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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 28, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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stop, stop, rita, control the yard, i'm behind him, come on! hands, wow, hands, i said, i understand, so that i can see, we slowly turn towards me, what have you done, dear, and it’s not me, he was already lying here.
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georgivich, the robbery has been proven, and perhaps the murder has also been uncovered, oh, yes, it’s not me, take him, he was already lying there, come on, come on, come on, to his department, well, show him, maybe he was bitten, you know, there are bite marks i didn’t find something, then there were other traces, much more obvious. hello everyone, hello, what have you got here, kurganov, yuri petrovich, fifty sixth year of birth, well, his injury is probably not fatal, there are strangulation marks on his neck, that is, he was first hit, then strangled, it looks like that, so it turns out, this detainee of yours could not have done this, well, in this situation, it’s unlikely, georgievich, i ran right after him, well , the corpse is then not quite fresh, yesterday’s earliest, valuable things, but nothing is clear yet, fingerprints, murder weapons,
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there is something, apparently , he was hit on the head with this vase, but there were prints on it no, not a lot, that’s for sure, but we have a witness that, just he’s silent for now, thank you very much, if we need anything, we’ll definitely contact you, what happened, they told me, they called me, come over, they said, what happened, and you anna, yes, what happened to my... dream, we offer you our condolences, but he’s dead, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, there are prints here, it’s clear, apparently, in they carried him into this jar, only they were kind of small, well, yes, well, like a child, about 10-13 years old, god, did he really do this? child, yes, that’s all we needed, go to work, dad, oh god,
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i’m sorry, you’re sorry, i need to ask you a few questions, let’s go to another place, sit down, thank you, excuse us again, tell me, anna , where did your father work? he is a scientist, he worked at the research institute of pharmacology, he used to teach at the university, and what exactly this guy was doing, i don’t know, some drugs were tested, synthesized, and do you have any assumptions, well, who could have wanted your father dead ? no, i have no idea
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i have, maybe for work, for work, i don’t know, my father didn’t really teach me about these subtleties before, and i wasn’t interested myself, i have my own life, yeah, and you often talked, well , called each other, yeah, but there are some conflicts... ever were, me and my dad, but no, there were no particular conflicts, there were no conflicts, we just lived in different areas, so... you didn’t have enough time for close communication, yeah, where were you yesterday, at work, then at home, and you and i, too, first at work, then watched football with my friends, and someone can confirm this, of course, colleagues, friends, but what? no, nothing, just formal. one more question:
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did any children come to visit your father? no, your father, holding? spiders, well, he used to be interested in biology, maybe, i don’t know for sure, i don’t know, well, i’m done, now i’ll call a corpse truck, i don’t understand, but what should i do with him, take him to the zoo, yeah, right now , this is an everdog, which means an everdog, by the way, it is a living creature, rather a witness, and in general it was established that death did not occur from a bite, it had nothing to do with it, from bite or not? this still needs to be clarified, besides the jar of the spider we still have no other clues, so it needs to be attached to the documents, i agree, so keep it in your safe, not me, but you, what do you mean we, keep it and take it for yourself , well done, first of all , we need to find out what kind of spider it is, what breed it is, who breeds it in st. petersburg, whether it is poisonous or
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not, vera, you understand, it’s fine, i ’ll take a look, so, in general, our late biologist worked in it pharmacology, biologist, this is his spider, no, my daughter said: what is he in i was fascinated by my youth, i read a lot about them, i even wrote something, but at the moment there were no spiders in the house, nor were there any children or neighbors, lately everything had been quiet, no one had heard anything, that’s what, i need to go see him to work, talk to his deputy, last name is tsoikin, we’ll go, georgievich, bulkin said that this is a witness, we need to find out everything about him in detail, yeah, and don’t bother him, somehow i’ll figure it out without you, hey, wait, address- that. write where to go, where you were yesterday, what you said, you were in a bar, watching football with friends, well, you got together, listen, don’t talk nonsense, but if you want, i ’ll call pashka or vovka, they will confirm, but
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excuse me for god’s sake, i need your help, could you see if any valuable things are missing? yes of course thank you. what do we have with the test results? so, kurganov should bring you today, but you’re not at work yet, and the phone is silent all the time. strange, it doesn't look like him.
