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tv   Tochka nol  NTV  June 20, 2024 10:20pm-11:36pm MSK

10:20 pm
an, i'm done, i'm done, i'm done, i'm done, i won't get sick, egor, everyone is either in the isolation ward or under observation, let's get through. i need it too, but i
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’m fine, i won’t get sick, well, i’m fine, anya, you told me a lot of riddles, but as luck would have it, i can’t remember a single one, about the gherkins in the jar, do you remember, or is that already? the answer, as always, i forgot everything, but the highlanders in the jar fit my situation well, they locked everyone up, covered them with a lid, there’s no escape, or a herring in a barrel, no, i don’t want to call anyone here a herring or cucumbers, it’s the other way around there are really interesting people, you just don’t meet them on the street, beekeepers or hunters?
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do you know what they do? damn, i don't know either. well, they hunt and breed bees, of course. but specifically. i would never have thought in my life that i would be familiar with both of them, but there was no time to ask them. in fact, there is no difference between us. whether moscow or altai village, everything is the same everywhere. everywhere people get sick, then get better, then get sick again, then again. are recovering, hand over your phone, what can a phone do without communication, how do you like it? will do harm, i’m going to start throwing myself at you, it’s not allowed, they’ve already confiscated your satellite phone, now release it from your cell phone, it’s not allowed according to the protocol, that’s it, let’s go.
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he's fine, everything's fine, he woke up, that's it, he's here, don't worry, everything's fine, everything 's fine, don't worry, dad woke up, i don't know, decide.
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but one day your dear kostya left me to die, stole 700,000 and disappeared. “i decided to leave a long time ago, i don’t regret anything, what honesty, i never believed in your repentance, so kostya won’t leave here anywhere, don’t be afraid, everything will be ok, yeah, and you and i have to be patient with each other a little, soon they’ll come for us, and we’ll never, never see each other again.”
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there are still samples there. they’ve arrived at the hospital, maybe they’ll even start culture, now i ’ll join you, yes no, don’t be in a hurry, maybe look through a magazine as always, you’re chatting, the colony has grown from the old samples, in general, only 60 hours have passed, you need at least another half a day to know for sure, or not to know, vitya, it ’s good to cower. , i can trust the samples from the thermogarden, the incubation will be completed, i hope with you can handle this, listen, you’re not tired, do you at least remember why we’re here and what we ’re doing in general, hello, yes, tatyana mikhailovna, uh,
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yes, i sent everything to your email, as you asked for a full analysis, i also need . and retrospective data for the tenths of the 2000s and the 1990s, can you handle it within an hour? yes, of course, mom, i understand everything, i’m leaving today. i need your help, get ready, i’m waiting, well, the order is here, it’s here again, and now we have you as a doctor
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and a nurse, i need you. sample of everyone who is here, we regularly send them to reference laboratory, in moscow, from the case of the contents of ulcers and other skin lesions, macroscopic examination, blood tests, can you also provide a detailed report on fifteen pages? no, only biomaterials for research, i have permission, we must cooperate, he will confirm verbally, if necessary, here is a list of tests that need to be done as quickly as possible. and i’m also like a doctor, maybe i can help you too, wait, you need to lie down, listen, well, it’s not a fact that if you get vomit from an infectious patient, that you too you get infected right away,
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there are some unique cases, something like that, but the probability that you didn’t catch the virus is zero, most likely you got sick even earlier. yes, i didn’t really count on it, everyone is in the same position, i stupidly resigned myself, i understand perfectly well why it’s like this. “yes, it’s my fault, i need to work, i’m in the plan of god, karma, something like that, they will soon deliver a new sample, i’ll stump the mail, name is katya, nurse, is it clear what you have? to
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identify the environment, when did you have time? i’m working i hope everyone does this, it takes time three times more, the ripening period is too short, i don’t sit idly by, if you don’t want to help, don’t. where is matvey kozhukov, where is alena vladimirovna,
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oksana, kostya, let’s work with what we have, i wanted to make a convolution, figure out the centrifuge, it’s semi-automatic, i haven’t worked with that one, any whim, beyond everyone else. this is not a train station or an airport, it’s already strange, but it’s work, my guys can handle it, i’m sure you, in all seriousness, will you allow someone to do something for you? and i advise you to do the same, banana
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strawberry, you’re in the mood, raspberry blueberry and lime. alexander nikitin, check him thoroughly, so that there is something to grab onto,
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i didn’t extort any bribes, you know very well, anna popova, you still think you’d quit if you didn’t work there and finf couldn’t help it slander me? andrei chadov, call our special forces, they are blowing this door to hell and anastasia zavorotnyuk in her last role, you will not get enough in life, bailiffs, premiere, from monday at 22:10 on... ntv. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety and often hears adviсe. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabal retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. avabazole anxiety can and should be treated. the best contribution to sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. in the summer
10:35 pm
you can get a lot done with yandex food. try all the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new experiences. have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% at yandex food. magnet. ryaba mayonnaise 74.99. magnet. what is needed, what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and...
