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tv   Visshaya mera  NTV  June 26, 2024 9:05pm-10:11pm MSK

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egor, i’m sorry that it’s just now, but you of the senior group should be aware of what you’re talking about, the results of the examination on kolenovo have arrived, there’s no aminosine in his blood, you know, wait, how, i don’t know how, i’m only stating the facts , we assumed that the knee might be addicted to this aminosine, but yes, and he, you see, did not use it at all, of course.
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alexey, consider that your knees were dictated to the doctor, he doesn’t consider himself guilty, what kind of treatment is there? demands to be allowed to go home, he didn’t see anything, didn’t do anything, the knife is in him you put your hands in, your head in a bag, in your opinion this is how a crazy person puts it, you had no right to meddle with him, i forbid you, i’m proud, you all went crazy here, he killed tanya with you, cut off her head, he brought it himself, you know, yourself, what else do you need, what kind of evidence, i asked you, as if i asked a person, and you, you are zero, you are not a follower... what, and the husband was the same, the father, like
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a stallion from a goat, what? yes, what, that you attack me all the time, that you put this scum in prison, otherwise you yourself will become scum, what are you doing, well, on such and such a day, egor, egor, well, i asked you, i asked too. our uncle, golovin, semyon yurich, drowned shortly after his discharge, we are for an inventory of property, there are no diamonds, come on, come on, come on, come on, sukhanova, come on, oh, my smart girl, you swallow, let’s run faster, faster, hurry up, come on, come on, come on, come on, well, 3 months ago i saw our diamondova. brooch, a family heirloom
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that disappeared after his uncle's funeral, antique work, 18th century, i saw it on someone, an actress of the volkovsky theater polonskaya, and on ranevskaya she played the czechs, the cherry orchard, so fighters, fighters, fighters, come on, well done, well done, good, you’re going, you’re getting ready, come on, come on, let’s go, go, go, go, my wife dragged me in once. it turned out that it was not in vain, i went to hand flowers to the stage, i look at it up close, there is our diamond brooch on it, well, your brooches were definitely not identified, not exactly, a brooch in the shape of a butterfly, agripina, my uncle said 100 times that count razumovsky gave it to to our great-grandmother, natalya golovyanoy, he also joked to his head from the mind, come on, come on! come on, karpov, you girls already
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overtaken, come on, i've already gone ahead, come on, come on, runny nose, that is, you are one of those head nobles, yes, one of the nobles, i never hid it, what should we hide, that half of the houses in yaroslavl were built by head people, a hospital, and a park, well ok, ok, that’s not what i’m talking about, but you didn’t ask polonsk and maybe your uncle? i sold this brash, come on, no, that’s out of the question, although my uncle had lost his mind, he completely stopped recognizing us all, but he remembered about the jewelry until the last moment, come on, come on quickly, zhadilov, you’re falling behind, come on, go ahead, go ahead, that’s it time said, this is ours a family heirloom, jewels of the golovyan family, but i didn’t say anything to polonskaya, well , somehow i didn’t... it became necessary,
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i was afraid of a scandal, zhadilov, why are you stuck there, well, let’s run, run, zhadil! do you feel it too? maseev: an important production for you, a complete scoundrel, there are others, the bailiff grachev arrived looking as if he was the most important person here, you have a gun with you, i’m at the door, around,
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product authenticity. millions of people choose fitolax, laxative chewable tablets based on fruit. try something new. fetolax marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief. in the morning does not cause spasms of bloating phytolax from valar enjoy different things fill your summer with bright images for ozone discounts up to 70% on summer shoes riofiora results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. singer sosopavliashvili is celebrating his 60th birthday. let these be the only horns in your family. dinner for us alive and well, is the artist ready to retire at 60? this is not a fake thing, that’s why it’s 16 kilos, i couldn’t live without sports, what liberties does his wife allow him, you’re a sultan, and why not, sometimes the adjika will fall, you’ll eat
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at night, you’ll die, how sosopovlyashvili raises his daughters, for the last time i dyed my hair what color, red, how can you not love it when your only son will make him a grandfather, how long have you been together? 5 years old, soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret, on his birthday. bravo, i need a knee, so excuse me, not today, the patient is unstable, he you can’t bother him, which means he’s unstable, he wrote a complaint to the prosecutor’s office, that’s legal language, he had a seizure today, he had to call a doctor from the hospital, so what did the doctor do, what did he do, and where, what and why is there no one at the post, what. .. let him go for lunch,
