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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 26, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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including those who are far from the capital; distance programs are ready for such cases. ivan gubin, dmitry smirnov, dinar usmanov, nadezhda zypkina and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. that's all for now, thank you for being with us. today on our program: how does it feel to be a free man of mr. asansh? price of freedom! is julian asansh heading home after years in prison? will the us really let him live in peace? wikileaks will continue to operate! challenge accepted! the head of the pentagon called defense minister belousov to discuss ukraine? why did the us decide to make contact? vladimir putin ordered
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to analyze the work of the guardianship authorities, for which today in russia a child can be taken away from the family, you don’t hear, she’s in pain, she’s screaming, why are you doing this, watch it right now. hello, this is the meeting place. this morning , a military transport aircraft landed at the chkalovsky airfield and brought 90 of our military personnel home from ukrainian captivity.
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the exchange took place on one-to-one terms, 90 ukrainian prisoners were exchanged for 90 russian military personnel, all those released will be taken to moscow, because many, and almost all, now need treatment and rehabilitation. i was exchanged, that’s it, yes, i’m in russia, because i’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time, i spent 4 months to a month in captivity, although it’s not... well, not very much, but
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it was still enough for me. the ministry of defense also reported details of a telephone conversation between the head of the department, andrei belousov, and the pentagon chief, lloyd austin. it is noteworthy that the telephone conversation took place at the initiative of washington. last once such contacts at the level of heads of defense departments were reported to the press more than a year ago, in march 2023. during the conversation, as indicated in our message, the ministers exchanged views on the situation around ukraine.
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background, but it is noteworthy that this attack occurred on the international peaceful atom day, and the russian ministry of emergency situations showed an unexploded cluster munition discovered by divers in crimea, near the beaches of uchkuevka and lyubimovka after the sunday strike of the ukrainian armed forces on sevastopol. according to our ministry of emergency situations, divers examined already more than 2 hectares of the seabed are being examined by specialists and the coastline. the moment the ammunition fell into the water on the beach was caught on cctv cameras here. this recording
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shows that people were relaxing carefree on sunday, but suddenly they begin to run away from the water from the beach, and a moment later, as you can see now, fragments of those shot down begin to fall. the balls begin to fall, there is already even online , i literally cross the threshold under the canopy, video from the cameras on the corner of how these balls fell, but there you can only see water, camera they don’t show the review, they also hit the sand, the us state department is trying to hit sevastopol with this strike. bypass, but pay attention to moscow’s decision to block over eighty european media resources. we told you about this the day before. but the state department is trying to ignore the fact that this was a response to many years of oppression of our media working abroad. i think this is another sign
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that the russian government is persecuting journalism because it is afraid that its own people will hear the truth about actions within russia, about actions aimed at oppression.
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on the night of tuesday to wednesday on the pacific island of saipan, which is under us jurisdiction, a three-hour court hearing took place in the case of julian asandge. there , the journalist admitted guilt on one of the eighteen counts brought against him by the american department of justice, namely violating the espionage law. the western press previously reported that asansh would make a deal with the us authorities. the court, as expected, sentenced the founders of wikileaks to prison, but took into account the time that asansh had already spent in a british prison and... i believed that the first amendment to the us constitution protected this activity, but i recognize that it was a violation of the espionage act. i believe that the first amendment espionage acts are inconsistent, but i agree that such
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a case would be difficult to win, all things considered. 7 years in the ecuadorian embassy in london, where he took refuge as a refugee; 5 years in the british belmarsh prison, where he was sent after the ecuadorian authorities. assange was expelled from the embassy, ​​and now he has already returned to his homeland in australia to his wife and two children. it would seem that this is your happy ending. however, not everything is so wonderful. according to the british guardian, as part of the deal, asansh is obliged to instruct wikileaks to destroy the servers of secret documents of the american intelligence services and report in writing to the us department of justice that this has been done. the journalist is also prohibited from visiting the states without special permission. in washington, the deal as a whole. this is a powerful voice and cannot be silenced. the wikileaks website was created
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in 2006 by hacker julian masanj, who quickly turned into an investigative journalist, as he began to publish secret documents stolen from american intelligence services about corruption and...
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which was on your air, in the picture, he is right, that is, really from the point from the point of view
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of freedom of journalism, from the point of view of human rights, from the point of view of justice in general as such, there is little joy, apart from the personal release of mr. asandge, because in essence the american, if it can be called that fimida, it won, they did not were held accountable for what they did, and asanj admitted his guilt, that is , asanj admitted the rightness of those who persecuted him for freedom of speech and...
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this is understandable, in relation to asanj, i still think that he will hide in a corner and it won’t shine because he was released, once again, you also don’t want to draw analogies, 7 years in ecuador, you saw what state he was in, we went out there, well, he’s in the same room there , absolutely right, that is, in this situation, i for some reason, it seems that for asanje, the main thing is that everyone just leaves him now at rest, or maybe just because he is also considering.