10:36 pm
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10:37 pm
pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. choose what is beneficial to you, millions of products for ozone for... 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases at ozonbank card, again profitable, not again, every day it’s profitable on the price tag, which means low price, sausage delicizer 199.99 pyaterochka helps vinurus choice of millions for varicose veins, vinurus can help for 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions, winerus is as simple as 1 2 3, another reason to open a zbermarket, order from your favorite restaurants, receive: a burger as a gift , sbermarket, we deliver from 25 minutes, vacation is more good, and yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, cashback up to 20% points plus for any hotel. mom, i’m not
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ready to have a heart-to-heart talk in such a furry company, but it will be good. the potential area of ​​infection is gigantic, i ’m not sure that this is true, in fact, otherwise there would be patients much later, but this still needs to be proven, and since such things are not carried out in laboratories, in offices, for example, this is data, laboratory work is already over we
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were examined and all samples were taken, no matter the children. to study, it’s clearly visible for whom this is all for the sake of, they are in danger, that’s what’s in the water, so as not to forget, why are we working, what is all this science and research for?
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ol, i didn’t want to, no, it doesn’t matter, no, my husband is not mine, not like that, another husband, i had a husband, nadyuzh, i’m here, mom, i’m here, hopefully, here, not here, but as best i could, i lied , nothing. i didn’t say, let the past remain with me, you can’t change it, i’m different now, you’ll find it, i ’ll prove it, so now? oh, he doesn’t understand you, dad, they won’t call you, well
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, shut up, don’t wash, he didn’t offer you enough money, you always pinch, his nature is so greedy, but i saved all the money, you’re lying, no, i’m this bag is damned. since then i haven’t even touched it, i hid it all, i wanted to give it to my daughter, i didn’t have the courage, for the sake of 700 thousand, 700 thousand ye, and well, if of course this one didn’t shortchange it then, what is the exchange rate now, what kind of money is it, but is it lying in his bag? no need to count, if you don’t touch anyone, it will be yours, well, or yours, choose who? i
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caught one here because of you, and the other here, please, but i got rid of it, but you couldn’t do it, i had to start my life all over again. i left sitka after 10 years, my daughter doesn’t want to know, just look, what happens, the situations are different, the result is the same, well, let’s discuss, lesh, all the time has passed, let’s check, blame. so, what's the problem with this? according to technology, how much do we set the thermostat? how long? at 10 o'clock? what about the temperature? well, what a stupid question, my dear, for
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most microorganisms at 37° celsius. this is not a question, you see, stupid. wait, half a day of research in the trash, collecting again, cooking wednesday again, well, now. let's decide, guys, what are you doing, we have zero time, light, what's the picture on your microscope, this is a bacterium, splintering infection, apparently bacteria, i know that, so, well, that means we do what we can, look again for the presence of spores, now i’ll look for a couple more minutes, that’s it, we’ve gathered, we’re working, they work, i know how they work, i will work this way too. i was infected with a test-unsuitability from you,
