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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 23, 2024 5:40am-6:36am MSK

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the girl will return under the wings to her husband, i don’t know, i don’t know either, because everything is in full swing with me, well, what can i advise you, remember your youth, ask zmeev where his wife liked to go to what store, well i will teach you, or what? ok, then i, oleg georgievich, well , sorry, i forgot the photographs, here you go, igor sergeevich, hello! lesya, what happened, just igor, we agreed, igor, you have to save me, for such setups you need to cruelly ask how much we will take from him, a cutlet no less, stop calling, don’t be nervous, you ’ll break this call now. where to be nervous that he
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doesn’t open the beast, he almost fell, he hit it, the beast, roen, quickly! everything in the room is turned upside down, well, murder for the purpose of robbery, yes, well, it’s unlikely, they were looking for something, they didn’t find it, they started to torture him, look, there is such torture with hot water, they shot both knees, and then they killed him with a shot and his head, well, yes, i see approximately what time death occurred, i think no earlier than eleven, but no later for...
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it turns out that no more than 3 hours ago, well ok, i’ll go and have a look, come on, you called the police, well, yes, yes, i see the door is ajar, i looked in, i see, there’s no one, i came in, i think, let me see what’s there, they knew your neighbor well, i’m i clean him once a week, i even have the keys to the apartment, very good, let’s go up with you, let’s see if something is missing, look what’s in his pocket? pants, well, yes, there are 15 more in the wallet in the jacket, so they were clearly not looking for money, well, that’s up to you, but i can help with something, look, the router, right, there is a router, but there is no computer, yeah, come in, look around for now, hello, are you a relative of zhigunov, no, i’m a neighbor, to say that it’s about 5, 10, eleven, loud...
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the news on tv started, and then it’s music, i i had to make the sound louder, but why did you remember the time so accurately? well , because you didn’t hear anything, of course, look again in the kitchen, okay, so, around 23, two mothers saw two men running out of the entrance. we, like everyone else , remember the time exactly, just like ideal witnesses, but in the case of mothers, it doesn’t bother me, mothers always have a regime, these ones go out at one o’clock, and so they saw two respectable-looking men in suits running out of the front door, describing something to some officials, here they are they said that it looked like it hurt the deputies from tv, my friends, well, i’m done with it, come on, but i remind you that death occurred no later than 12 o’clock, something in general is some kind of nonsense , it turns out that they killed, and then spent an hour rummaging around the apartment ? well, nothing else
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is missing? yes, i guess not, but what did yours do? neighbor, what did you work for? i don’t even know, he didn’t speak, he was usually at home before lunch, and after lunch he left, and often returned the next morning, an interesting regime for a friend, well , finally, lyosh, we’ve already been waiting for you, what took so long? yes, just me.
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it’s interesting that the unusual ones, but no, the ordinary ones, i just took the same one from the corpses two blocks from here, but oh well. just like that, i arrived from the dacha, the door was open, i walked in, and there, but at first glance, you can tell that something was missing, no, nothing, it seems like i already checked everything, but we didn’t find any phones, and my son had two telephones, so you know the numbers, yes, i have one written down, i didn’t know the second, my son said that it was only for work, but where did he work, by the way? yes , say, say, it won’t harm him, and the more we know, the sooner we will find the killer, you know, he didn’t work, and there was money, not to say that it was always there, but it was clean, he was in prison, yes, in 2002 , he was imprisoned for 7 years
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for residential theft, yes, but why did it take him so long for residential theft, he had a first pass?
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"i paid attention to them because their appearance was sharply dissonant with their behavior, i am very grateful to you, thank you for your commendable vigilance, thank you, glad to serve, goodbye, lyosha, yes, you still didn’t find any phones, no, only a charger, but no phones, andryukh, what have you got, well, what, something -what kind of witnesses did i find, the father of the murdered man gave me one phone number, a second one? i’ll have to break through, well, i’ll have to, but what do you have here? yes, nothing, no one was looking for anything, the apartment was untouched, bye, bye, let’s go, happily ever after, lyosh, wait, please, where is bulkin, go, igor sergeevich,
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the murder is connected, i think that the cases of zhagunov and uralov should be combined. well, how are they connected? weapon. the expert said that the same barrel was used. the murders occurred within a maximum of 1 hour of each other. in both cases, witnesses heard loud music, and here and there they saw two men running out of the entrance. outwardly they looked like officials. now we are compiling their sketches. officials? we urgently need to check the alibi of everyone in smolny. who doesn't?
