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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  June 21, 2024 1:05am-2:01am MSK

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our expert, professor kapustin, will talk about attempts to move the earth. it is absolutely impossible to begin our topic today otherwise than with the great phrase of archimedes: give me a point of support, and i will move the earth. is it possible to move the earth today and what does it mean to move our earth? the earth has the shape of a ball, or rather a geoid, consists of layers of different densities, and is not absolutely solid. business, therefore the direction of the axis of rotation is not constant. if you imagine that the earth is a target, then hitting such a target is enough difficult, it oscillates and rotates in all directions. the earth moves in an orbit around the sun at an average distance of 150 million km. the earth's orbit is close in shape to an ellipse and is described by kepler's laws. however, the earth's orbit is affected.
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i listened - that i imagined how they rub against the earth's axis of flying bears in 8 years, i see it for the first time, and what question again, well, there are bears rubbing, and the earth's axis, this is it, listen, and i just imagined that where there’s a metal thing lying in the snow, like a hoop, with some kind of axle sticking out of the ground, no, no, i’m different, that’s exactly where he lies.
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tsyalkovsky, even came up with a technique, then nuclear energy was very popular, and he pokrovsky, a passionate follower , wanted to make a large pit at the pole with the help of nuclear explosions, exploding thermonuclear charges there. direct the earth somewhere,
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but why did he explain? in general, the idea of ​​space travel was also very popular back then, and the earth is the most comfortable spaceship on earth, so it was such a good idea, but then, of course, everyone got scared about nuclear energy and everything else, but nevertheless all sorts of fantastic ideas therefore.
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the earth moved the earth by 150 million km at once, this is nicolaus copernicus, because before him the earth was always in the center, here he is, when he changed from geocentric to helocentric, he just moved the earth well, by those 150 km that we are talking about, million kilometers that we heard about, this was the largest successful shift of the earth, sometimes just a stroke is enough. pen to move the earth, no, we'll talk about the real shift. anatoly alekseevich, okay, but how did all these theories that the earth can be moved advance science in general? well, in fact, this in itself is a situation when you begin to talk about the earth as an object, like you have an apple in one hand, in the other you imagine the earth and start moving them like this, this is a kind of breakthrough in a person’s consciousness, especially if it was in the middle ages, as isaac newton was there, or even in...
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in the ancient world, as archimedes was, an abstraction in itself, what science is, before all you need to do is to abstract from a specific subject, move on to some general concepts, and you, a person, have managed to abstract from the fact that the earth is a kind of... firmament of the earth, standing there on elephants, yes, on turtles, which go, go, wherever you go no, that it can be taken, relatively speaking, in the hand, carried out on not some actions, just as i carry out actions with any other object, this is the largest breakthrough in the methodology of science, so it is actually the very circulation of these thoughts, it led to significant progress in such a scientific consciousness, i think, well, in the middle ages in the ancient world, now if we move the earth even by...
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we will find all the answers to questions in burdasov’s past, but now you do n’t need to think about the past, after june forty first burdasov has not appeared anywhere else, an elusive maniac from the past, and if we assume that burdasov has come out after all, to look for the living among the dead, the dead among the living, oh, you kindled my curiosity, in a series based on real events, damn, mommies, they're killing us one by one, something it’s not the same with this hospital, but yours is sick, it’s too painful for his equal, and if he’s still in court, he will express his dissenting opinion, the ultimate measure,
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premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, point zero, finale tomorrow at 22:20 on ntv , for headaches. at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. our new name is t-bank, where you can still turn dance into a world heritage. sports, an invincible car. let's go, go into space and send mom a star. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work
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into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here you can change the name without changing it. staying with himself in a country over which the sun never sets, he is the only one, the main feature of modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case if i clean teeth are already dressed, which means i forgot about the casting, i'm late, and if i'm late, that means i 'm taking a scooter, and if i'm taking a scooter, that means i'm transferred unused communication minutes to this trip. if everyone comes out upset, it means no one has been given the role yet. artyom, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there is music too. what will you do if