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dissuade me, well, you see, the point here is not even in young liberals, who still know asanja, asanja is like angelo davis, relatively speaking, everyone knew angelo davis, even the younger generation, because it rings in the ears, slogan.
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well, actually the charge was brought against him for publishing the personal data of american soldiers and the personal data of those iraqi citizens who helped american soldiers, which endangered their lives, that’s basically the thing is, journalism seems to be in favor here, but at the same time, what is called morally is not very clear, in any case, assange won in the sense that he was released, the united states won in the sense that they, in general,
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he was castrated, in that sense, but she lost the idea of ​​free journalism, well... and not very negative materials on russia and so on, there is a lot of stuff, so for america i really agree that the most important thing was achieved, he admitted to espionage, this is the most important thing, really, well, i can say, yesterday i spoke with one american politician, who, you don’t know asandzh, you didn’t talk to him personally, here andrei vladimirovich, i didn’t
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meet him, unfortunately, okay, okay, i talked with an american politician, he said roughly the same thing... this is a smart step on biden’s part, but he said another thing, that this is a very good example now for biden, to show the impartiality, apoliticality of american justice, and he says, this step is very beautiful on the eve of july 13, when trump will be sentenced, after assange, the assange case, no one can say. that trump’s verdict is political, the abundance of the american judicial system, and maybe then we need to continue this, well, a number of these noble deeds, and then in general biden is going there, what happened with assange, such a happy release after many years, this is rather an exception, because that
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the united states persistently and for a long time chases after its enemies, and some... of a lower rank, perhaps not known to the whole world, that’s those that have just been heard are eliminated as quickly as possible. the us intelligence services have been hunting edward snowden for a long time. more than 10 years ago, a former employee of the us national security agency revealed how the united states spies on the entire world, including heads of state. after such revelations in america, snowden was called a traitor and accused of espionage; snowden himself ended up in russia in 2013, from where he planned to get to ecuador. sitting at my desk, i had the authority to wiretap anyone, for example, you or the federal judge and even the president. just these days , bolivian president eva morales came to moscow and announced that he was ready to host snowden. rumors immediately spread that he would take the fugitive out almost on his own plane, and enraged american intelligence agencies demanded that the europeans close
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the skies to the bolivian plane. morales was forced to land in vienna, his plane was searched, but...
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for quality parts, most of the oxygen masks are unusable. barnett was found with a bullet in his head in the trunk of his car. according to the official version, he committed suicide. even in the usa they do not believe this version. we all know what happened. just someone from boeing gave a command. finish that guy off. and this is joshua dean, a former boeing employee, who 2 years ago reported on problems with the body of aircraft. the company hushed up the matter, fired dean, and then he died from it. sudden infection, although he was only 46, he led a healthy lifestyle. victor ravich, but the united states does not stand on ceremony with those whom it considers a traitor, whom it can reach, one way or another
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otherwise, they reach out to those they cannot, they live their whole lives hiding, but if not in fear, then certainly hiding, well, this applies to different countries, countries in general do not really like those whom they consider dangerous to themselves or have caused damage to their national security, and several reasons have been expressed here why the us agreed to the deal? indeed, one of the reasons, according to assange, one of the reasons is that a number of left-wing, left-liberal characters in the usa supported liberation, this is cornel west, this is bernie sander, a number of others, elizabeth warrin, and of course, biden, the biden administration understands that this is the difference between a certain number of its potential supporters, so they will have a choice in november to stay home or vote for biden, for some it will be this, that...
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the matter the fact is that assange’s conclusion is that this entire american extradition campaign has been going on for many years; it has long since begun to do much more harm to the image of the united states in the international arena than good. for example, in australia, let me remind you, here someone said that there was a traitor there, no one, of course well, asan is not a traitor, he is not an american, he is not a us citizen, he did not live in the united states, he is an australian, in his homeland he is not considered a traitor in his homeland.
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when you are dealing with the united states of america, they have been annoyed in some way, you should never relax anywhere, this is fraught, you know, because
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there is no and will not be a more vengeful state than the united states, here you see, the question is different, the point is why americans can afford it, but the first thing that has already been said is really the assassin was severely punished, we are talking about 12 years in prison, a man’s life was essentially ruined, let’s call a spade a spade, but of course, the second point, the second point. today is not relevant, all the osange revelations that were voiced no longer represent anything for american politics today. the fact is that when ssansh started posting, somehow the americans were still fighting for their image, for trying to organize something, when you twist your arms, throw people into storming the capitol, when you supply weapons to the nazis, when you are on the brink of a world war, you are practically not ashamed of this, when you ignore the fact that with your weapons... they are killing children in sevastopol, you don’t really care about any revelations in afghanistan, because here it’s just that even people who were once immersed simply can’t remember, well, it was, who today will remember these victims, i just can’t...
