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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 26, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] look, damn it, yes, leveling up, comrade general, personnel for passing the drill review. put the lieutenant colonel, who are we, aper-killers, that's right, be healthy, be healthy, it's your fault, comrade general, show your handkerchiefs, and for you, it's your fault, comrade general, i
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don't have a handkerchief, grodovikov, i, write down a remark for these two, comrade general, no problem, i don’t have a headscarf, but i do have this, this is not according to the regulations, it’s definitely not according to the regulations, but it’s more convenient and hygienic, but you're supposed to have a handkerchief, a margarita, the bosses know best what's more hygienic, get in line, captain of the sobs, show your whistle. pistok, you
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are great, you, well, now all together. yes, a whistle passed behind your back. this technique will soon be 100 years old. okay, now let's move on to the alarm bag. canned dog food, a dog's joy, like a dog's, whose is this, mine, this comrade general, and why a dog's? apparently because i love dogs very much, the devil knows that cherdyntsy is not now, there is an attack on collectors, there are victims, this is an emergency, gorodoviki, quickly take them
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group and leave, report to me, the whole range of measures is being carried out to detain the criminals who today in the center of st. petersburg, quite daringly with shooting and human casualties, stole 600 million rubles from a cash-in-transit vehicle, what exactly are the measures, comrade colonel, well, first of all , an interception plan and of course the whole complex of operational-search activities, it was filmed, well, like a masterpiece, the plot is just a bomb,
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keep me informed of all the events. yes, yes, of course, oles, use my car, it will be safe, thank you excuse me, yes, general, i’m listening, igor, it’s not for me to tell you that this crime needs to be solved, it’s a bloody nose, it’s in our common interests, in moscow they’re just waiting for us to screw up, there’s a touch, general, we’ll try to solve it , we won’t try, we’ll reveal it, that ’s it, that means it’s true, margarit, the task is set, it’s clear, that’s it. attitude towards the fingerprints of bank employees, i obey, and also bring up all the undercover information of the collection employees, okay, well, who
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shot who here? well, the security driver from the escort car was shot by the raiders. yes. and why did they shoot? i can’t say for sure, but it looks like something foreign made. what's going on here? well, here is the collector, viktorov, he was riding in a van, and so he was shot with the same weapon as these two, and, by the way, the three of them didn’t even have time to shoot, and the drivers, the senior collector, this is where it’s more interesting, this is the senior collector, voronkov, he was shot from the field driver’s pistol, and the field driver from voronkov’s pistols? well, not completely, he only wounded him, and the raiders finished him off. yeah, and this one shot him, well, yes, comrade colonel, the traffic police arrived and were chasing the raiders, well, let’s go, well, i
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’m listening to you carefully, the bastards left, comrade colonel, the grenades scared me, who knew it was a lighter, where exactly in the courtyard on the industrial, the locals set up a post there, it’s a pity, that i’m not your direct contact... i’m free for now, but you might still need me. help yourself. oh, what a beauty. just like my mom's. i think your mother cooked for you too. myself. i work as a cook in a cafe. today is a day off. wow, you are an eligible bachelor. only the bride has not yet been found.