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well, yuri petrovich, our leader, but he ’s not here right now. and what happened? the fact is that today he was found dead in his own apartment. yes, how lovely! yes, well, what do we have? this means that our biology professor and leader was killed. the former head of the research institute of pharmacology was killed in his own apartment, maybe he was bitten by a spider? well, no bite marks were found on the body, an autopsy will show, further, the door to the apartment was not broken into, there are no signs of a struggle, that is, the killer
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could have been an acquaintance, well , it’s impossible to say for sure, but kurganov was not afraid of the person who entered, because he opened the door himself, then, the door the apartment remained open after the murder, no extraneous fingerprints were found, the murdered man lived alone, the neighbors did not see anything, heard, but however we have a spider and children's fingerprints on the jar, but he himself says that kurganov was not afraid of the killer, you want to say that a child came into the apartment with a spider and killed the professor, well, i don’t know if there are other versions no, what does his daughter say, he had enemies, but she doesn’t really know, and you checked her, not yet, but her husband seems to have an alibi. by the way, slava, check it out. radanov and potapenko at the work of the murdered man, maybe something will appear along this line. yes, we also grabbed a laptop from his apartment. to me it seems that krymov is right, except for the spider and the child. we have no other leads. and how
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to look for a child? and i'll tell you, start with the spider. what do you think, is this death?
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former employee igor, a mixed breed, we had him some time ago, our good employee, talented, but...
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i will sell, and yuri petrovich wrote a letter to the prosecutor's office, wow, to the prosecutor's office, interesting, and that the check was, well i don’t know this, but just recently igor metisov came to him, in the office they had a very serious conversation, in general, in the corridor there was you could even hear them shouting, clearly, but where are the results of the examination? it wasn’t all official, just out of old friendship, you know, good. we will check your information, please, yes, tell me,
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was this igor mitisov by any chance interested in spiders, spiders? as always, we need to check if kurganov really prevented him from selling drugs, then this is a motive, a serious motive. so, let’s go to the prosecutor’s office and find out what’s going on, and i’ll take care of metisov. good. hello, from the police, i need to talk to one of the employees, major volkov, and there is no one, they will only be there tomorrow, yes, what is your question, maybe i can help, but i would like to know something about this, comrade, ogomastello rosea, it looks like a boy, who, well , is a spider, a tarantula, does he eat birds , not really, he feeds mainly on insects or spiders according to...
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here are more owners, oh, but it won’t be easy, it ’s fashionable to keep them now, a lot of people have them, and how do you know all this, i ’ve been working here for 20 years, i see, thank you, please, hello, good afternoon, hello, we need igor antonovich, he’s not here right now, where is he? he, i can’t tell you, something happened, where is metisov? you see, i don’t have
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the information, i can write down your contacts and give it to him. girl, you don’t understand, we are interested in him for a reason. and you obstruct the investigation, for which, by the way, there is a penalty. oleg borisovich, hello, here from the police is interested in igor antonovich, good afternoon, it’s very nice, what i owe, with whom we have the honor of talking, deputy. great, does the name of professor kurganov mean anything to you? for the first time i hear how interestingly, the prosecutor’s office has a statement on his behalf against your company. with a request to verify the authenticity of your product, will you deny it? and so you’re talking about this professor, right? yes, there was a case, snowana please make it, coffee, of course, it was, it was,
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the check was carried out. and the fact that your leader has a strong motive for murder, we need to know where he is, i don’t know where he is, call him, they already called, the phone is silent, he has not been at home for 3 days, and this already increases the suspicion, how you understand, i don’t understand what the suspicions are about you speak? the check was done, everything was in order, that is, you want to say that kurganov slandered your company, just like that, out of the blue, he filed an application against you, he carried out an inspection, carried out an examination of the drugs, and the examination showed that they were fake , examination, what kind of examination are you talking about, you have in your hands documents about the examination being carried out, we did not contact him at all, i don’t understand where he
