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tv   Odnazhdi  NTV  June 22, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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eat more so that you don’t waste your money and the taste is richer and richer. any story in the life of every person begins with the word one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day a television magazine of stories about famous people of the country and the world, i, sergey mayorov, hello! leonid ermulnik is an unconditional authority and an absolute star throughout the post-soviet space; he does not need any special introductions. leonid ermulnik turned 70 this year, and that’s great. a reason to talk frankly
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dedicate the entire release of the project to the artist one day. i understand that you have been told very often that you look like robert denier, like john lenon, but here’s what i noticed: every year, the older you get, your face becomes iconic. i wanted to ask you, has your wife ever painted your portraits? ksyusha draws, but not in such a way that my eldest grandson, petya, draws me more now, he has something from his grandmother about this, so he draws, but he still draws like a child, but he draws, there will be no impudence if i will say that he draws like a beast, you know, but you never mix it up, and we are terribly worried, we don’t know whether to send him to study, no, as soon as you send him to study, they can wean him off...
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i forgot what the picture is called, i’m generally very inattentive to myself. but i’m attentive to my heroes, one day that summer, when the strict covid restrictions on our movement around the country were lifted, i went for a walk in pskov and pechory pskov and there in the holy pechersky monastery i met leonid yarmolnik with his wife oksana, i was surprised by their extremely modest behavior this family and maximum friendliness towards people. all my life i have been engaged in a profession that can only be done when you communicate with people, then you have something to play.
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as if not on purpose, i was just amazed all my life, from the first moment when i started doing this one way or another, the indifference of, well, let’s say, the trade union, or even, if you like, the country, while people were popular, even superstars, but when they left the profession due to age or illness, then after three or four months, after six months, gently speaking, these people had nothing to live on, nothing to buy medicine with.
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not only artists, but arts workers in general, they number in the thousands, i ’m proud of this, maybe because i was raised this way, my wife was raised this way, masha was raised this way, igor, because to this day we don’t have trade unions , there is no one to help, novikov, larionova. well, there’s a really long
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list of these artists who were very quickly forgotten, i don’t know how appropriate it is to talk about this when we meet, but i don’t care. any titles, just an artist. him there are many professional prizes and awards, but there are no honorary titles. in 1994, the year of his fortieth birthday, he refused the title of
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honored artist of the country. in 2004, the year of his fiftieth anniversary, yarmolnik did not accept the title of people's artist. leonid isaakovich says that this is not vapendryuzh, but his... a principled position. end of quote. this is because of vysotsky. vysotsky was without a rank. and he was without a title, because he was vysotsky, because he was a taganka. he died simply as an artist, and if i'm not mistaken, someone corrected me that he couldn't be. in my opinion, he received a state prize posthumously for the meeting place. am i right or wrong? that's all, vladimir has no more titles. this is the first reason. the second reason is that this title has become devalued. for me today it means nothing, because i’m used to people’s artists, to people like mikhail saantovich ulyanov, yuri vasilyevich yakovlev, nikolaypovich gritsenko, oleg ivanovich yankovsky, lyudmila markovna gurchenko, and
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this yanchin, and so on and so forth further and so on, yustigneev, today all the people artists, that’s where you can’t go, all folk artists, and i stand in solidarity. that an artist should have a name and artists should, if they are different in some way and can show off something, then this is the rate for a shooting day, a fee for a performance, the more popular an artist is, the more profitable he is, and for any organization, when then in soviet times there was only one charm: if you are a people's person, then you go on tour to st. or fly first class, live in a suite in a hotel and... on the posters your last name is written in red letters, red line, it was called, that’s it, today this is not by definition, today every artist has this rider, it’s folk, it’s not folk, it doesn’t matter, you still agree on what carriage, what hotel, what fee, what doctors, what
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cars, is it necessary? when you arrive in a foreign city, to give a fireworks, well, i’m kidding, but that’s why it’s not showing off, but this... is absolutely like my protest that this title is devalued. once alexander vertinsky was asked before a concert: alexander nikolaevich, how to introduce you to the public, you an honored artist, or maybe a people's artist, but there was no internet, the newspapers pravda and soviet culture did not write about vertinsky. vertinsky smiled and replied: i have no titles, but i have a universal name. we started our conversation with the country’s favorite artist leonid yarmolnik and will cheerfully continue it immediately after this advertisement. welcome to the wedding ceremony of firit karhan and sairan harol. sairan, sairan, sairan, i don't want to hear that name anymore. do not miss. no, no