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they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more and transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month. if they give him the role, he will still transfer gigabytes because he will be rehearsing. the new tariff 24 is as much as 30 gb of internet. that can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes that can be exchange for rides on mts jurend scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. invite a friend to get a black debit card from t-bank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is still at neftebank, and avtobank invited me to sing, of course, mom, tebank, he’s the only one, vkfest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities across the country. powerful lineup your favorite hits, popular speakers, bloggers, waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, expert in the treatment of thrush, flucostat, vac, both answers
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correct, in the sense, flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories, both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. tat or flukovak, everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. closing a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the rate in cash. perbank, he's the only one. from yota. your money won't fly away. there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them. you can iota. is our new name - t-bank. where else can you go into space and send your mother a star from the sky? turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation. technology into live communication, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, staying
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with yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank, he is the only one. the program is on air, science and we, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. in 10 years, science will move the earth. at the end of the program, our guests, optimists and skeptics, will make a forecast with what probability in 10 years science will really will move the earth. our expert, professor kapustin, knows how to move the earth. astronomers claim that in the next 50 years more than ten celestial bodies will fall to earth. ranging in size from 10 m to 1 km. is it possible to move our
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planet? theoretically yes. the mass of the earth is 6 sextillion tons, and every year there are 30,000 tons of cosmic dust. so you just need to attach a cart with stones to the spaceship, launch it into orbit and start throwing stones towards the earth. only a measly septillion tons of stones will be needed, but every stone will be needed. will very, very slowly move our planet out of orbit, the main thing here is not to stop throwing and not to miss, but seriously, today we are already able to calculate and even predict the collision of planets, but alas, even having determined that a cosmic body is rushing towards us , we are not yet able to do anything about it, alas, in general, it’s a spaceship, a trolley. earth,
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we are building a brick factory in orbit, there are already 2, it’s easier to drag it from there, well, really, let’s be serious, what do we know today about the movement of the earth? and what do science generally study this very movement? well, what do we know today? we know quite a lot, we know how the earth rotates around the sun, how it rotates around its axis, and how it rotates around its axis we know quite accurately, well, in fact, now this accuracy is already centimeters, in the future there will be millimeters, so that is, this is a mind-boggling accuracy for this phenomenon, well, what kind of sciences? these are mainly those that begin with the prefix geo, geophysics, geodynamics
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rotation of the earth, well, astronomy really doesn’t start with geo, we can call it geoastronomer that way, but geoastronomy, that’s geodesy, respectively geology, gravimetry, and their other subdivisions, such as celestial mechanics, for example, like space geodesy, astrometry, tectonics global, well... well, of course, no one tried to move the earth there, but there are traces of bears
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that supposedly rub against the earth’s axis, although it’s still 900 km to the polis from the land of alexandra, yes, i saw traces, well, it’s difficult say what time they were walking towards the continent, it seemed to me that they were heading towards the continent, well, this is just my guess, which means the second thing, when i was about to go here, it means that i suddenly remembered that i had seen something similar, that is... when i heard this, science will move the earth, humanity will move the earth, i heard something similar, and indeed in the nineteenth year or maybe in the twentieth, the year of the crown, by the way, the chinese made a sci-fi... disaster film, it’s called the wandering earth, this is not an advertisement, but i advise anyone who is interested watch, of course, a specific cinema, but the plot is exactly the same, as our respected expert described, it means that they shifted the axis or not, they decided to use the earth as a spaceship to move to alphacentaur, because our sun suddenly and unexpectedly does not wait i decided,
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let’s say no spoilers, but no, well, yes, yes, no, i suddenly decided to say so. earth, that's what to say, the bowels of our planet are in constant motion, thank god, our planet is still alive, the heat engine is working, so to speak, warm matter rises to the surface, the cold sinks down, omitting details, i will say that these movements lead to the fact that if you look at the earth, so to speak, from the point of view of gravitational anomalies, then it is not a ball at all, it is such a rather interesting figure,
