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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  June 23, 2024 6:35am-8:01am MSK

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20 on ntv. so, live on central television. well, let's start with, perhaps, the main political event of this week. since many western media called a serious bid to change the existing world order. on tuesday, russian president vladimir putin arrived on an official visit to the north korean capital phinya. well, right after the negotiations skimchen. the russian leader flew to the capital of vietnam, hanoi, and before putin , both xijin ping and joe biden had already visited hanoi, which is understandable: beijing needs a reliable and a predictable neighbor, and biden has an extra trump card in the confrontation with china. this is precisely the role washington assigns in a country in the jungle where you can still stumble upon the rusting remains of downed american planes and helicopters, and there is no mention of the war during which...
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now relations between our countries are at the highest level, which is incomparable even with the relations between north korea and the soviet union. until recently, siul bombarded pyongyang with propaganda leaflets; in response , pyongyang sent balloons filled with garbage and feces across the border, but here’s the footage military exercises that south korea is conducting together with the united states right during putin’s visit. we regret russia's signing.
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soviet union, without russia, there is no such vietnam as it is today. what kind of place has he become, such that over the past 8 months, biden, sidin pin, and now putin have visited him. the strategy that we see vietnam following is that they are playing on someone else’s battlefield, they are looking for several partners there at once. american political scientist charles kupchin explains what they want from vietnam to the united states. in an ideal world, the us would like to have a relationship with vietnam.
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a relationship that would allow it to resist any coercive pressure from china. who puts more pressure on whom, however, is a moot point; washington is fighting with beijing for what is south chinese. a sea through which a third of world trade passes. this region can become very dangerous, there could be a potential major conflict, there are disputes and pressures when someone intervenes to make the situation more tense. the united states sees vietnam as a key ally in its geopolitical struggle with china, but the vietnamese remember very well that the most terrible war on this earth against this people was waged by the americans. and for those who forgot, great. remembers this monument, assembled from the wreckage of the famous american b-52 bomber. these cars were flying here in the sky, dropping bombs right here, and then falling themselves, hit by the feet of these young barefoot partisans. thanks to
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soviet weapons specialists, we shot down hundreds of american planes, other countries can boast of shooting down one or two, no more. this... today there is something to be learned from vietnam, it just seems that the country is rich only in bamboo. vietnam intends to take over taiwan's leadership in microchip production. leading global companies are already building their factories here. first of all, due to the fact that the element base is nearby. 2.5 hours to the chinese border, as i said, and 12 hours
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by road to the city of shenzhen, the world hub for the production of components for high-tech industry. this is 500 hectares near the vietnamese silicon valley. city ​​with the promising name of haiphong, it is here that the russian-vietnamese business council is building an industrial park for companies from russia. what russian companies will come here, why should they go to vietnam, for whom could this be beneficial? enterprises that are export-oriented in the current conditions are experiencing difficulties with export supplies. initially, industrial zones in vietnam received their dawn - due to us trade restrictions against chinese furniture manufacturers. and chinese furniture manufacturers.
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we will definitely come back, but now about something that, without any exaggeration, has become the main topic of conversation on social networks in kitchens and office smoking rooms. russia was covered by a wave of poisonings; the word “batulism”, which often flashed on the pages of newspapers in the nineties, but has since been slightly forgotten, surfaced in the media. and yes,
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indeed, this week the country experienced the largest outbreak of this rather rare dangerous disease in the last 30 years. diseases, this is what is known at this moment about the victims - yulia will tell you: in total , more than 300 people ended up in hospitals with poisoning of varying degrees of severity. foci of botulism have been recorded in moscow, the moscow region, kazan and nizhny novgorod. almost immediately it became known that all the victims had consumed salad with tumzom and beans. and it was the canned beans that caused the poisoning. it was stored with flagrant violations, rospotrebnadzor specialists found this out from turnover. 200 tons of such products have already been seized, and how i have already said that the disease is very, very dangerous and it is simply a miracle that this time there were no deaths. most often , poisoning occurs when eating foods that are contaminated with a specific
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protein neurotoxin. it is secreted by an anaerobic bacterium, which in itself is not so dangerous, that is, if you eat a cucumber infected with its spores, then most likely nothing will happen to you. will not happen, but if this cucumber is rolled up in a jar, that is, preserved, then the anaerobic bacteria ends up in an ideal oxygen-free environment wednesday, there she literally means... how she tried lobio and after, today we are
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the third day in the hospital, and the leak is already getting better, with a numb tongue, paralyzed facial muscles, her right eye not opening , alexandra will be taken to the hospital without treatment, then they would have started if other muscles also fail, damage to the nervous system would lead to paralysis of the breathing of death. khavronina was on the ropes, but is now recovering. in addition to moscow and kazan hospitals, they are brought to the second clinical infectious diseases hospital of nizhny novgorod, many admitted to
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four are in serious condition on artificial ventilation, all of them have batulism, a deadly infectious disease caused by bototoxin entering the body, says elena tikhomolova, chief physician. basically, of course, the toxin also loves the so-called anaerobic environment, because that’s why we are all accustomed to the fact that everyday life is canned food, these are mushrooms. igor checherin shows the same salad brought by the delivery courier, which in moscow, nizhny novgorod and kazan sent more than 300 people, including checherin’s wife, to sick leave beds after searching the salad manufacturer, it turns out that bototoxin was formed in canned beans that were stored incorrectly. in this vial is the same boteloxin that causes botulism, swallowed with food, this strongest
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organic poison known in science paralyzes the nervous system. the same effect is used in cosmetology, repeatedly diluted bolotinum toxin colitis to paralyze, for example, facial muscles, after all, everyone has heard the word botox. but how do bototoxin spores get into our canned food? jars from soil. they end up in conservation along with poorly washed products. the temperature at which home canned food is made does not ensure the death of these microbes; violation of the storage temperature , on the contrary, leads to an increase in their number, this is exactly what happened with beans, says dmitry kulikov, head of the department at rosbiotech university. therefore, in pursuit of these farm products, homemade products, some kind of pickles, our consumers really risk getting some kind of stigmatization, including botulism, which now, unfortunately, such an outbreak has occurred. it seems like a paradox, people striving for everything without chemicals and nitrates risk encountering the other side of this coin.