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it’s easy to invest with sber, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. it’s necessary to mix up the temperature at the time, an error minus the first course, because there is no bright head of the laboratory, osa laboratory. no, there is no clear plan, i ’ll just go for a walk, and you understand that this is not just laboratory work and not a competition to see which of us is better, we must determine the infectious disease from
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which people are dying, light, light, sorry, i, i i ruined everything, yes, i ruined it, well, well, only you can fix it. “now we’ll just throw away the fresh samples, it’s a disgrace, mikhailovna doesn’t see well, well, this is not the end of the research, well, it’s not the end, now we can’t carry out the test before tomorrow evening, and it’s probably better spend the day after tomorrow, everyone makes mistakes, and you are wonderful, because you know how to correct your mistakes, you can probably be angry with lyosha and me, but i learn from you, and i want to learn and... i want to be friends like before,
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i can teach how to mess everything up, yes, i already know how, because, well, please, let’s fix at least what’s in the tank, listen, well... there is one method, but it’s long, on the other hand , we’ve already lost time , look, we can test for antigen using pcr, the old samples have been incubated, we can we will identify the most pathogenic ones, our infection will turn out to be here, well, everything is fine, vitya found a solution, we move on,
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i meet you. like masha, i need to take a general analysis of the cut from you, so masha, kostya, stop!
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what successes, on the descending ascending points of the ground, there are no deviations, some microelements are overestimated, but still within acceptable limits, what according to retrospective
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data? yes, it seems like nothing, i read about the excess concentration of phenols, i wish i knew what it is, well, it’s no big deal, it’s in almost every there is a protein molecule, in short , there’s nothing wrong with water, as i understand it, mom, it’s good to hide behind work, i have plenty of it too, or do you think a pediatric heart surgeon is picking his nose? it’s also not a small responsibility, okay, you’re busy, no problem, because you don’t need it today and maybe not even tomorrow, i’m just afraid to hear that you don’t need it at all anymore, well then, at least in the intervals between epidemics, infectious diseases, viruses, find a little time, here's
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a table for this. you know, when, well, when we broke up with your father, and mom, this everything is in the past, no need, it’s gone and gone. “i need to go to the laboratory, i’m there, well, with work mail, i need to make a couple of calls so that they lift the quarantine in the region and focus on the kidrovka area, you wait for me, i’ll be back in an hour at most, please, go save the world, yes , i'll be back and so will you." tell me what
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happened to your family, in all the terrible details, yes. you’ll leave the card, and mom, i’m kidding, go, i’ve had enough, throw it away to come back, why, there’s so much new stuff ahead, riding on a star, carried towards the wind.
