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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  June 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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they moved there, the heart of your home, now it beats there, it’s super, and such interesting lamps, listen, this is also something interesting, it’s like there’s ice here, and here it melts a little when it’s warm, and it goes away like a steam upstairs, it’s very beautiful, but this is a story, when the whole family can sit in a line, yes, and the first row is in the stalls, and it’s like sitting and watching some kind of movie or machka, this will be my favorite place, i’ll sit here and i like looking at all these.
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as much as you want, it seems to me they made five times more space than there actually is, it’s all very light, very wide, very high, there is as much air as there has never been here, a lot of very reflective surfaces, transparent surfaces, that is, they expanded the space in comparison with the previous one, as if physically, due to these light combinations and just these all these details, even they seem to not perform any practical function, but it is precisely this expansion of space due to them... even stronger is happening, this is super, i’m just delighted, i really like the combination of colors of white and blue, it’s cool, it’s pleasing to the eye, and also the fact that there’s a lot of light, different shapes, is also cool, and i’m amazed by the combination of textures, this one here the untreated ceiling, this bare brick wall, which were here originally, it seems to me, they have become very close friends with the ideal snow-white walls. with this white
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floor, completely unexpected, glass blocks, wonderful, here they are, not only are they presented in the wall, and they are different, different textures with different patterns, also in this wonderful bar counter or desktop or whatever, and the lighting just plays great in these blocks, this is a spaceship, in fact, we are all in space now, a room in a block? vacuum micro-vacuum cleaners, ultrasonic scrubbers or penny selitilic acid, how to get rid of black and white dots on the face without disfiguring yourself forever, i just didn’t stop in time, how much mold was found in food for cats and dogs, which there is no meat and the necessary vitamins for them well, almost the entire spectrum of meat is included, chemical baits are added to the food, which force the pets to gobble up the food with anything.
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duck breast in sauce, white fish fillet with lingonberries, turkey gratin with carrots, and fluffy salmon soufflé, no, i won’t change these delicacies from the reception on the occasion of the coronation of the new king of great britain, charles, but... food for, well, cats and dogs ,
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dogs live well, but veterinarians can’t confirm otherwise, healthy eating is as important for pets as it is for people, oops, with the difference that if these get sick, they won’t be able to complain, but this will happen, for example, if in the stern. for oh, kittens, yes, there will be no vitamin a, an amino acid called taurine, without them the cat faces the risk of blindness and afforestation, but the owners don’t even know this, he sings about cats’ milk, although most of them don’t get digestion from milk, they drink it because it’s sweet , they can’t stop, and then they feel sick. and gastritis appears, and
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for dogs as a treat, oh, to save money, often, oh, go, go, don’t be afraid. they cook porridge, yes, they cook porridge for you, although many breeds do not have enzymes capable of digesting cereals, but karmas can too not everyone can trust it; it turns out that technical regulations for such a product simply do not exist, and therefore the composition of some animal feeds, as the examination found out: cats scratch their souls, which of them contain vitamins? the cat cried about how a special chemical bait works, which makes them, oh, oh, greedily gobble up food with absolutely any composition, look, turn to... and the kitchen
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is immediately filled with the aroma of duck pate, wow, mm, what an aroma, very rich taste, you can directly feel the duck, delicate texture, but no matter how tasty it was for sergei, he gives most of it to valdai, this is actually food specifically for adult dogs, well, after all, i opened this for you, help yourself. 6 years ago, sergei worked as a top manager in a construction company, but he got a dog, and he couldn’t find food, valdai went on hunger strikes, the dog breeder immersed himself in studying the composition, technology of preparing food, it turned out that without tasting it was impossible,
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so let’s try it for cats , the food is delicious, yes friends, the purest meat, now he calls himself... lamb, like lamb, an animal ingredient, yes, but again, what is lamb, and lamb can be fresh meat, and dehydrated meat, and meat and bone meal. at the factory where they prepare food for pets, they don’t hide the fact that, yes, the food contains ingredients that the owners are unlikely to like, but the animals will gobble it up with appetite, what is tasty for us is not always tasty for them, yes on the contrary,
