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tv   Zolotoi zapas  NTV  June 22, 2024 3:55am-4:46am MSK

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“apparently the old krych overslept, maryam, believe me, it’s not my fault, i was only peeling potatoes, i didn’t even go near the boiler, you know, sit here, don’t go anywhere, i ’ll try to figure it out, no, no, no, wait, they will tear you apart too, but where will they tear you, it was you who brought me to the kitchen, what they won’t do, i’m nurali’s wife, what are you doing, sit here, okay, don’t go anywhere until i come, god help us, save us, help!" we need to get out of here, lord, lord, i haven’t done anything wrong to you, lord, protect me and seryozha and maryam, where is she, what happened, everything is quiet, quiet, i won’t go anywhere, i won’t leave this place, i won’t go anywhere, get away from here, i will please you. leave him,
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leave him, and you are here, you brought a russian, she wanted to kill us all, you assigned her here, i determined her, i will answer her, don’t speak to me in russian, i speak it because nurale ordered. and you must speak russian too, i won’t give you dasha, understand? leave if you don't want everyone to laugh at you like last time, i i’ll kill you, dog’s daughter, shoot, shoot, well, you’re afraid, nurali you’re afraid, why hang you up like a dead dog, i’m not afraid of nurali, i ’m not afraid of anyone, i’m afraid of allah alone, who sees everything and knows everything. “it’s not cholera,
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no, the symptoms are not the same, i think, someone just threw a laxative into the cauldron, nothing serious, from a medical point of view, even useful, it will cleanse the intestines, it’s okay, who did it, who needed it, it’s also not i understand, nurali, nurali tabucha, they say a russian girl is a couple now, they say a potion in she threw the cauldron." sit where you stood, it would be better if you helped me, take your friend as an example, sit, i’ll skin a ram like i’ll skin you, watch him, don’t worry, everything will be fine, your friend, this snake, wanted us poison everyone, they could attack us and kill everyone, better move away, norali will figure it out on his own, i’ll kill you, well, how can you trust
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a man who is commanded by this woman, who is the woman commanding here, maksud, you’re not answering, everyone’s gone, quickly, you stop, maryam, bring dasha, zakir, what happened here?
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hari mahsud, commander, there is no one else, you said everything, yes, commander, no, it’s not me, remember my words, here only one person decides someone’s fate, it’s me, and you’ve already broken these rules twice in a row, i know why, it's your lust for you. makes
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you crazy, commander, stay away from the russians, or i'll shoot you like a mad dog, i don't care about family ties, get out of here, get out of here! here, but you better forget about this story and generally keep quiet, it will be better for everyone, i got it, uh-huh, yes, i got it, maryam, go, come on, do you want it? katyusha, do you remember what day it is today?
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which? oh, on this day we met. don't you remember? rostov-on -don, two aspiring businessmen. afghan timur and russian alexey saw a beautiful girl and immediately fell in love. both. well, of course, i remember, you were funny then, you were all swaggering in front of each other. listen, how many years have passed already? a lot, but the girl chose my friend, katyusha, marry me , hello! alyoshenka,
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my dear, i love you very much, but you understand me, i can’t yet, timur, he’s timur was my best friend, he would understand everything and wouldn’t mind.
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you, you, what have you done, this is a service, it’s the same, how could you? well, calm down, what are you talking about, i’ll buy you a new one, what’s new, it’s a gift from timur, a new one, well, what’s wrong with shedding tears over some clumsy display, well, katyusha, stop, i beg you, nikolai, lyosh , what happened, teach this idiot a lesson, should i knock on his head, so that he’ll be quicker next time, lyosh, don’t, lyosh, please. let him go, just not here, lesh, well, let him go, please, lesh, let's go out of here, let's go, i said, look at him from here, don't hurt him, he's already going down, good with pistons, faster, come on, come on faster, i said,
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let's go, get up, get up, i said, let me, boss, get out of here, get busy fragments, let's go, let's go faster. come in, come here, quietly, quietly, here you go, one russian is beating another russian, but if you are a man, be silent, we will. i’ll show you how to offend the mistress, you understand
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me, you understand me, you’ll know what you ’re doing there, come here, but i didn’t remove the fragments, that you had mercy on me. hafis, here are the new cups bring more, yes, madam, keep quiet, he said, you will know, and a yes, what are you saying, uh-huh, good , sir, don’t fire you, rakhmon is very bad, he knocked off his hands, went, please, sir, stop, stop let me tell him, i’ll add it myself, i left here, well... you’re free for today, and kostya, the guard, send me, please, so come
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meet me, we’ll post upstairs, i understand, yeah, well, what are you doing there? went.