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got all this from, and i don’t want to know, okay, okay, we’ll tell you again we ask, where is metisov? i tell you i answer again, i don’t know, he doesn’t report to me. well, think about it, mr. zaslavsky, think about it, you are still his deputy, you have a large share of responsibility. the fact of the matter is that i am his deputy. i replace him when he is not at work. it's not my job to find out where he is. gentlemen, police officers, if you have no more questions, please do not interfere with the work. thank you bye. goodbye. in general, i recognized this bite, it’s unlikely he could have died, this friend’s me is toxic, but not particularly dangerous for humans, they came the results of the examination, no bites
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were found on the body, he died of suffocation, the prints are also dull, they belong to a child. 10-13 years old, that’s all, it turns out that the child came to the apartment with a jar, with a spider, left it there and left, or the child touched the jar before someone brought it into the apartment, maybe some kind of symbol, well, maybe and what, he’s so smart, he probably wants to eat, but what do they eat, i found out, all sorts of insects, listen, glory, go to the area where kurganov was killed? go to the pet stores, buy him some food, and at the same time talk to the sellers, maybe someone will tell you something, well, you saw everything , you can’t tell everything, eight eyes are useless, because he probably knows where metisov is,
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maybe he needs him. twist and pull information out of him, we had to take him to our department and interrogate him, but there is practically no reason, according to their papers everything is clear, medisova, in short, we need to put him on the wanted list, wait, zaslavsky is in a hurry somewhere, yes , now you and i will see where he is in such a hurry.
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fat, so, margosh, you turn your head here, i’ll go there let's go, hello, criminal investigation, can you tell me, mr. zaslavsky should park his car here, yes, i think i went there, thank you. well, why did the van move, oh well, let's go,
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at... at roman shilov's, not work, but a resort, the resort just shoots a little, it's hot all around, a lot of problems, well, what do you have here, three corpses, we need to go home, they know how they are working, the bosses are pushing the wave, it’s time to stop kushilov, this is already a political issue, and my colleagues are fruits, i want to make a statement, yeah. let's all go to kathmandu, cop wars. will you stay for dinner? i won't stay today. why? we need
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to save the world. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. georgivich, i’ve already visited nine stores in the area, and it’s okay, well, 10-13 year olds of course go into the store, but they’re interested in half-stuff, i think it’s a useless exercise , we’re looking for a needle in a haystack, that there are no more vending stores left in the area, well there are a couple, come take a look, okay, i’ll do it.
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once again, hello, mr. zaslavsky, i don’t advise you to run away, we’ll catch you anyway, i didn’t intend what you need here at all, load the boxes back, let's go with us, on what grounds, on the basis of an attempt to hide evidence. that it’s okay, we tell you in a good way, load the boxes back into the car, otherwise we’ll talk differently, these are remnants of production, unnecessary, what remnants and what kind of production will the examination show, load them, well, mr. zaslavsky, the examination showed that you tried to destroy.
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mitisov, you spoke to him on the phone, yes, these medications, yes because he ordered, he was very on edge, because only the prosecutor's check was completed, then you came back, kurganov was killed, in short, it was necessary to urgently get rid of the goods, but you understand that you are in a very difficult situation, i understand, so what are you going to do, well, what are you going to do here? “i ’m offering you a deal, you hand over metisov to us, and we forget about the boxes, but i really don’t know where he is, i can only call him,
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well, call him, make an appointment, then we’ll do everything ourselves, hello, yes, igor, it’s me. no, i didn’t get rid of it, because i was found. the buyer, yes, normal, normal, yes, doesn’t ask unnecessary questions, promised his grandmother right away, wants to meet today or tomorrow, yeah. i'm busy, timur, where are you? am i busy, or should i say it again? what's going on? when i'm free, i'll call you back.
