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tv   Zhdi menya  NTV  June 22, 2024 6:20am-7:21am MSK

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yesh, just a little more and i would have had to give you a general’s gift, but i wouldn’t have been able to handle this, here it is for you, here it is , thank you for suddenly wanting to put an end to it, you know, i was such an idiot back then, i almost ruined my whole life , and you, you didn’t just catch me then, you put the brains of a young moron in my place, and i never thanked you. thank you, can you sit down? no, let ’s sit together later, calmly, if you want, go ahead, thank you, tv company vid presents.
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hello, good evening, the program is on air wait for me, a program that tells people about the most important thing, about themselves, about what is inevitable after parting. there must be a meeting, behind grief there is joy, for grievances and forgiveness, because no matter what happens, you need to continue to live, so we begin: the wait for me program was created in order to connect people, and not quarrel them, therefore, if the search provokes family conflict, we are especially scrupulous about finding out whether we really need to search,
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it happens that we decide, together with the authors of applications, to interrupt the search, we decide that we have not yet its time has come, it happens that, on the contrary, despite the protest of some relatives, the search is important and needs to be continued, this decision is always difficult, i would even say ambiguous, so with marina kotvitskaya from kazakhstan we decided that we will continue the search, today she is in our studio , marina, come to us. hello, please take a seat, marina, please tell us a little about yourself? i’m marina, and i’m 27 years old, i’m a mother of many children, at 27 i’m already a mother of many children, yes, i have four boys, amazing, i’m now on maternity leave, raising them.
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i take care of the house, the farm, we have a large farm, we have cows, and calves, pigs, everything is like all the villagers, everything is there, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful, it’s clear that you are happy, yes, i’m happily married, 9 years old, but apparently, for complete happiness, something is missing, since you are here, yes, fatherly love, i didn’t have that, i don’t know, my children know this, they are raised by their own father, and i even envy them a little that they they know what fatherly love is, what their dad loves, i would really like this too, for my dad i loved, i want my father’s support, love, warmth, tenderness, that’s how it happens with all girls, but alas, i don’t have it, my mother’s love was also not enough for me, as they say, so i want my dad, you saw him like... no, i only heard about him from my
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grandmother, that he worked in their village where my grandmother lives, that he is hard-working, good, a man, kind, and what my mother told me, my mother does not like to talk about this topic, i know. , that they did not live long, as she says, they separated, she asked why they separated, she said they did not get back together. character, yeah, well, in general , she said a lot of bad things about him, but i don’t have any trust in my mother as such, maybe there are reasons for this, but how did your parents meet, you know, i know that he worked in a construction crew, he generally there was a newcomer, they somehow met, my mother seemed to be helping my grandmother there. well, how he cooked as a cook, well, you still
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talk so unconfidently, you don’t know the exact information, definitely not, i know that they met, lived everything, he didn’t even know that his mother was pregnant, but... they didn’t split up, he then i came to get my things and found out from my grandmother that my mother was pregnant with me, that’s all. you didn't tell me what your dad's name is? panov nikolai alekseevich, so what happens, he didn’t know that mom was pregnant, no, then he found out from your grandmother, yes, when she came to make a will, and what next, well, i’ll probably be condemned for this, well, okay, but he said.
