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tv   Stroika  NTV  June 26, 2024 4:00am-4:51am MSK

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so this is - we broke up and your husband how, and we also broke up, sometimes you want some variety, maybe this is some variety, why not, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, let's take a shower first, i got it, i got it , i got it, i got it, now,
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i want to rub your back, uh, what are you doing, uh, take your hands away, what the fuck are you doing? listen, it’s cozy here, if only we could put in a kitchen and there’s no need to build any house at all, no problem, live here, and the children and i will be in the house, that’s fine, so what if i put food at your door, yeah.
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hey, owners, there is someone at home, strange, okay, ah, okay, we live, yes. yes, what ’s going on, you can explain, this is not a foreman, this is a bandit, uh, open up, what kind of chaos is this, and max, what kind of nonsense, give me the key, remember the guy who drove into us in a jeep, well, uh, open up, so it’s him, oh, it’s you, or something, a clown, so why do you keep running from me, oh, this is a killer, i saw how he threw out a corpse in polythene, they roll people into concrete. yes, these are not people, these are garbage,
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you hear, for them people are garbage, i remember the fake one, listen, are you even a clone, what a fake, this is my buddy from brigades, well, there’s a whole brigade of them, that’s it, i’m calling the police, yeah, oh, i scared you, call, call, wait, i understand everything, they... they have their own people, max, you’re paranoid, what kind of people ? why then is he always one step ahead of me, no matter where i come, he is always waiting for me, and he even found me here. believe me, he will come out in half an hour, i will get into some strange accident, you will disappear and no one will look for you. now imagine what will happen to our child. no, you can't go to the police. let's.
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we'll burn it, uh, what are you doing? to set a man on fire because of a bumper, i ’m an ordinary foreman, i have a family in chisinau, because the children are small, max, max, foreman, call an appointment for me, go open it, he’ll kill me, and i’m pregnant, god, what’s wrong - lord, why do i need all this? nonsense, some kind of nonsense, that
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’s all, now the main thing is not to be stupid and just assent to me, listen, well, what do you think, did he pass the test? yes, a strong guy, you can take it and steal his settings, will they? no, no, they won’t, yes, he has a family in kishinev, but so what, open? yes, yes, please, 1, 2, 3, imagine that you are such a misunderstanding among us. radik, this is short for radoslav, do you really agree after all this, oh well, let’s go, we’re building quickly, efficiently,
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3.00 km, that suits us, that’s great, the day after tomorrow i can start a team, in the sense of a labor collective. excuse me, it’s all at 15, you’ll all follow me, but i have a ticket for 11, yes, but now it’s only 9:20,
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i’m pregnant for the first time, the second. gave birth safely, not quite, well, what are you waiting for, we need an extra invitation, come on, come on chair, you know, morozova? tell me, can the glands be closed? they don't work, we are undergoing renovations. and what about me now? and now it’s like this. are you embarrassed by them, or what? of course, they
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are interested, although nowadays this happens already in the first grade. don't be afraid, i 'll block you. listen, why are you talking to me on private terms? “firstly, i’m the eldest, secondly, i’m a candidate of medical sciences, but i do all sorts of nonsense, thirdly, i’m used to it, it ’s more convenient for me, this doesn’t give you the right to be rude, if i wanted to be rude, i’d be rude, such interesting , sitting here with you for three kopecks, no still right." they're pumping, they're all smart, but there's no one to fix the hardware, that's just the amount for the box, well, yes, what did you think for the whole house, believe me, i
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'm as scared as i could, that's five zeros, i'm not wrong, you're wrong , there are still seven ahead, it seems to me that i will give birth earlier, and what problems with money, i don’t have any, i just didn’t get enough sleep, but listen, construction, it’s like a woman, it requires attention and money, it’s like you when you. radik asks questions about construction, sometimes i regret that you and i are not fish, nose, maxim and ekaterina, good welcome to our magical world, please, we
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guide your pregnancy from the beginning, so to speak, to the bitter end, we have sector a, well, the early stage, here is the analysis laboratory, you can’t leave, we have absolute sterility, but you can look in. there’s a special hood working here, here we have our pride, ultrasound, just from japan, this is the latest technology, come on, i’m ready to give birth here every day, mind you, no queues, set the appointment time yourself, and the tests come to you by email, just impressive?