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as, probably, on all busy russian highways, here on the yaroslavskoye highway there is a trade in slightly dusty from cars rushing past, but environmentally friendly products, because their own is clearly better than store-bought, as any seller dozing not far from an abundant counter will confirm to you. i don’t know how to do it in a store, but every housewife does it better. with garlic, with garlic and sour cream, very wonderful. if so to speak, the commercial director of this auto shop is the seller yuri himself, then the chief technologist is his wife. she rolls lingonberries, saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms into jars, which we buy for 1,500 rubles. this jar used to contain tomato paste, they didn’t even remove the label, it’s very dirty on the outside, there’s dust in the car, i have no idea what’s inside. and peering into this mushroom dregs, involuntarily.
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but won’t this movement towards unity with nature turn out to be a step where science is not always distinguishable from superstition, where 300 years ago batulism may have been confused with another fantastic disease, this is exactly what was confused.
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such completely scientific explanations of what happened, most likely there was an epidemic of some kind of disease. batulism spreads like wildfire through tables where many people literally eat from the same barrel, and since the incubation period of the disease is from 2 hours to 5 days, such a different time period provides extraordinary scope for constructing any versions regarding the deaths of village residents. i won,
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as you know, the vampire version. mikhail bogdanov, yaroslav kilatov, ksenia politaeva, central television. well, here, of course, it is worth saying that science does not know for certain whether botulism is associated with vampirism, but as for the massive outbreak of botulism in russia, there are still many questions left, for example, which products are now at risk, how to avoid running into it yourself a dangerous toxin, and a special guest of the program, the main expert on botulism in russia, who will definitely appear in our studio, but a little later, will talk about this. well and we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week immediately after a very short pause. and this is what happens next. the west has named the new secretary general of nato. what is jenz stoltenberg's successor known for, besides the fact that he likes to wear high heels. who does the western military alliance want to scare with their bare ass, and how this castling can affect the course of the ukrainian conflict. bad omens, these shots show barack obama leading a stunned
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biden off the stage. will this really become a real political prophecy in the near future ? month the democrats are exactly the same. they take biden from the political scene, but then who will replace him in the elections? a dacha can lead to prison, what plants should never be planted in your garden beds, why cornflowers can get a fine and even a real prison term for an innocent date. paranormal investigation, how magic really works, what real abilities clairvoyant psychics have, why scientists are not always ready to tell the truth about it, and the carriers of paranormal abilities themselves do not burn. desire to know this truth. there may be pain different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. closing a loan is like
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we continue the live broadcast. for obvious reasons, behind everything that happened these days in phinyang, where vladimir putin, let me remind you, met with kimchen-un, the west looked not only from its bell tower, but through the prism of the ukrainian crisis. officially, the main result... of vladimir putin philyan, as we have already said, was the signing of an agreement on a comprehensive and strategic partnership between the two countries. well, as the russian president stated at a joint press conference, the signed document provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the countries. at the same time, everyone understands that it is precisely the conflict with the west that is trying to strangle russia, just like north korea at one time, was brought closer together by sanctions between moscow and bhenyang. events in ukraine quite clearly demonstrated that in a protracted military conflict, the decisive role on the battlefield begins to be played not by high technology, but, as
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in the 20th century, by ordinary howitzers. and in this regard, the west, of course, is frightened by the extremely militarized economy of north korea, which has allowed the country to create one of the world's largest arsenals of shells and missiles. well, since in the current conflict between russia and the west there are more than... one move on the world chess the board does not remain unanswered, one must assume that having seen the rapprochement between russia and north korea as a new threat, the west will begin to frighten in response. well, this is where this question reasonably arises: what to scare? well, vadim, as one of the options, let’s say this week the name of the future secretary general of nato became known. jens stoltenberg will be replaced in this post by mark rutte, who... currently holds the post of prime minister of the netherlands, mr. rutte is 57 years old, he is single, he has no children, but the politician has a rather strange hobby.
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once in an interview with dutch journalists, he admitted that he likes to close the curtains tightly and walk around the house with his shoes on. well, this also happens, and as popular wisdom says, in general, he will have something to scare the hedgehog, although he will not become the head of nato before. well, during this time , a lot can change on the battlefield in the zone of military operation, that’s what our partner alexey petrushko is talking about. while everyone from washington to the bank froze in anxious anticipation, the members of the russian delegation, in clearly good spirits, tried to capture the moment, it is unlikely that any of them now saw these hours are approaching 12, the hours of the apocalypse, and the striking of the korean chimes. began a signal, according to which kim chin-in on foot and vladimir putin on aurus begin to move towards each other, did everyone, in kiev and in the west, see something of their own in this rapprochement of the two leaders? signing strategic.