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negative, negative, yes, she didn’t talk to me, our relationship is generally strained, but she didn’t talk to me at all, we didn’t talk on the phone, they didn’t write off, but i’m not used to this, we always have such a relationship, when i was already getting ready to come here, she called, wrote, everything seemed to worry, dissuaded you, yes, yes, said what you wanted. you sent us an audio message from her, let's listen, come on, marina, why are you giving out my numbers, firstly, i'm not interested in this, this is one time, secondly, it's been so many years, he's never seen you, you i decided
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to find my dad, why was i scared at all, i’m wondering, yes, well, why are you looking for him, why don’t you give me my numbers, i won’t talk to anyone, i don’t give a fuck. we called our grandmother, and you know, our editor had a wonderful conversation with her, she told so many good things about your dad, what a truly wonderful person he was, hard-working, we agreed with my grandmother that our film crew would come to see her the next day, here is the film crew
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let's go, let's take a look. hello, hello, galina iosifovna marcin, yes, we are correspondents for the wait for me program, you probably know that your granddaughter marina kotvitskaya is looking for her father nikolai panov, they wanted to talk to you about nikolai panov, i know that she is looking for, you know, nikolai panov, well, i know, they all lived together once , well, how can i tell you, i don’t know anything and i can tell i don’t want everything, that’s it, i’m sorry, but i won’t give interviews anymore, that’s it, i don’t know anything, i’m sorry, please, goodbye, yeah, marin, what happened, why, why didn’t she want to talk, fear, fear
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for herself, yes, for me, how is it and what is she afraid of, who, well, after this program people usually divided into two types, who is for? who supports everything, someone will condemn me and my children, my family, so she didn’t tell me anything, but i came and i, as they say, have nothing to lose, i want love, my grandmother gave me love with my grandfather, i i value them very much and am afraid of losing them, and i don’t know what will happen to me if they are gone and... it’s scary to even think about it, they replaced my mom and dad, i love them very much, i missed my mom too, of course , yes, of course, i have two more sisters, something else for them my mother’s attitude, i don’t know why, i asked her why you treat me this way,
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why such hatred towards me, she didn’t answer anything, she just kept silent, kept her head down, that’s what i kind of grew up for, i can do it like a woman suppose maybe this has something to do with resentment towards your father, i also had such thoughts, most likely that this is how it happens, that when a woman transfers these feelings to a child, i don’t know, i’m already a mother four times and i don’t know what it’s like to treat your child like this to throw out emotions, i don’t have that, i don’t know, i don’t understand her as a mother, i’m a mother too, i don’t understand her. i don’t understand how you can divide the children of grandchildren, my sister,
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the second one, has one daughter, the youngest gave birth in january and so she comes to them, well, how can i explain it to you, she calls, worries, but she doesn’t care about my children, so the resentment gnaws at me for mine children, that they beg so strongly to go to their grandmother, she so rarely takes them, my mother-in-law treats my mother-in-law well. thank god, i got a good one and she always supports me in everything and everywhere, he loves you like that, you can feel that your mother’s character is difficult, difficult, difficult, complicated, what else can you choose, it’s very difficult to live with her, i know that for your dad, the relationship with her became a real trauma. yes, this grass broke him and did not allow him to build a family. let's see
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what your dad told us. are you senior police officer grachev? no. yes, oh my. why did you refuse to comply with the ring road? because it seemed to me that there was something wrong with the will. let them check. maybe you suspect someone? everyone i endured guilty verdict. sergey godin. well, we can't break the law. we can't, but we maybe a little. at 22:10 on ntv. capital punishment, premieres
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monday at 20:00 on ntv. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. closing a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we...
6:34 am
dmitry, come in, come in, lena vasilievna, i feel great. well, i somehow want to invest in health, what do you recommend? there is one company, for sure, promomet, thank you,
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good luck, invest in securities promomet, our new name is bank, where else you can go into space, send your mother a star from the sky, turn the branch into applications, knowledge, into a vocation, technology, into ... your communication, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets, tebo! he's the only one. in sportsmaster, prices are half the world prices and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now
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there are 96 capsules in an economical package. our new name is t-bank. you can also turn dance into a world heritage. sport is an invincible machine. let's go, go to space and send it to mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world. turn the department into an application. knowledge. to vocation, technology, live communication, dream work, tradition to innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets, you,
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he is the only one, i wish you health, comrade may , we have a murder, old father. catching is just the beginning, the ultimate measure, he made such a mess, shook up so many people, the premiere starts on monday at 20:00 on ntv. i came to makashenka for harvesting, and there
