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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 24, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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his heart recovered, in general, he died at this stop, and his grandmother kept this bottle, such a memento mori, some reminder that making plans is such a reckless activity, in different and almost always difficult times here they knew how to eat and pray , certainly to love, maybe not everyone could do both equally easily , but if they did, then... here on the spit of vasilyevsky island you feel the taste of the holiday especially vividly, we experimented well with fairy-tale kisses, used the menu as a palette, we were convinced , what st. petersburg taste can look and even sound picturesque. the sixth sense tells you that to get the full experience, it’s time to use your hearing. and the cannon from the petrovola fortress agrees with me. then we will continue to listen to our favorite city.
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you fit in completely, do you think there is a way back? after all, i can give you material, i figured it out with my stupid head!
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yeah, sign here, please, here,
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i need your male help, i mean? andrey, i just can’t carry bags of cement myself, please, my car is in repairs, i beg you, please, how can i refuse my beloved neighbor, really, of course, thank you very much, i’ll be right back, i’ll be quick, a worker only if it’s quick, uh, not this, what are you going to do, this is what you need, ah, ah, as always at the most crucial moment, what happened? lenka, i don’t know what happened, the car won’t start.
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as always, what to do now, we need to fix it, take it to a service center, call a tow truck, of course, now, wait a second, yes, georgievich, the car broke down, why are you making me look like a boy? you reprimand me, i’ll be there, well, i’ll be there like a bayonet, georgivich, well, well, i’ll be there now, that’s it, come on, she’ll come herself, no, yes, andryusha, no, i give you the officer’s word, i’ll do everything by the evening, the workers will already come in the evening and everything must be bought, but i promise you, i’ll have everything done by the evening, really, really, i’ll wait, wait, bye, so, let’s
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ask people in the yard to go door-to-door, okay, well, who’s going where, i’m in the yard, and you're going around the apartments, going for a light jog, and you wouldn't mind doing some exercise either, so i'll stretch out in the yard, i'm good to you. what about the dead man? wife children? yes, no, no wife, not children, descended from the fifth floor, his head was torn off on the way, it’s valuable, the work is like that, hey, science, what’s up, we decided on the garden machine, the explosives engineer says a shell-free explosive device, 200 grams of tnt, remote-controlled fuse , well , of course there are no fingerprints, it’s clear that it’s an initiating device, a key fob, like a car alarm. oleg georgievich, come down for a minute, expert, take over our science, and,
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judging by the model, the wi-fi signal should go to a computer or laptop, that’s right, killer he should have known when... the victim would enter the elevator, although it’s strange, smernov was getting ready to go to work, so he was traveling from top to bottom, he says, do you understand what you need to ask the residents? yes, to which computer was the signal with the picture transmitted, well, you have to be a complete idiot to blow up a victim in the entrance where you live or rent an apartment, try to find out who could install this camera, i understand, that means i ’ll talk to the headquarters of the mortal, mobile phone, do you have a victim? i’ve already removed the typos, okay, let’s go through the contacts, okay, work, good, yes, come on,
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hello, i'm from the police, homicide department, i have a few questions, well, let's, happily, yes, i don't really understand it myself, maybe the alternator belt is loose, maybe something else, you've been here for a long time, yes with half a deck, i just can’t figure it out, what’s wrong with it, but please remember, around nine o’clock they didn’t notice anything suspicious in the yard, well, some cars, people, i mean, when there was an explosion, but no other people’s cars there were
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people, the son was spinning in the trash heap just when it exploded, and what was he doing in the trash heap, well what, what, was he picking his teeth? he was probably taking out the trash, he stood there for some time, looking at something, when it exploded, how he behaved, when it exploded, he also rushed, where, home, well, where is the house, well, here, over there first entrance, fifth floor, uh-huh, thank you, great, what a traffic jam, damn it, the car broke down, i took it to the service center, what do you have here, listen, let's go to one apartment, i'll explain everything on the way. open up the police, why? your neighbor was blown up in the elevator, a survey of residents is underway. valera, check, uh-huh,
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good afternoon, who was blown up? citizen of smirny, employee of the illegal department. weapons circulation, didn’t you hear the explosion? valerie, we only returned at 8:00 in the morning, it was so wonderful, the explosion sounded nearby. thank you very much for your assistance, you are extremely kind, who’s there? hello,
