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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 26, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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i’ll go for a walk, i say, of course, go for a walk, because i know her very well, at one o’clock in the afternoon they left, i told her at 8:00 in the evening, be at home, because the next day we have to go with a small child to the hospital, she promised to return at 80, yes, that is, it was time 8:00 already i started describing everywhere, asking friends, writing everywhere, that is, when your daughter did not come at the promised time, you got worried and started looking for her, yes, that is when i called her, she already had a phone number... a subscriber, no subscriber, i thought that her phone had just died, but even if the phone had died, she would still have written a message to me through someone, well, through her friends, i probably sat there until about 9 o’clock, worried, i i cried, my child is 11 months old, i tell my husband, go to bed, go to sleep, i say, i’ll go and look for my daughter, i went away from well, from our area where we live, they don’t bother anyone, because i know that i that i’ve been living there for a long time, that no one will touch me there, a man was walking, i say, you didn’t see there
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i showed photos, i said, haven’t seen such a girl, i say, she was lost, she was white, well, i have a white jacket and a white hat, they said, no, we didn’t see him , he tells me, let’s say, i ’ll look for you together, i’ll look like every two or three times, we made the mug, went home, i just came at 3:00 in the morning i took the child home, we get home, you go home , the iron door is wooden, i’m making an iron door , that’s what i won’t say, i didn’t play wooden, i took the child in my arms, took him and right there, i fell asleep in the kitchen when she didn’t came home, did you contact the police? no, maybe she’s telling me while she’s talking, i don’t need anything, what if she’s at a friend’s house, what’s this? what time did your daughter return home? my child came at 6:00 in the morning, i just saw her all, all beaten up, blood everywhere, bruises everywhere, and before the beating i bought her everything, all the clothes, phones, everything, everything completely from then on, i dressed her , but she didn’t come in her things, wait, she wasn’t in her clothes, no, no. she had
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a white white jacket, she came in general a black jacket, she was wearing a white hat, she came without a hat, she had everything, all her things, it was like all her hair was torn apart, i had it here. bruises, here she had bruises, she was all beaten up, there was blood all over her stomach, she showed me this, and it looked like she had cigarette burns, it goes like this, it goes like this, and you asked her what happened, i asked, i say, who was it in front of you that mocked you like that, who, she says, well, my mother says, there were six of them, they me, yes, she says, they replaced me, she says to take a walk, they tell me, well, we have a medical clinic there, we have a turnaround there, we have private houses there, when these... when they started beating, one shouts at the camera, come on, come on, come on, he’s swearing there, this one is all there beating her and one, the only one is this vlada, and you can see from her that she is drinking vlada, and the rest are all standing, watching how she is being beaten, she explained why they treated her like that, why she was beaten , my daughter
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tells me what is supposedly her way, well, what i said rudely to someone, but this five 3-4 years have passed, this is what they get offended by, a month, what is this? yes, they are 20 years old, of course, they, they all swooped down on her in a crowd, they say, you are so and so, your daughter told you how long she was beaten, she was beaten in the house, they took her into the apartment, spira tells me, they beat her , they started to tie me off with this, what’s his name, they tied up the line, they tied up the line, yes, so that she wouldn’t scream, it was during the day, she told me, what a horror, they mocked me, and then they said, she says, let’s go, she says, well, let’s go , let's take a walk, my daughter started putting on her jacket, she sees what there is no phone, she was afraid. that is, they also took your daughter’s phone, this girl is her friend, let’s go, she says, let’s go with you to the side, let’s take a walk, they got there, they went to a pawnshop, this girl, her friend, twenty years old, was handing over that phone, which you bought for your daughter, which she didn’t find in her jacket, her friend took it to
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the pawn shop in front of her, yes, she took it to the pawn shop, and my child was standing like this, that is , she was standing like that, and my child was standing like that, well, i couldn’t do anything, because she was afraid, afraid, well, because she said, insisting that it was not a stolen phone, what happened then? well, then she told me that they handed over this phone, they received 3.00 rubles for the phone. went for a walk, together with her, yes, that is, they grabbed her by the hair, you said, you’re not going anywhere, and they put her in a taxi, she was already there, it was already one o’clock, 12:00 at night, we arrived at this one, where this one is like these houses, these private ones, they began to get to the bottom of everything about me, you once told me 3 years, 34 years ago, you make me feel bad she said and... i remembered everything, so they started beating her there, and the grandmother was walking, that is, when they were beating her, she saw the grandmother at the meeting, that the grandmother was walking with her son, she asked for help, she ran up to her, the grandmother says: help me, please, they just want to kill me, help, that is, she
