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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 26, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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“i have to go, well, go away, really, it’s time, you know, i would stay if i could, thank you for understanding.” polya, wait, polya, i can’t do this anymore, vitya, don’t torment me! please, do you think
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it’s easy for me? well, you can’t do it yourself, i’ll go with you, i’ll talk to him myself, no, how long are you going to break this comedy, how long do i have to wait, i’ll break up with him, i promised, you know, he’s going through a difficult period now, you you love, god, what do you have to do with it, i ask, do you love him, no, i love you, what did you do for me there, the house has eight floors for everyone i need an elevator, can you break it for me? i'm sorry, we're now, what are you apologizing for? i didn’t notice, we’re talking, talk at home, i ’ll call the police now, i ’ll break your legs now, get out of here, why, if you don’t tell everything to your husband today, i’ll do it tomorrow, i’m not kidding, i’ll call you now, okay , today, today.
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maxim - it's me, i, i stayed at katya's. oh, margarita, what a cute hairstyle you have? so, in general, we need a volunteer, me, this. depending on why, oleg
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georgievich, a 3-day business trip to lithuania, i, i, i, i, there one of our old defendants was caught at the border, so you need to be present while they fill him out with their documents, and then escort him here, decide before the evening, tell me and tell the others, if he’s on a business trip, i’m going, so what? oleg georgievich, why tell her, let me go, i haven’t been to lithuania, i’m interested, i want to go to lithuania too, i’m interested in her, will you go on an excursion. so at the same time you will prove yourself, the documents on this person of interest have arrived from interpol, they need to be translated as soon as possible, this is now, well what's going on here for half an hour, oleg georgievich, we have a murder, here's oleg georgievich, how...
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translating work, this is also work, put aside conversations, that's it, translate, translate. and where have you been for the last few hours? at a friend’s, her name is katya, i can give you the phone number if necessary, i just returned home here, tell me, does anyone else live here with you, yes, son, stepan, but he could have arrived before you, no, he. .. from evening to friday at friends’ dacha, you need to, you need to call him, tell him, let him know later, okay, tell him, and your husband had any enemies, maybe
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ill-wishers, no, well, what kind of enemies, he was very calm and kind, but... maybe there were some problems at work? maxim worked as a sales manager in a large company, but nothing special, i don’t understand, but with whom did you have to quarrel like that and most importantly why, for what, we’ll find out, we’ll figure it out for what, why? and recently , nothing unusual has happened, maybe there were some calls or someone came to visit? i’m ashamed to admit, but maxim and i have hardly communicated lately, he has my own affairs and friends, and i have my own. previously,
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we would at least talk over dinner, but then it seemed like we ran out of topics to talk about. so the routine kiss goodnight, everyone who we have killed, here you go, spiridonov, 48 years old, well preserved, uh-huh, maxim spiridonov, something familiar, well, clearly not a tv star, okay, let’s figure out what happens, well, a classic case of domestic violence , poured some tea for himself and...
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maybe the killer was in a hurry, he only took what was lying on top, it would only be worth 10 thousand, something weakly draws on the motive, in our country they kill for a bottle of vodka, yes, okay, what, now she will call her son, she needs to be called to the department to interrogate her, and we went to the apartment, come on, stepan, what kind of relationship did you have with your father, but none, which means none, you lived together as one family, in the same apartment, well ...
