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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  June 25, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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novosibirsk, while the air is very dry, the fire danger is growing, short thunderstorm rains do not save the situation, but closer to the urals, while it is cool, there will be prolonged rains, in tyumen, there will be mountains, in yekaterinburg it will rain all day and the temperature will not rise above +17, and the north and the north-west of european territory are setting up for sunny, warm weather, and there are all the conditions for this, but if in arkhangelsk the temperature is only approaching +20, then in kaliningrad the sun is already 25. the weather in the center is moderate. big rains, perfect for the working week and just in time for the weekend , warming is planned, everything is according to the summer plan: there will be short rains in the black soil, the rains will come in the lower reaches of the don in the kuban, in the stavropol region and in the mountains they will be strong, thunderous and after them less hot air in krasnodar, after 31 tomorrow will be 27. all this will not affect the black sea coast in yalta in sochi, the former +28 without precipitation. in st. petersburg there is no precipitation and +23, in moscow it is also 23, but light rain is possible. bailiffs premieres today at 22:10 on
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ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love it, i recommend it. millions of people choose fitolax laxative chewable tablets. fruit-based try the new phytolax marmalade berries just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning does not cause spasms bloating phytolax from the valar the ultimate measure premieres today at 20:00 on ntv.
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hello, hi, it's me, yes, yes, when you arrive, okay, i'll be waiting. uncle, give me a cigarette? i'm not giving it. what, cigarettes feel sorry for the child? it’s a pity, i feel sorry for the child, you’ve been ruining yourself since childhood, you snot, get out of here, think about your health.
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what, where is my suitcase? my suitcase?
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you know, let you mind your own business, and i’ll mind my own business, yes, hi, hi, what happened, malkovsky didn’t show up there, no, his train arrives in about half an hour, just, you know, i ’ll ask you, as soon as he...
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mukhtar, stop bringing all sorts of rubbish into bed, honey, you have such a commanding voice, what time is it, it’s time for service. with such a voice you you'll definitely become a general, but kiss.
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yes, i’m already here, but there’s no car, okay, i’m waiting, i’m at the station on the square in the center under the clock, okay. what do you like about him? it would be better to light a cigarette , yes, the milk on your lips hasn’t dried, look, but what should i light for you, i need to earn money,
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there’s a man, you see, go ask him, i don’t like him. it’s she who is jealous of you, well, firstly, not she, but he, and secondly, we are of a traditional orientation, yes, well then i’m jealous, i’m even
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ready to bite him, but maybe i shouldn’t, well then you , uncle! give me money for cheburek, eat i want to, but why didn’t i feed my mother? where does the mother come from, that there really is no mother, and the father, the father sits at home without work, you are my poor children, how do you live, please, so we live, my brother didn’t even have breakfast or dinner, please, how much is there? . thank you, sideburns, suitcase, you are mine, suitcase.
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place, our criminologist didn’t show up,
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didn’t show up, and you ’ve been tumbling around all night again, yes, this time by whom, who cares, you’ll get married, you’ll find out, you’ll hurry up. you'll make people laugh, who are you hinting at, you bastard? no, i envy you, you and your little people perfect couple. no, no, an ideal couple - you know, when, when either the husband is not mine, or the wife is deaf, listen, but no one was looking for me, but someone needs me, lenka already called, asking when we will finally give her the materials on lipsky case, ilkovsky will come, we’ll hand it over right away, you’ll give me my daddy, uh-huh, hello, hello, oh, here’s dmitry’s eye on... dmitrievich, what happened, like lipetsk,
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he brought the act, but he brought it, that there is no resemblance to moscow, complete similarity, why bother, give me the materials, my suitcase was stolen, along with the examination report, with all the material evidence, everything, everything was stolen. oh, damn it, i managed to attack a chemist, and i told you in the vestibule that i don’t like this guy. yes, he screwed up, shut up, i don’t like it when flies cough, well, but the vestibule,
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let’s do it politely, let’s go to work on the trojan horse, we are dealing with the case of one person, a certain ivan burdasov, according to official data, was shot in cherven in 1941, that is, you cannot say with certainty that burdasov died, i am a murderer, i ordered gordeev arrest, have you gone crazy, the ultimate measure, premiere, it seems that the war ended a long time ago, no, i don’t know, today at
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20:00 on ntv, kingfisher, new season, from the weekend at 13:00 on ntv, just asterisk, your legs just go numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the blood vessels, angionrm helps improve microcirculation and reduce the risk of blood clot formation. strengthening the walls of blood vessels: keep blood vessels normal. what will your summer be like? let's see it at the megamarket now? everything for your summer megamarket, for example, a compact steamer polariс for 4,999 rubles. almost everyone waits for the right moment to get down to business. glue the moment with you so that you are not afraid to start and finish what you started. look for inspiration and create. do the rest.
