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tv   Visshaya mera  NTV  June 28, 2024 8:00pm-11:51pm MSK

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go to vladimir ahead of schedule, right today, right now, to fill the face of the resettlement with brass knuckles, brass knuckles are my concern, you will have another task, check out the vladimir mental hospital, voganov used to work there, then quit, you need to find out why, what happened, well, we’ll talk with his colleagues, how he lived, what he did, and so on, you’ll figure it out, so he saddled up and rode his horse, he ’ll take us, offend yegor matveevich, of course he’ll take us, good. moscow, i
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’ll change my clothes in a moment, come on, come on, he’s always like this, what, he looks like he’s out of control, if he’s obsessed, valentin, i don’t like it, i ’m sick of you, he’s pulling you where you shouldn’t, let’s go home, len, let’s go.
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evening in the city garden, silence and quiet, past the windows, i’ll go to yours, at this hour, why are you so dissatisfied? ignatsovich, it seems, it didn’t take long for me to wait that you, andrei nikolaevich, that you, everything is fine, why did you call me here, for a private, so to speak, conversation, for a private conversation you could invite me to your place, this is not an office conversation, it’s necessary initiate a case against the nagornos, many something bad,
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and dig deeper, maybe you’ll find something, or more specifically, i’ve fallen asleep in the heat, now the wine will arrive, everything is fine, comrade, if it were bad, you would have already known, so what, you’ve already decided everything? “i can’t put pressure, i
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only argue and propose, and my opinion is this: you can’t remain silent, you need to shake the psychiatric hospital, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, mikhalovich, svyatoslav petrovich.” and i’m coming to you straight from the ministry of defense, i have a kettle on the stove there, i finally found my comrade in arms, this is fedorov, sashka, a mechanic, a driver our train, he, like my little girl, had a concussion, only he got it worse, so he went to the hospital, first to stavrop. then in
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krasnodar, the late tatyana pavlovna and i called him there, but he was transferred to the ministry of water, we went there, but he was not there. and where did he end up? in krasnodar, his documents went to the ministry of water resources, confusion arose, but now i found him. i’ll call you soon, come in, i have news, interesting, come in mikhailovich, curious, i was thinking about michersky all evening yesterday, he lived, didn’t grieve, man, i felt like the pub was in the ground, right.
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you think like an operative from a position of strength, but try as an investigator, he could not have used force, suggestion, he’s a psychiatrist, well, yes, yes, hypnosis, the time of mishchersky’s death was between 9 and ten in the evening, the sick smirnov, out of his mind, threw himself from the balcony into 21:08, so, now remember, the former mathematician litvin threw himself under the wheels. at the beginning of the tenth, these are three, yes, the owner of the unique brooch agripina, golovin drowned himself at 21:10, exactly four, all four committed life after the start of the program, time, coincidence, well, maybe a coincidence, you know
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do you think their behavior is similar to coded ones, as if at a certain hour they were given an order to commit suicide, you know? who gave the order? vaganov or the host of the time program? yegor matveevich, this is why i don’t watch the program, which is obvious and incredible, and i don’t read science fiction. it's simple, he was afraid of prison, he was not the first, he will not be the last. let's go feed the pigeons. and i found out that he was caught in the twenty-
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eighth after stealing jewelry, but he deceived the investigation, pretended to be schizophrenic, it would have been interesting. to inspect it, went out to thirty-eighth and imagine, now his condition, the world has changed, including the criminal one, the old gangs have disappeared, but for the new burdas he was a relic, the wind whistles in his pockets, and he goes to his native leningrad, the wound is still closed, so what ? did you say closed? i opened the door, open it, money, where, safe, keys, where, i won’t let you, turn it on.
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these are our grandmothers, we’ve been grazing them for a week, fold, come on, come on, come on, stand, they were young, shchapov, that’s how they met, what an interesting job you have, svyatoslav petrovich, this shchapov is for us now very interesting in connection with burdasov, i’ll call egor now, i’ll answer, i’ll make you happy,
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it’s easy to invest with sber, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application. tsobolin, i’m surprised that he’s alive, well, there is such a thing, for a lawless man you live a long time, but no, these are your sixes. damn it, it’s obvious
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someone else has a grudge against you, don’t be a fool, only you could have sent it, which is scary when everyone loves you so much, yes, well, just as you wanted, garbage, chaos is waiting for an answer. who did you tell to remove me, why, you’re not a pity anyway, old man! hey, he’s in the punishment cell indefinitely until
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he confesses, take him away! good evening, hello, how much are the pies? here are 5 kopecks, pies with cottage cheese. here's the cabbage, here you go, thank you, uh-huh, please, and milk, two mugs, morning milk, still warm, right? how many 10 kopecks, yeah,
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take it, hold it, hold it, thank you, nice, thank you, what’s wrong with vaganov, don’t worry, well, vaganov was not like a doctor in vladimir, he was more involved in housekeeping, zahos, his people they still remember and praise. he says, yes , the guy was the opposite, it stuck to his hands, of course, but yegor matveevich, all the little things, there were deaths among his patients, but not only him, all the doctors, mostly front-line soldiers, there were seven cases in the entire hospital, here are shell-shocked front-line soldiers, six from 1946 to 1951, one young scrapper, in 1956, the head doctor says that all of them did not have an inheritance as such. understandable, but still meshchersky was killed, valentin, i’m sure, and a thread from him
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leads to a psychiatric hospital, we just haven’t grabbed this thread yet, well, yes, it’s just america, the gangsters of chicago, well not chicago, of course, but the methods are the same, keep an eye on svaganova, that’s one more thing, knorin needs to be monitored, of course, that is, you trust words, words of a policeman worth a penny.
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mikhail ilyevich, the prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case, investigators will come tomorrow and start working with the documentation, but we deserve it, of course. served as these events of the latter, plus mishchersky’s note, specifically against knoren, well, we have to check it, you understand? roman sergeevich had a reason not to like knorin. he was a heavy drinker, and knorin refused to treat him behind the scenes. in 1973, roman sergeevich was going to
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transfer to moscow. i interfered, clipped the wings, so to speak. “moscow, they wouldn’t tolerate him there, they would expel him from the party, exile him somewhere beyond baikal or further, at a meeting of the regional committee, when the issue was discussed, i stood up and said, he can’t go to moscow, he’s very drunk, he needs to be treated first, so v this note should have my last name." my ah, ah ah, checkmate in two moves, yegor anatovich, let's go for some air, it's stuffy here, let's go, yes, yes, don't miss it, central
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television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. juliana nasanche, a long way home, how the odyssey of the most famous whistleblower journalist ended, why washington decided to replace prosecution with a deal, why does biden need this ? trump’s strange plan, why does he want to promise kiev even more weapons in exchange for peace negotiations? is going to try to put out the fire by pouring gasoline on it. this will be your central television. on ntv. cop wars. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. tolfon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially
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for course use. it's ozone's birthday. say discounts, discounts. oh, sale. happy birthday ozone. motor oil for 1.499. fabric softener vernel for 599. intex pool for 4.499. what's the secret? you have to find out. yes sir. doshirak broth is prepared using the traditional method. it's all about fermentation. bouillon. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can receive cashback. on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for one ruble.