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managed to escape only thanks to a random passer-by, the grandmother helped her, and because she called a taxi, i sent her home, you said that the beating was filmed , you saw this video, the phone and this one for her he started to send the shipbuilders to her, well, he threw this off , he says to my mother, i won’t tell anyone, it will be between us, throw it off, well, for yourself, and the shipowners - this is the guy who shot the video, and this shipowner throws it all off, it turns out in a message, she shows me this, that ’s really, yes, that’s her they beat us, we have these shots, but i must warn you , watching them is not easy hit, hit, hit, please hit, what’s your favorite, hit? no, i want you to break it too, beat it, water, beat it, the cat, stammer, stammer, stammer, i beg you,
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please, you were babbling, i found it, found it. poor girl, you know, these shots are really hard to watch, i can’t imagine what kind of creatures you have to be to do something like this, it’s very scary, it’s inhumane, it’s cruel, it’s not enough to say, maria, i’m shocked to see it, i absolutely cannot do it watch, because it’s not just disgusting to me, it... disgusts me from the moral and ethical baseness that is present in a huge number of our growing people, maybe she liked someone there in this company, you know how there are such there are cases where girls very much endure certain things for the sake of something,
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a person becomes weak-willed from such violence, weak-willed, and this lack of will comes precisely from these physical ones, that they can do anything to you, your task now... not to resist, but simply to reduce, shut down and endure beatings, and not bite, grab the throat of someone who offended you, run away, lack of will sets in in a person. here the girl in the footage was apologizing, it seems to me that in such cases you will apologize for anything, even if you don’t know what, there is no reason to act so cruelly towards a person, there is no reason, and these freaks allowed themselves to do it, it’s as if i found myself in a completely different reality, because such relationships between friends are impossible, and i’m on the verge of shock , because it doesn’t matter what happened before, some rude word. some kind of resentment, everything needs to be sorted out, forgiven, i don’t know, go
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to a psychologist, but not returned in the form of some huge lump of hatred, which we just saw now. alena, and you? can you explain why this crowd of people does not stop, does not protect the girl, the girl who is lying on the ground, who is being kicked, on the contrary, he is egging on, what is this? i still have an inner feeling that... with her state of helplessness, this feeling, as if she was brought on a leash, she is being beaten, she only apologizes, this inflames the executioners even more, that is, if it were possible , there was at least some resistance, at least some, at any of these stages, perhaps there would be no further such events unfolding, because in this case it is her state of humility, here is the movement behind them, it is even greater...
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the next possible difficulties are precisely in the issue of the reproductive functions of the body. dmitry, what kind of liability is provided by law for causing grievous bodily harm? in order to understand the gravity of the crime, you need to get a conclusion. in conclusion, there may be slight harm to health, severe, moderate , and so on. that is, it will all depend the responsibility of the people who were present there will depend on what the expert gives us, but the responsibility is not only for the girl who beat her, but also for him. who filmed, those who stood nearby, those who simply did nothing, right? naturally, yes, there is such article thirty-three in
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the criminal code, which gives an idea of ​​who they are, who is the instigator, accomplice, perpetrator, organizer, and so on. in this case, those people who were nearby and did not take any action they will also be accomplices to this crime because they did not take all measures to stop this crime. and it’s scary, because there’s not a single line in this video. that's enough, stop , don't, no, not a single one, she, the girl who beat your daughter, you know, no, i've never seen it, the first time, i just saw it on video, you know, anna, this girl insists, what exactly did your daughter want to fight with her, in vlad artamonov’s studio, hello, vlada, hello, you’re in position, yes, in the seventh month. that is, you kicked another girl while pregnant? well , it turns out this way, weren’t you afraid that
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something might happen to the child? i was afraid, i was more afraid because she said that she would kill my child, set me up for a fight, and no matter how i insisted that let’s talk, discuss and resolve issues with words, she didn’t want to and wanted to give herself, she started the first fight, yes she started the fight first, let's restore the chronology of events.
