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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 22, 2024 4:45am-5:31am MSK

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take the arc with the eagle. in the center of the eagle there is a monument to general leonty gurtiev, who died during the liberation of the city on august 3, 1943. during a mortar attack, he covered the commander of the third army , general gorbatov, with his body. on july 12 , the offensive operation began, only on august 5 did soviet troops enter the city of oryoly, that is , in fact, a distance of 50. the liberation operation wrote another name of the nobel laureate in literature into the history of orel. in the army of general gorbatov he participated in the liberation orla and the great russian writer alexander solzhenitsion fought. he was in the front-line artillery reconnaissance troops, which actually fought for... the front line and was
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an artillery gunner for the soviet troops. he was one of the first to go to the city of orel, for the liberation of the city of orel, he received the order of the patriotic war, first degree. fierce fighting broke out in the sky above orel. in them, along with soviet pilots , volunteers of the french normandy air squadron fought. one of the main monuments of the great patriotic war in orel - tankers' park. this is oryol post number one at the eternal flame. the memorial is dedicated to the tank crews who were the first to break into the city, opposite the square, which miraculously survived the war, the tallest building in oryol at that time. on august 5, 1943, a red flag flew on it, signifying the end of the two-year occupation. in honor of the capture of the cities of orel and belgorod, he was released on the evening of the same day in moscow by order of the chief.
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yok-makarek! yes, of course, there are, well, did our guys go to the forest? yes, problems with this forest may arise, oleg georgievich, i’m from moscow they've already called twice, is it because of the dead man's duties? it will be bad if it turns out to be a wood grouse and they don’t get us off alive, then well, we’ll break through, comrade colonel. i really hope so, oleg
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georgievich, allow me to go, of course. why does it shake so much, and it crunches so appetizingly, in one sting, so you give it, and are you jealous, hungry, why, thank you, jealous, that you would do something without me, you’d die like crazy, that’s for sure , you are our nurse, oh, okay, oh, i’ll definitely marry you, you’ll cook borscht for me, salt lard, listen, dear, i don’t know how to make borscht, then i won’t marry, it’s painful, don’t give up your happiness, you’ll be lost without me, oh, perhaps you’ll be lost, you’ll be lost, let me sleep, and they’ll crack
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and crack, crack and crack. oh, thank you, great, good day, good afternoon, great, great, where is the investigator, ours left, yours hasn’t arrived yet, yeah, our expert. had already done some work and then the numbers of the weapons were checked, their identities were established, and on the campaign they were first killed and then burned. and who is this? krasnenko, huntsman, colleague of the murdered man. stepan, come here. major volkov, criminal investigation department.
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hello. did you write everything down? yes, i'm finishing. the landings have begun. let's go to. did you know the murdered man well? yes, we worked together for several years, the second? a couple of times, well, do you have any suspicions about who could have done this? i don’t know, the bear didn’t let the poachers go easy, maybe they did, who are they poaching, who exactly, and here it’s a big deal, but yesterday he came across one, and he even had to shoot, because of what, we know why, because of the bear, it’s forbidden to shoot them here, yeah, that is, he detained a poacher, well, yes, only it was not possible to detain him, he left, but managed to pick up the gun. for some reason he didn’t hand over any gun, but he didn’t have time, and where is this gun now, at our base, andryukh, let’s go to the base, figure out where to go with this gun, and i and you, let’s go to the city of georgich, well, why are you chasing me back and forth, why am i driving, don’t let me whine that i was driving, well, give
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me side cutters, comrade major, what ’s going on here, what does it smell like, short circuit, comrade colonel, for some reason the machine didn’t work, part of the wiring in the corridor burned out, so this will last for a long time, yes they say a day or two, that’s still not enough, i wish you good health, so krymov, i’m a comrade colonel, why are you slacking off like... employees of your department went out to kill, well, of course, i would have gone too, they just didn’t tell me that it means you weren’t informed, that you are in a special position here, no way, or maybe you’re just late for work, maybe this has become a habit for you, igor sergeevich, so should i go out to kill or not? borya,