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feeding a cat only meat is irrational and not entirely correct, because in nature a cat does not eat pure meat, it will not get rabbit fillet or chicken fillet anywhere, but... in nature, what it can catch, the most accessible diet for it is a mouse, what is a mouse? this is skin, bones, muscle tissue, and those grains that are in the mouse’s stomach, so when a cat eats a mouse, it eats it completely, leaving practically nothing, so pure meat, even in expensive premium food, is a maximum of a quarter, the rest the offal, which is brought in the form of such huge ice briquettes from the meat processing plant, is defrosted using three meat grinders and turned into minced meat. the task is to make it not only tasty, but also healthy, because in addition pets often don’t get anything else from the same food for years. the usual one is simply bones. calcium is a fundamental microelement for any
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animal, liver is like this, you know, an easy bait for the animal so that it would like to eat this particular product. next is the pork lung, a lot of peptides are formed, and the chicken neck. this is a source of collagen ; vitamins and proteins are mixed into the minced meat, also in powder form and, by the way, their amounts in cat food and dog food are fundamentally different. the base is meat and meat by-products, here the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex changes greatly. it seems that since the cat is a dog and has been at home for a long time, then the composition of their food is exactly the same, the pictures on the packaging are just different, but in fact from the point of view of the cat. zoologists are one hundred percent predators and feed only on other animals, all vitamins, amino acids, minerals can only be obtained from meat, fat, bones, therefore cat food should contain a maximum of animals, protein and fat, and plant-based oatmeal, corn, vegetables,
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and cats cannot be digested disorder stomachs are obtained from them, they supplement food for cats with important vitamin a, the acid taurine, polyunsaturated fatty orochidonic acid, which cats’ bodies cannot produce and extract from food; dogs, even though they are carnivores, can synthesize the same vitamin a from carotenoids, which are found in plant foods, so if you feed. dogs are food for cats, then mukhtars and bugs can get an overdose of certain substances. dogs can eat carrots, barley, and soy in small quantities; pets will learn the benefits from them. in factories dog food is supplemented with magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and if you regularly treat your cat to this, it will not be healthy. the cat does not need this, because it can cause urolithiasis and high calcium levels.
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the whole range of meat, chickens, rabbits, the same fish, we use horse meat, horse meat is less fatty, the meat is cleaner, but you won’t find horse meat in every city, and there, for example, in bashkartastan or tatarstan, there are no problems with horse meat, in moscow still needs to look for horse meat, and the immunity of huge formidable cats, just like domestic ones, is a must it is important to strengthen it with a complex assortment of vitamins,
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but you cannot hire such an expert to create a menu of orcs to monitor the health of pets for every family, so you have to trust your pets to manufacturers who guarantee that the diets they prepare are valuable, but alas, the check showed that some factories cynically save on the health of pets. remember these brands, they did not add selenium to their food, which strengthens the muscles of cats; this cat food contains little potassium, which protects the cat’s heart. manufacturers overestimated these quantities. this is misleading the consumer, this is the main problem. that is, if you feed a cat this food every day, it may
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develop a dangerous deficiency of important elements, but it will not be possible to sue the manufacturers for this animal impudence, because , alas, there are no laws that control the quality of food, there are no technical regulations where there would be it is indicated what exactly is possible, what is not, in what quantities, there is only a state standard, here is its number, remember or... take a photo, it is the only guarantor for now quality, it was adopted recently, so there is still little feed according to the state standard. was adopted on july 1 , 2022, just recently, it standardizes the nutrient content for all non-productive animals, cats, dogs, fish, and although many owners are sure that their cats and dogs will not eat bad food, however , pets, firstly, they are not strong in...theology and cannot say that something hurts them until it reaches a severe stage, and