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by the way, what are you doing this evening? he often fishes here on the very descent, he ran to the phone to call the police, came back, he was no longer there, fisherman, you say, very interesting. you can, of course, describe, hello , hello, dots, healthy, lyosha, hello, hello, but don’t say that there are no traces, that’s right, no, everything is clean, like in that jeep that was given to the dps officers, as they say, not a spit , not a hair, well
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, of course, of course, so i think maybe... girl, let me turn to you, i’m from police, hello, let's just take a little while, because it's raining, i'm afraid to get wet, i understand, i won't be long, you 've been sitting here for a long time, like, two hours, but you haven't seen anything suspicious, there was an attack on a cash-in-transit vehicle here today, what are you talking about, and me i thought some idiots were blowing up firecrackers, she barely got seasick, i understand they noticed something else, and there was a black jeep standing right there, tinted, by the way, and then... the yard exploded and after that firecrackers, that is, shots. i see, thank you, you helped a lot, rest, goodbye, i mean,
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jeep, oleg georgievich, according to the witness, it turns out that the attackers knew exactly where the collection vehicle would stop, and as i understand it, it could not have happened without accomplices, among the collectors, yeah, just one question, who? in our country, if it’s a sport, then with records, if
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it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value... family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us. russia! so the fingerprints of ten people were found in the van, you need to compare them with the fingerprints of your employees and identify those who are not yours. all our employees have long been document scanned; this is a mandatory condition when hiring. i see, but how long will this take? a couple of minutes, no more. tell me, what about you as the head of the service? security, maybe there are some thoughts on this attack, it’s unpleasant
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to say, but the bank couldn’t do without its own person, there is an assumption who, of course not, our employees, the tenth one is not ours, the tenth one is not judged and he will never be docketoscoped, wait, where did this information come from, we have access to your databases, well, actually, as far as i know, the main one, merzlyakin, here we are on sunday under and you write a report to me, who are your kebabs and we’ll discuss this issue . andryukh, that means we broke into the villains’ jeep, well , naturally, it’s stolen, it belongs to the head of one of the regional housing services, so don’t waste time on this trail, work off the machine guns and fingerprints, yeah, that’s it, which means i’m back. in half an hour i have, so to speak, a straight line
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deputy minister, he personally took control of this matter, it’s bad, they won’t let you work, they’ll drag you to reports every hour, don’t worry, i’ll take charge of the leadership, work calmly, oleg georgievich, i’d like to return to the show again , comrade colonel, we’ll fix it by the evening, i really hope so, and in general, explain how rydanov ended up with canned dog food in his emergency suitcase, but i don’t understand it myself, in general , tell him. “if these canned goods don’t disappear anywhere, he will personally eat them solemnly in front of the entire department, so be sure to come to you, district prosecutor began, well, thank you very much, goodbye, good day, very nice. employee of the state of the hermitage
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ignatiev, rastislav mikha, very nice, yes, as i understand it, you are interested in the raid, that’s right, i’ll disappoint you, i wasn’t here then, i popped out during the lunch break, i see you have something of a catch, but the pile is a little small , the hermitage pussy is just right, are they getting cold, but no, we regularly allocate funds for food, but no, and you accidentally addressed him, for some reason he is not visible, although he was promised and was not there, tell me, i’ll tell you, and it’s no coincidence that the crew chief, voronkov, is a former major of the internal troops, has no family, lives in a hostel. i recently sold my dacha and car from our bank, and
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an employee took out a soft loan. i wonder why he needs so much money? just don’t need any of this, why? the man needed a large sum of money, but he didn’t get it. that's bullshit. let's figure it out, what about the driver? a field soldier, a former private soldier, retired due to length of service, and got a job with us. i can’t say anything bad about him, but i can’t say anything bad about our i can't say anything bad. what are you saying? yesterday, what? so, come on alkashnya, splash
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out of there, calmly, i’m from and i don’t care, where will i kill you from? 10 calls, including the eleventh from the central office of the investigative committee. so far we only have two suspects, unknown fingerprints that we found in the van, plus a fisherman, margarita is now working on him, at least something, 600 million, will you allow it, right? what do you have? the machine guns that rydanov took were clean, had not been fired before, and were not listed as stolen. rydanov was right. listen, don't say this in front of me. last name that's it, lesh, thank you for your promptness.
