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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 27, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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what is this, and georgivich, this is a hotel in the krasnodar region, juice? yes, grape, my friend came from krasnodar. hello. find krymovo on polikarpova 8, we have slaughter there. rita, you prepare the documents so that everything is in order by tomorrow morning. andrey, take it away, what is it? the juice is amazing. well, leave it to me. come here. so, look. here's the address, let's go, let's go, let's go, go get the keys, yeah, look, there's a lot of females there, be careful, okay, see you tonight, little crouton, i was watching, hello, well finally, did you go through the petersburg, i ’ll do the house-to-house inspection for you, or there’s the expert, orchi, orchi, yes, lesh, when death has come. an hour ago there was a gunshot
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, i have no idea, i didn’t know what was there? your heart is fresh, but is anything missing from the safe? who? wife? yes, how come your wife didn’t even know? i don’t know, my husband said that he kept some papers there, work documents? did he open the door himself? i think he was sleeping when he was shot, master keys? yes, it’s unlikely, there are no characteristic scratches on the lock, which means i open it. key, did you find the body? yes, i went to see my mother for 2 days, she wasn’t feeling well, she came back, here you are, you ’re done with the body, you’re done, lesh, oh, did you notice she has symmetrical scars behind her ears? well, of course, i noticed, i’ll figure out why later, sorry for standing around, let’s go to our apartments, run, run.
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get in the car citizen. oh, hello, captain, crimea to the homicide department, we are conducting a door-to-door inspection, homicide, who was killed, your neighbor,
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why should we detain you, search your apartment, how the man was sitting with you, i see, and apparently for robbery, there are prints of this 2 hours ago you say, it means you will have a handsome man in a round apartment, let me guess where on the bottle of whiskey on the glass. how could it not be if we drank a lot together? i forgot on the front door, on the safe, there’s no one on the safe, no one left fingerprints except the dead man, well, that still doesn’t prove anything, did you know about the safe in the apartment of the round one? i knew, well, you were in prison for residential robbery, i’m telling you, well , you have nothing so far, no money, no gun, well now go to the kitchen, take the washes and you will see that there are no powder gases on your hands, but if you were shooting with gloves, there won’t be any, so the promissory note, the citizen of april, the citizen of the round we have... rub. and here is
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the motive. yes. i took money from kolka, but i returned it. he gave me the receipt. we had a drink with him on this occasion. are there any witnesses that he returned it? no. listen, when i was walking to the stake, i saw a man on the stairs, about thirty years old . look what you looked like, leather jacket, bald, about 40 years old, not a leather jacket, but a man like a man, with hair, not blond, not brunette, well, he will be younger, brown-haired, which means the lady downstairs told me that in an hour for this leapfrog she saw some guy in the yard, spinning around there, not one of the residents, then i saw him between the floors, he was waiting for someone, and i saw this bald guy downstairs, why didn’t you stop him, but why on earth? all these men
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are suspicious, but with such descriptions you can detain half of st. petersburg, but what did your husband do, judging by the situation, he made good money, he did well. earned money, he had his own company, rented out housing in rent, yes, he had a lot of housing, several apartments, including in the center, there was a large company, how many employees, and what kind of employees, one dispatcher on the phone and an agent to show apartments to clients, he rarely went to the office, he had there everything worked like clockwork, uh-huh, uh-huh, but tell me, he didn’t tell you where he got the capital to purchase these apartments? well, i don’t know, he bought them a long time ago, 10 years ago, well , the prices were different then, okay, okay, we ’ll check everything, and can you guess who could have done it? maybe his ex-wife
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larisa, they lived together for eight years, and then when we met, they didn’t have children, yeah, they divided their property. no, everything was acquired by kolya before his marriage to larisa, so she broke it off. okay, please give me the address of his ex-wife, i hope you know, of course, i don’t know, i was never interested in her, that’s how it is? okay, then write me the address of the company name, now.
