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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  June 28, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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“i didn’t want to kill her, i was just in such a state, in a state of passion, i couldn’t do anything when you shifted the blame onto others, you were also in a state of passion, i ’ve been in a state of passion for a whole year. anton, i’m letting you down , yes, no, thank you, i ’d better go for a walk, goodbye, anton, sorry again
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, what’s wrong with you, what’s happening to you, why are you barking all the time, and you didn’t get sick by chance, damn, i forgot the flowers, topic, slow down, mukhtar, i asked him to remind him personally, thank you very much, mukhtar, thank you, go ahead here.
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yes, now it’s fallen beautifully, oops, it’s been filmed, so, now we’ll immediately remove the large grains, lie down, firecracker, hurry up, motor, camera, 1, 17, 22, help, help!
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wow, who is so brave? what about you? “yes, i’m listening, hello, darling, you missed me, darling, i don’t think who it is, i’m a mysterious stranger, and who are you, who am i, a mysterious stranger, i think you ’ve got the wrong number, so no, oh, you have a little animal, how cute is that,
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come on, come on, come on, come on, gluttony, a mortal sin, i understand, so, i don’t understand, uncle, what are you doing, oh, and because theft is worse than gluttony, it burns you in dog fashion, yes,
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come on, come on, i’ll be there now, yes, come on, bye, and where are you going, it’s wrong, when you repent, i’ll think about taking you with myself. no, bang, but as i understand it, through the muzzle, the design is ancient, there is no other way, but how the bullet hit the gun, as i say, through the muzzle, i’m just wondering how you remember, i have an excellent memory , who loaded the gun, pyrotechnician? he said, protect your eyes from gunpowder, shoot at arm's length, that's right, he's aiming for the heart, this was also his idea, you know, in the cinema everything should be for real, in the third take sergei fell so naturally, well, i see a very
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good actor, even too... you served in the army, no, what does the army have to do with it, you what are you hinting at? they hint on the first date, i ask, yes, you know that barsky and i were friends, it was not just friendship, it was such, you know, this, it was mandatory to paint the eyes, what kind of eyes, eyes, and makeup, mandatory. forward, hold it, you can’t, what are you doing, train him so that he doesn’t eat from someone else’s hands, well done, with some kind of ax i’m a stranger, don’t calm down, i’m calm,
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like a dead lion, yeah, can you imagine, that’s how bruce ali’s son died, among the blank cartridges there was one live cartridge, i know who we have? he shot, the nest is talking to him, oh, this is scary, but i understand everything, stay at your place of registration for now, okay, you can be free for now, how are things going with the couple? so what, no one saw anything, no one knows the new pyrotechnics, you don’t feel anything, it stinks , it stinks, it stinks, it stinks, look at the director, he’s
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on the left, you see, it’s some kind of nightmare to watch against a drug addict, and what about honor? yes, the filmmakers, i ’m telling you, look at them, their eyes are made up, their hair is combed, manicure-pedicure, adekalon, they didn’t do it, but you ’re jealous, are you a fool or what , i say this very much, but what’s there to be jealous of, that’s all, there , everything, not real, over there, on, idal, in general, maksimov i feel, i am a conspiracy here, a conspiracy on the basis of same-sex. jealousy, come here, come here, but our film is called, lermantov, a duel, as always, it’s all about women, no,
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because of women, it’s all in pushkin, but in lermanto everything is much more complicated, it’s a matter of honor, wife in your opinion, not serious, yes, no, i think it’s just this time... pushkin is the name of a pyrotechnics, it’s horror, nightmare, darkness, why is it a great name, horror, that we were all one step away from death, it’s not him for you , this, so i fired him, this has already happened, that there was a murder on the site, no, never, this. the first time, no, no, no, no, no, no, he
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doesn’t eat from someone else’s hands, thank you, where are you going, tell me, who loaded the pistol there, a new pyrotechnician, yeah, his name is strange, avadon or adavon, yeah , interesting, but invite him, please, to chat, yes, invite him it’s possible, but he disappeared, well then at least describe it, nothing unusual, like a beard, glasses, a baseball cap, dyed hair in a ponytail, really, nothing unusual, dyed hair, a beard in a ponytail, yes, i’m listening, hello, this is a strong acorn, no, this not him. tell me, does pushkin have long hair? pushkin is nocturnal.
