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tv   DNK  NTV  June 26, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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what responsibility can all participants and accomplices of crimes bear? now these criminals are under subscription, and not on leave, that is, at a minimum it should be guards, there are no guards, that means there is no, there is no evidence, it means that the examination that was carried out does not directly prove that it was what -this is rape, but perhaps there was an attempt at rape, for example, or something else, but why are people who have raped subscribed to this? something out of the ordinary , there are some doubts as a consequence yes, that means there are no grounds for prosecution, if it is proven that there was no rape, the young man can attract her for, he can attract her, but naturally, this is not slander, this is a false denunciation, colleague, here already before the suspended sentence, maybe, well well, the real one is hardly conditional, if rape and gang rape are proven, then all the defendants in this criminal case will be sentenced against them .
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problems, you can contact our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now there is a new dna test. a muscovite woman recognized her father, who disappeared in 1989, working for pennies at a time. yulia koramyan contacted us for a dna test. hello, hello, yulia, how old were you when your dad disappeared? at that time we were still very small children, well , i can say approximately 5 years old, i remember that turmoil began in the house, they began to collect things, it was 1989 in azerbaijan, we are from there, military conflicts began, martial law, that is we...
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24 hours to get ready, had to leave his homeland, grandparents, mom and my brother and i, and dad, how lost he was, at that time, mom was married to him, at that time she was poorly received in the family, so she knew that if we left, he would of course she would call and go with all her relatives, she didn’t want to, she said that... i want to leave with my parents, that is, i won’t leave my father and mother, and the children will stay with me, that is , it turns out that they would be forced to divorce , your last name remained the same, no, my mother even changed our last names to russian ones at that time, because we we already moved to russia, when we later entered school, our mother changed our last names, do you have any resentment? it so happened,
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your father did not leave with you, well, you know, of course, we missed him, but in our family there was a grandfather, this is my mother’s father, but to some extent he replaced him, we don’t care, he did homework with us, well, my mother was mostly at work from morning to evening, and we were mostly with our grandparents, that is... all the time, one might say, we were under supervision, with them, and did my mother get married again? and you you know, when we already moved to russia, there was still this moment, she of course worried for a long time, although she somehow tried, maybe, to hide it from us, we were still little, but we still felt that she was bored, that he's looking through the photos.
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also with dad, where is dad, and well, it was clear that um, he was missing - already when she got a job. well, there in russia, of course, she had friends, acquaintances from work, they tried to introduce her, they also said, let’s introduce you, there are still acquaintances, that’s how to live it’s impossible too, well, she told it from her own words, well, and then i, when i was already at school, and she was introduced to a man, they didn’t live long, then she said that well... i can’t - that’s it- all the same , all the thoughts about my father, she loved him, somehow she was waiting for him anyway, and they parted, they could not live together for a long time. how do you remember your father as a child? i remember his smile, kind, he looked at me with such a kind
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look, i remember his eyes, kind eyes, uh, smile, we heard, mostly everything good from my mother, only about him, he said that here he is he loved me, and i... also took me to restaurants all the time, well, he looked after me well, didn’t even pay attention to the fact that his parents were against it, that is, he always supported him, he was kind, mom didn’t try to find your father, attempts of course , they were already when they went to school, already somewhere in high school, they probably knew that there were already television programs, so they contacted... they also wrote letters, sent a lot of photographs of good family ones, but of course there were no results happened, then i know that my mother heard or knew that his family was going to ukraine, the city
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of nikolaev, so we also wrote the passport office there, a letter, we received an answer from there, saying that his brother, uncle seryozha, was registered at the address indicated, and we wrote a letter there, that is, already specifically, we wrote to the family, we also waited for an answer, we thought that maybe they would answer us, they would also write a return answer, and they also asked directly with a question whether your father was with you, we really hoped, but unfortunately, we also got nothing from there and no results , you know, then later for some time, and my mother... was already on vacation and decided to go to the city of nikolaev, to ukraine, alone, my brother and i were also somehow surprised a little, i say, how are you not afraid, how are you there , let’s say, everything was accepted there, she still went and then