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hello, police, homicide department, what apartment do vasilyeva live in? i knew that you would find me, is it me, what am i? “i caused an explosion, i went to take out the trash, i saw the keychain was lying on the ground, i thought that someone had lost it, why did i press it, well, i wanted to find out who the owner was, i thought, i pressed it, the alarm goes off on the car, i find out, well , it’s clear where the key fob is, when i pulled it, i threw it there, i ran home, you study, you work, i study at the painting department at the academy of arts. oh, we were lucky, but what
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will happen to me now? will you sit with us for a while and think about the meaning of life, alexei smirnov, you know? no, who is it? the operative whose head was torn off in the elevator because of you. what can you say about the deceased? police for 12 years, in my department for the last five, came from the earth, a competent opera, he had a family, with i divorced my wife about three years ago, there were no children, i broke up with my ex, they exchanged the apartment, they didn’t maintain the relationship, what have i been doing lately, lately i was running a business for rynda’s group, almost all of them. they took the sixes who didn’t decide anything, yeah, leftists or custom cases, you see, we don’t have
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an economics department, our topics are not monetary, every topic is monetary, if you know the approach, sergei stepanovich, without your frankness, we won’t solve the murder of your operative , or do you want to say that cops are killed for their honesty, there was nothing like that, at least at smirny, of course, sorry, yes. whoever was detained, surely this vasiliev is the real perpetrator of the murder, let rodanov take him to the department, that’s all, well, sergei stepanovich, i said everything, it’s clear. so, the month on the part of those imprisoned by smirnov has not yet been confirmed, right? well, not yet, but perhaps
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the reason is the uncleanliness of smirny himself. but his leadership denies this. well, you can understand them, who wants to make troubles. so you think that honest police officers are not killed? well, why do they kill igor sergeevich, but only when detaining especially dangerous criminals do they blow up in their own elevator, in our department, no one is going to blow up anyone. but if he was going to give protection to someone or threatened to put him in jail if they didn’t pay him for it, then, well, we’ll have to check this version, allow it already, yes, of course, thank you, georgivich, the last one smirnov called on the phone in the morning , this is vadik raisky, 1987, going through operational accounting like a black digger, in recent days they have had about a dozen calls. i dictate the address, i write it down, yes,
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please, yeah, i wrote it down, that’s it, allow one more call, of course, rumyantsev is listening, this is lieutenant colonel solovets, again, tell me, was smirnov developing a certain paradise? raisky, it seems he was developing it, yes, but this already clarifies something, thank you, please, well, we have another candidate for the killer. now let’s go there, guys, igor sergeevich, i have a request to you, you can’t put any pressure on the authorities of smirny, but so that they are with us by revelation, okay, okay, go, yeah, oh, pen, here's your orientation, let's
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register as a citizen.
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well, why are you calling, he’s not at home, good afternoon, excuse me, for god’s sake, i’m from the police, tell me, who are you related to vadim raisky, i’m his neighbor, and where he is, i have no idea, he’s an uncommunicative comrade, he really walks around here there’s a girl coming to see him, people are calling him, maybe he’s gone to see her, you won’t tell me luda’s address by chance, they didn’t provide me with registration reports, thank you, vasily, send me a number, surname raisky, just hang it out for a minute, there’s a signal in the holguin area, but the subscriber is moving, so it’s impossible
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to determine the exact location, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, i understood you, well done, promptly, and... in the name of lyudmila, well, try the registration address, am i like a rocket to you, or what? listen, don’t grumble, but work, let’s go to your holgina, or wherever you need to be, i’ll call you as soon as i get through, okay, that’s all for now, great, captain, igor, would you like to come with me? drive out of town, where, where, to holgina, behind raisky, we must, we must, come on, i ’m waiting for you there, we’ll cross paths there, that’s it, see you, hello, yes, in general, i found the data that you i asked her, her name is tereshchenko lyudmila, she lives in olgina, solnechnaya street, building 7.
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suspicious silence, so, there is someone in the house, yeah, it looks like i’m welcome, well, let me go in peace at the door, and you stand by the window. paradise, open up, police, paradise, we know you're home, open up, ah, don't get hurt,
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don't kill, man, don't kill, are you crazy or something, no one is going to kill you. everything is ready, come on, who are you, who, who, the criminal investigation department, came to visit you, and you greet us so impolitely, therefore, he is very much guilty, but what is he to blame for, what happened, the driver will go, you will collect, you will tell everything, in good spirit, yes, what are you saying, that he is here, i didn’t kill anyone, how many times can i repeat, i confessed, yes no, so far, he says, he hasn’t undermined any peace. no, they all say that at first, and then once he blew it up, sit down, but what do we know, you are engaged in black digging, maybe you understand the secrets, yeah, why should i kill a gentleman, i’m his agent, well, yes...
