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tv   DNK  NTV  June 21, 2024 4:50pm-5:56pm MSK

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the best bank for business. a resident of the amur region claims that her son was forced by threats to register himself with someone else’s five-year-old daughter. svetlana derevtsova contacted us for a dna test. hello. hello svetlana. how old is your son? 33, how can you force such an adult man to register himself as someone else’s child? they summoned you to court and said: if you don’t admit it, we’ll give you alimony or put you in jail. that is, it turns out like this: the girl’s mother filed a lawsuit against your son. yes, only 5 years later, the girl was 5 years old in august. we tried to her somehow approach with some intentions, say, katya, here’s your daughter, here’s my grandmother, my son, father, let’s see her, talk to her, buy something.
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could be your granddaughter, well, how can she admit it, when she gave birth to a girl, nastya , yura called, he said, she said, i gave birth, i gave birth to a daughter, so yura called me right away, i was at work, i then called katya, i say, hi, how are you, she says, hello, i say, with your daughter, she says, thank you, i say, who do you sign up for, yourself, that’s it, no relationship since then, then yes, you found out that your supposedly granddaughter was born only after the fact of her birth, but the fact that the girl is pregnant, no, we didn’t
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know anything, from whom she was pregnant, from whom she became pregnant, but you yourself, svetlana, how do you justify something like this position, i won’t show it until you’re 18, for what reason, well, i think it’s not ours, since it doesn’t show until you’re 18, we haven’t seen it until now, we only saw it last year in a photo on the phone, i showed her friend, kristina, nastya says, i say, let me look on the phone, there’s not even a copy, not a cut eyes, nor the appearance of the face, in general... the nose and in general she is, well, like a red-haired girl, blue eyes, she looks like her mother, she, and yura, i have russian hair and his nose is a little long, that is, he doesn’t look like you at all she looks like a girl, i immediately had doubts about it, you tried to come, we tried, yura went to visit her, i wanted to, i say, go find out, nastya, what if she’s your daughter, go find out, we’ll buy some gift, he came, she told him: get out of here, don’t come again, you’re not taller than 18 years old, that is, she didn’t even show it.
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no, no, no, but how did your son even meet ekaterina? they weren’t introduced to katya, they met in the city, they all started hanging out, and then he doesn’t say: mom, i met a girl, her name is katya, i say, okay, go for a walk, maybe start a family or give birth to another child, that’s all, they had a good time, and then they broke up, and he introduced you to your chosen one, well, how did he introduce you, how did you get to know each other? and so he introduced me to her over the phone, that is, you didn’t see her and they met for a long time, well, they met somewhere a year, then he went on shift, so the matchmaker arrived with a lot of money, she did this , sniffed out everything and quickly pulled him up with the money, you, like your mother, were probably interested in this girl, well, the girl worked in a hotel, as if there were a lot of shift workers there, all sorts of girls, she seems to be normal, beautiful, always well-groomed, well, the girl seems so relaxed to go to the city. with everyone there, well, not with everyone, as if
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she was walking with the guys, well, young, young teenagers, people, all young, want to take a walk, relax, they walked around the city, they told me sukhi, but i didn’t seem to take anything, and how my son explained to you why they broke up, well, they broke up, not that he went on shift, he went on shift that’s it, he started with another man right away, it’s his son i worked with him all the time, and this man said that, like, i slept with a mother and her daughter, that is, this colleague of your son.
