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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 25, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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today in our program. unstoppable. israel is preparing to attack its neighbor for revenge. why can't even the united states stop its aggressive ally? the conflict will very quickly become international. deal with the devil. julianna asansh has been released from prison. why
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did washington decide to pardon his enemy? a global effort in washington lasted 3-4 years. sources of inspiration. the artists who left flocked to russia to earn money. is it necessary to limit this opportunity to those who feel stuffy and not free here? i'll just go and earn money. look right now. hello, this is the meeting place on intv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. operational services are now eliminating the consequences of the largest fire in fryazino, moscow region, we will now show you this footage, the building of the platan research institute was almost completely destroyed ; the total area of ​​the fire was 5,000 km, and the fire was so strong that it was impossible to enter these premises. writers just this morning,
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when all the structures were shed, here you are now you will see the footage, this is the building of the institute, as it looks now, well, there is practically nothing left here, according to operational information again, the fire broke out on the fifth floor, the fire spread inside the building, this led to the collapse of the ceilings, people were trapped on the upper floors, and the bodies of four victims were immediately found by rescuers on the seventh floor, two more people, judging by the footage. died after jumping from the upper floors in an attempt to escape the fire. one victim is now in serious condition, connected to an artificial ventilation of the lungs. the investigative committee believes, although this is still preliminary information, that the cause of the fire could have been a faulty electrical wiring. now there are searches in the office of the management company, but in general , back in the late nineties, this building was transferred to private ownership, the premises in it were rented out, and there were no tenants...
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ukraine on our territory. the main blow fell on the belgorod region, where air defense forces destroyed 29 drones. at the same time , the head of the region, vyacheslav glatkov, said that one drone did hit a private house in the village of belovskoye, killing a woman there. four more residents received shell shock and wounds of varying severity during the attack on belgorod and the surrounding area. in shibekina, also in the belgorod region, the administrative building of one of the enterprises completely burned down due to a ukrainian drone. now emergency services
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are eliminating the consequences of the attack, while simultaneously trying to protect doctors from repeated attacks. we try to help our doctors as much as possible, because they are the ones who save lives when they go to the scene, so at 30 ambulance vehicles in the kinsky, gorovoronsky, belgorodsky, volodnya district urgs installed equipment for electronic warfare, which helps protect them from '. well, the capital’s children’s clinical hospital reported on the condition of the victims who were sent there after the sunday strike of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol. four children, their ages from 8 to 15 years, are now in serious condition due to herbs caused by the cluster part of the american atacoms precision missile; in total, this is already a message from the ministry of health, 77 remain under treatment victims, well, we can... the water
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from this rocket is like these balls and and i’m sitting here , this ball falls about three meters away from me like that, i think i need to go away, i just go to the side and the main thing is that it’s beating, jumping up in the air and exploding, well, it caught up with me the ukrainian terrorist attack committed with the support of the united states will be discussed at the next one of the next meetings of the security council . our permanent representative to the organization, vasily nebenze, spoke about this, while he called washington’s involvement in the crime undoubted, here are the western media and even united nations organizations are trying in every possible way to remove this involvement. we are not
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surprised that the western media remain silent about this tragedy. they are not interested in the lives of russian civilians. lack of any meaningful response from the un secretariat. which should have opposed such obvious crimes and violations of international law is even more regrettable. well, the pentagon says that they have no information that civilians were killed during the attack on sevastopol. he made such a cynical statement pentagon spokesman patrick ryder. true, he did not do this during the usual briefing, when a person answers questions from journalists with his face, in such a textual question-and-answer form. but, apparently, he was embarrassed to say this on his face. and let's make a point. we regret any civilian casualties in this military conflict. we supply weapons so that ukraine can defend its sovereign territory from armed aggression. this includes crimea, which is of course part of ukraine. and russia could
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stop this war today, as caused this war of suffering. amazing thing. here is matthew miller, when he talks about something related to russia, he always has some kind of sparkle in his eyes. when there is something connected with israel or the middle east, there is no shine, there is always some kind of silence, calmness, yesterday we promised to talk about what is happening in the middle east, in fact, this was a proposal to vanya, we are doing just that now we’ll do it, but we’ll try a little, well, no matter how banal it is to approach this topic, if you remember, yesterday we had such a difference of opinion, because that vanya was talking about sensational news, and i said that i don’t see anything particularly sensational, that’s when, well...
