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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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14:00 weekdays ntv, goodbye. we will strengthen the potential and increase the combat capabilities of all types of armed forces and branches of the military. the supreme commander-in-chief met with graduates of higher military educational institutions. ilya ushenin will tell you about how the tankers of the southern group of troops liberate krasnogorovka and how the formidable terminators help them. to beat further , the political publication claims that the condition set by washington for ukraine to use american weapons in a limited territory is a trick. new secretary general, why mark rutte, who is due to be confirmed as nato head in july, is called trump's charmer.
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outgoing rishi suunk, lame duck or black sheep to whom british voters compare him. elizaveta gerson talks about this. hello, at ntv news, in the studio egor kalyvanov. russia is ready for a broad discussion on the creation of a eurasian security system, including with nato countries, when they are ready for this. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with graduates of higher military educational institutions. at the same time, the president noted that in difficult international situation, our country will continue to improve its army, taking into account the enormous combat experience gained during a special military operation. as a matter of priority, we will increase the supply of various types of unmanned aircraft systems, armored vehicles and high-precision weapons, strike aircraft, enemy detection and counter-battery systems to the troops on the front line, we will have a system.
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ukrainian storage facilities for military-technical equipment, airfields, electrical substations that ensured the operation of military-industrial complex enterprises ukraine and the training sites for unmanned boats, the temporary deployment points of national units of foreign mercenaries were also hit. during the fighting, the armed forces of ukraine lost about 14,000 military personnel in a week, according to the ministry of defense, and repelled over 60 enemy counterattacks. and in krasnogorovka on donetsk. control tankers make way for russian attack aircraft, report by ilya ushenin. a short briefing before the battle from the commander, strict instructions on the vehicles and a sound that makes the heart beat, perhaps, of every tanker. tanks of the fifth brigade of the southern group of forces they set out to support the assault on krasnogorovka, along the way through the dense forest they are accompanied by short summer rain and the bright donbass sun, then the tank freezes in a closed position and delivers the first blow.
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the shells are loaded with a full load of ammunition, so the tank fires almost without stopping, essentially working like artillery, only from a much closer distance, the vibration is like that. which even our camera mounted on the armor cannot withstand. the task of tankers is not only to support the offensive, but also to directly cover infantry groups, who enter the village in armored vehicles. essentially, there is a steel fist ahead that is pushing through the enemy’s defenses. it feels like the enemy is ready to surrender soon. ready to give up soon. and we, we feel like we get into the tank, do the work, we turn off feelings, emotions, just carry out the task itself.
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so that they are overwhelming, which is because it happens halfway through the departure, there you already have nine comedians knocked up, so it’s very difficult. in the neighboring direction , the attacking attack aircraft are being helped by already legendary combat vehicles supporting terminator tanks. the svo became a baptism of fire for them and they have already managed
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to prove themselves, including to the enemy, who, upon learning of their approach, tries to immediately flee from the position. this is actually a very unique machine, a very serious weapon for the skilled. this is what proves the fear of opponents on the other side when they hear or see that the terminator is leaving, as they sometimes call it, the witch has come out, so, but i consider us not a witch, but witchers, most likely, who instill horror at any time days, footage taken in the cockpit by one of the crew members.
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several russian cities at once, 70 were intercepted and destroyed over the crimea and the black sea, another 43 were shot down over the krasnodar territory, one over the volgograd region. in the northwestern part. in the sea, six ukrainian unmanned boats were destroyed, the ministry of defense reported. according to preliminary data, as a result of falling debris from one of the drones, an employee of a boiler room in krasnodar was killed and four other people were injured. well, the publication of the politician with reference to
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officials in washington report that ukraine has received permission from the united states to use received american weapons against any targets on russian territory. previously, the american authorities claimed that the permit only applies to border areas near the kharkov region, but now the situation there has become more complicated for ukrainian troops, russian units are increasing their offensive, and he did not rule out the possibility that the range of attacks by american weapons on russian territory will increase. and us secretary of state anthony blinken. the danger of such escalation has already been noted by vladimir putin, according to the russian president, the choice of targets and flight missions for modern strike systems.