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, according to her words, she said that she had arrived, was standing in front of their house, uncle seryozha drove up in a car, and stopped and saw that a woman was standing, and he looked closer and then asked : “lida, it’s you, that is, he recognized her, uh, they received her well at home, sat they were at home, they also talked, but it turns out that at that time, uh, they, too, for the last 16 years , knew nothing about him, that is, they also lost contact with him, and so they also waited, that is, they also called all the relatives , we found out, maybe he will show up somewhere, since then that family also knows nothing about him, your mother is alive now, no, unfortunately, she passed away in 2008, she suddenly fell ill, in general it was
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a shock for us in general the situation, we did not expect that everything was so fast, unpredictable, everything so it would end, they thought that... excuse me, but it turns out that my mother waited until the last moment for your father, yes, she even had such thoughts out loud that in front of us she even reasoned like this, saying that, well
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, really... he doesn’t want to see how the children turned out, how they grew up, then - in her conversation, we seemed to hear that she seemed to express some kind of resentment towards him, at the same time she had some kind of hope, everything - after all, that he will come after all, for us, that the meeting will still take place, well, that is , she hoped, after all, she loved him, waited until the last minute. yulia, you children, when you grew up, did you try to somehow look for your father? yes , of course, in 2016, through distant relatives we found out, that is, they wrote to me that yulia’s father had been found, so at that moment my relatives and i corresponded,
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agreed to exchange phone numbers with my father, so that we could contact him specifically talk about everything, arrange a meeting, and so on, depending on the amount, i was also the first to call, that is, as soon as i recognized the number, i decided to call first, it was also very exciting, because after so many years. how will he react, will he want to talk to me, the first thing that happened was tears, of course, he cried, well, it was also, you know, unexpected, too , such an unexpected moment, exciting, alarming, so we agreed on meeting, in the summer of the same year, my brother and i, even i took my eldest daughter, went. and uh, there was such a situation that we arrived at
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the bus station, and he met us, that is, from a distance, we even recognized him, saw him by his smile, he smiled at us, walked towards us, he was smiling, even from the familiar features of his face, so we recognized that it was such an exciting meeting, too, the only thing that when we met my brother, of course... one could say it was very upsetting that he was blind in one eye , so my aunt also warned us in advance, she said, look, don’t be scared, your dad is blind in one eye, and he told how he lived all this time, he said that he doesn’t have his own home, because there are no documents, during this time he was unable to purchase his home, he met. with being his boss, who somehow gave him a job, it’s good that he
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didn’t go hungry, at least somehow he existed, that is , this person was caught like that for so many years he was nearby, this very certain employer, yes, well, how he lived, he said that everything, well, the work was hard, that is, gradually then i found out what kind of work he had, that is, at the beginning, as he said, that in the summer, for example, he was always in the apiary, in another time, that is , already in spring, winter, autumn, his boss picked it up and took it to another place to a fish farm, that is, they have a lake there, in this lake they raised fish, fed them, as if they were raising them, then sold them for sale, it turned out that... catch as needed it was, of course, to climb into the lake and who could only do it, that is, in high
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rubber boots, climbed into this icy water, as he said, and he had to fish in such difficult conditions, but of course the salary was for me too i was surprised, he received a month only 500, but was that okay with him? well, no, of course, where else could he go, that is, he was forced to do it. such a job, he also told me that, yul, where can i go, i have nowhere to go, i have to work, what should i do if i don’t like something, of course the boss will say, you’re free, you can go, that’s it, but where will he go , naturally he had to do this kind of work, he got up in the morning, at 6:35, until the evening, until 9 to 10, he had these kinds of shifts , seven days a week, in the evening, when he told me too he said, well, call me, if anything happens, in the evening , just to communicate, to talk, it happened to me that it was not always
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possible for him to even get through on the phone to talk like this, to communicate with his father. julia, didn’t you offer your father to move in with you? we offered him the same thing, when we met, i said: dad, this is how you look, if we take you away from here, because you, after all, well, we also said, you are already old, already in your seventies, i say - it's time to meet my grandchildren, there are grandchildren, he was he didn’t mind, but then he told us that it turns out he had no documents, and for us it was also... so he told us that when he left baku, he had documents, everything in one place they were lying there and either lost or stolen, there was nothing left at all, nothing, the only thing was that