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listen, what’s wrong with him today? yes, some official was killed in the forest. yeah, that's it ears are buzzing here, yours have already left, but i already understood that, damn, young man, what is it, and damn, everything is fine, everything is fine, what happened, comrade colonel, everything is fine, what’s wrong with him, he’s alive, what's wrong with him, he's alive, he has a pulse. but i don’t understand how i rammed it, comrade colonel? i didn’t notice him, he’s unconscious, it looks like yes, well , everything is fine, now, i’ll call you now, and
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you were here a long time ago last night, i see that something is active here. they were looking, as i understand it, this is a box for storing weapons, yes, there was the gun that trubitsin took from the poacher, no, we specifically hid it in another place, where? that’s great, well, apparently they were looking for him, yes, illegal possession of weapons, plus bear hunting, this can take 10 years, you need some knowledge of the criminal code, but where were you yourself last night, in the city? who can confirm this? don't know. oh, it would be good for you
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to remember this. well, i bought cartridges there at a hunting store. i still have the receipts. let's check the receipts. yes. so, i take the checks with me, we also have to confiscate, but don’t go anywhere, we may still need you. so where will i go? well great. changes the wiring, but i see, or rather, i don’t see a damn thing, they promised that tomorrow there would be more or less light, but it’s a problem. what happened to the electrician, closed fractures, hands, feet,
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bad luck, the electrician, the city workers put him in the best hospital, yeah, as if we didn’t have to visit him in this hospital with the whole department, so let’s get to the point, gentlemen, comrades, well, we identified the case , this is really a gamekeeper trubitsin and the chairman of the protas social nutrition management committee, both died as a result of blows to the head at approximately 4:00 pm, the murder weapon? to the office where the murdered protasov worked, and you to his widow, that’s right,
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alexander dmitriev, uh-huh, where, dmitriev, stand, stop, who you told. criminal investigation, i’ll shoot, whatever we stand for, hands and arms, why handcuffs, i’ll tell you everything anyway, tell me, tell me, now let’s go to our department , tell me everything, i’ve been running, i’m also running on a long distance, peace be upon me, hello, please send me a typewriter, write it down. address, good afternoon,
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and you are topolev, yes, that is the criminal investigation department, captain rydanov, yes, come in, have a seat, you are already here, sorry, we have not yet fully realized what happened, mikhaloch, a wonderful person and an excellent specialist. was. was. how long have you been working here? second year. this is your second year working as protasov’s secretary. absolutely right. tell me, has your boss had any problems or conflicts at work lately? well, it's hard to say so. yes. well, what did he do? we held a major tender to organize meals in thirty schools in st. petersburg. that is, as a result of receiving this tender there could be. any problems? you could say that too. tell me, tell me, this is very interesting. the fact is
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that the tender was won by one large company. and oleg mikhailovich took it and canceled the results. what kind of company? procten company. procten. i wonder how it could happen that the company won the tender, but protasov took it and canceled the result. oleg mikhailovich was in moscow when the tender was held, his deputy, ushenko, was in charge of it. what did the company receive in the result of this tender? well, what, money? yeah, from the city budget, that’s right, a lot of money, very decent sums, the order of the numbers, please, these are millions of rubles, clearly, that is, we can assume that protasov’s...
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no, he, he didn’t inform us, good-bye, good-bye, and that you brought me to the mentorship, we could have talked there, but why is it freezing outside, it’s cozy here, the board is bright, okay, yes, i see, walk, don’t stumble, sit down over there, and i thought you were looking for my brother, but what happened to my brother, yes he owes money, creditors have already caught him once, but... did you dare, so he’s lying on one, no, we’re on another issue, on what issue, maybe take off the handcuffs, maybe i’ll take them off later, familiar gun, because this gun killed two people, and it’s registered to you, just like that, it would be better if
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you looked for your brother, let’s tell you in order how it all happened, but what can i tell you, i lost it, what does that mean? i lost it while drunk, well, when did this happen, like in the summer, while hunting, and why didn’t you immediately report it to the police? so are you would you torture me with your checks? now we’ll definitely torture you, write, everything is as it was, maybe you can take it off? nothing, get used to it! who's there? please open the homicide department. good afternoon, are you lyudmila protasova? yes, please come in. thank you. well, in general, they went into the forest.