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the israeli leadership approved the flight operations last week, now the idf is pulling up heavy equipment of soldiers to the northern border. arab social networks claim that there is panic and a queue at beiruto international airport. whether this is really fresh footage or not is unclear, but evidence indicates that 250,000 people have fled the small middle eastern country over the past few days. kuwait authorities announced. evacuation their citizens from lebanon, germany and france have appealed to their citizens to urgently leave lebanon, and canada is going to immediately withdraw 4,500 canadians from the country. we are very afraid of the war in lebanon and are preparing for the largest rescue operation we have ever carried out to get 45
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thousand of our citizens out of there. the situation at the border is heating up. the idf began massive shelling of lebanese cities. observers claim that shells containing prohibited substances are entering. we reiterate that in the event of a comprehensive war being imposed on lebanon, we we will fight without restrictions, without rules, without holding ourselves back in anything, without control. however, israeli prime minister netanyahu is belligerent and is not going to retreat, for the sake of war with neighboring lebanon, he is even ready to suspend military operations in the gas sector. the phase of intense fighting in the gas sector is coming to an end. once the idf finishes the intense fighting in rafah, we will turn to the north. israel is open to
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a diplomatic solution, but it must be on our terms. experts fear that a new conflict will involve lebanon's allies, syria, iraq, yemen and iran. the latter is already agreeing on joint actions against israel with representatives of the ruling taliban movement in afghanistan, banned in russia. i think it is important for everyone to realize the danger that... what awaits us ahead, the conflict will not remain regional, it will very quickly become international, so alexander, today you have such a noticeable jacket, we even argued a little before the broadcast, i said, that he was blooming, frightened nymphs, and vanya said that they were very frightened, so it is clear that there is an option for just a nymph, no, the option is this, you - you dressed up like that because you are happy with netanyahu’s plan.
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hezbollah, while hezbollah is integrated into lebanon, and in reality a war between israel and hezbollah will be a war between israel and lebanon. these attacks, they are not fatal for israel, they do not pose any real threat to the state, but they greatly influence public opinion, that is, all public opinion polls show that the israelis want a government. v in principle, when the territory of a state is shelled for six months, well, probably many
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states would launch such an operation, regarding whether the operation in gas is completed or not, uh, the question is what is considered a victory over hamas, in my understanding, there will be no victory over hamas maybe there is no political settlement yet, until hamas is replaced by someone who will administer there, this, again, in my understanding, should be the palestinian national authority, first of all. there are simply no other options, but hamas itself is like the structure now does not pose a threat to israel, there is practically no shelling from gas, uh, some kind of separate outbursts there, inevitably, israel now has all the opportunities to start a military war, they will start them as if something could happen that would stop israel, and israel will not enter the territory of lebanon, or all this is already a foregone conclusion, this is such a self-fulfilling prophecy of netanyahu’s name, for sure. about what can stop it, well
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, of course, if they sit down at the negotiating table and say: well guys, that’s it, stop there, you don’t you’re shelling, we’re not going in, but in reality, since the mediators are americans there, of course this won’t happen, that’s how you explain it all, the last six months have only been some kind of friction in between, we ’ll now analyze the americans in great detail, looking ahead, it seems that these mediators are not succeeding, something can stop them, turn them around, because now all the experts from right to left to right, from right to left, everyone says: there will be a war, and this war will be even wider, involving several countries, but is there, wait, there is are there any of these experts, mediators who ask the same question that i ask, dear prime minister netanyahu, you haven’t finished this war and you are starting a war with a much more dangerous enemy, because hezbollah is cooler, yes, that’s who- does he ask or not? of course, i think many israelis are asking this question, where are we going, but in the situation in which
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netanyahu now finds himself, the last thing he has to think about is people’s opinions, and the first thing in israel is the first thing , oh no, i can’t say that he doesn’t think about the public mood at all, in the end, from alexander’s point of view there is no public mood, well, it’s still important, but what’s more important is what they think in the white house, as i see now.. the dialogue that sasha described is not a dialogue between nasrala and netanyahu, and even more so, i consider negotiations between these two forces absolutely impossible, i see it as a dialogue.
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americans are doing it so-so, otherwise we see that even the most basic things wouldn’t have happened in this hysteria, which means in israel, there wouldn’t be a split in the military cabinet and so on, but let me remind you that nathanya even recorded a video in which he seems to be very critical of biden and says that the help is not enough, of course the israelis would dream that the americans...
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in any case , they will fit in for israel, another question is on what scale, yes, indeed, if this happens, it will be the beginning of the end, we will now show the material, in fact, in detail with quotes, there is a very interesting thing when the americans don’t want something , they really don't want it, they they say publicly and in all the harshest terms that israel is a special story.