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started to swing, how could i have caught it? for me, as if to swing at me or beat me, to grab her hand, to start her, as it were , to fight her off, and then she couldn’t do anything, because i was already too much for her.
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there is evidence, i have messages, everything is there, i have everything saved, they are all police and all the messages, but as you told me, that you will kick me in the stomach, i will spit out a child like a cat, not like that, there was no conversation like that, i have correspondence, vlada, that she wrote specifically, maybe she wrote specifically that she will kill my child, we will start fighting, she will kill my child, you they were scared for the child, which is why they decided to find out the relationship with her in such an inhuman way, and why vlad? you just didn’t go to the police, she attacked me herself, she, do you believe that your daughter attacked the moisture herself, no, i don’t believe that, firstly, secondly, when she came all beaten up, her jacket was on it’s not the one i bought for her the day before, a hat, she didn’t have a hat , she had summer sneakers for some reason, although she had winter sneakers, and what do i have to do
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with who you let your daughter go with, no, with the best one girlfriend, okay, with my best friend.
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believe me, you won’t be able to do anything, if we start fighting, it’s better not to piss me off, otherwise it won’t be for me, but for you, i’ll come to you when you give birth, then i’ll just take it, i’ll come to visit you, that’s it, come on, okay , comment on this correspondence, who is corresponding with whom, she is corresponding with me, dochany is writing to you, but she says that she doesn’t want, god forbid, to kill
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your child if you fight, well, she wrote to me again, but she wrote to me already for the bad, anna believe that she wrote this your daughter? it’s not her, but from this correspondence i see that the girl doesn’t want to fight, she says: wait, you have a child, well, you apparently insist that it’s not necessary, let’s do it now, in this sense, she was certainly the initiator of the meeting, that vlada, yes, well, she was looking, but you can hear right through the word, we found her, i found her, you’re not friends, you somehow found yourself there, it wasn’t she who found you, you were her best friend once upon a time, they were very close friends, as they were friends after all, well. svetlana, what is your opinion? i’m actually horrified that girls are trying to figure out their relationship in some way, that is, for me it’s just nonsense, in fact, but we still can’t understand the original conflict, what is it, why is all this happening, that is, you don’t believe that the reason was an insult to the unborn child and
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a threat, this is some kind of old situation, i also think the same. moreover, we heard from our heroine that the girls have known each other for a long time and have been friends, i think that the conflict here is generally very, very old, and something happened between the girls, they are trying to over all these years, to resolve these long-standing grievances. vlada, were you really friends with your daughter anna before? yes, have you known each other for a long time? a long time ago, well, two years, maybe three, did you have conflicts before? there were no conflicts before, then why, vlad, really?... that conflict began that led to this terrible beating, i can’t talk about it now, someone else is involved here, another person, not what is involved, you had a fight over the guy?