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clear, glowing skin at a discount. up to 70%, even when it gets hard, life goes on, everyone has their own mission, ours is to help, we are where people need care, so that it is not so scary, so that hope and love live in the heart, so that life goes on, so important to help someone in need, join the good deed on the website pomoćvbede.rf. lenochka, well, as always, you look great. thank you, nikolai nikolaevich, you, like no one else, can lift your spirits. what, aren't you in the spirit? nah, everything's fine. have you been handed over the moscow-lipetsk case? yes, the examination report is already being prepared. force it, lina,
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force it. this case is being monitored by the prosecutor's office. they remind me about him... twice a day, well, you know znamelkovsky, if he promised, he will do it on time, all the deadlines have long passed, i, of course, have your back, as best i can, but this cannot continue indefinitely, but you know, the matter is complicated. are you carrying bricks in it, dictionaries, encyclopedias, so to speak, intellectual bricks, for you they are, so to speak, intellectual, but for us, by the way, they are very material, okay,
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read, damn it, maybe you’ll get darker, i returned from yakutia yesterday, great. let's just get to the point, things disappeared from my storage room, from my suitcase, the suitcase was opened, or something, apparently, japanese things went missing. and chess, well god bless him with the player, it’s a pity for the chess, it’s made of walrus ivory and costs 300 bucks.
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write a statement, yes, artyom, hello, how much flax, how much zin, not here, there in the corridor, yeah, my comrade, i beg you, please, that your criminologist’s suitcase was stolen, wow! the shoemaker was left without boots, okay, mit, yes, let's do it this way,
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we'll meet in the evening and discuss everything, where in baryu, of course, okay, until the evening, bye, everything is fine, hello, hello, beauty, yes , mukhtar, you can't, but lipstick for you to your face, yes, and legs suit her, it’s good to be rude, it’s better to tell me what we’ll do, there’s no evidence, there’s no examination, well , there are some sober thoughts on this matter, neither sober nor drunk, well, it’s clear where they’ll come from, just laughing, how many police officers do you need?
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senior lieutenant kolosov is listening, fox, is that you? no, lis, i can’t do it today, i’m on duty, tomorrow, let me call you back, okay? okay, how are we going to look for the suitcase?
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berries just one at night for comfort relief in the morning, does not cause bloating spasms, fitolax from eovalar moscow coffee shop on the waist, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, we are giving away 30 trips for 4000 each, tickets by mail at, leon dream lottery , premier's bailiffs, today at 22:10 on ntv. a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions. a country that never
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ceases to amaze. discover yours russia, on the unknown russia tv channel. let me help you, they are heavy. i do remember. i'm in the closet, maybe you need it? no, i have no need.
