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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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doctors in moscow are fighting for the life and health of adult children injured in a missile strike in the ssu on the beach in sevastopol. russia's permanent representative prion nibenzi accused the united states of direct involvement in the tragedy. kherson cherries and tomatoes are already being sold in moscow, how the region is restoring the village, roads, gas supply, which the governor also reported to the president in roman sobol’s report. juliana asanche is free, partly. although just the day before the king of compromising evidence was facing 175 years in prison for the largest -scale disclosure of american niki tried to find out what was behind the deal that the us department of justice offered the whistleblower. the bill on indexation
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of pensions for working pensioners was adopted in the first hearing by state duma deputies and they announced what the recalculation scheme would be. the voice of a sunken ship. a minesweeper that died during the war was found in the baltic sea. now there is a sign on board with the names of the sailors, and the relatives of the victims were able to ring the ship’s bell, raised from the bottom. about the memorable event, nikolai bulkin. hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. more than 70 wounded as a result of the missile attack on sevastopol remain in hospitals today. now they are in intensive care,
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they have mine explosion injuries and shrapnel wounds, upon admission they had a computed tomography scan, they carried out all the necessary diagnostics, according to the doctors, some will need surgery, three more seriously wounded adults are being treated at the sklifosovsky institute. everyone is different, as it were , the extent of the lesion, there are abdominal wounds cavities, there are injuries to a limb there in the chest, well, the volumes are completely different for each patient, but basically this is a combined injury, well, we hope that the prognosis will be good, but so far the patients have only recently been admitted to us, so we are now dealing with certain there, through operational influences, we will then know everything more precisely, so far everything is going well, one wounded person was taken to the medical-surgical unit.
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we have been examined, so the situation is stable. seven people injured by shelling were discharged from sevastopol hospitals today, 50 patients continue to be treated. as the city governor mikhail razvazhaev said, in the most difficult cases, where the help of specialists of different profiles is required, medical consultations are held to determine treatment tactics. the united states is directly involved in the ukrainian missile attack on the civilian infrastructure of sevastopol. russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebenze said this while talking to journalists. emphasized that the flight
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missions for the missiles were created by american specialists on the basis of us satellite aerial reconnaissance data. diplomat reported that this terrorist attack using american long-range missiles will be the topic of discussion at the next meeting of the un council on ukraine. there is no doubt that the united states is directly involved in this crime. washington and its allies support the neo-nazi regime in kiev and encourage their own. the russian federation will continue to protect its people and ensure its national security until the threat from the neo-nazi regime in kiev, raised and financed by the west, disappears. not only do the western media suppress information about the attack on...
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the islands, they are, according to him, occupiers, that is, a military target. ukrainian nationalists acted in exactly the same way in 2014, when they shelled a beach on the banks of the krynka river in the dpr, where families with children were vacationing. then 13 people died, including three children. the kiev regime is interested in continuing work with
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weapons of mass destruction, this is confirmed by documents from the main investigative department of the sbu, which was obtained by the russian military during a special operation, they said today. for further disposal of radiochemical substances, which turn the country into a dump of spent nuclear fuel and waste from hazardous chemical production. the main supply routes are organized through poland and romania, while organizational, logistics and financial issues are supervised by
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the personal head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak. these substances can be used to create a so-called dirty bomb and then use it under a false flag. i would like to.