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thank you, i've already been waiting for you, me too. what to buy where? will now be? everything is fine? yes, something doesn't look the same. and here they are. did you rat me out to the cops, or what? igor, i'm sorry, i had no other choice. they took me with the goods. citizen metisov, you will have to go to our department for conversation. on what basis? let's just talk without this demagoguery. well, in that case, only with my lawyer. well, in
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that case, let's ride in bracelets. to hell with you, let's go in our car, yes, one boy comes to us, buys food for spiders, what 's his name, where he lives, you don't know, no, i don't know, he lives somewhere nearby, he looks like he's about seven years old, yeah, and he has a tarantula spider, yes, just like that, and he often comes in, well, when the crickets run out, he comes in, ends, you know, he, in my opinion, has several of them, that’s why they eat, yeah, so he comes in often, i understand, thank you as much as i can, well, you understand that these drugs are completely harmless, placebos, duds, and i’m not interested in your drugs, then what do you need from me, you don’t understand, you’re murder kurganova, you probably
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mean? of course, i have nothing to do with this murder. yes, now everything points to what you have, and most directly. you had a conflict with kurganov. kurganov carried out an examination, realized that the drugs were fake, tried to reason with you, but it didn’t work, he turned to prosecutor's office yes, there was a conflict, and he behaved rudely towards me. i wanted to prevent a crime, what's wrong with that? you see, we have known each other for a long time. i was. i was a student 20 years ago, then i stayed at the department, we talked a lot, at some point we even became friends, he was a difficult guy, but you could find a common language with him, yeah, but in the end you didn’t find a common language with him, how can i explain it to you, i probably would have done the same thing, uh-huh, you really would
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have contacted the prosecutor’s office, right? "it sounds stupid, i understand, we were different people, i love money, he is a science, yeah, understand, i treated him well in my heart, i supported him on principle, god, well, i couldn’t kill him, especially because of some stupid drugs, and i have an alibi, i i just returned from moscow this morning, spent a week there, a lot of people will confirm, alibi, this is wonderful, but on your orders." anyone could have done this, zaslavsky, for example, i repeat, i have nothing to do with the murder of kurganov, who is involved in this may be related, his son-in-law could have done this, timur, yes, timur, why do you think so, because they had a very bad relationship, or rather there was none at all, in more detail, it’s a long story, but in short, timur’s father
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also studied with kurganov. his name was vladimir, volodya smoked weed at the institute, well, kurganov denounced him, timur’s father was imprisoned, and after that life went downhill, he began to sing, and then he turned to serious drugs, died a few years ago, that is, kurganov ruined the life of timur’s father , yes, yes, they generally had a fierce hatred for each other with timur, kurganov, when he found out that... rabies had come, he tried to ward him off by hook or by crook, apparently it didn’t work, yes, anka is in love with timur poushe, finally, where were you, relaxing with friends, i called you the whole day, i didn’t know what was happening, timur, what was happening, i was relaxing at the club with friends, with which friends, i called everyone, no one answered,
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timur, why are you lying to me? listen, let's figure it out later, my head is still pounding. i asked you to help me with my father’s funeral. i don't want to do this. you know what a freak your father was. say it like that, don’t say it, thank god he’s dead, don’t you dare say that, i went against my father, he forbade me to communicate with you, yes you, you, what a creature you are, you are a creature, quiet, quiet, day , kind, allow me, forgive us for the intrusion, but you will have to go to our department to clarify some circumstances, which department, to our department? there is a suspicion that timur is involved in the murder of your father, no, he is not guilty of anything, well, whether he is guilty or not, we will sort it out, so, i’ll go with you, very good, get ready, well, i don’t know, i
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went out for a minute, i come back, the jar is broken, there are no spiders, i can’t imagine how this could have happened, if only i had something to do. i'm sorry, what? nothing, look, go. what should i look for? i'm sorry, what? puka, christmas trees. where will i look for him? how do i know where? search everywhere. tarishmai was entrusted with the entire dock to you, and you washed it. here you go, now look. find out what he likes on the internet. look for bait. yes, of course, i couldn’t stand anya’s father, such a bastard. to my father.