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what an ambush, what a mess, hello, police, my neighbors are being robbed, come quickly, there’s a whole room for such a small room
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the company, we have enough, yeah, and what were you personally doing here, sitting in... answering calls on the phone, is it clear how many people are listed in the company? and only nikita, he studies and works part-time for our students, about agents, and show apartments to clients, sign contracts, get money, that’s actually, he’s a good guy, don’t think about it, i ’m not thinking anything yet, i’m just collecting information, yes , anushka, tell me, when was the last time you saw round, well, this nikita, the boss 2 days ago, and nikita this morning, he was at 9 ran for documents, then met with clients, he took money from them there for six months in 2000, and now he doesn’t answer
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the phone, he was supposed to meet with the boss, give him the money, but he didn’t... call that he took it, very interesting, but this nikita’s data, phone number, home address, photo, maybe there is, yeah, yeah, of course, there’s a phone number, yeah, i have a photo of him in my phone, let me send it to your phone, okay, i’ll be there now i’ll write you my number, and one more question, the apartments that your company rented out, who owns them, huh? so to the boss, he has 10 apartments, yes, i’m curious, but if this is his personal home, why did he arrange everything through the company, in my opinion, it’s better to bypass the company, illegally, but profitable, he wanted everything to be according to the law, us now they will close it, yes, well, it’s unknown, it will all depend on
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the heirs, so in our case regarding the murder of the round one, the first, main version, robbery, there was a secret safe in the apartment, which was opened. yes, excuse me, comrade colonel, what is it, why are we late again, comrade colonel, purely official lateness, i was at the company killed, accepted, sit down, let's continue, it means it's most likely.
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it’s still unknown, i even have a photo of him, there is information that he was supposed to bring money to kruglov today, whether he brought it in or not, wait, i saw him today in the yard, yes, yes, listen, let’s tear potapinka away from papers, and let her work off this nikita, really, we need to come up with some kind of legend, just because he... won’t let her into the apartment, so who writes the operational plan? radanov, i, yeah, oleg georgievich, i
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’m expecting you and rydanov in my office in half an hour, with a plan, i’m about to hit you in the head, you’re with me... you’ll forget how to rob apartments, but get down there, grab him, grab him, he’s the one robbing apartments, let’s get down, like this, on business for you, bestyvnik, that's it for you, what is it, a five -point operational plan, well, there was little information, so... as i understand, the main version is our neighbor, well, there is no reason to complicate this matter, and
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the april one has an iron motive, not to repay the debt, to take the receipt, to take the receipt and not destroy it later, well, this is completely illogical, he was drunk, igor sergeevich, he didn’t have time , he forgot, he didn’t think of it, if you don’t take into account the first motive, there’s the second, the safe and what was in it, the safe, well, okay, how could he find out about it, i’ll just talk about it when i’m drunk. aprilsky heard. okay, what about the valuables from the safe? you didn’t find them in april’s apartment, did you? so, maybe there was nothing in the safe, and, accordingly, april did not find them. oleg georgievich, listen, you are stuck with this version, and will you allow it? come in, have a seat. there's something new? yes, the examination showed that krugly was killed in time to sleep. and considering that the door lock was not broken, but they killed him in his sleep, this means that the version with the neighbor is the main one. oh, by the way, what's with the scar? lyosh, well done for noticing, these are traces of plastic surgery, it was done about 10 years ago, no less, and it’s also interesting,
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the fingertips are burned with acid, this is quite interesting, colleagues sent material on burdas from moscow, so what, stand by up, cooking, cooking, no, if this man decided to kill me, he will not spare anyone, and i will turn everything upside down, there will be a lot blood, pass it on to yours, the highest measure, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. a unique country, with a unique destiny, a unique culture. unique people, original and full
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of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. where are the documents? so it was left in the bag, what bag, idiot, that i came with, it’s in the inter-district.
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a friend had a key, the door jammed, and her neighbor, who came from the krasnodar region from the train, took show me your train ticket, there’s no ticket, why don’t you, it hurts, stand in the cell behind me, let’s go to that apartment, tamrita, explain everything to you, come on, ritka, as best you can, come on. who's there? nikita, it’s me, well, the blonde from the parallel course, i’m from olya, which olya? i brought you money, i don’t know any olya, well, in short, i put it under the door, i put it,
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that’s it, hello! eh, let's go, let me go, let me go, oh, who are you, what do you need, calm down, homicide department, i didn't kill, i didn't kill anyone, round, it's not me, yes, yes, but money where, this is my bastard, where, what kind of trunk, from which he felled the round one, what do you mean, i didn’t kill, it’s my money, don’t sit there, so we’ll figure out whether it’s your money or not , and we’ll see. did you kill or didn't you? who's there? hello, i'm from the police, i 'm looking for your neighbor, larisa kuglova,
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do you know where she might be? she hasn’t lived here for a long time, young man, what did you say? well, what are you saying, getting up, i can’t sleep, i can’t sleep, i’m working, they interrogated nikita, yes, oleg georgievich, but it was difficult, he doesn’t love me, not everyone in this city knows me either they love that he says, well, what, georgivich, he sang me such a song, yeah, he got money from a client, went for a couple, served time, then went to the round guy’s apartment, supposedly that... and at the entrance he saw police cars and an ambulance , a brilliant idea came to him: if kruglov was dead, he should keep the money for himself, he disappeared and turned off the phone. well, it’s really a brilliant idea, but how can he confirm all this? tomorrow i’m going to the institute, i’ll find out whether he was even in classes or not, but to be honest, i believe him,
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she believes, female logic, well, you can say so, we took the money for the apartment, though... i already managed to convert it into dollars, who are you calling all the time, rita, and grinya, my classmate who arrived today, now at my house he won’t even take a coin, so call me on my mobile, i can’t, he left him at home in krasnodar, why are you worried about him, a healthy guy, young at that, his first time in st. petersburg, he came to admire the beauty of the white night, i understand everything about our girl, i’m all for it, but only me home, as soon as i get to his place, you’ll spend the night with me, at my place, now for you.
