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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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this is from the back, this is from the tail, she says, this is such a tiny wallet, the smallest is the most expensive, and this is from the penis, it is made using a unique technology, what is unique, and you stroke it, the wallet will turn into a suitcase , it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye. three people died, dozens were injured in qom, they are eliminating the consequences of a derailed train. france is preparing for parliamentary elections with right-wing forces as favourites, how does this threaten macron? you don't pay child support, you don't go to school stadium, this proposal was made by the bailiff service. about the main thing, ilya fedorovtsev is in the studio this minute. hello. in the republic of koma
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, the consequences of the derailment of the varkuta novorossiysk passenger train are being eliminated. railway workers are restoring the track and strengthening the embankments. dozens of rescuers and special equipment are also working. a section of the route has been placed under protection to prevent cases of looting. at this moment , three people are known to have died. among them is a teenage girl. previously listed as missing. he's a lifeguard complicated by taiga and swampy terrain. it was necessary to get to the scene of the incident by fire train and helicopters by air ambulance.
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get to the scene of the accident on the firefighting train of the ministry of emergency situations. for those who did not require medical assistance, local authorities offered to send them to temporary accommodation centers in the nearest city of inta. there is no road in this place, the ministry of emergency situations zone is, in fact, the first, and, uh, i arrived here, uh, with medical workers, doctors and filchers, from the medical central district hospital. restoration work is currently ongoing at the site where the cars came down. work. at the scene of the incident in
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the komi republic, where the real cars of the varkuda novorossiysk passenger train derailed, employees of the inta fire and rescue garrison are working; in addition, a group of the pechora fire and rescue garrison, including psychologists from the russian ministry of emergency situations, is following the scene. in addition, inta operates an operational headquarters to assist victims in eliminating the consequences of the incident. experts are ascertaining the exact cause as the train moves. the transport prosecutor's office is checking compliance safety legislation. movement of railway transport operation in connection with the derailment of nine cars on the stretch. the deputy northwestern transport prosecutor also left for the scene. the prosecutor's office will check all the circumstances of the maintenance of the transport infrastructure. according to the preliminary version, the accident occurred due to the erosion of the embankment along the railway track after heavy rainfall. opened a criminal
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case regarding violation of safety rules during the operation of railway transport, however, according to experts, it is very difficult to predict such a development of events on a specific section of the railway; the total length of railway tracks in russia is 12,000 km, so you simply cannot keep track of every meter. for example, in november, due to rain and storm , the embankment under the tracks in adler was washed away. this was noticed by passengers of a train passing on the opposite tracks, so then a tragedy was avoided. this morning, most of the passengers on the comatose train continued to move along the route. everyone who wanted was transferred to a specially formed train from varkuta was provided with food and water, as reported by russian railways, this train will proceed on an accelerated schedule, however, according to the latest data, the new train was also unable to continue moving due to erosion of the roadbed, already on a different section of the road. edmund zhalbunov, anna kiseleva, dmitry tsarkov, konstantin kharlamov and anna chigrova, ntv television company. vladimir putin held talks with the president of the republic today in the kremlin. who is in
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russia on an official visit. the leaders of the countries discussed the prospects for the development of bilateral relations in various fields, as well as issues on the regional and international agenda . dear sir. president, dear friends, once again i want to welcome you to moscow, you personally have done a lot for the development of russian-congonian relations and took part in two russia-africa summits, make the necessary efforts to develop our interaction in almost all areas, keeping in mind political level.
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general of the coup faces up to 20 years in prison, the minister of justice of the republic announced this, soldiers who tried to organize a government attempt to storm the palace of president luis arce in lopass.
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thousands of supporters of the president gathered in the central square, many swore at the soldiers and demanded that they retreat, but there were no serious clashes. soon the authorities announced that three rebel generals had been arrested. zuniga himself managed to tell
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reporters that he organized the riot at the request of the current president, allegedly because he needed to raise his ratings. the soldiers calmly left the city center and returned to barracks, president. arce has already sworn in the new army commander and his deputies. the ministry of internal affairs reported that the situation in the country is under complete control. the russian foreign ministry condemned the coup attempt, expressed support for the current government and warned against attempts at destructive foreign interference in the internal affairs of bolivia. france is preparing for parliamentary elections. outside , the next vote will take place on sunday. experts unanimously predict success for the right-wing forces. the party is among the favorites in the race.