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the military partnership between russia and the dprk is a unilateral, highly brazen act of annulment of the entire package of international decisions, resolutions and restrictions imposed on the dprk, which means that there are practically no more rules. all in all, according to banking, north korea alone has become more useful for moscow than the entire western world for kiev? another question is what about the supply of long-range weapons and permission to strike russian rear areas? ukraine’s allies themselves have created a situation where, in one form or another , confrontation is out of a local conflict... i think that in general, relations between north korea and russia indicate a deepening split between western democracies on the one hand and the opposing bloc consisting from russia, china, northern korea and iran on the other. i think that in many ways mr. putin's announcement that he may be supplying additional military equipment to north korea is a sign of the consolidation of this two-bloc world that we unfortunately seem to be moving toward. if desired, in
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the strategic agreement signed in pyongyang... i also said in hinyan that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind our agreements with the korean people's democratic republic, i do not even do this i rule it out. putin added that in this case russia is not responsible for where, when and from whose hands this weapon will fire, and perhaps that is why the word negotiations has been heard more and more often from the lips of politicians not only in the west, but in ukraine this week , it was not we who refused to negotiate, the ukrainian side forbade itself from negotiating, and not
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us, we did. for and never refused this, but not on the basis of some ephemeral formulas, on the basis of those agreements, which i want to repeat again, were reached in the course of difficult negotiations, almost a month and a half of negotiations in istanbul and minsk, on this basis we are ready to continue our dialogue with the ukrainian side, but for now, according to the belarusian security forces, nothing encourages such negotiations either in minsk or in istanbul, on the contrary, kiev is tightening the borders of the gomel region , nato artillery...
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he is a good artist, almost like zelensky, he demonstrates a certain perception, he is an insect, he can say whatever he wants. and here it is curious that if nato determines the overall military strategy, sets the amounts that the alliance members spend on defense, the process of purchasing military equipment is led by the states themselves, as a result, efforts to replenish the depleted arsenals in europe take place at different speeds, and this experience is important for the defense of the union state when conditions arise. conflict with the west and russia and belarus need to keep the line. this week in minsk, russian gunsmiths, in addition to drones and anti-drone systems, exhibited all the strength and power of automatic rifles, a folding stock, adjustments, rear support, plus they made ours the designer adjusts such a drum, you shoot a certain cartridge for your rifle, set these marks, you no longer count the clicks, but set the footage. the main headliner of the exhibition from belarus is the volat armored personnel carrier, with increased
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survivability. in comparison with the btr-82, the turret is from the bmp-2, from the point of view of how it differs from the 82, there are floor-resistant wheels, the so-called runflet system, rigid inserts, this is confirmed by our tests, uh, a completely punctured tire 50 km on dirt roads at speed a little over 20 km/h allowed move uh in this mock. in general, adapting to the realities of a new war, it seems that the world has come closer than ever to the point of no return. here it’s worth turning to the results of the summit according to the so-called zelensky formula, having biden, and at least china, come to it, we could already talk about some kind of success for kiev, but even those who made it to switzerland called for russia to be included in the negotiations , for biden it would be just wow if he stopped the war in the same way as in israel, there he stopped the war in palestine, here he would also be a peacemaker, but it didn’t work out, including because of
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zelensky’s position, so... biden, if you pay attention, he removed the topic of ukraine altogether from his election campaign, he is trying to ensure that nothing happens there , the ideal situation for him is when there is somewhere. someone is fighting with someone, but there are no major losses, no major offensives, no high-profile summits that biden will participate in, because this is all very ambiguous, it seems that zelensky juggled countries as best he could in his statements, who, as a result of the swiss conference , signed the final communiqué, but that is , they passed it off as a victory; among the signatories were friendly russia and serbia, whose military at6 is now walking around the arms exhibition in minsk, we’re just. but it seems that not he himself, not his country, have not yet really realized the absurdity of the document signed in switzerland, because kiev, by its own law, seems
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to have banned any negotiations with russia, but in the final document it is said about the need for dialogue between all countries, it turns out that now ukraine itself is trying to legalize such negotiations in the international field, alexey petrushko, news agencies? yes, now i’ll tell you very carefully, yul, that on the tapes the russian mine defense reported about a night attack on the army rear of ukraine. the targets were ammunition depots and energy facilities that power the military. enterprises, also according to our ministry of defense, russian units have advanced in a number of directions. the enemy is being pushed back, including in the area of ​​the city of krasnogorovka in the dpr. and today is tragic date in the history of the country, a day of memory and sorrow.