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the video, the guy who is filming is egging you on, this is your boyfriend, no, this is not my boyfriend, this is christina’s boyfriend, and to whom is he shouting, hit, darling, christina, what are you lying about, he says to christina, christina is on the video says, let vlada figure it out on her own, he wanted his girlfriend to join you in beating anna’s daughter, and you two they beat her, i don’t know. what did he want, he says hit, he says hit, beloved, hit, he says, he’s not telling me, i’m not his beloved, i have a young man, vlada, but in the video you can clearly hear what the girl asked you i'm sorry, even after that you continued to beat her, why? because she, i think she is, but she is wrong, and you are right, somewhere i am also wrong, i admit, well, i could have stopped, you could have not started, you could have reported it to the police, you do you repent
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that you... no, it’s hard for me to believe at the moment, because some kind of mess is small, you know, now i see that i repent, but i don’t repent, yes, but my head goes in the other direction, no, this is all some kind of confusion, you understand, so here, as colleagues say, we have never heard the truth of the reason, even in principle, to be sophisticated
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in this way, i don’t know if. okay, let's summarize everything we heard, you continue to insist that you attacked anna's daughter only because one, you were defending yourself, two, she insulted you by threatening your child, well, yes, and you do you know, vlada, that you may face liability for what you have done, you know, but what is the liability? in the know, no, here everything will depend on the classification of the crime, the qualification of the crime will depend on the forensic medical examination, that is, what kind of harm was caused to the victim’s health: light, moderate, serious, whether it’s 116, or it’s 115, then is it 112, that is , the responsibility of the owner in this situation will also depend on what qualifications there will be, if 116, then... in her position,
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let's just say, she can, and you're talking about mitigating circumstances, mitigating circumstances, yes, this is pregnancy, this is the birth of a child, then vlada can avoid criminal liability, she may be given a fine, she may or may not avoid it, and maybe so that the child’s mother will end up in places not so remote. naderbeg, what could have happened to vlada like this behavior of hers. there is a high risk that a child will be born as a result of such a stressful state. disabled - this is the first, second, could happen in this case, it was just a miscarriage and she didn’t beat her that much, but what did vlada force you to let go of your victim, because we were walking through the village, she hid behind some woman, said that supposedly we wanted to stab and kill her, everyone said this , we told her as it was, the woman understood everything, took her with her, in short, we left, i didn’t catch up with her, because i didn’t need it, it was she who called the frightened girl a taxi in
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the studio... tamara makarova. hello tamara. hello. under what circumstances did you meet anna's daughter? 26 february, i was walking with my son from work, at two o'clock in the morning a company was approaching, the first girl was walking, then three more girls and a guy, that's when they approached me, the girl clutches her stomach, and they say, she's pretending, you're her don’t listen, the girl, of course, was covered in dirt, there were traces of snow on her pants, then she grabs me like that, grabs me like that , right there, she’s shaking all over, they want to... kill me, too, they want to beat me up again, so he comes up to me, points to the girl in white trousers, here she is sitting, she told her something, she wanted to do something to her,
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the girl began to apologize, she said: well , i’m sorry, the girl’s daughter anna apologized, right? yes, yes, he says, well, excuse me, i said too much, but what did this company do, what did vlada do? they were arguing among themselves, in general they had something there, they didn’t argue once, that’s all this, i say, no, don’t be afraid, i tell her, don’t be afraid, my daughter was very scared, yes, we stood there so together, everything with her, everything with me, she kept holding me like that until a taxi arrived, i wanted to take her home, send her on a trolleybus in the morning, you wanted to take her home, well, in the end you called a taxi, sent her where, but home, home to her?
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also, there was my friend and another friend, it turns out, but they were three girls, together with you three, i went home, what are you telling me, after my daughter anna left in a taxi, you didn’t meet again, i i didn’t even see that she left in a taxi, i just turned around and left when they left, did you see the video of vlad being beaten the girl you saved, the children showed me, yes, yes, so that they would be punished, vlada, and this was the only conflict between anna’s daughter and your company, yes, the very victim says that... his stepdaughter was not only beaten, but also raped. in the studio of vasily nosov. hello hello. vasily, who told you that your stepdaughter was raped? she
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called me herself in the morning and said that i was raped, what should i do? i say, come home, we will solve it all. she came home, i said, don’t undress, don’t wash, what you are, what condition you are in, in this condition we will go to the police. what condition is she in? she came home stressed on her jeans, there was blood on her jeans, there was torn here there was blood, there was blood between her, but she was a real girl, because her hair was disheveled, everything was in such a state, we went to the police, they wrote a statement, then for an examination, and what she said was to be groomed about the rape itself, well, that she was raped by four people, again this one, which i saw, which come on, come on, beloved, come on, beloved, again this shipbuilder, as she says, they went for a walk, then they invited her to a birthday party, one of them... so they started dancing there and why dance then it all started for them, they first began to mock her, then they raped her, at that time, your stepdaughter had not met any of these young people, this one, who was filming, and
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when the rape happened in june, it was in the twenties, in the early twenties, well, it was in the twenty-third year, that is a year has already passed, but a criminal case has been opened, a case has been opened.