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call everyone, block the exits, what are you standing there, he can’t be allowed into the city, so, let’s get three of you here, you’re with me, that’s it. "mommies, who came to him from a mental hospital, like knorov, knorin, arkady semenovich, i need your advice, what kind of drug is halopiridol, this is a neuroleptic,
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danina grigorievna, please, don’t get in your way, it will kill, sneeze, there is, help me, there is a hit that you are standing, most likely, he will hit someone now, hold him tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter, calmly, the whale is leaving , we’ll lose it, be careful, break nothing for him, this is shcherbach, dator ivanovich, he runs the trade unions, what? peace has come,
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quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, we close our eyes, quietly, quietly, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, calm, calm, everything, quiet, why are you here, pyotr ivanovich was stealing, no, i according to your soul, anton sergeevich, and you, then, during working hours will talk, well, well, well, okay, let's go to the prosecutor's office, we'll talk there, get ready, get ready, anton sergeevich, everything will be fine with him, yes, yes, everything is in order, but you put the hatchet away, of course, antonina grigorievna, call me later, yes, we will call, of course, all the best, goodbye. listen, listen, you,
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do you really think that i drove the red-hot man to suicide, but this is nonsense, be careful with your expressions, well, yes, it is nonsense, they called me, i gave an injection, and knees hanged himself, after almost 12 hours, and what else were they doing to him in the hospital at that time, what were they stuffing him with, and i am the only one to blame... and a month ago another patient of yours committed suicide, he died again, he threw himself from the balcony, it was an unfortunate the case was confirmed by his relatives, and golovin, you remember him, he drowned himself, could you give me some water, please, of course. thank you,
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you understand, egor, matveevich, if i’m not mistaken, matveevich, of course, egor matveevich, that my patients are people with an unstable psyche, and suicide is a common occurrence among them. what's there to say, lord, every doctor has his own small cemetery, yes, but only your cemetery, anton sergeyech, has somehow grown a lot, okay, okay, then can you be more specific, the facts, what do you think
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he did with them there, why? what was my interest in killing patients? well, in your language, what was my motive? can you give me an antipsychotic drug, a responsible drug, where did you get it? well, don't be smart, what's in the hospital? actually in the hospital? ok, so now our operatives are working in the hospital, your pharmacy and labeling they will establish who received this ampoule there when, and most importantly for whom? i received 40 patients for my psychiatry department, yes, but something tells me that shcherbachev is not among them, which means that while you were robbing some, you gave injections to others, motive, you put the money in your pocket, aminosin , triphtosin, well, everything
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else, that’s why your patients killed themselves. went crazy, not receiving the medicine that you gave them in return, a pacifier, saline instead of injections, insult instead of pills, you know, no, i don’t know, but i suspect when i find out and prove it, tobulin, yegor matveevich, verisov is calling, yes, i’ll be there right away, well, you’re free for today, here’s your pass, i’ll ask you not to leave the city. i have a lot of questions for you, okay, goodbye, investing with sberbank
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is easy. receive three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage deposit account with the best interest rate in the sberbank online application. again. ninochka, please, telephone number, i need to call, please, vinovich, by the way, you increased the dose of frenolone by 20 mg for this same mokhov, i understand, viktorich, ah, according to the ad, i just can’t get through, so i decided to buy a motorcycle, i chose, look, what are you saying, a motorcycle, yes,
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it’s handsome, yes, it’s handsome, in itself both the price and, most importantly, the technical data. by the way, if your husband decides, i can help the advice that victor paloch, where am i, but with my husband i was unlucky, okay, okay, i have a need, i’m opening the hunting season, i found such a tasty place in the forest, partridges, well, it’s necessary , it’s busy, and , unfortunately, you can’t get there on your own two feet, only on a motorcycle. total have a good day, goodbye, turn around, let's go,
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dalgush, you've already arrived, or what? why don't you come in? sorry, lyubushka, i'll come in now! let's go, let's go, let's go to dinner, venochka has been waiting for you, it's difficult at work, sit down for a little while, how is your tobolen after the funeral,
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holding on, holding on, how can you hold on here, you could go crazy right there, he didn't love her, so what? ? “if this happened to me, if my head was cut off, well , how would you feel, what are you talking about, you see how you were shot, otherwise the pain is holding on, let’s go, it’s all gone, let’s go, vienna said, i won’t eat without my dad, tell lenochka i’ll be right back?