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way, no. continuation of the famous turkish sagas i can't wrap my head around it. how can you go family to family? it will happen anyway, dad, don't, it will only make everything worse, i left home, this is what you fought for, we will win this war, they won't get rid of us so easily, kingfisher, new season, do you think you got me, yeah , sairan, but i didn’t promise you anything, i don’t want to be unhappy next to you, that’s it, now it will be interesting, from june 29, daily on ntv. the highest measure. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. try more this summer. free delivery from delicious point to yandex food. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. have you thought about opening
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a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can do it in different ways at once. for money, your own marketplace. turns out. open an account with a bet of 20. enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright looks on azon, fashionable weekends
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artists who were born into the profession not using the assembly line method, in the process of manual assembly from great teachers. back then, when the artist was a piece of goods, and not a product of consumer goods. and this is what he answered to my naive question: why? everything was a little slower if remember, more clearly. and more kindly and the desire to do everything accurately was an indisputable indisputable component of this profession, in short, you can answer, i don’t know whether you know or not, this old joke, but i hope that on ntv you can tell, craftsmen lived across the river, they did it quickly, they paid inexpensively , it turned out to be complete shit, this is a little about today, about how today...
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i believe they are organic, they are accurate, they can do everything, but i can’t tell them apart from each other. they all work fine, that is, i am their friend , they don’t have the charisma that distinguishes every person when you want to remember his last name, because he did something like no one else, and could never be confused with someone else.
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year, or rather in september there was an additional recruitment at the stavskoye school, i recruited, in my opinion, two boys, two girls, and i came to the point when i didn’t pass, i ’m already on my way, yuri vasilyevich is coming, and he was already so sharp , he says: “lenya, if you don’t change your mind, come next year, i
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’ll recruit, everything, my life has completely changed, goals, meanings, in fact, shchukin’s school - it was perhaps the happiest time, and these 4 years flew by like 2 months, we spent days and nights at the school and we didn’t need anything else in life, in our years it was that when you go to theater school, then in the first year you are a people's artist, then the ussr, ussr, in the second you are honored, no, in the third you are just an artist. on the fourth, you again understand that you are shit, like this, that is, this rush has subsided and these ambitions, yuri vasilyevich katin yartsev, yes, yes, the same giuseppe beloved by soviet children from the adventures of buratin, a representative of the ancient noble family of the katin yartsevs, at the age of 18 he entered
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the shchukin theater school, with the beginning of the great patriotic war he left for... all of us, for my classmates, he was the same for everyone, only everyone heard him differently when they heard him , entered into dialogue in different ways, he talked to you as if not with a student, but as with an adult whose questions also surprise him, they are interesting to him, and it has always been like that, probably, he made me not only an artist, but and man, because those laws
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in life, which he professed in terms of his decency, attention, so... difficult, not because he was my master, but i just saw it, students of other courses always envied us, and i was happy when we graduated, because no matter what theater we showed in, they took me to all the theaters, but all 4 years i dreamed of going to taganka, and our first show was at taganka, and lyubimov immediately took me, back then, when we
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showed, -students, graduates looked differently, everyone was sitting, vysotsky, khmelnitsky. differed from graduates of other creative universities in their ease, musicality, flexibility, ability to improvise and breed, you don’t have to go far, maria aronova,
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they said that sometimes playing an episode is more difficult than a big role, they say there is no room for error, accuracy is important in an episode getting into character, only at the end of the 20th century did leonid ermolnik get the leading roles in the lyrical comedies crossroads and moscow holidays, in the drama “my stepbrother frankenstein”, and if he kills someone, everyone is an enemy for him, then take him to a mental hospital, man, what can we do? why are you talking to me like that, and why are you hiding in offices, and why did you build all this, you have your own children, publish them, this is my happiness, my vault, finally