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so it can whether yes means whether humanity can. but first i’ll tell you whether there can be any internal forces of it, but that means, let’s make it simpler, that means, well , here are the largest earthquakes, let’s say, magnitude 9 there , yes, these are the strongest earthquakes that actually split faults, hiding there for thousands of kilometers, what is happening, just such an earthquake is happening, and a redistribution of masses is happening, of course , yes, the movement will be restored so, let’s say, disturbed, yes, that means, and at the same time it’s just, so to speak,
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or the word is moved, so in our title of the program, in my opinion, this word still needs to be put in quotation marks, i am therefore an optimist, but only if the word is put in quotation marks, in what sense, that is, if we return to the teachings of vladimir vernatsky, yes about the naosphere, about what is, so to speak, reasonable part of the biosphere will eventually become a force commensurate with the geological force, yes, that is , which changes the face of the earth, moves continents and so on, of course, this is not happening now, but if you look at the earth from space, if you look at the earth from space, we see.. . structures, well, firstly, we see traces of impact events, yes, that is, so to speak, ancient craters there and so on, but well, on our, so to speak, on the territory of our country there is a papigai crater, there is such a very large, clearly visible from space, the important thing is that if if we look more closely, then in addition to the natural origin, so to speak, of the shape of the relief, we can already see what
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was made by people, namely mining and processing plants, for example the same levedsky ore, it can be seen from space, it is in size... i'm talking about the scale of the disaster, that after all, a reasonable person on the surface of the earth, well, let’s assume that he is reasonable, yes, that means he creates, so to speak, well, his actions are already commensurate with the forces of nature, in some way, in a sense, one might think that if, let’s say, relatively speaking, 50 years ago we watched science fiction, where people
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spoke on some kind of communicator, and today they are in everyone’s pocket, then why don’t we see in 10 years, let’s say, i’m not talking about a shift in the earth, but a shift, in quotes, then, that our forces are comparable to the power of nature, for example, geoengineering in terms of climate, well, that kind of thing, and what external forces influence the movement of the earth? well, if we talk about internal, still local, i would also remember reservoirs, glaciers, if the glaciers all melt, the rotation period of the earth will change, that is, global warming, well there are also conditional ones, small fractions, small fractions of a second, but... will it still slow down or speed up? come on, yes, this is a good question, in general earthquakes are slowing down, so they are slowing down, so normal, great, we will have more, more summers. speaking about external reasons, it must be said that - well , the earth only rotates around the sun to a first approximation, in fact it rotates
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around the center of the solar system, the large planets, including jupiter and saturn, they influence it badly, they, relatively speaking, rock the earth's axis, well, on mars on earth it is fortunately not very visible, because it is far from jupiter, firstly, and secondly, the moon stabilizes us, oddly enough, the moon is not just... additional lighting at night , this is a very important stabilizer of the earth’s rotation, and due to this the climate is stabilized, in this sense it is much easier for us to live than on mars, where the axis of rotation can go tens of degrees over millions of years, and this is how we see these traces on mars, therefore, in this sense, the earth is a unique object, because external forces influence us, but this is how nature decreed that this influence is small, it does not affect life if we are on other planets.
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in life cyclically, a period of active wakefulness, a period of sleep, it turns out that if, relatively speaking, we lived without rotation, then different people would have slightly shifted circadian rhythms, what would this lead to, someone awake, asleep, awake, asleep, someone does it a little faster, at some point it turns out that at that moment different people would be asleep, some others would be awake.
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23 hours each, and we have an extra hour, well, i would say 23 hours, our biology is rigged , he said the opposite, this is not an extra hour, this is the hour that we are forced to stretch ours, that is, we stretch our 23 hours every time, conditionally at 24, that is, that’s why we don’t have time, right? on the contrary, on the contrary, on the contrary , it should be enough, but usually, but usually we lack sleep most of all, this is the key point, what we lack is not enough
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sleep, so in fact, the rotation of the earth except, that is, sets a certain synchronization of everything alive, and this is generally a good action for both people and other biological objects, so thank you, don’t you think that if our circadian rhythms are adjusted to 23 hours, then... once upon a time the earth rotated around its axis in 23 hours, that’s why our circadian rhythms are like that, it’s an interesting question, but there are no witnesses left, unfortunately, from that time on, there’s such an intrigue, let’s use it for advertising, perhaps an advertisement on ntv, bah, he needs a grandfather, who i need you, zhenya, where are you, he said he would let me go if grandpa will come, who will let go?