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that’s what i i thought it was some kind of trick bandit, to lure you out of the house, yes,
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allow me, oleg georgievich, oh, come in, hello, hello, come on, lieutenant colonel, don’t be shy, it won’t go further than us, the heavenly one didn’t lie to you, he really did. it won’t be, okay, morning, good, well,
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they repaired my steel horse, no, no, not yet, how not, where is it, by the way, they moved it to another box, there’s a lot of work on it, why, what happened , the cv joint has fallen, which cv joint, did you change it for me a month ago? well, that means they changed it badly, you’ve completely lost your fear, guys, yes, lenochka, hello, hello, i’m just working on my car, no, it’s not going yet, but it will be going soon, i promise you, i’ll help, i’ll help, wait a little more, that’s it, come on, i’ll call you later, if it’s not ready today, i’ll apply sanctions , what sanctions, for starters? i’ll check the license, so why didn’t you say right away, everything will be ready in an hour, look, i’m waiting, uh-huh, a blow to
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the ear with an awl, it’s like a fingerprint, you can make a psychological portrait of this person, but he’s alive or, well is this a riddle? the highest measure, series based on real events, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. where is our new captain? well, radanov has problems with his car, but he promised to be there soon. well, if there are problems with the car, let him take the subway. so, what do we have in the smirny case? well, heavenly as a possible customer disappears.
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we checked the version of revenge of the criminal element and possible domestic motives while still in hot pursuit. they were not confirmed. you are, of course, an experienced opera singer, but i think you should start not from the customer, but from the performer.
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but his device is zero, there are none in the apartment traces of explosives, they took swabs from vasiliev himself, also according to zeros, tell me, what if they wanted to blow up nesmerny, what if they just made the wrong target, but i wonder who then, there is a suitable character, he lives on the fourth floor, i’ll tell you, rude creepy, well, what do you think, they decided to blow him up in the elevator for his rudeness, blow half his head off, just because he was rude, well, what’s his last name? rakitin, yeah, a famous person, a former crime boss, made quite a mark in the nineties. i see, have you reforged now? yes, now he reputable businessman. well, okay, even if so, a lot of questions still remain, how did this keychain, from which the explosion was initiated, end up in the trash? why did killer dump him? i don't know, lost? unclear. well, in
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general, why are you sitting? they expressed a version, let's work it out, yes, allow it, don't break the door, the colonel says, it's my fault, i think i'm a little late, your comrades will tell you everything, yes, they're free, come on, go to rokitin, try to get him to talk, interview the residents again, maybe someone saw someone suspicious in the house or in the yard the day before.
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300 rub. i really should, borya, i’m sorry. so how did you make the car? not yet. can you imagine, in one service, to put it mildly, they transferred me to another, and now i’m waiting. take the metro? thank you, borenka, you are a kind person on the metro. i desperately need a car. you know, i have such a charming neighbor, she asked me to go to the construction market, buy materials for her, and repair her. but if you have a charming neighbor, we’ll arrange a ride for you. yes. well, try it, well just look at him, doesn’t he ever leave here? don’t say, it’s 25 again, hello, good day, what’s happening this time, hello, but i changed the alternator belt, but it still stalls at idle, maybe i can scrap it, don’t mind, but you’re talking about
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yesterday’s explosion, so exactly. i told you everything yesterday, but no, thank you very much for yesterday, we are more interested in, maybe you saw something suspicious that happened a little earlier, earlier, well, well, this is also yesterday, the bodyguard of our courtyard oligarch i clashed with some guy in a garbage dump at 8:00 in the morning, but i saw it from the window, this tycoon’s name by chance wasn’t raketin, raketin, you ’re clear, why didn’t you tell me about this yesterday? why didn’t you ask? and now they are dragging all the information out of you with pincers? i don’t know why they fought? well, how do i know, they didn’t divide up the garbage at the dump, this one-armed guy broke free from him and ran through the yards. yeah, he's also one-armed? well, yes, he had a prosthetic instead of a left hand, but he didn’t have a hump? there was no hump. amazing, my voice is terrible, what are you from? did the windows see it all? well, yes, but when he