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here is a compass - a fairly well-known personality, he was imprisoned for burglary, when he got out, more didn’t shine anywhere, well, if we don’t see a connection, it doesn’t mean that this connection doesn’t exist, you see, types like compass sometimes change their qualifications a little, perhaps he was a raider, but became a gunner, so a version arises: compass, hired two thieves, to rob zhugunov’s apartment, they came, the owner was sleeping, well, they were forced to kill him, it didn’t work. first they shot him in the knees, and only then in the head, that is , they tortured him, yes, they wanted to find out where the money was, then they came to the gunner compass, they there was a quarrel, well, they killed him too, somehow this version of georgivich doesn’t really add up, motivate, the music that was played for the villains
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to drown out the shot sounded 2 hours before the neighbors saw men in ties running out of the entrance, so they this time they could have searched the apartment, well , well... if they are such professionals, then everything should be in order with their nerves, they would not have started to glow, they would have calmly gone out and disappeared, and although in general it’s too early to talk about versions now, because we have the information not enough, and what are you going to do, the first thing is a compass, igor, it’s on you, well, of course, break through all his connections after the release, potapinka will deal with zhugunov’s personality, andryukha, you have the most important thing, a pistol, clearly, go to an expert, he must have. conclusions, maybe this is the case, the murder limit for this
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month in stories has been exhausted, besides, we have a month to combat pickpocketing, well, contact their department, they all went on a raid, listen, krymov, do you want to become a tv star? rest, thus struggle with pickpocketing is intensified by the employees of our interdistrict department every day, “putting obstacles in the way of the development of crime and protecting ordinary citizens from criminal attacks. stop, what nonsense, who wrote this? i wrote it, let’s do another take. igor sergeevich, i have there’s no time at all, meeting with the source, it won’t be better, i’m listening, borya, let’s go change clothes tomorrow on the air, yeah, thank you very much, and you’ll drink, lieutenant colonel,
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or while driving, well, i’m with the driver, so you’ll drink without clinking your glass. god's servant allah, no it’s too early for a wake, if there was hope, i wouldn’t remember if i were alive, if i were at home, are there any results? well, we are carrying out the necessary investigative measures. don't treat me, lieutenant colonel, you're not a doctor. you have made a list of your wife’s close friends and the stores where she most often shopped. the fact that with shops is much longer than with friends. tell me, your wife may have made some new acquaintances lately, or her behavior has changed. didn’t notice, slept as usual until noon, then
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went to the gym, in the evening with me to clubs or i went shopping, or a beauty salon, a sports club - this is fitness, swimming, courses in self-defense without weapons, i insisted, because i carried a lot of dough with me and hung it with jewelry like a christmas tree, again, a car of the latest model, i think it’s the same car as that car found? no, what kind of courses are these? argus, i specially found a coach’s business card for you. stepanov vadim nikolaevich, let me keep it for myself. thank you, i need something for your wife that would only have her fingerprints on it, and something made of biological materials. blood? well, hair will do too. identify the corpse? but why? what if she’s in the hospital without documents, unconscious? i hope for
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the best. here are the hair prints. uh-huh, great. checkmate in three moves, sicilian. well, if you’re talking out of simple interest, then go ahead, start, but you understand the chest
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that i’m not just going to play chess with you, i came, really, i was hoping, well, tell me who you need to highlight, you knew the compass, gunner, why did he know, and because he was deployed this morning, who did he communicate with? well, about eight people are dealing with him had, but you’re in vain, boss, thinking that they are his, the public is serious, adheres to old traditions, it won’t, what else is interesting? well, he mainly worked with the musician, so the musician played his part, the sand truck is dying, and the load with the saffron milk cap, sanchez on sanchez, like 3 years ago, the owner sat down, so he still lives in the zone, laban with a hernia, snack with wagner,
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that's all, just play, play, you 'll get checkmate in a move. called, well, the chest, well, don’t break you, come, let’s play, and i’ll come sometime, just eight, apartment highly qualified thieves, the rest are not suitable, well, the charming, gray-eyed one, well , look for us, no need, senior lieutenant... the film artists themselves asked those who are in the image of andryukh, look, yes, they are right here working for you, anechka, thank you very much, but we need to print out copies of photographs of these film artists, yeah, here you go,
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we need to split up, so maybe you should take the photos and show them to the witnesses in the murder of the compass. and the future major edanov will follow the witnesses at zhiganov’s apartment. did not have time are you already dreaming of becoming a captain? of course i’m dreaming, but it’s like you’re not dreaming. but i don't dream. the bad captain is the one who doesn't dream. so, wait, are you saying that i'm a bad captain? you're a good captain, but you'll be much better as a major. go ahead already, two captains. thank you very much, what did you dig in, retula? yes, in our documented life of the deceased.