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than any other politician in the history of the netherlands, but his career was not smooth, there were disagreements between parties, popular protests, rutto, together with the cabinet of ministers , resigned a couple of times, but each time he returned to big politics, he advocates reducing migration. on rutte's initiative , a law was passed that prohibits legally settled migrants from being transported to the kingdom of adult children, is also known as a long-time supporter of ukraine, after the start of the special operation, he demanded that the eu countries send tanks to zelensky, insisted on large financial injections, and promised to do everything possible for ukraine to defeat russia. over the years in politics, he earned the nickname teflon mark for his ability not to tarnish his reputation in those scandals he faced. with minimal losses and another nickname : the trump whisperer, they say rutte skillfully
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manipulated trump when he was president of the united states. current head of nato yong stoltenberg will leave his post in october due to the expiration of his term. today the government announced that it is softening the requirements for russian exporting companies regarding the rules for the sale of foreign currency earnings. joining us is denis talalaev, denis. how will this affect the ruble exchange rate? egor, well, at a minimum, this may discourage the ruble from strengthening sharply; recently it has shown this desire. now in the interbank market, the same one that the central bank now focuses on to determine official rates, the dollar and euro are growing by about one and a half rubles, a little less, but in the morning they showed an increase of almost 2 rubles. this happened after today's ruler. announced that it was easing requirements for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country. and if earlier
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exporters had to send 80% of their foreign currency earnings to russian accounts, now it is 60%. theoretically, the measure should reduce the supply of foreign currency on the russian market. but perhaps this will not lead to a noticeable weakening of the ruble, because now due to new sanctions difficulties with payments, importers' demand for foreign currency has obviously become less. cv noted today that easing the requirements for exporters will make it easier for businesses to make payments. the authorities introduced the requirement for exporters to sell foreign currency earnings within the country in october last year after the dollar tried to settle above the level of 100 rubles. and the easing of requirements announced today is obviously the authorities’ response to the sharp jumps in the ruble recently. the official dollar and euro exchange rates will fall by 4.5 rubles. that the next day they will grow by 2 1/2. all this began to happen just after the sanctions. the moscow exchange has stopped trading in dollars and euros. the russian
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stock market today tried to continue yesterday's growth, but the strength for this quickly ran out, all because for investors there is still a big question about what the russian central bank will do with the key rate at its meeting at the end of july. for the moskvaren crime, the moscow court arrested the general director of the world skills development agency, robert rush. urazova. he passes. case of fraud committed by an organized group or on a particularly large scale. in addition, the administrative director of the agency, danir mukhamedzyanov, was also arrested, he is also charged with fraud, and under this article he faces up to 10 years in prison. the press service of the zamoskvaretsky court specified this: robert urazov, together with other employees of world skills russia, for selfish reasons , reported knowingly false information to rostrud about the fixed-term contracts being concluded. tas agency referring to materials of arbitration cases. writes, that this year various russian educational institutions filed 11 lawsuits against world skills rusha for improper
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fulfillment of obligations to organize vocational training. and rbc’s source in the government also adds that a financial audit was carried out in relation to world skills; it revealed claims for subsidies of more than 300 million rubles issued through the ministry of education. the agency was created in 2020 on behalf of the president, with the stated goal of popularizing. less than a week left until the debate starts joe biden and donald trump. and members of the election headquarters agreed on the rules of the event. as a result of the draw, the democratic candidate was given the opportunity to choose a place on the podium, and the republican was able to determine the order of the final speeches. the upcoming debate will be the first in the country's history where a former and current
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president will meet, and the first debate in half a century without an audience in a studio. one and a half. during an hour-long meeting, biden and trump will only be able to take with them a pen, a notepad, a bottle of water, and bring papers prepared in advance thesis and hints are prohibited, and this can create certain difficulties for biden, who during public speeches cannot always read even a prepared speech. in the fight against trump, white house political strategists are not relying on television, but on discrediting their opponent on social networks, where biden is also significantly inferior in popularity. republican, on the eve of the debate , biden went to rest, to which trump said that the current president would probably be pumped with medicine so that he could stay on air. well , no debate could save british prime minister rish sunak; parliamentary elections in the country are in 2 weeks and opinion polls predict a crushing
