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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  June 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

12:00 pm
last correction, there's the dog, you see the dog, you bitch,
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i always have an ace up my sleeve, hello! “i’ve been dreaming of doing this for a long time, you’re alive, go ahead, when your vision improves, both your eyesight and sense of smell will be in a couple of days, and you don’t have to wear glasses, stop pretending to be people in black.”
12:02 pm
yes, i already broke mine anyway, what are you whispering about here? no, nothing to talk about, comrade krushil, everything is fine, i should have gone to gnezdilov. well, are you ready? always ready. the camera turns off exactly at 12. there, it's time!
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police, what a mess, we don't agreed, who, with whom, agreed that you are a moron, give me a saber. take the money and get out of here.
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natasha, natasha, you, you killed her, you killed her. where will you go next to the apartment, they’re standing, come here, forward, like that, stand, remember, beautiful,
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it’s nice, yes, oh, look what. i bought it for you, and oh, as for my best friend, well , it’s beautiful, okay, okay, don’t suffer , just eat, don’t get dry, eat more carefully, you’ll get dirty again, you won’t go for a walk, what do you want, come here, it’s too early to go for a walk , come here, yes, max, we are in trouble, what again? urgently come, right now, len, we
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had plans, max, right now, your best friend is in trouble, no, everything is fine with my best friend, he’s running, maximov is no joke to me. what, he just praised you? you'll ride in the back, pig, follow me, come here, forward, either in the back or on foot, well done!
12:08 pm
well, it happens, but what problems do you have, did you keep the money here? no, leonidov was at the bank during the robbery, oh, and where is he? they took him away, that he was wounded, no, he was accused of murder, it’s not easier yet, to me, why, that’s who, who let him in here? i brought it here i let him in, completely in vain, he will smear all the suspects for me, i’m talking about you, by the way , i understand, i understand, i understand, i shouldn’t have come here, i understand everything here, what you understand is that your hubby, lena, shot an
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innocent person man, that's what you have to prove, your ex-hubby is minding his own damn business, that's the head of security, he himself saw everything with his own eyes. that is , you personally saw who shot the girl? yes, i personally saw who shot the girl, and were you next to her at that moment? yes, he was next to her at that moment, and he called police, what do you say, the head of security is not mine, or what? no, why, he can talk, but what then? well, i just interrogated a person and i know all the answers to all the questions, no questions for you, i have one for the dog, by the way, you don’t want to go to the toilet, if anything, it’s not here...
12:10 pm
please tell me why you decided that it was our employee who killed the girl kasirisha? well, of course, the robbers were armed with shotguns, and the wound on the body was dead. at the christmas tree, and the girl is here, uh-huh, here,
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oh, well done, unexpectedly. found, bullet under table, a very strange trajectory, a ricochet, perhaps so, but give it here, she wanted to hide an important piece of evidence from me, to shield her hubby, i won’t allow it, it won’t work out, dear, can i see you for a minute, that means there may be some kind of pressure on you , are you the eldest? no, yes, my goodness, why did he refuse to execute it according to the ring, because
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it seemed to me that there was something wrong with the will, let them check, maybe you suspect someone, everyone who was convicted. sergei godin, well, we can’t break the law, we can’t, but we can change the situation a little so that it is fair according to the law, alexander nikitin, and check him thoroughly, so that there is something to grab onto, i did not extort any bribes, you know this very well. anna popova, will she still quit? do you think that if you hadn’t worked there and the fim wouldn’t slander me? andrey chadov, call our special forces and blow this door to hell. and anastasia zavorotnyuk in her last role, you will be given a life sentence. bailiffs, premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. the highest measure. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. i enjoy it. reflect yourself, fill the summer with bright images of nazon. fashion weekend on ozone, discounts up to 80%
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on clothes and shoes. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first, opportunities to gain new experiences. a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions! apply for a loan at sbery and receive monthly cashback 2% rate, more profitable with sber prime. troxivazin experts know everything about varicose veins: troxactiv tablets and troxivosin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help strengthen capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv troxyvosin - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy from city health pharmacies.
