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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 24, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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who is this monster who did this to you, this is my young man for whom i had feelings, and well, in general, according to the plan, we were supposed to start a family. dari, can you imagine what a terrible situation this is? turned out to be oksana? i’m shocked purely psychologically, how could this be done to a girl, it’s simple, well , can you imagine, i’m getting goosebumps all over my body, because it’s some kind of horror, just look at her eyes, that’s... that’s it tragedy, i see, i’m really in shock. oksana, how did you meet him? in the store near the cash register, we smiled at each other, exchanged phone numbers, that’s how we started a connection with him, are you the same age as him? no, we have a big age difference, i older, but 8 years old, it really embarrassed me, he looked after you beautifully, looked after you very beautifully, well, as if in my eyes he was
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perfect, coffee in bed in the morning is always, and good morning is always, that’s just for me there wasn’t even anything to get to the bottom of, i even forgot for a minute and didn’t quite understand who we were talking about, and i can’t compare that ideal young man with the monster who did what he did to you, so, but this ideality how long did it last, oksan, about two months, when the first alarm rang bell, then when i don’t care... my friend, he didn’t like her, and he says: i don’t want you to communicate with her, he always tried to get into my personal life, for example, if i picked up the phone, he i had to see what i was doing there, definitely, he was jealous of you, he had a colleague, he was engaged in painting cars, and i wanted me to have this phone number, his colleague was in the phone book, you never know, if the girls, yes, a useful contact, because everyone knew that the young man also
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works with machines, he understands them, but that he answered me that there should be no contacts in my phone that are associated with male names, that is, your life gradually turned into total control, then this control will increase, every step to the right or left will be considered a crime, an escape for which should be punished, in this case you just need to break off this relationship, but if you entered into it, it’s already... very difficult to do, because the victim will not be released, it needs to be broken from the very beginning, at that moment when it seems that it’s too much everything is fine, right 100%, this is what daria is saying now, probably this is 100% from the inside of me, be afraid, somehow women have this internal, how to say, premonition there, but i had it too, here i am he said something from inside, run, run, evgeniy, and what
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measures should be taken if a person, your partner, even a loved one, begins to exercise total control, the preconditions for such, one might say, unhealthy, painful. the relationship of one partner to another, they may lie in the other partner himself. for example, if a woman is at the initial stages of starting a relationship with a man, demonstrates to him her excessive availability, ease of communication, she creates the prerequisites for this jealousy, which is then present in a man, not to be so unprecedented, let's start with this, secondly, as for specifically oksana, sometimes the reason for total control on the part of a man in relation to a woman can be her very behavior, let’s say, the reason was to get acquainted. in the store, and what happened there after that? didn't you understand is it like easy accessibility? well, of course, everything depends on his, to put it mildly, psychological imperfection. i want to ask oksana, did you give him a reason for such thoughts? i didn’t give him a reason, because there were no incidents with him
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that would make him think like that ? when let’s say we corresponded with him, let’s say my phone is on my desk, i’m doing some work tasks for... my manager and i can’t respond to his message in a timely manner, and he, let’s say, sends these angry emoticons red, but it’s not like that if you don’t answer for a long time, yes, if i don’t answer for a long time, then one day i put on my shoes, went to the ladies’ room, we talked on the phone, he says, why do your heels get stuck, in general at work did you, i took a picture for him, that i was at work and that i was wearing shoes, did you think? after all this, break up with him, leave him? yes, and once there was such a moment, and he came home, talked with a young girl, she called him, we had a fight, and he apparently invited her on a date, but then, when we made up, he honestly told me that
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there was such and such a madam, and she and i were walking, as it were, in the city center, he don’t think anything, we had nothing there with her, that’s it, i’m okay with that i looked at everything, got dressed and said, i said, i want it now... how impulsively and aggressively, he opened the doors, called the elevator, threw all my bags there, put me out in the hallway in his slippers and said: now you’re going to go to your mom like this , i was actually scared, i think if he now uses physical force against me, but i’ll just lie here, i said, i say that’s it, let’s go home, i’m not going anywhere and he told me two things: no matter what happens, you should never leave, that’s when i already made the decision inside to leave him, on the day when i accepted this is a decision, i call him, i say that i will remain a mother, he called me by