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this is exactly the reaction i expected from him, when we left there, for some reason he began to convince me that this was exactly the place, only then i realized that he just wanted to jump off the construction site. it’s true, yes, if i
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had succeeded, we wouldn’t be sitting here now, the doctor is absolutely right, we need to think about the child, and the construction can wait, max, what are you talking about, i can’t do this, you want a house so bad, you’re from a partnership refused, we’ll build a birthplace, a year will fly by like this, we have land, the foundation project is ready, maybe a clinic we’ll find it easier, katyusha, you definitely can’t save money on this, but you’re not a girl anymore, you’re ready to risk your health, your child’s health like this, i’m not, if something happens, i’ll never forgive myself for it, well, maybe there is a way to do both, i don’t know, maybe there is, but i don’t know it, yes, you’re probably right. and i almost convinced her, but you know
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women, i knew some, yes, but not all of them, i couldn’t figure out all of them, excuse me, so what about the women, did this one find a way to get to an expensive clinic? and make me continue construction, ekaterina, you shouldn’t have music, you should teach financial management, but no, she has nothing to do with it, it was granovsky at july’s birthday who gave her an idea on how to save money, well, not without his own interest, of course, but what does granovsky care about yours? construction, he needed it even more than me, because while i continued, i was in his captivity all the time, i was needed all the time.
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i helped him with this, by the way, did you check the estimate? well, of course not, but why? i still don’t understand anything. well here it is, you either you trust a person, or look for another, you ’ve known this guy for a week, that a good person recommended him to me, trust him, check him, take the liberty, go to the market, talk there, gain confidence, if you do everything correctly, then you will not only there are enough people, but no, when will i?
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do you know how to understand this flawed psychotype , who can hear these vile intonations? well, that’s my job after all. whether the estimate was checked or not, i tried. the city police department together with the federal migration service conducted a raid on the central construction market in connection with than it had been closed since the morning.
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despite the operational actions, most of the pavilions did not even open today, this suggests that most of the traders were warned in advance and did not go to work, mom, did they have a spy in the police, they probably did, will they find him?
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hi, were you at the market today? well, where am i from, in your opinion, i spent half a day on this, well , there’s some kind of chaos there, babylon, everyone is pushing something, i’m walking around with this estimate like a fool, and you were at the central one, well, which one else, in short, that’s all like crazy, somewhere even more expensive, i was upset, it was a shame, of course, there was such a chance, well, i was unlucky with the foreman, i honestly got caught, it’s a pity to leave, they just showed it on tv today, what? max, max, wake up, i understand, max, that's it,
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good, let me sleep, max, well, wake up, i understand how to find out about discounts, everything is great, that's it. relevant now, damn it, well, the prices are the same for people, but different for foremen, why different, because they buy a lot at once, volume, so they give big discounts, well, i’m not a foreman, it’s okay, we’ll dress you up, we'll work on the speech it’ll do, okay, i’m not going anywhere, i see, good night, we’ve begun to rest, the market didn’t work today, i don’t know why you deceived me,
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but i’m very unpleasant. kal, katya, forgive me, i’m a fool, how can i atone for my guilt, once again, there will be no discounts, i’ll move on, i’m looking for permanent suppliers, no discounts. no interest, max, what are you, a children's matinee, forgive me, well, forgive me, i'm not an actor or a intelligence officer, i don't like all this at all, it seems to me that nothing will work out for us, trying is not torture, you and i in any case, we don’t lose anything, but we can win, come on, just don’t be too tight, behave more freely, such a manner, so loose, well, words, words like that, bro,
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earth, yes, yes, yes, like a brother, well.. okay, i’m off, max, yes, come here, i’m kind of sure, i’m sure, but why is this, well, for the sake of it, remember , hello, bro, and what price will your cement cost me,
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depending on what it is, that’s all. in front of you, the prices are on the price tags, but no, no, not the prices that are painted on, the real prices, frankly speaking, no, i don’t, these are the real ones. in the fall with discounts,
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great bro, how much for cement? hi max, are you checking prices? no, i was just walking here and i see you, well, that’s my joke , okay, don’t hesitate, i approve, you see, and you’re slowly getting involved in the construction, approving, i don’t trust myself, i trust, in vain, you’ll find the prices cheaper, i'll give you a discount, no question, good luck, bro. kan, what are you doing? quiet, don’t tell me, my friend, the pedicure still seems to be
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normal, why all this? max, why do you think they don’t believe you, that’s why the trick doesn’t work, well, maybe because i the dentist didn’t screw it up, no, just. every magician needs an assistant with bare legs, let's go.