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i go to the threshold, i go into the room, she is in bed with my son, she jumped out quickly and was gone, that’s it, no hello, no goodbye, and my son explained that he and he were after her, like... like, i 'll talk to her, i say, don't run after her, libit will come herself, but how long did the relationship last this time, did she leave, did she disappear , or did they meet somehow, no, since then nothing else, she found another man, that’s all, that is, she disappeared and told you that she was already born, but you yourself have a version of who could be the father of your granddaughter, if not your son, i don’t know who ivan was with, this is the same colleague who told your son that they had a relationship, you you admit that this same colleague could be the father, maybe yes? and she looks like him, well, she’s a redhead, then katya herself is a redhead and has blue eyes, he’s also a redhead, such an endless number of partners, i really understand your feelings, and in general, by the way, according to statistics, a large percentage of men raise people who are not their own children, and
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they don’t even know about it, even if they are married, so you’re great for coming here for dna testing, we definitely need to do it and find out, svetlana, mom... nastya says that it’s a girl i gave birth to your son, which means you are the realest, dearest grandmother, i want, i have six children, everyone looks like me, in the studio ekaterina dolgaya, hello, ekaterina, hello, are you even sure that you know exactly who the father is your daughter, yes, i know, i'm sure that my child is a daughter. yuri, why did you then hide from svetlana’s son, in fact, from svetlana herself, that you were even pregnant? i didn’t hide it, i immediately when i found out, i told yuri, then i told his mother, when i came to visit them, i told you,
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when i came to you, you didn’t tell us that you were pregnant, i’m pregnant, you told me nothing, i told you, if there’s a boy, then you will. she didn’t tell me anything, nothing, i don’t remember this, my memory is fine, you know or not, it’s fine with me, i don’t know who you’re protecting there, i’m not protecting anyone, i just want to get away from here, that’s not mine granddaughter, why don’t i look like yura, she’s red-haired, and yura is russian, that ’s why it’s like that, she’s not red-haired for me, i saw her in a photograph that year, my friend christina showed me, your friend christina showed me, i want, do you want? nastya, you see, i say, i want, she showed me on the phone , nastya, i compared it right away, the nose is not ours, the eye is not ours, why do you have red hair, i doubt that too, if i immediately told you that i was pregnant , i told yura, and
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then you, that i was pregnant, you didn’t tell me anything, call you yura, you’ve already given birth and he asked who the girl was, i’m calling you right away, you ’ll call me back, this didn’t happen right away. i ’ll call you back myself, yuri, call me, i ’ll call you back myself, i say, you, i say, congratulations, you gave birth to a dacha, you gave birth and there was no daughter, ekaterina, you said that you told yuri about the pregnancy, how did he react to this news, he was happy, he calls me, says, let me meet you now, let’s go visit me i'll let my mom know, i agreed, i came in, he called me, like in december 2017, that sveta was glad...
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i think it was october, and we were walking with him, and he was right in my entrance proposed, but my ring was small, very small, then i gave everything a bouquet of flowers, so why didn’t the wedding took place, then i realized that he was not mine, but i didn’t want to be with him later, i was afraid for myself , for the child, they were afraid, yes, when... well , bad habits, that was in 2017, when i didn’t know yet, that i was pregnant, it was october-november, and i dragged him home,
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there was absolutely no harm, he hit me, that’s really the light, because of this i’m offended by him, i’m very much. don’t interrupt, don’t interrupt, i’m very offended by him, now i’m offended by him for hitting you, such an insult, i don’t like it at all i didn’t do anything bad, maybe he... because of this, i blamed you too, because i also blamed you, so to speak,
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ekaterina, despite the fact that you have a grudge against yuri, your daughter needs a father, i i don’t even want to not communicate with him, well, if he wants to communicate with my daughter, with nastenka, only in my presence, she said right away, i gave birth for myself and i’ll show you until i’m 18 years old, why? he saw it a month ago, why didn’t you show it to me even once, why didn’t you show it to me once in 5 years, you never showed it to me, well, how at a minimum, you must show the initiative, the desire to go and see how she will show the aunt of the world, look at your granddaughter, she has never even introduced me to her mother, brothers or sisters, well, you got it some measures are there to go see his granddaughter, in a month he, yura, saw his daughter. well, in september 1918, that’s it, he
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saw her for the last time, that’s it, we started flying around hospitals for two months, she has a heart condition, for four years we traveled, flew around hospitals, we had a rhythm disorder in... the region, the next day the children's pediatrician comes and says what kind of operation you need, everything
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will outgrow, but at 2 months she began to choke at the bottom, she cried to me a lot, and i i lived with my mother, they called an ambulance, they took us to surgery, her heart was beating 250, about 300. and now we’re on pills, our disability was removed that year, in september, we’re all still on pills, well, you need there was help, i needed help 5 years ago, when i was in tomsk, i told yuri i called and said, yura, at least transfer the mixture money, he said, yes, i’ll transfer it now. everything is still translated, but why then only 5 years later did you apply for