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secondly, technologists add bait to the food, for example, burnt sugar. look our consumer supervision and after advertising, what i will show, it would be good for everyone to know how much mold was found in food for cats and dogs, which do not contain meat and fish, day salmon, it is stated there and... there is no salmon, how the special baits that work force pets to gobble up food with any composition? we can be there and tasteless food will force us to eat. russians will soon finally get to know the taste of real edam, goudar. which brands mix only selected bones, sinews and skin with antibiotics into their milk sausages? can accumulate in the body and cause resistance. how to get rid of black and white dots on your face without disfiguring yourself forever. yes, i just didn’t stop on time, what will your summer be like, with increased cashback,
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the summer will be active, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, women’s top aive for 399 rubles. there was a meathorn, today a unicorn, tomorrow taganrog, tomorrow in st. petersburg, xxi x7, a hero of every day. yes, live at any cost, here you are, yes, here, the death of eleven pensioners in a krasnoyarsk nursing home, a logical ending or beginning high-profile case about cruel guards, it turns out that they also crossed their hands if they asked for something, how much did it cost the relatives of the victims to take care of them with their fists, if you say something, then we’ll beat you,
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they hired a prisoner to work there, how they expedited age of elderly people nursing home employees? these pills, you know, are psychotropic, they cause an omoeic state, that is, a person does not understand where he is, why boarding houses for the elderly are increasingly turning into places of grief, well, i think he will get up, so he died, i think not without their help, there is no place for old people here, in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today 16:20 on ntv, capital punishment, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on... it has already begun, our money will fly away too, no , not here, in any of the 185 countries, there is a single condition when roaming with beeline in 185 countries, your balance will not go into the negative or we will return
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the money, maybe we will go there, it’s safer there, belline is the safest. operator: detralex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage, detralex is tested experts, choice of millions, national lottery, what do you dream about, sea or mountains, sea, promotions with a drawing of thirty trips for 400,000 are coming soon, buy tickets at mail, leon dream lottery, attention, butterfli, oh, buy cheap air tickets to aviasales, aviasales. i want everything to be beautiful, love and passion, how i want to try, it could end badly, say that you don’t love him, i’m telling him to hell, i don’t need him, clean from june 24, look only at new products, oh -oh-oh-oh,
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your favorite flavors of rolton noodles in a new pack. vc the fest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities across the country. powerful lip. and your favorite hits, popular speakers and bloggers. they are waiting for you at vka fest. buy tickets to vk fest. ru white friday with cashback discounts dazzlingly profitable realmi 11 smartphone for only 17.999 m video eldorado, the main expert in white technology. for 135 years now, the tradition has remained unchanged on every table in georgia. borjomi is a symbol
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of hospitality and home. barjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes. owe for subscriptions that, albeit by accident, you connected, it’s unfair that for this is what subscribers paid, hidden subscriptions do not threaten tele2 subscribers, our auto-protection always works, we will meet with you only if he connects you with his hand, tele2 has different rules, they are already over 70, whoever gives
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50 maximum, i see you 25, like oleg gazmanov stopped time, well done! oleg has no belly at all, i have a small one , sanechka, how old are you, i say, 75, and you run around like that, why is daria dontsova afraid of her classmates? dash, you look amazing, lerochka, every year it becomes more and more expensive, like becoming a captain at 80 hockey team? i liked it when you didn’t have a beard, you were so young, handsome, conquer the podium at 90, now your great-grandchildren are going for walks. as you wish, let me live for myself, jump into the abyss so that my grandchildren will envy, conquer the highest peak of the world, oleg, tell me, would you risk jumping like that if your homeland orders it? the old robbers in the program the stars aligned, today 20:20 on ntv. technologists
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add bait to the feed, for example, burnt sugar. technology cats love the taste and smell of caramel, adding and caramelizing substances in food, precisely in order to attract, or sweet jerusalem artichoke syrup, give a specific taste. which pets like and they will eat this food with great appetite. and another one of the favorite smells of cats and dogs is the aroma of liver, which is why they put it in every second food, well, because of its cheapness, of course. this will be a more attractive product for the animal, but in terms of nutritional value it will be significantly inferior to those feeds that use, for example, meat. and if you give food containing liver regularly, then the pet may get an overdose.