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it's ready, what are you talking about? went. nikolai vasilivich, that’s it, oh my god, lesh, i almost died with fear. they believed how do you think what will happen to us? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, what are you doing, you’re great, everything
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will be fine, everything, everything, everything, everything will be fine, but for now we, while he’s burying us, remembering us, we’ll be abroad for a long time, two months, i i think no more, guys, you won’t see that soon that you... no, so don’t worry, everything will be like clockwork, now i ’ll clean it up, tell me what will happen to them, oh god, hafis, how could i believe, how could i trust him, but warmed the snake on my chest, i’m good too, i should have taken a closer look at your surroundings a long time ago, and this pulot, who is he, nikolay, he called himself bronnikov, i don’t know who this bronnikov is. but he saved us, you take care of him, okay guys, there are journalists and
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tv crews on the way, so you need to play the dead a little more, so let’s go now, yeah, yeah, yeah, here’s some blood, yeah, here , here, yeah, it’s fresh, it’s fine, that’s it. veroev is from holland, on a business trip for a long time, but it looks like i’m on a business trip, we don’t go here on vacation, well , i’m a journalist, you know jamshid’s guest house, yes, i’m just going there, no problem. saidulo,
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turn up the volume. the durd double murder took place last night. the widow of the famous businessman timur heiti, katarina heiti, was killed in her own home. and her guest, russian citizen, alexey zakharov. the police already have suspects. two servants of the mistress disappeared from the house without a trace; they were recorded hastily leaving the house at night by a surveillance camera installed in the yard. if you know anything about the whereabouts of these people, notify the police. now we are not calm, this happens often, those people who you interested, it usually happens around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, thank you, good work
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deserves gratitude. what would be your wishes? i want to see my wife immediately. and you, i would like the rest of the money. saidulo, pay me. but allahu akbar! a petty person, greedy, why should such a person live? well, sergey, now we are with you, i hope forever. what should you do, either with me or to the gallows? i just want to see my wife, nothing more. you are
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a dangerous person, sergei, but you’re doing great! i saw what you can do, sit down, eat, i not hungry, you are my guest, now you are my friend, if you refuse, i will be offended, you promised me that i would see my wife, now it will be, i... said, i did, but you promise that you will not run away from me, yes i won’t run away, don’t be afraid, i’m not afraid for myself, sergey, but for you, whether you run away or not, we’ll still get you, but then don’t be offended, good
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job, nurali, deserves a good thank you, i want to see dasha, you made me laugh, sergey, okay, this will be your reward. hello. you called me about my friend recently. lieutenant colonel shermet, i recognized you. okay, i will, well, how are you here without me, why without you, you are here with me, everything is fine with me, however, maryam helps me as
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best she can, she also has a life here. not sweet, it’s easier for us in yours, it’s worse, when we get out of here, soon, my dear, soon, i promise, i’ll get you out of here, just please, be patient and forgive me, for which, you know, because of me you are here, fool, not because of you, with you, and this is the most important thing.
