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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 28, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
i’ll get there already, i’ll be there in a minute, that’s it, makarov pistol, 9 mm caliber, we need to look for another cartridge case, the guard was shot twice, let’s look, by the way, where the drinking buddy of the deceased, the drinking buddy, if there was a drinking buddy, there would be not wine, but vodyara, yes, it looks a lot like shashely, well, i
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was singing, something tells me that this beautiful stranger brought the raiders here, she fooled the guy’s head and let the raiders in, so if she let her in, why did they break the door, the version doesn’t fit, hello everyone, great, great, don't judge too harshly, friends my, you know, traffic jams, and what these traffic jams were called, agripina, zhanna, antonina, very funny, thekla, okay, i’ll go to the warehouse and look around, i’m with you, come on, well, i’ll... i’ll chat with the merchandiser, not enough or maybe they were missing something, they persuaded almost the whole bottle, they listened to the music,
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when he started pestering, he said, let’s be quick, but i kept playing hard to get, stupid, and now they killed him, who killed him, and some two masks with pistols, what kind of pistols, and what do i know about them, well , didn’t you hear how the door was broken down, well, i i’m telling you, the mouzon listened to how they immediately killed bellokolchikov, no, only when he attacked them. they probably didn’t want to kill him first, why did you decide that, well , they didn’t kill me, they just tied me up and shoved me into a warehouse, but they could have put him next to him, i’m a witness, or maybe you’re a gunner, they threw you in a warehouse and tied you up , in order to confuse us, do you suspect me, well, you’ll arrest me, yes, for now we’ll take a sign not to leave, sign, remember, we’re going nowhere from the city,
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yeah, as long as it’s free, escort us out, please, you think it was she who let them in here, work out this version, what about the damage, don’t attach it to the case, krymov handed over from the goods manager, but here’s a list of stolen things, kind of chaotic, it seems like they grabbed the first ones they came across, that under it hit your hand, yes, a strange set, they didn’t take anything else... they took it, during this time they could have taken out half the store, in the warehouse it’s the same story, the feeling that they took what came to hand, in general, guys, you know what it seems to me that this girl is lying, that the kolokolchikovs didn’t want to kill, i think for that’s what they came for, here’s the rest to cover up the murder, my dear, go to the local district police officer, talk about this young lady, but i’ll go and talk, only if it’s all the way you think, maybe the girl is out of business, it should be in the biography of this security guards dig around. here the crimea lets in this topic
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and works it out, guys, well, my intuition tells me margosha, bare facts are better than women's intuition, okay, let's go look for a goal, let's go, van finish with a take, oh, margosha, you're standing just like on the street of the reds lanterns, you’ve been thinking for a long time, well, here you go, oh, thank you, well, i talked to the local police officer, zhenya is our badass, of course, but... she hasn’t been involved in any cases, she’s a girl of easy virtue, there’s no crime on her , here’s her brother artyom, and what about brother, this is our supervised element, he was released from the colony 2 months ago, and what he was in prison for, for robbery, yeah, that is, the sister brought it up, and the older brother, perhaps, there is information that he’s hanging out in the garages with a friend nicknamed bashka, yeah, have a drink, please, thank you.
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oh, i said, little knees, you won’t learn, you will be like the dead! your dad has been turning the wheel as a driver all his life, but he didn’t become a driver, he became a security guard, that’s it. vera sergeevna , please remember, among your nikolai’s circle, maybe there were some people you didn’t like, well , some criminal friends, maybe he had conflicts with someone, so what if the robber attacked, you said it yourself, well, we’re working on it. all the versions, this zhenya, with this zhenya, with this zhenya, did he have a serious relationship or so? zhenya, this was an untied girl, i told my knee, no contact him, so he’s not in any way, after all , at first she was messing with teddy bear orlov, then she took hold of his knee, tell me,
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did she leave this mikhail herself? the knee took it away from mikhail, they waited because of it, uh-huh, and this is the youngest... oh, bastard, i don’t know, it’s one thing to say, mikhail is a shooting coach, so, where does this mikhail train? yes.