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a special chemical additive called animal digest, in russia it is usually called digest, here it is in the feed, then we see the digest, the digest is made from animal products, through hydrolysis, fermentation, that is , some biologically attractive substance remains , are these sure-fire flavorings dangerous, how are they also encrypted in the composition of what brands of food do not have the promised meat and fish, but do have mold and antibiotics. what is the ideal composition of lunches for pets, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it. and, by the way, choosing quality food for four-legged animals, and for yourself, will soon become easier. in russia. the first black list of manufacturers will appear, where to look for it, i will tell you in a summary of the most important consumer news, the anti-hit parade, which will appear in a month,
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will include brands that have been caught at least twice for fraud with the composition, in the products of which antibiotics and pesticides were found that are dangerous for bacteria health, the lists will be published on the internet and access to it will be open to absolutely everyone, that is , they will be able to look into... for example, store directors, cafe owners, choosing suppliers, and, of course, ordinary buyers. and this list will definitely include cognac producers. an all-russian inspection showed that every second bottle contained disgusting fake swill. the most common fraud is that expensive cognac distillate, which is aged for several months, or even years, in special ones. in barrels they are replaced with ordinary, non-grape, wheat or potato alcohol. in law such a fake
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has no right to bear the respectable name of cognac. well, it’s clear that such drinks are not at all aromatic and tasteless. of course, i’ll tell you which brands of alcohol you can’t buy from in one of the upcoming issues. there are a lot of fakes on the cheese display, and this is especially true for edam cheeses. gaudasitor, on which there are no guests, almost like in the joke: there is cheese, but there is no guest, but very soon standards will appear. according to the results of the latest checks, every fourth gaod, every fifth edam, every tenth telsitor are fakes. often on factories replace milk fat with vegetable fat. pseudo-cheeses are produced using this recipe. biberland, brasov cheeses, i eat cheeses. cheese valley, they say, we do what we want, since the standard is not written down, and even if the cheese contains only milk, then the taste of the same television from different manufacturers is completely different,
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but new standards should restore order, there will be fewer liberties, predictability of aroma and taste more, the authors of the state standards promise. currently , many types of litter of this type are produced according to technical specifications and standards organization, national... will establish uniform requirements for all manufacturers who will produce such types of cheeses as galde, telesitor and pidan, the first edition is planned for release at the end of may and is planned to be approved in may next year. well, it’s a paradox, when cola leaked out of russia, it was immediately replaced by imports, it turned out that there was no secret formula, and it was possible to make it one-to-one, although disputes still raged. it turned out that there are a lot of experts around who manage to distinguish subtle flavors, undertones, notes in wood chips, nuances, shades, it’s a pity that it’s not the same with cheese, but
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most russians didn’t have a chance to try a truly rich cheese. among them, of course, there are no owners of huge cheese factories, who in russia often fight not for flavor and taste, but for low cost at any cost. therefore, cheese is the permanent number one in the ranking of the lowest quality products, because the formula for building a competitive industry is also not secret. shame and harsh ruinous sanctions for crooks. blacklists of products are real support for those who respect the law, well and in general the people around. this will be a mature approach, mature as cheese. and now, as promised, let’s look at the composition of milk sausages, the sales of which soar in may and remain
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high. all summer and it’s clear why, although it ’s not tricky, it’s still an alternative to barbecue, although it’s not to say that it’s budget-friendly, a kilo of pork costs on average 450 rubles. a kilo of beef is 500, and for a kilo of sausages they also ask for at least half a thousand, and it is still unknown whether they will contain... food pork and beef, so here are milk sausages from the brands: mikayan, snezana, velkom, blizhnie hills, outskirts, butcher's row, remit, which ones were used for the best, bones, sinews and skins, which e. coli feasts on, and which ones can be purchased for a picnic and for a home-made lunch,
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traditional. russian milk sausages are a pork-beef tandem, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s an expensive fillet or penny sinews, there shouldn’t be any chicken in milk sausages, but in the mikayan sausage they mixed chicken, as well as cheap pork skin, although they openly wrote about cheapeners on the label, this means there are no legal claims, but they forgot to mention the carage on the pack, this is already a violation law, deception! although everything is logical, when you mix minced meat from scraps, you can’t do without a stabilizer, otherwise the sausages will fall apart, and you can’t pump water into them, it has flag-retaining properties and improves the consistency, the butcher row found starch in sausages, however, this consistency improver is the guest not prohibited, just know that there are sausages without stabilizers, there is snow in the sausages, vylkom, nearby slides