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bc ends, for now, for now moment, the enemy very rarely, very rarely, but snaps, but we seem to have all the cards in our hands, we have ammunition, we also have human resources, we have more equipment, more people, more ammunition. in the kherson region, airborne tank crews destroy enemy temporary deployment points on the right bank of the dnieper. in this footage, paratroopers are performing their next mission in dilapidated houses, intelligence has discovered. movement of ukrainian armed forces personnel to the drone control center. the t-72 tank struck the targets. using terrain folds he quietly and quickly arrived at a closed firing position and inflicted defeat with accurate shots. offensive actions require maximum fire support. and
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there are special operations in the southern donetsk direction. russian howitzers work with high intensity both day and night. according to the fighters, artillery duels on this section of the front have almost stopped, but the enemy is using them en masse. the cover of the position is constantly treated with pividrons, so everything here is dug up with trenches, we prepare a fire station in advance, make trenches, where we live, where we spend the night gun trenches so that the shelters are near the gun, we also make cellars for
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shells and cartridges. according to the soldiers, there is more work now; our infantry is moving forward without the help of artillery. sight 494, 494, yes. 2999 299 yes the gun shot here yes. the positions of the armed forces of ukraine are increasingly less than 10 km, the task of these calculations is to disrupt the enemy’s rotation and prevent them from delivering fresh ammunition. on the day , d-20 fires 70-80 shots, working on equipment and enemy positions. gun it down! shot! the guys work fast, six shots per minute into cover, we leave our positions before return fire begins. we're leaving now. it is even more torn now
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and shows that somewhere in our area in the air and like a bucket, the driver is squeezing maximum speed out of the car, portions of the accompanying people report: komikaze worked not far from the position of our d-20s, all are intact, the drone hit a specially placed decoy target. sergey pikulin and ali arebzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction of special operation. the restoration and development of the kherson region was discussed today by vladimir putin at the working meeting with governor vladimir saldo. the president named gas and energy supply, as well as the construction of housing and industrial facilities, among the priority tasks to be solved in the region. the governor reported to putin what has already been done in the field of road construction and how things are now in agriculture. about the meeting in the kremlin. summer has not even passed the first third yet, in the kherson region. the harvesting work is already underway, despite the fact that the front line is just a stone's throw away, shelling from the ukrainian army is worrying
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side, but the work does not stop, out of 950 thousand hectares, 65,000 have already been harvested, there is a lot of grain, despite the fact that, of course, they lost productivity due to the destruction of the kokhov dam, but nevertheless the farmers do not have enough water, but there is not enough water, there was if there was more water, the yield would be greater, and so on. thank god 1.23 43 combines have just started working, almost 2,300 cars, 1,300 tractors are still working, a large amount, there is fuel, thank you, they brought everything, the track was bombed last summer in the ssu, nevertheless the kherson region supplies a lot of products to the all-russian basket. i know that vladimirevich, you have certain investment projects planned for the development of agriculture. yes, the storage needs to be restored. old elevators and vegetable bases stood along
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the dnieper bank and were destroyed by the ukrainian army during their retreat. this territory is now unsafe; buildings are being erected elsewhere. and the design is underway; when they are ready, it will be possible to save significantly more fruits and vegetables. vagchi, we have a lot grapes, pears, apples, cherries are already sold in moscow from kherson. tomatoes, all this now, thank you, it is now being prepared, built and will be operated, the primary tasks are, of course, the organization of gas supply, both to the residential sector and industrial facilities, restoration of energy supply and large-scale housing, first of all, and then industrial construction, before the kherson region was gasified less than... 30% of the region receives gas through crimea, this is a bypass route, but a northern branch is being designed,
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which will provide much more fuel, a program is being developed together with gazprom, this has been entrusted to chernomorneftegaz, as a gas operator, the program is already bringing the average pressure of gas pipelines to populated areas , already there further to households, the program has already been started, this year we expect that genetic agglomeration will, as it were, will already be... saturated with gas supply, housing construction, restoration of infrastructure, road infrastructure, yes, that’s what concerns housing and communal services, a lot is being invested in road construction, the governor says this the first thing our fellow countrymen are asking for is that the region is large, there are many roads, but their condition is of course quite depressing, and thanks to the fact that the program provides funds for this event, there is
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a speech in a telephone conversation between the presidents of russia and turkey. as reported in the kremlin , erdogan expressed a sense of solidarity with the russian people, conveyed sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wishes for a speedy recovery to all those injured. putin thanked the turkish leader for his condolences and support, the presidents agreed to continue close coordination in the fight against terrorism. putin and erdogan also agreed to refrain from further personal contacts, including at the sco summit in astana on july 4. and today it became known that the first act of the summit in astana will be the acceptance of belarus as a full
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participant in the shanghai cooperation organization. sergei lavrov stated this at a meeting with alexander lukashenko. thus belarus.
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therefore, first of all, i am grateful to you for this, but i am especially grateful for the work that you carried out, first of all, you and the russian leadership for our accession to the shanghai cooperation organization, the full participation of belarus. belarus has indeed overcome this path in a very short time, the summit will be held in 7 days in astana, and although
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diplomats do not really like announcements, sergei lavrov has opened his cards a little this time. everything has been decided regarding the shanghai organization.