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oh great, what's your favorite way to celebrate a murder in a store? just the facts, they were shooting from traumatic guns, converted to use live ammunition, and they don’t lie, but definitely not from combat barrels, look into the eyes, and what are these eyes for 30 years i’ve never made a mistake before, it’s clear, thank you, come and contact me. bashka, bashka, it’s me who has arrived, open up, i’m bored, well, i’m waiting for my wife, cuckoo, who are you,
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a goat, i’ve met you, i don’t know you, hands, hands behind your head, quickly, on your knees, on your knees, quickly! it’s not my fault, it’s all the head, not the head, that’s it, i’m not to blame, and it’s us andry, we’ve come with you again, that’s for sure, hello, hello, mikhail orlov, well , yes, the police, the homicide department, captain krymov . what do you want from me, police? what do we want? talk about your love rival front. nicholas with bells? what? did he send you a bag? you've done your own pants, why don't you come on your own? weakly, he
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was shot today, but i’m thinking, you haven’t been in the rear for an hour, why? you’re out of your mind, that means, firstly, be polite to your elders, be kind, and secondly, tell me where you were today at about 8 am. well, i only took the guys from belokamnaya to competitions, and i arrived straight here at 10:30, i have a train ticket, of course i do, i left it for accounting, now i’ll demonstrate, here you go, and my guys will confirm that i’m a fool in general to kill him, well, he’s not a fool, but he threatened, but you never know what they say, but in general, is it really worth killing because of a woman, especially because of. crazy like zhenya, i don’t want to go to jail, i still have countless plans, what kind of store, what kind of murder, this morning we
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cleaned a dude for these trinkets, where exactly is the hut on the baltic, besides, we’re not some kind of mockers, tell me , that this is a toy, why is it real, but... andryush, there is such a robbery, baltiyskaya 27, apartment 25, they took just jewelry, the owner’s passport, bank cards and money, now i’ll try to contact the investigator, come on, check, check, why did they take the owner’s passports, they would throw them off to the crooks, but they give bad passports to good money, like hello, good day, senior lesinat potapinka, interdistrict uboiny, tell me, nikiforov from baltiyskaya 27, your client? very good, what were the raiders with? a cleaver and a sawn-off shotgun, wonderful, but
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what time was the attack? around 1 am. amazing. well, in general, we have taken your robbers, you can come and pick them up. the name of? senior lieutenant's name is potapinka. come, let's meet. don't lie, robbers. at the time of the murder of kolokolchikov and the attack on the store, these urks are in a completely different place in bedok. well, artyom and bashka, consider yourself lucky, there is no slaughter against you, and with us rita, unfortunately, is not a profile disclosure, well, at least we helped our friends, yes, yulenka, i’m listening to you attentively, hello, hello,
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don’t worry well, i’m already having lunch, sorry, i’m sorry, i was just getting ready for you to take a look, well, since i’m here, maybe we’ll go and see how you work here, well, let’s go and have a look, please, maybe they are chasing an elk in the forest?