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girl, let's go, wait, girl, man, what's the matter, for god's sake, i misspoke, lord! i don’t think i can stand it anymore. what, you idiot,
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are you tearing out of a suitcase, there are people all around, that’s it, i won’t be a trojan horse anymore, why is a bubble more valuable. where can i go, i said, i won’t do it again, i’m sticking nastya in there, i understand, you’ve already had experience, and you have good things, like a dog, the last time, the last time, but you don’t take it, in moscow is the last one, and then we’ll head to the resort. to the sea, to the sea, if you want to go to the sea, okay, the last one, so the last one, well done, we combed the entire station, platforms, not a single suspicious person, well, yes, they
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will stand with someone else’s suitcase and wait until they are handcuffed, most likely , visiting guest performers are working, cleaning not only passengers on the platform, but also storage lockers. yes, never mind the saw, the greatest inventions, well, actually, until now the greatest invention was the wheel. the wheel, of course, is also nothing, but the wheel with fish, somehow it’s not right, okay, they looked through the card index of the station thieves, but how? a month ago, in st. petersburg, at the moscow station, a whole series of... leather crashes was recorded, but 4 years ago, a certain thief named tambour received a sentence for stealing things from storage lockers; of all the boaters, he was the only one who worked
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with a suitcase without a bottom, it’s like very simple, with his suitcase without a bottom he covered someone else’s and calmly left, but where is this vestibule now? “we called the colony, six months ago he was released, lena, cover me quickly, uh, why are you fussing, and another deceived victim, no shame, kolosov, you better think about the matter, so, if the guest performers are still working at the station, how will we catch them, hmm, and if we try with live bait, you
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want to have my suitcase stolen? say thank you for not being a burglar. thank you, yes, what kind of day is it today? it ’s a complete raid, it’s not a raid, artyom, it’s a hunt. listen, why did they both come here? i met both of them in this bar, i wouldn’t want to be in your place, but on the contrary, i would really like to, mukhtar, it’s time for us to move on, fast!
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nastya, are you sleeping, no, we need to run away from the vestibule, why should we live in the basement or sewer again, it’s better in the basement than in the colony, listen, tambur and i won’t disappear, but there’s always something to eat. they won’t send us to the colonies anyway, maybe they’re youngsters, no, i’ll definitely run away, what the hell, go to bed quickly,
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just quickly, childhood time is over. yes, yes, grigory olegovich, the group is working on the lipetsk case, yes. an examination report is being prepared today, well, i give the officer’s word, you know, so as not to be unfounded, by this evening the matter will definitely be transferred to you, yes, well, yes, yes, yes, but i know, but everything turned out to be not so simple, okay, goodbye.
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yes, lena, yes, nikolai nikolaevich, i was again reminded of the lipetsk murder. we are working, nikolai nikolaevich, slowly, very slowly, so that it will happen this afternoon. on my store, i will personally tell sokolov, okay? yes, nikolai nikolaevich, guys, how do you like the suitcase? my father gave in and didn’t give in to good causes. by the way, he brought it from france. that from france is good. lena, no it's a pity for you to waste it. like he's on your tongue. don't screw it up.
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yes, here he is, where did he go, you, that burglary again, yes, hello, yes, lis, it’s me, no, i wasn’t at the bar yesterday, i wasn’t, i’m sorry. fox, let me call you back, okay,
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thank you tulik, i’m owed, well , everything is so normal, well, do you want to be bitten on, what about the suitcase, len, and yes, that’s great, we’re behind you, uh-huh .
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do you know that the belgians have wipers on the inside of the windshield, and do you know why? because they drive like this. no hesitation, muffled, like in a tank, even in the nozzles, why did i mix beer with vodka yesterday? i don’t know, listen, i could sit here all day. and what do you suggest? well, i could at least
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drink some coffee, otherwise i’m actually falling asleep now, like, who’s going to watch the deer? look to your left, see? oh, damn, what did they do here, if he notices lenka, he will definitely come up, he won’t see her before, listen, we should intercept this tracker. nastya, a young woman in a short skirt, you see, she’s
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carrying a magazine, or what? that's right, come on, grab it talk to her about the market, what should i ask him, ask him to drill, just ask impudently with a challenge, who is my detective? dmitrievich, you managed to ruin the whole operation, well, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, so i have to find something to talk about. why, girl, can’t you find a cigarette, but is it really possible for someone so young to smoke, and what’s wrong with this, i’ve been smoking since i was 8 years old, all the girls in our orphanage smoke, yes, why aren’t you in the orphanage now, we’re on vacation.