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stop repeating, the most famous story of the exposure of the american army and the history of the village of sangmi no one really punished, here, despite all the revelations about assange, no one, well, with the exception of some miserable people there who didn’t make decisions there, was not punished responsibly, assange himself was punished worse than anyone, so the united states is really celebrating victory in this story, they have won back now they can throw him away as a piece of meat to the liberals, look, we freed him. what bogdan antolyevich wanted from him, well , firstly, regarding asange, from asange the american intelligence services, having got him in their clutches, extracted everything, absolutely everything, absolutely, any professional intelligence officer, just invite andrey without a hand, he will tell you, if a person gets there, there are various kinds of pressure there, you can pump out all the information from him, the main thing is not to get caught, so he really is no longer relevant, and you can use him in for advertising purposes and for all other
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purposes, present it as not, but wait, what if... he is such a heroic character for the young electorate of america, isn’t there some kind of danger in this, but if he is at the same time a hero for young americans, he is an enemy states, how it will be combined, it’s just incidental, you know, this is how oil is extracted there, associated gas is produced, they don’t throw it away, they burn it, they get something, well, in general, they throw it away; for the majority of young americans , completely different questions are relevant, relevant for them.
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this is the story that he is at the same time a hero for some young americans, an enemy of the state, because they have a lot of such role models that they want to be like. it may be age related, i don’t know, it’s even quite possible, but let’s we'll talk more about this in a few minutes, riding on a star, rushing towards the wind, an unfulfilled dream, boldly
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forward. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. julia nasanche, long way home. how did the odyssey of the world's most famous whistleblower journalist end? why did washington decide to replace prosecution with a deal? why does biden need it? is trump trying on the image of a beggar? a us presidential candidate complains that he doesn't have enough money to buy bacon for breakfast. why a politician trying on the image of a bankrupt? how can this help him in the elections, which foreign country this year is cheaper and more accessible than turkey, and where in russia you can spend a holiday that is brighter, more profitable and better in all respects than abroad? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. capital punishment, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. sber
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rubles per month, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with the news from brussels, the ambassadors of all 32 nato countries, approved to the position of the new secretary general of the alliance of the prime minister of the netherlands. of course, i am very interested in this position, i will not take up duties in the coming months, now the alliance has an excellent leader, and i don’t want anyone to expect that i will pursue a policy different from my predecessor, jens stoltenberg,
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in fact, in the kremlin these sentiments are well understood, as dmitry peskov said, nato remains enemy russia-alliances, moscow does not expect any changes in nato's course under the new secretary general, but... still, you need to pay attention to the biography of mark ruett, because many call him such a real, patented hater of russia. fifty-year-old mark ryut can be considered one of the old-timers of european politics. he headed the government of the netherlands since 2010, we remember him for his extremely harsh position towards russia, he has supported the kiev regime since 1914, after the start of the north military district he promised to do everything possible for ukraine to defeat russia, this was a quote, he also demanded from the countries of the european union to transfer tanks to terrorist zelensky, promised to send him f-16 fighters, and also offered to buy patriot systems from third countries in order to transfer them to ukraine. well, one of the first
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to congratulate rut on her appointment was another star of european politics, estonian prime minister kaja kallos. by the way, she was tipped for the post of nato secretary general for a long time, but it didn’t work out, and the european media write that she was promised another cozy position as the head of european diplomacy . it turns out that if this position is now occupied by, as we call him, the old fascist jaze barel, then the definition will not have to be changed much. in the case of a lady, we will not indicate the age in any way, we will simply keep it simple. the wording of the old fascist, well, you something to call a lady old i sneeze i would like if it were a lady pleasant in all respects let it be an old fascist by the way about age let’s continue i’m here somehow now i started arguing with our guests when they say that assan is all with on the other hand, they are convincing, especially here, that young americans know about sanja there and
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in general, if we proceed from the fact that this is such a sop for young people in the first place, here is young people, of course they are like that, i don’t know, maybe they don’t have enough experience, she doesn't understands life very well, makes mistakes, but young people really love the so-called rebels, and if we talk about modernity, then we can say not even necessarily a rebel, but rather outspoken. may at some point, under some circumstances, become such an idol, which will be very valuable for the younger generation, that is, each, each case must somehow be assessed in its own way by the same american authorities there who want to stay in power, let us give you a few examples like this let's look at the rebels now; last year , an american court sentenced the former leader of a pararadical group in the city to 22 years in prison...