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carefully, this square, you shouldn’t have poked your head here, colonel, alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, final episodes, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. capital punishment, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, appet may help. it helps restore memory and attention. i wanted my head to work. vk fest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities of the country a powerful lineup your favorite hits popular speakers bloggers are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, invite for a friend, apply for a black debit card from tebank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is still at the neftebank, and i was invited to sing by the autobank,
1:32 am
of course, mom, he is such an expert in the treatment of thrush, flukostart vac, both answers are correct, in the sense: flucostat - capsules, and flucovac - vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac, each has its own way of getting rid of thrush. the main feature of modern youth - this is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you haven't forgotten about the casting i arranged for you, have you? in no case. if i’m brushing my teeth, i’m already dressed , it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i’m late, it means i take the scooter, and if i took the scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone comes out upset, it means the role they haven’t given it to anyone yet, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera, cool tariff, there’s music here, but what?
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internet that can be transferred to the next month, communication minutes that can be exchanged for scooter rides, music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. tofon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition, restoration, and preservation of youthful eyes. tuufon, triple de... gradual release of the active substance, only one tablet per day, aphazon anxiety can and should be treated. that's it.
1:34 am
it tastes better on fire, burger king. for headaches, there is askafen p, at an affordable price, and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askfen when it hurts head. our new name is t-bank. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sport is an invincible machine. let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work
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into a dream. tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without changing yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank, he is the only one. oh, are you a senior farmer? no, yes, oh my, why refused execution according to the ring, because it seemed to me that there was something wrong with the will, let them check it. maybe you suspect someone? everyone who was convicted. sergei godin, but we cannot break the law, we cannot, but we can change the situation a little so that it is fair and in accordance with the law. alexander nikitin, but the check on him was complete, so that there was something to grab onto, i didn’t extort any bribes, you know very well, anna popova, you still quit, you think, if you didn’t work there and it’s impossible to slander me, andrey chadov, call our special forces, they’re blowing up
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this door to the damn t-shirt. and anastasia zavorotnyuk in her last role, you will be given a life sentence. bailiffs. premiere. from monday at 22:10 on ntv. there is a science program on air and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, in 10 years science will move the earth. it’s absolutely necessary to move the earth, says our expert, professor kapustin. it is possible to move the earth from our orbit, and maybe it is necessary, well in the future, or maybe in the near future. the most obvious reason is a possible collision with a celestial object, primarily with... we all know very well about meteorites that fell to the ground. the meteorites were mostly small, a significant number drowned in the oceans. but there were also giant meteorites, for example, sikhote olinsky, weighing more than 20 tons. it’s good that i didn’t
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end up in some city, it would have been a terrible disaster. the chabyrkul meteorite near chelyabinsk also missed, but in hundreds of houses the glass flew out. and if this happens... meteorite, but a huge asteroid, in such a collision not only will all living creatures disappear, walking, crawling or flying, the entire planet will change, it will become deserted, and maybe in millions of years life will appear on our planet again, but we will never talk about it we’ll find out, so it’s better let’s find out now, sergei leonidovich, well, the earth rotates.
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there is no need to worry, because the earth is simply huge in size, which means it has enormous rotational energy stored, so such a nuisance can happen, but it is very difficult to change it, but in order to change it requires such catastrophic events as... collisions with a planetoid, well , close in size to the moon, then there can be significant changes, which apparently happened 4.5 billion years ago, when in fact, according to hypotheses , a double earth-moon system was formed, it simply
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broke away from us, no, it is believed that it was a certain planetoid, which is called thee, so it collided with the earth and its fracture occurred, that is, part of this aethea sank into the earth . formed, among other things, contributed to the formation of the earth's core, and part of it, together with part of the earth's masses, was thrown into orbit and the moon was formed there, well, let's just say this is the main hypothesis, although there are others, but there is a lot of pulse of this hypothesis - let's say factors, well, look, that is , now our axis is, let’s say, tilted, yes , if it levels out, then i understand that there will be problems with day at night, what problems with the climate, or vice versa, what will happen?