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you are confusing, you need to understand this situation now and find out at what stage your criminal case is, the forensic medical examination in such cases takes a very long time, well, a year has already passed, right?
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what kind of young man are you talking about , the one who filmed the video, made the video , but i just know him , i don’t know anyone else, and in general i don’t know about rape , but do you think we didn’t know each other, no , of course, in your opinion, anna’s daughter is simply slandering these well, i don’t know these people, but the video is definitely anna, do you believe your daughters, well yes yes she never lies, i always believe her, she is sure that her boyfriend did not rape your daughter in the studio kristina ivanova. hello, hello, christy, why are you
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so sure that your boyfriend is not guilty? i ’ve been living with him for 4 months now, i communicate with him, he’s kind, i see it as if towards myself, but the rape happened about a year ago, you’ve been dating for 4 months, it wasn’t a year ago, the girl says what it is it was in october at all, in june he wasn’t even in the city, as if it wasn’t, as if you were still you know, you've only known him for 4 months. we communicated back in the twenty-first year, then tell us why your young man is now under recognizance not to leave the place, since the girl slandered her and said that he raped her, although this did not happen, and why are you so sure that this did not happen? it was, well, i see this in relation to myself, that he would not have done this, but you cannot be mistaken in this person, you have a serious relationship with him, yes, we are having a child, you are in a position, at what period , 8 weeks, but tell me, will a good person watch? filming a girl being beaten in front of... his eyes, i don’t know what
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was in his head at that moment, i don’t know why he did it. christina, in this video we heard him, your young man, say: “beat her, my beloved.” who is he telling this to? to me. why did he want you to beat her? well, because my girlfriend and i also had a conflict. doesn't it seem strange to you that your good boyfriend, with whom you are expecting a child, is egging you on to become an accomplice in crime? well, i didn’t agree. what will he say? one of suspects in gang rape, the same one who filmed the beating of a girl, you will hear everything for yourself in a few minutes, it’s high time to change your provider, three times in the body 2, include home internet in your tariff, there is no payment for it for three months, it’s easy to connect, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, connect your home internet to tele2.
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grachev arrived looking like he was the boss here. do you have a gun with you? i'm at the door, and you're around. bailiffs, premiere. stand. today at 22:10 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the girl writhed in the snow in pain and begged for mercy, but they continued to beat her, supposedly for the cause. a cat. kristina, you realize what happened, yes, but it seems to me, not you, not vlad, not everyone who is there was, not your young man, they don’t even realize what happened, it happened, a terrible atrocity, you behaved like animals, she herself
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wanted it, it’s her own fault, this is not what we want to hear, don’t you understand that it ’s impossible. knocking over a person is a criminal offense, she was lying on the ground, she was kicked, you are pregnant, you are pregnant, your boyfriend is filming this, you may end up in places not so remote, together with your children who will be born behind bars, you don’t understand this , you can’t hit a person inappropriately it’s not legal or for moral reasons, i didn’t beat her. your young man, who is good, and he didn’t knock her down either. christina, why didn’t you, your young man , stop the beating, so why should i insert this conflict there, it’s clear, it’s completely clear. world, i’m sure they don’t know the value of pregnancy at all, the fact is that until they themselves have some experience in life,
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i’m sorry, i don’t wish you harm, under no circumstances, i don’t wish it on anyone, but for now a person under living according to the laws of the pack, until he himself will take a sip and will not get this experience, when he and his children are in a similar situation, they will not understand this, and you say pregnant, for us at 30, at 40, there at 25. which a woman consciously walks, you appeal to such values, yes, that a beloved man said to his beloved woman, but there are no such concepts at all, a beloved man and a beloved woman, you said correctly, these are the laws of animals, kristin, you know anna’s daughter well, we used to walk in the same company, you knew, that she used to date your boyfriend, yes i did i knew that, they dated for a month, if not less, and why they broke up, you know, yes, i know why they broke up, because the girl,