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a wave of protests in support of palestine swept american students, protests broke out in all major us universities, and green presidential candidate jill was detained at one of the protests style. we will stand here shoulder to shoulder next to the students, we will defend democracy, defend human rights. well, before the storming of the capitol , a symbol of new times and changes suddenly became african american recidivist. george floyd, who spent 8 years in prison,
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was arrested more than once for the sale and possession of drugs, as well as for armed robbery. during his next arrest, floyd died, the policeman was accused of murder, floyd himself became a hero and the main icon of the movement for the rights of blacks in the bilm. many american politicians succumbed to the general excitement. then-speaker of the us house of representatives nancy pelosi dutifully knelt in memory of floyd, and joe biden even received the family. criminals in the white house george floyd, george floyd, by the way, is an example not only if we talk about the political color there. this is in many ways their history, the fact is that in the national myth of the usa this fits very well, the usa considers itself a country that was born as a country of free people who came from kings,
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from dictators, from authoritarian rulers to the new world, united and established a country that should serve their interests, simply. they had a revolution, a war for independence, so the rebellion against authorities for the usa is, in general, literally history, so who raised them, they say yes, that we live here and it is not for some old grandfather with dementia from the white house to command us, and the police are not only people who protect our order, but they are literally dogs of the regime who keep us in subordination, we are the power here, you don’t even imagine us, we won’t go anywhere, so we are partially familiar with this story, even in the soviet experience, but the soviet government, the official narrative often glorified people who were literally terrorists, some sophia perovskaya, yes, the people who rebelled against you were fighters, yes, for a just cause, many of them died, that’s why they are like this, they have no time for chagiwara, i just mean, chigiwara didn’t exist then, here they also rebelled against
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british rule, they preached for a just cause, for people's freedom and won, well , floyd, well, what does he look like to floyd here. in such a way that he was, that means, yes, a man, a man is a sinner, by the way, in america this is also very, this is very normal, in america they don’t like people who are ideal, who are sinless, they admit that a person can make a mistake, you know, in the usa there is a famous law, the law of the so -called three strikes, yes, that a person is, as it were, excluded from society and will never get a normal job if he received three he received criminal prosecution, that is, he is forgiven for one time, forgiven for the second, for the third. yes, yes, this, it’s like, this is a good, in fact, a good example, yes, and that a person is given the right to make mistakes, so floyd, from the point of view of the americans, yes, was imperfectly, he was a drug addict, he was a criminal, but why the hell did this dog of the regime kneel on his throat and kill him, he had no right, it later turned out that all this was not so at all, from the dog of the regime they were thrown into
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prison, it doesn’t matter, it as if a legend is formed, yes, as a legend is formed, that this is exactly what happened, that’s why these protests are protests. for freedom, this is typical of the american american national stream, then how much does it influence the political processes, well, in the campaign election campaign, give bogdan antolvich a long time ago, well, the fact is that from my point of view this reflects not only the american mentality, but also a certain structure of american society, there is a black minority, there is a strong liberal intelligentsia, there are people who remained, here are the remnants of this you, white anglo-saxon protestants, the majority, now there is a contradiction between.
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a premonition of a civil war, you know, like one of our singers had a song: a premonition of a civil war, it’s in this lives in american society, there are 500 million guns on hand, people are arming themselves more and more, there are now breaking records for purchases in gun stores and so on, but
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i, for example, don’t see any real rebellion there, in reality, well, yes, well, they captured it, they’ll play with these idols of theirs, and this spirit has been there for a long time. he has turned from a real politician and a real person into a brand with nothing on it, this is an image of someone revolting against the system, but the people who raise his portrait don’t know who the givara is, they don’t know what ideals he supposedly professed; often people who are as far from reality as possible hide behind him.
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copied it from the real, some kind of pre -revolutionary pre-revolutionary, god, in the whole situation? no, of course, let's look at examples of people whom we constantly discuss here: john stoltenberg, head, secretary general of nato, who he was, who he was in his youth, he was a left-wing radical, a member of a left-wing radical norwegian organization, and candalisa rice , national security advisor in the bush administration the younger one she was in her youth, she participated in mass protests against racial discrimination, yoshka.
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the cia, which fought against trump, he himself admitted that when he turned 18 years old, he voted for the us communist party and even admitted this during his interview when he was hired, and he was asked, are you a patriot of the usa, he said yes, and for them it was.
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so trump didn't get enough more, second, trump didn't get enough support from the republican electorate because they thought, well, once, okay, so be it, let’s forgive, well , it happens, well, it happened, okay, and the elite of the republican party did not support trump in his actions then, now, when the democrats are not just bringing down trump, they are also changing the electoral balance of the united states, allowing in migrants and turning the southern states into a democratic, democratic electorate.