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defeat for the ruling conservative party. in london, meanwhile, a scandal broke out when several of the prime minister’s subordinates decided to finally earn some extra money. they placed bets in bookmakers on the date of the early elections, it was appointed personally by asunok and those close to the prime minister probably found out this date earlier than other britons. elizaveta gerson reports from london. rishisunok will become the first british leader to lose not only the prime minister's seat, but probably also the seat of an ordinary mp in the house of commons. his party will suffer a defeat the likes of which it has never seen in its 200 years. sunok. having lost, he will go to california to sunbathe, so the island press thinks. at the pre-election television debates, sonok was covered in every place where you don’t poke, it hurts everywhere. our affairs are bad on all fronts: healthcare, social support, housing, mortgages, all this hits ordinary people. sunok by education economist, there's a problem here. according to a report from the institute for public
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policy research, britain has the lowest level of business investment among the seven countries for the third year in a row. batoh sunok, an anti-migrant activist, did not know how many migrants arrived on his island in the last 3 years, it turned out to be twice as many as in the previous 3 years, he lost the war to inflatable boats. well, i don't have these numbers in front of me. don't have these numbers? so i will say, this is 1,900,000 people. the independent offers its recipe for survival of tory candidates in their constituencies. get involved with local affairs and don't mention sunak. among party members. there are successful ones, but those who are lucky not in politics, in gambling, they bet money on the election date, which the sun blindly determines himself, three members of his party, seeing no chance of getting into big-time politics, decided, perhaps, knowing this date in advance, earn from the bookmaker, even if not political points, then pounds, black sheep, even a tuft of wool, according
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to the results of recent opinion polls, the state of the ruling party in britain is somewhere between critical and catastrophe... europe, as it turned out in the recent elections to the european parliament, is moving to the right. president macron, a big fan of boxing, especially on social networks, is preparing to receive a right hook in the upcoming elections to the national assembly, but it is possible. will receive it on the left. it seems that european voters are ready to vote for anyone, just not for the current leaders. they seem to say them to anyone, but not to you. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, andrey zubkevich and anastasia konorovskaya, ntv television company. london. for ntv viewers in the capital, the next episode will be released today in moscow.
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and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. the russian ambassador to south korea was summoned to the republic of moldova in connection with the agreement on comprehensive cooperation between russia and the dprk, signed by vladimir putin and kimchaneun in phinyang. siuli states that the document undermines the security of south korea and threatens that the republic, which previously provided ukraine only with humanitarian assistance, will reconsider its position on arms supplies to kiev. our ambassador georgy zinoviev emphasized. threats and blackmail addressed to russia are unacceptable and noted that cooperation between russia and the dprk is not directed against third countries, complies with the principles and norms of international law, and helps strengthen... peace and stability on the korean peninsula. seoul's threat to start supplying arms to ukraine has already been called a big mistake by vladimir putin; he warned that russia may take
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retaliatory measures that are unlikely to please the current leadership of south korea. countering threats was discussed in almaty, where the foreign ministers met member countries of the collective security treaty organization. the meeting was held for the first time without a representative. armenia yerevan does not rule out that it will leave the csto in the near future. however, the exit procedure in almaty was not discussed on the agenda of the meeting. edmund zholbunov. sergei lavrov flew to almaty from southeast asia, where, as part of the presidential delegation, he participated , among other things, in coordinating the defense alliance between russia and the dprk. issues related to repelling external threats, that is, issues of collective security, as follows from the name itself alliance, became a priority for the meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the csto. russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan have accumulated quite a lot. first of all, the ministers talked about the future of the association. the question is relevant, given that nikol pashinyan
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recently stated that armenia, which has turned towards a strategic partnership with the states, will leave the csto. true, when and most importantly, at what cost, is not yet clear, because the armenian side has several, including financial, obligations to the alliance. however, the minister of foreign affairs of armenia did not took part in today's meeting. the issue of membership in the organization is a sovereign right and a decision of the country directly, and the russian foreign ministry was previously informed that changes in the number of participants in any case will not affect the performance of the organization. was the procedure for armenia's withdrawal from the csto discussed today, are there any specifics on this issue, are there already candidates to replace armenia? the answer is no immediately; the procedure for armenia’s withdrawal from the csto has not been discussed. yes, today the armenian minister was not present at the meeting.