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i waited for my turn and valery drew attention to me petrovich todorovsky, with whom this picture connected us, for a quarter of a century now we have not parted with him, one way or another, i always proudly say that valera, as a sovgic, dreamed of removing cholera and... and boogie on the bones, and nothing is not it worked, it didn’t work, i can say without hesitation that both of these films were made because valerka had me, arrogant, brave, as a producer, cholera and boogie on the bones - these are the hits of director todorovsky and producer yarmolnik, odessa and stelaga, today he already has eight production projects under his belt, the first time i became a producer was in moscow. during the holidays, when everything was falling apart, this is ninety-four or ninety-five, i think, when we started filming on mass film, ala sulik died, a week later we ran out of money, and
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no, well, it literally seemed to be falling apart, i think you remember that time, everything, and i went, well, not with my hat in a circle, but i began to run all over moscow collecting money in the literal sense, collected it, then it was one of i think i collected the most expensive paintings. became a producer, i became a producer when i realized that ah, i have that charge that can make allies of those people whom i can convince
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without... of course, all these years my production was supported by my friends, at who, well, let’s put it this way, had more money than i had, they respected me, they respected the idea, they understood that some people, and i certainly wouldn’t buy a new car with this money and i wouldn’t build a new apartment, but that’s not always the case the production was successful, according to the media, the story with the stelagi turned into large debts, it was still one of the most successful production ventures, the fact that the film did not collect at the box office is already the fault of our distribution and, let’s say, not entirely pure competition, there were films that you no longer remember, but the dudes remained on my opinion forever, how who left their traces in the personal life of leonid yarmulnik,
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we’ll tell you right after this advertisement, 2 minutes will fly by quickly, wait, today is memorial day and the mourner strepkov destroyed at least two snipers from the magnificent seven twenty-one on november 4, 25, as soon as i found out about you, about the 598 killed fascists , it’s all nonsense, i see you’re not a fan of talking, the story of one hero. subordination, such a word is familiar, excuse me, it’s just a little stupid here, most often from those who don’t fit under the common comb, it is customary to call them some kind of abnormal, i am normal, all this is strange, strange is not strange, but it is a fact, the red army soldier slepkov liquidated the enemy intelligence group, so, as it happened, he smelled moonshine, dance, samohosh, against the times
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they published it in the newspaper. not this today at 17:00, on ntv. kingfisher - new season from june 29 at 13:00 on ntv. anxiety can be treated. new - afobazol retard. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabazole anxiety can and should be treated. profitable again. not again, every day. advantageous on the price tag, that is. pyaterochka helps out that we bring savita from travel, cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito travel will all go as booked, with cashback bonuses, your business needs acceleration, urgently, use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank, open a bank account account on
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fixpro three in one from liamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price. 199 rub. leamax purchases with a plus, call or order on our website, the highest measure, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. are you embarrassing yourself? shalyapin, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, zamat, then mukhtar. urgently come and grab your brilliant dog . the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv. mass viewer
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knows and loves film actor ermolnik well. he, as a great theatrical artist, is recognized by those who love the theater and go to it. in a moscow contemporary duet with marina. amazing in the play 203-205 based on the play by the popular american playwright neil simon, and with boris shuvalov they are selling out the theater russian song at the play again with the upcoming one. finding himself in the corpse of the legendary taganka theater, after graduating from theater school, yarmolnik took a strong place there, as a barely noticeable actor. why, when lyubimov is these 20. his favorites, the actors looked at you for you to become an artist, their corpses, why didn’t you essentially become his artist, but it didn’t work out, i played in the master margarita, that’s when i came, zazella was rehearsing, well,
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god knows, as if in role in this format, especially since i was rehearsing all the time, when the premiere came, vsezina slavina played, she played all the premieres for six months, and then i later... he is absolutely sure that i can replace him, i was 24 or 25 what can i replace in the role of kerensky in the role of hitler and chaplin in the fallen and the living, and i played both once or twice, i played terribly, but it’s just my arrogance, this lack of embarrassment and...