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my father was imprisoned, but he would have been a normal person. it turns out that you did not communicate with your father because of timur. very rarely, my father could not forgive me for disobeying him. what is the reason for such a negative attitude towards timur? because timur’s father was a drug addict, didn’t that bother you? no, timur is a very good person and i love him very much, i am absolutely sure that parents should not dictate who to communicate with, who to love, who to marry, your father has any specific actions against timur did you undertake? he gave money to some thugs, they ambushed me, beat me up, and broke my arm. well, why are you so sure that it was he who sent it? but of course he denied everything, anya didn’t really believe in it either and you wanted to take revenge on him somehow, of course, a hundred times i imagined how i told him, yeah, that is, they still wanted to kill him, there were such thoughts, you see, timur, everything points
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to you, and you had a motive, your alibi was not confirmed, at the time of the murder you were not with friends, we checked, but i didn’t kill him, fortunately or... unfortunately, i don’t know, but you they said that they wanted to do this more than once, anya would not forgive me for this, about the alibi, i have one, well, what kind of one, i was a woman, you have a mistress, well, something like that, excuse me, right? yes, i understood you, oleg georgievich, okay, something happened, no,
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let’s switch from your husband to your father, what exactly did your father do at work? i told you that i don’t know, he was doing science, conducting some experiments. have you discussed this work with him lately? more than a year ago, and what did he say? i don’t know, i don’t remember exactly already, try to remember, this is very important, try, but try to imagine this conversation, well, as if in your mind, it seems, he was talking about some kind of medicine, medicine, and what, it seems to me that it was a cure for cancer, very good , thank you for timur, when he is released, we need to check his alibi, what other alibi?
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at least this direction will shoot, disperse, where are you from? the boy seems to have been found, what kind of boy, but whose fingerprints were found on the jars with the spider in kurganov’s apartment? how did you find it? in ambush sat where? well, this is me figuratively, they called from the new store and said: a boy has arrived, i have already contacted his parents, now his mother will bring him here. great, everyone is free, uh-huh, the meeting is over, it's true that kurganov was developing a cure for cancer, right? why are you sighing so heavily? we will stop sighing when the medicine is released into production, when thousands of people receive hope for recovery.
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behind your developments, no, with us everything is as it should be, everything is secret, everything is in complete secrecy, it doesn’t seem to you very suspicious, the fact that the medicine is about to go into production, then its developer is killed completely by accident, we are sure that the murder of yuri petrovich kurganov has nothing to do with this, well, it’s clear, we think differently, please, we are ready to provide everything materials, daritka,
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our gentlemen scientists are darkening something, did you notice how nervous kashin was? pyotr semyonovich, wait, just don’t worry, the test results are on me, these are my tests, but how can i not be afraid, what if they kill me too, but who will kill you, you don’t worry, mind your own business, you know, everything will be fine. why are you running away from us, citizen kashin? so, i didn’t notice you, seriously, funny, tell me what to tell, why are you so nervous, what are you afraid of? what will they kill? like kurganov, that’s how it is, i’m actually
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fulfilling his duties now, well then tell us what we don’t know about medicines yet, i don’t know, i don’t know what to do, they killed kurganov, and also that they reduced the time frame for introducing drugs into production and the results of the tests that kurganov was involved in were lost, which means that the medicine will not go into production, will it go, how else will it go? soykin and i redid the test results, okay, come in, sit down, right here, thank you for coming, well, since we can help the investigation, you can, your name is nikita, yes, it’s very nice to me, thank you, nikit, and you know yuri petrovich, yes, he is interested in spiders, yes, yeah, but how did you meet him? the teacher at school gave him yuri petrovich’s number, nikita had three
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tarantula spiders at home, one was a little sick, and nikita took him to show him the sick spider. and he was at yuri petrovich, yes, but yuri petrovich was lying on the floor, i got scared and dropped the jar with the spider. how did you get into the apartment? the door was open. so, was anyone else in the apartment? at first no, just me, the spider and yuri petrovich on the floor. yeah, so what happened then? i heard someone's steps, got scared and hid under. did you see who came? yes, some uncle, what was this uncle doing? he crawled on the floor, found the keys and quickly left, then what happened? then i waited a little and ran away. yeah, did you remember this guy’s face? yes, can you describe it? yes, where my spider? do you have it? yes, but we'll give it to you a little later, okay? fine. thank you, before we arrived, oh-oh, be careful,
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save me, andryukha, i’m just looking for you, listen, we managed to recover the files that someone tried to delete from kurganov’s computer, and here are the results of his latest tests, the drug really stops the growth of cancer cells, but the offspring of the animals to which it was administered developed incurable... diseases, they soon died, this is kurganov’s conclusion, interesting, apparently because of this conclusion he was killed, well, it turns out that yes, guys, the boy finished taking a photo of the robot of his uncle, whom he saw in the apartment of the murdered man.