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in the summer, you can do a lot with yandex food: try all the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new experiences. have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% at yandex food. central tv. tomorrow at 19:00. it happens, listen, i don’t understand how you
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gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone on the screen, you...
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ask a different question, a delicate one. now, when roman sergeevich introduced himself, we can already say about it, he suffered from male infirmity, an impotent latin. is this really for a psychiatrist? in the case of mishchersky, yes, his impotence developed against the background of alcoholism, he was physically healthy, but all the problems were in his head. turns out to be treatment for alcoholism, knorin refused to help him, then he agreed, this is somehow strange, a doctor should be above his personal grievances, and knorin is in this
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he surpassed many on the issue, men were grateful to him, hundreds, hundreds of women, so, and mishchersky did not believe that he had problems in his head, he demanded miracles, demanded. pills was angry, and you know, yegor matveevich, i’m convinced that this note is a slander, it comes from here, i’m sure that’s it, marta, i can’t believe it myself, let’s give it a ride, oh, come on, thank you, of course, but she said it would be
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inconvenient, but convenient, come on, come on, it’s convenient, everything is convenient, so please, be careful, well, let’s go!
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captain of debts, yeah, okay, neighbors they called, can i see leonid fetosievich khripunov, you already see, and that leonid fetosievich, in the seventy-second year you were engaged in the exchange of an apartment and received this one, yes, i remember, through a chute. captain, can you be more specific about this, i have a guest? have you seen the previous owner? well, i saw the owner when i came to look at the apartment. like
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the owner, the previous owner, kovalevsky, was single, in 1972 he was in a psychiatric hospital, listen to me, what difference does it make who was lying where, the door was opened by a little boy, she showed me an apartment, a passport i didn’t ask her what she looked like, why are you attached to me, captain, citizen kharipunov, choose a tone, you are not in your ray consumer union, and you are not in your department, i am not obliged to report to you, i exchanged the apartment for... wrote statement, i received a warrant, what do you suspect me of, i’m questioning me, well , if nothing, get out of here, you’re not forgetting yourself, half of the city authorities are sitting at my table, call me, and we ’ll have to turn down the music, otherwise we’ll all come department.
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well, i'm home, uh-huh, martha, you know what, let me draw you,
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your portrait. and you know how, of course, i got a solid b in poizo school, well, well, all this doesn’t suit us, i have my own pen, let’s try, but - should i stand here or maybe sit down, what’s comfortable for you? well , in general it’s easier to paint full-length portraits, of course, great, then stand up straight, and we’ll get started, just like that, arms, legs, cucumber, it turned out. little man, don’t
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laugh, i won’t succeed, i’m not a genius, i’m not a master yet, by the way, but you give me a drawing lesson, otherwise i have something it’s not working out very well, well, let me take a look, no, no, no, wait, not now, only after the fifth lesson, after the fifth, of course, you will too? walk, of course, i will study, this is what i’m taking for now, how about me, well, for you, i ’ll leave the autograph of the future artist.
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yes, they say that i only signed blank canvases, so make me a great artist. are you home now, hello, is apartment number thirty-seven located here? yes, here, but why do you need apartment thirty-seven? i would like
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to see the hostess, i am the hostess. and citizen lyubarskaya victoria leonidovna? yes. i have a couple of questions for you. according to the documents, you own the apartment. 73 m2. a few years ago you received a warrant for a neighboring apartment with an area of ​​67 m2. not everyone is so lucky in life. andryusha, here are my comrades from the police about our second apartment. vika, we're late. olga ivanovna, i apologize, what did i want to tell you, i received answers from chupik and dr. gorayev, and she was completely deaf,
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but in general, they are not connected with each other at all, and their paths did not converge anywhere, not even close, like two parallels, not intersected nowhere, in general, they have nothing in common, well, except for a 12 cm wound. well, well, with this wound, i, in general, exaggerated, i phoned my colleagues, they explained that the depth of the blow does not always coincide with a long message, forgive me, i confused you, in general, it’s true, these are two things, two different episodes, nothing to do with ours, well, that’s it, let’s leave it, excuse me, i’ll come tomorrow, catch your breath from debts, hello, catch your breath, catch your breath, yegor matveevich, i went to the victims’ apartment, the first apartment has moved away
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khripunov, raypotrebsoyuz, the second apartment, smetanin, this is the director of the office for the year, but the third apartment, oh, who owns it. “you never guess, well, why, voronets, they guessed, he appropriated the home of savelyeva’s neighbor, and she died in a psychiatric hospital, he checked other property of the patients, and yes, he asked the relatives, so they gave me photographs, jewelry, and this is the patient. pavlovsky , behind him is a missing picture, city morning, valentine, i saw this picture, sit down, let's go,
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there was a rhinoceros, today a unicorn, tomorrow. taganrok, tomorrow in st. petersburg, x-sai x37 - hero of every day, singer soso pavleashvili, i’m only 60, celebrating an anniversary, let’s start, let these be the only horns in your family, we need you alive and well, is the artist ready at 60 to retire, this is not a fake thing, that’s why it’s 16 kilos, i couldn’t live without sports, what liberties
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does his wife allow him, you’re a sultan, and why not, sometimes the adjika will fall, you’ll eat at night, you’ll die, how sosopovlyashvili raises his daughters, the last time i painted what color hair? in red, how can you not love them, when your only son will make him a grandfather, how long have you been together, five years, soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret, on the singer’s birthday, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, bravo! vienarus is the choice of millions for varicose veins. vienarus can help 1 2 3. one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions. vienarus is as simple as 1 2 3. travel with alfabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and get super cashback on
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why do celebrities eat cockroaches, crickets and sorancia, but you don’t want pizza with worms, well, there is pizza with worms, you won’t believe it, tomorrow at 22:25 on ntv. uncle arkady, why aren’t you married? so it worked out, do you have children? yes, son alexey, he is 2 seconds older than you in life. wow, why doesn't he come here? “we
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had a fight, so make peace, uncle arkady, you ’re very kind, you don’t know how to scream, cursing and shouting are two different things, vasya, eh, it’s clear, but what are you drawing today, those houses or that river, no , a man who brought a lot of evil, i’m trying to portray him, to understand what he looks like, but can i take a look, go and see why this guy looks so much like the one who received us in october, he really looks a lot like an old man, like a big boss who spoke to us at the club, they gathered us there from all schools, he also gave us stars and said: pin it, then he congratulated us, no, well,