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took his hand out of his pocket. margot, can you imagine how many former sappers are registered in the military registration and enlistment office, there are not many one-armed ones, if he were still hunchbacked, would such a car be suitable for an excursion to the supermarket? storm, thank you, you are a real friend, great, guys, a taxi has arrived, guys , of course, i’m tired of it, great, by the way, the canteen is open, it’s hard
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to beat, shura. okay, yes, buy shurik some buns on the way, he eats straw like a horse. okay, i’ll buy it, lenochka, well, get ready, i’m ready, i’ll be there now, your prince is on a white horse, so citizen raketin, don’t want to be frank with us, i’m used to taking care of my own safety, that’s why i’m still alive ... “as i understand it, the police are not trusted, why should i trust you, everything is smooth in my business, so i don’t dare to detain you, but we have a question for your security guard, who did you fight with yesterday in the trash heap, no one, my job is
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to protect the owner, not to throw out garbage, citizen, they are for you they say that you were throwing out the trash, they ask you who you are with got into a fight at 8 a.m. yesterday near the trash heap"? "means we are silent, and you know that we can bring you to trial for refusing to testify, you don’t have the right, even though we have, please, offer bracelets to the exit, let’s pass, don’t see us off, you you will answer for this, definitely!" "hello, gray-haired, what's at my request, i need a russian from underground, it's clear, igor, something
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scares me that he 's walking behind me without handcuffs, maybe you can put on some bracelets, and you know , let’s put it on anyway, yeah, but your boss is okay, as long as he’s walking around without security, the boss can’t go without security, especially now”? why can’t this now be without security? can you tell me? so, okay, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll tell you everything. in general, we arrived from the country early in the morning, i saw some pepper was rubbing in the trash, but i decided to check it just in case. yeah, well, what did you check? yes, what kind of one did he check, i just grabbed him, and he hit me under the eye, i sympathize, but you didn’t see anything; he didn’t lose anything? yes, i didn’t... i was before this, okay, go back, just don’t leave the city anywhere with the boss, uh, and the boss is going out of town to his wife, they have a villa there, we if i were you, we’d sit at home, let’s go and lubricate it
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with something. please, thank you, so, let's start unloading, yeah, let me help, are you crazy, or what? how are you doing this alone? it’s you, well, first of all, i’m not alone, sleigh over there will help, really, sleigh, it’s a long way to drag, but the first floor of everything, oh my, come on, i’ll open the door now, uh, young people, yes - yes, you and your beer are coming here, and what happened, we are breaking it, which means, yes, we are drinking alcohol in a public place, by the way, the street is a public place, since the law came out, since then he has been in public, and in our country, offenses are punishable
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by administrative imprisonment for 15 days, maybe we can agree, maybe we can, but we can work it off, we hand over the beer here, we take the bag and drag it together, the apartment is on the left, like that, yes yes, yes, i’ll open it. oh, hello, venyamin, i greet you like life,
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thank you, move along, little by little, everyone has their own problems, as i understand it, you didn’t call me for my life, just ask, georgivich. the answer i can give you is coffee and a glass of water. tell me, do you know rakitin? with garik? forgot what topic we discussed with him in the nineties? well, then we both got away with it, i then really sat down for other sins, but he remained free and turned into a nit. what's wrong with him now? a person can turn into a nit, but back again. ven, i am not interested in raketin’s personal characteristics. i understand what you need. i don’t know the customer, i’ll say right away, but what was in the elevator was not the first attempt to destroy it. that is, there has already been an attempt on his life? yes, garik was recently shot, but you...
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igor, take margarita, go to the military registration and enlistment office, punch a one-armed disabled person named rus. yes, rus. what? well done for figuring it out yourself. well, since we have a nickname, i think things will progress. yes. all. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lenka. i've wanted you for a long time. to say that what
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you are after all, but come here now, you are free, like birds in a clear sky, and if you want a beer, then go to the bar, alcoholics, goodbye, thank you, well, shura, you are a bugger, of course, but thank you , please contact me, but you ’re tired, we’ll sort it out, thank you very much, goodbye, all the best, that’s it, and to you, andrey, thank you very much, but you’re welcome, i’m i promised you, yes, coffee, yes, good, service.