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video all day with an interval of 15, 30 minutes somewhere, the next day i went to work by metro, i had an assumption that he was still most likely he will crawl me and... my heart doesn’t lie at home, well, i don’t want to, there’s something that’s not leading me i have this premonition, i think i’ll go see my friend lena, that’s it, i say, let’s wait for it, i say, when it gets dark, later, i say, time, i say, i want to pick up the car, i say, let me, i say, stay with you, i say, until saturday, on saturday i already rented an apartment with a woman, i made an agreement, but everything didn’t go as i planned, what happened, lenna and i were somewhere around twelve past twelve o’clock. we arrived at my house, where my mother lives, and when we arrived, i said, let’s not approach from the direction where the gate is. open, on the other hand, i’ll see how someone is sitting in the car, perhaps someone is driving me or something else, there was nothing so threatening, it was quiet, as if calm in the yard, anyway, i looked
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there sides, that’s what i think, this is my personal opinion, i shouldn’t have turned on the headlights, i had to leave the yard without headlights, just without headlights, i turned on the headlights, where did he fly from, where did he jump from, i didn’t understand at all, i understand that he runs at such a speed, he runs up, opens the doors and starts me immediately hit this place with your fist, i bend over like this and they just start punching me like this, i’m bleeding right away, well , everything is swollen, my nose is crooked, i’m bleeding from my nose, i ask him, i say , let's talk, why are you hitting me? i say, there is no reason for beating me at all, he doesn’t hear me, doesn’t see me, i’m already lying there all beaten, and he started tearing these doors, gates, opened them, hit the gas and we drove towards his work, here there is a video from
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a surveillance camera, this is exactly him in these footage, he breaks the gate, well, this... he broke the door, he broke this door and we went through it. in this recording we see that this person is already committed to a crime, that is, his internal decision has already matured. to commit a crime, he was already really sitting, he was guarding her, he acted situationally, so he caught her, so his first obstacle was, they opened the gate, broke it, then it means they probably went along the path of the negative, i think you know where he’s flying oksana, while it’s situational to come to your work, oksan, he works as a welder, a tinsmith, well, in a car service, it’s a car service, and he took you there, and in the process, while he was taking me, he didn’t engage in conversation, he... turned up the music louder in the car, it’s just us when we arrived, i already saw where we were going, i already understood the way
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, i already know the gate opens, we drive in there , and he pulls me out of the car like that by the crack and shoves me, so he also hits me on the head again at this moment in order to push me into the garage itself when he already pushed me into the garage, he closes the doors, turned on all the rolling in the center so that your screams can’t be heard, well, apparently, he obliged me with the bat to prick me a little, but my entire left side, this entire back, was just one continuous bruise like this, then he makes me quieter, then he says this, take off your shoes, why is he saying this i ’m going to pin your legs now, first of all i’m pinning it, yes, first of all, i didn’t believe it, i thought it was some kind of psychological pressure , as if to scare me further, he just places this piece of wood like that, took the hammer in... in his left leg hammered a nail into me where, show me, here, in my right leg, he
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didn’t hammer a nail into me, like something like a corkscrew, but it wasn’t a corkscrew, it was some kind of piece of iron, but it was like a screw, some kind of spring or i don’t know , well , in general, it’s monstrously painful, of course, i screamed, i didn’t just scream, it was jesus christ that was nailed like that, only there the nails were wider, he accepts it. the solution to my legs is already how to say from this piece of wood , tear it off, tear it all off, he quickly pulled out the nail, this right leg, it didn’t reach him, he pulled it once, it doesn’t reach him walked around then he just takes it and says that i don’t have enough strength and my leg that ’s how he pulled it was me actually i was screaming like that you didn’t lose consciousness damn it i don’t know how i survived it all how it all happened , well, it was a hell of a pain, i was just like that, but i just understood that i
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was bleeding from my right leg, because this screw, this one, was torn in my leg, there was a hole in my leg, in these two through holes i had that's all, he then dragged me to the exit, and it seems to him that these canisters of gasoline caught my eye, he poured this gasoline on me, i began to resist again, i said, what are you doing? just like that, they wipe themselves off with gasoline, they take out a lighter, they just do it like that, it’s clear that they changed it, it’s like a snake, this snake is pouring into gasoline from me, and i burst into flames, i’m immediately these inquisition woman, witch here so apparently it was all burning there, how i was screaming, oh my god, this hair when these you were burning alive, it’s actually me, i can’t convey it, i don’t even understand what’s going on...