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intrusion into private property must be legal, yes, yes, i agree, no, it’s not him, no, exactly, but it’s him, exactly, absolutely , yes, very good, look at the others, there are only two of them, you know, this one was closer to me, i remember well, no, no, no, no, yes, it seems it’s him, although i’m not sure. well, thank you very much, you helped me a lot , he looks like you, andryukh, listen, i have two characters identified here, the first is seneca, the second most likely, the second is wagner, i know, they identified me too, great, that means a permanent they don’t have a place of residence, but they have places of attraction, let’s do this, after half an hour at relay 18, we agreed. what
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nonsense, six, and then nine at once, oh most likely there. why? get used to it, retula, this is peter's baby. where's the logic? what is what? apparently, he doesn’t want to open the door, or doesn’t hear. yeah, you have a search warrant, but of course, take it out and be careful, but we’ll need to present an arrest warrant, and we always have the warrant with us.
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we’re standing still, but don’t twitch, don’t twitch, cops, what are you, a crow, rams, or something, i saw some cops here somewhere, if you’re from the ruff, then tell me, i’ll definitely give it back tomorrow, i’ll get a disabled woman and give it back. hey, mamon, the crow is not catching up, where is seneca, where is wagner, and seneca, where am i, where are they, well, where , where, you played with them, went around, and now that’s it, if you’re from the lads, you know, i’m everything, that’s everything? that's it, the pin is in my engine, if where the skiffs go, for some reason i can’t catch up with the muskrat, what pin do you have, in what engine, heart, heart, i have a sick heart, so
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i don’t know where seneca is , well, ask who knows, i won’t deal with him, well, look , if he drove away the crow, we’ll come back and kill him, but why do you need them, we’ll kill the boklan. nastya and zhanna, mystical coincidences, it all happened like that close, on the wrist, consider life hanging, fatal signs, in the end i got sick, and this is a bell, and i always hear these bells, and the unknown predictions that were made 12 years ago all came true, at this moment you think how they are will... continue to live, if they remember it, a special episode today at 6:00 pm on ntv. capital punishment, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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i'm in a hurry, i understand, just a minute. why you they called us perverts? well, how can he not be a pervert, when you know, he comes here to have fun, damn it, i’m tired of it, like a brothel, a brothel, of course, a brothel, the owner here, the son of the previous owner, how he received the inheritance, made repairs, well, you know, what to arrange, couples are walking around, it’s impossible to endure, it’s impossible, come on in, yes, thank you, goto, typhoon woman, so, let’s pass carefully. we don’t touch anything with our hands, it’s silence, well, get a search warrant,
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come on! calm, calm, don’t twitch, it’s not me, it’s not you, what did you ask me about, it’s all not me, so i’m clear in front of you, comrade opera, are you a bastard, did you take it for mosrovnost or something, and what, lieutenant rydanov has already retired, now he’s a boy, yes, he copied it, for your testimony he’s already a captain, oh, there’s no escape from your scoundrel, the rooms are clean, but i found it in the closet, great, cake, great job, at least three burglaries, it’s not mine, it’s all of you. they brought it, i saw, you’re going to go admire the beauty of your homeland through the bars, yes, yes, yes, get ready for a tourist trip, okay, oh, igor, you and i were stuck for three hours, at a minimum, well, you need to call the apartment department, and i’ll get witnesses, this is not mine, it’s all of you who threw the garbage, but shut up , oh, my legs, legs, olev borisovich, yes, good day, olev borisovich, you from the police
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is worried, senior lieutenant.