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here's anzhelika ilorionovna, make sure that the prices in the estimate are exactly the same as on the price tags, we can walk around the entire market, it stinks, here for now, but during construction we will also have such aromas, but no, what are you talking about, that's it. there is no breeze here, but you have a forest there, it will all blow out, your prices are ordinary cement, but like everyone else, you will raise the price higher, you will burn, you will put a lower price tag, my head is paralyzed, competition, competition, they also have comedians to me, wolves from wall street ha. well, okay, i’m convinced that you’re not deceiving the poor old lady, and don’t forget, you need a pool in two types, they’re all stupid, you have to repeat it 100 times, well, we agreed
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, open closed, but here in winter it’s hard to swim in an outdoor pool, the climate is not that one, your ass is freezing, okay, let’s continue shopping, it turns out you’ve been goring all day. it’s corrosive, it’s just that i can’t breathe, such a domina builds up the main thing, that ’s how she walks everywhere, that’s how she’s a merchant from the beach, well, she can afford it, oh, i ’d build love with someone like that, a businesswoman, yeah, how he’s a business guy, his husband is cool, he has dental blades all over the world, they have a lot of money there, but they give it for every penny, but the rich are all like that, that’s why they’re rich, well, yes... you say he’s not building a house, well like the house of the albert palace you can just abik max max max and constantly. naturally,
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you have a good discount, how much is 12, 12, listen, take it from me, i’ll make you 15, in general, write whatever you want on the receipts, well, in principle , i have a trusted person, okay, you can take a small batch for testing, for testing fine. wow, you were right, there are discounts, i understood why you lied to me, you don’t want a house, and what am i doing here then, why did i put all this on myself, because i
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forced you. i don’t want to do this anymore, radik, hi, yes, max, listen, i was thinking, let me take full care of the supplies, owner of barries, well, physically you simply won’t have time, you may need one thing in the morning, another at lunchtime. for your sake, radik, listen, i took a vacation, time is not a problem, listen, but where to buy what, you know, you can, out of ignorance, on your grandmother get there, again, the quality of the product, well , you need it, you need it, radik, you need it, anzhelika ilorionovna, took me to the clinic, ilya, you
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’re just killing me, me. you need this vacation badly, you’re killing yourself, please decide what your priority is: work or construction, or it’s not about construction at all, but you and i had an agreement for a year, and this year you must work conscientiously, max, you i needed money, i met you halfway, bought shares from you at a good price, be kind, meet me halfway, well, ilya, max, me it seems we understood each other.
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so what do you say? in my opinion, this is madness, any patient will understand who is who, why is this? well , he’s half a head shorter, and in general somehow, but he’s taller and twice as thick, but they still confused us, one person accidentally confused us, and you ’re making a big deal out of it, he’s in dentistry, he doesn’t hit the mark, in the tooth, in the tooth, and you’re nearby, besides, and in general i have no choice, there aren’t many clients now, the windows are solid, and the market is two steps away, i’ll try to do everything quickly, look, it’s coming in... client, you're planting him on the chair, you say, open your mouth, then, then i knock quietly, why are you standing , come on, knock, it hurts, he can handle it, what’s in the spray bottle, painkillers, what else, just water, yes, max, where are you? yes, i’m on my way,
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i’m on my way, you’re here, yes, but you can wait a little longer, can we hurry up somehow, this is cement, not fluff? no, i specially signed up for this time, go, does it hurt? it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, what else, does it hurt, no, does it hurt? cement
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three hundredth there is a set of carved meters 20 set of carved meters two to eat, yes, yes, okay, i'll take it, that's it, we've finished what we have there, boards, boards, impregnated with antiseptic, yes, exactly as you asked, that’s it, then let’s load it, send it, i ran. yes, for the sake of it, max, this is not a mesh, the cell size is needed 15-20 cm, and this is small for a brick foundation, the wire should be 5-6 mm, but what difference does it make, you don’t have to mow like a fool now, you know perfectly well that this is a sublime
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foundation, and everything would be fine if some bastard had not handed me over to granovsky. i'm the one who
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turned you in. you, you, me. me, but because in this super clinic they stupidly started scamming me out of money, you see, here we have everything is homemade, please, i brew the coffee myself, i don’t trust anyone, try it, it’s arabica, very tasty, well, thank you very much, it’s delicious, yes, very tasty, we tried it, now say goodbye. with whom? with him, with coffee, once you sign the contract, you will follow only our recommendations, we will look at the tests, can you have coffee, can’t you have coffee, okay, but i wanted to clarify, tell me, here
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are your tests, laboratory, ultrasound, yes, you see, there are the most necessary ones, well, which you can’t do without, there are necessary tests, and then there are called, well, luxury. we do everything, you know, from biochemistry to testing for genetic diseases, a full examination of the fetus at different stages, but this is 3000 at a minimum, but i can stop at the most necessary, of course you can, we don’t force anyone, especially if you like to take risks , risk, of course, its transition to normal, but how can tests help