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blocks, but the csto has a more productive program. the ministers also discussed issues of information security, peaceful use of outer space and agreed to expand cooperation with other organizations, the cis, the sco and the un. the ministers are unanimous that the contours of eurasian security should be discussed primarily by the countries of the eurasian continent. the parties recorded this and other important statements on paper by signing the final documents at the end of the meeting. edmund zhalbynov and vladislav dubovitsky, ntv television company. mats, the republic of kazakhstan. in the meantime, armenia recognized palestine as an independent and sovereign state. a message about this appeared on the website of
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the country's ministry of foreign affairs. it says that yerevan is interested in establishing peace and stability in the middle east. and the two-state principle is the only way to ensure that palestinians and israelis can realize their legitimate aspirations. in connection with this decision of yerevan, the israeli foreign ministry summoned the ambassador of armenia. to issue a severe reprimand. tel aviv previously recalled for consultation israeli ambassadors from norway, ireland and spain after those countries recognized palestinian independence at the end of may. in total, palestinian statehood is now recognized by over 140 un member countries. israel regards this status as an undermining of its own sovereignty. an information and educational project will be created in russia about the crimes of nazi germany against the soviet civilian population. union, is implemented by the national center for historical memory under the president of russia together with the information and news agency, tas, today is the eve of the day of remembrance and sorrow.
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they signed a memorandum of partnership. the goal of the project is to preserve the memory of the great patriotic war and to form in the public consciousness a rejection of the ideology of nazism in any of its manifestations. jews did not have the right to enter public transport. libraries were banned for them, jewish books, jewish creativity, and so on were banned. nothing reminds, yes, today, how they are trying to abolish russian culture, and infringe on russian citizens in all rights, that’s just where it is available. they are everywhere us they infringe, but isn’t this a holocaust only in relation to another nation? it was at a press conference that they expressed the opinion that the new project would be a powerful counterattack against any attempts to falsify history. in the lipetsk region, on the eve of the anniversary of the start of the great patriotic war, they solemnly interred . the remains of soldier officers discovered by memory watch searchers. since 2015 , more than a thousand
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dead red soldiers have been discovered during the expedition. army and civilians. olga chernova will continue. a minute of silence at the terbunsky memorial complex rubezh, the largest in the lipetsk region, erected in memory of 30 thousand red army soldiers who died a brave death here. this legendary place was awarded the honorary title of frontier of military valor. today , search engines from several regions of russia, local residents of the young army, and regional leaders gathered at the memorial to solemnly bury the remains of twelve unknown heroes.