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exactly 83 years ago the great patriotic war began. commemorative events are taking place throughout the country, people bring flowers to memorials and light lamps and candles. the president of russia, vladimir putin, laid down. in the northern part of the great plains stands mount rushmar, famous throughout the world for having a giant bas-relief carved into its granite rock. four american presidents: george washington, thomas jefferson, theodore roosevelt
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and abraham lincoln received this honor for their contribution to the history of the country, which, among other things, and through their efforts it became truly great. but time is not kind to the country, much less the monument. it cannot be ruled out that... descendants will want to replace the image on the famous rock in order to forever remember the faces of those who destroyed and buried this greatness, and yes, perhaps it will be these very faces that remind us of this. this week , by the way, biden froze again, literally, like an old computer or a damaged smartphone. at a campaign concert in los angeles, while standing on stage, the us president for some moment fell out of time and space and it seems
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that someone is no longer acting very well, besides, just the day before, biden again hung out at the g7 summit in italy, here are these wonderful shots. and so, as bilt writes, it is biden’s mental and physical condition that is one of the democrats’ most important problems. according to the publication, party leaders are even ready to take extreme measures and openly suggest that biden not seek a second term. well, this will happen if the president... fails the first debate with trump, yes, but quickly and at the same time quite a dangerous change of horses for the democrats at the crossing is possible only if biden does not resist and leaves voluntarily. then, already in august, at a party conference in chicago, the democrats will be able to
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name an alternative candidate; according to rumors , such a candidate could be obama. only it’s not former president barack hussein obama the second, which, by the way, is his full name, but... it seems that american politics, in which the election system worked like a well-oiled clock, did not yet know. there will be a lot of such people, so it cannot be ruled out that this fall the united states is not facing another presidential election, but another great upheaval, and quite possibly even tectonic upheavals. this video was released
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by donald trump's campaign this week. shuffling gait. the forty-sixth president of the united states will descend from the helicopter's ramp, walk a few meters, approach the suv, and for a very long time will try to get up again to sit in the passenger seat of the car. shots that evoke sympathy rather than smile. just 5 months before day x, that is, before election day president of the united states, social networks are filled with videos in which biden either stutters, distorts his words, or freezes. journalists around the world have been covering joe's collapses on their airwaves throughout biden's presidency. it all started with this climb up the ramp. it continued with a handshake with the shadow, and then off we went.
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the democrats have already tried more than once to turn all this into a joke, and after another embarrassment in france, when biden tried to sit on an invisible chair, a flash mob began to appear on the internet: do like biden, social networks overflowed with videos of americans squatting, frozen for seconds. but it seems that no matter how much cold water the democrats pour into this raging fire around the incidents with the us president, it will not save him, new york times and wall street journal journalist blake fleetwood is sure. we do not know what state of biden's mind is in now and how fit he is to serve as president. some people say that the democrats think he is in good shape, that he is very eloquent and has a sharp mind. republicans say that he's getting old, so who? knows. the age difference between the two candidates is only 3.5 years,
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but outwardly, it seems that one of them is definitely ready to become the future president. this week's shots. los angeles - a star-studded charity evening to raise funds for biden's election campaign among hollywood superstars - george clooney and the beauty julia roberts. next to the forty-sixth president is the forty-fourth barack obama. at some point, biden already habitually freezes in place and motionlessly looks at one point. and then the main scandal of the week happened. realizing that something is wrong, the former president, in front of the entire public of the whole world, will randomly lead the current, almost current, president away by the arm. donald trump would not be trump if he had not reacted to
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this event in his characteristic manner. joe biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. he generally humiliates us. did you see what happened this weekend? this makes the united states a real joke around the world. white house press secretary karine jeanpierre, avoiding the question of whether biden is okay, will say that none of the the published videos were not accurate, artificial intelligence is to blame. i think you've named it all. this is a cheap fake video and that's exactly what it is, this is a fake video, let's not forget that president obama and president biden have a certain relationship, they are friends, they are like family to each other. every time joe biden appears in public he sparks speculation, will aging joe drop out of the 224 race, will he be forced to step aside? if biden can speak decisively and clearly.
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secret democratic plot to replace biden. baroque obama could become the next incumbent, the american media is talking about the president, there are rumors that his wife will become the next president and that they can rule together as a team. it could be hillary clinton or nancy pelosi. now it seems that everything is frozen, waiting for the key moment. pre-election race trump-biden debate, after which it is quite possible that the american establishment will talk about replacing the great joe biden, a moment that could change the course american history. it looks like dark times are coming for america. upcoming biden trump rematch. trump-biden could mark the end of the electoral era as it has existed in recent decades. it seems that something like this has already happened in history; after taking another turn in the spiral, it returned to where it began. throughout us history
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, presidential rematches have signaled important political upheavals. as a rule, these are changes either in the system.
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racing in the usa. and here is the year 2024. biden's team scheduled one of the earliest presidential debates in history to prove to skeptics that joe was here to stay. but trump's aggressive rhetoric and his open insults to biden could change this us political race and become the norm. i think that as long as trump is in the race, the debate will never be the same. he is known for interrupting.