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he’s exactly drawn, are you sure? , yes, it’s definitely him, and so what, unfortunately, it’s definitely her, stepan grigorievich, presumably a painting by yuri piminov, but it belonged to the architect pavlovsky. anastasia, my wife, bought it at some market about five years ago, came home, the whole thing was glowing, just a piece. childhood, a piece of home, she lived in this house, she she was a muscovite, yes, we met her in 1943 on the kursk bulge, then she followed me all her life all over the country, anastasia
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mikhailovna, she was a fighting woman, a medal bearer, i went to krasnoyarsk, olmsk, stavropol, everyone missed moscow, and when i bought the painting, there was so much joy there, it brought me happiness, i looked at it for hours, and why did the painting hang here? anastasia mikhailovna died last year, excuse me, in the forty-fourth fragment. she was hit in the back, it’s impossible to operate, this fragment has been crawling towards her heart for 30 years, well, i’m from the hospital with this picture i kind of got stuck here myself, well, it’ll work out,
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i can’t give it to her. give it to stepan grigorievich, okay, if it’s stolen, it must be returned, stepan grigorievich, we can make you a copy, but nastenka won’t be there. colonel. hello, savech, this is matyushin from the general. i'll get straight to the point, we received complaints about your tobolin. whoever writes from the director of a restaurant to the doctor
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of a psychiatric hospital. about his arbitrariness. i'm on the right track, i have full control over his investigation, so don't worry, after all, ignat sovelivich, you should be more careful with your tobolin, they won’t stroke heads for arbitrariness, they’ll be out of the authorities in an instant, that’s it, until we get in touch. so, yeah, alesana, please take a look at the archive, i’m interested in the surname tabolin, and it doesn’t matter what
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period you look at, victor pallovich, throughout the history of the hospital, if you need me, i’ll be there, okay, thank you . criticizes him, becomes a personal enemy, so maybe it is so, everything else is feigned, this is all intelligence, manners, intelligence cannot be replaced, you know, in there are two people in vagana, the first is friendly, open, the second is vindictive and ready to make
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a break, crouching, arkady semyonovich, and vaganov can pretend to be another person? it occurs to me that the vagana is not a doctor at all, but he has memorized a man, studied the subject of psychiatry, is he capable of murder? a person like vaganov, if you drive him into a corner, then yes, he is capable of extreme measures, you know, i can’t understand one thing.
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valentin, listen to me, this is what needs to be done, organize surveillance of the first
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secretary, you’re crazy, maybe shulga is the one i’m looking for, follow the order, yes, i heard that rudakova’s case was also closed? will compensate, so i closed her roommate for 113, then we’ll see, now on vaganov’s agenda, the psychological portrait drawn up by rivkin says that vaganov has criminal inclinations, you can’t attach fabrications to the case, yes, but the fact that he is a thief is a fact , in vladimir there is a lot of material on him, and i called the debts in the fire, managed to follow up, falsified diagnoses. well, given the syulet, you can’t prove anything, it’s confirmed in a misterish way, there is also a whole bunch of abuses, but
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there is one special apartment, mishchersky assigned it to voronets, here is theft, here is nepotism, in general a whole system, egor, the minefield is no longer in front of us, we are already standing on it, right in the middle, so be careful. caution caution, but much more careful, the general called, there’s a whole crew of complaints about you, that’s what else, egor, don’t talk on the phone, i’m ready, uh-huh, uh, okay, thank you, go ahead, be, go ahead, roller, come on, thank you, egor, this is for you, thank you, let's go, see goodbye, goodbye.
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where is she all day today? did you have a fight? no, not really! tabool, did you lose your woman? do i have it? who are you? on the old floor , go to the second cooling tower, wait there, and so that there is only one, bring the cops, i will see, and the woman will get your
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crowns. something sons, the city of police affairs, captain smirnov on duty. is the major sick of debts back? no way, mayor’s daughter, he’s going home. i've arrived, dad, vadim, urgently run to the debtor, he lives in the zavolzhsky district, zhideyskaya street, building, and damn, building 45, let him urgently go to tets, one with a structure, i'll wait at the second cooling tower, i remembered, yes, everything, run, run, dispatcher. lives urgently taxi with roman shilov not work but the kurur resort just shooting a little
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all around the heat! a sea of ​​problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop, this is already a political issue, and colleagues, they are fruits, i want to make a statement, you all go to kathmandu, cop wars. will you stay for dinner? i won't stay today. why? we need to save the world. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. soso pavlyaashvili, million dollar secret. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. nature itself gives us everything we need for beauty and health. so i
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help 1 2 3. one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions. viinarus just like 1 2 3 it's ozone's birthday, tell me discounts, discounts, oh, birthday sale ozone, lucoil motor oil for 1.499, vernel fabric conditioner for 599, intex swimming pool for 4.499. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday, june 28th. we give 30% cashback on flights to turkey, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! well, hello, marina, i’m with you for a long time, serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with ivi. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy evi subscription for 99 rubles per month. central.
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i won’t go any further, commander of the central boiler room, the temperature in the return flow has dropped to 60°.
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throw the gun to the wall, take off your jacket, i take it off carefully. you see how i calculated for you, garbage, and who are you? i, surname aryutin, do you remember, aryutin, he was shot, yes,
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it was you who let your father down, fathers, that’s it, but do you know that your father killed women, pregnant women? why should i give him an order for this? yes, it wasn’t him, he confessed, it was he, it was you who forced him, you beat your father so that he would take himself, beat him, beat him after his confessions, retell it, ready, he stalked women for weeks, waited for his belly to get bigger, further , well... can you show me where inna is? i'll show you now, let's go.
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dad, i told you that i calculated the garbage for you, put down the sawn-off shotgun, it’s useless to shoot, if you hit it, put it down, put it down, put it down, put it down, i ’ll give you a gift. come on, come on, come on, dad, forgive me, he grabbed me at the entrance, son, everything will be
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fine, my ostafya, the gift will be when i decide, push the sawn-off shotgun here, push, push, push, well done! it's not dad's fault, don't touch him, it's a pity. folder, and i feel sorry for mine, your father was a murderer, shut your mouth, my father didn’t kill anyone, you ’re all lying on your knees, on your knees, i said.
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soso influenced the secret worth a million tomorrow in 20:20 on ntv. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated. pay with any izber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category. for all. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a sber subscription. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv.
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cassettes, rejoice, amnesty in honor of the victory, we must go out soon, oh, i’ll take care of you tobolen, kostet, finger, don’t bother me. you ’re not my advisor here, that’s it, i’m off to training, and then i ’m going to the cinema with the boys, they fought for their homeland, about the war, dad, i need to watch it, that’s it, inna, until the evening, carefully.