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birth threatens degeneration, he himself threatens population by civil war in case of loss. on the eve of the vote , a quarter of a million people took to the left march in paris alone, everything was as usual in france, police, smoke, noise, flags, anything but french, but at least not american. in europe, the left has now become the main lever of american influence. 30-40 years ago the left was against america. now the most pro-american sofia. as in britain, in france, there is not much difference in views on foreign policy between the right and the left. there is rather a division into globalists and sovereignists, those who march with washington and brussels, their majority, and those who defend the independent policy of their country, like
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florian philippa from the patriots party, who called macron a psycho because of his decision to send fighter jets to the ukrainian armed forces, but such politicians like filippo in france and themselves. trying to make them look crazy. this is the situation in europe. the peace movement simply no longer exists. there are several distinct voices of the far left to the far right in france. fabian roucel, head.
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france's international course will remain the same because of this fearful position of the opposition, because foreign policy is determined by the president. macron, a supporter of a europe synchronized with washington, did not update his settings for the elections. our support for ukraine remains unwavering, and we will continue to mobilize to meet ukraine's immediate needs, sending a clear message of commitment to supporting ukrainians for the long term. he talked on
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the phone with the russian president for 100 hours, and then didn’t call for a long time. of the possible topics for during the conversation, macron clearly outlined only the issue of nuclear power plants. the question for him is: is this the most pressing topic in russian-french relations now, and can the frenchman be trusted even one atom. everything has its consequences, and of course, such a situation as it was with... agreements, it taught us a lot and in many ways destroyed the atmosphere of trust, the atmosphere of trust very quickly, one might say, is instantly destroyed for a very long time, for years, and sometimes decades is being developed. macron does not inspire complete trust among voters, according to recent polls, the right-wing national union with its allies is gaining up to 250 seats in parliament, the left-wing popular front up to 230, the party. macron's calculation may be that if the right wins the elections, they will probably
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nominate their own prime minister, maybe lepin, maybe bardello, one of them will make a mess in the remaining 3 years of macron's presidential term and discredit the right-wing movement, but macron may be wrong, the national rally party 5 years older than himself is still alive extremely active. it is extremely likely that the new parliament will be for the president. about changes in the tax system. such data were reported to the center today during a round table organized by the expert
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institute for social research. they noted that public perception of the change in the tax system is mild, since this was preceded by a lot of preparatory work. many people consider the progressive scale to be fair. the macroeconomic effect of tax changes, which are currently being considered by the state duma, in 2025-2027 will give a cumulative increase in gdp by a full percentage point. this model assumes that the resources received from companies and rich people will be fully returned to the economy through government spending, effectively supporting demand, both public in the form of investment and private from the population with not the highest incomes, which will also be increased for consumption. the supply will increase this week the state duma adopted amendments to the tax code in the first reading. in
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russia, central banks have called on as much as possible quickly figure out a way to carry out international payments in the face of ever-new sanctions. next on the air is business news, dina is with us, well, as far as i understand, there are already some options. yes, privately, russians have already mastered international transfers in cryptocurrency, but now they can be developed at the state level. the central bank urged to look for any forms for international payments, even in cryptocurrency, as long as there is something to pay for imports and something to charge for exports. in this at the st. petersburg legal the forum is convincing. first deputy chairman of the central bank vladimir chestyukhin, we must do everything to keep the wheels turning, what seemed unpopular there yesterday, i don’t know, swaps, including central banks, some clearing systems, the use of crypto, everything needs to be tested, try everything as
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quickly as possible, because there will be no normal payments for products for foreign economic activity. for our export- and import-dependent country - this is simply all, this is destruction, so here we need to do everything to make it work very well. the problem with international payments became more complicated gradually. first, after february 22, russian banks lost the ability to transfer dollars and euros; they were disconnected from the swift international financial messaging system. since the beginning of this year, reports began to come in about problems with the so-called friendly banks of turkey, china, and the emirates, which are increasingly stricter towards russian clients, out of fear. secondary american sanctions, this month the european union, for example, imposed sanctions against the financial messaging system, this is a domestic analogue of the swift system, this also complicates payments between russia and the rest of the world. the russian stock market after lunch almost won back all of today's losses, although on the foreign exchange market the ruble is still swinging strongly from side to side. now on
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the interbank market it is sharply becoming more expensive, the dollar and the euro are becoming cheaper. 2.5 rubles each. obviously, all this is due to the fact that exporters are selling foreign currency because they are preparing for tomorrow’s peak in tax payments. the european union will reintroduce tomorrow import duties on ukrainian sugar and eggs, the financial times writes about this, citing sources. brussels canceled all import quotas for ukrainian food in june 22 as a measure of financial support after the outbreak of hostilities in the country. but then this import began. too much in ukraine's neighbors, poland, slovakia and hungary, local farmers began to complain that they could not withstand competition, at the beginning of this year the eu authorities decided this: duties will be imposed on ukrainian food imported will exceed the average for the twenty-second, twenty-third year, and, for example, this has already happened with the ukrainian obs, as financial times notes, the introduction of import duties
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shows how difficult the negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union, which began this week, will be, and even now. ukraine can produce much cheaper food than eu countries can do. a gigaconf conference is taking place in moscow today, where experts discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on the it sector. as the senior vice president says andrey belevtsev, previously artificial intelligence was a technology for increasing efficiency, now it is becoming a central technology, involved in it at every stage. sber calls its flagship service gigachat useful for a company of any size.