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well, oleg georgievich, the teacher confirmed that nikita chernov was at his lecture from 10:45 to 12:15, and he also said that he was not yet senile. we had some discussions, so i’m afraid that we are no longer interested in him, we need to hand it over to the investigator
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to resolve the issue regarding the money that he wanted to appropriate, that’s it, oleg georgievich, lights out. hello, hello, laris, hello, hello, major volkov is bothering me from
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the police, i can’t find you for the second day, what’s the matter, what happened, but i have unpleasant news for you, if you don’t know yet, yesterday afternoon your ex-husband, nikolai kruglov, was killed, how who killed, well, we are now finding out, i need to meet with you, ask a few questions, where can i do this, to bucharest. can you come? yes, of course, thank you, to bukharevskaya.
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grinka, grinya, open up, grinya's crit, why are you knocking? and good morning, don’t you know what happened to you yesterday? what happened yesterday, arima konstantinovna? yesterday i tried to get in, fortunately i called the right place, and they quickly caught this bastard, and what did he look like? this bastard, thin, snub-nosed, and his face is impudent, thank you rin konstantin for your efforts, well, that’s it, well, he’s not a thief, who?
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yes, comrade major, who was kidnapped? larisa? where are you now? i’m already on my way, i’m nearby, just a little bit away. let's go and sit down, don't be shy, here's georgich, look. this is a
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directional microphone, he pointed this thing at his ex-wife, i thought about the barrel with a silencer, but i didn’t see it, and there was no time to look, this inadequate opera of yours mistook me for a killer, you yourself inadequate, and who else should we take you for when they handed you an envelope of money, well , wait, wait, who are you really, and who is a private detective, that brainless thug of yours has the documents, so i’ll stop... you now for insulting an employee in front of performance, and i'm for exceeding official authority, stop everything, sorokin, viktor olegovich, private detective, private detective, why can't a private detective work as a killer, krugly's wife hired me to follow his ex-wife in order to collect evidence that his ex-wife i ordered my ex-husband, wait, i don’t understand, so who ordered the former, the current one?
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some, well, where is this larisa, some kind of her of course, larisa, who, a woman’s passions , a man took away in a car, but the wolves are already watching him, where she carries you, well, how could she, comrade major, what’s there, for one there are more kidnapped ladies, there are larisa, evgeniya and... some criminal elements? and what do these criminal elements do? i would like to find out myself, but they locked the door, uh, their cars, well, yes, comrade major, let me lure them out, i have an idea, okay, who, man, man,
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is your car parked, what car? then some guy came running and pinned yashin, why, stand, police, hands, on your knees, the young lady is somewhere in the basement, hit him? i’m an old woman, my hands are tied, now i would arrange for you , my hands are tied, you slammed kolya, what did you think of accusing me of murdering a brat, it ’s me a brat, i’m a brat, it’s you, a crazy hysterical woman, but you couldn’t forgive him that he he left for me, old woman, i’m an old woman, it’s a pity my hands are tied, now i would arrange for you, myself i slammed kolya, threw rubbish at me, you are the one, what passions? what
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brought you, citizen polyanin, a resident of kazan, to our dear city, the version about seeing armitage is immediately dismissed, but i’m not going to lie, just so you understand everything, i’ll have to start from the very beginning, yeah, well, that was in the early nineties , in the last century, let me tell you, in short, we started one business, me, zhukov, morev, and a couple of other boys. well, morev cheated us out of 2.5 million flies of greenery and disappeared, we looked, we looked for him everywhere, yeah, but he’s from dedomov, it’s impossible to find him, there are no relatives, there’s nothing to grab onto, who is this morev, how is this who, this is the man of those two women you took from us, round, no, damn, rectangles, but we’ve already stopped looking, on easter 14 we painted it, decided or banged it somewhere or
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foreign country ganidoti. they beat me, of course, but the hollow is empty, your pay phone is near the metro, well, we went with the clearing, if we’re being honest, it’s not even about the money anymore, in principle, that’s why they killed him, stop, commander, don’t hang someone else’s, when we arrived, he was already they carried me out of the entrance, the blue devil dropped in again, now he’s definitely not you’ll get it, okay, let’s say you arrived, he was killed before you, but how did you determine who his ex-wife is, who is his real one? boss, well, this is generally a matter of technology, they found out where he lives, that the population is small, they asked around, yeah, well, they found out, then, well, then what, they sat under the house, began to graze, wait, zhenya, when his wife