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avoid this? no way, but we get to know you well, we can stop any complication at an early stage, and what tests do you... recommend, please, check everything there noted, well, this is, it’s twice as expensive, yes, yes, but it’s up to you to decide whether to pay you or not, i can think, of course, think, but think, benki, i can’t, i’m driving now by text message, that’s it, sorry for saying, 150,000, and the main thing is to sit there smiling
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all over, as if i have this money, yes, yes, for the sake of myself, yes, how the article is mixed up, but it can’t be, okay, i’ll bring it, okay, come on! “i’m sorry, and what, and what, maybe you have some doctor you know, but remember, i said that yes, what angela, you’re in the wrong place, huh?" and what did i pay for, what are you doing? well, look at your acts, well, of course, so katya, in short, 150 means 150, i don’t have the time and energy right now to look for magic doctors, i have the desire, go ahead, after all, you don’t they told me, they handed over yours, how it was his own fault, he hid from me that granovsky didn’t give him leave, i tried to talk to him, but he was inadequate,
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so i had to turn to the necklace for help, that is, i was sewing up there, running around. like crazy, i tried for you, and you, you met with granovsky, i saw how difficult it was he gets the money, and i felt guilty, as for granovsky, you can’t even imagine how disgusted it was for me to sit in this restaurant and see this impudent, smug face, good afternoon, they are expecting you, yes, hello, table for surname granovsky, i'll take you, thank you, oh, well
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, finally, i really wanted to call, sorry, i parked for a long time, i wanted to be closer, it started to rain, so, i ordered everything, now the floor is yours, madam, girl, i don't have any water gas and greek without olives, yes, thank you, you look great. mother of two children, children have a good influence, i advise, but i myself have a loving, beautiful, caring child, really, yes, my wife, but i’m sorry, i was too busy, that’s what i promised, address, telephone number of the doctor who will observe you, absolutely free , public clinic, completely free, yeah. no, well, well, well, give me a box of chocolates,
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well, or money in an envelope, you can, thank you, don’t give anything at all, he ’s a complex person, but a professional from god, so you’ll have to be patient, katka, gromova, what are you, gromova, kosatkina , i'll kick you out now, you will play in the passage all your life, i remembered, lisa, hello, dear, what are you like, and what are you like, listen, what time, 10, 11, oh, good evening, why are you standing, sit down, we can’t, you can with me , well, well, ilya, lisa, my close friend at the conservatory, it’s very nice, very nice, yes, to study at the conservatory for 5 years and then play in a restaurant, but you play great, thank you, of course, for the compliment, but you know, it’s still more pleasant to play when...
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and you have an awning, otherwise there’s no cement, there is no awning, the covered one is asking for five grand for delivery, but you said that you won’t give more than one and a half, something can be done, there is a prize in the back, well, it’s as if you can’t secure it there.
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let's get everything wet here, let's wait there at the gas station. how is our david the builder doing? oh, we have a situation at home, doctor, we are losing him. seriously though, thanks for giving me time off. i gave, damn, how could i have done anything differently, well, yes, now he has one route, construction market, site, site, construction market, i know, we passed, thank you
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again, i’ll go, okay, i need a tiny one request. if a boy is born, call him ilya, it will be a girl, a boy. listen, i’ll honor us, i didn’t sign up, yes, for the sake of it, but what should i do, i understand, we need cement, well, it’s already been raining for two hours, yeah, that’s it,
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i’m sorry, i can’t get up anymore, emergency, turn it on. guys, why are you knocking, well, you don’t see, we’re broken, what are you doing, now you’re up, now let’s go faster,
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hello, max, how are you, fine, i’m serving a patient, i’m having an extraction now, there’s a lot of people. enough, i don’t need help, i can handle it, can i handle it, oh, you’re too busy, max, completely, yes, and here i am standing in your office, looking at you, and i don’t recognize you, he’s become a completely different person, he’s darkened so much, the mustache doesn’t suit you at all, you’ve done well today, here you go, goodbye,
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katerina vasilievna, see you goodbye, see you tomorrow, anton. they actually said goodbye to you, uh-huh, something happened, a normal, like a team, no, and there’s some kind of rat, you’re talking about a crew at a construction site, something, i swear, i’ll find it, without anesthesia i’ll fill all the holes, one i'll leave a hole so that all this pus can come out through it, what a beast like this, and to whom? why can you explain that some creature gave me up to granovsky, that it doesn’t happen in my clinic, but he himself gave you a vacation, but this brute didn’t give me anything, and how did you leave me in
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a mask instead of yourself? well, lena definitely couldn’t. will treat him, you know, and through a friend i found a very good doctor and for free, i will now see her, smart girl, max, please promise me that you will no longer strain yourself, everyone should mind their own business, you treat , radik build, i give birth, here is radik. well, the cement has arrived, it’s all over the place, we need a new batch, so you’ll go to the sixteenth pavilion.
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simply heaven and earth,
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morozova, are here. i’m morozova, dear, why didn’t you tell me right away that you were from ilya mikhailovich? i can’t stand blood, but we are doctors, we must at least help each other somehow, please come here. please get ready.
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thank you.
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