe you want to tell me something important? i won’t go, they don’t have anything on you, if anything, i’ve got the wrong address.
8:36 pm
is anybody here?
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8:38 pm
it's high time to change provider. tele-2 got killed three times. include home internet in your tariff. 3 there is no monthly payment for it. it's easy to connect. and you don't even need to go anywhere. connect your home internet to tv-2. everyone was looking forward to the opening of the city cinema. the opening was scheduled for sunday the twenty-second. no one imagined that the war would come irreparably quickly right here, to the cozy city of krasnogvardeysk, a former gadchina. june 22, the day of memory and sorrow. there were 867 days of occupation ahead. they brought the children, the children to the right, the mothers to the left. the germans immediately put the residents in such a situation that whoever doesn’t work... doomed to starvation, executions in
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sylvie park became as much a part of everyday life as the gallows, they did not cooperate with the enemy, people were stronger than granite stone, sylvia’s silence, gachina. before the execution, grigorin shouted to the assembled crowd: don’t worry, the germans will not be in leningrad, but... they will be in berlin, the documentary will premiere on june 22 at 23:00 on ntv. capital punishment, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. see our blog about st. petersburg, at the end i will tell you a secret from mts travel. premium you can get not 20, but 25% cashback. for what? to understand who is interested in you and who is interested in you? cut it out, book a hotel on mts
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8:42 pm
let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. be the best for your own. and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country above... which never goes into the sun he’s the only one, everything’s normal, i ’ve never had such normality before, i have the norm to wake up earlier than before, rise above myself and circumstances, find the strength to do what i’ve been putting off, devote time to what’s most important, when sports are the norm, i’m
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fine, find energy for the norms! he says he saw someone, we immediately covered the entire area, there are no living buildings here, he couldn’t have gone far, the tolkonov are already inside. now it’s clear where khlorka and zaretsky could have been kept here, the last thing i expected was to see this clown here, it seems krasnoperov is killing everyone who can recognize him as an executioner, someone lured him here, who is our letter g? by the way, the red-feather’s wife
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’s name is galina, i was informed that she went to the kid’s house in kranstadt, but quickly left there. why not krasnoperova make an appointment with detsky? take the order, blow on the valve, carry out the descent. comrade lieutenant colonel, we took him. take the handcuffs off me, this is some kind of arbitrariness. tell them to let me go. how did you end up here? what does it mean like first by metro, then on foot, we they took me at the main entrance, although i could leave unnoticed, where should i go, what nonsense, i just arrived, where did you come to see you, you called, i was
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visiting a patient in bliningrad, they called me from a nursing home and told me that you were waiting for me here, this is urgent... why throw everything here, we will detain you, then you have removed the circumstances, look there, open it.
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look there.
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listen, eliseev, andrey petrovich, we didn’t find him. volchansky, you are just some kind of walking disaster, at least you can be entrusted with something, comrade lieutenant colonel, you have entrusted conduct a search for me, i conducted it. idiot, what happened? the guard admitted that on the night of zaretsy’s murder, he was not at the construction site, he was drinking, as for trubnikov from the nursing home, he really was with the patient, but the granny had dementia, so there was no witness, but there was indeed a call to trubnikov’s work, the woman introduced herself major grishina, what?
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well, maybe someone wanted to set him up, or trubnikov discovered kovaleva’s body, he could see sezoretsky like that and tracked him down, he has access to medical... now he ended up at the scene of betsky’s murder, but i don’t understand why he would kill former nazis, but there are too many coincidences, you can’t believe it, there are kitchen towels there. lord, some kind of misunderstanding, are these your husband's gloves? of course, this is kirill, we will take them for
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examination, i saw the car entering, it’s yours, not mine, dad’s, i should follow you, yes. he died last year, i want to sell everything, can i find it? no, you had an accident a long time ago, last summer, tell me, you don’t remember where your husband was on the night of september 22-23, right away it’s hard to say, but it seems to me that on duty, it’s saturday.
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from august 2 months it turns out, you see, usually they don’t tremble, but it’s worth doing some minor work. “this is an unfitness, i had an accident last summer, i almost got hit by a person,
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it put an end to me as a surgeon, my wife knows why i would regret it, i’m already sick of it, you said that on the night of zaretsky’s murder "? you went on duty, yes, we checked at the nursing home, you weren’t at work, well, that means i got confused, if not at work, then at home, where else should i be, yours your wife said that you went on duty, try to remember where you really were. okay, yes, i told my wife that i went on duty, i didn’t want to go to my mother-in-law, it
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was her birthday. the usual song, she thinks i'm a loser, ruined her daughter's life. june 22, the day of memory and sorrow. strepkov destroyed at least. november 25, as soon as i found out about you, about 598 killed fascists, immediately it’s all nonsense, i see you’re not a fan of talking, but some kind of story of one hero, subordination to you, such a word familiar, why, excuse me, he’s just a bit of a fool, most often those who don’t
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fit the general mold are called... abnormal, i’m normal, all this is strange, strange, not strange, but it’s a fact, the red army soldier slepkov eliminated the enemy reconnaissance group , well, how did it happen, i smelled moonshine, dance, samohosh, they published about you in the newspaper, damn it, june 22 at 17:00, on ntv, bailiffs, premiere. from monday at 22:10 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, haappept can help. it promotes restoration of memory and attention. let's get our head working. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble.