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alimony, because i constantly went to the hospital with my child for these 5 years, you had no time, no time, i would help you, i would help you, no matter how, i worked, i would help you with pills and anything, well, you yourself just pushed me away from you, i don’t need such a grandmother, well, okay, i don’t need it and i don’t need it, i don’t even admit that... well, from his boy, from which one? nastasa, no,
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yes, are you sure, sure, yes, he ’s talking to you and your mother the whole city, yeah, no need to make things up here, yes ekaterina, who is stas, stas is my mother’s friend, a friend, and yours too, they they studied together, yeah, they had a relationship, well, they’re friends. because this stas has a family, yes, he lives alone, what is his family, what is he currently living alone, working alone, what is his family, no children, no wife, no one, before that they... when did they live with whom? they, when, when with whom they lived, he works, alone, works by himself, i have never seen him untrained. ekaterina, this certain stasis, could he turn out to be the father of your daughter? no, i hadn’t dated anyone before after yuri’s breakup, i had a job before that, yes, i could
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hang out there with a friend for two hours after work, well, what kind of guys, svetlana says that after breaking up with yuri, you ...renewed relations with him, no, no, but for some reason right away, when i came out into the room, i immediately jumped up and ran, the rescuers jumped out, didn’t even say hello, didn’t even, didn’t even say, i i didn’t have time to take off my down jacket yet, i didn’t have time to take off my boots at the door, i locked my bags in the room and you quickly jumped out and ran away, the world chased, don’t run after her, don’t, she loves her, she’ll come herself, it wasn’t like that, the answer was, it wasn’t, it was, no, it was, that is, you want to say that after you broke up with yuri, you didn’t meet with him anymore, you’ll need the money this year, you then gave in for alimony this year, that year, and before you got the money i didn’t need money when nastya was sick. ekaterina, they filed for alimony now, how did yuuri react to this, did he pay them? no, he didn’t, he wrote to me, hello, how are you, why are you silent, let’s do a dna test and find out if my child is or not, this
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was after the trial, after the trial, he had it in october. court this month he wrote to me, of course i blocked him, of course i blocked him, then he calls my husband, who i’m married now, vanya, let’s talk calmly, i don’t know why katya filed for the elements, i’m not sure that nastya is my daughter, so they corresponded, yura made threats i threw it at him, and now i’ll gather the boys and give you a khan. i say how you scared us, we are not afraid of you at all, and then he is there, how many audios at 10, at the eleventh he says this, when i was working, they withheld my salary, well, this alimony, i’m like, yes, i
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i say, i didn’t receive it for october, i didn’t receive it for november, i didn’t even receive it in october, what date is that? all this comes, yes, i say, i didn’t receive it in october in november, if he says that they kept him, and where did 2000, 2000 from that year 2000 take him, 200, katya not 4000, because they calculated it incorrectly , well, where does such a big debt really come from, if the court was 2 months ago, or from the moment of the appeal they asked the court to collect it, i actually wrote to the court so that for... the last 3 years in a subsequent manner the court collected according to the law, as provided for , 25% monthly, that is, 1/4 of the salary was collected in this way, that is, the bailiff made a recalculation, established the debt and at one time collected
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200-odd thousand rubles. did you receive this money? no, i when that's when that's him started making threats. it turns out to be only 100, well, the documents are generally in hand, it was your son who told you that they wrote off 200,000, or maybe the resolution came for 200,000 and he is obliged to pay 200,000, to write off claims for collection are completely different things, we have a piece of paper from three resolution to collect debt in the amount of 200,000 rubles. yes, that is, it says something, that this is a debt, a debt, and
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not and you are telling us in the studio that this amount has already been written off and collected, what did ekaterina yuri tell you? will pay this very debt? well, how did he actually tell us via audio that if his daughter is not, well, the dna is not confirmed, that we will pay him from our own pockets, if he, well, the dna is confirmed, that he will pay us. ekaterina, it turns out that due to doubts about the relationship with your daughter, yuri does not pay you alimony. well, to be honest, let it be.
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yuri in court called himself the father of a five-year-old daughter, his former mistress, and now said that he was forced to admit paternity. svetlana derevtsova was so happy when she found out that her son yura began dating a girl, a pretty first-year student. the woman met her son's chosen one by chance, came to visit him without warning and found a stranger in bed. i come in, hello, she was fighting. what kind of girl? mom, your friend, katya. svetlana never saw katya again and was even more glad when she disappeared from yura’s life, because the woman had heard rumors that katya was constantly changing men. and now he lives with this, now with the other, i went for a week, where i went for a walk, i didn’t like it, that’s it, i stomped away, found someone else. and now my son has big problems - svetlana is indignant. for some reason, katya hid from yura that she was pregnant, then she gave birth to a daughter 5 years later
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and filed for child support.