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oh, margosha, where is georgivich? and why do i know, so what? yes, you see, he asked for information on prints from zhiganov’s apartment. zmeeva, alla. this is the one that disappeared while shopping. well, yes. well, so what does zhigunov have to do with it? her prints are in shigunov's apartment. seriously? yes. here, thank you, leave it and i'll tell georgievich. he will be happy. it’s not for nothing that arodanov calls you a science. come on. so, so what? ostap’s apartment, second front door, third floor, oops, it looks like our client is on the loose, what are we going to do, i don’t know what to do, citizens are bosses, don’t bother going up, we’ll go down ourselves now, which is so similar to bosses, well, not without it, okay, come down, but no nonsense, what are you saying, if anything, the front code is 741, well
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, let's accept these guys, well, yes, we must accept. hello, fellow policemen, hello, citizen thieves, were you waiting for us? well, we are not idiots, we knew that you would come to us. that’s great, now we calmly raise our hands up and carefully turn our face to the wall. here you are , obedient guys. so, will you write lies? only what you saw yourself. let's turn around. and two corpses, it’s not us, we’ll sort it out. maybe it’s not necessary, maybe it’s better. we must, we must, we must, now we’ll go in clothes. let's figure it out, there's someone else in the apartment, astap's house, but he's not in business, and anyway he went to moscow, so, uh, andryukh, load them, i’ll still take a look, yes, excuse me, please, take the keys, it will be more convenient, thank you very much,
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please, but the car is far, no, not far, the car is good, we’ll get there comfortably, well, listen , but they were completely gone. allow me, yes, oleg igorevich, come in, have a seat, well, they confessed, well, he only signs up to enter zhugunov’s apartment, insists on refusing to commit a crime and turn himself in, hmm, they’re bold, but they give a full breakdown, well, naturally , which means the compass gave its version they received a tip about zhiganov’s fat apartment, so, he indicated when... the owner would not be at home, he said that the keys would be in the mailbox, they entered the apartment, everything was turned upside down, well, the corpse of the owner of the bathroom, yeah, they jumped out, they ran to the compass to present it, the door to the compass’s apartment was open, uh, and his corpse was lying in the corridor, but
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they decided that someone else had set them up , they hid, yeah, then they thought about it and decided to tell everything, so that it wouldn’t be on them hanged two murders, and why didn’t they give up right away, well... not we thought about it for a day, when we decided, our people had already found them. do you believe them? yes, seneca and wagner are very experienced, highly skilled burglars. as a matter of principle , people do not take weapons into their hands. this means the version is dead. what are your next steps and actions? the capture of seneca and wagner gave us new information. compass placed an order for an apartment to set them up for us. no, i don’t agree, they would have charged him later. right. but someone was standing behind the compass, this someone killed the compass and broke the thread. okay, what's the point in all this? the fact is that from the apartment zhugunov's computer was stolen only, and there was something there that cost two lives.
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as long as it’s not espionage, i really don’t want to involve the fsb in this. well, there is no reason to think so yet. i think there was incriminating evidence there. on someone, well, fine, if so, but what about weapons? the expert said that there are results, he has radanov, lyokha, great, great, well, what, you learned something from the barrel from which zhiganov and uralov were killed, so rydanov, look me in the eyes, honestly and frankly answer how much you today i ate pies, two with an apple, three with klyukhvoy, one pie with the most tasteless pike perch,
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root, great, that’s what i need, don’t make noise, boss, you’ll wake up the little one,
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you’ll rock him to sleep, but are you yours or what, whose name was svetlana’s, in honor of the deceased’s mother , isn’t it a shame for you to orphan a young wife and a child, they will be happy... when they put you in the zone, where should i start in the zone, quietly, calmly, you’ll wake up by following your friend with a locomotive , toads, pipes, i’m in a strong bind, wife, daughter, work is fine. did you get a job? i'll lick it at the service station, you can check? okay, let's check where to look for toads, you know? he doesn’t give a damn to me now, he said, the old thing is over. i heard a week ago that someone broke it badly. this is a completely different matter, you say. if you don’t communicate, so the whole basota people are talking about it, you’ll get all worked up, he’s not at home,
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as i understand it, of course, he’s on the wanted list , he’s being tracked by his correspondence student, what kind of correspondence student, and the chick he met in the zone through correspondence correspondence , well, why, give me an address, boss, i told you, the purple toad did it to me, so i woke you up.