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and now an american special representative is rushing to the middle east, begging the parties not to start. the situation is tense. we've seen an escalation in the last few weeks, and what president biden wants is to avoid further full-scale war. it is in everyone's interest to resolve this conflict quickly and diplomatically. moreover, the politician’s publication writes: “the white house has already come to terms with the fact that the israeli invasion is inevitable, all that remains for the americans is - prepare." at the same time , the israeli minister of defense, who wants even more ammunition, is received in washington, and there, despite all disagreements, they accept him, and do not keep him at the door. we are ready for any actions that may be required both in gaza, lebanon, and in others areas, there is even more concern in washington about the arrival of benjamin netanyahu himself in a month, he
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is going to speak before both houses of congress, as the same politician writes, they are afraid that he will scold him, and they will have to blush and justify themselves. there is something amazing here, for some reason no one can simply refuse the israelis a visit, although even biden is not happy about the imminent meeting. he has the right to defend israel, the right to continue to persecute hamas, but he must, must, must pay more attention to the deaths of innocent people who die as a result of these actions. in my opinion, he harms israel more than he helps, he is setting up the whole world. united states. the israeli tail twirls the american cat, if we are already talking about the cat analogy and
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this is quite logical based on that the perception of israel, which is in the united states, can now take a broom there and it’s dangerous for the cat, because you can’t beat cats in public, you can’t supply food, and in the same way the cat will start yelling, all sorts of republicans will come running. no, wait, if the americans publicly declare that, yes, look, they publicly declare that everything is very complicated, there is a very high risk of a big war breaking out with the participation of a bunch of different comrades, not comrades, which will make it bad for everyone, us including? dear israeli friends, please calm down, what the problem is why this is not possible, i will now explain what is happening, israel’s actions are absolutely logical, what it is doing now is war. in gaza now netanyahu really does not bring anything but damage, because the war in gaza comes down to the destruction of living houses with a bunch of palestinian civilians, and not to the destruction of hamas, and
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does not bring any benefit to israel. the war with hazbowah is a different matter, hezbollah is an armed group that is hated by the israelis, which they perceive as a threat to national security, so the war against the khazbawa will be received positively in israel, the israelis love this, hamas is already considered to be... nothing wrong with them , they were all sitting there underground, they are now sitting there , they will now simply have a half-finished group in their rear, which they will go now, indeed, this particular moment hamas does not pose a threat to israel , the moment netanyahu besides the fact that israel needs a war with hamas, netanyahu with hazbawa, netanyahu needs a war with hazbawa, netanyahu, we’ll get to it now, netanyahu has a very difficult internal political situation, that’s all they know his office is falling apart, he needs a war to unite. this is also clear, as for the united states, the americans don’t need an extra war now for elections in the middle east, but from the very
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beginning of the current crisis in gaza there was a clear signal from washington that if a war breaks out between israel and hezbollah, the americans will enter into this war in the country of israel, because israel alone will not withstand it, but i don’t remember what kind of signal it was, after the terrorist attacks there was talk about general support, so that you don’t... then the question is the amount of support, then andrey, then the conversation went as follows: if during the war in gaza hezbollah openly intervenes on the side of hamas, the americans intervene on the side of israel, because israel itself will not survive. now, in the same way, if israel starts a full-scale war with hazbova, and even with iran’s indirect participation in it, the americans will be forced to enter into it, they don’t want this war, and we remember the stories, we remember the history of the first world war, when there were many who didn't...
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during the war, which one? starting in 1982, i remember well how your fellow tribesmen bombed, my fellow tribesmen, what a lovely formulation,
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if there is no water in the tap, he says, no, i just saw how beirut was erased from my face before my eyes and much more, therefore, i will honestly say that i do not see any prospects for israel in this war, so first of all why, because hezbollah, which i know well... for biden during the election period, this is the loss of a very significant part of the electorate, for some reason, everyone, by the way, forgot about france, which has always played a key role in lebanon,
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which said that it would support lebanon. spins the united states just as it wants, again one gets the feeling that israel , of course, feels proud of its fellow contemporaries, but in reality the situation.
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the reality of israel’s destruction, the reality of its loss, if it really becomes obvious, as they say, that israel will not survive this war and will be defeated, then the volume of us support will be such that it will survive. if they manage somehow,
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this means that this is all limited support. and this third world war will not be associated with a single system of fronts, as it was in the second or first, so, yes, with the regional ones we will have a source in the far east, of course, don’t you think that israel’s appetite here comes at the right time food, first, then they will look at iran and do everything the same, realizing that the united states allows them to do this, this is a direct path to the beginning of the same third world
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"well, the funny thing is that after israel begins an operation in the south of lebanon, i think that in about two months shelling of israel will begin from gaza, simply with absolute inevitability, perhaps even earlier, despite everything that was said to mr. netanyahu, the problem is that you understand, netanyahu very much grasped a very subtle point, for which he actually holds israel, it’s not just about long-standing allied relations, about the situation with '.