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forgive me, but for what? i overestimated myself. i am not a fighting friend, as i thought before. i can't live like this. and i won’t be able to get used to it,
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and how can one even get used to this, i’m scared, and why am i scared, you yourself said that all the nightmares are over, vadim is slowly coming to his senses, i’m not coming to my senses. “i spent a week gathering my courage, i want to live, you know, to live like a human being, in every sense, without looking around, i don’t want to be like tatyana." in the evening,
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when you return, i won’t be here, i’m sorry. leave the keys on duty.
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thank you, yes, i remember tusovelyeva well, i talked with lenin and kautsky, yes, i ’m telling you the honest truth, i almost corresponded with them, hello, hello,
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sometimes even with lermontov, the man had an interesting life, but not long, talk again i need it. well then, i’ll leave you, thank you, i’ll study the medical record. savelyeva, a voronets took over the apartment, yeah, to be honest, it’s not clear what exactly, but what she had, she’s not very progressive.
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in the evening, oh, comrade tobolin, maybe we should set up an office for you in the hospital, you still work here, you and i have different jobs and we are talking about yours, you were the attending physician zinaida soveleva, i was the attending physician for several hundred patients, and a patient with that last name, it means i don’t remember right off the bat, well, yes, slightly progressive schizophrenia, it’s like cycling, you’re the first one who wrote it... it couldn’t have been simpler, but you after all, you also don’t write execution, you formulate capital punishment, the court formulates, that’s what’s strange, comrade knorin, we are looking at patients’ medical records for the last 10 years, and no one has been diagnosed with this before, everyone has ordinary schizophrenia, starting from
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the seventy-second year , almost everyone has a cycling current, it’s like this, usually, the diagnostic criteria have changed, the terms have been streamlined, or you can use your own words, in your own words, you know, this is a diagnosis for a person who is balancing on the brink, like soveliva, for example, periodically falling into prostration, conversation with an invisible opponent, auditory hallucination, all this is irregular. previously, at the first signs, such patients were immediately diagnosed with schizophrenia, and this is a death sentence, but there is no current vial? the disease progresses weakly, most often indirect manifestations are observed, that ’s why they made a diagnosis, so to speak, so as not to lump everyone with the same brush, but you do, but only with a new brush, probably because there are more people among us in a borderline state than it seemed, because patients with such
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not only i have a diagnosis, vaganov, michal ilic have them, oh, konstantin, comrade knorin, konstantin, you took a walk, it’s wonderful, look, and your face amazed you to breathe. it became easier, but you were afraid to walk, no wolves, what will your summer be like, with increased cashback, summer will be active, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, play today children's clothing with cashback up to 60%, how to live until the golden wedding, so it wasn’t bitter, you immediately say that i have nothing, everything will remain to my wife, everything, the apartment there is one, one, there is one, for which their wives call viktor rybin and roman pavlyuchenko shoe fairies, right? roma, with shoes, i move on. sash, have you ever washed your shoes in your life? no, no, who in lera kudryavtseva’s family needs nerves of steel? you come, there is no cup. now i'll start. oh, so, i said, it means that everyone in lena katina’s family is a victim, who is a tyrant, you can’t take that,
9:13 pm
i can’t understand anything, i’ll leave, i said, i’ll leave, and then i came back, what kind of sacrifices are celebrity wives ready to make? to save the family, she got up from the table, grabbed her by the i don’t remember what she was wearing and just like that , on the next table, bitterly in the program the stars aligned on sunday in... on ntv. cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. thank you sber loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to the run. from other banks and get cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable
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with subscription izberm, the main feature of modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case, if i’m brushing my teeth, i’m already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i’m late, that means i take the scooter, and if i took the scooter, that means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, then no one has been given a role yet. artyom, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there is music too. and what what will you do if they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more and transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month. if they give him the role, he will still transfer gigabytes because he will be rehearsing. the new tariff 24 is as much as 30 gb of internet that can be transferred. next month, communication minutes that can be exchanged for trips on mts uren scooters, and mts music is already included
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flights to turkey are not just profitable, alpha profitable! cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. the sber-thank you loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. choose up to five top ones every month. categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything, transfer money for free to sber from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a sber subscription, the stars aligned on sunday 20:20 on ntv.
9:17 pm
good afternoon, hello, does boris sergeevich live here? he lives, is this life, he plowed and plowed, and by the time he was old, he had only earned money in the barn, well, his occupation can hardly be called work, and what are you, a cop or something, almost. erka, who is there, hello to you,
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boris sergeevich. “i’m guselnikov, i already understand, but i don’t really understand, i asked to write about my friend burdasov, and you sent me some strange telegram, 500 is unclear, honey, let’s go home, we need to talk here. well, well incomprehensible? 5.00 rubles will be all for you. 5.00 for a story about burdasia? let him talk about himself. am i burdasov
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alive? where? so yaroslavl? after so many years, he reminded me, how he dealt with the boolean, it even dawned on me who he was, what his last name was, oh, oh, oh, he took a stance, cop, don’t even think about it, you won’t find it yourself, they wouldn’t have looked for him like that, 5,000 rubles, you will spit stinkingly, as it is, but if you cheat, the thief has already left, i have tuberculosis, i want to take a last walk.
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verka deserved to be let down, and even without a magnifying glass i can see a warrant for the voronets for the apartment of sovelyev, his neighbors, don’t be smart, a warrant do you remember the director of the office in a year, i remember, he created the same thing.
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system, as vaganov said, the victims were found not only in the hospital, but according to a far-fetched diagnosis they were put in a psychiatric hospital, there they were brought to death, their property, apartments were taken away, who made the diagnosis? baganov, knorin, on the mountain as the leader claimed, did not know, it seems that he was used blindly, all the threads come down to one person, the voronets. the impression is that he has incriminating evidence on all of them, well, maybe on the medical side or poplar earnings, it turns out to be a whole web, in the center there is a spider, silkworm, the feeling that i, too, am stuck in this web, where these sticky threads don’t stick everywhere, i cling, but everything wraps around me,
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wraps me up, and the spider is sitting somewhere, waiting. waits for the victim to wrap himself in a cocoon and strikes, andrei nikolaevich, viktor pavlovich, i’ve been waiting for you, yes, a solid catch, yes, from the archive the same hello, larger, andrei nikolaevich, larger, and... here i have, between by the way, a medical card for nina petrovna tabolina, our hero’s aunt, on whose side the aunt, his father’s older sister, uh-huh, came to our hospital in october 1944, schizophrenia, aunt, aunt, aunt, aunt, but
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it would be better if the father himself, it’s also very interesting with her, her maiden name is tobolina, like her husband’s, what does she have, well, imagine , what if it’s from incest. plus schizophrenia, this is a nuclear mixture, so what to do with it, sberbank has increased the deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift, deposit - best percentage.