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i had already brought a certificate to neftikumsk. my mother’s divorce, this was my mother ’s document when we had a trial, that is , when i was still living in nevtekumsk, that was also 6 years ago, for 3 years i lived there, i i also turned to a lawyer, they drew up a case, there was a trial, it was necessary to prove that he had actually lived in neftekumsk all this time, so we had witnesses at the trial, but, unfortunately, they didn’t believe us, they refused, now we’re hoping , so we turned to your dna program, we hope that through your program we will be able to establish his identity, and we will be able
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to get a passport, yulia, you told your father that your mother was no longer there, yes, of course, when we met, he... he knew, the only thing that the city of shuya told him was that there is a city of shuya, but uh, i didn’t recognize it, specifically, it turns out that this is also the ivanovo region, so i got confused about this when i arrived at the bus station, that is, they didn’t even explain it to him, maybe, apparently there, or maybe he explained it incorrectly, that is,
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he couldn’t even buy a ticket, well, it didn’t work out at his place, she assures... that she herself helped your father look for you and your brother, in tatyana samarina's studio. hello, hello, tatyana. hello. everything is fine, little by little. tatyana, how do you know yulia’s father? when we arrived from baku, refugees, volodya and i lived in... in the same house with one grandmother, she took us to her apartment, so i met him there, he was very sad, withdrawn, because as he later told us that the family is unknown where, he has it, he doesn’t even know where the family is, lived, did odd jobs, well, that’s how he lived, but
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like tatyana, he didn’t know where his family was, well, it so happened that... he left, as they say, in one direction, his family in the other, then there were military operations in baku, and many people tried, well, to quickly to remove his family from the war, separated from his family, his wife, his small children, but after that he really tried to find his wife and children? yes, later, when we became more and closer friends with him, he began... he says that i want to find my family, my children, my wife, well, then we got a computer at home, and we started looking on social networks for yulechka and roma, well, well, we were unsuccessful in all this, that’s all, and then by some miracle we managed to find them, and what data were we looking for, well, we were looking by dad’s last name
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children, what surname, ambartsumyan, but there was no thought, what? there was a conversation at the table, i don’t remember who, roma probably said, dad, come on, or yulia, they suggested, dad, let’s come live with us, and he said, i don’t have a document.
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lives without documents, but for more than 30 years, he is already desperate to get documents and change his life for the better, in the studio of vladimir ambartsemen. vladimir, how did you allow your children to grow up without a father? has military action begun? i was forced to leave there from the west, they didn’t try to look for them, didn’t
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there were documents, as i showed up, i couldn’t go out anywhere, but there was no way to tell my wife where you were, where you had moved, there was no way, as i can say, you know that your ex-wife was waiting for you until her death, i know. did you love her? yes, do you have at least one photo from your past life? yes, wedding, we have this photo, let's see how happy, newlyweds you were then, yulia, have you seen this photo before? yes, of course, i really liked her too, i like her, but the main question is, vladimir, why did you find yourself without documents, document thieves? on the train, and then , wanderer, were you somehow punished for lack of documents? yes, well, they stopped
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him, he said, give me the documents, i said: no, well , they gave me five days, i served it, then the second time again, well, and then i didn’t start leaving anymore, you decided not to go out at all, so that they wouldn’t take you away, yes, so they wouldn't take it at all? what happened to the eye? but it worked, in short, the fittings were in, there was loading, well, make money, that’s how it happened. why didn't you apply? but why should i apply if i have documents? my boss did everything, i bought some, i don’t know, i smeared and smeared, i still didn’t get through, the membrane burst. what is your boss's name? alexander petrovich, he always takes me to the apiary, i was in the apiary for 5 months, and then there was such a garden, i have nowhere to live,
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he gave me a room with all the amenities, a toilet, baths, there, everything in the house, and food, food, they themselves they rent, but how did you find this one? the boss, well, they advised him, in short, there was one woman there who said, he says, he says, he died here, in short, he’s a watchman, and he hired me, he’s paying for my accommodation, what do i need to buy, when yulia moved closer to you in the city, she lived closer to you for 3 whole years, why didn’t you live with her there, however? one day he was leaving, how many years he had not seen his son, 6 years, whether the son will accept his
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father who disappeared 34 years ago or will not want to see him, even if the result of a dna test confirms their relationship, we will see for ourselves in a few minutes of advertising. that's enough, it's over, it's over!