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she chose another company, other people, your boyfriend, the current one , didn’t like it then, and he left her , so it was, she left him, and if she hadn’t left him, he would have continued to meet with her, yes, that is, he loved her, well, most likely not, because he told me what i myself wanted to leave her, but what do you think, kristin, why is this girl accusing your boyfriend of rape, well, because they were from this girls. he’s in prison, yes anna, have you communicated with this guy himself? when my daughter was beaten, i talked to him personally on the phone, i
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told him why you did that, why did you beat her up like that, she says she saw it herself, she herself was to blame, we met with this guy, let's look at the plot, on that day, recalls twenty-year-old viktor karabeinikov, he and a group of friends were going to the birthday of their mutual friend, on the way they met anna nosova's daughter and her friend. they kind of asked about us, like you where, we said that we’re going here and there for a birthday, they’re like, maybe with you, we’re like, well, let’s, like, like, the person won’t mind, especially since he knows them too, from the birthday guy with my beloved kristina ivanova and anna’s daughter, we went to vlada artamonova, who wanted to talk to the girl personally, she started to be rude to vladya herself, that is , she started the dialogue, at first everything was going fine, and then this girl started,
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so this one is very bad, well that is, he deserves it. the young man says he's in a fight he was just a witness, and the victim herself pawned the phone. as she wrote, until you return the phone, i will not take the statement, i told her that we didn’t steal it, she was on guard, as she says, allegedly we stole her phone. he is not guilty of raping the beaten girl, victor assures. i believe that i am not to blame for this situation. about rape, i didn’t rape the girl, that is, there was no sexual intercourse, oh, i had intercourse with her, i
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think that this is revenge for the suffering girl whom i abandoned, she just i’m taking revenge on the fact that i left christina, that’s all, i have a lawyer who defends me well and doesn’t allow the guard to close me down, i told them that let’s do a polygraph through a visit, no one, but you would agree, your daughter would agree , yes, yes, she would agree , sergey, you have now heard the opinion of everyone
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else, who to believe more, there is a feeling that the girls don’t... finish saying something, yes, this guy doesn’t finish saying something either information, they are hiding something, somehow there is different information coming from both sides, the guy to video, lalya, what do you think, he really doesn’t finish his sentence, i didn’t believe a single word, because as soon as he said some things that i didn’t touch her, he blinked his eyes a lot, you know, a normal person speaks confidently , he doesn’t scratch his ear there, but he’s not telling the truth, it’s... it’s all not true. anna, do you have a close relationship with your daughter at all? yes, a very close relationship. does she tell you everything? yes. does she live with you permanently? i am currently deprived of parental rights. where does she live? she lives i have. but you are deprived of parental authority over her. let's take it in order, why were you deprived of your parental rights? i didn’t end up from such distant people, i ended up in, well, i was in prison? yes, they gave me 2 years, oh,
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they gave me 4 years, 318 for... senior inspector for juvenile affairs, what did you do? well, the senior inspector came to my house at 12 o’clock at night, she didn’t show me this as an act that she was taking the children from me, i told her, show me the act, please, she didn’t show me, why did she show me that she i have children, what is it possible to take away my children, on what grounds do you want to take away my children, i attacked her, so they gave me four 4 years for this, i served 2 years and i was released for 2 years. why did the inspector even come to you, were there some reasons, poor conditions for keeping children? no, well, i had it in 1919, yes, i was there somewhere for a walk with friends, yes i had it, and my lifestyle is bad, i don’t hide the fact that i didn’t have it, yes, let’s get to the present moment, now are you trying to somehow recover parental rights, to improve my life, of course, but as always, our dad, my ex- husband, arranged for all the children so that the children