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why? i because i didn’t want to communicate with you and not with your mom, right? yes, let 's do a dna test then, do it, and if, and if you are not confirmed, it will be confirmed, i'm sure, because nastya - you will save me, stas himself told me, i'm not a rock with anyone, oh well, i have staliza at work told me i'm in in december i found out that i was pregnant, oh well, and i’m pregnant, that in october i became pregnant, i called in august, i’ll rent it in august, you told me that you were pregnant, you said i gave birth in october. in december i told you that i was pregnant, you didn’t tell me that you were pregnant, uh-huh, you said that i gave birth to a daughter, that’s it, i ’ll put it on you, you even told my mother what the problem is, do you really want to say that ekaterina did not announce her pregnancy to you, no, she did not, but ekaterina claims the opposite, she says that you were happy, no, nothing was announced to me that she was pregnant, it was 2017, yeah, october, i was walking with you, you...
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proposed to me, you gave me flowers, yes, then in december, when i met you after the hospital, after the hospital, i told you that i was pregnant, then, wait, don’t interrupt me, listen, then you called me later, come to me, mom, let’s say i came, yeah, they said, aunt sveta , to your mother, aunt sveta was happy, this never happened. but she didn’t tell us that she was pregnant, she didn’t tell us, even i remember well that she didn’t tell us anything, yuri, why, according to your version , the wedding didn’t take place, that they had a fight, we all had a fight, we all went our separate ways, we broke up, that’s why we had a fight, that i went on shift, that’s why maybe i think that i didn’t suit her, that i went on shifts for six months at a time, i just waited until i found
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another man for myself, before that... i just didn’t come out from the maternity hospital, i just went there again, you were lying on save, my legs were very swollen, you were very upset yuri what's a wedding? didn’t happen, upset me, of course, yes, they loved ekaterina, yes, they loved her , looked after her, loved the attention, walked with her and greeted her home with the house all the time, but how then did they agree to such a job in order to leave my beloved for six months, because i wanted to travel around six months on shift, here, because in the city the salary is small, maximum 15-20,000, but why should i have it like that, if i had a family, why would i have such a salary, i should get 15-20 thousand, why? when i'm on watch i get more 70 to 80 to 120 to 15,000 was received by a handyman on catherine’s shift, a completely different reason that the wedding did not take place, why did you raise your hand against her, it was when you, it was when you were drunk, yes, i
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dragged you home with my own hands, you right at home, i didn’t raise my hand, i didn’t raise my hand to you, i just hit you on the back thigh with my hand, the company with our friends there in the city, we walked there, i took her home, follow us , we walked again, we came to me there, drank tea there, talked about everything there, the second time we got together, when it was already in january
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we got together again, she and i already, in january it was all 2018, and how did you find out that ekaterina was cheating on you, well, my mutual friend personally told me who my former colleague was with, said that he slept with his mother, slept with her. have you discussed this with ekaterina? no, i didn’t discuss it with how so? well, i didn’t even want to break off my relationship, that is, you didn’t want this fact of betrayal to ruin the fact that you kind of got back together, but do i understand correctly that this staz and you were with ekaterina at about the same time, but no, i was only with him, and other people who worked when these people, tell me, this didn’t happen before, i worked in a hotel, well, they charged a lot of the west there. from moscow, from st. petersburg, from krasnodar and you worked in a hotel with these guys, you cleaned for them all the time, i didn’t clean, oh well, you worked as a cleaner there, people tell me, if my friends and acquaintances saw someone in the city, i worked just around the city
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to hook up with any girls, the next time you go home he’ll forget about it everything that was there with the other woman, that is , it is precisely for this reason that ekaterina did not inform you about her pregnancy, but only informed you after the fact, when she gave birth and when she gave birth. they came to look at the girl, i would, when i called when she gave birth, i was on shift, exactly half a month until the end of the month, half a month until the end of september, well, the shift ended, they came to look at the girl, yes, i came, she she gave it to me in my arms, it was the same, give it to me in my hand, but i held it, she cried and gave it to me, take my daughter back, i say mine, she took her daughter, i said, we all walked for a couple of hours, he walked us home, and we, when it turns out i went home,