10:52 pm
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sber supported me at the start in everything, the account was opened in one click. helped with accounting and legal issues, the cash register was quickly connected, all this is free, with sber's support, starting a business is easier and faster. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. the highest measure, premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. summer is not only a time for vacations, but also an opportunity to catch luck in the summer editions. country houses, apartments by the sea, cars. procession and additional drawing, golden barrel, meet at the main lottery show in the country, they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, if you
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see a guy everywhere, it means that you are you the most beautiful girl in the world, our school is normal, how do we meet with you, i have a heart attack every time, the tour with the ivanushki is already in the cinema. still, what different people they are all, i mean, i never cease to be amazed that yours haven’t abandoned you, even now. “ol, you sit there, we’ll get out soon, don’t get out, your stubbornness will ruin you, my friend, things here, you know, worse things are happening around, i saw it myself, i wanted to save my family from this, what are you doing, he’s gone to the shamans, people don't change over the years, you didn't believe in this nonsense and didn't do you believe, this is what i wanted to save my family? i believe in this, but you see how it turned out,
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i didn’t save it from myself, i hope you remember where you hid the money, they’ll make you say, they ’re not like you, they’re different, they don’t need sin, just like me, they need money, and i ’ll give it back easily, uh-huh, oh, we ’ll carry mom in our arms, we’ll get out, “so, your woman won’t leave here, we’ll let your daughter go, well, maybe and you'll be lucky, where's the money, and where's the money, bone, let's all get out of here, i'll show you, i'll even take you, okay, not much time, but you’ll do a good job, no, that won’t do,
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let your family go here. can i talk to you later, yes, okay, i just really need it, yes, yes, not now, they took tamara and masha postwar, let’s go, right? uh-huh, i’ll catch up, 2 minutes, i
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just want to say that i killed a man, listen, you’re a doctor, it happens, any mistake, no, i did it consciously, but 3.5 years ago, there was only one grandma in the whole village, and i came once a week, injected her with pain relief, in general she didn’t even help, every time i came, the whole village begged me to i took her, well, where am i going to take her, in the hospital myself, you understand, but there are no places in the hospice, but it’s clear that she’s in the last... stage, and
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then they started begging her, they say, come on, grandma, she’s already on her own he comes up to me and says: you’ve got me like, like a pillow, like something else, well, in general, after a certain time of these i came, i injected such a horse dose. i’m thinking, if i get sick now, die, it means it’s conscious, it means it’s necessary, i deserved it, i don’t need to listen to anyone, but what would you have done, i don’t know, i would have told you earlier that i’ve never done that before, now...
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well, yes, it seems to me that illness is not a punishment, it’s inevitable, it’s inevitable, you just couldn’t avoid it. i'm sorry, thank you, they didn't even let me look. talk, that ’s the best thing for you, everyone was sick for a long time, we got it quickly, she had a short incubation period,
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there was no normalization, and she was just unlucky. maybe the fire hall will tell him everything right away, you think he knows, no, let him look,
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come on, come on! please, let's get up, well , get up, so she's done, mom, mommy, mom, please get up, mom, open up eyes, mom, please, we're all dead here, she just lost consciousness, everything's fine, mom, please get up, did you shut up mom? it’s all my fault, i shouldn’t have left the village, i made a mistake, what kind of
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disease is this, you, you’re local, what do you need there, herbs, herbs, and where to get them, huh? i don’t know, my herbs, they won’t help you, herbs, you need to go to the doctors, this is the only one, now i ’ll return the money to the doctors, i’ll give it back home to us, we need to go to the doctors, i’ve infected you, bitch, but...
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my ultimate, i didn’t want you feel bad, never, not now, lucky, sorry, olya, forgive me, nadyuzh, olya,
11:06 pm
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you’re welcome, no, the continuation of the famous turkish saga, i can’t wrap my head around how you can go family against family, it will happen anyway, dad, don’t, this will only make things worse, i left home, this is what you fought for, we will win this war, so easily. they won’t get rid of us, kingfisher, new season, do you think you caught me, yes, siron, but i didn’t promise you anything, i don’t want to be unhappy next to you, that’s it, now it will be interesting, from june 29 daily on ntv, bailiffs, premiere, from monday at 22:10 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay. anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an ozon bank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble.