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were found. it’s not at all necessary to overpay, don’t switch, after the advertisement there will be milk sausages from which brands, soaked antibiotics, advertised lotions for acne and gadgets to combat them, will only squeeze money out of your pocket, oh, he still leaves such pithes, these are hemorrhages, how to get rid of black and white dots on the face without disfiguring yourself forever, just not
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stopped on time, how much? lisini was found in food for cats and dogs, which does not contain meat and fish, day salmon is declared there, but salmon is absent, how special baits are encrypted in the composition, which force pets to gobble up food with any composition, we can there and make them eat tasteless food, what if the bank has only banking services, without vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they? that's it, bank ural vulture, nothing extra, throw it away to come back, why, there is so much new ahead, riding on a star, never mind towards the wind, towards an unfulfilled dream, spring. lada boldly forward,
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we have an urgent matter, some major from yaroslavl called the authorities. found some criminal killed with an awl in the ear? a blow to the ear, it's specific, it's like a fingerprint, and now they want us dug up the entire archive in a week in search of similar crimes, and throughout the union, i heard right, it was shalonnus who was killed, a certain ivan burdasov, you can make a psychological portrait of this man, is he alive or, this is a mystery, the leningrad archive burned down in forty-two , he can change personalities and... yes, this is scum, she shouldn’t live, you hear, you won’t leave, creature, not today, the ultimate measure, a series based on real events, something is
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wrong with this hospital, i’m all there i'll blow it to hell, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, kingfisher, new season from june 29 at 13:00 on ntv.
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seeds from martin, the quality is always top notch, for back and joint pain, nice activ is an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation, nice activ is to reduce pain and its goal. vk fest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities across the country. and yours. favorite hits, popular speakers, bloggers, waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, ving series, i want everything to be beautiful, love and passion, how you want to try, it could end
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badly, say that you don’t love him , i'm sending him to hell with it, i don’t need it, clean since june 24, look only at new products. magnet, fruit-motive juice drinks 999. magnet, price just right. beyond, new season with timur eremeev. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. kitchen appliances make the life of any housewife easier. they cut, chop, grind, beat. but where to get the money for such variety, and how to find space in the kitchen? don't rack your brains. order an electric one. the lightning sword from lyamax, it will replace half of your kitchen appliances, instantly chop vegetables for salad and become absolutely indispensable during the winter preparation period, it will prepare the perfect minced meat for cutlets or fruit and berry puree for jam and
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marmalade, grind coffee and chop nuts for your baking, just change the knives, the lightning will do the rest for you, save your energy, time and money , call to order electricity. this rubbish will not kill a new dish or pan, although in theory these sausages are already ready for consumption from the factory, in general, you need to cook again and for at least 10 minutes, so mikayan sausages are chur-chur-chur, all the others are safe, but
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impeccable, outskirts and remit, and i remind producers that you can become the winner of the section only by doing your job honestly and valuing your clients just like our team... consumer supervision values ​​the trust of tv viewers, hello, what are you cooking, cabbage rolls? no, steak, what kind of steak, vegetable steak or something? well, look, you haven’t eaten enough meat from trans-maya yet, you’re full, that ’s why we’re preparing cabbage steak. to deserve a normal beef steak according to grigory mosin, you must eat cabbage steaks 6 days a week, and large steaks from cabbage, cabbage steak, with cabbage, cut the cabbage into... the steaks were poured with some kind of
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cream, and it doesn’t matter what kind of cream there is, what kind of cream there is in the house, it’s still diluted, add a little paprika, a cup of salt, hungry, i used to be sure that there was no difference which side, but after you said that our consumer supervision has proven, proven, proven. fry the onion until tender, transparent,
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caramelized, i’ll throw in some more words, consistency, i’ll add a few tomatoes to the onion, i’ll cut the tomato into cubes, but one tomato is not enough, the tomato paste is wonderful, slightly fry it with... first, separately, slightly dampen the acidity of the paste, thanks to sugar for this, it’s always better to lightly fry it together with sugar, it will be more flavorful side by side fried it first, right there, what else to do, and now the sausages, mm, well, it's absolutely amazing, now you probably know this sauce? barbecue, yes, just a buzz, acid,
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smoke, a couple of spoons, this dish is already brilliant in itself, but it’s just half the dish, you know, half the dish, no more needed, oh, it’s just water, not just water, and the purest water, and a few peas. well , a little, but just a handful, okay, well, more, more, well, and more, oh, okay, let it all come down on low heat, you cut greens very well, cut one sprig of dill, you don’t need much, even faster, fingers, here, here, here, that's it, that's it, but when...