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she just overcomes me with this feeling of impossibility, what kind of monster must it be to do such a thing, to pull out a leg, well , i just can’t, it turns out, oksan, he extinguished you, how did you manage to escape, in short, i was running around with all this grief, oh, this is actually, damn it, i don’t know, god, how you saved me, thank you, in general, i was running around these cars, he shows me that he has a fire extinguisher, they say, if you want me to put it out, run to me, i just run up
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with such eyes, i’m all on fire, i run up to him, like this kitten, and ask, please, put me out, that’s it, he starts to put me out, and i, well, i’m not in any state anymore, i’m just like this, but you had some incredible will to live, yes, he put you out, what happened next, he says, give it to me, go to... my hair was burned, but i didn’t see myself, well, i felt like i smelled something burning, and i’m sitting, waiting for what will happen to me next, what fate awaits me, where did he take you? along the ekad, towards the berry cemetery, he told you that he would kill you, yes, he had a knife lying around, he was apparently looking for
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a solution to what to do with me next, or cut my throat, then there were such moments that you are now on your own...
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tires, i say, boys, i say, save me, please, i say, they want to kill me, i say, they doused me with gasoline, they call the ambulance officers, they call the traffic police, i’m cold, i’m shaking all over, i’m barefoot, they say who ’s driving there, i say, you better be careful, he also has a knife, i say, and there’s my young man, like it was as if he was planning to kill me, then i heard someone from the guys say, he said, we were like walking into the car, he says he’s not there, he apparently ran away. he escaped, he escaped, yes, the ambulance is coming, this deep, this exhalation, i am protected, the fact that they will help me now, the fact that now no one will kill me or cause me pain, that’s it, i’m relaxed, there, in short, the police arrived and began this interrogation and questioning, and what injuries were recorded by the doctors, a fractured nose, with
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displacement, then unconsolidated fractures. ober on both sides, and 20% of the body is burned and 13 of them are deep, i have second and third degree burns, the deepest are the third degree - this is the face and right hand, when they bandaged me in the hospital, i looked like this with one eye, i just had meat from here to here, here, uh, that’s when with my fingers... you say, what are these called, tendon , yes, and i do this with my hands, and i see that they are moving, i feel so bad, i think i don’t even have skin, i haven’t seen my face, it’s always wrapped up, that’s all , there’s no here, well, this necrosis, the legs are all, well, everything is in bows, everything is rewound, when they dried it a little, i
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i saw how serious it all was, then the doctors made a decision, well, on the recommendation of the head, that i need a skin transplant, here completely on my face, especially as i understood, that here several layers of skin were transplanted onto me, there is a very strong necrosis it was strong, because they took the skin from where, they took it from the right to the left, they took it from here, well, in general, they transplanted it twice, because it grew in parts somewhere, well , it pressed in, and in some places it didn’t take root, it moved away and apparently growing it again. or how can i say it correctly, i don’t i know, well, to cover all these areas that were without skin, and the photograph behind me, how long after the incident was taken, this is after resuscitation, probably the third day, this is a formation on the face from corpses, when i was all covered in crusts, they
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put me under anesthesia, these scabs, they cleaned it all off so that i could have a cleaner face. will oksana really forgive her tormentor and give him a second chance, when you start talking about him, your eyes are wide love in my eyes, i can’t wrap my head around this, it’s just a horror movie, i regret that again, as a woman, i couldn’t create some kind of chaika, well, a family is beyond the pale, we’ll be back very soon, what are those sounds what's going on, did you miss me? you missed me too early, he ’s coming back, chanly, get ready, surprise, what happiness, the long-awaited continuation of the famous turkish series, what will happen there, so much awaits you that you ’ll go crazy, that’s enough, stop it now,