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you won’t leave, creature, not today, i’ll answer, call everyone, block the exits, this man
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has the stamp of death on him, everything he touches is dead. "i want to say that there are dark things going on in the hospital, you are the best investigator in the prosecutor's office, grab this case with your teeth , capital punishment, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble, millions of goods are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% on the ozonbank card. magnet, shebekin pasta 52.99. magnit - the price is what you need, it's a simple loan, only in softcombank, we take out loans, without unnecessary certificates. sofcom - not
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the place where everything becomes clear, and before we talk about before we continue, now there are some news, we have such a short one block that concerns the situation. in dagestan by you, please, yes, let's start this part with footage from makhachkala, where the night before it was again restless, because the police received information about a suspicious car with an armed man, right in the center of the city, law enforcement officers went to the scene on alarm, the university the area where all this actually happened was cordoned off, local residents were asked not to leave their houses, a message about the shooting was spread on social networks, information about this however were not confirmed, the ministry of internal affairs
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, yes, don’t joke like that, guys, whoever was there, even my joke, for example, brought me here today, but now let’s look at the footage from derbent, a liturgy was held there today for the deceased father nikolai, to the rector of the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary, vladimir putin posthumously awarded him the order of courage; other victims were also posthumously awarded, including the police guard of another church in makhachkala, who defended the order at the cost of his own life. well, the makhachkala court today arrested me for 10 days former head of the sergokalinsky district magomed omarov. let me remind you that his two sons and another nephew took part in the terrorist attacks. it is interesting that while the arrest was made under
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the article of petty hooliganism, omarov was taken into custody for 10 days. however, according to the tas agency, the ex-official may face more serious charges. he could be accused of aiding terrorism. the remaining relatives of the terrorists are simply in shock. from what happened, according to the uncle of the dead militants, none of the family members could imagine what they were capable of and what capable of such a crime? well, here are the terrorists, they left a very big, very bad stain on our family, we have to live with our heads down, all the people who took the lives of ponies have relatives, have brothers, we need to constantly be and think about how to behave. we are following the investigation of the terrorist attack, and now we can move on to our topic, you, dear tv viewers, saw this inscription at the bottom of the screen, this is what we call the topic in charge of children, our guests did not
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see this, this is just for them this information and that is, if we are talking about the topic of justice, it becomes clear where we will go now in our conversation, that is, this is juvenile justice, the work of guardianship authorities, and so on, and why today, it means it was a few days ago, some time ago. initiative of the commissioner for the protection of the rights of the child, lvov and belova, she proposed to the president to conduct an inspection of the guardianship authorities throughout the country, she said that the time had come, so i remember this phrase, to restore order in this area, just the day before the president gave instructions, now i ’ll give you the exact quote: to study the practice of depriving custody of children and, if necessary , present a proposal to improve the work, well, we naturally decided... to talk about what’s wrong, who are you, admit it, admit it, i say, these are heartbreaking the footage was filmed in the village of beloyarsky
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, sverdlovsk region in august twenty -two, the guardianship authorities seized the adopted children from a local resident, the employees had to literally drag a three-year-old boy into the car by his hands by his legs, by force i had to drag the girl out of the house too, she’s screaming, can’t you hear, she’s in pain, she’s screaming, why? there are eight children in the family, three of whom are adopted. one of the foster girls complained to the guardian about cruel treatment. the conflict with her mother, she claims, occurred over a mobile phone. another child submitted the same application. the guardianship authorities responded to the complaint, but did not investigate and simply removed all the adopted children by force. my father was not at home; he was in the northern military district. after his return, the family filed a lawsuit against the guardianship. in on december 22, the court declared the actions of the authorities illegal and decided to return the three adopted children to their family. the two who wrote the statements ended up staying at the shelter. why did you write a statement? i want to call myself from the phone? no. why
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is there an insult? not only since 1996, guardianship authorities have the right to independently make decisions on the removal of children from the family, but this can be done without a trial only if there is an immediate threat to the life or health of the child. for this there must be significant signs: if the child is beaten or exhausted, there is no heating or food at home, and the parents are in a deranged state. the guardianship authorities also cannot visit the family without reason. this requires a complaint, for example, from teachers, doctors, neighbors or the children themselves. guardianship can respond to a message from neighbors who reported a lot of crying children, to a message from a doctor who considered the child too thin, to a message from a kindergarten teacher or teacher who noticed the child’s strange behavior or bruises, and come to the family to check. if a complaint is received, guardianship officers check the child's living conditions. first of all, the state of health, whether there are any signs of violence or weight deficiency. cloth.
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should be clean and appropriate for the season, the home should have water, light, food, as well as a place to sleep and exercise. oh, everything is clear, well done, the second one is still underway, little by little, little by little, however, social activists believe that the powers of the guardianship authorities are too much, and propose to prohibit the removal of children from the family without a court decision, as was the case in the soviet union. in 2020, the state duma even considered such a bill, but it in the end it was rejected, official. in cases of minors, they argue that nothing needs to be changed, otherwise it will become completely impossible to influence stepparents. for some parents, the very fact that the child is placed in state institutions is enough and for them it generally acts like a cold shower, but there are, unfortunately, families who are generally accustomed to the fact that the prevention system endlessly owes them something. because in the examples given in this story and in general in the overwhelming majority of similar stories. it all comes down to
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some kind of family violence, violence against a child, this is the main, main reason, we want you to take part in the next survey today, it will take place as always in our telegram channel, please join via the qr code, that means we are there today we offer you only two possible answers, because, well, this is probably enough for us to have such a good argument,
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we tried many times to supplement it, correct it, decipher it, write down the mechanism, all these efforts fall apart, we are not talking about a slap on the head, about a slap on the head to the viewer.