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well, julia, let's start our excursion, come on! so, well, this is it, i ask you, yulia, this is the holy of holies of our interdistrict department, the office of operatives. i have the honor to introduce you to an experienced part-time operative, a very beautiful woman, senior lieutenant potapenko. this is my comrade in arms, he is also a good friend, captain krymov, it’s very nice,
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we continue the excursion, but what, what was it, what krydanov still haven’t gotten used to, what a parasite, so, he’s calling everyone in the city at the meeting, yeah, yeah where is rodanov, and he busy with my immediate, ordinary duties, work with the agents, well, tell him. our robbers, don’t be afraid, the bars are very strong, this is a professional killer, don’t be afraid of anything, this is the place where dozens of contract killings languish, his peculiarity is that he shot mostly young people in a cap. this is a serial killer who stalked and hunted
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homeless people. hmm, will they sit here until the trial, until the last judgment, well, i mean, how will the investigation decide? and now, yulenka, we will visit the place where up to 80% of all crimes are solved, and this is... the dining room, please, it turns out that the head with... was handed over to the investigator who is leading the case of a robbery at an apartment on baltiyskaya, so i think that citizen evgenia needs to dig in exactly this direction, she could have given a tip to the raiders on the store, she has the appropriate connections, yeah, but
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what about the personal life of the murdered man, oleg georgievich, igor, personal life. comrade colonel, excuse me, i was a little late at lunch, so here’s the personal life of the murdered man in our country, unfortunately, it is no longer necessary, comrade colonel, a jealous master of sports in shooting , said that not a single woman is worth the life of any man, just like that, well, we understand that you can say anything you want, well, you can say it, but the fact is that he still has an alibi at the time of the murder, at 10:00 in the morning he just returned by train from moscow, his witness is a whole shooting team, five people, these are experienced people, but they didn’t notice the obvious, didn’t understand what kind of claims , alei georgievich? but no, i’m not talking about you, comrade colonel, i’m talking about our eagles, what are we not georgivich noticed, reports on incidents, we need to read more carefully, an hour after the attack on the store where kolokolchikov was killed, two young men in masks attacked another store with computers and
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components, and this was at 9:00 in the morning, what, that they killed someone, but no, thank god, only... a security guard, yeah, they stole something, didn’t have time to take anything, the security guard pressed the alarm button in time, began to shoot back, the raiders disappeared, that is , you think that these are the same the best, right? well, the probability is high, you need to check invoices from suppliers of both stores, is there any overlap between the companies that supply the goods? most likely, one of the companies had a gunner, well, sob. potapinka, you have to do the work, and me? and you, krymov, raise your agents' ears, the raiders, in all likelihood, will try to sell the goods at some clothing market, where documents are unnecessary, eat, work.
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so where have you been? i've been waiting for you at bestro for an hour. oh, denis, i forgot that you and i were going to have lunch together, but you also forgot that the day before yesterday we wanted to go with you at the cinema, last week you forgot to congratulate me on my birthday, you generally forget about me, yul, but i’m not hanging around with women, the end of the quarter, reporting, tax, i’m all about working with my head. well, forgive me, i won’t forgive , well, how can i make amends, there’s no way, the name day has already passed, but they show movies every evening, let’s go today, but today i can’t, denis, i’m meeting my girlfriend in the evening, well, it’s the end of the quarter, reporting, barely is it worth distracting, yulka, don’t be such an icy, that’s it, denis, i’m taking a break it’s over, the headmistress is already looking at me like a wolf, today i was almost late, it was good that a young man gave me a lift in a car, now
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i’m just returning from lunch, that’s all, denis, bye, end of the quarter, reporting, bye, denis. so, in the evening with a girlfriend, and what are we looking for here at someone else’s car, the sky is checkered, stand, and help, clear sea, commander, great, nut, what are you rubbing here, yes, i’m creating a legend, yes, come on, say, a legend, in general, this is...
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petrukha the cucumber on juno has new arrivals, well there are all sorts of tablets, keyboards, these cartridges, and what, well, i put it together, it seems to me that this is a product from this store itself, this morning some scumbag spoiled him, great, what kind of kiosk does this petruha of yours sell in, well, this as you enter, in general you go. straight, straight, straight to the very end, like that, and then to the right, i don’t remember the number , well done, nut, hang out for now, that’s it, well there, what about it, what kind of person are you anyway? strong man, yeah, here you go, i’ll check it and pay you extra, you’re the main one, work harder, then the fee will be higher,
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a resident of the pskov region had already twice terminated a late pregnancy; the second ultrasound revealed a pathology incompatible with life; she and her husband were horrified when the doctors asked whether they were close relatives? after the second case they already said that they are already 100% sure that we are relatives. a family investigation revealed that the husband's grandfather and wife's mother may have been lovers. unfortunately, i don't know who my father is. my grandfather worked as a driver throughout the ostrovsky district, and victoria’s mother also worked in the ostrovsky district. is it really a woman without knowing it, she married her own nephew. i'm sure we're related. who is the father?