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i’ll start complaining, oh so, that means that’s all, who in lena katina’s family is the victim, who is the tyrant? here you can’t take it that i can’t understand anything, i ’ll leave, i said, i’ll leave, and then i came back. what kind of sacrifices are the wives of celebrities ready to make to save their family? i got up from the table , grabbed her by the i don’t remember what she was wearing , just like that, it’s just the next table bitterly in the program the stars aligned on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the dna program. the muscovite is sure that she has found her natural father, who disappeared in 1989. and now he lives. documents of hope for the future, a few old photographs, this is all that yulia karamyan has left as a keepsake from her beloved dad, this is still 1985, i am 6 months old, here
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my parents are still very young, mom and dad. vladimir ambortsumyan disappeared from the life of the family 34 years ago, after divorcing his wife he never appeared again. yulia remembers how her mother worried and cried at night. she remembered her husband until the end of her days, never finding the strength to get married again, although she had the opportunity was. of course, they liked her, she was a pretty, beautiful woman, but she herself was such a strong person, somehow she hid it all. after many years of separation, julia no longer hoped to meet her father, when she suddenly received a message from distant relatives. vladimir is in the city of neftekumsk, stavropol territory, and ready to see each other. stood at the bus station, and of course he has aged a lot, changed, but nevertheless, this is some kind of, you know, still a familiar face, so somehow maybe,
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a feeling, perhaps, suggested that it was he who was coming, and he smiled at us too, just looking at us, and so did we, well, there were hugs, kisses, in general, it was also very...
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as it were rest, your brother, yulia, is even ready to shelter his father, but only for a while. in the studio of roman anochkin. roman, hello. are you sure you know exactly who this man is? yes, this is my father, how do you remember him? well , to be honest, i don’t even remember my childhood, we left, i was about 4 years old, i don’t even remember that time, only from photographs, well yes, but then how could you recognize your father in this man, and from the photographs,
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firstly, we had photographs, well, there seemed to be similarities, the ears seemed similar, the lips, remember how they told you that the father had been found , well, there was such a feeling of joy and... such surprise, surprise, they thought he was no longer alive, well, yes, 30 years is such a period, as it were, and you remember how you met your father for the first time, it turns out, you were able to say the word dad to my own father, well, i said it earlier on the phone, when i called him, well, the word was so unusual, well, for me, by at least, because i haven’t said it here for so many years... did i have to say this word? they asked vladimir why he hasn’t looked for you all these years? yes, he asked, explained that there was no connection and about well, then there really was no connection, to find us, there were no these gadgets, nothing like that, but
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it was still possible somehow, if i had known, i would have come and found i wouldn’t know where this city is, but you yourself, what do you think, does it need your help? well...