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remember your heroes. from july 6 to 7 , 1942 , one of the largest tank battles in the ozerka region took place in the krasnaya polyana region. 350 tanks entered the battle. historians call this battle the small prokhrovka. experts from the druzhina search team established that the dead soldiers found this year fought as part of the heroic 237th infantry division of the 841st regiment. there were no soldiers' medals with them ; only by the insignia they determined that among the fallen were a lieutenant and a sergeant. there were artillery, it may have covered them. there was artillery fire, they all died, they were all found about a patch there, probably 10 meters away, young specialists from gazprom transgaz moscow have been cooperating with search associations in fourteen regions of russia and help to search for and rebury dead red army soldiers and civilian victims of genocide. for denis gorbunov, this is already the third vigil of memory, his great-grandfather georgy mikhailovich monaenkov went missing in november 1943, and the main goal of his great-grandson’s search mission is
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to find his hero ancestor. when... they identified senior sergeant gennady vasilyevich boldarev, who died in battles at the terbunsky line. he was the commander of a section of the machine gun company of the 132nd rifle division, native of the city of rubtsovsk, altai territory. the remains of four more dead soldiers were found near the village of vasilyevko. based on the anthropological characteristics of the skull, the search engines concluded: one of the dead was bashkir by nationality, according to the ministry of defense, among the four missing in the summer of forty -two after the battle for vasilievka was a thirty-six-year-old red army soldier from ufa,
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khafizov, search engines on... the security of networks is critical first of all objects important for the country is one of the priorities of the state. what alexey prokin found out at the rate at which software is being imported and how the russian operating system is assessed by those who are already working on it. what does a dentist in solihard need to know when he sits down at the computer? recently, we have also learned how the domestic operating system works. however, in this dental clinic
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there were no issues with the digital transition, according to the manager. work in the design of our tables, our documents. the fifty-thousandth solihart became the flagship of digital transformation and began to appear more and more often in news feeds a year ago, when the russian government started talking about the experience of the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug switching to domestic software. the transition itself began here long before 2022 and they looked at western manufacturers leaving the market, in general, without fear of reproach. there was a system. electronic document management, which did not allow working fully in domestic software, after we imported the set, the road for mass import substitution became clear.
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today in the autonomous okrug 60% of organs the authorities are working on domestic software, russian developments are being massively implemented here at a more complex level of critical information infrastructure objects. today all these measures are reinforced. by the corresponding presidential decrees, the order of the ministry of education and science on the approval of methodological recommendations for the transition to russian software provides almost step-by-step instructions on how to carry out such a transition. despite all the similarities with foreign analogues, experts highlight the main security of user data. the second important criterion is simplicity use, what dentists in salekhard talked about, what the developer of such software, denis solonichkin, his mother talks about. i have. mom called me constantly, she said: everything froze on me, i opened the browser, everything freezes on me, i just came and installed our operating system for her, now it works calmly without any freezes, and even now it doesn’t call me, institute for the study of
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international markets recently stated that by 2025, two out of three russian companies plan to switch to domestic software, and its share in companies will be 80%. another domestic it. a giant in the best traditions of the industry, recently presented tablets with its own operating system in moscow. suddenly we realized that there is simply a huge gaping hole of needs that we, as engineers, cannot help but try to address. the new operating system should close the gap of needs; as the developers plan, russians will soon see it in the multimedia systems of airplanes and in smart homes. and it’s beautiful, it’s not scary to fall, a corridor with a soft floor symbolizes design of one of... developers try to create operating systems for everything according to the principle of both
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the reader and the reaper on the trumpet and the walnut, in the language of it specialists this is called seamless integration into the lives of users. in order for such integration to take place, they set themselves several tasks, which ultimately boil down to control over technology so that no one from abroad could turn off the switch. according to experts, today there are more than enough incentives for developers to make a russian product, there are tax benefits, and preferential conditions for investment, at the presentation of the mobile operating system, its creators invited users to take part in the work of the ideas laboratory, where everyone can propose their own idea to improve the product, for example, that russian software is the best...
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it was 88 years, in total he has almost 200 films and television projects to his credit. he devoted 60 years of his life to his film career. sazarland twice received a golden globe and an emmy for best supporting actor. this is his ability to hold the attention of the audience, even without being the central character, many film critics noted, as well as his aristocratic appearance, manners and the exactingness with which sutherland treated himself and others on the set. for outstanding achievements in cinema.