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look, as the neighbors said, he’s always in his place, i hope he’s not drunk yet, good day, pyotr mikhailovich, i’m from the police,
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the whole house already knows that maxim was killed, he was such a wonderful person, oh well, and we know that you had bad relationships, not always, of course, but i also understand that he same family, i understand that the quarrel between you happened precisely because of this, because i didn’t really have anyone else to take care of, that’s why i was upset when he refused me, by the way, when i came, i immediately i understood that he wouldn’t give me money this time, why, he was somehow excited, while we were talking to him, someone was constantly calling, and maxim hung up twice. the bell rang, he answered for the third time, he went into another room, but i still
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heard him say that he had decided everything about the money, there was no need to threaten him, oleg georgievich, i told you that i knew him, who do you know, calmly, well, our murdered maxim speridonov, sit down, sit down, calm down, and how do you know him? 2 weeks ago the annual lottery ended, the winner of this lottery was maxim spiredonov from st. petersburg. and how much money is there? so 1.200. not bad. well, here's your motive. well, well, look, our relatives didn’t tell us anything about money. oleg georgievich, maybe they really didn’t know anything? look, they never say anything about this on tv. they lived like in a communal apartment, not like relatives, but like a cat and a dog. could it’s okay not to know about the lottery, but maybe, you need to find the money or find out what
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the murdered man spent it on, yeah, check the accounts and once again thoroughly search the apartment more carefully, if the murdered man didn’t tell anyone about the money, then it’s somewhere good hid it, let me, yes, wait, rit, how do you know about the winnings, you said that they don’t announce such things on tv, oleg georgievich, well, i’m playing around myself. and that is, you play the lottery, well, it’s a sin, but what if you get lucky? yes, look, he’s already lucky, he’s still a lucky guy, and they just killed him just because of the money, okay, go, go, go, well, i’ll go, yeah. oh, young people, look, there’s a vast springboard for
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the search. so, for now, i’ll start a search, and you, please, bring the keys to all the locked cabinets, to the cabinets, to the secretary, to the shelving there, but i don’t have a key for this locker, like no, well, just like that, no, this is maxim’s locker , i was doing some cleaning, it turned out to be closed, i didn’t raise this issue. yes, very interesting, igor, come here, we have a problem here, the chest over there won’t open, take out your magic instrument, well, excuse me, if something is wrong, we understand, please come here, stand up, come here. did you know about this money? no, of course not,
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lord, how many are there? well, how much, how much, enough. we call the investigator, the expert, let them go. yes. oops, andryukha called. so what, is he still in the apartment? yes, no, he already says, he’s gone, he says there, that means. since then he doesn’t trust the system, it’s clear, and here you are, an interesting clue has appeared, there’s a very strange list in the murdered man’s notebook, look. list of names, some of them are crossed out, you need to understand what this means, margot, listen, go to the office,
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talk to our lottery manager’s colleagues, let me go with you, okay, come on, that’s nice, and now i’ll have some tea and take care of the names from this list, what are we doing, and you already drank today, how do you know, and i’m miss marple, i was talking to my wife’s friend, and what do you think, that she lied to us, thank you very much, very tasty, what did she lie about? that she knew nothing about money, that she was at her a friend, she wasn’t with any friend, she was with her lover, with her lover, a classic of the genre, you think everything is so simple, but why is it so complicated, wife. i accidentally found out that maxim won the money, told her lover, she and her lover decided to get rid of her husband in order to take possession of the money, another question, why did he drink tea with his wife’s lover, a good question, we should find out who else knew about this money, it is still unclear to the family whether they are lying or not, the wife could tell her lover, again, and the son could dishevel
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friends, kudos, and don’t you and i forget about those who gave him these... you see, he was an exemplary employee, he has good sales figures, excellent discipline, in our company they pay attention to this, but as i understand it, recently, something has changed, yes, he began to often stay late from lunch, ask for time off, be late, for some time i forgave him for this behavior on account of his previous merits, but
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i was already planning to talk to him seriously, in case he didn’t show up for work , generally, oh, no... telephone message, email, nothing, with one of his colleagues, or maybe one of his clients, he had serious conflicts, no, i don’t know anything about it, you see, he was a very non-conflict, calm person, and then i’m his boss , we have a large company, many employees, i think that your colleague who talks with his friends will find out and tell you more about it, thank you, there is clearly something wrong with him, this is a fact, a couple of times a week he even started visiting a psychoanalyst and when i asked him what was the matter, he flatly refused it to discuss, it seems to me that he had problems with his family, and you know what specific psychoanalyst he visited, i can’t say which one specifically, but somehow max had problems with his car, and i gave him a ride to the clinic, and remember the address of the clinic yes,
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of course, write. well, cyrillic, how is it here? yes , we’ll go now, here you go, my pen, yes, we’ll go to freud, thank you, very interesting, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, i come home yesterday, she’s in sight, you understand me.