12:14 pm
i’ll pop in now to feed the cat and go back to pick up my grandson, look, the record is being set, in the morning
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the grandson goes to the garden, then to social security, then to the post office, the grandson from the garden, evening nordic walking to the music, and also this cat started it, you know, what it called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator, to run so briskly, like... the minator is liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken long ago, his back, and i’m telling you, the means she’s from the future, there’s no other way to explain it. sinoden - ease of movement. call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who calls our line, when ordering a course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden completely for free. in this case, you don’t even have to pay for delivery. yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free. okay, let's go
12:16 pm
home. oh, petrovna is already scratching the ski track back for her grandson, girls. by the way, should you ask her in between what kind of sinodent she is? call now to find out detailed information about the drug sinaden, because today anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order the course of sinaden directly from manufacturer, right now by the number on your screen, without any fees... and commission, remember, delivery is also at our expense, cinaden - ease of movement, beyond the new season with timur eremeev, today at 16:45 on ntv. a blow to the ear with an awl, like a fingerprint. can you create a psychological portrait of this person? is he alive or not? but this is
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a mystery. the highest measure, a series based on real events. premiere today. at 20:00 on ntv. well, hello, marika, i’ll be with you for a long time. serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with evie. biggest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy evi subscription for 99 rubles per month. take it away. max, why don't you give him a bath? go to the corner, he sits there. how is lesha? thank you, bad, lyosha, don’t you want to check on your best friend, you checked the bullet, but i lost the gnizdilov? how? and like this. is that why he left you like that? but i found a shot bandit in the database, look. theft,
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theft, theft, storage. got a suspended sentence, a petty thief went for an armed robbery of a bank, well, there’s nothing else on him, well, give me the address, i’ll go and chat, we’ll go bathe. for some bread, it will make me feel better, come on, come on, come on, i need to go to the hospital before i bleed or the infection starts, which hospital with a gunshot, they’ll take you away from there right away, so what should i do, i
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asked varlamov to find a reliable channel, who this? doctor, am i a psychic, is it you, and who were you expecting to see, cops or what? yes, well, friends, let's split the money. sasha was killed, oleg was wounded, he needs a doctor, you immediately talk about money, and why did we start all this, we need to do our feet, but before that i need a doctor find, why, i’ll cure you myself, and you ’ll go away, but what do we have here, are you really
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crazy, cool down! cool down, you killed oleg, okay, he was a corpse anyway, it’s a risk to look for a doctor, but now we’re not going to split the money between four people, we’ll split it between two people, i ’m taking my share, damn it, now we can’t, we’ve made a lot of noise, we need to sit out, huh? and then you ’ll cure me too, listen, i’m a serious person, the head of the bank’s security, if i wanted to kill you, you’ve been lying next to him in an embrace for a long time, we didn’t agree, you said there wouldn’t be any shooting, but now there are two corpses on us, three already, the cops won’t
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leave us behind, but don’t worry, the cops have something to do, those two corpses are from the bank, i hanged a stray cop, come in. come and admire it, you don’t even know that i decided to do this strangely, i wanted it that way. you couldn’t kill her, the trajectory there is completely different, they didn’t
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find the bullet, if they find it, they’ll put me in prison, okay, come on, tell me how it all happened, you? i already told these guys from your own security service from there, lesh, so you can tell me as a friend, yes, while you still remember, that you are my old friend, no, no, enough, enough, you can’t tell me, do you think this will stop me, lyasha, let’s get together, will you become like you? look, everyone agreed, or what? well done!
12:23 pm
please help me! why is my card blocked? hello, how will i receive my salary now? which accounting department did you ask from? in connection with what? yes, we have accidents and corpses here every day, in connection with whose death? what kind of nesting one? motherfucker, i'm not the one for you! did you see this? i'm shocked. by the way, you were asked in connection with death hand over your car and weapons. hello, hello, it's gnezlilov again. which? the one you
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buried. that’s right, another nestilov, not the one who stole the car, got drunk and crashed, another one, but i didn’t crash, i’m alive. from you, bitch, you are like that, but it’s not me for you, it’s me for maksimov. ugh, this is your dog, my dog, i have an allergy to dogs, i’m sorry, he is a police officer, i wanted to talk about the video with the surveillance camera, so i answered all the questions, i also gave the video.
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why? do you want to shield your friend and set me up? no, i want justice achieve. what the fuck justice. i
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personally saw your friend shoot. to natasha, and as you could see, sitting under the table in the smoke, yes, i’m listening, they found the second robber, whom leonidov wounded, did not wound, but killed.