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tickets to, almost everyone is waiting for the right moment to get down to business. glue the moment with you so that you are not afraid to start and finish what you started. look for inspiration , create, the moment will do the rest. a moment for those who get down to business. in the sportsmaster, prices are halved, numbered sports brands with... and the authenticity of the goods. our new name is tebank, where else can you go into space and send mom a star from the sky. turn the department into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, and live communication. only here you can change your name without changing yourself, staying with yourself, in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank. he's the only one. pairs, roman burger and roman
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chicken burger at a great price. in italian, delicious period. which can negatively affect the liver. constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. beauty, why are you here? is that so? expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive, i saved money on my mother, liran refrigerator for 69.990, liran, we make comfort affordable, our new one. the name t-bank, where else can you turn dance into a world heritage, sports into an invincible machine, let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and
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not for everyone in the world, turn the branch into an application. "knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in the country, on which the sun never sets, t-bank, he’s the only one. oh, great, denis, rydan, great, well,
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why did you need this correspondence course? it’s necessary, in zhebatinsky’s terms, what did he do, an attack by a police officer for owning it... two robberies, and two more slaughters, oh, it can’t be, he’s not a killer, he could have hurt, killed, no , everything can be, denis, everything can be, just like him, well, in that case, we won’t see him again, he’ll go to the planner, and for slaughter he’ll get life in prison, yeah, the addressee brought it to the nerd. but what about here you go, thank you, it helped a lot, it helped a lot, and the candy, hey, here you go, the candy, oh, it’s sour, let’s wrap the toad’s flippers, everyone will be more relaxed, but come on, come on, captain
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igor, that’s great, well, what, i have it information on correspondence, but i still have to get to the city, so go ahead without me, address, i’ll send you an sms, who’s there, neighbors from the bottom floor, you’re flooding us, strange, city dweller, calm down, i’m from the police, zhibotinsky is here, just nod, yes or? no, so which room is he in? just don’t yell too much, it’s clear, yeah, which one, the last one, thank you, police, hands up, it’s zhebotinsky, who else, you see how
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they mutilated a man, they also found a villain for me, calm down, i said that i’m from the police, toads, can you speak for yourself? “i can barely, who is you so sick, a week ago i ran into a terrapin, or a former special forces soldier, or a master of fighting without rules, come on, tell me, sit down, don’t stand there, i wanted to get hold of a car, i would have slowed down, said, that i was in a hurry to go to my wife’s house, i had a bouquet, so as not to think, it was on the way, when i got the trunk, he beat me up like a kitten, why, where is the gun? so he took me when he threw me out of the car, the movie and the germans, of course you didn’t remember the number of the car, the goyts stopped us,
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when i told him about the maternity hospital, he hit the gas and stomped on the corner, with the glory of bukhares they stopped us, yeah. and the man, therefore , paid off, the right goytsy were caught, the protocol was drawn up, where you say, the corner of glory and bucharest, let’s check that you are feeding, it’s cooled down, i’m sorry, for god’s sake, that this happened, goodbye, andryukha, and you’re in the city now, great , move to frunzinskoye traffic police so a week ago, a week ago, at the corner of the glory of the bucharest bmw, the driver actually said that the passenger was being brooded by his wife, yeah, great.