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next to you, here's what's going on, now it will be interesting, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. maybe i should
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have calmly taken everything with me and given it to him? why start shooting and risk your life? yes, i somehow didn’t think about it, shooting is a common thing, when i saw the barrel, my reflexes immediately kicked in. yes, where do such interesting reflexes come from? he served urgently in the caucasus and returned alive. clearly, thank god, i’m seriously hooked? scratch. do you have a barrel? everything is like required, official, i have a license. okay, let's check it out. yes, i wonder why they came to your monastery? can not understand anything. it’s not clear to us, it’s bad that we don’t understand. well, darling, let's get down to our favorite paperwork? yeah, let's get on with it. our favorite paper work, we come, we come, dear friends, well, you didn’t wait for me, but i
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came, killer, why come to me, where is the goods that you took this morning, here it is, here it is, but so i i took it for garlic, but they offered it to me cheaply, i took it, but i don’t know who he took, i saw him for the first time, describe what the man looked like, how bad he looked, his face was crooked, there was a nest on his head, in short, he looked like a homeless person, he was dressed in a dirty gray jacket and blue jeans, it seems that on his hand, on his left, there were no two phalanges, the middle index finger, when we were carrying the goods, i saw, so, it seems, i know this character, vasya the cat, three sentences for theft in the past pro... in business now he’s a drunk, by the way, he lives nearby, but you know better, i’m not in business, so, but how much did you give him, so not enough, i say, he’s a mower for everything, but i
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didn’t have all the money, he should come for the rest, when after dinner he said, yes, he’s drinking, it looks like it’s your money, listen, why everything was torn apart, but i don’t know, it was like that from the beginning , the cow is sealed in a cartridge in such a non -salable form, well, of course. andryukh, hi, listen, i found the product. okay, igor, i understand you. well, what? in my opinion, everything is slowly becoming clearer. that's it, let's get in touch. ridka, well, on your list of suppliers at your local store there is a company the color of the rainbow. look, only by in this position, suppliers in obomagina overlap. there is such a thing. yes. what do they supply? cartridges. wait a minute, wait. here. yesterday there were just two boxes, yeah, can you show these boxes? let's find it now, are there
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any? yes, we’ll open it, of course we’ll open it, of course, you have a knife, no, oh well, it’s not for nothing that i was born a woman, oops, right, cartridges, come on, give me the second one, this. a prize, just like that, these are the cartridges, wow, now it’s clear why they were hunting for them so much, listen, give someone to you a couple, you will be attested, yes, well, in general, this cat could not participate in the robbery, because at the time of the attack he was in captivity of the territories, for which she caught him at the wrong time, in the park near the fountain, there is an outfit here. and
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he found the goods from the store where kolokolchikov was killed in the trash heap in the morning, when he was already free, he found it and accordingly took it to the market to hand over to a familiar huckster, andryukha, which means urgently go to the colors of the rainbow, dig the earth, but find someone who may be involved in topic with drugs, work, yes, 30 kg of heroin, that’s how much money, i’m sure there were more than two boxes of such cartridges in the colors of the rainbow.
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here, except for weekends , we’ve been calling since the very morning, we can’t get through, i mean, he doesn’t pick up the phone, not that he doesn’t, his mobile is just turned off, okay, that’s it, we open it, well, everything is clear, yes , in short, you need to go to this rainbow director voskresensky, tell me the address where he lives, now, uh-huh, that means you still believe that voskresensky of all the colors of the rainbow knows about drugs, but such a topic cannot go on without a director, igor sergeevich, now it’s clear that the villains didn’t go to the stores for cartridges, but for drugs, yeah, take it for a spin, it’s a good idea.
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an estonian parked there, this is the only way to park a car like this. i missed you, my sweetie. you are my good one, i don’t know what you are, my sweet girl. well, that's it, well, here people are, well, let's go home, let's go, well, it's impossible, well, kiss me, kiss me, let's go, let 's go, let's go, oh, ridanov, someday you'll finish the game,
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i. i agree, i’ll marry you, that’s what i want from you, you know what, andrey, you’re not really there be a hero with margarita, now i ’ll come up with volkov to help. that's it, come on, margosha, it's time for law enforcement agencies to intervene, wait, we agreed without guns, do you remember, you want to talk about... come, where's the money?