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wanted to leave, the man decided to kill her, he told me to take off my shoes, i’m going to nail your feet now, poured gasoline on her, set her on fire, sat down, lit a cigarette, watched as i was screaming, my husband didn’t stop there, oksana said, he took her towards the cemetery, to bury her alive, in order to save herself, the unfortunate woman jumped out of the car while it was moving, i was rolling there on the asphalt or something, so... then i just flew away in the opposite direction , his car swerved to the left. irina, how did oksana manage to simply not lose consciousness from painful shock at the moment of those terrible tortures? in fact, this is really beyond the bounds, because pain shock, yes, there is a stage of excitement, this is a short time when some a painful strong irritant, during this period the person screams, runs, then inhibition occurs, the torpid stage, when he falls
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to... oksan, what feelings do you have for him now, but you don’t hate him, i hate him, and i always do, when i look in the mirror this question: why, why so easily ruin my life, and i want
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the maximum punishment. here, but nevertheless, on the other hand, somewhere i regret that again, as a woman, i was not able to create some kind of seagull, or a family there, or something else, in my opinion, oksan, there is confusion in your eyes, the question is why, i loved you so much, we lived so well, well , look, well, well, just pity to the point of exhaustion, it seems to me that oksana is just overly kind and a wise man. naturally, that’s why this man, the monster, is there, he uses it, i want to add, you just reminded me, when he drove me along the highway towards the cemetery, he also tells me, where do you have, he says, the documents of your car , where they lie, i say, now i’ll deal with you, yours he says the car, he says i’ll sell it, he had a personal motive here, of course, to have
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more money. i don’t know how he was going to cover up this crime, to be honest, we have an official comment from the investigative committee. according to investigators, on the night of october 25, 2023, in a garage box in the city of yekaterinburg, a heavily drunk local resident decided to deal with his forty-one-year-old lover because he was jealous of her. he inflicted bodily harm on her with particular cruelty, after which planted the victim, who was in the garage.
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and is it really possible that something like this can happen in our time, god grant you health and long life, but purely as a man, i want to take and slam this creature. this is not a person, in our country there is a life sentence, i really hope that this measure will be applied to him due to the severity of what he did. oksana, who is taking care of you now? mom, because i can’t serve myself 100%, mom cooks, mom washes the dishes, mom puts food on the table for me, well, the laundry is changed there underwear, that's all, that's all it does, mom helps, your mom couldn't think that the handsome guy... with blue eyes would turn out to be a real sadist, in the studio natalya cherepanova, hello, hello, natalya, what happened to you when you found out that my daughter was kidnapped, she was in a state of shock, who
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told you about her trouble, a friend comes to me and says natalya andreevna needs to be strengthened, and oksana says she is in the hospital with burns. we have footage from the hospital where your daughter was treated. forty-one-year-old oksana took these photographs immediately after resuscitation. the unfortunate man’s burned face, arms and legs are tightly tied with bows and soaked in iodine and blood, and
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there are horrific bruises and bruises on his back. a woman shows her mercilessly pierced feet. here oksana leaves the room for the first time into the hospital corridor. she cannot straighten her arms; every step causes her pain. pain, i’m in shock, and i want to separately express my deep gratitude to you for having the courage to go to the federal channel with this, because this case will really show many women that when it seems to you, it doesn’t seem to you, if something is shaking inside you, it doesn’t seem to you, run while time allows, thank you for your courage, but of course there are extensive injuries.