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i was with her in the hospital, oh well, but you yuri didn’t know, didn’t i didn’t know that the girl had a problem with no, ekaterina really needed help, why did she block me on all social networks, why did she block me,
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blocked my numbers, forbade me to take photos, i asked you to send me photos, let’s go with the child, she said no that's it, if a person needs help, he asks for it, as a rule, i i don’t understand why they need to hide something for 5 years. hide, when we get into trouble, there are usually good people, this light awakens in any person, why play this heroic game, i just don’t understand why hide a child. life was when ekaterina filed an application to the court, yes, when i was on shift,
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i was already on shift for the second time, i was in the taiga, well , i called here and they said, you are right, i can’t get in touch, that’s it, okay, goodbye, that’s it , we talked to the judge, they told me, we are postponing the trial, come home, then with you let's talk, i arrived, and already the trial happened about this, this, without me, already, what was the decision made at this trial, to pay alimony, to detain me? but i understand that in order to charge alimony to a man, the man must recognize the child and enter himself in the column “father, birth certificate.” yes, the fact that i was scared, because, because i know that they can be imprisoned for elements, it is punishable, they can work out, they can serve hours. narek, if dna testing now establishes that yuri is not the father, will he be able to yuri relinquishes paternity due to newly discovered circumstances. people go to court, cancel their paternity, but at the same time it
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turns out to write an application for refusal of alimony, but not a refusal, for cancellation, you first, you first cancel your paternity, subsequently your alimony obligations are canceled, yes, but you are the money that you have already paid, you will not return it, why our family legislation does not allow it, the debt that was accrued will remain your debt, yuri, because you voluntarily acknowledged your paternity in court. ekaterina, you are you sure that the dna test will be in your favor, and yuri will not have to write a refusal? yes, i’m sure, i don’t think so, not my daughter, the daughter of one of her lovers has been raised by ekaterina for 5 years, the result of the dna test remains unpredictable, the envelope will be opened any minute. our new name is t-bank. we change our name without changing ourselves. t-bank. one of those, in order
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the difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to lead our country to new ones. let's win! in support of russian athletes, an imperial coin the court issued a commemorative medal. the medal is plated with 999 pure silver. the obverse features a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost of 349 rubles. call and order a commemorative medal toll -free number 8. 600 688 05 or on the website medalmishka.rrf. let's support our people. the stars have aligned. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tomorrow is a day of remembrance and mourning. freighter slepkov
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destroyed at least two snipers from the magnificent seven. 24-20. twenty- seventh still fifteenth. november 4, 25, as soon as i found out about you, about 598 killed fascists, immediately it’s all nonsense, so i see, you ’re not a fan of talking, what kind of story is this, the story of one hero, subordination to you, this word is familiar, why, excuse us, he’s just us a little from the idiots, most often those who do not fit the general comb are usually called some kind of abnormal, i’m normal, all this is strange, strange, not strange, but a fact, the red army soldier slepkov eliminated the enemy razvetgroup, so how did it happen, i smelled moonshine, dance, samohosh, they published about you in the newspaper, fuck it, tomorrow at 17:00, on
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ntv, in the studio of the dna program, former lovers find out if they have it?
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child, because it’s either better for me to go to jail, or i’ll receive alimony, or i ’ll work off the clock, ekaterina insists, she was faithful to yuri,
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“hello, hello, why doesn’t it matter to you who the father of your granddaughter is?
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the situation that katya, when she was in first grade, was hit by a car, she was walking home from school and completely broke her pelvis, and they were hitting the female organs, and then they said that maybe she wouldn’t have children, when i found out, she of course wanted to have an abortion, i told her daughter a lot..." even healthy girls are made abortions then cannot have children, so i wanted her to experience this feeling of motherhood, it did n’t matter to me who the child was from, of course, but nevertheless they asked who could show him to me, i didn’t see him, yuri, she showed me with photos from social networks, here are his voicemails, that he would really like, well, when your daughter finally introduced you to yuri, you liked your daughter’s chosen one, but she didn’t introduce me?