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meet svetlana, well, she worked for us in the canteen, a good, beautiful girl. dear, our parents gave us the house, the two of us lived there, we never fought, nothing, everything was fine, svetlana, i don’t know why she didn’t want to create, she wanted to go out all the time, she wanted freedom, with svetlana, i stayed due to the fact that it was may 3, in my opinion, yes, we had a big snowstorm, we were sleeping, the foreman knocked on the window, in short, children were driving from the camp, it was necessary... to make a road, and i was on a bulldozer worked, well, we went, we scraped and scraped there for a day, in short, i came home, but she wasn’t at home, i went to my mother, my mother said, i don’t know, i said, well , purgamit, where could she be there, i went to another friend, he said at the neighbor’s, but i went and they were there i found him in bed, well, that’s it, i
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turned around in the morning to catch the bus and go to my homeland to get off. kazansky, i came home, did a little work at home, then my brother arrived, well, he was in a car, we went to get things, there to them, the village of makashevka, as they say, i met my mother-in-law, she came out to svetlana, she was already with a belly, she was in january to give birth, in my opinion, so to me, as my mother told her, we stood there, i say, well, if you want, i say,
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it turned out not, everyone cheats, i lived with one, it changed, i lived with the other, it changed, that’s it, since then i’ve somehow i was afraid of a woman, i worked in a cemetery for 18 years, there was peace and quiet there, that’s what i liked, i met my woman at the cemetery, she celebrated her mother for 40 days, and i met her there, now i’ve been living for 10 years, she’s everything to me and provided both comfort and peace of mind. grace, when they called me about my daughter, i was taken aback, i don’t know at all, it turned out, apparently it was true that she was pregnant purely from me, and i... i don’t know to say that even this, in short, the situation, on the one hand, it’s joyful, everyone
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is happy at work, well, daughter, if if you see that may god give you health, happiness, good things, and... in short, success in your life, if you see me, hear me, i’m alive, well, if, dear daughter, i don’t know how to say, if you would like to see each other, i would love to see you.
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a sincere man, yes, yes, there is so much pain in his story, it’s very, pity, he really sincere, the same as you, yes, it seems to me that you are very similar, in my opinion, no dna test is needed, yes, you know, i... without hesitation, i came, yes, nikolai alekseevich, come to us, let's go here. everything is fine,
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everything, thank you very much, wait, that’s not all, nikolai alekseevich, what can i say, your daughter is just a copy of you? well, yes, i don’t know what to say, but now i haven’t seen it for myself, i’m convinced myself, such things, thank you for everything, huge, your phrase stuck with me, what you said, that somehow people are divided into two halves, that someone will rejoice and support your search, someone will condemn you, but i don’t understand how... what can you condemn for, for the fact that you are looking for your father? no, because it’s like this, and my mother feels bad, they still think that she’s so good, and over so many years i’ve already accumulated so much, i
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can’t be silent anymore, i really can’t, it still seems to me, that you also need to find a common language with your mother, when a person gets so angry, so angry, swears, yes, this is probably, probably because he feels bad, but still at this moment the most important thing is what you found. my father, this is wonderful, i was sitting at work and got a call like this, i say, guys, i have a daughter, come on, come on, he says, let’s go, that’s it, thank you all, i say, for your support too, thank you very much, nikolai alekseevich, you found your daughter, this is your only child, yes, the only one, i have no one else. denis, egor, evgeniy, dimit, alexander, come to us,
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wow, hi guys, great, come here, oh, this is your grandfather, kolya, nikolai, my dad. well done, all of them, and the younger one in dad’s arms, well, it’s just a copy, he printed just one face, so you hold it like two portraits of the same, so calm, well done, bye, great, clearly. oh, well, how in the role of a grandfather, how are you trying on the role of a grandfather already, i’m completely shocked, honestly, i
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didn’t even know this... at all, even, even, guys, i think your grandfather will take you for a ride in a snowblower , i think it’s cool, guys, mom looks like grandpa, yes, yes, and i’ll tell you that you all look alike, your whole big the family is wonderful, oh, damn, wow, shock, thank you, okay, we won’t keep you, yeah, go, please, communicate, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, that’s it, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
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enough is enough, it's over, damn! the long-awaited continuation of the famous turkish series: kingfisher, new season from june 29 daily on ntv. bailiffs, premiere. from monday at 22:10 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. where else can you go into space and send your mother a star from the sky? turn
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the department into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, live communication. only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank, he is the only one. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive? no, mom, it's not expensive at all. saved for my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran makes comfort accessible. sale in honor of ozone's birthday. we give many discounts up to 80%. lavmi bed linen for 1.179. elena vasilievna. dmitry, come in, come in. elena vasilyevna, i feel great, but i somehow want to invest in health. what do you advise? there is one company. that's right,