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this is an invasion of the biden name. our country is above this. we will not leave, we will not bow down. in an american film, the tail leads the dog, in which a group of political strategists do their best to saves the president, who is losing his ratings, for re-election to a second term, the same phrase is repeated as the main election slogan. as my father and i used to say. i took this as a rule. horses are not changed at the crossing. the famous american aphorism means that if the horses have already reached the crossing on one horse, then they must continue the journey on it. but it is quite possible that this principle will no longer work. the horse is tired. the horses are at the crossing, now they are changing. all you have to do is be patient, the candidates
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have tossed a coin, the right to have the last word is the debate will be for trump. sanatka stamp natalya usenko and mark. central television, this will be a show, i’m probably convinced of it, now, according to tradition, we must pause for a moment in order to immediately after the pause talk about the events that everyone is discussing and the people they are talking about. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay with us and don’t switch. a dacha can lead to prison, what plants should never be planted in your garden beds, why you can get a fine for innocent-looking cornflowers and even real term. a normal investigation into how magic actually works, what real abilities clairvoyant psychics have, why scientists are not always ready to tell the truth about this, and the bearers of paranoral abilities themselves are not eager to find out this truth. batulism in the region, russia has been covered by an epidemic of poisoning with a deadly poison, which products are now at
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risk, how to avoid running into a dangerous toxin and what to do at the first symptoms of poisoning, a special guest of the program, an expert on botulism in russia, will talk about this. well right now important information for applicants and their parents. the exams are over, the time has come to submit documents to the university of your dreams, and if you didn’t already know, thanks to the national project digital economy, you can do this online, through government services, without visiting admissions committees, paper applications and long lines. by the way, more than a thousand universities across russia are already connected to the portal; it is available on the portal. online university admission service for those who plan to enroll in another city or send applications to several universities at once, this will significantly save time, effort and money on travel. documents can be sent. in their choice of profession, they can even find a contract for targeted training, also remotely, for everyone, but those who are already 100% confident in
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the portal of the future employer, having entered into a university agreement with him, choosing up to five specialties in the state key application, they will receive support throughout your studies, and then be guaranteed employment for 3 or 5 years, you do not need to maintain original documents, education data, individual achieve- will be accepted, they will be able to go from public services to chat with future classmates in vk messenger to get acquainted in advance. all you have to do is come to class on september 1st. let me remind you once again that the super service for enrolling in a university online is available on the state services portal, which the digital economy is developing according to the national project.
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and right now we’ll clean up for just a couple of minutes, we’ll be back on air soon, be sure to wait for us. in march of fifty- three, near vladimir corpse, they found a broken ear exactly 12 cm, and then in sixty- four, not 11 and a kopeck, exactly. exactly in the twenties there was such a thief, ivan burdasov, so he killed with a blow to the ear, i’m sure that we will find all the answers to questions in burdas’ past, but now you don’t need to think about the past, after june forty-one burdasov has not appeared anywhere else, an elusive maniac from the past, and if we assume that burdasov did come out, to look for the living among the dead, the dead among the living, you have kindled my curiosity, in a series based on real events. damn, mothers, they
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receive goods for it for 1 ruble, millions of goods. cashback up to 25% on an ozonbank card is even more profitable. polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70% or keddo and keddo flip-flops with discounts of up to 65% on yandex market. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. well, we are back on the air, i hope you are back on the screens, this is central television, the first information show on ntv. deputies of the russian state duma, it seems, have taken fortune tellers, witches and other magicians seriously, what a coincidence: a week ago, talking about the arrest of the main russian witch, this is what the fortune teller alena
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polyn, who found herself behind bars, calls herself, yulia and i gloomily. joked that witchcraft is not burned at the stake these days, like during the time of the great inquisition, well, i hope that the deputies are not going to open a hunting season, yul, or of course, no, vadim, they are not going to, we are talking about another attempt to prohibit all kinds of ministers of magic and clairvoyance from selling and promoting their services, tarot readers , fortune tellers and other magicians want to be equated with scammers, and advertising their activities in the media for...
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normal abilities divide people into two irreconcilable camps, many in the existence of real witches, psychics, predictors of various kinds of clairvoyants are believed, while others consider them all scammers and crooks. our reporter tatyana proskurikova set out to dot all the points and decided to figure out what really stands behind the seemingly inexplicable phenomena and find out how all this magic actually works. let's. let's see how her paranormal investigation ended. australian farmers watch in horror as their fields turn into desert, record drought, and it seems they can only hope for a miracle. but fortunately, a miracle on the way is stephen mcandrew, he is a seeker of press water and does this with the help of dowsing, as ancient as the world of art, that
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is, he takes two sticks in his hands and explores the territory. when they intersect or diverge, i mark the ground, there is a source of press water, how it works, i have no idea. in the place that stephen points out, he digs a well and a fountain comes out of the ground. the farm is saved, but how can two pieces of wire know where to dig a well or give answers to any other questions? i give myself the setup that with the help of beolarization frames i am looking for a dead person, that is, i... look where he is, i don’t do anything with my hands on polina gagarina, the frames are even, but as soon as i’m brought to vladimir volfovich, i don’t do anything, but the frames begin to cross, nikolai famushen, an expert at the psychic prize, uses the example of photography to show us that the frames really work, they turn on their own, but how? everyone who picked up this instrument
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experienced a sense of amazement, but only the american engineer. macormick guessed build a business empire based on dowsing, created a device for finding golf swords. inside this chip is a piece of a golf sword. if somewhere nearby. dedicated to the investigation of the supernatural: the scientist is amazed by the almost magical power of persuasion possessed by the creator of the device. having conquered all the golf clubs in america, macormick tried to sell the device to the us army as a detector, an explosive weapon, but the device did not pass the test, but in the countries of asia and the middle east. business is booming, this explosion is in the center baghdad destroyed mccormick's empire, 120 people died, the miracle detectors that the iraqi army relied on missed a ton
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of explosives, the device was disassembled and no electronics were found in it, by this time the fraudster had earned 50 million dollars, but how exactly did mccormick fool the generals of 20 countries, he conducted for... presentations in which the device actually worked, now we will repeat this experiment. this grenade will serve as the explosive we are looking for. i'm not a psychic and i'm not helping the framework in any way. and so the frames unmistakably indicate a garnet. but here there is nothing. again no error, but how does it work? america's chief skeptic , michael shermer, answers. the psychological phenomenon that explains the functioning of the framework is called the ideomotor effect. ideo means idea,
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motor movement, our body constantly makes micro movements, our eyes, hands, fingers move. if i think, move to the right, the antenna will do that, you can't even see that i'm making a movement, and now i want it to go to the left, i'm just thinking about it, so the frames are just pointing. that a person knows for sure or assumes, in order to check the effect of the idemotor effect, we change the experimental conditions. i leave the room, our producer anastasia closes the boxes with a lid and swaps them. now i don’t know where the pomegranate is, will the frames find it? the second box, and here is an apple, what was required to be proven? american research center. paranormal is ready to pay half a million dollars to a psychic who can use the frames to find water, but not underground, in a bottle. i've been testing frames for 25 years, we put one bottle of water in a box and place it among
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a lot of the same boxes, you have to find that one bottle, and no one has managed to do it. james underdown has devoted 50 years to exposing the paranormal, but americans still continue to believe in the supernatural. today at the peak of popularity. predicting the future, there is a technique called cold reading, when you communicate with someone using tarot cards, crystal ball or palm reading, you tell the person something that fits almost everyone, you guess, look at the person, is he rich or poor, healthy or sick, and this may sound like he knows a lot more than he actually does. we used cold reading for an experiment with tarot cards, the beginning of which was shown in the last episode, six volunteers heard exactly the same thing.