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okay, now we are being balanced, then we didn’t have anyone, which means we appeared, listen, it’s good that we appeared, apparently, we appeared not so long ago, maybe just minutes before midnight, no, well, they say that we exist at all, because we have a core, there wouldn’t be a core , we would be like mars, a dead planet, so mars also has a core, mars has a core, but yes, but apparently there is no outer core, namely a liquid core, which is why we do not have a magnetic one. that is why it is induced ; therefore, of course, with the emergence of life in the current configuration, problems. there is another example, so to speak, commensurate, so to speak, possible, that could happen in 10 years, for example,
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yes, look, this is again from my field, since i am a geophysicist, yes, there is such a topic as geothermal energy , now everyone is saying, there is green energy, it is geothermal, yes, that is, we extract heat from the earth to heat kamchatka, of course, even geothermal stations. to a tablet of this shape, which means that it is immersed in the earth’s crust, so to speak, the body is partially molten, in some places and completely molten - the rock itself, which is, here it is this source, it is about 2 km in diameter, they are called peripheral and is located shallow, there plus or minus two kilometers from the surface, so the subvolcanic structure is naturally , and an eruption actually occurs from it, so we drill wells, which means we surround it in hot... rock, not in the eye itself, of course, of course, yes, exactly in the heated
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dry rocks that surround it, and that means we pump water in there, take it out, which means it’s already brine, but nevertheless it’s hot , you can get efficiency for the turbine, so to speak, uh, what can be done, that is, well, now it’s, well, roughly speaking, a geothermal station, yes , but ideally - if we imagine such a situation, if, for example, we want to make sure that this volcano does not erupt, yes, well, we can make many such wells. take all the heat from the magma chamber then it will solidify, hey, be careful, because the volcano is erupting return the water back to us, no need, let them erupt, i agree, well, maybe some volcanoes, let’s say, it turned out that around it in the affected area there live, say, 1.5 million people, maybe it would be nice to make sure that in the near future time, the inhabitants of pompeii would argue with you, yes, absolutely right, no, i think that these are mainly the inhabitants of indonesia, because that is where the largest number is located. volcanoes within the radius of each of which are home to more than a million people, there are about thirty of them
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volcanoes, you understand what the population density is and what a volcanic country is, of course , there are no such technologies now, but ideally it is physically possible, well, andrei vladimirovich, sergei lionevich said that if we align the axis, then we will all have a normal day and the nights are the same, no polar nights, polar nights in narilsk, god, it’s already impossible to live, people will finally see the sun calmly or be able to sleep. this is also important, yes, but how will a change in the earth’s orbit affect us if we don’t let god, will she change? well, the situation with the orbit is probably the most, uh, reliable, because too much energy must be spent in order to move it, that is, the simplest estimates show that in order to change the orbit by 1%, and you need to spend 100 billion times more energy than is produced annually. planet earth, that is, all people, all people, precisely,
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that is, in this sense, a rapid anthropogenic change in orbit is almost impossible, that’s the only thing that i somehow tried to find when i was considering the topic of the program, we have learned to measure everything well, and the orbit there and how large bodies of the solar system influence, how passing asteroids can influence, this is the moment that... for me remains, may be open, and maybe, by the way, alexey leonidovich will join the discussion , this is the question of the magnetic field, which is very important for me, it, by the way, changes periodically, this is the situation with a change in the magnetic field from the inversion of the magnetic field, when we have a change in polarity, and this is associated with a significant decrease in it, and this wherein is an account of all living things, that’s how... just this question, well, how is it considered
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that we cannot yet predict what forces influence the inversion of the magnetic field, that this action introduces rather a more chaotic regime, at least for now we cannot predict this, the only thing that should give us a little confidence is that the inversion process is not fast, it is still thousands of years, and we can...