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after all, it is close to his native australia. the liberation operation was prepared by the whole world, says the brother of the king of incriminating evidence. i worked in washington in congress, advocating for it
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release for the last three or four years. this was a global effort to free julian asandge and bring justice to everyone involved. the pope was defended by julian, the president of brazil, and lula da silva, the prime minister of australia. with all due respect to the efforts of the leaders of latin america and the roman pontiff, the last word remained, of course, with the american administration. he was handed over to the british authorities by the president of ecuador, lenin marena, the journalist spent about 7 years in the embassy of this country, requesting asylum from them back in 2012, just coming dressed as a courier. the amazing us pursuit of the whistleblower was then followed by the entire planet, like the program tomorrow's world, which asansh, sitting in the ecuadorian embassy, ​​did for the russian tv channel rasha today. the usa took on... him back in the tenth with the help of sweden, where he allegedly raped someone, but sanju seems to have not only managed to postpone the meeting with the american themis, but to evoke something similar to mercy from her. the us government does not
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consider his release as an evasion of responsibility; he has already received his punishment served his time, although he does not need to come to the united states to stand trial. the future whistleblower of state secrets became involved in programming at the age of 16. at the age of 20, asandzh was arrested for hacking the central server of a canadian telecommunications company. obama's promises to close it. full-scale world fame came to wikileaks assange 2 years later, when they published this video. american apaches gunned down a group of civilians in
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baghdad in 2007, including two reporters. helicopters hit people as if in computer shooter, without any reflection. in 2010, the organization released almost 400,000 documents showing us crimes in iraq in early 2000. the secret reports are detailed. most of the incidents were never investigated, but after this iraqi dossier, washington opened a case against asandzh, finding him guilty of the largest leak of state secrets. after that , wikileaks didn’t go a month without a line; in november they posted 250 thousand confidential telegrams, of which it became it is known that the united states spies on the leadership of the un, and how diplomats call politicians among themselves. half-horses are physically weak with an insatiable sexual appetite. merkel is arrogant and unimaginative . sarkazy is bossy, touchy and rude. the state department’s dirty methods, political
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blackmail, threats and bribes, the organization generously shared all of this with the world; something relevant can still be found today. for example, in 2014 they shared a secret report from us deputy secretary of state william burts. back in 2008, a diplomat warned about the dangers of nato expansion to the east, a possible armed conflict and...
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as they say, with such happiness in freedom, many in the world are perplexed about this, former us vice president mike pence, for example, believes that asansh endangered the lives of soldiers, and this deal with the ministry of justice itself disgraces the service and sacrifice of the american armed forces of their families, but the decision was made in the highest offices, as pointed out by the australian foreign minister.
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by the way, it's not finished yet. signature underneath should be delivered on wednesday by a judge on the island of saipan, where borg has now flown from bangkok. nikita korzun, stanislav bystrov, anastasia vishnyakova, natalya markevich and andrey prikhodko. real fighting broke out on the streets of the kinya capital today, there were killed and wounded, riots broke out in nairobi after parliamentarians approved a law on additional
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taxes. they began to smash it and set it on fire, the law enforcement officers used live ammunition. according to reuters, citing local doctors, at least 10 people killed and about 50 injured. lawmakers evacuated parliament through an underground passage to a nearby government building. in nairobi , the city council building is on fire, with demonstrators gathered in the center. state duma deputies announced what the recalculation scheme would be. an osaga policy
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is no longer required when registering vehicles; the decision has been legislated in the lower house of parliament. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card that can be used pay. anything and get goods for it for 1 rub. you are so multifaceted, just like me, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an ozonbank card. 10% discount on refrigerator using promo code cold. so from june 24 to july 3 , a liran refrigerator with a total volume of 317 liters for only 34,191 rubles. rbt - we make comfort
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or cool off at the dacha, oh, or lull you to sleep, yandex maps will tell you where to build routes no matter what you think. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. the state duma today adopted the indexation bill in its first reading. this decision will affect 8 million people, indexation for them was suspended in 2016, now from february 1, 2025, pensions will be indexed equally for both those who have already retired and those who
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continue to work, with an increase starting next year will be done twice, once in february, the second in april, presenting bill, vice speaker andrei isaev told how this mechanism will operate. indexation of pensions for inflation for working pensioners will be carried out from the maximum amount, that is , hypothetically, let’s assume that a pensioner has been working since he was sixteen years old, his pension was 20,000 rubles. nominally, he has accumulated 30,000 rubles in his pension fund with all indexations. first of all, if we assume, let’s assume, conditionally, inflation is 10% for simplicity of calculation, from the first.