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the hunt didn't go well, well, we got drunk like pigs and ended up... how did you lose it? well, he went to bed drunk, and in the morning he opened his eyes, but there was no gun. uh, are there any witnesses? well, the whole bunch is dmitriev’s. is there an allibi at the time of the murder? yes he says he hasn't been home all week went out. in principle, i checked, the neighbors confirm this fact. maybe there were some intersections while working with protasov? didn't you watch? no, colonel, i don’t think so, dmitry has been working as a carpenter in a zhek for the last six months, so yeah. have you looked at the farm where dmitriev lost her gun? but now i’m just about to leave. very good, let's report back later. eat? oleg was very worried about this tender. as far as i know, he and his deputy had a conflict about this
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. yes, lushenko called him, they took a long time sorted things out. and what? they didn’t speak, i didn’t hear, he was in his room, i almost couldn’t make out the words, oleg, he rarely raised his voice, here he just yelled at him, he didn’t tell you about the reason for this scandal, he only said that he would fire ushenko , oh, sorry, it’s you, forgive me, but i have to ask you these questions, tell me, why did your husband cancel the results of this tender, i... i don’t know, who could have known that he went hunting? ushenko, he called, i answered the phone, oleg, he, he wanted to relax, after, well, because of this stress, i went hunting, i said that he was hunting, no one else
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knew, no, no one knew, he, he wanted no one to tell him... hello, you are huntsman antonov, well, let’s say, and what? police, captain krymov, what happened? i have a couple of questions, let’s go into the house and talk, i need to pick up something from the car, let’s go to the parking lot, take a walk, you can ask your questions. well, whatever you say, there he is. come in, can i come to you? hello, yes, we would like to talk to your director. do you have
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an appointment? no. sergey petrovich, k are you here from the police? fine. good afternoon. hello. you come to me, to you, please, yes, that’s how it all happened, they drank vodka in the forest, mitriev lost their gun, and you don’t know how this gun could have gotten to the poachers, well, they could have just found it in the forest, this is quite possible, or maybe, you know, what’s the matter, the bodies of jaeger and his client were found on a neighboring farm, you, it’s possible that the murder happened precisely because of...
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i know, just think, misha, drubitsin, you can even imagine you can’t imagine how much we prepared for this tender, and how much was money wasted, believe me, we really are the best and won this tender in a completely honest way, and this protasov bureaucrat took everything and canceled everything, excuse me, i understand that it’s not customary to speak badly about the dead, but tell me, what kind of relationship... since you were protasov’s deputy ushenko , but none, when the tander results were canceled, i went to the committee that same day, well
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, of course protasov was not there, his deputy was, that’s when i met him, and according to our information, you had a serious scandal, so what, eh how could i behave differently, you you know, i won’t leave it like this, if you want, we will resolve the issue through the court, all these ushenkos, protasovs, all these bureaucrats, i will find justice for them, okay, okay, and you know that after your conversation with ushenko, he he urgently went on vacation, that is, as if on vacation, and why does this surprise you so much, did you have some kind of agreement with him about a meeting, but no, no, just if protasov is killed and his deputy is on vacation, who will take care of it then tender?
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someone who hunts a bear with an illegal gun, we have almost no such people strictly speaking about this, almost, there is one, but you can’t take the dog in the face, who is it, what is the name, where to look? last name is sergeenko, now i’ll draw everything for you, take it, come on, come on, a screwdriver, come on, yeah. "great, good morning, slav, good morning,
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again they are chasing, work, who will, slav, by the way, aksenov got very tense when they told him that his wife went on vacation, about the murder, that he doesn’t know, he says no , they checked him, they checked him, it seems that at the time of the murder he had a wife and children, there are doubts"? sneeze, give me the magic word, quickly, i’m listening, some kind of gun that you bought from me, idiot, and what happened is that the cops came to me about this gun, they say because of it, geger was killed, i told you, the numbers were cut off, idiot, who knew? who knew, who knew, idiot! we both stand still, criminal investigation department, stop! why, stop, whoever you told,
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i’ll shoot! that's it, that's it! stand up, come here, hands on the car, which means that mr. protasov, for some reason still unknown to us, canceled the results of the tender, mr. aksyonov, the president, did not like this the company procton, yeah, which won this tender, he apparently had some kind of conversation with mr. ushenko, who helped them win this tender, yeah, yes, plus to this... protasova’s widow spoke about the conflict of her late husband sushenko after the tender is cancelled. another curious thing, here i made inquiries in the main department, they told me that in the event of any incapacity of the head of the committee, the deputy, that is, ushenko, becomes acting. absolutely right, and what’s most interesting is that ushenko is now can again organize this tender to help procton win it. wait, it turns out that ushenko specifically took a vacation on the eve of the murder in order to provide
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himself with an alibi. maybe only ushenko knew about his boss’s hunt, well, that means ushenko is now the main suspect, yes, but he’s in egypt, address him like that, ask your neighbors, relatives, that’s great, once again, that’s the light, listen, you can i ’ll have a chat with them here, go ahead, the office is in order, thank you. maybe you're already good for today, okay, captain, i know mine the norm, well look, let’s sit down, so, you bought a gun from him, yes, yeah, let’s assume that yes, but where did you get this gun?