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hello, hello, police, stepanov, be nice, i ask you, stepanov, drop the gun, drop the gun, otherwise i ’ll shoot you in the head, okay, okay, okay, okay, throw up the bracelets, come on, come on, he’ll stop a galloping horse, he’ll walk into a hot hut, oh, you
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’re hungry, you need to have lunch, let ’s see what kind of beauty we have here, oh, the technology, what cleanliness, i cleaned it specially, right? come on, okay, i’ll call the duty room, let them grab an expert at the same time, they’ll figure out what’s what, well , we’ll shoot up, vadim nikolaevich. well, my friends, the blood found in the trunk of this guy’s car, apparently, belongs to allya zmeeva, the hair is exactly
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hers, and the gun is the same one that was kidnapped by zhabatinsky’s police officer, taken from zhabotinsky by this guy, and from which he was shot zhigunov and uralov, what other proof do you need subject, thank you, bye, but you understand that to... satisfy the need, but this is her husband yes, a money pump, in general, i haven’t found a reason for murder yet, she threatened
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that she would tell her husband that i raped her, and he would bury me alive, i hit her in the ear, i didn’t calculate the strength, she kissed the table with her temple , tenderly, and uralova with zhigunov, for which uralov is my classmate, when i realized that allatva, i called him so that he could help tidy up the apartment and take out the corpse. i didn’t know that zhigunov had a hidden camera recording his clients in his apartment. then this creature began to blackmail me. i knew that uralov had burglars of the case and gave them the idea to set the thieves against shiganov’s apartment. then he himself came in advance and settled accounts with the blackmailer. three shots and turned the music up louder so it couldn’t be heard. he’s yelling, i don’t understand something, but why uralova? and he was the only one who could lead me to it. where is the body?
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hid it in the forest. give me a map, let me show you. igor, come on, fire up the charm. yes, wait, with the remote control for something. dira, i missed it right now, batteries, where are you going? come on quickly, come here. well, this is the first time. this week moscow made another move in big political game with the west. moscow and
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pyongyang signed an agreement on everything. well, at a press conference in the capital of vietnam, where the russian leader went immediately after his visit to north korea, vladimir putin again made it clear that a cessation of hostilities in ukraine is possible, but only on russian terms. but it is not surprising that many western media are now writing that vladimir putin’s visit to phinyan hanoi became a serious bid for changes in the current world order. well right now we're not just let's talk about the main events of this week. but let’s try to explain them, good evening, good evening, my name is vadim takminev, i’m yulia bekhterova, today is saturday, june 22 in most cities where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin: the west has named the name of the new nato secretary general, what is jens stoltenberg's successor known for, besides the fact that he likes to walk around in high heels, who does the western military alliance want to scare with his bare ass
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, and how can this castling affect the course of the ukrainian conflict? bad omens in this footage of barack obama being led off stage biden, who has fallen into prostration, will this really become a real political prophecy, in the next month the democrats will also remove biden from the political scene, but then who will replace him in the elections, the dacha can lead to prison, what plants should never be planted in their beds why can you get a fine and even a real sentence for innocent cornflowers? paranormal investigation. how magic really works, what real abilities do clairvoyant psychics have, why don’t scientists are always ready to tell the truth about this, but those with paranormal abilities themselves are not eager to find out this truth: botulism in the area, russia has been covered by an epidemic of poisoning with a deadly poison, what products are now at risk, how not to run into a dangerous toxin and what to do at the first symptoms poisoning,
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a special guest of the program, the chief expert on everyday life... in russia, will talk about this, and you are the senior attached rook, no, yes, my, why did he refuse to carry out the koltsov, because it seemed to me that there was something wrong there so with will, let them check, maybe you suspect someone of everyone who was convicted. sergei godin, well, we can’t break the law, we can’t, but we can change the situation a little so that it’s fair and just according to the law, alexander nikitin, check his popul. so that there would be something to grab onto, i didn’t extort any bribes, you know this very well, anna popova, she’ll quit after all, you think, the blind man didn’t work there and the fimf didn’t slander me , andrei chadov, call our special forces anastasia zavorotnyuk blows this door to hell in her latest role, they won’t give you life, bailiffs, premiere, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. so, live on
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central television, well, let's start with, perhaps, the main political event of this week with what many western media called a serious bid to change the existing world order. on tuesday, russian president vladimir putin arrived on an official visit to the capital of north korea, phinya, well, immediately after negotiations with kimchen-un, the russian leader flew to the capital of vietnam, hanoi. moreover before... both xijing ping and joe biden have already visited hanoi, which is understandable: beijing needs a reliable and predictable neighbor, and biden needs an extra trump card in the confrontation with china. this is precisely the role washington assigns in a country in the jungle, where you can still stumble upon the rusting remains of downed american planes and helicopters. and no,
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this country has not forgotten about the war, during which american bombers bombarded vietnam.


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