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earth, so, here is the lever that archimedes spoke about, yes, here i sat down, everything happened, no 10 million years for you, nothing it’s necessary, once it’s ready, and we don’t know when this will happen, anatoliyevich, but there are some technologies that can really change, well, either the axis or the orbit of rotation of the earth, after all, we are the axis,
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as we have already figured out here, we know how to move, and for this we don’t need science, for this we need the absence of science to build. where where where there is no need to dig a reservoir or a hole or melt a glacier, here it is more of an anti-scientific activity than a scientific one that moves ours, i would say, but in orbit, but i’m more of a pessimist here, of course, now we have learned to move asteroids that are approximately 10-20-100 m in size, there was an example when - even such an experiment was carried out, one large satellite crashed into a small asteroid and recorded that it began to change. our orbit, that is, here we are, newton’s laws apply, which means we can move a celestial body, well, they just told us that they don’t work everywhere, no, well , they don’t work near black holes, they do work, but a little differently, yes, this is how it all works, but a little bit wrong, a little bit wrong
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so, okay, this is a collision, but still , maybe there are some other technologies, for some reason the magnetic poles are changing, no, well, the poles are still not the movement of the earth, this is not movement, this is what. what is moving there , there is a lot of things moving around the earth of terrestrial origin, yes, in the sense of matter, it is garbage, and there is also such an extravagant hypothesis, here it is, again, in application to asteroids, it is developed that in fact we see those asteroids that should crash into the earth extremely it is extremely unlikely that... something from the outside some kind of oamua, which i don’t see, some interstellar object that appears suddenly, all the near-earth asteroids are now kilometer-sized, and we know them for many decades, what will fall on the earth, now it will hit, we don’t see such , we see that everything we know does not fall into the next few tens, but
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at the same time, how many percent of space have we studied? almost all of the kilometer-long asteroids that have a chance of hitting the ground have been counted, or they will be counted there in 10 years. and accordingly, we have a varnish, this one 10 years, several decades to influence this asteroid, one of these popular hypotheses is to paint the asteroid black or white, so that the pressure of sunlight will slightly change the orbit and in a few decades it would fly by, well, some- then a couple of thousand kilometers from the earth and that means the catastrophe was canceled, so there are even such hypotheses, probably the earth can be painted, but it will still be honey...
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the main force that acts on objects in such a vacuum, which we have in solar system, this is the force of gravity, so that something flies past the moon, moves it, there must be a second moon, there are no such things,
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all these kilometer-long asteroids are such garbage left over after the construction of the solar system, from which the builders forgot to collect a scoop, so .. . there were also some astronomers, they were also sitting like that, well, yes, everything was tidied up, everything was fine, everything was tidied up, and then it arrived, no, well, now we don’t see asteroids that can fly to us during the current. the next few decades, but we know that according to stories that such kilometer-long objects fall to the earth once every million years, in my opinion, so, well, so very much, so this is a very rare
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event for which you just need to keep an eye on these things, on asteroids, you need to keep an eye on what you want to say that science is not doing anything to protect the earth, god forbid from someone, it’s just keeping an eye on it, they’ve just counted it, first we need to count it, then count their orbits, that’s not enough, something needs to be done, comrades, and if... it all falls on us, well, 100% can never be, and if we still have 10 years, no, well, we can, we can still significantly reduce the probability, yes, but if you don’t, if you cross the road at a red light, yes, then you significantly increase the probability of getting hit, well, that your health will suffer if you cross the road when the light is green, it is also possible that someone will run over you, but in general you reduce the probability if you follow the rules of the road, so in space. if we comply, monitor what is needed, develop the technologies, install the telescopes that are needed, we reduce the probability, significantly reduce
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the probability of an unfavorable scenario, and it feels like in the solar system you know, like a system with autopilots, we just sit and watch, it all steers itself, somehow you want to get behind the wheel and steer, but that’s the problem in your example, the only thing is that if suddenly someone violated, someone violated the traffic rules, i can go and complain, when the right one arrives, i won’t complain, the most important thing is that you can’t turn away, you know, from crazy driver, we don’t have a steering wheel on earth, no, we just need to steer not the earth is a million million, i don’t know, a billion times heavier than this asteroid, so we don’t need to steer the earth, we need to steer the asteroid, we looked for it for 20, for 30 years before a probable collision, let's influence it, it's much, much easier than steering, in general, we'll steer asteroids, but after advertising, advertising on ntv. novosibirsk state of emergency, infection, got out of the hospital territory. we