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i'm talking about pyrotechnics. that's what i'm talking about about him, he's short-haired. this is a new pyrotechnics with clear. so it will be useful. continue. leonidov, they are waiting for me in the laboratory. now, now, lenulechka, wait a little longer. a little, help, no, yes, it might let you down, no, yes, i can only take one, my examination is on fire, the current just disappeared somewhere, but how do you find it, you call me, okay, yes, can i call a tow truck for you? listen, call me, and here, i
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think he’ll be here just tomorrow, well , the day after tomorrow, lesh, why don’t you want to take it, excuse me, can you pick up the phone, yes, hello, my dear, this is a strong acorn, you got there, made a mistake? don't you want to talk? well, i’m not on such a close relationship with you to discuss my personal life. in a close relationship, it's like you're under the same blanket, right? well something like that. could there have been negligence on site? yes, it’s unlikely, loading such a pistol with real bullets is a long , complicated process, i’ll still go and ask this drunken pushkin. maybe you can take someone with you, so that you can protect yourself from temptation, i adore your sense of humor, and i love
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your frankness, motherfucker, it’s impressive, it really didn’t look like it was locked in here, but thanks for the warning. thank you, no, what are you using, yeah, hello, that means so, relying is not in your interests, clearly, last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, quickly, i can’t hear, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, what if he’s still not a broadcaster like him, sorry, that’s what i ’m saying, pushkin , veniam, that’s right, with
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a surname like that there’s a direct path to perotechnics, you ’ll be dispelled, well, don’t give orders here, where are your accomplices, i don’t know, i don’t remember anything, how i passed out yesterday, i don’t remember, there were guests yesterday, yes. we met in the store, he was also a filmmaker, a stuntman, well, what happened next, i don’t remember, i just woke up. here it is screwed to the table and the mouth is sealed, there is no smell, there is no smell, no, there is no smell, that means they drank from them a long time ago, yes, but what they drank, i don’t remember,
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there are no bottles, no snacks, no glasses, no signs of booze, what are you saying? were they drinking in a chemical protective suit? but i don’t know, don’t rush, take it, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe a single word he says, it’s an obvious incitement, well, nothing, they haven’t been stabbed like that before, well, who tied him to the table, criminology knows such cases. yes, yes , i’m telling you, he brought himself, usually alcoholics don’t clean up after themselves, everything here is clean, ritual, not a single bottle, friends are drunks they took it and took everything out of the house, also tell me that this never happened to you, to me, of course, and why are you yelling, oh,
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there’s a bride in the apartment, she needs to be examined. roman shilov doesn’t have a job, but a resort, the resort is just being shot down a bit, it’s hot all around, there’s a sea of ​​problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are making waves,
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it’s time to stop kushilov, this is already a political question, and colleagues... those more fruit, i want to make a statement, you all go to kathmandu, cop wars, well , you’ll stay for dinner, i won’t stay today, why should i to save the world, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher. season tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will be returned 2% of the rate with sber thank you bonuses. hurry up to get a loan with cashback, get a better deal with prime. kitford equipment with discounts up to 31% on the yandex market. does your business
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hair, there are traces of gunpowder on it, your passionate brunette is in the database, oh, what’s her name? evgeny borman, drug addict, previously convicted. well, can you tell me again who was identified by one hair? evgeny borman. thanks, lin, so, this is my version, this is my version? yes, these are filmmakers. that i didn’t see them, today there’s a beard, a shovel, tomorrow the vochkovsky sisters, we have to take it, well, that’s it, i’m with you, where are you going, but how do you identify a criminal, and smart guy, and i have
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identikit, well, show me, what are you doing, you don’t understand a damn thing about this, you’re colorblind, write, oh well, with a face like that, he won’t get away from us, naturally. let's go, let's go, you'll go in the back, that 's right, on your own. idal hugged, filmmakers, i know, well, yes,
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i remember, handsome guys, well, stand there, that’s it. wondering which one of you is a pyrotechnician, no one, and what kind of you then behave like movie stars, good, hugging in public, we can’t, we’re a butt, what, butt, but, in this. i mean, no, then hug, baby, just
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knocked. there are those who are alive, die!