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somehow this went on several times, but i sat on there were a lot of hours of rehearsals in the theater over these 7 years, and i learned a lot, i saw how filatov rehearsed, how vysotsky and demidova rehearsed, it was an incredible school, maybe i actually learned something basic in my profession while sitting in the hall. i worked for almost eight seasons, seven more precisely, well, i worked until moment when...
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like the struggle between channels like today, you are the face of which channel, here i was, i thought that i went to this synagogue or church, yes taganka, this is mine, i... no matter how i wanted to betray, probably it was such stupidity due to age, unlike me, anatol vasilyevich did not forget this, he took revenge, yes, it was such a time, uh, because i was going nowhere, nowhere at all, no, there was some kind of television , some episodes in the movies, but all this was permanent, not on an ongoing basis, that’s a plus to everything, ksyusha was six or seven months pregnant, but in reality i was unemployed. if so , by and large, it’s fashionable today to be
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a free artist, i signed a contract, there was no talk about it before, well, somehow i lived, but on the one hand it’s amazing, on the other hand it’s great, because i understood that everything depends only on me, when they say that a person made himself or was shot, at my age i can say that it really only made me stronger and more confident and persistent. working in theater on otaganka, leonid yarmolnik became friends not only with vladimir vysotsky, but with leonid fillatov. being friends around the clock is ermolnik’s unique gift. i note that there were many friends in his life, there were many. how did you feel when they left almost one after another? i didn't feel anything. i felt that... in a sense, life was ending,
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at least mine, i’m not exaggerating at all, because to this day i can’t come to terms with it, that they don’t exist, oleg ivanovich yankovsky was a genius, a genius who he could pat him on the shoulder, could pin him, mock him, he at me, i at him, he was an incredible adviser to me, he not only taught me a profession, but taught me how to choose what is mine and not mine in this profession. oleg was the most boring artist from the point of view, when they agree to a proposal, he sometimes thought for months, yes or no, yes or no, read, thought about it, met with the director,
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i say, what do you have, chinese service, he hated chinese service, as for sasha, sasha was completely different abdullov, sasha my oldest friend, we were friends for 36 years, sashka was not very picky, sashka could act, he liked to work a lot, a lot of work, round the clock, sometimes he was confused where he was filming, sometimes he was confused where he was filming, where he should fly , where to go, but this is character, sasha was.
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it’s just that he had a donor kidney, and unfortunately, i’m already a major expert in this, you can’t even have a runny nose, no - what is it called when the body has no immunity at all, that’s all a runny nose, it happened, well, now i can already say, nina his shatskaya deceased, she brought him to the dacha, the heating went bad there, she put a sweater on him, they started to fix something else, no, to get the car to go back, he still caught a cold,
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i understand what loneliness is over the years, loneliness is when you lose close friends, this is true. loneliness. we should take a breath, we'll be back on air in 2-3 minutes. every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. this is its own game. this year marks the 30th anniversary of our program. 172,000 questions. themes are wonderful as never, let's play. 160,000 answers, let's go to vabank, let's go to wobank, 132,000 correct answers, you studied history well, 48 million rubles in winnings, as well as 21 kg of money, the value of which is still unknown to me, 20 cars, 20 times the winners left
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it’s easier and faster to start a business, we open the way to business, build a business, i’m marina kravets, and these are your deepest desires, you can’t go far from them abandoned, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes, and a bigger closet, but maybe... the teacher and director ilya the teacher gave the artist a big role in the movie, significant and bright. leonid yarmolnik became king in the
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fairy tale film, the flying ship. what are you doing? folkan is wooing your son for you. and what is the groom's name? polkan polkanych. polkan polkanych. jump to me. take it, were you a fashionable guy in your youth? probably, but if your mother managed to buy you, in the eighth grade, in my opinion, she bought me, then now no one will understand what we are talking about, a nylon shirt, a nylon shirt that could be worn forever, it dried instantly, it could be washed instantly, everyone in these mellon shirts sweated terribly. including me, i had some kind of jacket, no, my mother spoiled me, sometimes my parents bought me