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state government will continue to improve the system of providing socially significant state and municipal services, so that they are provided electronically in a proactive mode, but the processes are all simple, understandable for people, do not take much time, here i want to especially emphasize, you need to focus on the opinions of citizens, establish feedback carry out all work based on their assessment, making sure to preserve the opportunity for people to personally contact the department. to resolve their issues, one of the main tasks
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of the new national project is the active introduction of digital platforms in government administrations in social sphere. what is important is that the national project will include measures to protect personal data, among them an issue that, according to mishustin, is of great concern to people now. we are talking about creating a system for effectively combating crimes using it technologies. in moscow , the creation of a new campus of the bauman moscow state technical university is being completed. the first students have already moved in. a long-built hostel on the banks of the yauza. it is a huge complex of two buildings that can accommodate more than 2,000 people. there are no only residential areas, but also places where creative evenings and youth festivals can be held. glib dudkin went to see where the baumanke students would live. this is my room, there is a lot of storage space, a bed, a beautiful view from the window. beautiful, convenient, that is, you can move in
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here, everything looks so stylish, interesting, just with your personal belongings, everything else is there, and well, there is no need, that is, there is a refrigerator, microwave, stove, kettle, a multifunctional complex consists of two buildings in which all conditions are created for comfortable living and leisure for almost 2,500 students, in addition to the residential blocks, there are places for meetings, for whom... and for this there is broadband internet, for video conferences with students from other cities , this is accordingly in communication, multimedia equipment will be supplied here, the new dormitory is part the university's scientific campus is under construction and includes 14 facilities, eight of which have already been commissioned. on the basis of the building dedicated to mechanical engineering technologies,
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eight laboratories were created, equipped with the most modern technology, which significantly expands research capabilities. now, as part of my thesis, i am writing theses together with the company where i work, the technical equipment that is here can help carry out experiments for its tasks, and for solving the problem that i am writing in my thesis, it can help, of course , certainly expands the capabilities of both teachers and students in terms of conducting. investigative work and our professional activities. when equipping educational spaces take into account not only the needs of the university, but also the global demand in science and economics. we equip educational research laboratories not based on the fact that it is important for us to simply equip them, but based on what the market requires today, what our industry requires today, what our industrial partners ask of us today. the most grandiose part of the campus under construction is the central one. which consists of several buildings and is united by a dome
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structure weighing 100 tons. it was collected at the ground was raised with the help of winches to a height of 40 m. a membrane is stretched on top, which will protect from precipitation and provide shade on hot days. the central cluster includes five buildings for different areas of study. i think that students will thank those who worked on their design more than once again, because the design uses real formulas that can quite help themselves in the exam. in the center of the atrium they plan to plant an oak tree around it with an amphitheater. it is in such conditions, and this is fascinating , that motivation immediately appears when you being in a comfortable environment makes it much more pleasant to work, you focus on work, on what it brings like... some kind of pleasure, you get up less, somehow
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there is more room for creativity, i think for each of our student employees, this has the same effect. by order of the president, a whole network of modern educational campuses must be created in russia by 2030. the creation of each campus implies a major contribution to the technological sovereignty of russia, so that our country does not depend on western suppliers and partners of high-tech equipment. the following news will certainly be of interest to motorists. the osaga policy has been excluded from the list of mandatory documents required when registering vehicles. denis talalei joins us. denis, when will this norm come into effect? this convenience will have to wait until
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next spring. today the state duma adopted in the third final reading a law according to which.