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what is this, what is this, why did the chain break, is there a french suitcase somewhere? okay, mukhtar, sit, whose dog, well,
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vestibule, we've arrived, pack your suitcase, suitcase, whatever you want? i don’t need other people’s things, citizen boss. mukhtar, help the man pack his things. hands, tambur, did you want to leave us? did you want to leave us? tambur, who is this? i see it for the first time. kolka was right when he told me, it’s a vestibule, that’s right, vestibule, take your suitcases, mukhtar, help him, good dog, what a vestibule, he misses the zone,
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treat him to a cigarette, boss, be patient, the suitcase you stole from our expert, what an expert, what suitcase do you give me? you're mad, fly, wait, there's a black diplomat with test tubes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, with test tubes, so he threw it out in a trash can, not far from the station, in an alley, so tolik, run with elkovsky for the suitcase, the girl will show lane, maybe the garbage hasn’t been taken out yet, wait, we need to let out the droyan horse. what horse? kolka, trojan horse. he is now in a storage room on kazansky. yana kazansky. fly, go ahead. i erased it
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here. here we stood, well, what next, and then we threw the suitcase in the trash, uh, bro, stop, slow down, uh, uh, what’s the matter, i say, put it back, who are you, the criminal investigation department, what’s lost here, you probably don’t understand, right? here it is, for some reason, now, now, now, now, thank god,
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everything seems to be in place, tell me thank you, really thank you, how cleverly you got me around my finger, uncle, i’m hungry, i really am i’m hungry, well, let’s go, we’ll feed you. let's feed or, of course, feed, feed.
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mukhtar, look. take the dog away, mukhtar, come to me, hello, trojan horse, hello, no need to run away, the door is closed. now it will be opened, and you and i will go together. there are so many things waiting for you that you
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will go crazy. everything is over. cheeses. kingfisher, new season. here's the deal. now it will be interesting. from weekends at 13:00 on ntv. capital punishment premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. the tasty calendar returns to the tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. dedicated to our older loved ones. convenient loans. great contributions. in the branch and online. special conditions, special relationship. say no to silicone and yes to shaoma shampoo 90% ingredients of natural origin for
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9:17 am
cereside grouts - a wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use cyrisit grout glue together. discounts up to 50% on zeva or bres brands. write benefit in the ozone search bar, look for different discounts. the highest measure. premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. our homeland. a country of great victories and accomplishments. from early childhood , each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite all the difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal. the medal is plated
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with 999 pure silver. on aversia. you only pay the delivery cost of 349 rubles. call to order a commemorative medal at toll-free number 8800 60068 05 or on the medalmishka website. r.s. let's support ours. converged on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in novosibirsk , a newborn baby miraculously did not freeze to death; it was -26. was the child's body numb? the body was cool, but he was moving and showing signs of life. the child was found wrapped in bags in a yard trash container. i heard, or meowing, a kitten, or something alive. i went up
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to the container, opened it, and saw a child. thanks to. cameras managed to find a mother who coldly threw out her son to die, she calmly goes there, calmly goes back, what’s most amazing is what kind of person should be, how does she still breathe, i don’t understand whether she will really be able to escape punishment, you want to say that the grandmother, the mother of this woman is to blame for this that her grandson ended up in the trash heap, yes, i think so, she constantly trimmed her hair, she constantly used it, she needs to be given a chance, she needs help. this is beyond today at 16:45 on ntv. hi artem. hello. who is this? the offender is a minor. the same horse
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trojan. more like a foal. call the inspector from the children's room, let him come and pick it up, okay, no need for the children's room, please, they will send me to a colony, of course, but what did you want, you're a varnish, i didn't come up with all this myself, this is my vestibule she forced me, well, that’s okay, the inspector will come, he’ll sort it out, i understand, there’s no need for an inspector, maybe it’s better to go to some kind of orphanage, but yes, from the orphanage.
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where you won't find anything to smoke let's go. guys, i’m now - to whom, vera, lisa, you’ve already got me.
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hello, fox, hello, fox, will you come to me? today? okay, that's it, we agreed, i'll wait. virunchik, hello, yes, i missed you, yes, and mukhtar missed you too, today, you know, it probably won’t work out, i’m very tired, let me call you tomorrow, okay, well, we agreed, don’t be sad, guys, i’ll go, but i need to come in. buy an old bone, he’s already chewed off that old one, what are you talking about, it was brand new, and cheap, and he immediately chews off the cheap one, when i buy an expensive one,
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he doesn’t even want to play, i can’t imagine what to do with it, but you buy him anything, just a receipt don’t show, right, right, thank you, smart guys,
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that they were on top.