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some things, but i probably, maybe even if i wasn’t a fashionista, but i strived for this, i understood , that to have some kind of cool jacket, there, a shirt, boots, a bicycle , i bought myself first with stolen money, with money won, not stolen, no, at first stolen. i had such a game, i don’t know if it was in your youth, we cast a lead cue ball from batteries, like this, we called it a game of tsok, it was a line drawn in the park, and coins, there were 15-20 kopecks, 5 kopecks, 3 kopecks, they put them in such a pyramid, walked away 10 meters and threw this cue ball, who? threw closest to this line, then the first one had to hit these coins and it was necessary to turn the coin over onto the nut, in general, in short, the coin had to
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turn over, if it turned over, it yours, so i played this game a lot, i hid it , our first apartment was one where the toilet was in the courtyard, when we first arrived there to serve, and i lifted the board in this toilet in front of the entrance board, i had a safe there, i had , i had this money lying there, bent , one time my dad touched this board with his foot, and he saw this money, so he drove me around the house with an officer’s belt for about 15 minutes, with a buckle with an asterisk, with a buckle with an asterisk, yes, yes, who said so that i don’t see this anymore, that’s all, but i counted it all, in general there’s money there it was a lot, almost 5 rubles. small change, i used this money to buy a bicycle, what... we called it an eagle all my life, but there were swallows, this is a girl’s, without this frame, there was no other, and i was riding on this swallow,
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the bicycle was not new , and the first time i crashed badly on this bike, because the brakes failed, and if now the operator looks closely at me, then my nose is slightly diagonal, i’ve had this since the sixth grade, that’s when i crashed. on this bike, i drove into a wall with slides, straight into the wall of the doughnut. leonid isaakovich yarmolnik was born on january 22, 1954 . his homeland is the far east, primorsky territory, the village of grodekovo, now a border village. it is 5 km from the chinese border. seaside shuttle boaters know this place very well, plying for goods to the town of suifenhe. grodekova is the birthplace of four cossack chieftains and the artist leonid. his father isaac was a military man, his mother faina was a medical worker. i was there 15 years ago, when i
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was either a chairman or a member. we were driving and i arrived and at the same time called my mother with dad, it was when i was 55 years old, and i tell my mom, this is what it looks like, she says, yes, yes, this is this store, some kind of lily, not a lily, and this two-story brick house where the officers lived , and i found my window, found my window, next to which mine stood...
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i kind of got along better with my dad, i got to know him when he was already demobilized, he
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served for 31 years, my dad is no longer here, so, but... he and i always argued, even swore, there was something so incredible and not because i was so harmful or stupid, but i was already arguing when i was an artist, i argued that dad lived his life wrong, that he didn’t have a damn thing, that he had been a success to this army all his life, that he didn’t see anything, it doesn’t look like it, it’s true, he... didn’t see the white light , and years passed, dad was no longer there, and i realized that i was absolutely the spitting image of dad, to the position of my hands, to the throwing of my legs, to the reaction to what they said, over the years, apparently, when i was younger, i showed off and played at being different myself, age takes its toll, so the most
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expensive... my favorite picture, if we talk about cinema, is the film odessa, and this is the only a picture in my life where when i look at the screen, i don’t really understand that it’s me, but i told valerka that i would play dad, because the character of this man who is there, he is written as my father, with on the one hand, i was scared, because how difficult it is to play dad, i don’t want to make a mistake if i had already decided so, on the other hand, it was incredibly easy, like this... mom is alive, mom is 89 years old, and she is absolutely, unlike from me, he’s not friends with alzheimer’s, i’ve already been friends for a number of years, i can with my mother argue, talk, she looks at everything, sees everything, evaluates everything very accurately, but what do you get from your mother, i have legs like my mother, legs like
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