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why is it taking so long? what kind of people, i already thought, the aunuch was canceled, meet, dog, lalya still life, should have heard, heard, asked to be met at the highest level, catch it! friends, tramps, we're tired of waiting, kiss, beauty, vadim, kiss you, well, i didn't dress up for you, then it was just the month of may. he approached him, as soon as that’s enough,
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come on, egor, briefly, essentially, i should go to abkom park, they established the fact of illegal appropriation of three apartments of patients of a psychiatric hospital. okay, i'm sure. bad, of course, but it’s good that they established that further, they made money on the apartments by bartering, the difference in the amount was mishchersky and his accomplices dig into your pocket, ignat sovelich, i need more people, operatives, the scale of the fraud, well, it’s just much larger, a long time will be enough for you, that’s it, i won’t give anyone else, bye, bye, yes, and also, i almost forgot, kostet came out on an amnesty,
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kostet, sanya, sanya, we meet, sanya, come on, like near rostov on dana, i went to prison for the first time, on a bunk, brother, nanary, brother, nanary. what a fool i was then, i put on a stolen jacket, and scarves, brother, and scarves, brother, and scarves, what a fool i was then, i put on a stolen jacket, and scarves, brother, and scarves, brother, and shkari, poured it, so for sanya, sanya, that approaches, incomes, your life was happy, beautiful, so it will be, dear, so it will be, for you, shama. well, why are you stalling, let’s not be tormented anymore, for you, come on, come on
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, come on, take it, we heard that now they will insure the garbage, they’re waiting for you upstairs, and why are the boys sad, and you’ve been gone forever, i understand, let’s dig some more . wow, andrei nikolaevich, is this a meeting like in the wild? ok, yes, what are you talking about, only the volga, that’s good, but i’d like to go to the south, the beach,
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girls, wine, first i have to pay off my debts, for the year that you rested on the bunk, a lot of them accumulated, all the sewing of sheepskin coats was closed, the prosecutor’s office closed, but the new one... you didn’t organize it, which means i didn’t receive my share for a whole year, but the interest has already increased, so now it’s not a restaurant get excited. is restoring the workshop, i understand, and not alone, to compensate for my losses, and this is the first, second, second, you will work out your release, that too. it didn’t
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cost me a lot, what should i do, lala will tell you, oh, why are you here? connect to a sberp subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series in okko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime, don’t miss central television, the first
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information show. stories and people of the week, why do modern children and teenagers need mustaches, paws and a tail, you can see how it happened, why they stand on all fours, imitate animals, demand food from a dog bowl, and prefer a cat litter box to a normal toilet, there are a lot of us, i’m in shocked, what is quadrobing, a new hobby that will quickly pass or dangerous mental a deviation that needs to be treated, it’s all smoking, i’m eating too much, where is the world going anyway, is it really evolution itself that turns a person back to sleep? a future awaits us all in the animal world, it will be on your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. soso pavlyaashvili, a million-dollar secret, tomorrow at 2:20 on ntv. on the one hand, this is an azonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 ruble. millions
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grishka, you didn’t come, not once, not to the hospital, not here, didn’t call, didn’t ask, and you didn’t ask him, why, auntyur, well, that’s right, that running after a guy, especially after someone like that, are you going back to school or what? no, i want to start everything from scratch, a new life, a new job, where, where, in the world of books,
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a library, i’ll get a job, martonka, and you don’t want to go to the bookstore on pervomaiskaya, my dear, sister, jealous there, in the bookstore, by the way, this is varian, sir, there are new items, life, movement, here, here, here, write down her phone number, sir, thank you, so, yeah, uh, three, 20, 25, lyudmila vasilievna. thank you aunt, but grishki go, well, it’s not in your position, to be proud, well, maybe
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will forget, forgive. to the attention of those greeting: a bus from moscow has arrived at the first platform, i repeat, a bus from moscow has arrived at the first platform, let me help, yeah, great, hello, great, svyatoslav petrovich, when, delayed for one hour due to technical reasons, what is this? look for 500 you can try without money calculate it yourself calculate it 70 years you know how many of them there are here in yarosla svyatoslav petrovich follow the thought let’s say zhivon met him here and started
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blackmailing what? he knew that burdasov had that kind of money, that’s right, burdasov didn’t just a pensioner, an old man from borovichi, he hides his real insides, somewhere in plain sight, he is important, respected, with money, but many people around us fall into this circle, the same nagorny, what not a candidate, also a shulga , everyone let's check on the mountains? i don’t imagine any of them as burdasov, let’s start checking their biographies, the main thing is to find out the truth. the truth, and the truth seems to me to be that we
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adjust the decision to the result, we got it into our heads that burdaser is alive, we are looking for every loophole to prolong the search, because this madness, why did you mess everything up, madness, madness, svyatoslav petrovich, are you afraid, or what? hello, hello, hello, poor fellow, he’s here again, what’s he doing with the flowers? but you don’t know what happened here, two people were knocked down to death. a woman with a child, nine years
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old, young, yes, his wife early in the morning went to the dairy kitchen, well, to the big october one, and the car, the woman was thrown right onto the sidewalk, and the stroller was like a shell, oh, together with the child, oh, on road, oh, oh, lord, who are they, and haven’t they been found? and they won’t find it, but he’s every a year comes here, poor thing, winter and summer, a year away, sanya has arrived, dear, freedom, brother, freedom, brother, freedom, give me another crown, you know, i want to drink to you, you know, you,
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always remain like this, well, be you , gentleman, or not a gentleman, or something, now i’ll give you a bottle, let’s relax, i’ll show you. who am i and what can i do, mm, these are your plans, you know what it is, a year behind bars, mm, you know that, don’t you just, think about the case that the colonel assigned you, think well, in detail, don’t chatter to anyone, especially the finger, he’s mine buddy, i trust him, no, in principle, he’s
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like the komsomol members of the cinema, he’ll only get in the way, you understand me, well, the persian is not a fool, if you sense that we’re sharing the kezstat behind his back , don’t worry, he was still his hind legs will stand up and begin to climb my arms. finger, they beat him with butts, he didn’t knock on the door, your finger is looking all your life for who rolled out his woman and son on the asphalt, he had a son, everyone has their own secrets, he would sell his soul for this surname, but i know it.
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excuse me, please, do you know, egor tobolin, on what floor he lives? on the third, so he is at work now, i himself. how similar you are, everyone says like your mother, i know, i just wanted to give it back to him now, he forgot, he ’s been looking for her for several days now, she’ll make me happy when she comes home from work, thank you, well, it was nice to meet you, we didn’t meet you like that, vadim , martha? but it’s very nice, very nice, well, i’ll go,
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let me accompany you. and the bicycle? yes, who will take it? how is dad doing at work? we still catch criminals. hey, boy, let me have a smoke? where should you smoke at that age? go home, what are you doing to me as a father? indicate? skip it, are you hurting the little ones? i didn’t touch him, otherwise i didn’t see him.