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go, go. dog lover! nothing more, i come in, i see, and you are looking through the hidden hole, but i decided that you are also stealing, you are his friend, you served him together, you killed him like anyone else, we’ll figure it out, he ’s been collecting a lot of money lately, for what not you know, i wanted to move out of here, i wanted to sell my room, add some money and buy myself a decent house, i also borrowed a hundred thousand from me, if you need any help in the investigation, i have a weapon, thank you, first of all, go see the investigator,
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give your testimony, okay, captain igor, well, apparently there is no one at the address. uh-huh, but the field wife’s number doesn’t answer, yes, i’ll wait here for her, cousin, they’ve already brought it, they’ve already brought it, senior lieutenant potapinko, inter-raion slaughter. are you cats? well, yes, excuse me, oh, i see you ’re into fishing, are you fishing at the hook bridge? usually yes, i go fishing, i didn’t go today, we weren’t there today, things to do, things to do, i understand,
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something is dry in my throat, can i have some water, yes, of course, please, from... okay, thank you, please, yeah, that means say, you weren’t fishing today, no, sorry, who’s there, hello, delivery. hold 3500, thank you, sign
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here, that’s it, all the best. well, with the purchaser, thank you, have a drink, have a drink, thank you, have a good trip, don’t you want to tell me anything about the attack on the cash-in-transit vehicle, i already told you that i didn’t go fishing today, dear heart, but i didn’t say that it happened today. is there something you're not telling me? i see your fish is fresh, obviously not store-bought, i don’t know anything, so maybe a search, yes please, with a piece of paper,
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it won’t take long to find a piece of paper, yes, you don’t throw away the receipt yet, well, how many defects are there? well, see you
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soon! dear heart, it’s not good not to educate you, i didn’t kill anyone, i know, i just grabbed someone else’s. put down the wand,
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carefully, take out the bag, calmly, put your hands down so that i can see, you’ll put me in jail, i’ll issue you a voluntary appearance, with the issuance of money, you’ll get a maximum of a couple of years, conditionally, and for that you’ll tell us what you saw there? "i agree, citizen of the field, yes, captain of the sobs, criminal investigation, what exactly is the matter?" " i'm violating your idea, but i have to ask you where you spent the whole day today, why on earth are the police interested in my
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personal life, ever since your husband was killed, what when this afternoon, when they were transporting money from the bank, well, you won’t have to get a divorce, i see you’re not very worried about this, listen, we and... i spent the whole day with a friend, i specially took a day off from work, who can confirm this, my friend, good, good, me i need to inspect your apartment, would you mind please.
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well, excuse me, friend, did you find anything? no, unfortunately, i didn’t find anything interesting. tell me, do you have a dacha? no, and never was. maybe a garage? there is a garage. do us a favor, we can take a look at it. yes. roman shilov does n’t have a job, but a resort, the resort only shoots a little, it’s hot all around, there’s a lot of problems, what do you have here, three corpses, they know how to work, the bosses are pushing the wave, it’s time to stop kushilov, this is already a political question, but colleagues, those are still fruits, i want to make a statement, yeah, you all went to kathmandu, cop wars, well, will you stay for dinner?
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i won't stay today. why? we need to save the world. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher. new season. from weekends at 13:00 on ntv. at avita work, just find your place, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, there are many vacancies new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place, this is a simple loan , only in softcombank, we take loans, sofcom. sofcombank is not just a loan, it’s a hit. i am marina kravets, and this is your deepest desire.
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of the service, with whom else to repair, on the one hand, this is an azonbank card. eastern islands, and the chinese cyclone is already leaving the mainland alone, thunderstorms will still thunder in places, but the temperature is taking on a summer look, in khabarovsk +24, blagoveshchensk 28, baikal is also warm and there are more thunderstorms there, but for yakutia there is one good news, the other is not very, the heat wave is ending, but no weather-forming precipitation is expected, so the fire danger from the emergency category has not yet gone away, the same
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problem is in siberia, a thermal dome hangs over it, the whole south will remain as it was... the sun will be all day, all the rains are aimed at the urals, today the cyclones have a shift change there, and tomorrow there will be bad weather again and coolness. on european territory there is a confrontation between the scandinavian anticyclone and the ural cyclones, from which the volga region will suffer the most. today everything starts there, tomorrow there will be rain mainly on the left bank and cool air. everyone else, on the contrary, is heading towards july. in the northwest it is sunny up to +27. this is not the limit. it’s also getting warmer in the center, there will still be light rain in places, in the south today it will become fresher, this will stir up the atmosphere, and in some places there will be thunderstorms, tomorrow will be calmer and warmer. in st. petersburg today it’s about 25 without precipitation, in moscow there’s still a chance of light rain and +23, and the next day it’s