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well, in general, this is a situation that rarely occurs, when the united states is really in such a situation, not very
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it’s clear what it would be better for them to do, before they were all fooling around at once , this time i don’t know, a short pause, we’ll continue. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket. with free shipping, summer will be carefree. with increased cashback, summer will be active. with huge discounts, summer will be delicious. but for me the main thing is the mood. summer will be fun. what will your summer be like? everything for your summer at the megamarket. for example, a compact steamer polaris for 4,999 rubles. roman shilov has not a job, but a resort, a resort they’re just shooting around a little, it’s hot, there’s a sea of ​​problems, why do you have three corpses here,
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they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop this is already a political issue, and colleagues are still fruits. statement, uh-huh, you all went to kathmandu, cop wars, well , you’ll stay for dinner, i won’t stay today, why? we need to save the world, from monday at 16:45 on ntv, the prime minister's bailiffs, today at 22:10 on... ntv. alfabank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account in alfabank. moscow coffee shop on the fields. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. on the one
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for more than 40 years. meanwhile, in makhachkala, people organized a spontaneous memorial at the holy assumption cathedral, which was attacked by militants on sunday. currently , restoration work is underway in the temple, and the police are on duty at the site. there is also information about new victims of the terrorist attack. previously they were wounded. it is reported that twenty-four-year-old police sergeant nariman nasrullaev died in hospital last night. thus. the total number of deaths according to the ministry of health of the republic is 21 people, another 46 were wounded. the region has already allocated 50 million rubles to help the families of the victims. and today, the head of dagestan, sergei melikov , ordered an audit of the personal files of everyone who holds leadership positions in the republic. let me remind you that the two liquidated terrorists turned out to be the sons of the now former head of the sergekalinsky district of dagestan, magomed omarov. the third attacker was his nephew. the question is now being decided: will
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a criminal case be brought against magomed omarov? and here a possible article is aiding terrorists. according to local during interrogation by the media, the ex-official admitted that he had known about the radical sentiments of his sons for several years, but did not take any measures. according to omarov, the rest of the family did not support their sons’ radicalism. on this basis, relatives often quarreled, and no one reported their views to the police. did not report, omarov has six more sons, they , along with other close relatives , will be interrogated in the near future; the former official himself was detained the day before; searches had already taken place in his house. the tragedy in dagestan from the very began to become a reason for all kinds of speculation and fakes, in a short time all kinds of resources began to spread these fakes, so some official departments and simply concerned citizens sorted out all these fakes bit by bit in order to mislead people. do not enter, for example, immediately after the terrorist attack
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, information began to circulate on the internet about forty hostages allegedly locked in a makhachkala church. later, the ministry of internal affairs of the republic reported: the militants did not take any hostages, the parishioners simply barricaded the building while they walked outside shootout. another rumor also spread, allegedly with reference to the british publication the economist, about terrorist attacks in dagestan, they wrote there, some experts warned, the publication was quickly exposed by a telegram channel.
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at least seven patriot systems are needed to keep our cities safe. you have these systems. at the same time, the ukrainians openly did not give a damn about the americans’ request not to hit russian oil refineries. according to the washington post, terrorist zelensky personally spoke about this at the munich conference asked us vice president kamela harris,
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explaining that because of this , oil prices are rising, and this is hurting joe biden’s rating. and the pentagon convinced kiev that there was no real military benefit.
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do not cling to artyomovskaya avdeevka, so that before this, washington strategists convince kiev to keep the soldiers. along the way , the pentagon admitted that from february to september 2022 they were not able to monitor what was happening with western weapons aimed at ukraine, and they leaked en masse to the black market. as it turned out, the armed forces of ukraine were involved in theft of equipment, bulletproof vests, night vision devices, cartridges, and in general everything that could be welded. the united states does not have very reliable tracking of what happens to these weapons after they cross the ukrainian border, what units they go to, and how they are used. that is, in general , it turns out that the united states supports both ukraine and israel, despite the fact that this at least harms
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president biden’s electoral opportunities. alexander nikolaevich, well, are they all exactly the same or are they different, as it were? the same? the point here is not that it is the same, the point is that in a significant part of the information space the prevailing opinion is that everything in the world is logical, controlled, well, relatively speaking, by washington or some kind of world government, which decides everything and provides for everything. in fact, i always said about the world government that either it can’t do anything, or there are only idiots sitting there, yeah, because everything is somehow not quite like that. as soon as you shake a certain system, the system in general does not especially stable as soon as you loosen a certain system, as soon as you enter. players, well, relatively speaking, in this case, small countries, as your vanguard, you very quickly lose
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control over the situation, why are you so much stronger, you understand, in order to implement the fact that you are stronger, you need to have a huge amount of leverage , the situation is developing every day, and you have already made a decision, and you cannot tell ukraine or israel that that’s it, guys. yes, give it back, as if you give it back, so what, the russians will take it kiev, and the arabs will destroy israel, you cannot allow this, so the situation is developing in such a way that there is less and less opportunity to somehow control it, it begins to develop spontaneously, hmm, that is, and developing spontaneously, it turns into military chaos with absolutely unpredictable consequences,
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the key difference between the situation with israel and ukraine is that ukraine, and specifically zelensky, is just biden’s chick, and he is completely dependent on biden. netanyahu is essentially doing everything to make biden lose elections, he is waiting for trump to come. they, that is , in principle, in addition to the fact that israel is a real ally of the united states, it is needed, this is all clear, there is a completely different story, israel, being a country that has nuclear weapons and itself is nowhere without...
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mr. biden , because this is not a problem for specific presidents there, this is a problem in general for the united states, and now i’m here as colleagues a little, but i’ll be brief, i’m scaling the situation, you understand, everything really flows, everything changes, today the myth of israel's omnipotence is also crumbling the myth of america's omnipotence, they, that israel, that the usa are still clinging to those old models, when everything was really under their control , they...