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ignat sovelich, ready to report? well, come on, just quickly, there’s fraud in the hospital, so, private practice is thriving there, well, they treat big bosses at home , government drugs, money in his pocket , drugs are stolen, yes, there are cases of doctor knorin misappropriating aminosine, yeah, he takes it from patients, replaces it, in general, aminosine ends up in his pocket, he admitted, he admits, kolenov did not throw away the aminosine, yep, he just didn't get it when i wanted it. interrogate him, then a knorin appeared, one injection and not tempered, are you saying that you suspect this knorin of murdering the stake? i want to say that there are dark things going on in the hospital. ignat sovelich. come on, let's go to my place. comrades, i certainly understand that
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you are having such a sad day. but who gave you the right? mikhailovich. your actions are unacceptable. mikhailovich. seize the doctor in front of the patient and his family. well, as possible, as possible. let's go, yes, grab the doctor in front of the patients, sit down, mikhailovich, calm down, this is unacceptable, this is not conceivable, inconceivable, the little boy is not sick, he is an alcoholic, yegor matveevich, are you a lawyer or a doctor to talk about this topic, shcherbachuv’s diagnosis was not made public, by whom it was accepted, by high authorities, as in the case with kretov, my god , well, there is a special patient, you can’t make everything public so as not
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to cast a shadow on the party, not to cast a shadow on the ideals, well, you are an adult, well , you explain to your young colleague, well, that’s understandable, he created a bedlam and had to give a sedative injection, he is not a thief. not thief, you understand, i am aware of all his special patients, he treats them with information, receives drugs legally, why didn’t he tell me about this, why, you should have asked me, they would have come to me first of all, okay , theft, you are human,
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why? yes, yegor matveevich, your methods smack. in 1937 , the investigation was conducted in the same way. just like that, without going into the essence of the issue. i thought that tatyana pavlovna’s funeral was the most difficult thing today, but no, your actions. your methods are beyond any
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bounds, yes egor, you’ve messed up, so that’s it, if anything else comes to mind, well , some version, come straight to me, we think it over, decide together, and then we act,
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rich and bright image, excellent sound - all this is the new line of sbert v lines tvs with cashback up to 30% at the megamarket, roman shilov doesn’t have a job, but a resort, the resort is just being shot down a little, it’s hot all around, there’s a lot of problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work.
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from monday at 16:45 on ntv. bailiffs. premiere. today at 22:10 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. alfa bank is the best bank for business. send all payments and transfers without commission. open
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who has a dacha and who choked, well, firstly, the dacha is funny, they still can’t sell the barn, and secondly, he didn’t choke, but got hit by a truck, that’s how
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he got himself, there are witnesses, at 21:08 threw himself under the wheels, 2108, also program? i didn’t watch the time, i don’t know, egor matveevich, i ’m only stating the facts, i found tyrebinina, the meaning, egor matveevich, because it seems that kalenov himself persuaded her to take her into the apartment, why force ruin, please look, 42 ​​olga rebinina, i checked, but this is just the beginning, because okay, if only the last name. rare, like yours, yes, it’s not funny to me, yegor matveevich, i’m wondering what to do, valentin, your work is like this, my work begins with a statement about the victims or with the fact of committing
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a crime, there is neither one nor the other, what we are looking for, checking the words of some psychos, sick, okay, sick, but... these are just your guesses, without facts, this is an obsession, but it’s easier, captain, for checking i need strong justifications, please provide them to me, i have 11 cases registered with excellent justification, yesterday i hanged myself on my knees, another suicide, there are only deaths around the hospital with justifications. “we will check them all, it’s clear to you, captain, and if it’s clear, the order is to follow up on golovin’s statement, check the actress polonsky and her brooch, and today i’m expecting a report, that’s clear, carry it out,
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have it.” mikhail lyuvich, egorev. yesterday i started up, of course, i admit, you'll forgive me, but no, you'll forgive me, i should have taken your investigator's view of things, i need your consultation, but please, it has been established that the red-hot man does not have aminosine in his blood, it turns out that he simply threw away the medicine, why? please, yeah, he’s not the only one, from time to time we catch patients, as you say, red-handed, yeah. these are people with an altered consciousness, with a violent
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, inadequate fantasy, well, for example, avdeev, sergei nikolaevich, from time to time we notice changes in his behavior, we understand that he has returned to the old way, throws away his pills, believes that we are killer doctors, we poison we want him for... “do you already know the calcined one? yes, poor