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one clip, well, it’s true, there was already a control shot here, why did you guess, you’re protecting your friend, but from the rotten, well, not jealous, but you will be accused of murder, i will protect you too, and you too, but don’t try, there’s nothing there, unless... you throw something in there yourself, please, come to me, look, so what, so what, this doesn’t prove anything, who could shoot here is the same one who killed the girl. wait, dad, clean you up, wait,
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wait, distant, the results of the ballistics examination have arrived, two bullets from leonidov, the third shot, which was fatal, not from his pistol, well, you see, that means everything is still in our country, yes, well, not everything unfortunately, the cashier was not killed with the security chief’s pistol. they haven’t fired from him at all for a long time, well, maybe he has two pistols, well, if gnezdilov hadn’t lost evidence, or if it was not stolen from him, and you suspect someone, there is one thought, you need to check, wait, now.
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i'm waiting for you, max, maxim, what happened because of this battery, the suspect was missed.
12:30 pm
gnezdilov, have you found the lost face? gnezdilov. do you hear me? no, leonov, there’s no time for you now, i’m being fired, documents came from the department confirming my dismissal, why, because you died, the department read the protocol that gneznilov was killed, i called and explained everything, but the protocol says, that gnezdilov was driving while extremely intoxicated, you need to think for the first time, they
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can’t fire you, your uncle is a general for... hello, this is captain gnezdilov. “i ’m not drunk, why did they demote me, they didn’t demote anyone, connect me with general gnezilov, but i didn’t drink, they think that that dead drunk gnezilov is me, but i’m completely alive and, as luck would have it, completely sober, gnezilov, written off.
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hello, this is captain gnezdilov, alive, sober and completely calm. yes, yes, yes, the same one you first buried, and now. you are going to suddenly fire him, posthumously. connect me with general gnezdilov, this is my uncle, if you don’t know. i didn’t drink, there were just a lot of nesters, even too many that i ended up in the wrong place, what will your summer be like,
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now we’ll see at the megamarket, with free delivery your summer will be carefree, with increased cashback you’ll be active in the summer. with huge discounts, summer will be delicious, but for me the main thing is the mood, summer will be fun, and what will your summer be like, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, compact steamer pollaris for 4,999 rubles. enough is enough, it's over, damn!
12:34 pm
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12:38 pm
his car also needs to be removed from my house .
12:39 pm
no, i consider myself lucky, but what? yes, he disappeared and doesn’t answer calls, so what? maybe he was trying to defend leonidov again, maybe he was arrested for his amateur activities. yes it would be nice. we're from homeland security. well, finally, i'm with.
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you're not a drug addict, but what is this? guys, this is medicine, this is a sedative, i’m just a very nervous person, in this nervous guy’s car, guys, what is this, well, this is some kind of misunderstanding, you are making a mistake, my uncle is a general, gnizdilov, let me go, yes, i’ll guess, the very second pistol, but if
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it’s any consolation to you, yes, you’re right, this is exactly the pistol with which kasir was shot, it’s clear who else knows about me, who you managed to tell, well, unbutton me, let’s talk, and you won’t get pizza order pizza, well then, talk to each other. who did you tell about me? oh, in my opinion, the answer to my question is, she doesn’t know anything, but now we’ll find out, she doesn’t know anything, hello, max, i know who stole the evidence,
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during the bank robbery, the cameras were turned off, then half an hour later they automatically turned on when gnizdilov approached the beginning. guards to take the gun from him for examination, he took a bullet from his pocket, this is very clearly visible on the recording, you hear me, he is a criminal, i already know, lin, where from, here we are now with him and we communicate, you detained him, well, for now he’s a draw for us, i’ll cringe. this girl's bone, well then i'll have to kill you, i'll be back soon, let him sleep.
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okay, okay, okay, that’s enough, i’ve already heard this, but maksimov may be in danger, danger, this is his habitat, well , he got there because he tried to protect you, to protect you, but he’s doing all this for you, lyoshenka, well please, you're not like that. len, he’s showing off in front of you, in fact , everything is fine with him, and by the way, he’s a dog, and where’s max, hello, where’s the owner? on
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troubles, i'll call you back, come on, lead the way, yes, leonidov, don't you dare hang up, dog, what happened to max? i don’t know, the dog came on his own, i can’t reach max. how do you feel? it's normal, my head is a little dizzy. you can't drive, what should you do? this is my friend.