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what are these sounds, what is happening? are you bored? you missed me too early, he’s coming back,
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our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the targets were always the same: destroy the country, take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, and before we
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continue, i entrust the last gift in this television season, andrey nikaevich, this is for you from omsk, there further, oh, further, inside it is written what you deserve, here 28 on friday, i remind you, we have the last one in this season's release, then we'll be with you on august 12th. starting today, russia symmetrically
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restricts access to broadcasting resources for more than eighty publications, including the german der spiegel, zeit, the spanish elpais, the italian la stampa and larepublica, the french newspapers mont and libersion, as well as the brussels gazette, an eua observer publication. according to the ministry, this decision is forced, since moscow has repeatedly warned brussels about the inadmissibility of political harassment of russian journalists and unfounded bans on our publications in the old world. however, as the department explained, moscow reserves the right to reconsider this decision if restrictions against russian publications in europe are lifted. if this news had not come from mida, we would have started with another sensation of today. we are talking about footage from london. you see, he’s climbing up the plane’s steps, how did it all happen, how
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did it happen that he’s leaving the territory of great britain? it is reported that the high court in london released asandzh on bail after after the founder of wikileaks made a deal with the american department of justice, assange allegedly agreed to plead guilty to one of eighteen counts. espionage against the usa. in response, washington stops demanding assange’s extradition and simply sentences him to 5 years in prison, and this period will include the time that the journalist has already spent in a british prison, that is, assange will be released immediately after the verdict. now asansh is already in bangkok, where his plane landed for refueling, from thailand, he will set course for the northern mariana islands in the pacific ocean, they are considered.
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the third in a row, which has to deal with the high-profile assange case, this time the white house seems to have made every effort to bring this case to naught, which is why such an unusual deal was worked out, and even in such an unusual place, thus the saga of the united states against asanj and asanj against the usa is coming to an end. at the same time, assange himself has already been reproached that his agreement to a deal with american justice is a kind of precedent, and so...
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alexander nikolayevich is even more right when he just spoke about the weakening of the system, you know, if it is already loose, then in completely different places, in different directions, everything will go in a completely unexpected way. well, okay, this is a separate topic, then we’ll probably talk about it, but today here’s what: scandals continue in our country related to the activities of many of our artists, and we scandals are connected with the fact that... they, without changing their political positions, are now more actively trying to make money in our country, because obviously those who left cannot make money there, well , somehow, they have some kind of budget support there, but nothing more, that is, the wave of these attempts to return has obviously become more powerful, and many, especially members of the public.
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tatyana nikitina, performers of the soviet hit alexandra from the film moscow doesn't believe in tears, have been living in the usa for many years. in march, nikitin turned 80 years old and the artists decided to give several concerts in russia, but were surprised to find that they were no longer welcome here. social activists demanded to cancel the performance in st. petersburg; times do not choose a telling name. the artists were left without fees; nikitin himself was able to perform only at a small creative evening in moscow. not bought, not bought, good name, talent.
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have already made their choice a long time ago. the main value is human life, his dignity, his freedom. social activists have long had a grudge against the singer valery miladze; they even demanded that he be deprived of his citizenship and banned from appearing in russia because in 2022, at a party in dubai, he said bandera slogan. miladze was not recognized as a foreign agent, but his performance on the big stage last year was...
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but this did not stop him from visiting his homeland from time to time to give concerts. in june , ekaterina mizulina wrote a complaint to the prosecutor general’s office against the rapper because of his anti-russian position. i believe that there is an invasion of ukraine -
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so let’s go to our telegram channel, dear friends, as always, you know, yes, how to do it, if anyone doesn’t know the qr code, we will show it to you, register, should we be banned from speaking ? , that is, earn in russia for such artists, we offer you answer options, only for foreign agents, that ’s who is officially recognized as a foreign agent, here’s mr. pokrovsky, so we ban him, but the nikitins are not recognized, which means we don’t ban, the second answer option, that’s all.
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at the time of a military operation, this is desertion; allowing him to continue to live next to someone who is defending his homeland is wrong, wrong from all points of view. now, as for those returning gentlemen, there are two types, i would divide them into two types: the first type are those who have committed or have not committed criminal action, in this case the court puts an end to it, they judge, they acquit, everything is clear, clear, yeah. secondly, those who committed a criminal offense did not commit anything, but they committed a political offense, once again, to speak out against their army, against their neighbors, against their country, this is political. an act, a misdemeanor, and it must also be leveled out by a political, already positive one, there is another subsection
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or subtype, for those to whom the ministry of justice has given agent status, and there are those who do not have this status, they basically say that, just nikolaevich, understand, here is the first point in your list, there is no one there at all, as far as i understand, there are no convicted people there. who have neither the first nor the second, but have made statements that politically harm our country, they must, we are the public, in the third case, the public should do this at all, in the third case they must politically atone for this guilt, well, wait, repent in front of the people.