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ability, wisdom, reliability, leadership, and even if a person knows himself differently, it is very easy to believe in such a complementary image. you yourself are an honest, open person, and you love sincerity and honesty in other people, you love freedom very much, strive for it, your intuition is very developed, very, very a powerful tool in the tarot reader’s arsenal is the forrer effect, named after the psychologist who proved: people overestimate the accuracy of a statement by thinking it out... themselves, a homemade preparation that the fortune teller meaningfully tells everyone, our imagination turns into a prophecy, it comes true because a person he does everything for this himself. in other
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words, it would be difficult for me to express my character, right to the point, right to the point, right to the very center. we say a lot of good things, and the person says: yes, this is right about me, because people are looking for confirmation your goodness, you know, praise, this is sorely missed. and here we praised everyone, stroked them, and inspired people went to their great results, the cebo effect has not been canceled. this fortune-telling scheme has such a strong effect on the pleasure centers in the brain that people become addicted to... like a drug, in science this effect is called the dopamine trap, its existence was proven by the famous experiment of 53 years ago, scientists connected electrodes to the brain of a rat. when the rat touches the pedals, stimulation is activated and the indicator lights up. with each touch, the rodent experienced a surge of pleasure. as a result, forgetting about sleep, the rat endlessly pressed the pedal and died of exhaustion in a dopamine trap. if not...
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urologists have proven that modern magic is self-deception, then how does stephen mcandrew find water within limits, but this is not a mystery to scientists. australia's drought-stricken farms are not located in the sahara, and groundwater is everywhere, the only question is how deep to dig. tatyana proskuryakova, anastasia lunkova, alexander karlov and vladimir sharykin, central television. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, well, for example, what you can’t plant in the garden beds so as not to end up in prison and how to avoid getting botulism, you definitely don’t need to go to fortune tellers. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice: calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact anxiety can be treated. new: afabazole retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take. just one tablet a
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day, in obzol anxiety can and should be treated, on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. millions of goods are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% on the ozonbank card, beauty, why are you, it’s so expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive, did you save on your mother? liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. polaris equipment with up to 70% discount or keddo and keddo slippers with discounts up to 65% on yandex market. what are men silent about? painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidas promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. alfabank is
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the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. um, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i have a zero count myself. you have a megaphone. mega power connection at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers will not be left without communication. megaphone word. what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. rbt, we make comfort accessible. elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in, lena vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health, what do you recommend? there is one company that will definitely work, thank you, elena vasilivna, good luck. invest in securities promomet. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an azonbank card. which you can
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and gives a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. millions of people choose phytolax, fruit-based chewable tablets. try something new. marmalade berries. total one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, without causing bloating cramps. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. sportmaster prices in half, numbered and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. bailiffs, premiere. tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. to begin with, as promised, let's return to the news of this
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saturday. they came to russia, in the coming days, i will be throwing myself, now into the heat, now into the cold, like me now. we are talking, as you probably already guessed, about the weather. this is what exactly awaits us, yulia, i hope, will tell you, are there really some kind of cataclysms again, yulia? i ’ll tell you now, vadim, indeed, it will be quite difficult to find a corner of comfortable weather in the coming week, the european part will be covered by a wave of cool air from the arctic, and siberia will be languishing in the forty-degree heat. it will be installed in the most densely populated areas of western siberia, these are omsk, tomsk, novosibirsk, kemerovo regions, usually cold yakutia has already turned into the most fire-hazardous region of the country, and now the far east will be flooded with rain. it will get colder in the capital, but tropical downpours will stop. the amount of precipitation in moscow in the first 20 days of june exceeded all conceivable and unimaginable
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values, and this is not even my assessment, that’s what the weather forecasters themselves say. well, in fact, perhaps torrential and almost tropical rains, which... flooded not only moscow, but almost all russian regions, incredibly pleased summer residents, owners of gardens, vegetable gardens and personal plots, at least at least, the rains and warm weather give them hope that this season everything that was not killed in the bud by the may frosts will grow. true, before growing something like this at your dacha or even on your window sill or balcony, i would strongly recommend that all beginning michurin residents turn up the volume and carefully watch alexey semakhin’s story, because few people do. of our summer residents and those who like to rummage in the beds goes deep into reading the laws, and meanwhile, the law that regulates the ability to grow certain plants in garden plots, every year the list of plants is updated, for the appearance of which on your plot you can be fined and even
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imprisoned. do you want to know how long you can get for a completely innocent-looking flower, which can be found in almost every village front garden, then... look, this is a gardener and author of the blog tsvetuli uyuli, a lover of such a plant as pomea tricolor yulia pomuleva from hotlas of the arkhangelsk region, i decided to show you the seedlings of morning glory, morning glory, which we sowed with you 4 days ago. luckily, zavoda pomuleva, she shot this video last summer, this year for this, summer residents face a large fine and even up to two years in prison. it's not worth it, really. panic, and if you are a law-abiding citizen, you will not grow, or even risk, this tricolor epic. in addition to this, yumka has 19 more plants on the forbidden list, such as phaedra, turbine corymbose, hawaiian rose, blue lotus, and even just think, sage? everyone knows sage, a wonderful plant,