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roman shilov doesn’t have a job, but a resort, a resort , they just shoot a little, it’s hot all around, there’s a lot of problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave. it’s time to stop kushilov, this is already a political issue, and colleagues, those are still fruits, i want to make a statement, yeah, you all went to kathmandu, cop wars, well , you’ll stay for dinner, i won’t stay today, why? we need
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to save the world, starting on monday. 16:45 on ntv. soso pavlyaashvili, million dollar secret. tomorrow at 220 on ntv. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you haven’t forgotten about the casting that i’ll arrange for you. in no case. if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting and am late. and if i'm late, then i take a scooter. and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused minutes from.
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ra, an employee of the prosecutor’s office tobolin bursts into the restaurant, brutally beats citizen koleshin, in front of everyone, for a reason, andrei nikolaevich, not out of nowhere, kostet again sent his mongrels to his son tabolin.
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in prison, by the way, he, like everyone else, is protected by the constitution, the law, the implementation of which is monitored by the prosecutor's office, however, toboli, this is not the first time, you haven’t forgotten the ryutin case, and you haven’t forgotten, relapse with you, relapse, andrei nikolaevich, he now has an important, responsible and serious matter, well, nerves, well , he lost it, as you said, important, and you know what is he studying now? “i asked for debts, your taboli is rushing around with some crazy idea in search of some burdasov, who
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was shot already in 1941, there is documentary evidence of this, again, i don’t know, just what to say, even tobolin’s own aunt was lying in sigushka in 1944, diagnosed with schizophrenia, so what, like what? consequence, this is where these crazy ideas come from about the forty-first year and burdasov, well, what are you hinting at, i’m not hinting, tobolin’s behavior is hinting, so read, look, think. well, why should i go to the psychiatric hospital, i’m not crazy, i
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know, i know, egor, i know, but if i don’t react, the authorities will trample on you, there are statements, witnesses and we have nothing to cover, since we just used swear words, a dozen. waved, threatened, these are facts, yegor, facts, ignacynich, but it’s still a set-up, so you haven’t even thought of blurting this out yet, then you’re stupid it’s as if he’ll bring paranoia to you, egor, they’ll write to you about nerves, the death of his wife, the former
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self-defense. with the fatal outcome of this ryutin jr., well, this doesn’t go in vain, you’ll lie down, rest, egor needs to wait out this storm, let’s go, igor matveevich, well, rest for a week, take a course of taking vitamins through an iv, in a week you’ll be as good as new, everyone’s in the hospital, and you perceive
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it as an ordinary hospital, ordinary. and i will write out all the certificates for you, as needed for your work, if anyone has any questions, this a reasonable compromise, your boss is right, you need to hide, otherwise the voronets will not back down, he is a terrible person, and why are you afraid of the voronets? the ward for yegor matveevich, it is ready, of course, please, yegor matveevich, please, thank you.
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andrey nikolaevich, why are you here? i would have come myself, but what? are you shy? come on, look, 9 years ago i wasn’t embarrassed at my feet. do you remember the knoren when he rolled over a young mother and her child on the road, do you remember how he whined: help, save me, the traffic cops saw me, protect me, and i’m everything to you if you want, i'll do it. it’s forgotten so quickly, well
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then go, well go, go, go, but just know, the finger came out of prison, and the killer is still looking for his family, uh-huh, uh, come, what should i do? this is a different conversation, to your hospital. tabolin was admitted, but as you understand, this was not without my help, so you will be involved in his treatment, yes, yes.
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and i’m looking for you everywhere, comrade captain, what happened, what happened to yegor matveevich, i didn’t notice, he’s an adult, you tell me, he didn’t see himself from the outside. and i saw that he felt bad, what should you have done? i had to go to the management, to verius, so that they would take action. then they put me in a psychiatric hospital for check-up, they would have taken action, you understand, it’s right that you didn’t
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try, you still wouldn’t have been able to do anything, without being cowardly, this is not cowardice, this is an instinct of self-preservation, then why do i feel so bad? why do i feel so bad that i saved us with this instinct, it’s bad for you, because you have these stupid pioneer attitudes in your head, perish yourself, help your comrade, dad, dad, your uncle has come to you, hello, hello, valentin, hello, i’m coming to you straight from egor, as he is in the hospital, he missed me on the mountain and... thinks that we need to continue working, egor matveevich and i, i’m sure that burdasov is alive, hiding at the very top, he is someone from the leadership, we need to go to the archives to look for
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inconsistencies, inconsistencies in the biographies of the city fathers, start with varanets, you are not listening to me, i am listening, yes, but you are afraid, svyatoslav petrovich. you understand that yegor matveevich is seriously ill. okay, okay, as soon as you finish, report back immediately. here i am, i could become a good wife, it’s unlikely,
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why, you don’t have virtues, no, so you don’t either, you wear a uniform, you’re also desperate, that’s why you love me. “i love it, but there’s no wundir , i never loved the tuyere, it reminds me of my father, he was a military man, a military man, a military man, drunk , hefty, a retired soldier in the gbda, angry, cruel, a beast, i’m little, i was so afraid, i thought that this her gymnast is like a shell"? like armor, while he is in it nothing can be done, but no, it turned out it is possible, and what did you do, you want to know, i really want
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you know, he drank, he drank like crazy. write , he beat me and his mother so cruelly, well , one day, after drinking, his heart seized, he fell, lay there, wheezing, his lips turned blue, his eyes were wide with fear, there were only two people in the house, me and him, i was 6 years old then, looking at him, and i think he needs a doctor, at the same time i think, no, no, let him die, i stand over him
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, watch him sigh, enjoy. you know, these are the best moments of my life, yes, comrade colonel, he’s not taking any active steps towards debts at home, that’s good. cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. tariff 24 is all you need this summer. 30 g'. bytes of mts internet music, and
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unused communication minutes can be exchanged for a ride on mts yuren scooters - all this for 399 rubles in the first month. uncle dim, will you pay for it, you have a lot of benefits in life, will you pay for it yourself? travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets. and on this alpha friday, june 28th we are giving 30%. beck for flights to turkey. not just profitable, alpha profitable. for the first time on screens. meet me. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until the seventh of july is there a shortage of so many things, from smartphones to sneakers. on avito. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback. on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods from. 1 rub. millions
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of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. tv series wing. i want everything to be beautiful. love and passion, how i want to try it. this could end badly. tell him you don't love him. i'm telling him to go to hell. i don't need it. clean. look naving. elena vasilievna. dmitry, come in, come in. veda vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health. what do you advise? there is one company. that's right, it'll get wet. thank you and therefore. to your health. invest in securities promomet. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. call for details. 800 101004
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free call i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out it’s possible at 20, i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can immediately have your own marketplace for money in different ones, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, a financial market from the moscow exchange, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge. the best bank for business, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank. cop wars from monday at 16:40. five on ntv. in
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soso influenced, a million-dollar secret, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. good afternoon, good, good, yes, alla alexandrovna, yeah, please, please put this on. tobolin from the thirty-first
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chamber, good, good, great, great.