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guess. put your bag on the ground and step away. where is voskresensky? okay, let’s consider the exchange clean, don’t rush the horses, haste is needed when catching ticks, yes, i can’t do anything with my hot character, please tell me, you’re our warrior, and what’s stopping me?
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but now, in my opinion, is the time, let's go! ayyyy, i need to answer. hello, yulechka. sorry, i can't talk right now. well, well, i’m catching criminals. well then
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, i'm sorry for distracting you, when you catch me, be sure to call me. well, in the evening everything is in force, that’s it, bye-bye. so you found time to flirt with girls. well, sorry, sorry. slava, great, so, ritka and i are driving along the priyazerskoe highway towards st. petersburg, come towards us, make a noise, intercept a bmw with estonian license plates, some shady guy is carrying voskresensky in it, and we ’ll follow the second car, that’s it, glory, tell the gays, let me meet you. dog, dog, your dog is with us, do you want him back, the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is in a hurry to help, mukhtar, mukhtar,
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mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the bosses already miss you, they’re worried that you can’t catch them, mukhtar’s return with from the very beginning, just dogs, this is a weapon, today at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. to our senior loved ones dedicated. convenient loans. excellent deposits, in the branch and online. special conditions, especially relationships. vasin experts know everything about varicose veins: troxactiv tablets and troxivosin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs.
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tablets help strengthen capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv traksivozin - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy from city health pharmacies. main. modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case if i clean teeth are already on, which means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i’m late, that means i’m taking a scooter, and if i took a scooter, that means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, then no one has a role yet dali, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there is music, but what will you do if they don’t give the role, well, i’ll rehearse more, and i ’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month, if they give him the role, he will still
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sovcombank, we take out loans, without unnecessary certificates. sofcombank is not just a loan, a hit, for the first time on the screens, meet khvatamba on avito, on avito, and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones. sneakers on avito. good morning, about the weather for today evgenia neronskaya. the cyclones have seriously taken up the south of the far east. heavy rains in places thunderstorms today on the amur will affect nesty north-primorye and sakhalin. lake baikal also has rain, but the air temperature hardly reacts to this. only in khabarovsk tomorrow it will be a little fresher. and in vladivostok it is traditionally lower. +20, but mostly around 25. in yakutia the center is still cooling down, but
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reinforcements are already coming from the west from hot siberia. in yakutsk today 18, tomorrow 23 without precipitation. siberian hot anomalies remain the most impressive. in some places the temperature is 10-12° above normal. in the south the air in certain areas can heat up to +37. one zone of heavy precipitation is moving to taimyr, and the other to the urals. there is not just rain, but downpours in places. thunderstorms, still a strong north wind, in yekaterinburg today it’s still up to +20, tomorrow only 13. in the european part , the former scandinavian anticyclone is feeling more and more confident, it will add the warmth of the sun to the north, in murmonsk it’s already 22. in the north-west it ’s over 30 in places, rains are possible only in the kaliningrad region. there is no precipitation in the center, the heat is gaining momentum, today it is below 30, the weekend will be even higher. weather on the volga it will be fixed in a day. in the south, not much without much change. it’s raining again in the caucasus, in
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st. petersburg today it’s +29 without precipitation, in moscow it’s also dry and +28, there are estonian license plates, brake, inspector. dps, sergeant ivanov, your documents, some problems, commander, hello, hello, open the trunk, okay, what could be there, there's a spare tire, there's a can of gasoline, let's hurry up, my wife is waiting for me, she'll wait, in her hands, out out of the car, out of the car, i said, i’m getting out, and
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wait until the morning, i thought nothing would happen overnight, i was mistaken, in the morning all the chaos started with raids on stores, you see, the lord would have blamed me for this shortage, i would have pinned it on me as a debt, even with interest, you’re a dead man from resurrection, you understand what i told you, well, i went on the run, i thought i’d sit out at the camp site until everything calmed down, well, you can’t sit out a century at a camp site, and your lord is a vindictive creature, you keep insulting me, come on, stop, the guards and i had foreign passports in other names.