8:54 pm
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results of the examination, gloves found workers, the characteristic pattern, the skin and stitches do not match, well, trubnikov’s parents were doctors, both died, they are in no way connected with the area in which mankiewicz’s detachment operated at the beginning of the war, they have no relatives there, it is quite obvious that detsky was killed by krasnoperov , or his driver? krasnoper lived with detsky, he could get rid of him at any moment, why such a demonstrative execution? maybe, at least in order to frame strubnikov? do you doubt it? i don't know, i don't
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believe in such coincidences. listen, eliseev, it seems to me that someone is behind me coming, i'm afraid, tatyana, calm down,
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look around, there is a crowded place next to you, nearby, on soviet, stay there, i'll come soon. well, as she was in intensive care, now transfer her to the ward, continue according to the scheme, she
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was really lucky, a little longer her heart would have stopped, please, not for long, thank you, did you see the one who attacked you? with a raised collar and a cap, he followed me from work itself, do you remember his face? no, i went into a phone booth to call you, he attacked from behind, i just i felt pain, everything was here, then everything floated, okay, get better, and i saw his hand, there was a tattoo on his hand... five dots, all the best to you, thank you, five corners, like guidukov,
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krasnoperov continues to get rid of everyone who can identify him, put guidukov on the wanted list, if you will, but... what about trubnikov, let trubnikov go. the sanatorium is now closed, there will be no one there except you, do not leave the territory. sonya will stay with her grandmother, the staff will look after her, when it’s all over, i’ll sign application for divorce, no calls until the court when they need to contact you. lost weight
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like such a pale man, that means who we are looking for, aglaya khvostova , born in her twenty-third year, and her daughter marina , born in her forty-first year, we have information on two such incomplete ones. from a family, but the daughter is either older or much younger, this doesn’t suit us, and i thought that the relatives of the nazi punisher could change their last name after the war, the maiden name is ligostaev, there are already more options, these are the first, yes, well here krasnodar i think it’s unlikely that they would settle in
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a large city, you don’t know, by the way, what ’s going on with the boss, it’s personal, he must have personal, i thought after work he just turns off and puts it in the closet, so mother is twenty six years old, daughter? forty-third is not suitable, ver, i really don’t understand, wasting your life for work, but this, but this is only easy for you, but this is an old song, really, and you are there too if you want 50, like our boss, to stay alone, then forward from the song, i’m not going to, he not alone, he has a daughter, and i would advise you to work too... work, aglaya
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bogdanovna lyagostaeva, born twenty-third, her daughter marina born forty-first, sample, uh-huh, quietly coming up, look. well, the mother is just one person, yes, well, it turns out that the daughter, yes, the daughter, was involved in swimming and participated in all-union competitions. well done!
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results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. and our money will also fly out. yours is safe here in any of 185 countries. a single condition for roaming with beeline in almost all countries peace. beline is the safest operator. in the sportsmaster. numbered sports brands with
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a guarantee of product authenticity. fill your summer with bright looks. on amazon. summer dresses up to rur 1.890. premiere. today at 22:20 on ntv. i woke up so badly that it was time to tell him, i had to prepare him first. good morning, uncle mikha, good morning, matvey,
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come in, hello, hero, well, look what i brought you, take it! good morning, uncle mish, good morning, proskovushka, hello, beauty, look what i brought you, thank you, uncle mish, and you’re staying with us for a long time, well, for a couple of days, and now we’ll go cook breakfast, while uncle misha gets dressed, let’s go.
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you did your homework, it’s none of your business, matvey, in roskovye, come to me, come on, come on, what is it you have here, have a nice day, i love you, come here, boy, matvey, have a nice day, i love you, up evening, have a nice day, that's it, love you, bye. so, are the kids off to school? good morning, marina yuryevna, here they want to talk to you confidentially, from the authorities, let's go, my mother sent me to swimming to strengthen i often got sick with lungs in childhood, the coach
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said that i was promising, but why did they quit? oh, sorry, sorry, my mother says that this is not a profession when she saw the photo. in the magazine she said it was necessary, let me help, thank you, she said, i need to finish, i was afraid that i would get involved, thank you, i really liked it, but my mother loved her more, they loved her, yes, she died 2 years ago, why are you interested in this photo, wanted to know about your father, your mother, did i tell them? a little, it was difficult for her, he died at the front, was pilot, any questions on this topic, she immediately bursts into tears, do you have anything left from your father, things, photographs, nothing, everything burned down in the family house in the village, then we miraculously survived,
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you find out, oh, i love it.


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