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worries like any woman, but then multiply 25 times a million, and of course, i can’t even look in the mirror. “i can’t even imagine myself at work, sit down, sit down, look, freddie has come, you have a wonderful soul who will definitely love you, a worthy man who will definitely appear in your life, i’m sure of it, and you’ve passed this the peak point, when you make a decision, i will continue to live, then you did not give up, your whole life, it will now change, unfold, just like that, exclusively in this direction, in this direction. oksan, in your life, for sure..." there were many bright, interesting, good, happy moments, right? well, yes, i had bright and happy moments with my official husband. let's see, come on, now only in memory
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charming oksana in an elegant off-shoulder dress at a friend’s birthday party, dancing energetically in the company of friends. and here is a woman on vacation, baikal, sochi, abkhazia, oksana admits that she always preferred active recreation, caught trout, sailed on a motor ship and went rafting. this photo was taken on the day when oksana turned 38. she poses for the camera, surrounded by bright bouquets. anna, can you imagine how difficult it is for oksana now, not just physically, physically understandably, morally, it is impossible for each of us, for everyone, to imagine how difficult it was for her. i agree that oksana. she really is such a pure, kind person, and even after this whole tragedy , you can feel confidence and calm from her, she evokes great respect and her courage , i just bow to her courage, let’s go back to that day, or rather the day before
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this tragedy, natalya, remember this day , of course, what was happening, i was sitting, watching tv, my light turned off, i went out into the corridor with... a large room, i went into the large room, we had a hanger there. he comes out of there, this one he got into apartment when you went out to the village, that is , he specially cut off the light, lured you out, i say, so why are you smiling in this way, and i told him, so i have him like this, i have him for they were in his hands, like he twisted his hands in general like this, he took him to jail in a prison like this in a small room, i told him, you have money, and we have a store in my house... you used tricks and exchanged him for the store, yes, i took you
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to the store, what happened there? well, first of all, he started stealing beer from the store? when we were standing at the ticket office, most importantly, she said: you came here again, young man, she seemed to stop him with this growth, did you run away? yes, why didn’t you call the police and tell them what happened? he took my phone, of course, he already did it intentionally. such a card took the keys and about the earrings of such
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an earring he says take them off, he says so as not to be identified, and i also took off the earrings and gave them to him, it’s just some kind of horror, but did you know anything about this person’s past? well at the beginning i was okay i didn’t know, and then he already started that he had an article there, such and such, there was such and such, and it had already begun to reveal itself a little, law enforcement officers found out that your former roommate had already... more than once served punishment by traffic patrol officers traffic police service of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the city of yekaterinburg detained a thirty-two-year -old local resident, working as a welder in a car repair shop, previously repeatedly convicted of theft, battery, intentional infliction of moderate harm to health, unlawful taking of a car, open theft another person's property, driving while stupefied, attacker based on personal unpleasant relationships. brutally tortured her, using nails and
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highly flammable liquid, materials collected by the police and sent to the investigative authorities for making a procedural decision. natalya, you didn’t expect that your daughter’s lover had such a track record, no, of course, you wouldn’t even think about him, the first impression was great eyes and a pleasant smile, but there were some tattoos there that you sit with the fact that a man was sitting here, no, in that one.
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the last time i dyed their daughters’ hair what color was red, how can you not love them, when your only son will make him a grandfather, how long have you been together? 5 years, soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret, on the singer’s birthday, saturday at 20:20 on ntv, bravo, bailiffs, premiere! today at 22:10 on
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today at 22:10 on ntv. our homeland is a country of great victories. accomplishments from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite everything difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal. the medal is plated with pure 999 silver. the obverse depicts a bear, this one.
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at 20:20 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the boyfriend, forty-one-year-old oksana kuzmenko from yekaterinburg, first sang odes to her about eternal love, and then began to raise his hand. when the woman decided to end the relationship, he kidnapped her, nailed her legs to the floor and set her on fire. i cried, blushed, i asked him not to mock me, this is already very cruel on his part. oksana miraculously managed to escape, spent 9 days in intensive care, now there is no living space on her body, her face, arms and legs are covered with terrible scars. oksan, you know, your friend is horrified that, in fact, she herself brought you to your tormentor on that fateful