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from september 1, 2025 , only those smartphones should be sold in russia where it will be possible to install and update applications via rustore. since january 1 last year, this store was included in the list of applications that must be installed in advance on all smartphones sold in russia, but a version of rustor for the ios operating system never appeared, and several months after the appearance of this requirement, the media wrote, what without... smartphones on the android operating system continue to be sold quietly, and who will fulfill the requirements of the new bill is also not entirely clear, already neither iphones nor, for example, samsung phones have been officially sold in russia for 2 years. anton guskov, a representative of the association of trading companies and manufacturers of electrical household computer equipment, says that sellers
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of smartphones will also not be able to pre-install rustor on them; according to him, there is not even a technical possibility for this. another interlocutor of the newspaper also believes that the new bill will not interfere with the import of gray equipment from abroad to russia. by evening, the russian stock market decided that it had suffered enough losses after the new eu sanctions, according to the results of the day turned out to be positive. the ruble was doing about the same thing today; it is trying to recover after a powerful fall at the end of last week. official courses for tomorrow, which. the central bank set without exchange trading, dollar 87.28, euro 93.73. shares of the former russian polymetal gold miner, now a kazakhstan-registered company, solid core resources , fell 12.5% ​​on the moscow stock exchange today. and during trading in the morning they went into the negative by
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27%. that's because solidcore announced today that it has filed for delisting. theirs. from the moscow exchange. the company requests that the last day of trading be september 30 this year. back in the summer of twenty-two , polymetal international, the largest silver producer in russia and the second largest gold miner, announced that it was going to divide its russian and kazakh assets. then the russian polymetal structure came under sanctions altogether, after which the parent holding polymetal international sold its russian business. by that time, polemetala international had already managed to register in... kazakhstan, and then change the name. the decision to remove its shares from the russian site and leave only the kazakh company, which is now called, is explained by the fact that 2 weeks ago the moscow exchange came under american sanctions. the british analytics company skytrax recognized catar airways as the best airline in
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the world. the award has been awarded since 1999 and is considered an aviation oscar. catter airways takes first place in eighth place. times in 25 years that such a rating has been compiled, only asian companies are in the top five, last year's champion singapore airlines is in second place, emirates is in third, then japanese olnipon and hong kong's katey pacific. to rate the airlines, skytrex is conducting an online survey, as indicated, it takes several months in english, french, spanish, japanese, chinese and russian . in the twenty-second year, russian airlines. skytracks ratings have disappeared, and many airlines no longer fly to russia, but russian passengers may find it useful to know that turkish airlines won the award for the best in-flight flight in europe nutrition. in economy class, and azerbaijani airlines are recognized as the cleanest airline in central asia and the cis countries.
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everything about the economy, denis tololayev with an economic review of the day. this is the program today, in a few minutes the thirty-degree heat returns to the capital region, also later in our issue. the voice of a sunken ship. a minesweeper that died during the war was found in the baltic sea. now on board there is a sign with the names of the sailors, the ship’s bell raised from the bottom. relatives of the victims were able to strike about the memorial action, nikolay bulkin, alfabank is the best bank for business, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank. idea to start. was born from a childhood dream of becoming a discoverer, i remember how the guys and i climbed here, and i imagined
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there is one company. exactly, promo, thank you, good health, invest in promo securities, enjoy your different self, fill your summer with bright looks on ozone, fashionable weekend on ozone, discounts up to 80% on clothes and shoes, this is the program today, we continue our release. divers lifted from the bottom of the gulf of finland a bronze ship bell from a ship that was lost during the great patriotic war, liberating
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the admin water area, at the very end of 1943, there it was blown up and... the minesweeper raduga sank, there were more than 50 people on board, who were still listed missing. a large warship in the baltic was found thanks to an expedition of the russian geographical society; over the last decade there have been more than 40 such finds. and the naval history of russia, our sobkor in st. petersburg. nikolai bolkin. a large training ship, together with the participants of the commemorative event, goes to sea. we are sailing calmly, confidently, at an average of 14 knots. and in 1943 , this forwarder was stuffed with mines, there were a thousand of them, and in order to die, one was enough, the same surface of the sea near the island of seskar, but at a depth of a mass grave, at 43 m the divers of the search group are leaving, there at the bottom, the soviet minesweeper raduga died, he was liberating the water area near leningrad from mines, but he himself was blown up together with the crew in the cold december of 1943
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, when there was already slush of ice on the water. its bow part was torn off to the bridge, a small field of debris, the keel part, you can clearly see a forty-five-millimeter cannon on the bow on the wings of the bridge, two dshk machine guns on the wings of the bridge, i think that with such damage it sank literally in a matter of minutes, considering that it was still winter, very cold weather and the ice was already rising, naturally, this explains that practically no one survived. find a minesweeper decades later, the project to bow to the ships of the great victory helped. the next search square, the sonar showed the object, and the rays of deep-sea searchlights picked out the bow of the ship, guns and bell. this is how light was shed on one of the secrets of the war, more than 50 people who died here have now been found, we set ourselves
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tasks so that people are not just on the lists. a plaque with a list of the dead will take place on board the ship. the first name is kamil abtikaev, the minesweeper commander. his photo is in the hands of his nephew today. felix flaadovich remembers his uncle very well. uncle was 26 years old when he never returned from that exit to the sea. and today his nephew is here on...