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so, i need a complete list of persons, who were aware of maxim’s winnings and who gave him money, excuse me, what money? and you probably don’t know, you don’t know what, but the fact is that we don’t give out the money ourselves, we open a temporary account in the bank and transfer the winnings there, about the winner,
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then he goes to the bank and withdraws the money himself, everything is very just. "hello, we called you, you are talking about maxim speredonov, i have one request for you, let's talk to you in the car, i don't want the clinic to know that i have any contacts with police, come on, please tell us everything that..." okay, maxim started coming to me even before i won. wait, you... do you know about the win? yes, he told me about the lottery, because there was no one else , his wife had a lover, his son didn’t communicate with maxim at all, that is, if i
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understand correctly, no one else knew about the money except you, i think so, but he didn’t say that he was going after the money, he didn’t say, spoke, spoke a lot, this topic worried him most, he believed that winning the lottery was a sign from above, so wanted to spend money. for some good cause, like charity, or what? yeah, something like that. do you think that the reason for his strange behavior is because of this lottery for winning? honestly, no. and because of what? i think that maxim did not tell me everything. sometimes many months pass before the patient begins to trust his psychoanalyst so much that he opens up completely. yesterday he came to me supposedly because of his wife, but he had known for more than two months that she had another man,
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something completely different was bothering him, and he didn’t began to open up to me. the lecture is over, my dear few friends, all the best, i hope there will be more of you next time. thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, excuse me, hello, marina ivanovna, good afternoon, the lecture is over already, it’s very nice to hear, but i’m from a slightly different department, i ’ll have a few questions for you, i’ll sit down, please, thank you , marina ivanovna, you know maxim speredonov, yes, he hasn’t been in touch with you lately, he called me a few days ago asking to meet, and before... he
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wanted to know sasha ivanchenko’s phone number, he was just very lucky, because i used to work with sasha, since then we haven’t communicated, but the contacts remained, yeah, and you gave him this sasha’s phone number, this... 42, excuse me, at this age men often want to remember their youth, but you won’t tell me, sasha is married, i’m telling you, we
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haven’t talked for many years, ask her yourself, i can give you her number too give, you won’t leave, creature, not today, i’ll answer. look, it turns out that it’s still a wife didn’t know anything about the money, well, if he didn’t tell her, it doesn’t mean she didn’t know, maybe she found it while cleaning, you know how, well , yes, okay, i’m going to the department, what’s this to the department,
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it’s time to go home, igor today he’s on duty, it seems, yes , i know that igor is on duty, but i have this translation hanging, you know, so georgivich said business for 5 minutes, yes, only if my english was good, and i’m good with him not everything is all right, well, help me, how can i help, i don’t know english at all, in my opinion no one in our department... knows that you i was pulling at you, okay, okay, take an online translator or something, you know what, of course, they’ll translate everything there, well , thank you, pam-pam, ritka, i won’t tell you what you’re doing there, listen, the lover was pierced, they were pierced, georgivich, they were pierced, viktor sazonov,
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once again closer to the night with olga, yeah, it doesn’t coincide with the murder in time, even if it coincides, you have to take it, there’s already a bunch of wolves there, well done, when they bring it, immediately to me, i understand, uh, rit, oh, but what about translation, that’s exactly what i’m doing, but it’s good, but not delay, well, well, i found the program, i found it, it’s rocking, now i’ll take pictures of everything and put the photos in the program, ay, sly fox, i got out of it, after all, because of you i won’t go to lithuania. it’s okay, i’ll bring you a gift, if you want a magnet, a magnet. hello, major wolf division, we would like
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to speak with your administrator. here.
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he’s an asshole, a lonely veteran and a disabled person, so show respect and stop playing the comedy, i don’t believe that you didn’t know about the money, you even looked for it, but didn’t find it, i came to him from zaoli, and i myself was ready to pay him, so that he lets her go without problems, well then tell me your version of events, i came to max in the evening when he was supposed to return from work, i called, silence, waited 20 minutes, called again, no one answered,
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and what’s in the correspondence with olga, you have repeatedly suggested that she solve the problem with her husband, so write, but i won’t write anything, i don’t know what to write, this is some kind of nonsense. georgievich, just for a second, listen, there is one idea, but it needs to be checked, there’s a meeting now, what happened, what should i report, just let’s quickly, okay, thank you, victor has been detained, immediately after the meeting we will conduct a search in his apartment, there is no need to lock him up, inject him more actively, if he resists, inject his wife, i think
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there will be no problems with her. yes, should i allow the tavach colonel? yes of course. for god's sake, sorry for the delay, just from the experts. and what do they say? victor is not a killer. why is this? there are too many inconsistencies. for example, well, for example, there was no break-in, and maxim and victor do not know each other. but he could introduce himself as his wife's lover. in order to punch him in the face, you had to open the door. well, but tea and cookies somehow don’t really fit in with mordoboy. but the main thing is not even that, you gave him a pen. do you remember which hand he grabbed it with? left. well, experts say that the killer is right-handed. yes, here i also thought that there were two of them, because we know about the wife’s alibi only from the words of her lover, they could well have been in conspiracy. oh, my wife was at home with maxim, so she opened the victor’s door herself. and maxim drank tea with olga. yes, olga provsha. option, by the way, keep both versions in mind and continue work with this couple. but in any case
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, we have an obvious conspiracy. kirill margarita, you should check your neighbor’s testimony again, we need to find out who called the victim so persistently the day before the murder, and we, oleg georgievich, already checked the phone number of the murdered man, it turned out that it was his colleague, andrey, who called, well, you’re with him already said, well , it looks like he lied to us, out loud, kirilka, i ’ll drop by, where, but i want to order a translation, why did i... said, yes, i downloaded this program, so i listened to you, it’s some kind of nonsense, not a translation, so well tell georgivich in the end, listen, well , he won’t fire you, let’s go, okay, i ’m asking you, you think he won’t fire you, but of course not, yes, i’m quick, yes i’m asking you, well, cyrillic,
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it’s not good, andrey to deceive the police, listen , i didn’t do anything like that, clearly, understand, maxim was killed, if i had told you then that we had a serious argument over money, then you could have, so why should you worry? you say that you have an alibi? yes, i have an alibi, well, that evening i first studied with a student, and then ordered food for myself, the courier saw me, but this it was about five seconds, he came, i gave him the money, he left, they have these orders, you know, he might not recognize me or doubt me, right, but you said that you had a student, right? well, i ’ve been mired in debt lately due to mortgages and car loans, and i have to work part-time as an english tutor in the evenings. andrey, could you really help the investigation?