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evening. in the studio elena zhuravleva. hello. i found myself a new young man, wonderful at first glance, were you happy? you know, i was incredibly happy because oksana dreamed of having a man next to her, a loved one, a loving one, everything was wonderful until october 23, but what happened on that day? they had a fight, he, in a fit of jealousy, i think, threw a saucepan at her when she left the apartment, and this saucepan broke the mirror in the elevator, he talked about it, this is not the case when he took you out in slippers, there was a saucepan there , you were silent about it, there was a saucepan, so she told me all this, i was terrified in the evening somewhere around... nine after work oksana came to us, and why did she decide to go, come back for the car, since the situation was unfolding, well, not very well around
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her, and i’ll explain to you, firstly, we couldn’t get through to my mother, and he saw these calls, by the way, he saw, yes, yes, yes, he saw that you were calling him, and oksana asked us to take her home, check with her mother if everything was okay, pick up the car because it snowed, she had summer tires car. i stood in my car outside the yard , i watched, there was no one in the yard it was, oksana, she said, drive up there , there, there, this is the next house, i waited for her to warm up the car, went to the store, waited for a while, maybe 10-15 minutes, returned to the yard, saw, that the car was not there, i saw the gate open and traces, but you didn’t notice that they were broken? no, no, they weren’t broken, broken, they were just there, the fact is that the phone bag
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was in my car, her young man calls me on his cell phone and says, oksana is with me, and oksana says, lena, i with him, oksana, why is he even i decided to call elena, he showed that he had his mother’s phone in his pocket, for some reason i said that my mother took the phone, he was like, well, like, to keep you under control, i looked at my mother’s phone from two numbers that we called, this one is calling, this one is calling, the second one, when it started calling, lena is there, hello, you confirmed that everything is fine with you, why did you say that, i was already broken, then i was interrupted , this is what lena, i’m with oleg, i ’m not going to talk in front of him, you know, if something will happen to me, that i was the last with him, elena. did oksana's partner not call you again? he called at 10:00 in the morning the next day and said: “oksana is in the hospital, she had
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an accident.” at that moment olesya called, a friend, another, oksanina, sent me a screenshot from the newspaper that a woman had been nailed by her partner, doused with gasoline and set on fire. alexey, how can you... explain that oksana’s partner called elena and said that oksana was in the hospital, why? i believe that this is the last straw for which he clung. what was he doing? he tried to veil the criminal acts that he had committed. and according to his logic, most likely he thought this way, but we got into an accident, what if she’s afraid to say, what if she doesn’t tell the employees, that is, the police, not the doctors, about what happened to her... after
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the crime, the criminal himself began to write to his victim’s friend. studio of oles skiba. hello. hello, oles. how long have you been friends with oksana? almost since childhood , i have considered oksana my sister. so she introduced you to her new man? yes, yes. they came to my dacha in the summer, well , unfortunately, our acquaintance turned out to be far from good, why? i just went to bed early, woke up in the morning, saw oksana beaten by her husband, there was a conflict between two men, between my husband olesya and my boyfriend, they began to quarrel with each other first verbally, then with physical assault. this incident did not alert you, olesya alerted you, i think so, after this incident i tried
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to dissuade oksana from being friends with him. a how did you find out about the tragedy that happened to her? he wrote me a message in the morning that help oksana, but she is now in the hospital, she urgently needs to take the pills. she said that in the apartment where they lived together, he would no longer be there. we have a screenshot of the correspondence, let's take a look. olesya, pick up the phone urgently, please, urgently, or call me back, please, this is really urgent. olesya, pick up the phone, i beg you, this only concerns oksana, help her. oksana is in the hospital, taking pills take me because i won't be there anymore. today they close for the season, i’m going home now to change clothes. please help in this hospital. oksana doesn’t have a phone connection, it turns out. she pawned it, as she told me, at a pawnshop. he tried, as best he could, to create an alibi for himself, this, so that
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if anything happens, i’ll forget myself, that’s all. here are the pills, and i’m leaving, this is stupidity with this pawnshop, he tried to somehow keep ivan busy, what do you think? i'm more convinced that he really wanted to know what the real consequences of what he did that with her, alive, not alive, maybe she died there during this accident, maybe now in the hospital, there in a coma still, he tried to understand what awaited him, maybe he assumed that the consequences of that fall from the car is much more serious than the damage he caused.