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first, dizziness, maybe even a headache, and then relief, relief, these are familiar symptoms, you will soon adapt, the discomfort will pass, you will feel better, now you need to sleep, sleep, rest, rest sleep, polka polka putting on a sweater ...
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just, but i think this is the only one the opportunity to understand that he, well, what kind of diagnostician did you have, tabolin had current schizophrenia. o my dear mstislav, when the moon rises, i will poison your book with poison, and
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you will be my reward! and if i don’t love you, then i will enchant you, know that the heavens will become witnesses, and we will be together, we! so stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, leocadia kirillovna, you understand, lyubava, she is arrogant, insidious, we have to feel it, yes, at the same time she loves mstislav, emotions overwhelm
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her, alexey, emotions overwhelm her, well , you, well, please, don't forget about this, i i’ll try, thank you, let’s do it again, 10 years ago i looked like my mother, now my father is flying out, why didn’t you come to the funeral, you were on tour in latin america. when you returned, you didn’t have time? well, exactly, the spitting image of my father, he already began to interrogate me, like him, who is this, this is marta, she is with me, i
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thought, my father’s roommate, by the way, where is he at work? so, yegor matveevich, look to the left. only with the eyes. okay, now to the right, please, again, great, the assholes react light, adequately, condition stable. and what happened to me? ah, it was a nervous breakdown. and now everything is back to normal, the rest has done its job. now we will consolidate your condition, you need a vacation,
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a sanatorium, for at least a month, now please, please, the weather is wonderful, the park is wonderful, go for a walk, breathe fresh air, breathe fresh air for a walk, hello, katyusha, no, you’re right , you’re right, i’m... i’m just overtired, you’re right, i need to rest, but i’m still working, working, working, well, i can’t help it, even now i’m working and calms you down and keeps you on your feet, i want to ask about burdasov, to clarify the episode, in 1938 - he was imprisoned for 7 years for attacking a post office, and a year later he was released. the reason was serious, he has
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open tuberculosis, we can’t keep him here and no prison will accept him, he ’ll infect everyone, he’s not pretending, he ’s coughing up blood, you see, it’s impossible to feign, are you a better doctor? “that means burdasov will go to freedom, he has only two months left of that freedom, no more, die like a dog under a fence, he’s actually no longer iron, don't even doubt it." "
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the open form of tuberculosis is scary. only burdasov demonstrated a vulgar imitation. he most likely drank or inhaled powder mixed with foil until it caused a bloody cough. in modern times, it would be easy to bring him to light, all you have to do is do it. x-ray, in those years, especially in prison, what kind of x-ray, doctors, they didn’t know this trick about iota and powder, pan colonel kranets came from the kgb, oh-oh-oh, well , don’t worry so much, don’t worry, ninochka, no need, it’s time for me to go to calvary, after this the whole story is being investigated by sokorzum and the kgb, mikhail ilyevich. “i will do everything i can to calm down, calm down, everything
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will be fine, everything will be fine, you are resting, and i will ask you to be given a ticket to a sanatorium, now you are resting, but without me, where should you go to calvary?” what money did they bring? yes, as agreed. they collected all their savings, well, it’s true, only 1. it’s too late, my borka died, his throat
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began to bleed and he gave up and never took me to the sea, but maybe we’ll go to anapa with you, and i ’ll thank you, i’ll love you, you immediately apparently you don’t have... and i’ll take care, cook, mend, wait, vera, that’s your name, you know why i promised borisha money, well, yes, for the name of his friend, you know that.. . he said, no, well, maybe you took notes in your notebook, now he took notes, but he should have an accountant, he wrote everything down, vera, let’s see, now.
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1 thousand, take it, huh?
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this is where your mother spent her childhood, yes, i remember coming here once as a child, please. katya kirillovna, how do you like it with thyme? i was at the big party today fedorovskaya, said had a fresh cap, and you know, uh-huh, bon appetit. well,
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vadim, i understood correctly. we were simply told that a colonel from the kgb hid yegor in the hospital, he had no right to this voronets, which means that it was yegor after all. and you are right to speak to him, but this bastard is not there, the receiving chairmen of
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the state security committee of the ussr, yuri vladimirovich andropov, lieutenant colonel matyushin is on the phone. hello, please connect me with yuri vladimirovich, says honored artist of the russian federation, laureate stalin prize leokady zvonarev. leokadia kirillovna, yuri vladimirovich is not there, i will tell him that you called him, he is your big fan, thank you, please ask yuri vladimirovich to call me, tell me about a very important issue.
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roman shilov doesn’t have a job, but a resort resort , they’re just shooting a little heat all around. a sea of ​​problems, why do you have a corpse here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop, this is already a political question, and my colleagues are still fruits, i want to make a statement , let's all go to kathmandu, cop wars. well, will you stay for dinner? i won't stay today. why? we need to save the world. from monday at 16:45 on ntv. soso pavlyaashvili, a million-dollar secret, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. poisoning, intestinal infections.
10:26 pm
this is where affordable, powerful filters can come to the rescue. convenient tablet format and no aftertaste. revenge filter. powerful action, simple technique. see our blog on pizza, at the end i will tell you a secret from mts travel. premium you can get not 20, but 25% cashback. why, to understand who is interested in you, and for whom is the secret, we’ll cut it out, book a hotel on mts travel, get 25% cashback and travel more often, for the first time on the screens, meet khvatamba and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to auto goods on avito , alfabank is the best bank for business, send everything. all payments and transfers are commission-free, open a business account with alfabank. one of my friends connected unlimited data on her megaphone completely free of charge, and
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yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, cashback up to 20% with points pluses for any hotel. the series wing, that’s what pain smells like, behind the smile of a powerful woman, i will punish, there is a terrible secret, who is leaving mother. "on the terribly ruthless takes revenge, freedom - it is not there, freedom - it is here, clean, look new, investing with sber is easy, get three sber shares as a gift when you open your first brokerage account, deposit the best percentage in the sberbank online application, what we bring from travel savita, cashback with bonuses on "? next avito trip, everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses, well, hello, marina, i'm with you
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for a long time, serious relationships with turkish tv series begin on ivi, the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easyzi subscription for 99 rubles a month, and the last thing, comrades, we need to distribute the unfinished work, i don’t want to end up in a fool, why should i, what does it mean i don’t want to, this is an order from kholodilov, do you hear me, an order, that’s right,
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ignat sovelich, you. urgently to levashov, he has there is a colonel from the general office in the office, the meeting is over, comrades. i 'll close this case. what? how will you close it? usually. the main person involved, michersky, is dead. there is no evidence that doctors were moving around in apartments. just fabrications. you are a coward. i won’t go against vrans.