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photography and conduct a dialogue both by voice and images; sber also launched a domestic development environment for russian programmers with built-in artificial intelligence, it’s called a guide. sberbank says that this is especially important after foreign projects became unavailable to developers. solutions, it is clarified that this environment can now be downloaded on the gitvers platform. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis tolalayev, for your economic review. habitual child support defaulters may be banned from attending sporting events, including football matches. this legislative initiative was made by the head of the federal bailiff service. right now, the ministry of justice , together with bailiffs and other interested departments, are developing additional measures to force debtors to pay their bills. next may
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the law on the register of alimony debtors will come into force, which will include more than 140,000 people. as the head of the bailiff service noted, usually the cost of tickets to sporting events is high, the visit itself is of an entertaining nature. in this regard , it is proposed to legislatively establish the possibility of suspending or refusing registration as a fan if a person is included in the register of alimony debtors. ntv viewers in the capital. next up is the release of the program today in moscow. and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. in in chelyabinsk they began testing antidepressants on aquarium fish. tests are currently underway at the institute of immunology and physiology. they offer a variety of sedatives. if the scientists are satisfied with the results, then the chemical compounds may well become a medicine in the future. olga zenkova found out how the experiment was going and why they decided to use fish for it. we are checking the fish to see that they are all
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alive and well this morning. this concern masks scientific interest. in the laboratory for the biological study of stress, the wards are protected, fed and kept in aquariums with comfortable temperature and lighting, but all this is only so that one day they get around to studying chemical compounds that in the future may become the basis for new antidepressants, and the first tests for the effectiveness and safety of the drugs are carried out on fish. what kind of bone structure is clearly visible when the fish is still transparent, spine to spine, here are the vessels going to the fins, well, everything is like ours, only cocories, in the chain before clinical trials, along with mice, rats, waterfowl appeared relatively recently, daniu reirio, they are gills. similar to human ones. the whole system
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is serotaninergic, which is the one that actively participates in stress reactions, like anxiety, they have it, like in humans, that is , fish have the same fear hormone, worry hormone, cortisol. by nature , they are not prone to depression, therefore, before starting compulsory treatment, a group of subjects is, in a sense, driven to a nervous breakdown. it’s every small fish’s worst dream to be in the same aquarium with a predator. a motley perch that hooks on in fact, it does not pose any danger to patients, but its very appearance causes panic in its smaller brother. well, it seems that the process has begun, the kids are huddled together and trying to stay away from their big neighbor, which means that their souls are clearly uneasy. and now they are trying to heal mental wounds with new organic compounds, adding them to water and waiting for the effect. and the fish that... have been treated after stress are calmer and you can see that they swim quite smoothly. positive dynamics are not yet a sensation; the effect can be reduced to zero
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biochemistry and analysis of the hormonal background of a scaly patient. in the era of import substitution, when the country needs its own base of drugs, chemists offer hundreds of compounds for testing, from the craziest to the most promising. now we cannot say what we synthesized, it will be a medicine, it can disappear at any stage, it may not become toxic. it may not pass any biological tests; these are quite expensive studies. a laboratory with aquariums allows you not only to save money, but also to reduce the time it takes for a drug to reach the market, because sometimes it takes decades. the reproduction rate in fish is much higher than in mice and rats. two fish can produce up to 700-800 offspring, which means that scientists can quickly produce new generations and conduct experiments. olga zinkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskuryakova, ntv television company. that's what we'll talk about next. create a happy family, give birth to healthy children, or be rejected by loved ones, friends and
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even doctors about the realities of life for hiv-positive people, report by pavel rybalchenko. on the season of archaeological excavations has started on the azov coast of crimea. what does the temple of zeus look like and what are the treasures of the basporan kingdom? rastislav skidan from the fields of the artesian expedition. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. another reason to open a zbermarket, order from your favorites. restaurants and get a burger as a gift, sbermarket delivers from 25 minutes, 10% discount on refrigerator using promo code cold, so from
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fruit-based laxative chewable tablets. give it a try. new: fetolax gummy berries, just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning, does not cause bloating cramps. fetolax from evalar. cosmically delicious. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears. cherkizova. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. enjoy your different self. fill your summer with bright looks. to ozone. discounts up to 70% on riofiora summer shoes. kingfisher, new season. from weekends at 13:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. children with rare and serious diseases will receive significant government support. about 25 billion rubles will be allocated for their treatment this year.