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sunny up to 30, and the weekend is just like a holiday. what is it, that something is wrong? this is the first time i ’ve seen this car, yes, that’s how it is. it’s interesting, we don’t touch anything with our hands, just a minute, lyosh, hi, you can come over, i need your help, now i’ll just resolve the issue with margarita, come on, finish up with me urgently, but i need a cut, okay, margot, prints. your suspect is on the collector's van, yeah, you promised, i'm purely
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sincere, tell me, these two first from the jeep put these guys from the second car, rushed to the van, the driver fell out of it, they didn't notice you, if noticed, i wouldn’t be talking to you here... it’s logical, but they blew up the door of the van, they shot inside, bears, grab it, there are traffic cops, they’re in jeep and took off, but how quiet everything was, i decided to take a look, they pocketed the rest, well, they
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were ownerless. bankers will not become poor, tell me, who is nikolai petrovich nikifarov? who is nikifarov nikolai petrovich? look, is this the same? zhus, what’s on business, georgivich, what’s the matter already, it’s the end of the working day, it’s time to sleep, and i ’ll have a separate conversation with you, clearly,
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i’m also happy as a dog, i accidentally remembered about this alarming suitcase, i asked the guy to he bought it for me, but i didn’t look, what a bastard, the general will remember this joy for you, when it comes to bonuses, so what we have, it means that at the moment it appears that it was the fieldman who was in cahoots with the raiders, namely... he shot at the driver and the driver also wounded him when the wounded fieldman tried to get out of the car into the street , those two finished him off, or they planned in advance to kill him and shoot him, when they realized that he was an abuser, he was definitely going to bega, because both the cars and fake documents were ready. well, let's identify accomplices. igor, tomorrow morning you will check all his means of communication, we didn't have time today. rita, you should talk to his former colleagues from the police. good. oh, georgivich, haven’t you given them enough work? oh, how little! there will be a separate special task for you, which means everyone should go to bed now, tomorrow the general meeting is at 8:00 am, the guy is on duty on business, he won’t be there in the morning, bye,
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andryukh, now i’ll catch up with you, oh you, uh, well, open up, i'm afraid to be alone in the room, talented, crazy, let's go already, nothing, nothing, i'll take revenge on you. hello, it's me again, we caught the villains, why are you laughing, just a day has passed, polevoy had after all, your bank card is correct, so i need a detailed printout, cash flow, there is a court decision, well , actually, i thought that you would help me anyway, you heard about bank secrecy, and you want us to find the criminals , or you will put a spoke in the wheels, no, for god’s sake. we will get permission, no question, we’ll just waste a lot of time, the captain convinced, there will be a printout, that’s better, yes, literally in
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the last couple of days, it’s ready, the fieldman received not only a salary on this card, but a pension, and you can’t tell me, he withdrew money from her or paid with a card too, it’s clear that he paid, yes, please, that means yesterday on the eve of the shooting of the car, field. i used this card to pay in a cafe, so that’s where i’m headed, thank you, happily,
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well... i was an operative, a good district police officer always knows what’s going on in his area, but i wouldn’t say it’s more likely that the opera complained about him, that is, they were reason to believe that he took bribes from some criminal elements, eh, no, i don't think so, you you know, you can’t add suspicion to the case, well , yes, in general he was a cloudy field man, you know, i understood about the coffee, so maybe from
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lunch? yes, you understand, i don’t have lunch during the day, i have lunch in the evenings, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye. they were waiting for something, maybe they were arguing, no,
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when i approached them, they fell silent, yes, he asked me for a pen and a piece of paper, i brought it, then, while they were sitting, they were drawing something, it seemed to me what are the diagrams, interesting, what else, the one you showed me when you arrived asked to call with our number, and then his friends came, from your number, and why didn’t he have a mobile phone, or something, why, he had two of them, he laid them out on the table, it happens with us: that people don’t want to show their they ask you to call the number from ours, well, of course, look, the card payment took place at 20:10, therefore he called from you, at about 7:00 in the evening, well, thank you very much, i don’t even have words to express how grateful i am to you, i prefer to be friends with the criminal investigation department, in case i need your help, of course we will help within the limits of the law, good afternoon, this is
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krymov, we urgently need to get through, where they called from the cafe last night, oops, what’s up, it means so, since the driver of the car and the senior collector shot at each other, one of them was clearly in the know, but then they cleared him out because they realized that he was wounded and... would be a convoy for them, the most likely candidate seems to me, i completely agree, on the eve of the murder he was in a cafe, called from there from a landline number and called some two men, then he sat with them and drew all sorts of different diagrams on leaflet, it is clear that he specifically called not from his phone, so as not to expose the office. absolutely right, this meeting in the cafe is nothing more than a meeting before the raid, look, the address that the field officer called, some elderly couple is registered there, but the apartment is most likely with... so why are we sitting, let's rush