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yes, of course, i will be very happy. yes, patamenko. we just have a document. yes, it really needs to be translated. i'll help you, okay. ah... thank you, kirilka, well done! hello, hello, can i tell you something? yes, can you tell me about maxim? which maxim? do you understand perfectly well who i’m talking about, maxim spiredonov? i knew that trouble would happen to him, i had a presentiment. you're from the police, that's right, the homicide department, it's a long story, i'll close it,
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hello, great! ritka, what are you doing with this andrey? okay, that's it, that is, nothing. kirill went to check his alibi. i called back 10 minutes ago and said that there was an alibi. well, great. so, ritulechka, here we are gathering with people after work in one nice place to sit. i hope you will illuminate our foaling team with your presence and warm us with your warmth. no not today. something is not today, where are you going, you have a date or something? i won’t tell you, but it has to be, huh? as far as i know, you and maxim had a relationship 20 years ago? well then you should know that as a result of this
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relationship we had a son? no, i don't know about that. did maxim know about this? yes, that's why he left me and i had to raise my son alone, i'm bad at it happened. why do you say that? vadyusha, when he was little, was wonderful, clear eyes, curls, in adolescence it was as if he had been replaced, i could not cope with him, he needed a father, but somehow i didn’t get along with men, you know, many teenagers they rebel, they hooligan, it seems to me that there’s no need to punish yourself like that, everyone is a hooligan, but... everyone becomes drug addicts, what did he do? on heroin? well , this is serious, many people think that this is for life. yes, that’s what happened with vadyusha, i
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didn’t do anything, i looked for the best clinics, the best doctors, worked three jobs, nothing helped, badyusha lasted for six months, and tila for a year. and then he broke down again and ended up on the needle, and where did he get the money for all this? dragged it away and... then, i don’t know, i don’t want to think, i hope that he borrowed money, did he have such wealthy friends? no, just these bastards, they calculated everything correctly, took advantage of his weakness in order to extract money from him in double the amount, they probably knew that he had no brothers, that he had no father to intercede, and maxim, you mean they told it all, yes, and he was very glad to hear it. that is, how is it rato? so, at that moment this is exactly what he needed,
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a son of a man who needed to be saved from a needle, from a debt trap, he had the money for this, he told me himself, i warned him that this would end badly. wait, why did you think that the meeting between maxim and vadim could end badly? it’s just vadyusha, he’s become so irritable and aggressive lately. he even raised his hand to me, and i, i don’t know how he would have reacted to my father, who had been gone for 20 years, and who appeared so smug, so sleek, with confidence that he could fix everything, but maxim wanted to help, i also wanted to help, only vadyusha thought that he didn’t need help, that he only needed money, 2 years ago he... was taken from home the latter by force, he
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even took away the chairs and unscrewed the light bulbs, since then i haven’t seen my boy again, i hoped that he had started a new life, it turns out that’s not the case, he’s still on the ropes, in debt, alexandra, thank you very much for everything you told me, goodbye, wait. “please, so that he doesn’t do this, please remember that he’s not to blame for anything, it’s my fault, he has a bad mother, and his father simply didn’t exist, yes, it’s a sad story, and this story hasn’t ended yet while we’re here we're dealing with victor, the real killer is on..." and this real killer didn't get what
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he wanted. the concierge confirmed that vadim was at maxim’s house yesterday. this is not just a coincidence. well, let’s say this is how it all turns out. maxim found his son, said that he had a large sum of money, and offered him help. why kill a chicken that lays golden eggs? yes, because he is a drug addict georgic. because maxim didn’t just lay out a large sum of money in front of him. take everything you need, pay off your debts to your gangsters, as long as you are probably in good health. not this way? maxim, i think so, offered to pay for his treatment in a drug treatment clinic, uh, help him go to college, but vadim urgently needs money, uh, to take a dose and to pay off debts, then a quarrel, he grabs a knife in anger, so, when he realizes what he has done, he takes everything he comes across his eyes run away, of course, of course, but this itself is funny, that he still has no money, just like he has no job, how much did he take out of the apartment there, well, 5,000? 10, but the money will still run out and he will need it
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again, and he knows where to get it in the same apartment, only his father is no longer murdered, but he is frightened by the death of the widow’s husband, who passed on his money, but she did not even enter into the inheritance, well, how can georgivich, a junkie without an education, know about this? all his life he spent his whole life extorting money from his mother, and if she refused him, he simply beat her and took the money by force, bastard, okay, you’ll see me, but where is the evidence, well , there will be evidence when we catch him red-handed, he’s me...