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he announced this at a government meeting today. the list of drugs that are purchased through the state fund circle of good is consistently expanding, new complex, unique techniques are used to help its wards, all this , of course, requires additional resources, additional funds, for uninterrupted work... in russia, they are testing an innovative vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus; the product will allow hiv-infected people to significantly reduce their viral load and live a full
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life. at the same time... meanwhile, modern medicine has already made serious progress in the fight to suppress the proliferation of harmful cells, so with the disease, existing drugs are able to ensure that infected people live as long as everyone else, can have children, the disease itself has literally become an ordinary chronic disease , meanwhile, what we have not yet been able to overcome is prejudice in society, why prejudice should be left in the past long ago, pavel rabalchenko will tell you about the fact that she has hiv. you may not even think about having children, you have a maximum of five years left, you will die like all the other drug addicts, although in principle, well, i have never used drugs in my life, yes, probably four days
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after that these... and i thought for a long time, i think, well, since i don’t see my family, i don’t have much life, then there’s no point in me continuing to live at all. and i just went jumped off the kapotnitsky bridge, at that time i didn’t know that they were guarded, well, how the police caught me, let’s play, who came up with it, then years of physical psychological rehabilitation, support group therapy, today victoria is happily married, and six months ago she gave birth to her third child, everyone... the children are healthy, if almost 20 years ago the ignorance of doctors in relation to hiv positive patients could be explained by stereotypical thinking or lack of knowledge about the disease in general, now the same neglect, it would seem, cannot exist.
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the nurses simply don’t know that i can lie in a regular ward, use a shared toilet, and so on, that is, i had to get up once. some of the special rules for the treatment of hiv -positive patients are determined by official medical protocols, for example, with the exception of emergency surgery, a person with this virus is usually performed at the end of the day, since after it the operating room requires
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additional sanitary treatment, but in other cases, according to hiv patients, some doctors may show either incompetence, for example, ignorance of how to treat oncology in combination with infection, or outright. many of my patients say that they really face stigma in the medical community, and for me this is a shame of the white coat. stigmatizing people for a disease means a priori assigning them to risk groups associated with the diagnosis. in the case of switch, it is drug addiction, prostitution and the practice
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of non-traditional sexual relationships. vladimir chugrov tested positive for i got hiv 7 years ago. today he is a peer consultant in one of the capital’s clinics. equal means having the same diagnosis as those. whom he counsels, according to the man, most people who learn about hiv plus status today are from traditional heterosexual families. there are a lot of people, completely normal, let’s say, from the general population, not from risk groups, who have been diagnosed with hiv and live with this status; if you meet such people on the street, you will never understand that they have some kind of special disease, but well actually a lot of people there after 30-40. years old have one or more chronic diseases, but for some reason we associate hiv infection with social behavior. it turns out that not everyone knows that hiv is not transmitted in everyday life through a handshake, a hug or sharing utensils.