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travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. this alpha friday , june 21, we are giving 30% cashback on all flights within russia. not just profitable, alpha profitable. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. longitaza against adhesions and
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search groups set off along the route, and they discovered the wreckage of the helicopter and the bodies of the dead near the dzheltula river. robinson belonged to a local logging company. a criminal case has been opened into the crash, the circumstances of the incident are being established. the question of how to get to the library at 3:00 in the morning would hardly be included in the script of a comedy film, because there is no absurdity in it anymore. as part of the national project culture, russian libraries are radically changing their image. what, besides books, is now offered to visitors in reading rooms, why strict signs to keep quiet are no longer in force.
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creative centers appeared among librarians several years ago, and officials liked them. the money was allocated as part of the national project culture, and the curator became the main library of the country. if someone had told me 10 years ago that over several years approximately 9 billion rubles from the federal budget would be invested in the development of a network of municipal libraries, neither i nor my colleagues would have believed it. old premises are renovated, new books, shelves, equipment are purchased, sometimes even the bare minimum.
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they say, in comparison with megacities or simple cities, and the main question from them is that they have no place to go, like strangers in a dark alley, how to get to the library, no longer arouses suspicion, many model libraries began to work
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late into the night, and readers are now asking to switch to round-the-clock operation. svetlana gordeeva, alena antonova, ilya khristinin, valentina abramenkova, ntv. weather forecast time with us irina polikova. irina, that with the weekend off during the week, the puddles barely had time to dry out? yes, indeed, and at such an incredible price , our june came out on top in terms of precipitation. in the entire history of instrumental weather observations in moscow, there has never been such a wet june. the norm is more than twice as high, and the month is not over yet, it has a chance of almost three times exceeding the norm. well, today and tomorrow there is calm in the center, but still it is no longer before the storm, the weather has simply cleared up along with the growth. atmospheric pressure, so in the north-west in the black earth region there is no heat, normal june temperature background, from +19 in ivanovo to 25 in voronezh, well, the heaviest rains with thunderstorms and stormy winds are now in the tambov, penza regions, on the volga, from kazan to volgograd , partly in the kirov region of udmurtia, tomorrow all this will go away on the left bank and we are talking about
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a temperature drop of 5, or even 10°, even in astrakhan tomorrow no higher than 26, in the south, kuban, crimea, stavropol +25:30 no higher yet... no precipitation, local showers possible in the foothills and the caucasus mountains, sea water temperature in the sochi area is +25, in crimea - 22-23. and a little about autumn, and about cloudy and rainy ones, that is, about our northern regions. it’s autumn there not only compared to sochi, but also objectively, the temperature lags behind niyunskaya by 5-8°. in mormonsk tomorrow it’s +8 and in arkhangelsk it’s only 11. and in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +21, no precipitation. in moscow the maximum is 23 and also without precipitation. showers on sunday early next week. are already possible, but relatively calm, however, now everyone will seem calm after yesterday, yes, the weather forecast from irina polikova, well, these are the main news for this hour, thank you for being with us and see you soon, travel with alfabank,
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cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an azonbank card. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case if i brush my teeth already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i'm late, and if i'm late, it means i'm taking a scooter, and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, it means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there’s music, what
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will you do if they don’t give you the role, well, i’ll rehearse more, and i ’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month, if they give him the role, he’ll still transfer the gigabytes, because he will be rehearsing. the new tariff 24 is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes that can be exchanged for rides on mtsurend scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. beauty, why are you, it’s so expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive, i saved money on my mother, liran refrigerator for 69,990, liran, we make comfort affordable, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, this it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments, transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for
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business. a resident of the amur region claims that her son was forced by threats to register himself with someone else’s five-year-old daughter. svetlana derevtsova contacted us for a dna test. hello, hello, svetlana, how old is your son, 33, how can you force such an adult man to register himself as someone else’s child? you summoned him to court and said, if you don’t admit it, i’ll file alimony for you or put you in jail, that is, it turns out that the girl’s mother filed a lawsuit against your son, but only 5 years later the girl was 5 years old in august, we tried to somehow approach her with some... say: katya, your daughter was born, so my grandmother, my son, father, let's see her, talk, buy a gift.


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