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and this cop broke my door, he knows how to do that, yeah, he came in without asking, set the dog on fire, he knows how to do that, he also beat me back, he loves that, and i, by the way, defended myself, yes, i thought they were bandits, i’m still i'll take you to court. you know what, let me invite him now, he will apologize to you along with the dog, you don’t need any dogs, what do you want, this is of course strange, but hair was found at the crime scene, an examination showed that it belongs to you, what kind of hair, eh. .. so i
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sold them a long time ago, the money is over, i’ll announce it at i saw a pillar and sold it, you can check, but here on every pillar there is an advertisement for the purchase of hair, and that everything should be checked or something, but okay, come on! oh, who is so smart here ? hey, yeah, what are you doing, man? yes, they now say that waste paper is worth it, so i want to open a business, i have to pay for the business, but you are from the tax authorities, right? this is our territory.
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tax office, and the territory is yours, and are you coming to us straight from the nineties, or what? yeah, moron, drive away your money. enough is enough, it's over, damn!
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the long-awaited continuation of the famous turkish tv series kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. i measure the final today at 20:00 on ntv. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you haven't forgotten about the casting i arranged for you, have you? in no case. if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting. i am late. and if i'm late, then i take a scooter. and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip. if everyone leaves there
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to retire at 60? is not it's a fake thing, so it's 16 kilos. i couldn't live without sports. what liberties does his wife allow him? are you a sultan? why not? sometimes the adjika will fall, you will eat at night, you will die, how sosopovlyaashvili raises his daughters, the last time i dyed my hair what color, red, how can you not love them, when your only son makes him a grandfather, how long have you been together, 5 years, soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret, on the singer’s birthday, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. the problem of our leonidov cinema, as it turned out, is not murder, but how it would be correct to say, freelance
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relationships, i detained a couple of especially suspects here, whom you immediately released due to lack of evidence. well, but now we have an identikit. photograph of a killer, what the hell, no , well, i agree with constructive criticism in advance, well, well, well, it’s a little asymmetrical, well, in general, it’s good, they’ll be accepted into the art academy, but what does all this mean, what a cake, look , it was a beautiful gift, you bought yourself a dress, right? i didn’t do that, but for the sake of the photo i had to buy it,
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yes, that's a strong acorn, a strong acorn, stop pulling, stop laughing, well, this looks like a self-portrait. bitches, hi, max, everything is fine with you, great, it couldn’t be better, yeah, but you don’t want to talk about strange calls from strange women, lenochka, i’m not prying into your personal life, so you don’t need to, come here , yeah, okay, let’s talk about work, did you find out the name and address of this pyrotechnician, his last name? kuvaldin, the hired
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killer, maksimov, well, i’m still very curious, who did you buy the dress for, and what? if you want to eat, you know how much this dress costs, now you’ll be eating it for six months, it’s not by chance that you’re waiting with me. you're facing 100 years in solitary confinement, for what? i didn't kill anyone? for everything, why the film is insured, but i wanted to earn ibarsky’s death, this is a world practice, a world practice, killing artists is a world practice, and orgi is also a world practice, i admit, i’m sinful, i’m a sinner, one actress got pregnant from me. oh, it’s good, that is, it’s bad that only one
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secretary changed her profession because of me, and i also changed my gender, filmmakers should burn in hell, where can i find this person, quickly! i’ve been lying about something lately, but can i ask a question about the actor, you killed him, no, you
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know, yes, what you told him, nothing, but he wouldn’t have understood, meaning, you showed him my photo, really ? “no, you should leave him alone, he doesn’t know anything and won’t recognize anything, in general, if it weren’t for his dad, he would even be in his department, but i’m telling you, everyone there is like that, yes, they’re all, well, filmmakers, maximov went literally once on the set
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i went and bought myself a white dress, they say once no piraki, help me, i’ll cut the bag, let’s do that great, please calm, calm, everything is under control, police captain, nests. please, your handbag, thank you very much, well done, these are the kind of shots we need, please take a photo with us. “i love dogs, they are better than people, dogs don’t give in, i agree, you won’t pass, sit, sit, i’ll answer, hello, honey, my name is