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olga, understand that if you wouldn’t tell us here now, but think carefully, you need it, no, really, this whole story, to be honest, has already dragged on, he came, he demanded money, he, he said that he would kill styopa if i told everything to the police, he will kill me too. so, well, everything is clear, kiryukha, i ’m calling georgivich, no need to call anyone, i i beg you, don’t, please, he, if he finds out, he, he will kill me, he killed maxim, he, he is crazy, listen to me carefully.
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i was bringing him money, for some reason he decided that it was in some bank account, he said that i should withdraw it, and that he would come at night, and if there was no money, of course, we’d sort it out, as i understand it, he’s here i didn’t find any money in the apartment, i thought that you put it in the bank, he left you his phone number, how can i contact him, no, he said that he would come here to the apartment himself, how are they doing there?
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hello, hello, you finally came, but i thought that you were no longer needed, we hoped in vain, so mikhila, today is wednesday, well, i think it will be possible by monday, no way, no, it should be ready for today morning, you're kidding me, i didn't get enough sleep and anyway i have to work tomorrow, you won't believe it, i didn't get enough sleep either and i also have to work, i'll have to sit all night, and even then i may not make it in time, but don't worry, i will help you, you also know english, i don’t know english, but i have coffee and a snack, go there,
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the days are with you, yes, with me, i took them off, as we agreed, where, where are they, there in the room, on the table, remember, when i leave, you will forget about me, that i came here, that’s clear , it's clear? clear, clear, if you call the cops, then i will do what i promised, clear, clear, okay, let's go, bitch, you still called the cops, got up, went.
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well, he started talking, well, where will he go, he’s sitting there, scribbling a confession, just like his mother said, he couldn’t start a new life, but after heroin, he can actually start a new life, you can at least try, but fight with yourself, i don’t know, raise your hand against your mother, kill your father, what kind of new life can there be, yes, okay, we found the killer, we’ll soon release victor, krymov, and they gave you a bonus? thank you very much, by the way, but why him alone? well, andryukh, you're in the next quarter, alphabetically. so, am i the last one entitled to this? potapinka is a bitch, well, i’m definitely the last one, a nightingale. did yours help you? i was a tutor yesterday. yes. we sat up all night with
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these translations. thank you. thank you, kirilka. if you hadn't swept away so quickly this andrey. i don’t really know what i would do. oh, only in the morning. i also sent you how much sugar? one, it’s good that it’s all over, yeah, that’s right, rita, oleg georgievich, translated everything very well, well done, we will also request materials on this case from interpol, so i’m ready to translate further, you’re doing very well, and what’s more , when you return from a business trip, their man will come to us for a couple of days, so you can help him get comfortable here, otherwise you’re so tongue-in-cheek, you’re the only one in the whole department, well done!
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answer the escort group, what is the reason for your stop? in connection here. everything is clear, we are working according to plan,
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come on, we got out of the car, hands up, lie down, get up, run to the wall, to the wall, as i said, no need, to the wall, come on, to the wall, quickly, hands to the head, don’t turn around , hands headers, i said. let's go,
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look at the devil, huh? standing at attention, comrade general, personnel to undergo a drill review, leave the lieutenant colonel, who is this, opera killers, that's right, be healthy, be healthy, guilty, comrade general, show your nose handkerchiefs, but... it’s your fault, comrade general, i don’t have a handkerchief. grodovikov, i, write it down.


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