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that lena doesn’t know anything, she’ll figure it out on her own, you’ll be patient, but ok, but you can say that, the woman loves him, if you let me go, i
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promise to save your life, what do you hear? no, no, well then my friend will shoot you, yes lyosh, thank you, lyosha, welcome back, lyosha getting up, where are you going, getting up,
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but it’s fun, you need to start drinking yourself, oh, i haven’t started yet, please give me a small, small, small wire, thank you, no immediate reaction, yes, but drunk, doesn’t feel anything, i don’t understand how you fought while you were drinking, oh, here’s the coach, klysh, and you tell me that you didn’t shoot him right away, where? the gun is yours, but they took away my weapon along with my id, yeah, if
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they took my gun away every day, mine would have been enough for me, maybe for a month, miracles, listen, where is the second one, and damn, morality in hell followed me, hit me with an awl in the ear, it’s like a fingerprint, can you make a psychological portrait of this man, but is he alive or? mystery of the highest measure, series based on real events, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. try the new product from monarch with a 50% discount and save up to 40% on large packs of cleinx wet toilet paper. tariff 24 is all you need this summer. 30 gb of internet, mts music, and unused communication minutes can be exchanged for ride on mts urent scooters, all this for 399 rubles in the first month. uncle dim, will you pay for it,
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12:51 pm
bailiffs premieres today at 22:10 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of honest prices brings you the cordless chainsaw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of. the century mini-saw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, and work on personal plots. behind trees and bushes. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow it to be used for long periods of time. time without feeling tired or uncomfortable.
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this gasoline is pouring, and i burst into flames. were burning alive, the unfortunate woman was saved due to the fact that the car in which they were taking her to finish off had an accident and wanted to fly out of car, the steering wheel turns in this direction, there is oncoming traffic, will the doctors be able to restore her health and beauty, what injuries did the doctors record? a broken nose, broken ribs on both sides, and a 20% burn on the body, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on... tv. well hello, i'll be with you for a long time. serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with evie. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy ivi subscription for 99 rubles per month. max at the station. i'm coming. what is it, lenka?
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he caught leonidov chasing with an axe. oh, by the way, here's your gun, just as i thought you were in lack of suspicion, really, by the way, where is she, who, who? where is she? in the garage.
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come here. shoot! where is lenka? drop your weapons! this is my wife! you don't need it anymore! my wife, quietly, it was you who saved him, not the first time, put down the table, put it down, move away from the car, take a bite of it, and you can drive calmly, don’t be nervous, then move away, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, okuste, you can go ahead, move on,
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the girl and i will go for a ride, she’s my guarantee, well , exchange it for me, i’ll be your hostage, and you’re too restless, a hostage, stop, don’t twitching. he organized the robbery and kaserzh also killed him or something, it’s true, it was my weapon that neutralized a dangerous criminal, please.
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why didn’t you shoot, tell me, you had a pistol, where to shoot, there was a lenka, where to shoot, but yes, you didn’t notice, by the way, the criminal was shot with my pistol, you should at least apologize, that i suspected my husband, i was always confident in leonidov, i was just doing my job, no more, no less, i’ll fly. we won't come to your funeral, it's very funny, like the wreath on mine car, very funny, yes, i didn’t order
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any funeral service, wait, what sitrina, what yellow chrysanthemums, are you out of your mind at my funeral yellow chrysanthemums, roses, only white roses, yes, please exclude asitrina from the menu, that’s what you are some oligarch? did you see how he knocked me out? he didn’t knock you out, he saved you, thank you, at least he didn’t save you with a crowbar, not with a leash, to save you with a mantle, it’s your privilege, but no, why don’t you contact me, you’re not
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injured, no, dear, everything’s fine, i’ll tell you what you’re worried about him, and not about his beloved husband, and i’m just married for the second time and for the second time to an alcoholic, maybe i should like you. wear, you won’t be able to, thank you, max, you are my best friend, i know, and you are mine, okay, okay, i was joking, no pity, of course, you are my... best friend.
1:00 pm
three days of mourning have been declared in dagestan; militants attacked two cities in the republic. today there is mourning in crimea, four people, including two children, died after a strike by kiev security forces on sevastopol. chaos on the border, the us is rampant in crime because of migrants, but why the biden administration the influx of illegal immigrants is beneficial. package number 14 in the eu has been approved. we will tell you about the new sanctions and what these restrictions are in business news. and most importantly, at this moment in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. in crimea, they are mourning those
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who died during the terrorist attack on sevastopol, victims of a cynical ukrainian attack.


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