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hello, hello, you will have to come to our department, but please, just i ’ll take the briefcase from the car, okay, take it, thank you, well, gurganov, kurganov, i don’t understand what in general, what is even needed from me, yuri petrovich , my friend, we are in such a hurry, okay, let’s assume that... so i need to understand, i have a lot to do, don’t rush, why are you in such a hurry that you can’t wait to introduce into production a medicine that is not passed testing, a cure for cancer, passed testing, what do you even understand about this, but, unfortunately, much more than you think, we have citizen
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soykin a witness, what a witness, well , what, what, a real one, who saw you apartment? what is it like to live in complete poverty, when you have a family, when you have five children, a wife, a mother-in-law, a disabled father, everyone needs to be fed, this medicine, it could make me famous as a rich man, i took out
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a loan for it 20 million, this is an apartment for everyone, so that... everyone can fit in, so that they can live normally, they came to me today, asked when i would give the money, i went to kurganov, and he told me, the test didn’t pass, the medicine was cancelled, well, i tried normally, i tried normally to tell him that you can continue the research, i objected to him... and he won’t let me die of hunger, your family, that’s where they crossed me, you got your hands on a decanter, and then they strangled you with your hands, yes, yes, well, you already know everything,
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i think. "excuse me, please, we need to pick up the spider, can't you see, i'm on the phone i’m talking, what does this mean, we’ve been waiting here for 2 hours, well, as long as we can, mom, mom, mom, grisha has been found, okay, i understand everything, but i ’ll call you back, thank god, i like it, boy, take him away, please
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stop, i need to move out, who are you going to, well, to whom, to whom, well, go to bed, go home, you’ll have time to sleep, suddenly someone will come in, who will come in, the lab is locked.
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what's happening? let's go, young man. young man, can you give me a ride, i’m terribly late for work. girl, you are certainly very charming, but unfortunately, they don’t work in taxis. i just i'm afraid i'll be fired if i'm late, i'd pay. well, what else, i don’t take money from beautiful girls. thank you, please, thank you. please, thank you. oh,
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now let's go, oh, oh, oh, it's my fault, we'll fix it now, it's a long way to go, a beautiful stranger, to the beginning of the avenue, oh, a beautiful stranger, i'll show you, we're very late, now i hope not, by the way, i'm julia, andrey, very nice, very nice. yulechka, if it’s not a secret, what kind of job is it, where you’re immediately fired for being late in a beauty salon? i’m a hairdresser, oh, the cutest the hairdresser i've ever seen would love to fall under your hands, well , my phone number is underlined here, and for men like you, we have discounts on hairstyles, yes, yes, what are you doing, i work in the police in the homicide department, do you catch murders directly? i’m just catching murderers, it would be terribly interesting to see, but i’m at that house, oh, we’ve already arrived, so quickly, i hope we’re not late,
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on time, please, it’s a pity, andrey, that we didn’t talk at all, it’s a shame, but so to speak , everything is in our hands, yes, but what if i invite you somewhere to a restaurant or to the cinema, well, you have lunches in the police, we always have lunch on schedule, well, sometimes i go to the tobistro over there, we can meet there, great, we agreed, then lunch in the afternoon, and in the evening the movie is on, i'm waiting for your call, and i'm really looking forward to it. yes, captain igor, i’ll get there already,
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i’ll be there in a minute, that’s it, makarov pistol, 9 mm caliber, we need to look for another cartridge case, the guard was shot twice, let’s look, by the way. where is the dead man's drinking buddy? drinking buddy, if there was a drinking buddy, it would stand not wine, but vodjara, yes, it looks a lot like shorshels, well, i’m telling you, clearly not a man, you don’t know modern men well, igor, are these men, it’s a misunderstanding, by the way, but where is rydanov, i don’t know, he’s hanging around somewhere- this or with someone, comrade pirozhkov, move your limbs, you can’t see, not a damn thing, please, oh, here’s the second one, so this element... of intimate life, capture it, put it, they wanted it on...


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