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no, of course, no, of course, the law has not been changed, i’m telling you again, the norms are too laconic, everything else is at the level of methodological recommendations, that’s all, this is the main problem, it’s colossal, it was even more difficult for us to work at that time , because there was colossal pressure from the west and they told us all the time, you signed the hack convention, you joined the council of europe, you must comply with these recommendations, here is the next report to the un committee on the rights of the child, why you don’t introduce this juvenile law and so on and so forth, we resisted as best we could
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, no, no, to specify the norm of the law, once, twice, and change a little the design of the guardianship authorities, they should still have what i understand from alekseevich , this is not easy to stretch, people cannot act based on their own convictions, first of all, and not methodically, mikhail bach, well, you know, i think that a modern russian citizen has only one place left where he can feel calm, this his family is studio is a meeting place, well this studio happens from time to time.
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and if they don’t open it with their foot, but carefully call, and before that they send it to you, the previous speech showed us that they don’t know for what reasons to even enter there, they have a variety of practices , based on the head of their wind, yes, that’s it let them first deal with this wind in their heads, and let them somehow have some idea of ​​​​what offenses in the family really are, until this moment.
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it all depends on those who are nearby and it is necessary to develop civil society so that it reacts to what is happening nearby; often people who are your neighbors, or even better relatives, can convey this message about how to behave correctly much better than law enforcement agencies.
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of cases, almost 40% of murders and rapes occur on relatives, on crimes that are committed in the family, belova needs to do something about this.
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somehow they didn’t even say this, it’s very important now this very thing once again each
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of you has a huge number the examples that you want to give, negative examples, i ask again, until a clear understandable scheme for the activities of the guardianship authorities is developed, what are we doing with these authorities, would we tear off all these organs for you, as nadyukha said, that is, we will close them this custody story. in fact, without a trial, it deprives the parents of their children to simply annul, close, destroy, this is an impossible structure, 20 people sit, no one is responsible for anything, but the dejura replaces its own court, quasi-courts, destroy guardianship, return its true purpose, it means guardianship, guardianship is ours, if let’s say the etymology and the word, let’s imagine, that is, it’s some kind of something that protects, loves, and so on, we really associate it with this, they should concern themselves exclusively with families. who wrote a statement or who are no longer capable of anything at all, that is, this is a narrow
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category of people, they consider themselves possible, they control all families, for some reason they are responsible for all families, we people do not have the right to... i’ll clarify then right away yes, here they are families who did not write a statement, and in our opinion, are not very prosperous, parents or children drink, elina yuryevna, when you see two alcoholics, they have a half-starved child running around the house, yes, i will call this family dysfunctional, so you go , name it, because i read the protocols, today i have, i have 15 children, just today, you know, i deal with them from different families, we have cockroaches. ilene, we have now mixed everything up, look, the guardianship authorities are now in this family, let me finish the question, they can come in only by someone’s statement, it could be doctors, it could be teachers, it could be neighbors, and maybe there are no problems now with the regulations in interdepartmental interaction, moreover, it has already been implemented in you are not answering my question, alina yurievna, i i’m asking you, now
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guardianship itself cannot come to any family, it can.