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nikolai grigorievich, they say he hanged himself, they hanged him when they realized that he saw through them, realized that they were poisoning him with poison under the guise of medicine, yeah, and that’s you they suggested that he throw away the medicine, not throw it away, under no circumstances hide it, collect it, this is evidence for the police for the court, and where did i hide mine , you know where, in the sugar bowl, right under these idiots’ noses, and i taught nikolai, he’s probably already collected so many of them in a year to collect the medicine, that’s half the battle, but how do they then take it out of here, how to escape from here? and for this you need a key, for all the doors,
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i have one, if anything, svyatoslav petrovich, i’m sure, “first of all, young man, in essence, standing in front of you is also a boxer, although not an accomplished one, but nevertheless, why didn’t it take place? well , because he was wounded in the leg in november 1941 during the defense of moscow, and the temple as a consequence, well , i noticed, probably not, and secondly, and secondly, my son sergei was fond of boxing, so that holding a paw is a common thing for me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, like that, so,
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young man, it’s not so simple, yes, let’s work, work, work, stop, just a second, it seems this is the call i’m waiting for, yes, i’m listening, guselnikov, yes, i made a request, according to burdasov, any information, it’s absolutely true that about my sister, of course, of course, i need it, even really, my dear, look, left, left, left, this is in the other direction,
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left, right, left again, right, wonderful, but you timosh look, of course, but what about, what about, timoshenka, timoshenka, look to the left, now to the right, and the tongue, i need to look, yes, show me your tongue, yes, yes, timozh, don’t turn your head. you do what the doctor says. wonderful. ivan, i see that something is bothering you, what is it, what kind of glass is this in your hands. let me take a look. gave it, how good your dad is, well, let me look, let me, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, i won’t take it, i’ll look, great, but what if i give you for this piece of glass, you know, i have a gold ring,
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look, quiet, look what a beautiful ring, you and timosha will wear it together to show off, timosha, look what it is, where it comes from you, the doctor gave this to timosha and me, cool, timosha, a little present, oh, you and timosha, beggars, the doctor looked at both of you, come on. wait for me in the corridor, let's go, thibault, let's go, goodbye, doctor, goodbye, goodbye, varenka, i owe you something, dinner in astoria,
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varinka, your brother has a very interesting diagnosis, you should come to me next week in... did you draw where he put the stone? of course, well done! thank you! vladik, i urgently need to go to moscow, how already? yes, i'll pick up the parcel there and back, tell dad that i’m going there and
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back. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. juliana nasanche, long way home. how did the odyssey of the world's most famous whistleblower journalist end? why did washington decide to replace prosecution with a deal? why does biden need it? is trump trying on the image of a beggar? a us presidential candidate complains that he doesn't have enough money to buy bacon for breakfast. why does a politician try on the image of a bankrupt? and how this can help him in the elections, which abroad this year it is cheaper and more accessible than turkey, and where in russia can you spend a holiday that is brighter, more profitable and better in all respects than abroad? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. bailiffs, premiere,
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goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. in the summer on ntv. roman shillov will be imprisoned. weed. and mow down criminal elements to zero. summer. into wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv, how will the brooch be confiscated? how was it confiscated? where did you get it from? oh my god! the fan gave it to me, of course, even though i am an honored artist, but my salary does not allow me to buy antiques. what does your fan do, what is his name? a decent person,
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honest, that’s all you need to know, vitaly, dear, how are you, she’s a senior operative-authorized debt captain, comrade colonel, i have a couple of questions about i have a question about the brooch you gave. now my comrade from the police and i will decide everything, we’ll decide everything, goodbye, all the best, you understand, captain, i’m married, my son is a lieutenant, my grandson will be coming soon, well... a year ago, when i saw anna nikolaevna on stage, it was like demons crazy, demons, this is bad, comrade colonel, but you
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understand, captain, i lost my head, i kept thinking how to approach her, how to surprise her, well , i bought it, it worked, where we bought it, in a second-hand shop in moscow, they kept the receipt, no, come along, we'll figure it out on the spot, that's it, captain, or you explain yourself, or i won’t go anywhere, comrade colonel, the brooch is involved in a criminal case, so from the second-hand shop you will either go home to your wife, or with me to the city department.