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“i called you only because i had suspicions, do you think this is a reason to call an investigator, if this is the suspicion of a psychiatrist, then yes, incitement to suicide, if i’m not mistaken, the article, well , the reason, you say, this is the girl ksenia , sleeping pills, you pumped her out, there are signs of torture, but she says that she was brought to this, and this seems to be true, in what condition is she now, physically fine, she was lucky,
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for some reason she felt sick, even before that, how the pills really started to work, she even opened the ambulance door herself, who found her alone in the apartment. it means that she herself caused imitation, suicide, the usual tricks, understand, i’m a professional, and i can distinguish a suicide from a malingerer, she is very intimidated in this state, she can try again, it’s not your business to start a hunt, but a girl... it’ll do, well, let's check your suspicions,
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hello, i'm regarding the application. prostekov, my last name, i understand, i’m not tired of writing a statement if the police are not afraid of you.
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i'm the senior person in the building, i'm watching unsanitary conditions, i decided to check the dogs for fleas, and this is a beast, from the fourth floor, how it pulls me, and the owner, he says, there’s no point in pawing someone else’s dog, i would destroy them all, these dogs. in general , they poison dogs here, go for a walk, well, write a statement, just be sure to indicate the breed of the dog, this is a sign. even i know, well
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, hefty, just like that, you can’t live without a breed, please identify her, good morning, police captain elena vladimirovna brusnikina. well, tell me, what kind of show did you put on here? i didn’t arrange anything, how could i not? they arranged it, and they called an ambulance, and the police, i didn’t call anyone, well, why lie, i soon arrived on call, and the calls will be recorded, yours is recorded, it’s easy to check, well, check. i didn’t call anywhere, ksenia,
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they don’t talk to the investigator like that, you think these are jokes, signals to the police, but i have nothing to do with it, i didn’t signal to you what you want from me, okay, calm down, please tell me what happened happened to you, who drove you to suicide? no one bothered me, but what did you tell the doctors? i didn’t weave anything and in general, i wasn’t myself, yes, and i swallowed the pills just like that, just like that, i made a mistake, you can trust that you will leave me with pleasure.
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you say you didn't call? no, i didn't call. comrade boss. where can you write an application? what issue are you talking about? so they kicked me out of the office, they mocked me, they said: write, bring it, but by the way, i’m not just anyone, i’m a shock worker of socialist labor, newspapers wrote about me, so there’s a photograph, i won’t leave this matter like that, who’s in charge? he's mocking you, but these ones, you have an extra piece of paper for statements, i live.
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draw up an application for them, well, well, well, let’s go to my office, masyukov, my last name is masyukov, sit down, so, comrade chief, authorize the application for the operation. write, you tell me what happened? that’s what i’m saying, comrade boss, a dog bit me, but they don’t accept the application, they say the breed. his last name, he also
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set his dog on me, the second one is so square, okay. write your application. well look. which bride do you like best? you're playing with the dog, why? an honored pensioner is complaining about you, and so we, comrade lieutenant colonel, once and for all, remove
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the dog from the office premises so that his spirit will not be here. i brought the victim back to you, take his statement, by the way, he has already written a complaint against you, i ask you to come in. so what, fly, you will now live at home like an ordinary lap dog, let's go.
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that is, you cannot say with certainty that burtasov died? i am a murderer, gordeev ordered my arrest, have you gone crazy, capital punishment, premiere, it still seems to us that the war ended a long time ago, no, not i know, today at 20:00 on ntv, bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice: calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact, anxiety can be treated, a new product, afabazole retard with a gradual release of the active substance, allows you to take only one tablet per day, in general, anxiety
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left him and the children, now the man is ready to abandon those who are not related to him by blood, i cannot get a job with such the number of children, it’s better to have an orphanage, either strangers’ or your own children raised by a father with many children, i was always with the children, i caught you and anton, marin, let’s be honest, they cheated on her husband, no, she was married to him and met with another guy and more than one, on the very first walk they immediately started kissing pieces of paper, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. elena vladimirovna, this is from the hospital, we talked today. so, i’m telling you. ksenia tiunova escaped from the hospital. in one slipper, and most importantly, she turns out to be pregnant,
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which is why she threw up when she tried to poison herself, and she knew, no, i did the tests i just got it and went to tell her, but didn’t have time, and you say, she can try again, there’s a high probability that it’s the dog’s address. i pointed out, it’s a biting on the face, so you need a breed, well, will you have a breed, allow me, okay, you don’t have to write the breed, and no, let everything be as it should be, young people, you guys have no patience for anything, quick departure, information on the way. that's it, that's it, that's it, finish it, finish it at home, we 're leaving urgently, just a minute, why am i
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leaving the breed, take the catalog with you, bring it statement tomorrow. yes, baby, be reasonable, because you’ve already almost paid off. why kill yourself, one more payment, the very last one, we’ll all forget this story, but get away from me, finally, i don’t have any more money, no, you understand, but you should borrow someone’s, poor, or something, recording this one is of high quality, it’s worth a lot, you want to listen, but
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hey, the door is open, we’re coming in, give it here, yes, here, you fool, you’re crazy, you want to destroy a child, what child? you can’t, you can’t, my little one, let’s go, let’s go, my good one, huh?