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came out, i told her the tail sat down, uh-huh, and are you sure that moriev and kruglov are the same creature, and at first we also doubted, maybe kruglov wasn’t moriev, and then we looked at the photo in his wife’s phone, that’s right, his face, well another, of course, but it’s just him, i know myself well, but this one who called warned that he had made a new face for himself, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, you took his two wives, why, what’s next, and after there should have been a lot of this sea of ​​round dough left, but where it is, and these know, well, either one or the other, it’s logical, but in your opinion, who killed him then, well, if not you, i ’ll tell you so, the commander, such how he always has more enemies than friends, okay, with us, what do you think? well, so far only kidnapping, people, people, but if we don’t prove murder to you, don’t dream, commander, kidnapping
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also needs to be proven, but this ghoul, yes, we ourselves, oh, how we needed him alive, is your friend. grigory pryashkin himself admitted everything, what are the questions after that? are you crazy? what kind of thefts in april in march? did he just get off the train yesterday, or should i bring you confirmation from the ticket office? so this is a matter of technology. of course, i understand your concern for your friend, but you yourself serve in the authorities and must first of all be guided the law, it’s not for me to teach you. to lose, i could have gotten here by car, this is just a matter of technology, you’d better take a look at the letter of appreciation again, in case you didn’t see something, i’ll arrange a letter of appreciation for you, i don’t advise you to threaten me, dog, dog, your dog is with us,
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overseas and even wet snow, in tiksa during the day it is only +4, in yakutsk +20 and no precipitation. it will also be fresher in wulanuda, there are rains in places, in the rest of the southern regions it is warm, with at least +30 rains, but this is the calm before a new storm, which tomorrow will bring a very active atmospheric front. in primorye today it’s already rainy instead of sunshine and in vladivostok it’s no higher than 20°, but in general around the region it’s warm up to +28. on in the south of siberia it has been a day since there has been a merciless fire. dangerous heat above 30 with minimal precipitation, rain will occur in the north, there is also plenty of heat by local standards, in norilsk up to +25, everything is different near the urals and in the urals, cyclones are rampant here, it rains, in some places very strong, with thunderstorms , hail and sharp winds, until nastya is rising, and the temperature is opposite to falling in orenburg today +22, tomorrow 16. the weather in the volga region has the same complex character, while in the center with everyone. more and more warmth and less clouds, in
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the north-west it will be generally cloudless during the day - 30, in the south it will not reach 30 everywhere, mostly it will be about 27, in the caucasus it rains again, but not so strong, in st. petersburg today 25-27 without precipitation, in moscow there is also no precipitation, but still windy, in the afternoon 24:26, tomorrow until 30. olesya, hello, senior lecturer potapenko, listen, i really need your help, come on, what’s new in the case of our kruglov, well, kruglov a violent past, but unfortunately it has nothing to do with it and you worked off the bandits from kazan, yes, it wasn’t them who killed the round one, although they really wanted to, they were just ahead of them and they were given to us, right? they called, brought him to krugly’s apartment, and
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just before their arrival they killed him, what would the kazanskys have done if it had been them, i think they would have shaken money out of this round sea, only then they would have killed him, which means they asked him he said where the safe was killed, it doesn’t work out, the examination says that they killed him while he was sleeping, that is, they didn’t ask, well, yes, i think it was done by the one who was seen in the entrance before the murder, we showed all the detainees as witnesses, they say it’s not them, that guy was completely different, well... it must be stated that you are at a complete dead end. there is no evidence for april, the wives are still blaming each other. what are you going to do? well, i think that we will use a high-precision satellite, we will involve a submarine in the case, we will make a request to the fbi, the cia, it’s my fault, comrade colonel, i think we need to put through a call from st. petersburg, kazansky, so you do this, i obey.