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you can take cheese, for example, with blue mold, green mold, it doesn't matter, that is, it shouldn't be shikhon style with blue mold, it's strange, dangerous, everything, you can grate it, you can cut it, i just take it straight away, it’s very a simple version of cheese for me, that is, sauce, i really like it, cheese, cream, time, great, let it sit, freeze, gain
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intelligence, reason, i took out the cabbage, but it was just very good, and it became softer, it became tender, well, now you need to fry it, fry it thoroughly with a mixture of butter and vegetable oil, right to the crust, and of course a little bit of our... here's a wonderful sauce, but cook it right away, it's very, well, just sweet, very tasty. the most, the most, the most delicious, the most delicious cabbage steak, the sausages are also excellent, coat your face with a thick layer in a circular motion, and preferably before going to bed,
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and preferably alone, especially because the smell, to be honest, is so-so, it’s beef fat, but a mask made from it is a cosmetic trend of the season, which supposedly helps get rid of acne, yes, you can twist your finger at your temple, but one thing is clear: these are all... ineradicable guests on the face, pimples, blackheads, papules, pustules, comedones, which can drive you to despair, which is why a bestseller on marketplaces is this mini
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vacuum cleaner for faces that seem like effectively cleanses pores, but cosmetologists warn against such beauty shams. it’s fantastically dangerous, especially in this area, which is called the triangle of death, there seem to be so many vessels, and because of this, the infection instantly penetrates the brain. but maybe it’s cosmetologists who are simply luring away their clientele and it’s competitors who are trying to squeeze each other out of the fat market of products and methods for combating tumors, this is a whole industry, so which of all these products has been proven
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to help cleanse the skin, and what will only pull money from your wallet? i can’t decide to delete these photos of galina from my phone, it’s like a different person in the photo, but it’s her, she just squeezed out a pimple, she took her first-grader daughter to the ceremony, i mean i pressed something there, i pressed, and in general an action that is unusual for me, but in the morning i wake up , the entire upper side began to swell, then the swelling slowly began to slide down, when i arrived at this school, my parents started making noise.