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would not be with me, wait, are you saying that your daughter still lives with you? despite the fact that you have been deprived of her parental rights? i have everything, but she doesn’t want to live with him, she ’s running away from him, why is she running away, that he beats her, the conditions are bad, she came to complain that he hit me, my mother, she lives with us, maybe she can live for a month, maybe a month and a half when she runs away from her father, when she they take her away, again they give her to her father, you have her in three, four places, when she lives with him, they take her away, they take her away from you, it’s not creepy to hear, my head is already spinning, here , first of all, of course, my mother needs was to turn to ourselves, we need to start with ourselves, the fish rots from the head, as they say, sorry, a hackneyed phrase, but this is the only way we can do something if someone hears us, and i hope to hear, because this program is still called to do good, and those who are destined to do this will hear, start first of all with yourself, i have
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i mean to set an example for children, well, excuse me, like you, i also have a small... child growing up, and i think with horror about her future, i’m not young, and how this will develop further, only i can do something now achieve, do for her, so that she does the right thing, so that she has a conscience. alyon, what advice can you give to all participants in this situation? each of us always has a certain barometer inside that determines whether i am acting normally now or not, regardless of what the situation is,
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vlada, and you don’t want to apologize to that the girl you beat up? no, do you think you did everything right? i think i'm right. after everything you heard in our studio, you will continue to adhere to this opinion. yes, dmitry, tell me, this is vlada’s position, can it play a cruel joke on her in the future? of course, maybe, maybe, yes, but that she is pregnant, yes, she will give birth to a child. shouldn't this be a signal for the guardianship authorities? that the expectant mother, in the seventh stage of pregnancy, gets into a fight, beat up another woman, yes, and does not even repent how the guardianship authorities will look at this, i think that this is a very negative moment, naturally, yes, but what i would like to say is that in the trial of 116 in the battle, yes, you can always reconcile with the injured party, what you are now don’t you realize
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what happened to you, yes, and the fact that we all see this, this terrible story? against the backdrop of all these relationships, of course, this is a very big minus for you, both for your unborn child, and for your relationship with some social structures, including guardianship, that’s why you just have to realize for yourself that in what situation you are now, by admitting your guilt, repenting in court, including asking for forgiveness, and thus avoiding criminal liability, for you it will be, i would say, a big plus for your future life including up to your child. and if vlada does not do this, she may be deprived of parental rights in the future, only if in total there are some additional factors present. some kind of healthy lifestyle, that is, there’s more something must be present, or rather it should not be desirable, they should not be registered immediately after the birth in connection with this situation, they can register, yes, what awaits all participants in the events, we will continue immediately after
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a short advertisement, brother and sister are sure, that they found their father, who disappeared in 1989, they gave us 24. fees and were forced to leave their homeland. for many years, a man has been working seven days a week to keep a roof over his head. bul room with all the comforts. he received only 5,000 a month, he got up from morning until very evening. and most importantly, he does not have any documents confirming his identity. document thieves on the train. what happened to the eye? the fittings hit. why didn't you go to the doctor? you, i have no documents. are they really children? did they find dad or were they mistaken? you have been silent for so long, more than 30 years. are you sure you know exactly who this man is? the ears seem similar and the eyelashes and eyes are similar, i want to be near the children,
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it does not directly prove that it was some kind of rape, yes, there may have been an attempt at rape, for example, yes there or something else, but why are people who were raped on subscription, this is something out of the ordinary; there are some doubts, yes, that means there is no basis for prosecution, if it is proven that there was no rape, young man can attract her for, can attract, but naturally, this is not slander, this is a false denunciation already, colleague, here already before the suspended sentence.


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