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what's the name of tas morozka zharkov, yeah, camera ready, that's right, let's go eat. the call to kazan was made from a payphone near the udacha trading house. at 19:43, right? yes, there is a camera there, i can connect. and if there are cameras, it will be very good. let's connect and let's see. does this mean anything to you? no, we haven't seen this character yet. although witnesses say that at the time of
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the murder some guy was hanging around the apartment. printout of his face. yes. in several copies. bigger. listen, here. the car is standing there, it could be his car, well, scroll away, so, yeah, yes, this is his car, you can increase the number, yeah, print it out in several copies, comrade general, he had no documents, no ticket, but he himself admitted everything, signed everything, keep quiet, everyone already understood how he admitted. tell me, pryashkin, these officers threatened you, put pressure on you, used physical force, yeah, they said that i won’t collect the bones if i don’t take the theft, they took the necessary measures to verify your initial testimony, unfortunately,
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our law enforcement agencies are still working . such careless employees who they are trying to make a plan for detection in this way, innocent people suffer because of them, these officers have forgotten why they work in law enforcement agencies, they have forgotten about the law, they have forgotten about morality, there is no place for such people in the police. hand over your id, everything was written down, so accurately, well, how great, comrade general, let's go, zharkov, take your
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personal belongings out of here so that i don't see you, the main thing is to defend justice, well... his last name was gavrilov, he was in a criminal gang mozyr. two convictions, one for extortion, the other for robbery with use of weapons. who's there? criminal investigation, there was a murder in your house, we are interviewing the residents of the entrance. we don't see anything. we need to put this on record, please open it. boss, this is chaos! i've been stuck for a long time, hmm, again, hello, what else do you need, you don't have the right, where's the warrant, where's the money and the gun, you 're crazy, i'll complain, okay, thank you, they don't want to be nice, let's have witnesses, yeah ,
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okay, but that’s for sure, what if i’m on my own? i’ll tell you everything, they’ll give me less, or this only happens in the movies, the movie has absolutely nothing to do with it, this is the criminal code, in simple words, complete repentance, active assistance to the investigation, that the gun was found, it is now with the expert, money, that’s true, that’s not all, they have already put some of it in the bank, and spent some of it, well, tell me, but keep in mind, that we already know a lot, yeah. so there’s no point in lying if you’re counting on leniency, my ex -husband’s real name is morev, yeah, not kruglov, i married him about eight years ago, at first everything... was fine, but i wanted children, and he didn’t, quarrels began, you know how it happens,
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he also hooked you up with this young kazoo, in general, they got divorced, you knew from the very beginning that he was screwed, no, of course, then i found out, he let it slip while drunk, and about his past, the fact that he abandoned his companions in kazan, i had plastic surgery and came to st. petersburg. that his documents are fake, he came here with a lot of money, bought apartments, rented them out, then what next, they got divorced, and this brute just threw me out without a penny, you know, we lived together for so long, on you, and you decided to act, not right away, first i cried, then i met gavrilov, but when he found out everything, he suggested...
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just like that, wow, wow, greeny, who treated you like that, there is a person, yes, but these persons have already been punished, peter greeted you unkindly , the cultural capital, i had to turn to petrova, merzlyakin arrived, well, he fired this pretzel, oh well, the greenie suffered for the purity, so to speak, of our shoulder straps, oh well, at least a justified sacrifice, i hope i won’t
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have to sacrifice myself anymore, but it’s like will go, where is the wine that i brought, the wine is there, who well, he will drink it alone, what kind of wine, you said that juice, juice, juice, natural juice, grape juice, no more than 15%, they wanted to deceive me, take a long time, georgivich, well , you can pay a little for revealing , for the fact that everything turned out well with grinka. okay, a little bit at a time, so, are we alcoholics, or what? glasses, oh, thank you, and pour it, pour it, carefully, oh, homemade, blend, blend, okay, there are five of us and 10 liters, well, i hope it’s enough, for opening and flirting. well, for our wonderful city, yeah,
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we wish you the best morning, further on program, we will find out the details of the emergency, watch a video from social networks with... the first broadcast on ntv , the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. footage of a daring accident involving a pedestrian and a motorcyclist is being studied by police and discussed by outraged social media users. having turned on the camera attached to his helmet, this motorcyclist had no idea that he would film a real blockbuster with action elements, dashing maneuvers in the city, a clear speeding climax. at a red traffic light at the moment when the road people crossed, the offender immediately.


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