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i have everything written down in my documents, comrades, here’s the brooch brought by citizen rossikhin on april 4, 3 months ago, so here’s his passport details, old man. that means, well, yes, such a gray-haired guy, i remembered him, because i brought such a thing, he said an inheritance, and he needed money to do repairs in the apartment, for a brooch, he didn’t come at the appointed time, so i put it up for sale, and the man , here a military man bought it, we also remembered it, what a disgrace, now i will
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only buy it at a jewelry store, the address of this rossikhin. here you go, uh-huh, please hold it. woe, what a misfortune, yegor matveevich, we still can’t go, oh, what a nightmare, hello, this is our closet, this is the closet, yes, yes, this is his closet, yeah, thank you, next, myself , uh-huh, okay,
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yegor matveevich, i report, from the second-hand store i immediately went to this old man, rasikhin, who, according to the documents, brought gripin’s brooch. it’s interesting here, egor matveevich, yes, yes, he smart, 5 years ago. it turns out that he brought the brooch either from the other world, or an impostor brought it. what does a professional say about voru’s handwriting? do you know what i mean? i understand, yegor matveevich, we need to arrange a total check of the entire medical staff of the hospital, while you haven’t taken flax in a tablet, call the experts, there is.
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welcome, svyatoslav petrovich, thank you, how did you get there, good, good afternoon, egor, but we are going to the dacha, so you will have to live alone. oh, hello, svyatoslav petrovich, i dodged, well done, otherwise i i'm training. vadim, take the things into the house.
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they looked around the apartment, studied the situation, the daily routine, and most importantly, they found out where the foreman kept his collection of diamonds, then they waited until the doctor was not at home, they hid the apartment, hid the hiding place, then the foreman suddenly returned.
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a precise blow with an awl to the ear, the one and only handwriting of burdas. yes, vadim, bring more there. the jacket is right there and everything else, yeah, coming back is a bad omen, oh, i don’t believe in omens, egor, maybe you shouldn’t go today, something’s wrong with your heart place, i don’t believe in premonitions, or in all this devilry, all devils have arms, legs and knives, and the devils who are dangerous to me are sitting under vladimir, so don’t worry, we’ll be back on monday and continue our search, that’s it, svetoslav petrovich, give me the keys, yes, that’s it, don’t be bored here, well, relax, have a good time, thank you,
10:03 pm
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i heard that you are sending the little guy away, you want to take revenge on prokurovsky, yes. soon
10:09 pm
the bitch will wash himself with blood, call him back, i don’t understand, if something happens to him, the cops will immediately understand where the wind is coming from, they’ll crush us here, it’s too early to touch him, let him breathe until, when we get out, then... no, wait, persian, this is not the time, call me off, come on, sit down, you will study, dear straight, empty, just the right place, dad, really, come on. come on, now in
10:10 pm
neutral, squeeze the clutch, like this , engage first, little by little on the gas, let's go, give it a little gas, otherwise you'll stall, okay, son, drive, the main thing is calm and attentiveness, the circus is coming in august, there will be races on... let's go, you can let him pass, take it to the right, yeah, overtake already, hold the steering wheel, vadim, well done, vadim, son, vadim, alive, vadim, son, son, don't miss tomorrow , colleagues sent material from moscow according to burdas, so what?


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