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good afternoon, well, we’ll finally know you forever now, maybe we’ll switch to no question, have a seat, uh-huh, thank you. we used blank cartridges and pyrotechnic paint bags, it was dark, everything happened so quickly that i have no doubt that the second servant believed it, which means... the customer thinks the same thing, he asked me to tell me something else, maybe his location , nothing more, of course, it was a very big risk, but now my boss and
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his woman are not in danger, as for your guy, i think he returned to the customers, if he removed his partner and stayed in the capital, he would definitely contact me , to him it was very important that you know that he is not a traitor, i know it. “the corpses of the russian and his woman were taken to russia today, but why didn’t this guard fly away, what is he doing here? we need to find out who is with him there, please, who is this foreigner, it seems to me, a journalist, he arrived a few days ago, rented from us number, what do you think, i think that he..." about zakharov, he is collecting information, collecting it, well then keep an eye on this for foreigners, understand? brother, finish this matter,
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okay, i’m glad that you didn’t disappoint my hopes, i want to talk to you, you told me about it yesterday i already said this. sit down, i know why you didn’t deceive me, you are driven by fear, yes, yes, fear, not for yourself, but for your woman, it is important for me that you are sincerely with us and that... you consciously chose your new path. why do i need it? you are a warrior by destiny. someone is a teacher, someone is a plowman, and you are a warrior. and
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our brothers around the world can afford a different life. in abundance and even luxury. what did your government give you for your service? a? listen, do they believe in us? very soon we will seize power in the country, and you will be pushed aside, so are you, a cannon meat, we can’t just be pushed aside, we are professionals, and so are you, this is exactly what i want to convey to you, we would like to see you as a partner, not a mercenary, this is serious, and the strong must stick together, think about this conversation. i hope you were pleased with my reward this night. i met your wishes, now it’s your turn to meet me halfway. i need your
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help. navrus carries out all my instructions when i need to come to an agreement with someone, or when it is impossible to reach an agreement. i need you to attend one of navruz's meeting. and then on one deal, navroz? there is one person, he is russian, yes, a bad start, listen further, uh, this russian, let's say, is our friend, sverkachev, his last name, he is a representative of the defense export industry, and recently... flew here to write off a shipment of weapons, more precisely recall to the factory to study the elimination of identified problems. what kind of weapons? portable rocket
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launchers, new generation. there are actually no problems with them, the weapon is trouble-free, as nabrus correctly said, this official is our friend, he prepared all the necessary documents, and what is my role in your scam, the weapon must be accompanied by the manufacturer, that is, russian, all documents. have already been prepared and signed for export, you will be this military expert, further on the way to the airfield, the weapon will disappear, nothing can be done, the operation is absolutely safe, we arrived calmly, received the cargo, back along the road, loaded it into another car and delivered to the camp, but before this is why you should
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go with nowruz to meet this official, he is careful and he must make sure that we have the right person for the role of a military specialist. you must not let us down, when everything ends well, you will receive your next reward. i hope there will be more. generous and our defector showed up as follows: the day before yesterday in the morning in kunduz, in the house of his mistress, a businessman we knew, alexey zakharov, was killed. yes.
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they suspect the servant. yeah, here’s one of the sketches, our bronnikov, so, and what versions do they have, my opinion, comrade general, is that the core trail is just a cover, zakharov quarreled with some partners, refused to help them, this is already then, intelligence reported, but the contract killing looks like it would throw us off the trail. bronnikov is a suitable candidate for this, they arranged a test for him, he passed it, after all, a double murder, it’s not a joke, yes, but if that’s the case, we’re taking a big risk with sheremet, there’s a big chance that they ’ll meet him in the camp and a very big one , and most importantly, that there is no guarantee that...
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sometimes it’s scary, of course, i’m a normal person, but this is part of my job, and excitement is the best cure for fear, true sons for now not yet a major sensation, but they could become one if i manage to talk about them before the same al-jazeera, for example, it will be like a bomb, i would present them as followers of medieval assassins, you know, the public is apathetic to such things, to europeans there's not enough barbaric romance, well
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, maybe...
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you know, maybe i can be useful to you. i heard that one of my distant relatives at one time communicated with someone who sympathized with the true sons. is it true? i 'll try to find him. i will not remain in debt, everything is in the hands of allah, where i can find you, what if we have something to discuss? i live here, just ask diels everything. good luck, hines. and you, said, take care of yourself. hello dear. may allah prolong your days. one very interesting foreigner appeared, supposedly a journalist from holland. ahmed met him and is looking for every opportunity to contact us. what exactly does he need? he wants
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to make a report about our movement. what is his interest? money? do they pay well for a sensation? what tv channel? he's a freelance reporter, kind of like a mercenary. told ahmed about his material about the rebels of latin america, it seems that everything is true, the material is on the internet, he lives in jamshid’s teahouse, he was telling the teahouse owner about his work, they say he would give a lot to talk with the true sons of the faith, what to do with him, do it like that to make him disappear? this will be done in time, follow him, record contacts, i think we can
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invite him to visit, if he is clean, we will get good publicity, this will cause respect among our older brothers. yes, also, talk to me with a scrap of paper, my friends told me that he he’s going to build a new house, and he needs a lot of money for a new house, so find out where he can get the money, of course, dear, you ’ll know everything soon, yeah, go.