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of course, weak emotions are overwhelming. a minute of silence and military units, the st. andrew's flag is lowered. and an important symbolic moment, a relative of the deceased commander strikes a bell raised from the bottom. covered with rust, oxidized, but in fact still the same ringing voice, the voice of a sunken ship, a voice that should be heard. decades later , in memory of the dead sailors. names are spoken today in prayers. abbot and nakentius, priest, and underwater operator, and helps in the search for ships through prayer and deed. the moriks knew the voice of their ship well, they perceived it by hearing, they could distinguish in the fog where exactly their ship was in the parking lot. and so we want to make a monument where these raised bells of ours will hang, with the name of the ship, with
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the name with the names of the crew, everyone who remembers can come up and call. exactly at this very bell. 10 years of underwater searches in the baltic, and this is essentially the last large ship that disappeared during the war to be found now. the specific places of death became known, more than ten submarines and another three dozen different surface ships, so that they would remember and so that the relatives of the victims could honor the memory of their relatives in this way, who brought the victory closer. nikolai bulkin, victor khudi, sergei preobrazhensky, ekaterina irokhova, ntv. gulf of finland, baltic sea. thirty-degree heat is expected in the capital region closer to the weekend, meteorologists reported this today during a brief weather forecast on ntv. irina plyakova joins us. irina, what’s the forecast for tomorrow? well, everything here is interesting, you won’t guess, but two atmospheric vortexes with completely opposite characters and desires are now sorting things out above us. above
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the urals is the funnel of a storm cyclone in the history of the sad achievements of its progenitor, the recent terrible one. the weather, including in moscow, comes out from the west, begins and most likely wins a calm anticyclone with a cloudless sky. so far, i think, without much desire, but they are cooperating, they have organized a northern air service. the stream permeates through the entire russian plain, now reaching the caucasus, the result: a lag in temperatures from the climatic norm, and it is now in the south, the introduction of cooler air cannot do without precipitation, tomorrow there will be showers, thunderstorms, squalls in places with hail, mainly in the republics of the northern caucasus and the foothills of the stavropol edges, and also in places in the voronezh, penza, saratov and volgograd regions, are not excluded and most likely not so violent in the east of the central region and to tatarstan, but... but a completely cloudless sky for the north-west of the sunny the effect is quite enough to cope with the former coolness, tomorrow it will already be +23:28, which will make this region almost the leader in the race for the title of the warmest on the russian plain. and in
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st. petersburg tomorrow the sun is already +25, in moscow it is 23 and there is a chance of light rain, and the next day and until the end of the week until 30 the sun rolled into july in the summer, this is wonderful, thank you, well, thank you, that was the weather forecast, and you! these are the main news at this hour right now the premiere of the detective capital punishment at 22:10 detective series bailiffs, well, we are igor pletae and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
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i’ll control you, you’re a loser, otherwise your wife wouldn’t have left you for me, and you’ve gone wild, you’re crazy, if tobolin calls, you’ll fly to him like a bullet, you’ll swallow one, also from the garbage, you’ll tell your dad that he’s walking, the earth he doesn’t see, my son, yes, what kind of person you are, it hurts that you are a person, in the twenties there was such a thief, ivan burdasov, so he killed.
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burdasov and all his gang went down to the basement, and the basement there is bad. how many exits can there be in an instant? they will scatter like cockroaches, comrade khlynin, the main thing here is surprise, we put the whole gang to death.


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