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i didn’t have a very good impression of him, i tried to avoid work, as if everyone was working, i even reprimanded him several times , and we talked about that, yes, and we talked about what i was saying. at least he bought a gift for the child, this money, it’s true that he earned it, he bought the gift and gave it to me. yuri, after all , proposed to your daughter, did you know about this? no, i i didn’t know that he proposed to her, no matter how ekaterina told me anything about this, i bought a ring, but then didn’t give it to her, because i found out that she was stas. what can you say, anna, about stas? this is actually the first time i’ve heard about stas. my, my former colleague, studied with him before or? or what’s in our class, this is the first time i ’ve heard yuri and he says that stanislav confessed
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to him personally that he was in a close relationship with ekaterina, yeah, but i don’t know anything about it, he said that he slept with ekaterina, this didn’t happen, with anyone else, i won’t show my fingers, well, dare, since you already did it, he said, mom, i’m actually hearing it for the first time, it’s true, i slept with katya, me mom, like that... nastya, yes , to this day i don’t know that he wanted to be with her, he wanted to raise her , what happened, well, why was she so abrupt, i don’t want everything with him, i don’t love him, i say, daughter, okay , you would have it once. “well, you met, according to you, you slept together, how is it possible when you don’t feel anything for a person, yes, well how
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you can sleep there together and, well, meet , well, meet okay, but still go to the same bed, so i don’t know what happened, why she changed so dramatically towards him, anna, are you sure that yuri is the father of your granddaughter, yes i’m 100% sure, she’s very similar, even when she was born she immediately said that well, he ’s a copy of her.” and i say, there’s nothing of ours, katya, well, of course, she wanted it, it’s her child, what if there’s a dna test today will not confirm the relationship of your granddaughter, yuri, i think he will confirm that he will not confirm, ekaterina, you they said that you are now married, married, officially, officially, love your husband, yes, very much, for 5 years, you were so busy with your daughter that you didn’t leave the hospital, there were tests and everything else, that is, it turns out that you had time? right away for alimony and
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there wouldn’t have been any problems, otherwise somehow 5 years later , when we got married, we all arrived in september 2020, we submitted an application to the legislative office, we all got married and i left, well, that means it was time after all, anna you are you happy with your son-in-law? i'm happy with him. is he a very decent person? very okay, but not so much, okay, he accepted nastya, nastya accepted him very well, and you yourself understand that the child is there to give something or something, he chooses with his soul, yuri, it’s him that nastya calls dad, but they do not mind. in the studio , ekaterina’s husband, ivan, is standing tall. hello, ivan,
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hello! it turns out that you are raising catherine’s daughter instead of her real father? yes, i am raising my daughter with katya. how old was nastya when you met ekaterina? when we met, she was 2.1, she immediately reached out to me, we somehow we found a common language with her, a month after we met, she called me dad for the first time, how did you feel then? well, it’s such an unusual feeling, it’s like this for the first time. it was very nice. yuri told us that he fell in love with catherine at first sight. how was it for you? we also somehow immediately after meeting, immediately communicated and each other very much, how can i say, i liked her very much in terms of communication, in everything, in her appearance, in how she is economical, very much.
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do you know yuri, your ex-boyfriend, ekaterina? personally, i haven't been. familiar, well, only after, when she filed for alimony, they talked on the phone, he said that she was not his daughter, and he said that she was my daughter, from you, i didn’t say that, that she was your daughter, he said, no, yes , this didn’t happen, ivan, but ekaterina, what did she tell you, she told very little, like the fact that he abandoned her, did not recognize the child. didn’t help in any way, denied everything. have you heard anything about a man named stanislav? we haven't heard this at all. the fact is that svetlana and yuri say that there were various rumors around the city about catherine, and moreover, catherine cheated on yuri, and with this very thing the city is a small town. well, when we started living together, i never noticed her cheating, somehow she gave
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everything a reason for this, somehow she loves me, i.
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was, or wasn’t, maybe it passed somewhere , they forgot about it a long time ago, but for some reason it evokes an unknown lost stasis, which is like yura’s wild trust, everything, his whole life was based on his opinion, then this i don’t remember some kind of beating, or slammed, or didn’t slam, by the way, i understand very well, i understand my mother well, i myself was in such a situation as a child, i got hit by a motorcycle and... mom was happy about my pregnancy, and i see a caring mother in katya. yuri, ready to find out if your daughter anastasia is ready. svetlana, ready. i know that yura is the father. i will stand my ground. i invite sergei kiselyov, professor, doctor of biological sciences, to the studio. so what kind of yuri papa
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is biological or only official? we'll know the result of this intriguing dna test in just a couple of minutes. in the village of krovkiros in more than forty cats and dogs live in a small house. ekaterina vasilievna opened a shelter for homeless animals, in memory of her brother, who was kidnapped almost 50 years ago. on january 1 , 1976, when we were 6 years old at the time, he was stolen along with his dog. a car pulled up, two men were sitting there, and oleg went, he says, got into the dog’s car, but all these years she. does not lose hope of finding him, his mother always said, he speaks alive, as well as the story of viktor nikolaevich, whom his parents abandoned at the age of three, from the very i was brought up in an orphanage as a child,
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yuri derevtsov, on the other hand, his official daughter, nastya lagutina. the probability that you, yuri, are not only the official, but also the biological father of nastya, is 99.9%.
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ekaterina, you will allow the father to participate in the life of his daughter, i will, well, only when the court can determine the order of communication with child, both alone and together with you, and to spend holidays with them, certain weekends on certain days, therefore they are completely taken into account, he not only has obligations to pay child support, he also has rights in relation to this child.


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