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yes, i’m listening, you’re doing the right thing, i found out, of course, one of our tourists got very dirty, right? completely wet, this is not discussed now, this is the news, yes, by the way, haven’t you seen him on tv? yes, i saw it, but the news is not entirely true. i talked to the people who cleaned the room, it was clean, he just pretended to get dirty. well yes, you asked me to convey that you only need to believe the facts. are you going to visit? they promised to call me. yes. well, if you’re visiting, you can meet him there. we’ll figure it out according to the circumstances,
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said, peace be with you, i’m sorry that i entered before you, i shouldn’t have waited in the corridor, could i, i don’t understand. go, go, said, you are the best, i'm looking forward to it, follow me, here's the car, thank you, can i take your camera, of course,
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sorry, navigator and phone, phone, yes, yes, yes, uh-huh. you have to wear it, of course. ilyor, come on, come on, come on, come on, time not enough, people will come soon, we have a conversation with you, go. we need to talk, yes, so
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what did you want to talk about? what did you want to talk about? we have this conversation for you: if you agree, fine, if you don’t agree, you’ll go to god. you 've been communicating a lot with strangers lately, god sees everything.
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but for god’s sake, i don’t understand who this
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foreigner is, and he is a journalist, a journalist, no, jamshits, this foreigner, who he really is, i don’t know, jamshit, in an amicable way, tell me, who is this foreigner?
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in ancient times, people settled forest-steppe areas of eastern europe, including the lands of the modern oryol region. the slavs appeared in these. aki and its tributaries settled and traded with neighbors. the oryol region is located in the southwest of the european part of russia; many ancient historical cities have been preserved on its territory: bolkhov, mtsensk, novosil, livny. from moscow to orel by rail it is about 400 km, travel time by train is 4 hours. you can also get to the city by bus or car. orel is
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the birthplace of the writer and publicist ivan sergeevich turgenev, the city of youth of the first russian nobel laureate in literature ivan bunin. the lives of nikolai leskov, afanasy fet, leonid andreev, and mikhail prishvin are connected with the oryol land. but the eagle is interesting not only for its literary heritage. the city of military glory and the city of the first salute, the eagle can tell a lot about the military history of the country. in the center of the eagle there is an arrow of confluence. the oldest stone building of the city, the epiphany cathedral, stands proudly on the orlik and oka rivers. in its place there was an ancient slavic settlement. later on the arrow appeared the fortress that laid the foundation for the modern city. the fortress was founded in 1566
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by decree of tsar ivan iv the terrible. the king made the decision to build a fortification at the right time. inspection of the southern borderlands. at that time the situation in the moscow state was very alarming. the entry of the russian state into the livonian war very acutely raised the issue of a war on two fronts. relations with the crimean khanate were no longer good by that time. and the prospect of fighting on two fronts, of course, the sovereign is worried, because the western direction, it was important in terms of trade. and the southern direction, it was important in terms of security, including moscow. the border of the crimean khanate passed precisely through the territory of the oryol region. that is, where the eagle stands now, it was, let’s say, the moscow side, and what’s further south, there’s the rybnitsa river, is already the crimean khanate. the new serif line
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was supposed to protect the southern borders of the state. the eagle fortress in the chain of fortifications was built as one of the supporting ones. with the name of ivan the terrible the legend connects the appearance of the city's name, the symbol of which is the eagle can be found everywhere. according to legend, when he saw this place, an eagle was sitting on a lonely oak tree, and the eagle supposedly, seeing tsar ivan, flew up, and now the owner of these places flew away, said tsar ivan, and proclaimed the name eagle to be the whole city. well, of course, the name is an eagle.