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it'll get wet. thank you very much for your health, invest in promot securities, invite a friend to get a black debit card from tebank until june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in tebank, but autobank invited me to sing, of course, mom, tbank, he’s the only one, whopper, tastier on fire, burger king. at sportmaster, prices are half the price, but global and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. close a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan in tank before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. pebank, he's the only one. capital punishment, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. pure water is
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ntv. in the body of kartkeros of the komi republic, a shelter opened about a year ago. for homeless animals, in a small house there live more than forty cats and dogs who are looking forward to meeting their future owners, look, kitty, i ’ll put each one in every room, now they’re all going to eat, now we’ll bring some dry food, we’ve poured some water , pussies, pussies, let's go down, go down, pussies, i, and my parents were like that, they loved animals very much, and i myself like this, i can’t pass by, i can’t, i live in a one-room apartment, five stray dogs passed through my apartment, i always wanted to have my own home in life to help
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animals there, in the twenty-first year, this is somewhere in april or the month of march, i went to the administration, signed up with the head that i want to make a shelter for homeless animals, or give me some land or some kind of building or what? they seemed interested, then i called my friend, we decided to go and look, we came here, in general we gasped at the building, but... right for the shelter, we don’t bother anyone and nothing, just like that, i go to the administration, i ask whose building this is, the building turns out to be not on their balance sheet in the administration, they gave me the owner’s phone number, i called him right away, right away right away for such a thing, i say i will give it to you free of charge. this cat morus, she is from the village of adzherom, she came to us with her cat, we have a white cat here, the owner died, they wandered for a long time, people fed there, the teachers turned and asked to take, i took, maybe this one i'll talk to you
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show, she’s such a girl, this is the village of adzherom, the owner was in jail for many years, got an animal and sat down again, they sealed the apartment too... people called that she was at the entrance, on the street, the cold had already begun, we took her, here’s the cat we also have one, now he’s all in tangles, i tried to cut his hair a little with a clipper, he also wandered for a long time, joined the pensioners, and we took him, here’s a dog, he suffered very badly at human hands, his head was broken very badly, he was all in blood, all bald, launched posts on treatment, in general we cured him, but he is very afraid of men, very much, but not all of them, in shelters they are all in cages, we have a few cages, but i don’t want it, i want a more homely environment for them, rezika, oh,
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blot, there's a whole bunch of it, look, her soul is for animals, she's such a kind, good person, she stays on the sidelines, in the morning she cleans up... she cleans up in the evening, she only leaves late in the evening, in the winter they're almost here lived because their heating did not work, people brought heat guns, they came there to warm up the radiators, rooms, well, katya spent the night here, looked after the stove, they stoked it, here she is after the shelter for 5 hours, so she did everything, fed the dogs, fed the cats, did everything, cleaned everything and then for 5 hours she goes on feeding her grandmother, i’m coping how? i’m coping, i don’t know, well, how can you ask me, how are you doing, i say, well, it’s just love, this shelter has become a salvation not only
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for homeless animals, but also for its owner, ekaterina vasilievna neroda, the desire to create this place she got it because of a terrible tragedy that happened in childhood. today ekaterina came to our studio to share this old story. ekaterina, please come to us. hello, hello, please take a seat, first i want to express my great admiration for your work, it’s amazing, wonderful that you take care of homeless animals, why are you upset, i know that you created this shelter, and in honor.
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he was stolen along with his dog, and how did this happen, he loved dogs, yes, he would go with her everywhere, i can’t, would you like to drink some water, he everywhere. was with her, he did not part with her, and at home we always had cats and dogs, in general, i’m looking for my brother, it was january 1st, you said, yes, right after the new year, yes, in those years everyone went with families to the club, so i was with my mother, and oleg, my name was oleg, he was near the club, there was also a christmas tree there, with the kids, he was there, my mother told me, go look. i remember all this, i went and looked, he was playing, when we were already
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getting ready to go home, she said: go get the avioleg, we are going home, i went out, he was not there, well, i accordingly told my mother that he was not there, that’s it, i don’t remember anymore, as if, according to my mother, they put me to sleep, i had an older sister for 7 years, so you and i went to look for him, through acquaintances, through friends, we also had it there, it was the village of vizyabash and the village of vizyabash, literally...