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the resort is only being shot a little, it’s hot all around, there’s a lot of problems, why do you have a corpse here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop, this is already a political question, and colleagues, they are still fruits, i want make a statement, uh-huh, did you all go to kathmandu? cop wars, will you stay for dinner? i won't stay today, why? we need to save the world, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. on
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more profitable with sberbank prime. bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chainsaw forever boards, pruning branches, cleaning bushes, this is not a complete list of work that it is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs; the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. electric motor with copper winding. has a fairly high power for such a little thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call and order
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a cordless chainsaw forever and get a reliable and faithful assistant. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, should you have heard what expressions our guests use when they argue outside the frame, uh, that means it continues on, that’s clear, our survey continues on telegram channel, we have allocated such a small branch, do you think traditional methods of education, we called slaps and slaps on the head acceptable, there are already 500, even a little more, probably, who voted, well, the vast majority so far... well, don’t tell me, they support your position, supports your position, however, if you do not support andrei norkin, you can still go and vote or
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write something in the comments, well, the guardianship authorities probably may not notice the slaps and slaps, but it turns out so that we have there are several stories when the guardianship overlooked much more serious things, which would seem hard not to notice, and yet, recently... igea was shocked by the story of the brutal murder of three-year-old amina. the baby was beaten to death by her stepfather while his wife was not at home. later the investigation established. the woman and her husband systematically beat the child. on that fateful day, the parents brought the girl to the hospital, saying that she had fallen down the stairs, but according to the doctors, there was no living space on the child’s body from hematomas and bruises. moreover, amina rupture of internal organs and numerous burns were noted. the child could not be saved, but the mother claims that there was nothing to do with it. i couldn’t understand what was wrong with her, we grabbed her, took her to the hospital, 10 minutes later the doctor came out of the intensive care unit and said that they couldn’t
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save the child. the investigators had questions for the guardianship authorities. the fact is that amina’s mother gave the girl to an orphanage immediately after giving birth, but 3 years later the woman changed her mind and decided to return the baby. the inspectors should have checked such a family, but did not do so. as a result, the girl lived with natural mother only 2 months old. neighbors say that she is not alone. the country was also shocked by the story of the death of six-year-old daler from yekaterinburg. for 3 days, volunteer researchers searched for a boy who, according to guardians, had allegedly disappeared. the child was later found in a sports bag, not far from the house. it turned out that he died several months ago, and all this time his adoptive mother hid his death from those around him. at the moment. the investigation continues, and the guardianship authorities are accused of negligence. at the last inspection , daler's mother simply told the inspectors that the child is not at home, beaten, then hidden, and
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then on all social networks a person shows how good it is when we have a friendly family, and at the same time a small six-year-old child lies in a sick hole in hunger. other adopted children from this family say that the woman cruelly punished the children for the slightest act of innocence, starved them, and locked them in the basement as punishment. yes, leroux got it the worst. because he just wanted to eat, he went to the refrigerator at night, she also drowned him in the bath, that is, in cold water in cold water kept a basement. threw it, sat and looked at it all. and a few years ago in chelyabinsk they found the body of a two-year-old boy with traces of burns, abrasions and bruises. the father was accused of murder. a criminal case was also opened against social service employees for not paying attention. the fact is that the family was registered with the guardianship authorities for a long time, and the mother of the murdered child had previously been deprived of parental rights to her two older children. the family often moved from place to place, and the guardianship authorities did not track the story in time due to bureaucratic delays. eventually
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stepfather killed the child. yelled straight furiously, explain, i really don’t understand, i need guardianship lyudmila aleksandrovna, as a lawyer, can you give me more powers so that such stories don’t happen, or should we limit the powers of guardianship, well, i don’t know, so that it focuses only on such, although i i don’t understand, here are more powers, less powers, you know, having looked at all this, i...
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guardianship employees, then the inspector who comes there will seize the child in every case of any suspicion, because he will understand that if he won't do it yes, exactly like that, no matter how it sounds,
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we often say, let’s create a committee, let’s create a new ministry, let’s create a new structure, and let these structures do something there, solve the problem, did they themselves propose something similar? i propose just the opposite, that the closer to a person, the closer to a family, this should all be decided at the level of relatives, at the level of close people, at the level of neighbors, at the level of conversations, negotiations, and so on, and
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only in cases when this is already absolutely inadequate when there is no talk of persuasion they don’t help, then the state comes in, because the state is repression, nothing else, the state.
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and not because i’m worried, i’m worried about this child, right? i think it’s more likely that all this irritates you, okay, then i’m with mine, if she had screamed about it quietly in a closed toilet somewhere where you couldn’t hear it, it probably wouldn’t have irritated you on her part then, if i behave like this, listen, well, my dears, well, the problem is who pooped and who didn’t poop in the family, well, what difference does it make, no one yet, mikhail bach, let's give a slightly different example, you live in an apartment building, right? well , you know, for example, for example, for example, from an apartment there, three or two years later, you regularly hear children’s screams, perhaps you suspect something, and you know that the head of the family there is a man, 150 kg, whom you often you see, drunk, here you are, being
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responsible for your children, for your spouse, for their well-being, so you get up and go, that means telling this person how to raise his children, or after all, you are thinking about your own safety, first of all, safety.
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so let's stop and move on, finally, let's take a look at pedophiles, consider their western practices, welcome to the wedding ceremony of firit karhan and sairan, sairan, sairan, i don't want
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to hear this name anymore, don't miss it, no, no way, no, a continuation of the famous turkish saga, in my head. now it will be interesting, from the weekend at 13:00 on ntv. capital punishment, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. on the one side. this is an ozonbank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, here is our previous story about the bastards who kill children there, yes, this can be considered as a reproach to the guardianship authorities themselves, because they clearly do not looked, but if we return to the thought, which is probably still the main thing we have here today is that we... because there is a general opinion that in western
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countries, first of all, probably, the scandinavian countries come to mind, they’re just so tough, they’re juvenile... justice has somehow grown to such a scale that a child is taken away from the family, well, for something completely ridiculous. let's look at these examples. guardianship is quite strict in norway. in 2016, everyone was discussing the story of a married couple, marius and ruth, whose five children were taken away. the reason was corporal punishment, parents spanked their children for bad behavior. such actions are prohibited in the country. the incident led to a wave of protests throughout norway, several times later.