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impossible to do, even if it seems that he is ready to just get out, especially if this is a large element, but the process of squeezing out fascinates many, as does watching such videos on the internet, they evoke mixed, nauseating, meditative emotions, these are pimples, these are blackheads, by the way, these are essentially the same thing in different stages, it’s called acne , the skin is covered with pores in which the sebaceous glands are located... almost always hair follicles, the glands secrete sebum to protect the skin from drying out burns and scratches, but if the gland overdoes it due to hormonal changes and problems in the body, then the sebum becomes more, it can clog a pore or the passage can be blocked by dead skin cells, dust and dirt, then the sebum oxidizes and this is how
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a disease called acne breaks down, one of its manifestations is comedones, they are usually called blackheads, they are closed... closed and look white tubercles, they are not inflamed, do not hurt and are not very noticeable, but if bacteria begin to multiply in a clogged pore, then these comedones turn black and increase in size. if you delay and do not contact a dermatologist, the inflammation will become stronger, an abscess will appear, which commonly called a pimple. by the way, from the word “sprinkle”, if nothing is done, scars appear, the rash multiplies, and the upper layers of the skin are affected. that even after curing acne, scars remain on the face, but it seems, so what? it’s easier to squeeze it out and let it heal. natalya admits that she became addicted to squeezing out blackheads, and it became a bad habit, like biting her nails,
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but every time she drove infections under the skin. it all started to grow all over the nose , then it started to spread to the cheeks. and i just didn’t stop on time, i wasn’t like that very pimply, but i just didn’t stop in time. in the summer of twenty-two , natalie had an operation so that she could at least breathe normally, eat and drink not through a straw, it was necessary to stop, i want to tell everyone to stop, but it turns out that this is not even considered the most tragic consequence, here are articles with a frightening headline about a triangle of death on the face, inside of which is something?
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breeds have most of their face, and if you decide to squeeze something out in this area, you introduce an infection there, then it can get into the head brain, through the vessels from this triangle , infections actually more easily overcome the protective barriers of the brain. a feature of death triangles is that the veins in this area easily fuse with the lining of the brain. and the bacterial infection, accordingly quickly penetrating into the venous bed, easily affects.
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skin, as well as deep-lying blackheads . these are micro vacuum cleaners. and such ultrasonic scrubbers have become a bestseller. you watch our consumer surveillance and don’t switch, because again i have something to surprise you with. advertised lotions from acne. and gadgets to combat them will only squeeze money out of your pocket, what pharmaceutical product for 20 rubles will really cleanse the skin? i
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really like this composition better. how much mold was found in cat and dog food ? which do not contain meat or fish. denka salmon show up there, but salmon are missing. how special baits are encrypted in the composition, which force pets to gobble up food with any composition. we can even force people to eat tasteless food there. polina gagarina. high-flying singer, create worlds, look at the sky, it brings me incredible pleasure, because i do all this solely because of a great desire for interest in life and out of love for the profession that i do. russian reaction time by yegor druzhinin, the time project was music for the elite, it was not music for everyone. i like this style, it is so very sophisticated, moderately sexy and... he invited me
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to listen to his wife, a singer, i listened and was completely delighted. i believe that this is one of the breakthroughs in our film music; it happened in this film. one day, today at 14:05 on ntv. higher. safer there! beline is the safest operator. try more this summer. free delivery from a delicious point in yandex
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device is an ultrasonic scriber, it is portable, but its frequency of ultrasonic vibrations is very low, well, it’s also like nothing. in addition, acne at home without experience can be confused, for example, with the so-called millet, these are also acne, but special, such white dots are called milia, they do not have access to the surface, dermatologists explain. that is, the fat in them does not oxidize, and it is almost impossible to squeeze them out with your nails, when they start trying to squeeze out these milia on their own, the inflammatory process begins to worsen, at home they often try to poke these milia with a needle, they also do this in many beauty salons, but professional doctors warn, what so and the eyes are easy to damage, and milia often
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grow around the eyes, and infection can also occur anywhere. to spread, this is still a dirtier way to remove a formation on the skin of the face, because in essence we are transplanting the entire flora from one formation to other areas of the skin. employees of cosmetology salons who post such videos either skimp on special safe equipment or do not know about its existence. for example, a radio wave scalpel using current at a certain frequency literally evaporates the surface closed eel. galina's temple area was cleaned this way. today is another session. now, in fact, i have come to the conclusion that i am ready to move on. and on the cheeks. now i just have to be patient to finish the remaining areas of the skin so that it is as clean and smooth as my weight. to avoid