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the infection can be contracted in only three ways: vertically, from mother to child, during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, if she does not take therapy, through contaminated blood, for example, a syringe, which makes hiv a common disease among people while... then switch people, they also study, also work, get married, get married, build relationships, give birth to children, travel the world, have their own interests, hobbies, and this should not in any way affect their
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relationships with others people, we choose other people for communication, for creating a family precisely on the basis of human criteria, but not on the basis of whether a person has hiv or not, according to the ministry of health, today in russia there live... more than 850 thousand people with confirmed hiv diagnosis, but thanks to modern antiretroviral therapy, the human immunodeficiency virus in almost 100% of cases does not affect... survival and quality of life, and the number of medications taken has been reduced to one tablet per day, but this is far from the limit, now, both in our country and abroad, scientists are testing a vaccine that will reduce the viral load for a long enough period, which will allow patients to remember their illness only twice a year during injections. pavel rybalchenko, sergey ratnikov, vladimir plakhov, sergey vorobyov, ekaterina katilevskaya, television company ntv. the season of one of the oldest archaeological expeditions in
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the artesian country has opened in crimea. it has existed since the late eighties, when the settlement of the same name was discovered. the discoveries of specialists have many times become sensations in the world of science: the tools of primitive man and traces of a fire that occurred in the first decades of our era were found here. recently he has been attracting students and volunteers to large-scale work; rostislav skidan met with those who like to get to the bottom of things. sign of the crimean lake region: if there is dust on the horizon stands like a pillar, which means archaeologists have returned to the fields. on the kerch peninsula in the artezian tract, another season of the expedition, one of the oldest in russia. today's find is the bottom of the amphora, you see, and this is a handle, the handle is also from the amphora. now excavations are going on around the perimeter, both professionals and volunteers are working. alexey solikov was on an expedition for the first time; an administrator from voronezh saw an advertisement on social networks and decided to spend his vacation benefiting the world’s cultural heritage. literally in 2-3 days
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you already grasp the main bases, mistakes happen, but they are not like that already huge. at the moment, it is known that 35 hectares of land are of archaeological value for the artesian expedition, of which only 8.00 km have been excavated, and only 2.0 km have been studied, and this is after 37 years of delicate work. the fact is that experts discovered in four excavations artifacts from four different eras, the copper, bronze ages, and middle ages, at a depth of up to 6 m. the finds of this season are not so sensational so far; these are fragments of marble slabs from ancient times. the biggest find for the youngest member's account expedition, nine-year-old maxim dolchenko, the son of the head of the utility block. the guy dug up almost an entire marble slab of the daric order, four times heavier than himself, a brush, maxik, a brush, i didn’t want to leave until this slab was dug up, because curiosity gripped me. in parallel with the excavations, scientific work is underway. architect
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ekaterina beryukova describes and digitizes the finds. this is already the third expedition for the student of the moscow architectural institute. summer holidays for catherine - a full-time working day, albeit on the shore sea. the partyan expedition is like a second home for me. immediately when i arrived, i found here some kind of familiar atmosphere, friends, a warm atmosphere, and this is a place where i just want to return to really work and live. at this rhythm. the peak of archaeological research occurred in july, when student trainees from moscow pedagogical university came to the camp. but this year the expedition risks being left without its main forces. we do not know the reason for the cancellation of the industrial training field trip. there were some production circumstances. every year a new generation of experienced expeditioners drags their friends and acquaintances along with them, and in fact this is the breakdown of all expeditionary work, well, for now.
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experts do not undertake to make predictions, because the larger the search area, the more finds, and so far only six people are working in the roscope. rastislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and oleg shalya. ntv television company. basporan kingdom, now the republic of crimea. and now about the weather, a new wave of summer heat has arrived in moscow and moscow region. today the weather is shaping. a cyclone from the west, what will happen next, evgenia neyronskaya will tell you, contact us meteorological studio, zhen, will it be even warmer next? that's right, in central russia the heat is steadily gaining momentum. tomorrow the temperature will come very close to the thirty-degree mark, and in another day it will overcome it. weekend in some places up to 32 only by sunday we are waiting for the return of short-term rains. everything is going with a slight delay according to the weather scenario in the northwestern region. tomorrow there it will be 32, for example, in moscow, it rains only in kaliningrad region, then
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everywhere, but these are short rains, they will not spoil the summer mood, they will only moderate the atmospheric fervor. the anticyclone, formerly scandinavian, and now completely ours, is moving east, so in the volga region the weather will soon improve, just in time for the beginning of july, while there is rain in places, quite windy, moderate 20-24°. trends towards improving weather can be seen in the north in arkhangelsk in mormonsk without precipitation and +20. two rains, coolness goes to the urals. and finally, south. so far little has changed, showers from thunderstorms, hail and strong winds will still not leave the republics of the north caucasus. light rains are possible in the lower reaches of the volga. don in the black sea resorts it is sunny, warm everywhere, but not hot up to +30. in the capitals , the temperature confidently competes with the south. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be + 28:30 and there will be no precipitation. in moscow, rain is also unlikely, during the day in the capital it is 27:29, on weekends it is already 29:31, and rain is possible in places
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on sunday. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all for now, go to, see you! with on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback from another country. you can pay for anything and get goods for 1 ruble, millions of goods even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. when it is necessary to record traces, they call. i don’t ask unnecessary questions and don’t leave stains, and if i see evidence, i carefully wipe it off with a cloth, at vita services you can easily find a specialist with examples of work and real reviews; you definitely won’t go wrong with the price, and at viusservices, trust the cleaning to a professional, elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in, elena
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