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violetta, i really miss you. thank you, you know what the secret of my longevity, surprise me, i always cauterize pimples, but i haven’t decided to cauterize with gnedilov yet him or not, i’m telling you for... from him, he serves in the police only because a disabled person must work in every department, i like your dog, i think i’ll keep him for myself, dog, don’t
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you dare eat, do you hear? i didn’t kill him, he was killed in a duel, what a duel, this is murder, in a duel there is murder, only honest, well for... courage is needed, i agree, there are only cowards all around, they cover each other with a three-story obscenity, at best they bash each other friend like peasants, and then they run to me, take him away, i’ll pay, well, yes, i would allow a duel, they defend their honor from not
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crime, who would you challenge to a duel? you, is that you? listen, you name the time, i’m the place, okay, pushkin park, put the money in the yellow backpack, and i’ll find you myself. the producers have gone to bed, watch the tv for now, who knows, when else will you be able to eat the media there,
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come help me get out. not even a year has passed, you're sick of it. i was watching tv about me, how i alone killed two big guys, soon they will broadcast it on all channels, just like that, we need to work, and not sit in the offices, rear rats,
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i recorded the interview on a video recorder, i’ll show my wife who it sucks, yes you suck, you’re so jealous and... say, it sucks, here, ugh, sit, ugh, you can’t, you can’t, it’s you, why are you doing this, but i thought, why don’t you come to my nest, maybe? should i break his chair? and what's that? is this someone from the movie industry? what is he?
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and then cauterize the pimples, let’s go side by side, what kind of pimples?
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brought it, you set me up, i fulfilled the order, the client is in the morgue, give me the money, but i was almost arrested, you are suspicious of me, they will never guess, i need a guarantee, i will only pay you the money when they close the matter is clear, don’t you leave it? i have a choice, the pimples need to be cauterized, drop the gun, no, i don’t want to kill you, you wanted to challenge me to a duel, come on, duels are prohibited here. are you afraid that maybe you need a drink to be brave?
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take it, well done, well done, who are you, read, it’s not my fault, it was he who came up with everything, it was he...
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“yes, i hated bazhsky, i was extremely jealous, all the main roles went to him, i got them occasionally, women always loved him , me sporadically, his women were beautiful, and mine sporadically, the money went to him, my wife went to him not for long, but you thought, maybe he was just more talented, no, it’s unlikely, what difference does it make?” “
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a murder weapon, that is, you didn’t know that your gun was loaded with a bullet, of course not, i i myself would never have decided to kill even before the duel, he plays like a dog, sorry, stay here. autograph later, just like that, hello, hello!
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a resident of the pskov region has already terminated a late pregnancy twice. the second ultrasound revealed a pathology incompatible with life. she and her husband were horrified by the doctors’ question: were they related? relatives? after the second case, they already said that they were already 100% sure. that we are relatives, a family investigation showed that my husband’s grandfather and my wife’s mother could have been lovers, unfortunately, i don’t know who my father is, my grandfather worked as a driver throughout the osrovsky district, victoria’s mother also worked in the ostrovsky district, is it really a woman herself without knowing it, i married my nephew, i am sure that my relatives, who is victoria’s father, is
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maxim’s grandfather, his name is evgeniy, if the dna test is positive, my husband and i let's get divorced, i open the envelope, dna, today at 16:50 on ntv. cop wars, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltic. seven non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. turns out. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from
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i'll shoot, the right decision is to give you a slingshot, fuck you, this is political provocation, i have powerful enemies, don’t overact with an innocent look, or your eye
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will fall out. what's idle? we solved the murder of lermontov. do you know who the killer is? no, the artist who shot him according to the script. i would never have guessed, but i found out why strange women call you, someone posted an ad around the city, an advertisement for the erotic massage club strong acorn, well, yes, and gnizilov wrote my phone number, you are preparing a terrible revenge, a terrible gift. darling, why are you here, what is this, this, this is a provocation, i’m for you, i’m at home for you, everything
12:00 pm
i’ll explain, go home, quickly, i’m great for you at home, shame, open faster in the end, what are you? water please, buddy, go get some sleep, okay?


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