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so in the forest you met huntsman trubitsin, who took both your gun and your loot, right? is he really not mine? so, let's move on, after that you managed to escape, but you tracked down trubitsin, killed him, and then returned to the base to pick up the gun. i didn’t kill anyone, i was sitting at home and didn’t know what to do. look, it turns out he can talk. i swear, i didn’t leave the house, the neighbors in the village can confirm.
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so it is, sergey. you stay here in the monkey house, antonov is free for now, he won’t leave the house , you understand me, come on. well, let's call? come on, man, hello, yes, listen, you live here, for what purpose are you interested, we are from the police, criminal investigation department, come on, come on, come on.
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captain rodanov, yes, that’s right, captain rydanov, it’s definitely you, but what doesn’t look like it, but are you definitely from the police? and you read carefully, everything is written here, you never know what’s written, i can write you anything you want, listen, dear, we’ll immerse you now in our car, we’ll take you to our department, our monkey bar is there, you won’t be confused with anything, there’s no need for a monkey bar, why, i believe, that ’s great, answer us the question, do you know anyone from apartment eighteen? is this from the nutrition committee? yes. yes, i know, but what happened? have you seen him lately? yes, i saw it recently, i think? well, when exactly? remember, this is very, very important. last night, i saw it. are you sure you saw him last night? yes, yes, i went out onto the balcony, and he got into the car. so. amazing. thank you, you helped us a lot. a, what happened? nothing for now, goodbye, goodbye. all the best, goodbye. well
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, what about our ears? not in any place, not in egypt. it seems so, and it gets very interesting. go. andryukh, i found something here about this ushenko. yes, i’m listening to you carefully. well, in addition to apartments, cars and other things, he has a picture of a country house in vsevolozhskaya. and what do you think, he got stuck there? well, i don’t know, i need to check. okay, okay, ridka and i will check. give us your address via text message . yeah. well, ryatulechka, let's go with you in vsevelsk listen, it's not far. crime scene, listen, let's come and figure it out, don't make it complicated, that's also true.
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at home, yeah, it looks like he’s getting ready to go somewhere, he’s fussing, we should see where he’s soaped up, let’s go to the car, let’s go, we’ll wait there.
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we should have taken it back at the house, calmly, i think it will lead us somewhere interesting, hello, what are you going to order, hello, bring it to the batichkirovny, please, okay. thank you. thank you. hello, i brought everything,
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is everything okay? full? where's the disk? what disk? oh yes, please. can i be sure that this won't come up anywhere? don’t worry, the only copy of the original is in your hands. quietly, quietly, calmly, calmly, you will receive the original when we complete the second part of our deal, so to speak, good afternoon, good fellow, so, gentlemen, we don’t make any sudden movements or stupid things.