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they add it to tea, but here we are talking only about one type of sage, this is the sage of the fortunetellers, it is actually a very rare plant, and therefore, well, be careful, but why is this one so exchanged... which russians are accustomed to seeing in the summer not only in their gardens, but literally at every entrance of their houses, because in our country, drug trafficking is strictly regulated and the state monitors it. naturally, these plants can be used for growing and manufacturing certain substances, and accordingly, this must somehow be prevented and prevented from happening. to spread, the seeds and tricolor morning glory have already disappeared from the markets, you... no, it seems that summer residents will not be able to find tricolor morning glory this season in specialized stores, ogorodnik garden center in the moscow region, now we’ll try to find out if seeds from of the same prohibited list, here in place of the tricolor pomies in the store there is an empty shelf,
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as soon as we learned that these plants were prohibited for sale, and even more so for cultivation, we immediately immediately removed everything from sale, as you can see, that shelf which she occupied. chairman of the public organization gardeners of russia and editor-in-chief of the newspaper your six sotok andrei tumanov believes that pomeya was included in this prohibited list by mistake. the same glucinogenic substances that the indians used for their ritual purposes were called alaleuki. so, this was a wild form. since then they have been working with it for several hundred years. breeders, there is nothing of this anymore, there are no substances, andrei tumanov calls the prohibited list itself legal casuistry, unrelated to the real by the way, my life is growing. it is growing and will continue to grow out of principle: who can tell it apart from
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epomea purpurea? even a botanist cannot distinguish it from purple morning glory. what kind of police are there, who will come to these areas to control anything? but much more dangerous than the same three-colored, truly poisonous plants, which are sold absolutely legally. boxwood is forever green, the berries are also poisonous, this is about the question of poisonous plants, here is another plant. looks like parsley, these are the plants that socrates poisoned, so you need to know enemy in the face and distinguish between plants that are prohibited from growing and those that will put you in danger. cerberus, hura dynamite tree, ongaonga stinging nettle, some of the deadliest plants on the planet, the famous poison garden of walnweki, this uk boasts hundreds of varieties of notorious killers. this plant is laurel, it forms cyonite, we all know what it can do to you. and this is the path to belodonya, four berries are enough to kill a child, this is a great way to die, those who decide
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to tickle your nerves, tourists are allowed here only in a chemical protective suit, so we have to cover part of our skin when we are dealing with especially dangerous plants, so morning glory tricolor in comparison with these plants may seem absolutely innocent, the only prohibited plant for which there was actually a fight fines, this is not from the government decree on narcotic plants, but this is hogweed. for hogweed , the summer resident actually paid a 5.00 ruble fine for a piece of hogweed on the site, but from with hogweed, not everything is so simple: in the post-war years, the soviet union was in dire need of a rapid rise in agriculture, livestock needed succulent feed and at the same time the plant had to be unpretentious, the choice fell on that same bolshevik, it was brought to the territory of the ussr, after some time from a useful crop it has turned into an invader, the fight against which has been going on for several decades now: in a row, but it seems that these days the dream of the botanist sosnovsky is still destined to come true. at vyadsk
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state university, hogweed has been used. in our ink is based on plant cells, which we obtain biotechnologically from native plants. as soon as we get a culture, then we will no longer need these plants. here in kirov they developed a biotechnological gel for printing food products. in these boxes grow the cells of the same weed, sosnovsky's hogweed, which... but let's return to the forbidden list: the navigator from the kotlas of the arkhangelsk region, yulia pomoleva,
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in this epic, does not see the simopea tricolor big tragedy. look how much there are many alternatives, yes, to our morning glory, you will not grow, and even risk this three-colored epomoea, but will make your choice in favor of no less spectacular, no less beautiful other climbing selianas. julia replaced all of hippomea with those same-year-olds that, well... have not yet made it onto this forbidden list. derecheva, igor kirillov, denis erasimov and anton yanchenko. central television. but still, the majority of summer residents are now digging in the beds not at all in order to grow something exotic and forbidden there, but to nurse the survivors after vegetables and fruits from may frosts, so that later they can be rolled into jars. and perhaps to your own misfortune. well, that is, we are again returning to the main topic of this week, the most widespread in recent times. vladimir nikifarov, doctor
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of medical sciences and the main expert in russia on batulism. good evening, vladimir vladimirovich, you know, now everyone is looking at canned food with caution, myself, by the way, especially beans, asev is starting to look for symptoms of botulism, here are some first signs that distinguish butuulism from ordinary poisoning , if it’s just one, two, three, and... only two, perhaps, that this is completely uncharacteristic of anything else, this is the parallel appearance of fog in the eyes and double vision, and dry mouth, these are two symptoms that are not for any other forms - poisoning, infectious diseases are completely uncharacteristic, let's - now let's put everything in order, here's where the toxin may end up, and what you can eat without fear, so, pickling everywhere, as much as you want, you're just showing, cucumbers,
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it happens often, cooking, never, never, and why, because sugar kills the toxin. butulism, he needs normal protein, such a high concentration of sugar does not inspire him. okay, baby food, but you know how, if it goes through the full processing cycle that is required, that is, with an autoclave, it can never be. it’s very important, by the way, yesterday i ate sausages on a whim, now i’m worried that there may be a toxin in the sausage, because earlier in europe there were many cases associated with sausage, but today’s sausage seems to have so many additives of all kinds, these, preservatives, a...