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deprived of parental rights, then i was sent to first grade, i went there in
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the village, then at the end of first grade i was sent to the city of varkuta, to a boarding school, and i graduated from school there, you and my brother twins, we are twins, yes, we were born on the same day, well , there are photographs of eight months, there we are very they look alike, but for the last year of kindergarten there are photographs, well, let’s look at the photograph, let’s see it with a white bow, that’s me, yes, through the girl, my brother, yeah, you have the same look, look, look, yes, it’s with the same photo this. mom already took a portrait, this was right before the disappearance, probably, yes, yes, this is the last year of kindergarten, graduation from kindergarten, so we had to go to school after six months, say, you were close to him, of course, yes, yes, yes, we were everywhere together, but i don’t remember the dog, really, i don’t i remember, but that we were everywhere together, and he was much smarter than me, he learned a poem for
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me, for himself in kindergarten, my sister pointed it out on the table, she dressed him in a dress with a scarf, for example, she dressed me like a boy, just like that we talked, he recited, one might say, a poem, studied it momentarily, my mother says, he was very much smarter than me compared to me, my mother always said, he speaks alive, she always saw him alive in a dream, she never saw him, that he died there somewhere something is always everything he alive, sister, mm, i asked her, i say, you would recognize him now, as adults a lot , yes... i would recognize him, i don’t, you know, they still reassure me that he got into some kind of car, we also had a version that at that time gypsies were very nomadic there, we had such stories, yes, they spent the night with us, the most important thing is that he was alive, yes, yes, we have been doing this search for many years, unfortunately,
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nothing yet , but i really hope that there may be responses to this program, what if he... himself is watching this program now, looking at my photo, i recognized myself as a child, try contacting him now, oleg, if you see me, hear me, i’m left alone, my mother and sister are gone, please contact the program, i’ll be waiting, we’re not a race. all sorts of miracles happen, i know, i see, so we will hope, the main thing is to hope, not to give up hope, you are such a noble person, you help the weakest creatures on this earth, you will be rewarded, i am sure, everything will be fine, i hope, i
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hope, thank you for hugging us, we are with you, you are not alone, now, you understand, you are with us, that’s all. the process has been launched, it will certainly be crowned with success, we believe in it, sacredly, and i believe it too, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, volochko, next to whom, mukhtar or what? yes, zamat, then mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, the star is returning, mukhtar, something interesting, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of its causes
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occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. closing a loan is like a holiday. itbank gives you a great gift, money. apply for a loan at t-bank before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. te-bank, he's the only one. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive? no, mom, it's not expensive at all. saved for my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. what are men silent about? painful urination and erection problems are symptoms. prostatitis langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis langidaza against prostatitis, invite a friend to get a black debit card from t-bank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is still in the oil bank? and avtobank invited me to sing, of course, mom, tebank, he’s the only one. vkfest is the main
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event of the summer. meet in five cities across the country. powerful lineup your favorite hits, popular speakers, bloggers, are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, every master wants to know what grout to take? grouts ceresidite: a wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile, for the best. use the glue from the tsiresit grout together, elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in, elena vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health, what would i recommend? there is one company, for sure, thank you, good luck, invest in securities
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, our new name is a bank, where else you can go into space, send your mother a star from the sky, turn the branch into an application, knowledge, into calling, technology, live communication, only here it is possible. six capsules, our new name is a bank, where else can you turn dance into a world heritage,
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a sport, an invincible machine, let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn. to application, knowledge to vocation, technology to live communication, work to dream, traditions, innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets, he is so... alone us if sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s
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a national one, we love traditions, honor our history, value strong family. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. our program takes on searches even in the most difficult cases. we do not lose hope and do not let those who turn to us for help lose it. viktor nikolaevich roslyakov told us the difficult story of his childhood: at the age of three, his family abandoned him, leaving with him only a certificate of
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birth. we started searching and look what we came up with. i turned to the program to help my neighbor, a very good person, find his loved ones because he is a lonely person. he grew up in an orphanage, left the orphanage, went to work at a poultry farm, and he, therefore, got a job in an apartment with a woman, the woman was lonely, she accepted him as a son, she was sick, he looked after her until the very end, and he buried her , she signed this house for him, so he stayed in this house, he worked at the zarya poultry farm, he has a very good opinion was, and then they went.