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statement by lyosha kortnev, don’t go to his concert, look, i had a concert on saturday, wait, i had a concert in omsk on saturday, the hall was full, and that means then the director sends me a letter from the agents, well, the ticket sales agency, which means one old woman already wanted to go to the concert, bought a ticket, two tickets, then, as they explain, she didn’t like something. she looked at the meeting place, i said something like that, and she didn’t like it, about the kitten, i guess, i don’t care what
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this woman did, she just handed over the tickets, handed over the tickets, she doesn’t like norkin, she didn’t go, you don’t like korknev, don’t go, why should we, i don’t understand why rules and criteria, very briefly, somehow during a military conflict in our country those who are for the country and those who are against it cannot tour equally, that’s the point. and the state should regulate this, looking at the opinion of the public, everything is fine, so maria, come on, well, first of all, i want to say that a representative of the legislative branch who makes publicity with statements about vice, in my opinion, disgraces our country more than all these guys together because they are not in power they are sitting, and secondly, i want, this concerns you, but you were in singapore, this is a different topic, i was not flogged there, i saw how it was there.
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as for nikitin, this is filming, they don’t live in russia, they travel, they go to see their son, who in the nineties, that means he went there, like someone, by the way, on a soviet, russian grant, like some kind of unique person specialist, they visit him, no one can prove that they financed the armed forces of ukraine, they are just like elderly people who live in two countries, they had plans there...
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the investigative committee has sorted it out , we have investigation materials where the person says he finances the armed forces of ukraine, we trust the world, or as he said, that the confession is a fake, they say that he didn’t actually say that, but nevertheless i’m talking about those who are marya, i’m coming back, i’m talking about those who don’t send money, don’t even have the status of a foreign agent, but say some things like just now we showed the conditional kortnev, there is no criminal case, no foreign agent status, nevertheless, here’s nikolai viktorich says there is a public. same it’s quite logical that someone wants to take this person for some place and shake him, how right is this, well , look, in this row there are also very often people who don’t like it, they have a different position on the war, if we start judging for position, we will turn into our current friend north korea, or someone else cleaner, although i don’t know, but you were in north korea, it’s wonderful there, i
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was there, by the way, and yes. pay your taxes, pay your taxes and move on, please, there’s nothing wrong with us the only thing that bothers me is that i absolutely agree with maria here, absolutely, so to speak, the red line is funding sponsorship of the army of ukraine , there are no more criteria because there is a criminal article, everything that is above this, so to speak
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, should not be, wait, look, i want to go back to what he says .
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nothing of the kind, those who brought more harm to their own country, those who, so to speak, were engaged, are now mixed up. according to official data, he was shot in cherven in 1941. that is, you can't
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it’s safe to say that burdasov died. gardeev ordered his arrest. have you gone crazy? the highest measure, premiere. it still seems to us that the war ended a long time ago. on ntv. bailiffs. premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you haven't forgotten about the casting i arranged for you, have you? in no case. if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting. i am late. and if i'm late, then i take a scooter. and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip. if everyone comes out upset, it means no one has been given the role yet. artyom, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there is music too. what
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will you do if they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more and transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month. if they give him the role, he will still transfer gigabytes because he will be rehearsing. the new 24 tariff is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be transferred.
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business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly, in tb we help with business, enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright images on azon. fashion weekend on amazon, discounts up to 80% on clothes and shoes. attacked by credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. one of my friends spends endless time on social networks. i need it, i need it. because the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and to regular subscribers unlimited access to video. ishmu marmalade. connect megapowers. there will be jaga-jago only in a megaphone. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive
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goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. shop for value... especially if you're far from home. the world of honest prices brings you the battery chain saw forever, trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes, this is not a complete list of the work that it is capable of. mini saw, an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you
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to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. electric motor with copper winding has a fairly high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain was designed this way. to cut wood quickly, smoothly and with minimal energy consumption. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue to remind you that there is a survey going on in our telegram channel. our question is: should an artist who criticized the svo be banned from performing in russia ?