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after you, great, hello, hello, glory, gentlemen businessmen are ready to talk, come in, have a seat, gentlemen aksyona fushenko, i’m very glad to meet you, i’m major lolkov, deputy head of the homicide department, we will have a serious and long conversation with you, you are suspected of the deliberate murder of two people, so i advise you to be as sincere and talkative as possible and i warn you right away that we will not play any games with you, this is understandable, i would like to say right away , that i didn’t kill anyone, i didn’t kill anyone either, and please note, i didn’t intend to do this, okay, let’s start with the case with the money from the video, i looked at it carefully, and it became obvious to me that you gave him 2
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million rub so that he can help you win tender, only he filmed everything with a hidden camera, i needed to be on the safe side, and that stinking james bond was on the safe side, you know what, don’t swear, gentlemen? do not swear. so, you admit that there was a criminal conspiracy between you, which resulted in a bribe on your part and corrupt actions on yours. you saw everything on the recording. okay, at least you're not denying it. go ahead. your company miraculously wins the tender, but then mr. protasov appears and cancels the results of the tender. protasov just checked the documents i went with an inspection to the procton facilities and found a violation there. and you mean you’re so clean, good, fluffy, right? and i told you that everything must be clean in reality on the papers. you told me that i shouldn't worry. okay, but why then was this performance with a vacation and a non-existent trip to egypt needed? i urgently needed money, he was blackmailing me. did you get your money back? and now i need it.
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criminal actions have been committed, well, well, well, they are not hunters, kill two people in forest, burn a car with corpses, cover your tracks, some special people, and the version with poachers has also disappeared, disappeared, maybe some other barconiers, and where will we find them now? we’ll have to go back to the beginning, circle around the hunting grounds, we’ll have to work everything out there again, if we don’t reveal it, they’ll skin us, but we’ve uncovered the fact of corruption. reveal the slaughter, half an hour
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is enough for you, but the rooftop, let's start everything from the very beginning, i already told you everything, it's okay, i'll listen to you again, that means bear hunting is prohibited in the forest, but you hunted anyway, so what happened next? well , yegor, trubitsin, who was killed, set me on fire? well, probably yes, so it caught fire, so what? he took the gun and the bear carcass. why didn't he hand you over to the police? ran away. ran away. it's clear. after that, you returned to the base to pick up the gun, because you knew that they could find you. this did not happen. trubitsin and his client. didn’t kill, after that you returned
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to the base, rummaged through everything there, but didn’t find any gun, but there was no such thing, you just sat there, i didn’t kill anyone who killed then, if not you, who? my whole village can confirm that i spent the whole week at home, and in general he is a hefty man, this huntsman, how could i kill him, even if i wanted to, wait, wait, what does a hefty huntsman mean, well, like an ordinary one, tall, healthy, what are you sculpting for me, hunchbacked, the murdered trubitsen was a man of short stature, dimensions. it didn’t matter that you’re confusing me, i’m not confusing anything, so come on, describe to me the huntsman who took the gun from you, well, i’m telling you, he’s tall, healthy, broad-shouldered, so what, a beard, so you’re describing to me jaeger krasnenko, not trubitsin, how do i know what their names are.
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well, i see, andryukh, where are you now? yes, i’m coming to see you, where? he sent me to help you. great, listen, we urgently need to check alebi jaeger krasnenko, he seems to have been buying cartridges in the city at the time of the murder, well, yes, i even have receipts, so i need to go. show the receipts to the sellers, are you going? ok, i’ll do it, that’s it, we agreed, i’ll come by later that week, yeah. yes, yes, of course, goodbye, goodbye, dear
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day, hello, criminal investigation, yes, tell me, with these checks on wednesday such a tall, strong man with a beard was supposed to buy cartridges krasnenko, stepan petrovich, krasnenko, we keep a journal, please check, let's see. dobrolyubov, vladislav georgievich, bought cartridges with these checks, that is, on wednesday. krasnenko was not there, not on wednesday, and krasnenko was buying cartridges on thursday? yes, do you have a cctv camera in the hall? of course, it is possible to watch the recording, exactly at this time, when we bought these cartridges on thursday, is it possible? sure, just a minute.
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that's right, huntsman krasnenko, it's clear, that's it, thank you very much, goodbye, please, igor, yes, krasnenko did not buy cartridges at the time of the murder, he took the receipts from the store the next day. so, everything is serious, in general, i’m going to see him, you need to be careful with him there, i’m already flying to you, let’s wait.
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the owners.
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come here, don’t worry, there are police, now i’ll untie you, he’ll be back now, who? stepan, who are you? his wife, he beat you, he is citizen krasnenko, you are suspected of murder of trubitsin and protasov? oh, how, you don’t need to do this. well whore, it's time to
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go back home, you got me, alive! that day i had to go to the city, i was late for the train, i returned home, my wife was not there, i went to the base, she was tumbling with trubitsin there.


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