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oslo, then czech president milos zemon compared the actions of the norwegian guardianship authorities with the behavior of the nazis. however, the norwegian authorities called these statements absurd, and the parents were still deprived of rights over their children and were not returned to the family. something is definitely wrong in norway. they take children from prosperous, working families. we we are not talking about abuse, we are not talking about alcoholism or drug addiction, we are talking about normal families who are able... to provide their child with everything necessary. the law is no less harsh in finland, where even a slight slap on the head can easily lead to the loss of a child. in 2017 , social services took away the twelve-year-old daughter of russian woman elena smolenchuk after she allegedly spanked her daughter with a t-shirt. and a year
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earlier, finnish guardianship authorities removed three children from another mother at once and sent them to an orphanage after a call from a neighbor who said that if women beat them. true, i found out later.
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that it’s all complicated, no, well, no, if we understand this, whether it’s possible or not, maybe then the rest will be simpler somehow, so i’m telling you again, i told you, you’re simplifying all this, it can reach the point of absurdity, with us there was already a law on spanking, which was pushed through in june 2016, and then in september the president had to repeal it, all this was already there, we have a criminal code, all types of bodily harm inflicted are quite fully described there, that’s all torture, beatings all. in my memory there were three such waves, when all of norway, all the parents stood up, and well, there weren’t millions there, thousands, tens of thousands
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took to the streets. what did the norwegian government do, i met with the minister of family affairs in 1914, what did it do?
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abuse begins, because they need these to explain why then , i don’t know, there’s some kind of imbalance, it’s like scandinavia, there are all these socialists.
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scoop, you don’t understand anything at all, it’s all written in the manuals, there are competent parents, they know everything, understand, they psychologists will professionally educate
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yours, then where did the norwegian system begin, this was the first basis, what lies in the research that was carried out in the early 2000s, that at the present stage of development of human society, the family of origin is not so important, that’s all there is another one on the website of the ministry of social security and norway. once again, once again, so that our viewers can hear, imagine the scale: 21 years, 15,700 crimes against the sexual integrity of children in russia, 15,700, 40% of them are within the family, we cannot but have justice, justice is justice, when everything, everything is there, everything is already spelled out, these are the most terrible cases, everywhere.
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she cried and begged for mercy, but the seventh-month pregnant woman continued to beat her, her mother said there were six of them, they replaced me, she said to go for a walk, she said that she would kill my child, that you were lying to me, you were sitting there. here, to tell the truth, what was happening was filmed by a guy whom the previously beaten girl accused of rape, was raped by four people, three other young people calmly watched the execution, she grabs me like this, right like that, she’s shaking me all over... they want to kill me, i can’t imagine what kind of creatures you have to be to do something like this, that this is a woman’s revenge or desire achieve
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justice? from this girl such messages, that if you leave me, i will do everything to get you locked up, i think i’m right, i should be responsible for my words, don’t you understand that you can’t beat a person, this is criminal liability, this beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher - new season from weekends at 13:00 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback. on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the floors. a combination of tradition and advanced technology. of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. a loan with cashback from sber is
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this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything. and receive goods for 1 rub. choose what benefits you: millions of products on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with the card azonbank. capital punishment, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. the world of honest prices brings you the cordless chainsaw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is far from it. a list of jobs she is capable of. the century mini-saw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, and caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow it to be used for long periods of time without feeling fatigue and discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper
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winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw was designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. bailiffs, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. well, hello marit, i’ll be with you for a long time. serious relationship with turkish tv series start on ivi. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easyzi subscription for 99 rubles per month. this is the meeting place at ntv. let's see what you voted for us. in general, the overwhelming majority believes that some kind of light physical punishment is acceptable, well, you
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see the percentage, just in their own way. basically everyone is against slaps on the head, although there is a remark that through a slap on the head the wisdom of generations is passed on, so they say that it is possible without the use of physical force like a child punish him, put him in a corner or take away his mobile phone, well, that’s what i personally liked the most, a generation kissed in the ass will screw up the country.
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of course, not all people can do this, a father, a young man, walks by the hand and leads his son there, about five years old, maybe a little younger, and the son says to him: dad, let's buy some sluts, of course,
4:00 pm
son, only it's called lavash, this was the meeting place , which cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. a long-awaited meeting with loved ones is ahead; 90 people have returned from ukrainian captivity. at with strong support, our soldiers move forward under the protection of artillery. juliansh finalized the deal with the united states and flew home to australia. what is the price of his freedom? dozens of deaths in kenya on a large scale. from the government's intention to raise taxes. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya khadorovtsev, hello.


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