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all these cleansings, doctors advise to monitor the nutrition of hygienic skin. and the shelves are full of cosmetics, advertisements that promise that acne doesn’t stand a chance. but some have bubbles. no chance to pass the expertise of a biotechnologist, just ordinary soap, it also washes away blackheads if you rub it, but for me, activated carbon is marketing, sodium solicylate is great, salicylic acid is great, lactic acid is also a known antimicrobial substance, i really like this composition more, oh... i love it, you see here, this is how milk is, this is how a care product should look, they can’t, well , look like if they contain zinc oxide and
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so on, then they can’t just be transparent, this is pasha, he washes himself thoroughly every day, viral advertising of the late nineties did not lie and salicylic acid is really what the doctor ordered. good soap, but sasha likes his new gel better, wow, pasha has acne, and sasha, as you can see, pasha walks in a helmet, and sasha walks with dasha. but a product with multimillion-dollar advertising budgets costs 1,500, and a bottle of simple salicylic acid without fragrance dyes in any pharmacy is only 20 rubles. yes, it’s better to go for it after consulting a dermatologist, everyone’s skin is different. and now is the time back to the topic of pet food quality . we have already found out that store-bought food
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for dogs and cats is not just healthy fast food, as some believe, but truly complete nutrition, and not everyone can prepare a dish with such a composition at home, explains the chief quality specialist at the plant in ramenskoye. industrial feeds are being developed. there are age specifics, activity and so on of the animal, that is, there it becomes balanced, because it contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for health, at home we are like this we cannot provide a complete diet, because we must calculate how many vitamins need to be given per day, how many minerals need to be given, so svetlana feeds her white swiss shepherd only what she brings from work, and i have a dog.
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the concentration is small, but veterinarians have the term chronic toxicity, which is when toxins accumulate and systematically poison the body. an animal that has periodically received these toxins may simply have a number of diseases that are associated with the central nervous system, up to paralysis. at the same time, the pet will gobble up such food with a beastly appetite, often this is not because the food is high-quality, but because of the abundance of flavors,
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our or the dog feels that everything is in order, although in fact this food is very far from fish, but in taste, in smell , maybe in consistency, even it can completely resemble this fish, but the business of... production and sale of food is too appetizing and attracts lovers of quick profits, so you have a lot of food on the shelves that are involved from penny bones flour and vegetable fiber, for example, there is corn, there is wheat, when you eat this food there is a sharp jump in blood sugar, many manufacturers say that no, we earn little, no, it is very marginal, from the factory a kilogram of premium food costs about 50 to 100 rub, and then this premium food is already in a beautiful package with... but
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because of the juicy aroma of digests, pets gobble up such food with low nutritional value on both cheeks, critically missing the substances without which hair falls out and joints lose mobility, vision decreases, organs fail, the label states animal meat, but it is not included, in particular, for example, denka salmon, it is stated there, but there is no salmon, or denka rabbit. there is absolutely no rabbit there, yes, laws that should train, tame and pacify the criminal appetites of some food producers, for essentially the most defenseless, alas toothless, dog lovers, cat lovers, to prove that their pets got sick and even died due to poor quality food, almost impossible, my friend mike, who is on the air our consumer supervision also appeared, who was 12 years old, also died unexpectedly and quickly, in a healthy dog.
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who was regularly examined, his liver failed, he was in kursk at that moment, and it turned out that there is not a single veterinarian-gastroenterologist in the entire vast region, that is, to provide competent assistance to a sick animal, there is often no one to do this in a matter of hours, even if he is ready pay any money, bailout, left me alone, so the responsibility on the feed manufacturers... is colossal, make a choice for breeders, now, i hope, it’s a little easier. every story in every person's life begins with the word "one day." once polina gagarina admitted: “in my life i would never be able to withstand a centrifuge, everything would have carried me away at the first turn, so i’m sorry.”
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gagarin, on the eve of launch into a new world. one day mary poppins flew away, almost, but it remained. i helped indirectly, not directly, but i helped by being her husband. once yegor druzhinin recorded the end of a beautiful era. this may be of interest to all people who appreciate the fine art of dance, for those people who strive for beauty. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period begins every month, service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day a television magazine about the famous.


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