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an administrative order that you could not either through the court or get them through avoid, that is, you, did you contact the migration service, the passport office, the police, some territorial body, a federal executive body , did you apply? no, only to the passport office, but in court we were able to provide something, we only had... you went to the passport office next, what
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happened? you received the passport office to the boss, i came, that is, i also asked what could be done, as i also explained this situation, they told us that it was necessary to provide it in paper form, that is, was he officially allowed to be employed or maybe if he went to the clinic there for medical help, that is, he had to provide paper. in the form of any confirmation, did you apply in writing with an application or did you just come to the appointment and you were verbally refused, they didn’t ask me anything else after the su, meaning a certificate about the court, the only thing i explained, told in words , that just like that, there was a trial, we filed an appeal, they refused, i asked, how else can you help your father? vladimir, what do you think, is your employer? wants you to restore documents?
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he probably does. my colleagues met your employer. we have a plot, let's see. vladimir ambortsumyan calls this man in a black jacket his employer. he introduced himself as alexander duyunov and agreed to give a tour of the farm in the village of turksat, stavropol territory, and at the same time show him the conditions in which his subordinate lived and worked. two entrances, in one half we we live, volodya lives in the other half, well, when someone is there, it’s a tractor driver, it ’s like anyone working there, the house has all the amenities - says alexander, hot water, stove heating, the conditions for the workers are no worse than his own, the room is the same, everything is parallel, there is a bedroom, there is a kitchen, there are also three sofas, the workers prepare food for themselves, the menu includes both first and second courses, everything is fresh and... meat, we make stews, we make uh, twists there in the basement her seas, okay,
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alexander asks vladimir to show his a room, a small closet where he stores personal belongings, clothes and relaxes after work, here is my bed, i sleep here, relax, there is a groomer next to me, in short, there is a bag there, there are work things there and so on, but here i have everything clean , when i have to go somewhere... i change into clean clothes, i don’t buy anything myself, but my boss is standing there, we have the same size, he wore it, gave it to me, in this box vladimir keeps the most valuable thing, his wedding photo, i want go go to the cemetery, look, see her, well tell, cry, on the territory of the farm there is a small pond,
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calm, most importantly it is so clean, like quiet, quiet. yes, he’s honest, he has dignity, and even though vladimir’s salary is only 5.00 rubles a month, but taking into account the fact that there is nowhere to spend it, this is quite enough, alexander believes. for the essentials. enough, toothpaste, swimming trunks, socks, well, it’s natural that he’s with us, we feel sorry for him, there’s respect, i think he has the same thing for us, that’s why we exist, galina, what do you say, clearly saw that
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whatever the owner says, he will vladimir will agree, whatever you want, i will do everything, that’s why the owner says, dear man, he has suppressed his will completely and he has no documents, he is afraid of losing this money, which he receives in pennies, of course, a terrible condition, you can to say, arab labor, especially since it is profitable for the owner, to pay pennies, to provide modest housing, although in principle it would be possible to hire a partner so that vladimir could see his children, go on vacation when... the boss described you vladimir, he said a lot of good words, and he understood that he was speaking to the camera, but the key thing was said, what is he like? he says his dignity is that he is quiet, and that you are so quiet, submissive, it’s convenient for him, but i don’t have that feeling, i
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’ll feed them all in the morning, i’m free, that is , everything suits you, no, that’s the point not in this, i’m satisfied, i want to be around the children, so if you want to be close to your children, what’s stopping you, pack up your few things to leave, and i did that, my things are here, that is, you can say they’ve already left, yes, almost not let's go, whether the dna test will prove that roman and yulia found their father, who disappeared 34 years ago, there wo n't be long to wait for an answer, the supreme star. you can’t hear the wind meeting, a dream that hasn’t come true, lada weston boldly forward, singer soso pavleashvili, i’m only 60,