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plot, then the neighbors helped, and so as not to lose him this apartment, this was the document that was needed, that it was he who did not have the right to draw up documents, well, in general, we went with him, we traveled with him all summer, then at the end after all, it means that the professor told us that there should be an official document, he needs to go to a mental hospital, of course, then you will already have a legal document that he... does not have the right to sign any documents, otherwise they will falsify or sign, and he will remain homeless, he was recognized by the court
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incompetent, my husband and i talked to... sanya says to me: come on, mother, we need to help him, so i decided to write, wait for me, maybe someone will find your loved ones, it was not possible to quickly find viktor nikolaevich’s relatives, but valentina serafimovna, having become a widow, soon left the village, there was no one to look after viktor nikolaevich, and he was appointed guardians, it seems he has guardians, at one time they offered us guardians, but we were already of age, we are not...
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aged i may not find it now, because i’m already 70, well, let her be 90, well, few people live that long, from childhood i was blessed in an orphanage, after the orphanage i already ended up in an orphanage, the teacher already told me, they took you off the bus, she says everything, you have there were metrics hanging around his neck, in a tube.
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or just find out whether i’m alone or not, the world is calling , but well, i’ve heard a lot of family members, well, i think these are either brothers or sisters, that’s why, well, decide i was at home, i wasn’t, what the hell doesn’t matter, i don’t care about my parents i hold no grudges, nothing, so let them calm down, if there is.
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i called my sister lyuba, lyuba also knew this conversation, i grew up with my grandmother, there was such a moment that my grandmother said such a phrase that it’s good that you weren’t sent to an orphanage, and then, then i studied at school, we were sent to the komsomol construction site in the village of emelyanovo, not far
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from the city, and there i learned from one of the girls that in kindergarten... there was a boy named roslyakov, his name was vitya, i had the same last name at that time, so i brought it by the way, a photo. me and i for some reason i kept it, i don’t even know why, whether it’s a brother or not, i suspect that he might be a brother, since in deep childhood, i heard this conversation, which means maybe he was allegedly found somewhere on a bus, or something, i didn’t understand, he was 3 years old and on his birth certificate there was information about our mother, my mother was decent, all the children were with her, she never gave anyone away, the only thing was that her older sister lyuba lived with her grandmother, well there must have been some kind of nerds there, why did i respond, because moreover, if
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it turns out to be his own brother, well, we will communicate and even in his old age, at least he will find some kind of family, but if it turns out that this is not our relative, well, once i calm down, maybe something like this. not far from you lives a woman who left a request on the website wait for me on behalf of viktor roslyakov. i suggest going to her to talk directly, maybe she can clarify the situation. are you ready to go? yes, we'll go, of course. hello hello. you have more similarities, you have less, you have more, he has blue eyes, according to him, well, these are my mother’s, if he is a brother, as they say, my mother’s eyes are blue,
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but mine are dark, the same dark, a little darker, about the same as you, and where is he anyway now, in emelyanovo, of course, how old is he now? in my opinion, 65, in my opinion, like this, i won’t say exactly, somewhere like this, his birthday is december 14, in this envelope are the results of the dna test that you took and which viktor nikolaevich took, don’t worry, that’s all all's well that ends well, but i can't see without glasses, guys, but if you trust, can i read it, i can read it, the probability of relationship is 99.
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didn’t say why he was there and how? no, no, it all went with them , but we probably need to meet him somehow, yes, of course, he’s waiting for us, of course, of course, he’s waiting, i’m happy for him that he found us, yes, but then that he lived without parents, without family, this is insulting. of course, because he won’t want to talk, but what does it have to do with us, yes, we also each have our own lives, well, yes, it’s interesting.


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