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once in my entire long life i saw in batulism, it was about 30 years ago, it was sausage brought from ukraine, homemade, when there was such a spontaneous market at the kiev station, that is, here, in this sausage from the store, most likely not maybe nothing will be delayed, again technology, if you don’t violate the technology there shouldn’t be, but you know, i had a cat who didn’t eat the doctor’s sausage because he didn’t like chewed red toilet paper, you know? well, this actually seems harmful to me for batulism, butuulism loves pure good protein, it needs a natural one, it’s a natural product, that’s it, but please tell me, is there any additive that can be put in - the bacteria definitely won’t survive in canned food, that’s what needs to be put there in order to kill this botol in the bud only in those - well, you can
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come up with something, but in the concentration that stops the reproduction of the pathogen, it will first kill you and me. seriously, well, well, no, well, you can pour pure vinegar on the cucumbers, it will burn the esophagus, then it will be a long and painful death, but i think this shouldn’t be done, well , that is, in the amounts in which we add vinegar, those food, so to speak, additives that we accept, batuulism also eats with pleasure, and also tell me, please, i because i really believe in this sign, so if you open canned food you hear this characteristic sound, now i’ll try the sound. i understand chpok, it doesn’t work, chpok, right now, maybe it will work here, but if we hear this sound of chpok, then it seems like we can eat without fear, because there’s definitely no, botulism, well, this indicates that there is a vacuum here, this just indicates that there may be botulism here, someone started a rumor, you know, when trouble appears, so we all become specialists, when there was
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covid, everyone became virologists, now there are also a lot of impostors, believe me, batulism does not inflate the ba... 30 he just didn’t hear, i understand, tell me again, but if you close them, roll up the jars, but there is a danger, and if you just close them - with these plastic lids - that is, it is safer, unfortunately, if it is a big jar, then the same thing, botulism has a special kind of tightness, it doesn’t really need, to be honest, vladimirovich, i
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won’t eat anything else, you understand, but in vain, because whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown, so - we have? we have approximately 200 cases of botulism per year, usually, now everything has already been blocked, again, but usually for many years before this there were 200 cases of botulism per year, with a mortality rate of about 8%, which means about 16 people died from botulism a year, in our car accidents thousands are dying, but let’s not take a taxi, yes, that’s understandable, that’s all clear, okay, there’s some kind of antidote that you can keep in your medicine cabinet, i just ate it, i felt bad. this is not available anywhere in the world, unfortunately, there are some vaccines, of course not, a vaccine, if you want to say a vaccine, that is, for prevention, yes, there is, but it is a rather difficult to tolerate vaccine, only for epidemiological indications, if you are at risk of contracting botulism if you work in a laboratory with taxin botulism,
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and 140 million russians should be vaccinated with batulism, not in any country. no one in the world has ever vaccinated the entire population against batuulism; the americans recently vaccinated their military personnel, and then they had a riot. among the female population - the armed forces, because those ladies who will be vaccinated against botulism will no longer be affected by botox, and therefore botox is a diluted botulinum toxin, yes, this is a known fact, and i know what i wanted to do , i just opened all the banks, and he did it by air this buturism is not transmitted in any way, no, it is transmitted, it is in service with rogue countries, the buturism toxin can be obtained in crystalline form and in quality. bioweapons can be used in the form of airozole, but sniffing a can like that, no, no, yes, well , that’s it, thank you, thank you for really explaining, we learned a lot, a
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lot of new things today, and - i wish everyone, well, only one health, in our studio there was vladimir nikifarov, doctor of medical sciences and, probably, the main expert in everyday life in our country, thank you very much again, until meetings, oh, i tell you. i don’t advise you, well, this is where our time on air ends, after a few seconds of the continuation of a wonderful film called samogod, well, we will see you in exactly a week, on saturday, as always at 19:00, stay with us , stay with your central television, see you bye,
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hello, the information service welcomes you. ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. in the special operation zone, fighters of the dnepr group disrupted the enemy’s rotation and stopped the landing of nationalists on the left riverbank. artillerymen fired at targets. and in the zone of responsibility of the group center, russian aviation destroyed enemy equipment and military installations. bombers and attack aircraft went to the designated area. while completing the assigned task, they were covered by the fighter crew. 35. the destruction of targets was confirmed by aerial reconnaissance. and the crimean paratroopers started producing components for ammunition, which...


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