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celebrating his anniversary, let these be the only horns in your family, we need you alive and well, is the artist ready in his... why does your wife allow? you are a sultan, why not, i couldn’t live without sports, what liberties can sometimes happen adjika will fall, you will eat at night, you will die, how does sosopovlyashvili raise his daughters? what color was the last time i dyed my hair? in red, how can you not love them when his only son will make him a grandfather? how long have you been together? 5 years of soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret on the singers’ birthday on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, kingfisher new season from weekends at 13:00 on
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there is, well, i sleep here in the winter, they me farmer, here is my bed, in short, the tv was taught that you will be here in the winter, in the beginning, in the summer vladimir ambortsumyan works in an apiary in neftikumsk, closer to autumn he moves to the village of turksad to a fishing enterprise, where he looks after the farm, well, i’ll go chickens, i'll collect the eggs. i'll feed them a little, they're small and that's it, and so on. the boss , alexander duyunov, assures that he never
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denied vladimir anything and provided him with food and clothes. well, i’ll buy you for the apiary , i brought you there twice, well, all sorts of things it happens, in the summer, some clothes, tights, a t-shirt, and even provided medical assistance, vladimir adds, when he received an eye injury and partially lost his vision, the boss buys medicine. yes, well, so that he could adapt to that period of time, he himself already realized that he was ready to
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find, maybe, a job that was still familiar. vladimir, your fellow countrywoman believes that you only have yourself to blame for your problems. in the studio of lilya mnotsakanova. hello, glad to see you at last. hello, i haven’t seen you for 100 years, hello, hello, dear lilya, tell me how you know vladimir, well , i know vladimir, 1971, well , my nephew, that is, you lived in baki, you lived nearby, yes, you lived together, we all lived there together. vladimir, have you seen? no, i saw lida when she was in a relationship with yulia, the last time, but when romka
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was born, i didn’t see him, because we left, that is, you mean, we left earlier, yes, we first got an apartment and lived in another at the end of the city, i also had small children and somehow it wasn’t possible to see each other often, so how did vladimir’s family live before everything happened? they lived very well, wonderfully, vladimir was a good husband, a good father, of course, he is quiet, calm, when your connection with vladimir was lost, when we all left, we left in 1989, so they left, but they left for ukraine , and we immediately went to the stavropol territory, my husband, a taxi driver, went once a client was in neftikumsk, and he started talking and found something there. he was just by chance, just by chance , they just asked him there, as usual, baku residents like my own and usually this is how
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i found another nephew. hey, how long has it been since you broke up? somewhere in the nineties, probably in the nineties, they found it right away, and then again, it didn’t surprise you that a year later you found vladimir, but he was already without a wife, without children in neftekumsk, well, i i asked him, he said, we still fled to baku, and vladimir never complained that he was forcibly held, forced to work, no, that didn’t happen, he... said, i feel good there, and they give me food, they dress me, they feed me, and i have a place to sleep, yes, i was happy, yes, you also left the country, when you moved, you managed to get yourself a document, well, we immediately, then in soviet times it was, we immediately bought a house, registered immediately, that’s all, and vladimir could
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have done the same, yes, but that’s when he went to ukraine. and after that, apparently something happened there, all his documents were gone, he arrived without documents, well, it’s still a union, you yourself say, it was a single country, it was possible to go there in ukraine too, to declare that the passport was missing, they had to go to the police, well, to the police, then the police had to go there to report, then there were no migration issues, yes, but he didn’t want to see it, i don’t know, then... then then how many years later , and you didn’t scold vladimir for being weak-willed, for being irresponsible, that there were no problems, they stole the documents, think about it, of course, you scolded him and my husband scolded him, you have to think a little with your head, you still have to restore it, you have to do all this, well, then yulia i came, i wanted to help him, but he himself is to blame, he
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is to blame... for his fate. vladimir, if you had a passport, where would you go first? for children. your children have had children of their own for a long time. i want to see them again. let's see the plot. since childhood , yulia karamyan dreamed of being like her mother in everything. in her ability to manage everyday life, raise children, and always maintain a smile on her face , peace of mind. and she even chose the same hobby as her mother. drawing.