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5:30 am
good afternoon, uh-huh, hello, you are selling a car, but yes, in excellent condition, all-wheel drive, turbine, never damaged, no mileage in russia, clearly, captain rydanov, criminal investigation department, well, your guys came here, i’m here for you there will be only two questions, the first - rakitina’s bodyguard fought with this, and well, yes, one-armed, exactly, yeah, thank you, second, question, the year of customs clearance, but 2003, it’s not a shame to deceive people, successful sale. no debt yet, andryukh, well, somewhere, we are you
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we’re waiting, what, what, well, we’re still at the entrances, my love, well, you ’ve been living in st. petersburg for a long time, i must say, not the entrance, but the front door, i’ll learn, i’ll learn, let it go already, you’re like family, i’m sorry , he has already come down, where are you? yes, i'm coming, i'll be there right away. that's it, we 're running, why are you standing there, we galloped, yeah,
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what are you talking about, well, it's clear, everything's all over, imagine, this is the rocket house, oh well, it's the same one, we need to control this character more closely, well, then we'll decide along the perimeter, let's go there, and i'll follow him.
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go! well, igor, you’re on time as always, why did the guy love me so much, we’re quick for a one-armed man, yeah, well, ritka, we couldn’t have done it without you, thank you, oh well, i love you guys mutually. sakov, of course, you can continue to lock yourself away, this is your right, but we have enough evidence to put you in prison for the murder of an employee of the criminal investigation department of smirny, and this is not counting the rest of the bunch with the illegal storage and manufacture of weapons, explosives , explosive devices, and rakitin in the zone of you
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he’ll get it easily, keep this in mind, by the way, he won’t wait until he gets to the prison, he’ll get it in the pre-trial detention center, so you might not live to see the trial. and if i actively help the investigation, can you protect me? well, i think we can, and write down about the second attempt, voluntary refusal to commit a crime, okay, who ordered rakitin, no one, my orderer was rakitin, what? so, come on, come on, he ordered me the polish of that, his competitor, gave me strict deadlines, you won’t get close to this crap, the security is cleaner than the president’s, and rakitin hinted that if i didn’t complete the order in 2 days, he would bury me himself, and you decided
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to get rid of the intractable customer, he accidentally got caught up in the mess, if the bodyguard raketin hadn’t clung to me, a tough bastard, he barely escaped, here’s the keychain and dropped, well, who knew that someone would pick him up and foolishly press him, and rakitin’s security guard didn’t recognize you, and he didn’t even see me, rokitin would warm up extra ears with his plans, when he made the order for loskutov, he was with me tet-tet said, listen, why are you even in the trash got stuck, it wouldn’t have been easier to press the key fob from the car, but in the yard there was no place to hide in the car, the garbage dump was the only place where the signal reached the elevator, okay, repeat all this for the record, but why not repeat it if our agreements are valid , okay, andryusha, len,
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i scared you, save me, what? what happened there, you’ll see now, it’s open there, i’m running to save you, that’s it, i’m in captivity, i see that you’re in captivity, well, i’ll save you, hey! that's it, oops, oops, hold on, i'm coming. already, oops, i ask for a saving bridge, thank you,
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carefully, carefully, well, you’re practically saved, thank you.
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well, look, let's turn around, let's go back, bye lyaska, go, look, okay, center, says the eighty-fifth, message about a forced stop, everyone on the way out, we go out one at a time, quickly,
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quickly, quickly, come on, don't slow down, you too, stand, hold him, load these, i’m behind him. i hope everyone understands that the matter is serious, our colleagues have been killed, the matter is under special control,
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yes, absolutely right, oleg georgievich, today there was, so to speak, an interdepartmental scandal, the usinovites wanted to take the matter under their own control wing, but i defended it, we will deal with it, it’s nice to hear that we have escaped prisoners, so, comrade colonel, this is our starodubtsev, born under the nickname cat, twice convicted of theft, this is smetaniya anatoly sergeevich born in 84, nickname tolik, professional car thief, but these cat and tolik, bipods are most likely small, small, but there are larger characters. lyuty, alexey stepanovich, born fifty-eighth, nickname lyuty, founder and leader of an organized criminal group specializing in racket. the organized crime group is fiercely based. works mainly in the region, the last investigative measures were carried out with him before he was imprisoned for 8 years and...


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