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already more than 9,000? of those who voted, i’ll say right away that this is not always the case for the entire program, here in just half an hour you vote, there is already one option that has come off very strongly, the answer option is the toughest, that is, ban a foreign agent, and not a recognized foreign agent, but if he said something like that, then that’s it, so if suddenly you want to somehow change this course of voting, i don’t know if it’s pressure, no, it’s not, if you want, if, and if you don’t want and want to support, then mercy is simply the toughest. so far it's winning, i must say that such tough stories of how to tighten the screws in relation to such artists, they are not only in our telegram channel, regularly, at the level of legislators in the duma, at the level of legislators locally, some such proposals appear. a working group of state duma deputies , led by vice-speaker irina yarova, is discussing whether it is possible to deprive foreign agents who have left of russian income from their creativity. the idea
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is that the money will go to a special account. there they will be stored until the foreign agent returns to russia. they sound and tougher proposals: complete removal of foreign agency books, songs or films from digital platforms. as for those who live there, but receive money from sources in russia, and in fact committed a criminal offense related to discrediting our armed forces, this is truly moral and unacceptable. there are also proposals from the regions, such as the chairman of the saratov regional duma, mikhail. isaev proposed banning performances in the region by artists dissatisfied with russian policies. now local deputies will discuss this idea. last year in another idea was voiced in the state duma: to limit access to state-funded projects to those representatives of art who opposed the special military operation and to create a special register for this. some commercial company may want to organize a concert of any kind, and should they really look on the internet to
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see if this artist spoke badly? about the special operation, i think not, they must clearly understand where they can go, what source and check, if this person is a traitor, we will not invite him. deputy andrei lugovoi demanded that the yandex company be dealt with; on the yandex music service , he discovered songs, quotes, calling for violence against russians. the deputy is also dissatisfied with the fact that there you can listen to tracks by artists who criticize the country, which means that russophobe artists are making money from the russian public, and also, perhaps, sharing their earnings. the fsu, but this is not certain, now they are asking yandex to filter the content through the prosecutor general’s office. type music in yandex, music, the song is called: shoot the muscovites. i don't understand yandex music promotes ukra-fascism or ukranazism. since february, russia has already had a law prohibiting the purchase of advertising from foreign agents. it is prohibited for both citizens and businesses to pay foreign agents for promotion on any platforms, otherwise a fine of up to half a million
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rubles for both parties. otherwise the agents are predictably dissatisfied. some laws that are being passed regarding now. this is a disgusting discriminatory thing that simply puts you outside the constitution in general. that is, i become a citizen, deprived of my rights, for some unknown reason. andrey nikolayevich, is it necessary to limit income, let’s expand it, not only to foreign agents, just now there was a prominent representative, but in general to people who have left and criticize ours. in germany or the czech republic you can now get 3 years in prison, and the most interesting thing is that the european union absolutely does not consider this some kind of discrimination, a violation of rights, it’s a question of whose experience to take and how
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to use it, yeah. therefore, whoever is going to shout here that they are starting to press their tail there, dear friends, look at the european ones, there it is formalized by law, here is the question of formalizing the law, i will repeat, i believe that people who in this situation spoke out the way they spoke out really should not have any income, you see, the problem is that this is what mr. pokrovsky said, you know, the problem it comes from the fact that this state owes me, it somehow happened to us that... our entire creative history that we are talking about, it came out of the late soviet intelligentsia with the conviction that they really are owed everything, that they came out of the kitchens like such luminaries, with which... brought intelligence for which society must pay them, the understanding that society is actually the source of your income, it never existed. so, then the question is, if society is the source of income for these people, can the state trust society
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to choose for itself, some kind of concert of one of these comrades is being organized, society did not go to it, there is in the same yandex music or other services , where you can listen to different songs, some songs of bad people, well, we trust society. and society doesn't press on the play button, and society delegates the rights of the state in order to take some measures, besides the main one about why? look, and how many times have i seen on vkontakte, a post appears, there are friends, tomorrow there or the day after tomorrow in such and such a place in moscow, in st. petersburg, a concert is planned for such and such, such and such a goat or a goat, we don’t go, as a result, no one comes there, everything is fine, why do we need a state.
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if you look at there is such garbage called a rider, do it there what the performer needs to be provided, if you look at the riders of those who are there now, but are ready to perform here, it means that they are prescribed there separately, and
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the security guarantee, incognito mode, so that no one knows, was not filmed there, and no mentions in the press , nothing, that means they’re asking, if they prescribe it, that means there’s a demand, let’s do it. well, look, you know, like in the old fairy tale, yes, anderson, you can look at everything and see evil everywhere, i don’t want to be another person like that, so i’m this mirror i take the troll out of my eyes and propose to look at russia as the best country, but in north korea it’s good, in singapore too, in russia it’s even better, that’s why they come here, because there’s a great audience here, there’s a generous audience, and why is this even happening, see this too.
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they know that you are not looking closely at them as a school head teacher, and there is a place of safety here, so yes, the artist could blurt out something somewhere, but people value him not for what he became, but for what he was, valery valerevich, can you explain, since you’re talking about artists and their the sensations began to speak, there was a certain artist who stood up after february 24 , 2022, said: “farewell to unwashed russia,” hung 115 black squares, perhaps even the flag of ukraine, and went there. it means that he somehow successfully performed in the pubs of northern ireland or the parisian suburbs, at this point it seems that some moment has come when he wants to return. here are his principles, black square with the flag of ukraine, he seems to be putting them aside, how to say, cynically, or is this
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really some kind of degeneration of consciousness, multiplied by the fact that there are very few large-caliber bills left in the wallet. firstly, as we saw today with the situation with assange, even some tectonic things are changing. a lot can change, which means, especially the artist, the very nature of which is in change, can change, the main thing is to ask ourselves the question of what we want, because what do artists want, of course, they want to come, perform, get paid, and what do we want and so, as he formulates, we are ready to admit it, that is, how many lashes, 10, or we will then say, no, you somehow suffered little, it takes 15 to not be this old woman. a word of empathy, well, it’s like mercy, because
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let’s take a break, because many of those who are now trying to return here, the real problem there is that they really have nothing to live on anymore, no one needs them there, so elina yuryevna, you ’ve been waiting for a long time today, now you can say one word yes, short pause, we will continue, don’t forget to vote, officers. get legal apartments, now we will act a little differently, sign, stand on the wall, you got in where people like you are not allowed to enter, i’m simply forced to remove you, it’s not a habit, the prime minister’s bailiffs, who are you, alexander semyonovich, without fsb officers , they came to twist me, today at 22:10 on ntv. the highest measure, premiere. today at 20:00 on
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ntv. hangover. this is where affordable, powerful filters can come to the rescue. on the one hand , this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. new flavors of chips in magnit, smoky, bright beijing style. unforgettably spicy. mexican, fly into the summer, fly into the magnet. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for one ruble. choose what is beneficial for you, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. see our blog about st. petersburg, at the end i will tell you a secret from mts travel.