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here is our apartment, this is our children's room, here we have the elders and the youngest, they sleep, play , do whatever they want, here we have the youngest she sleeps, here are all her toys, she plays, here is the work area of ​​my older girl, she is studying web design, it as a programmer. the man divorced his wife, and has not yet met a new love, but he does not forget about the children and maintains communication with them, roman earns money by repairing car parts right at home, for the time being, until everything is stored here, then when the time comes, i will release everything here, we'll see, i'll do
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something... he's roman, just like yulia, he misses his mom, and he definitely misses him several times a year she visits her grave at the osinovaya gora cemetery, well, from time to time i miss it, it happens when i remember when i was alive, vladimir, having received the documents, you will go to visit the grave, for sure. “ i arrived right now, if you had the opportunity to talk to your ex-wife now, what would you say to her, i don’t know,
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would you say thank you to the children? would you ask for forgiveness for... not coming, i didn’t have a document, i i didn’t know, she would understand you, as you think, of course, but now you are ready to change your life for the sake of your children, for the sake of yourself, yes, ready, maria, what needs to be done first, to help vladimir restore his documents, you need to apply for the restoration of citizenship, at the same time you need to collect as much evidence as possible and make requests, what needs to be done first so that vladimir can become a russian citizen? he needs to apply to the migration service, and there is a non-exhaustive
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list of documents that need to be collected with the application, he needs to see what list they already have contacted us to see what is on this list that you can get yourself, a number of documents you can get yourself through. lawyer requests, for example, zachs authorities, what can be obtained independently, to obtain what cannot be obtained independently, we go to court, and here they will have to go through the establishment of family relations, and the transfer will help with this, family relations are established and the birth certificate becomes valid, rightly this cannot be avoided, according to which already it is possible to restore the passport, that’s right, yes, when the passport and citizenship are restored, vladimir will be able to receive a pension, so? he will be able to live normally as an ordinary person who can calmly walk down
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the street, drive a vehicle, receive medical care, travel around the country, and of course a pension and benefits, an allowance is quite possible, we don’t know what’s going on with his health, maybe you can get some other benefits, you can help vladimir become a full-fledged citizen of the russian federation. yes, i'm ready to help ready to figure it all out. julia, roman, are you ready to go to the end? yes, are you ready to find out if vladimir is really your father? yes yes. i invite yulia sibertseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. whether roman and yulia met their father, we will know the result of the dna test any minute now. watch at 19:00 on ntv.
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sixty-five-year-old vladimir ambartsumyan, for 34 years now, the man has been living without documents, does not receive a pension, cannot get a job, go to the clinic, and most importantly, could not come to his children, whom he left in 1989, when he moved from baku to russia after a divorce, today. .. examination to help the father identify him . the children agreed to undergo a genetic identity test and finally receive all the necessary documents. julia, do you agree to announce the result? yes yes. roman, can i open the envelope? yes, vladimir, are you ready
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to find out the result? yes. attention, i'm opening it envelope. on the one hand, the alleged father, vladimir ambortsumyan, on the other, his alleged children, yulia karamyan and roman anuchkin. probability. the relationship between you is 99.9%. vladimir, we congratulate you, your identity has been proven, you are the father of yulia and roman. now it’s up to you, you can restore your passport and all
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other documents. yes. julia, are you glad that a start has been made? yes, everything will work out, roman, what do you think this time? if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test, dna.
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the deeper one digs, the greater the chance of survival, as ilya usheninin will tell you how the artillery of the southern group of troops equipped themselves with positions deep underground. a military paramedic from crimea lost his leg during a special operation, but returned to duty a year and a half later. the story of a fighter with the call sign sandal was recorded by rastislav skedan. the ukrainian crisis and the future of eurasian security, which sergei lavrov also spoke about at the primakov readings. edmund zhalbunov listened to the speech of the head of the russian foreign ministry. he flew away and did not promise to return. about how julian asansh left the island, which became a prison for him for 12 years. elizabeth gerson. sgjo.


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