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are not going to blame anyone. our task is figure it out, then it’s just worthwhile to figure it out. do you seriously want to go there? still growing, faster please, this is science, not impromptu. we found a new plague biotype, thanks. the final is tomorrow at 22:20 on ntv. the program is on air, science and we, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. in 10 years, science will move the earth. but to find out whether this will happen or not, dear guests, optimists and skeptics. i have a question for everyone: how likely is it that science will still be able to move the earth in 10 years? sergey leonidovich, do you have a forecast? well, you know, such a direct forecast. i don’t, but nevertheless i am optimistic about changing the trajectory of the asteroids, why? because - when we influence
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an asteroid, we just need to turn it aside, that is, we don’t need to influence it too much, you understand what’s the matter, so this situation, so to speak, is real, and it seems to me that in 10 years , well, science will come up with technologies to influence such asteroids, so to speak, well, probably just poorly informed optimist. no, yes, if we learn to influence asteroids, then on the earth, i think the same people will also be able to do something. you understand, what’s the matter, when you influence an asteroid, you only need a small influence for it to deviate a little to the side , because due to the huge angle it will go far, that ’s when you want to influence the earth, you want to influence something huge, heavy and located, well, you know, right next to you, heavy huge, that’s if i didn’t ask the sun influences, but i only influence the earth, the earth is also very big. in any case in case, for us, yes, but in any case, from the side of determining the parameters
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of the rotation of the earth, i can say that for the ballistic support of such an experiment, so to speak, i think that , well, i will calculate the parameters of the rotation of the earth with the required accuracy, with a probability, we will calculate everything with a probability of 100 %, 100%, thank you very much, in this case, i’ll join my colleague. that the main thing is not to move the earth, it is precisely to clearly measure how we fly and what is happening around us, but rather i urge you not to touch everything, as this is a good principle, don’t bother working, that it means you believe that it is possible to move the earth, so urge you not to touch it, i just hope that you have enough sense not to move it and not how to develop these capabilities, therefore... you won’t move a percent, well, that is, zero, you give a shift of 0% . thank you very much, well, since
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i’m an optimist, well, then, as they say. i will answer in two parts, the first is why i actually decided to be an optimist, there is a wonderful song by vladimir semyonov vysoksky, don’t be alarmed when the sunset is not in place, judgment day - these are fairy tales for elders, just the earth they rotate wherever our replacement companies want on the march, it is very relevant, by the way, in the current historical context this is a foresight, well, yes, but how can i say so, if we go back to science, yes, then again i... take a position academician vernatsky, i believe that , after all, his teaching on the asphere must be fulfilled in some part, and humanity, let’s say, is the intelligent part of the biosphere, it will become that force, another force on earth, which will, let’s say, support on it those conditions that are comfortable for her, this is my opinion, that is, it will not move,
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but will, as it were, move, but will become a force of equal nature. like this, but the probability is 100%, the probability is, well, of course 100%, i hope to survive, 100%, thank you very much, i would agree with my colleague here, the main thing is that it doesn’t move, yes, science is capable, i would say so , science, science is capable of protecting the earth from careless movements, which means there are still people who can do this, so you believe in our science, is this also positive? that is, in general, we won’t touch it, but 0%, yeah, thank you very much, volodya, with a probability of 50%, it’s great that whatever question was asked, this was the answer we received, either it will move, or it will not, or, or we will move, or we will shift the orbit, or we will shift the axis, or we will not move, it’s our own fault, the polar bear in the studio , yes, the polar bear
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was beautiful, no, i’m really talking about the fact that... it’s amazing, by the way, i generally thought that the probability would be absolutely zero, because well, it’s like nothing moves either autumn or the orbit, but it turned out that the reservoir and maybe some of our activities are all the same it doesn’t shift at least a little, and this, by the way, surprises me, a fraction of a second, on the one hand it’s scary, on the other hand, yes milliseconds, on the other hand microseconds, on the other hand extra microseconds to sleep well, but it turns out i do conclusion, which is what it means simply, when you and i jump on the ground, well, we are also clearly like... it’s a little bit, but we’re moving it, yes, yes, yes, we just haven’t counted it yet, in general, volodya, we need to do it - jump more carefully, i suggest walking, everyone is very quiet on the ground in slippers, so that , god forbid, it doesn’t move anywhere, i’m not i agree that it seems like it can’t be moved, but i like this one, excuse me, but scientific snabism, we
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have counted all the asteroids, we mean everything there is what it means. somewhere on the conditional neptune, too, we counted all the asteroids, if nothing touches us, then a meteorite is flying towards the earth, we deflect it towards neptune, they say: oh, but it could be the other way around, we’re sitting, that’s it we thought that someone somewhere was at fault, that he took it somewhere and moved it, so since there is no hope for scientists, we will move the earth ourselves, here is your role, we will turn out let's dodge, yes, let 's dodge, here's the land, come on, half yours, half mine, yes, wow, so, let's dodge the meteors, let's steer, let's go, as he says, to the scientists, no, no, it was program, my science, science...


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