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after being discharged from the hospital, she washed only twice, fresh wounds sting unbearably from the water, she brushes her teeth, overcoming excruciating pain, starting to brush her teeth, this is already very dented, because there is little tension in these places, the corners are very it hurts, that is, it’s very difficult for me to clean myself like this, especially on that side, now
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she’s healthy and beautiful, only in old photographs in photo albums. soul, tear your heart, tear your brain, unfortunately, you come across such a seeker of happiness, a scumbag and a cannibal... it’s women who are naive, kind, attentive with great empathy, sometimes life is very unfair, oksan, at what stage is the criminal case now, you know, you were recognized as a victim, the most important thing is that there is a resolution, i don’t know anything at all, well , listen, if, if you were not recognized the victim, this is just a disgrace, but the trial
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took place as the suppression proceeded, we have footage, under escort... in handcuffs, oksana’s tormentors lead him into the courtroom to choose a preventive measure for him during the investigation. the man is accused of attempted murder with extreme cruelty. once behind bars, he hides his face from the cameras. i'm sorry, please stand up. have you had a previous conviction? yes, when, by what court, what article? when? what is the punishment? released? he is only in 2023, before that there were four more convictions, having considered the investigator's petition, the court ruled: the investigator submitted a request to grant detention, to select the accusatory measures to prevent detention, setting its term for ivan, and what punishment can oksana's tormentor receive, now he is charged with attempted murder with
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extreme cruelty, part two 105 - this is from 12 to 20 years of imprisonment. freedom, if you add theft and penetration, well , according to the totality, a lot depends, of course, on how you behave, i think i don’t know, that’s all you call him, my young man, well, i think, time will pass when you stop calling him that, he is not your young man, but a man who committed the most brutal crime in, in general, your life. divided into before and after, at the moment there is no assessment given from my point of view in general on the issue related to her abduction, if accordingly we have now established here that his motive was selfish, then it is necessary to qualify the corresponding paragraph of part two, it is certainly necessary to give an assessment of the actions this scoundrel is against his mother, and look, all his attacks are property, life, health, robbery and, accordingly, causing grievous bodily
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harm. alexey, can oksana count? for your protection, help, support, so that this criminal receives the maximum punishment. i am sure that we will achieve the maximum punishment for this scoundrel, what do we have here? a little, i’ll call it that, it will interfere a little, this is still a qualification through the thirtieth, that is, qualification through attempted murder, it gives, so to speak, limitation of the upper threshold of punishment, no more than 2/3, if i’m not mistaken, of the maximum sanction of punishment, but we will try to raise the lower sanction up , taking into account additional qualifications, but it is also very important that the financial burden falls on him for restoring your health, and he must pay for the rest of his life .
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her own mother, who abandoned her in the forest, did not write a disclaimer for her, there was no disclaimer from her mother, and i was not recognized as an orphan, and then changed my name from alesya to lelit, so as not to have nothing in common with the blood mother. she abandoned me in the forest when i was 3 years old, and i spent 3 days there. from her personal file, she learned about her two brothers, whom she had never seen and had been dreaming of meeting them for many years. i hope the brothers had an easier fate than we did. but will lilith be able to find olesya’s brothers, she left the boy in a very deplorable state, the child did not move, did not cry, she wanted to throw him under a train somewhere, i ’m not hiding anything, i’m very guilty, your
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right is to hate me, i i didn’t know him for 29 years, i still don’t know or hear him so much, i’m opening the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. era today at 20:00 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozon bank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. choose what benefits you: millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in. elena vasilievna, feel great. well, i somehow want to invest in health, what do you recommend? there is one company. that's right, it'll get wet. thank you, good health. invest in securities promomet. magnet.
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on azon for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. capital punishment, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. attention, call now to order gel from farmel with free. delivery with age , irreversible processes occur in the human cardiovascular system: large vessels may narrow due to deposits on the internal walls, small capillaries partially die, heart valves undergo deformation or dystrophic changes, and the heart itself begins to contract less and less every day, as a result of which well-being, decreased performance and other other negative consequences. to protect your heart.
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ivy for 99 rubles per month is beyond, this is for edge, holes from nails in pierced legs, terrible erubia from burns on the face and body, broken ribs, abrasions everywhere. forty-one-year-old oksana kuzmenko paid this price for love. her ex brutally beat her, nailed her feet to the floor, doused her with gasoline and set her on fire. 20%, yes, ah... burns on the body,
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the right side was especially damaged. now oksana is trying to forget what happened and restore her health. in moscow she went for examination. first, the patient is seen by a therapist, then she is given an x-ray of the ribs of her feet. we put our feet up together, we stand on our feet straight. afterwards, a traumatologist examines the images and checks how the woman’s ribs are fused. it doesn’t hurt, here it is, even when i turn over, when.
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is forming, they do not allow our patient to open her mouth, svetlana, how is the recovery going? recovery is only at the initial stage, that is, we have had a minimal amount of time after the injury, we now have fresh scars, but now there is no danger to oksana’s life, no, there is no danger, there is for health, because she has an eating disorder in the first place , what is this, this is a violation the functions of the organ are considered, but how can oksana be helped now, physiotherapy, this is a massage, this is probably a massage, this is itself...


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