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and what now, there is no need to cry, the child needs to think, tell us the whole truth, and we will help you, so guys. kenya, can you show me where you can wash your hands? yes, of course, i will. tolik, pay attention, the clock is in reverse. in terms of? in a sense
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, the number is located the other way around. muh, don't be nervous, fly, what are you doing? guys, we consulted here and decided that
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we are not needed here, ksenia will figure it out herself, see us out, ksenia. everything can be said, i didn’t understand anything, there was a bug on your watch for listening, now i turned it off, so no one will hear us, so let's take it in order, who can listen to you? well , guys, ksenia told me everything, the fact is that her husband is returning from a business trip soon, well, in his absence, she allowed herself something here, well, in general... someone recorded all this on tape , and now she’s being blackmailed over the phone? i don’t know how to tell my husband, he
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knows how much he loves me, he says, you are the only, pure being, all that, and you? you love him? artyom, well, that’s not the point now, we need to help the person. and the one you're with well, that’s it, i allowed myself, who is he? max. we studied together, and a couple of months ago we met on arbat, we were just
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leaving for america, did maxim blackmail you? no, it's not him, i don't know who. he just gives me a cassette recording to listen to, but what kind of recording is it? maxim asked me to scream about my husband, maybe i won’t repeat it. you understand, and they demand money from you, yes, i’ve already paid twice, but he wants more, but i don’t have any more,
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if i withdraw more from the account, my husband will notice, i ’ve already sold two rings, but how did you pass it on? blackmailer money? as he said, i transferred cash in vlats to harry light, promised that he would leave him alone, himself again, what are these sounds, what is happening, you missed me, you missed me early, he is coming back, zhangly, get ready, surprise, what happiness, the long-awaited continuation of the famous turkish series, what will happen there,
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ksenia, forgive me for asking such a question, but where is your this all happened, well, with maxim, in the living room, and then he wanted us to go to the bathroom, there’s a jacuzzi, oh, if. knew about
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the recording, then why did he take her away from the bug in the watch? ksenia, where did you get your watch? a friend gave it to me, veronica, do you have any contact with her? no, not really, but she called me on my mobile today when i ran away from the hospital. i asked how things were going, and even tried to come over for a visit. yes. ksenia, could you please call this friend to your place now? i would really like to. it's good to talk to her, i’ll try, is it really veronica, well, i wouldn’t rush to conclusions, call and beg me to come urgently, okay, just a little, and you take my
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car and drive it to the steering wheel, and how do you want to get a sanction for obusk, it’s easier “to be honest, i don’t understand “why are we doing this, there is no statement, the case has not been opened, and the girl, by the way, cheated on her husband, and we have to cover her up, however, cheating is one thing, and the life of a person and a child is another matter.” well, fly, shall we save sinners?
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connected by one goal, sergei pikulin saw how the crews of the d-20 howitzers help the assault brigades, clear out enemy strongholds and move forward. about double standards of the un and the role of the united states in the terrorist attack in sevastopol, a statement about russia's ambassador to the international organization vasily nebenzi. negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova begin in the eu. is the european press all for and writing about the path of integration? freedom with a clear conscience, the founder of wikileaks juliana sange came out of a british prison, and also the voices of lost ships nikolai bulkin plunged into the history of soviet ships that sank during the great patriotic war.


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