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11:09 pm
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what do you think? there is a plus one, wait, the light doesn’t owe enough to the preparation, you know, but it seems to me that we have no choice, what did they find? put on a suit and come see us, it’s not funny,
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vitya is also against it, but we won’t have time any other way. from the living, it’s better to check who is wrong, like a machine, we can’t help him, i hope we did everything right, and let the result be, the tests were taken normally, part of the masses everything will be, you think i’ll screw myself like
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shooters, i i think you’re on the aisle and continue to squeeze yourself? there is another way, honestly, i don’t know, maybe not for you, if you talked to my sister, what are you talking about me, you know, this does not give you the full right to evaluate me, in any capacity, i don’t even i thought about this, that’s all you think about, we’re going to vosibirs with our colleagues, actually they’re our mutual colleagues. it’s unlikely that what will happen after this epidemic is unknown, or, damn it, it’s okay, take the next one, see, you can double-check, no, it’s actually
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some kind of incomprehensible nucleative sequence, gosh, make sure that the specific dna code is configured correctly, so , well, what do you have here, hello, tatyana mikhlanovna, why is svetlana in the back laboratory? we are looking for specific antigens. alexey, i have a cell wall antigen. sticks, which, only if it’s a new biotype, means it’s impossible, obviously it would be, khidrovki plague,
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what’s wrong with you, everything’s fine, i’m... okay, overwork, i understand, okay, you also need to donate blood as soon as so fuck it, i'm serious, don't interfere with work. why is your leukocyte formula normal, but glaciation is detected? what? i determined the presence of specific immunoglobulins in all patients, only you have a high cycle of protective antibodies. i am well? no, your body brings illness more easily than everyone else. these are the properties of the body either you took something, or you lived, lived on licorice, licorice, licorice.
11:17 pm
the game is close, who you bet on, register in the betting league application and get a profit. june 22, the day of memory and sorrow. fifreiter strebkov destroyed at least two snipers from the magnificent seven. 24:20, 27, 15 more. november 4, 25. as soon as i found out about you. 598 killed fascists right there it’s all nonsense i see you’re not a fan of talking what is the story of one hero you’re subordination is such a word familiar why excuse me he’s just a little with us
11:18 pm
priduryev most often those who do not fit the general comb are usually called some kind of abnormal i am normal strange all this is strange not strange fact the red army soldier casts eliminated enemy intelligence. so, how did it happen, i smelled moonshine, tantui, samogosh, they published it in the newspaper, damn it, june 22, at 17:00, on ntv, just let’s be careful, okay, first of all , take tests, i’m afraid it’s not just overwork, considering the first days, how many of us are here, if. markovi is infected, her it is necessary to move her to the ward,
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to detain markova, she does not have permission to move freely in the dirty area, it is accepted, but quietly. alena vladimirovna, this is anya, i need to take some tests from you, 2 minutes, where are you? alena vladimirovna, are you there? alena vladimirovna, i need to take some of your blood. alena vladimo.
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alena, vladimirovna. and lyona vladimirovna, oh, what happiness, it doesn’t matter what you call it, i need...
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i’ll ruin it so much that oh, the basement is open, here i am
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, lyana vladimirovna, a bungler, trampling the ground, why in vain? 322, you know, i somehow. i went there, there was a store on fire, a grocery store, and so far it didn’t go out, no one rocked the boat, and these fellows, thanks to them, we know that she’s in the village, what do you think, that these mugs couldn’t blink, they’re here around the clock , in shifts, no, of course. well
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, i don’t know, you know, if you really need to, you can slip through, of course, she wouldn’t do that, oh, you understand people, yes, not all of them, a little outside, yes, but what color are her eyes? green, no, yes, green, blue, yes no , what about the eyes, did you just notice everything, clearly, although among you, all the tadpoles, she is perhaps the most sorry for her. once again i’ll go around
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the village where you are on the fifth circle, that maybe during the day some traces will appear, at night they might not have noticed which one, we checked under every bush, there is nothing, you understand that this is not just some kind of disease,
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lousy , i just shouldn’t have, she just doesn’t sit down, looks like that, doesn’t say anything that she should have, but she comes here like this every time she asks me to do it, then again with the others, but i don’t want to, but i don’t i will, no, i won’t, the situation has sharply gone negative,
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we are waiting for improvement, like others, they injected us with antibiotics, let’s hope there will be no fulminate course, we found her, we found her, we found her in the sixteenth sector, it’s unclear what condition she’s in, it’s not clear, she doesn’t respond to sound, we’re getting her out, quickly! the temperature is rising.
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up, up, alena, alena vladimirovna, open, alena vladimirovna, open, open, it seems that the fans have something to say with the betting league application.
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