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warn the border guards, the documents are written out under the names lagutin and nizovsky, but slava and i will also rush after, maybe on the way we’ll have time to intercept, but there’s only one road from the sanatorium, and i’ve already warned radanovo and potapenko, okay, let’s be careful, now i’ll try to come up with something, yeah, great, old man, yes. i, listen, i need your help with the border guards, yeah, well, we need to close the border, no, well, of course, not all of it, only in a specific direction,
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ford r801 sr car, pull to the side of the road. i repeat, pull to the side of the road. now let’s catch up, get it,
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get out, get out of the car. ritka, what you have will live, and this one will live, if he doesn’t twitch, look at the trunk, great, call an ambulance, we’ll call you now, just be patient a little, now you’ll get an ambulance, we didn’t immediately realize that the boss was dealing with drugs, and then i accidentally. knew,
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why two stores at once? so we didn’t go to any of them with boxes of drugs. the first attempt was lumpy. moreover, this agiot of the bells imagined himself to be a hero, he put himself in front of the bullets, we were not going to bring him down, due to the circumstances, in short, we made a mess, there was nowhere to retreat, they took boxes, collected some goods to divert attention, well, they merged, we arrived at the base, opened the boxes, but there were no drugs there, there were cartridges, and of course you decided to get rid of the stolen things. but what could we do with them, an extra load, in a word, we were hunting a shark, but we caught a crucian carp, that’s it, well, we decided, in fact, to throw this one away... we went to the second store, and there the guard turned out to be even cooler
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than this bell, he began shooting at us, and even pressed the panic button, in a word, we had to hastily leave without any catch, with drugs, what we were going to do, we thought about it in advance, we wanted to sell in the volga region, nizovsky has his own good connections on this topic, he himself had never been involved with drugs before, but he knew where to go with... such a catch, then we realized that together with voskresensky we would have to hide from the lord all our lives, from his entire drug mafia and decided to hand over voskresensky to the lord, yeah, they thought that this would save our skins, well , cut off the dough, and where did all this arsenal that we ate from your car, sniper rifles, pistols, come from 100 years ago, we acquired to various underground shops, why, how, for a special occasion? well you know, a comedy film, somehow it wasn’t funny to me, in my opinion it was very cute, well, yes, you laughed
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with a cheerful, boisterous laugh, your laugh is wonderful, so july, let’s continue our program, let’s rush to the nightclub, no, andrey, i have to go home, thank you for the evening for the wonderful movie, you’re welcome, after the first date i don’t kiss, then maybe after the second? okay, let's try on the third, well , we still have to live to see the third, yulia, oh, what's the matter, young man, take your hands off her, take her away, what 's next, if only you'd get out of here, but you'd better take it away hand, i’ll let you go now, andrei, let him go, you’ll break his hand now. i see, yulia, we’re new again, that you got into trouble with him, well, well, i thought you ’d be a little jealous of everything, well, why are you like that,
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get up, get up, get up, come on, you’re no better these bandits of yours, who is this, this is no one, this is no one at all, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, yes. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we get acquainted with the chronicle of the emergency, listen to auto stories along with the first program, tv program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya. the nudist inclinations
6:30 am
of two muscovites outraged those around them and a scandal broke out right on the playground located on the school grounds; in fact , freedom-loving, self-satisfied men considered it as a beach. maximum ultraviolet radiation, minimum underwear and a cap to prevent it from getting too hot. here is the personal formula for an even tan from this sunbathing lover, when... he lay down with a friend right on the playground, received a remark and did not understand the essence of the complaint, come here, don’t touch me, come here, then, that instead of under the sun this person is ready to fight literally, natalya zarudnaya understood immediately, so she turned on the camera, she has nothing against sunbathers, in the right place at the right time, please, this is a young mother who went for a walk with two children trying to convey to the undressed men, when she threatened them... he went to get ready, i went to the children on the hill to calm them down, that's when i went to the hill, and he followed me...


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