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there , well, i don’t know, it would be nice to get the installation, well, yes, while georgivich will make a request, while they will carry it out, if there is anyone in the apartment, they will already pull it off, but there is no need to call anyone, they jumped off themselves, but they jumped off. hello. it's great, you're not kidding, what are you selling? i’m not selling anything, i’m about to rent an apartment, this one, kolyan, sasha, it’s very nice, i came to meet you at the same time to find out if the tenants have moved out or not, otherwise i ’ll have to deliver things tomorrow, well, call me and find out,
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i’m calling, they don’t open, the house or something, but it seems like they haven’t moved out, i don’t follow them, well, they’re generally like normal people, decent, but the sand knows, they’re some kind of plague, they don’t say hello, they don’t look you in the eye. what about you? well, they’re crazy, what if they’re bandits? they'll leave and if they come to kill them, here i am with my family, they will scare them, well, it looks like bandits, yes, well, you see, okay, i have football there, sorry, good luck, but nothing, goodbye, how could you be so careless, daughter, you deceived he is you, yes, i told her about this a hundred times, they don’t listen to their elder... brother, you need to listen, brother, he is your protector, the felemonovs live in apartment 205, they themselves are in dachas, they rent out the apartment, so maybe they rent out yasha, no there is no red-haired yasha, two men over 30 live there, you see, he deceived you from the apartment, so
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i’ll find him, i’ll tear out his legs, and you too, and that’s right, don’t go to bed with whoever you end up in bed with, thank you very much, grandma, goodbye. that's it, that's all gone, she, by the way, is absolutely right, don't lie down with anyone , but persuade her not to, okay, let's go, let's go, well, igor, anyway, i talked to my neighbor, he says, in apartment 205 there live two men, creepy-looking, so they told us about two men that they are renting this apartment, well, let’s call momon and wait, let’s go with... god forbid, we don’t tear it down yet, well, come on, no, guys , come on you he will control you on foot along the stairs, and i’ll take
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the elevator, as you say, well, i’m off. wish me good luck, good luck, margosha, who is queen margot, vasya called me, there are no such people here, but i don’t care whether vasya is there or not vasya, you still have to pay for the call, but i’m telling you, we have nothing to pay with. get out of here, you hear me, i ’ll call my boys right away, they’ll find the money right away, they’ll come and give you a heap, you understand, hello, elk, take the salmon and fly up, the guy here doesn’t want to give denis,
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he’ll make a fuss here, they’ll call for garbage, but if she herself with garbage, looks like an ordinary chicken, got drunk, got the doors mixed up, let's let her in, give her some dough, let her get lost, yeah, well, how many of you are there, hands, hands, so they can see, run, don't twitch, calm down, inter-wound murderer, you're under arrest on suspicion of murder and robbery, if you please, we've made a good entrance, here they are, are you with us? well, citizens, vasiliev and krossovsky, who were previously convicted, will we continue to play the silent game or will we still try to get out of life imprisonment, don’t huddle, don’t huddle, guys, let’s formalize everything as active cooperation with the investigation
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it will be good, it was a field team, of course, it was much easier not to retire, we had a sub-grip, when we were still a local policeman, we just trampled the zone and returned. no, here we went to the gopstops, after the third he figured us out, we thought about going back to the pushurshin zone, but he suggested that we go under him, i mean, well , i mean, he’s a district police officer, he knew when the haziva was at home, he knew how to make money, they gave 50% to him, 50% to themselves, well, of course, and as a district police officer he knew everything about the progress of the investigations, gave you ideas, yes, exactly, warned you, if anything happened, we were lying low, or they left the city for a while... i quit my job and went to work at the bank, that’s when he offered us the last big job, yes, 600 lyams is a real jackpot,
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our theme was to cut off the car. by the way, they told you to take an emergency suitcase with you, you are a clear beg, comrade general, the murder of the collectors has been solved, they would try not to reveal it, show the scarves.
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so whistles, sobs, open the suitcase, sprat in the tomato, prepared, all the shortcomings have been eliminated, general: where is the corkscrew and the bottle opener? i wish you good health, comrade minister, that’s right, the disclosure was carried out in the shortest possible time, not even two days have passed, i serve russia,
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comrade minister! igor, make arrangements for the glasses, yes, of course, please, from my vineyards. comrade general, this is in honor of a successful disclosure, not only, 40 years ago a young guard came to the police, now he rose to the rank of general, well, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, general, may i
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kiss you, for good luck, well, well, hurray, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we will change. apparently, the police took pictures of the bicycles, loaded them into a patrol car, first one, then the second, and while


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