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from the eagle there is an amazing structure on 20 hectares, just 7 ger less than the moscow kremlin, there is a structure that resembles a military fortress, but it is not a fortress, it is the fence of a noble estate, which is a symbolic monument to the first annexation of crimea to russia in the 17th century.
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the fact is that the author is the creator of this composition, the count of all russian orders of cavalier, field marshal, one of sixty. four glorious russian field marshals mikhail fedotovich komensky was a participant in all the wars of the second half of the 16th century, knew several russian tsars and queens closely, and ultimately his victory over turkey in the russian-turkish wars led to the signing of the peace of kuchukoinorji, thanks to which crimea was first became independent soon became part of the russian state. founded as a fortified city, oryol became a participant in bloody battles in the 20th century. the monument to the famous aircraft designer nikolai polikarpov recalls pre-war times. nikolai nikolaevich was the founder of the soviet school of aircraft engineering.
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the oryol military history museum dedicates details to the military history of the region. almost 2 years. oryol , most of the region was under nazi occupation, oryol was one of the nine ancient russian cities, the most heavily damaged in the waters of the great patriotic war, it was subject to government decree, well, priority establishment. of course, the damage was very great, practically there was not a single intact house left in orel, of course, life was very difficult for civilians. on october 3, 1941, the eagle was captured by the 4th panzer division. gudarian, gaines gudarian himself recalled that his tanks entered the city so quickly that trams were still running through the streets, but the ease of victory was deceptive, further. gudarian's advance to moscow was stopped by tank brigade, the future first guards brigade under the command of mikhail katukov. under the eagle
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, the katukovites received a baptism of fire. the first, that means battles in three-fours and kv-1s on the heights in the area of ​​​​the village of ivanovskaya, they took the first battle and all the way to mtsensk, even though godyryan walked quickly, they had already gone these 20 km for 5 days to mtsensk, that is, the katukovites held them as far as they could , having pretty much beaten gudarian and detained him. offensive in the battles of umtsensk and orel, katukov tankers for the first time used the tactics of tank ambushes and false forward edges, learned to outplay a pedantic, predictable opponent. here, for the first time , t-34 tanks showed their superiority in battle. the memorial to the tank guards and the monument to the soviet soldier perpetuate the heroism of the defenders. where the bronze soldier is buried 40 soldiers of the red army and two pilots who liberated the oryol region. their remains
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were found by searchers during the regional memory watch campaign. it is not known for certain how many lives the war in the oryol region claimed; researchers say that the final number is unlikely to be established. is on on oryol land, a place that was called the “valley of death” is the highest point of the krevtsovsky heights on the left bank of the aka river. on a small section of the front, fighting continued continuously for almost 2 years. the fighting was mainly of a positional nature; three front-line strategic offensive operations were carried out here. task there was only one of these operations: to take the city of orel. more than forty soviet divisions took part in the battles on the krevtsovsky heights. the life of the division
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was measured literally in days. in winter operations, the division lost an average of 3-5 days. not far from the krivtsovsky heights , near the front line, there was the village of spasskoye lutovinovo, the writer’s estate. ivan turgenev. the soldiers who liberated these lands from the nazis are buried in a large mass grave, in the manor park of the restored manor house. in the small museum of the search association fiery arc, documents of fighters and fragments of equipment are stored. found personal items help restore the names of the dead. by the summer of 1943 in front of the soviet command. stood the task is to seize the strategic initiative and launch an offensive along the entire front. the first of
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a series of military operations was operation kutuzov. it was necessary to cut off the dangerous ledge of the oryol arc and occupy the eagle. in the center of the eagle there is a monument to general leonty gurtiev, who died during the liberation of the city on august 3, 1943. during a mortar attack. he covered the commander of the third army , general gorbatov, with his body. on july 12 , the offensive operation began; only on august 5, soviet troops entered the city of oreva, that is in fact, distances of 50 km took almost a month. the daily losses of soviet troops were almost 11 thousand people, a division was lost every day. the liberation operation entered into the history of the eagle another name of the nobel laureate in literature. in the army of general gorbatov , the great russian writer alexander salzhenits participated in the liberation of orel and fought.


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