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director-defector dmitry krybov. the premiere was supposed to take place in september, but the theater management terminated the contract due to the fact that the artistic production was planned in russian. the studio maintained a moratorium on russian-language performances until the end of hostilities. in some ways, i understand the director, who could not resist public pressure and filmed this performance. at
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the beginning of june, actress chulpanpan khamatova was fired from the new riga theater. according to artistic director alvis. hermanijas, she could not join the team , find her audience, performances with her participation they sell poorly, critics give them low ratings. the actress herself stated that she has a lot of other work, but all this time she was trying very hard to please the latvians, some things pull the rug out from under her feet, some again force her to balance the balance, live like life, it’s not possible to receive anything at all, i i don't know the prospects. the concert in vilnius was canceled. has repeatedly expressed unflattering remarks about his homeland, but lithuanian journalists and social activists are confident that nezlobin supports the annexation of crimea to russia, the comedian left the country in 2021 and they made this conclusion after watching the film nezlobiny, filmed back in 2016. i love russia.
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krembash, former participant. a popular secret group in russia, and our agent maxim leonidov, recently traveled through several countries in eastern europe with concerts, in the footage, small cramped bars with a small group of listeners. foreign agent singer monetochka in the new one ironizes the situation in which all the fugitive artists find themselves. plans and numbers got mixed up, everything suddenly became normal. so elina yuryevna, maybe we should feel sorry for them, well, they got it people, out of stupidity, in fact, their own people, overestimating their importance, found themselves in such a difficult situation. well, it’s a pity, i think this is not a feeling that needs to be discussed now, because the point is that we, first
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of all, we must think about our national security, now military actions are not a joke situation, here we are would.
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listen, at a time when there is a real demographic problem, in reality, when there are all sorts of stories, solve the problem yourself, you have a talent for this, so on, young guy, that’s it, we’ve run out of time, time has run out, alexey timofeev is going to solve the demographic problem, and we will. in novosibirsk, a newborn baby miraculously did not freeze to death -26 the child’s body
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was numb, it was cool, but he moved, showed signs of life, a child wrapped in bags was found in a yard trash container, he heard either the meowing of a kitten, well, something alive, he came up to the container, opened it, saw the child, thanks to the cameras, we managed to find the mother, who calmly... calmly goes back, that will she really be able to escape punishment, you are the most amazing thing, this is what kind of person she should be, how she even breathes still, i don’t understand, you want to say that the grandmother, the mother of this woman is to blame for the fact that her grandson ended up in the trash heap, yes, i think so, she constantly trimmed her hair, she constantly used it, she needs to be given a chance, she needs help, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on... ntv. kingfisher, new season. from weekends at 13:00 on ntv. hangover. this is where
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the century. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this. this is not a complete list of the jobs she is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small unit. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw of the century and receive reliable and faithful assistant. bailiffs, premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. well, hello, marie, i’ll be with you for a long time. serious
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relationships with turkish tv series begin at... evi - the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy evi subscription for 99 rubles per month. meeting place at ntv. let's see how you voted today. in principle, there were no changes in the dynamics. this second option of answer, to ban anyone from speaking at all who criticized, left. he immediately took first place and kept it. in options yours in the comments, this is probably the most important thing, and vanya already said this, is to take note of the viewers who come there, but what i would like to draw your attention to is that we have an absolute record for the number of voters, more, well, almost 14,000 , i’ve never voted so much, to be honest, i’m even a little confused, why so many, as you could
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explain, i can’t understand at all - well, it’s clear, i would simply urge everyone who voted, however you like, today not to make
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a decision in the heat of the moment, i'll explain why, because if there is any rumor about you. okay, i’ll be brief, i’ll say it again that i would probably still be a little more lenient towards artists, because they are people with subtle creative natures, and the bards mentioned at the very beginning,
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especially, you know, how many bards does it take to screw in a light bulb, three, one will unscrew it, and two will sing with a guitar about how wonderful the good old light bulb was and how great it is that they are all there today. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. more than 20 people wounded in the attack on sevastopol remain in stable condition in the capital’s clinics. gun, shot! to break through the defense, assault groups in their zone move forward under the cover of artillery.


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