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the hag is rotten, i’m not tired of working, i’ve given up, now i can do everything, just knock there. this prosecutor’s tabolin is always carried around, so people say, well, yes, he’s my friend, he’s a sixty- year-old guy, his friends, they slandered him, otherwise he damn well took it and figured it out, it doesn’t change anything, he’s after all he immediately runs from you to me, begins to put pressure on me, who is he from? i knew that i
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had graters with the windfall, i didn’t understand, what do you want to show me, so get yourself together, do it according to concepts, and not out of lawlessness, you’re done, you’re shoveling manure, what kind of gangway do you want, i decided to water it , yes, are you? i ’m not afraid of the dead, so, well , there are different types of death, yes, it’s true, but no, i won’t kill you, live for now, live, just this, let’s chat less, okay, yes, quiet, quiet, quiet , quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, just like that. i have trouble sleeping
10:33 pm
at night, informers, than what, the sber loyalty program has been updated, thank you, pay with any sber card, you get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber prime subscription. 50 is a very good choice, why did you call?
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murka staining. your father has all the same village manners, why do you hate him? tobolin ruined your
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mother's life, that's short, but if not short, do you want the truth? well, listen, tatyana was waiting for a quarry in moscow, in the lenin library, to give lectures on history, and your father took her to yaroslavl, to this hole, although he could have stayed, i would have helped with the work, now he would already be a general, this voronen of yours would have stood deathly in front of him, although no, he would have made enemies for himself here too. stubborn, limited, narrow-minded. why are you saying that? egor unlimited. vadim, your father is a very smart and sensitive person,
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sensitive, your blockhead, egor, whom life teaches nothing. yours, yuri vladimirovich. he’s also in no hurry to call back, but i saw brezhnev live. you're lying, you're lying, you're lying, you're lying, yesterday they reported that the germans want to go to war against us again, and i'm going to kill them,
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shut up, i hate, i hate,
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you're taking the puzzle apart, nadiya, did you remember something, not quite, i i after our conversation i can’t sleep, i’m thinking all the time, you know, i noticed how you looked to our family photos, and then to me? how they compared my appearance with my mother, father, noticed the differences, i understood everything from your eyes, everything you were thinking about, you thought that
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burdasov was my father, the difference between you and your family is really fundamental, he cannot be my father , i don’t understand at all how this could happen to you. nadenka, i in no way wanted you, i was born in 1939, my mother last saw burdasov in 1928, when my father still beat him. nadya, please, please, well if i offended you with my suspicion, although what should i suspect you of , even if you really are his daughter, you are still not responsible for your father, especially since my father, mikhair ramirovich muradov, i beg you, svetoslav petrovich, do not offend with your suspicions neither me nor my mother nor my father, what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example,
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a compact steamer pollaris for 4,999 rubles. singer soso pavliashvili, i’m only 60, is celebrating his anniversary. let these be the only horns your family has. we need you alive and well. is the artist ready to retire at 60? it won't be a support thing, so it's 16 kilos. i couldn't live without sports. what liberties is he allowed? wife, you are a sultan, and why not, sometimes the adjika will fall, you will eat at night, you will die, how sosopovliashvili raises his daughters, the last time i dyed my hair what color, red, how he doesn’t like it, and when his only son does his grandfather, how long have you been together, 5 years, soso pavliashvili and his million-dollar secret, on the singer’s birthday for... with
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monday at 16:45 on ntv, it’s ozone’s birthday, tell me the discounts, oh, sale, ozone’s birthday, women’s seltex suit for 959, redmi smartphone for 5,499. wood steel rack for 3.099. tele 2. who are you, i ’m seeing you for the first time, you owe us for subscriptions, which may be by chance, but you connected, it’s unfair for subscribers to pay for such things, hidden subscriptions do not threaten subscribers, our auto-protection always works, we’ll meet you again only if he he will connect you with his own hand, tele2, other rules, elena vasilievna. dmitry, come in, come in! veda vasilyevna, i feel
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cost tens of thousands for repairs, that's enough, save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from liamax, sealant, rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface , elastic seal blocks access to moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of either low or high temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call and order xpro 3:1 from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us now. cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. well, hello marit, i’ll be with you for a long time.
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serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with evie. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy subscription. 99 rubles per month.
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i refused.
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"that's absolutely true, but that's not all the news, the costeda came to the landing boat to see noreen, came with a diplomat, left there without him, that same evening he made a contribution, saved a book, good work, valentin, and also a knoren kostet, they are not just accomplices, they grew up in the same yard since childhood, of course, i was in the archives, combed through all the newspapers, magazines, now i know for sure that the voronets is involved in dark affairs. yegor matveyevich, but he is not burtasov, his whole pre-war front-line life, it is in full view, a hero, a security officer, photographs
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in the editorial, a red star, valentin , look at these photographs more closely, there should be that man next to the voronets, who started all this, i’m sure the burdas are somewhere nearby, we ’ll bring them all out into the world. let's go,
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well, hello, grigory yakovich, you know who i am, i can guess. this is good, androsov, then listen to me carefully, repeating myself twice is not in my habits, you put your finger where it shouldn’t, you show my ward brass knuckles how to work, but it really bothers me, pour out, ward, that means, well, i i did some digging about you and... what i found out about your life, your pre-war life, don’t you want to talk about who you
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were before you became a finger, well, handsome, have you been running? after all, the car is his, let's go, why, well, for your sake, but i already... have no future, you want him to follow you in debt.
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pills, come on, velino, the doctor prescribed them.
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open your mouth, yeah, lift your tongue, big, nuslam, let's go, hello, arkay semyonovich, nena, what fates, the unfortunate matter, now... i'll say, this is tobolin's medical card, tobolin, yes, tabolin is happening in a burst of anger, very
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scary comrade, professor, for no reason, no reason, he broke the tv, he threw himself at the orderlies. on against the background of these drugs, it’s simply impossible, you know what, my dear, tell me more about the condition yegor matveevich, iglasovich, and hello, dear, hello, oh, neighbor, great, hello, i need to take a look, look at the doctor’s prescription, look, look, in the hospital they give aminosin, gaotperedol and vitamins, ignat, he is experiencing a surge of aggression, but this simply cannot be, after these drugs he must sleep for 24 hours, and sometimes get up. to the toilet, but don’t throw yourself at people, and what do you think, one of two things, either they give him a psychostimulant, but i don’t understand why, or he also has a mental disorder, that you look at me, look brighter. after all
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, i’m not made of stone, you yourself understand, oh , fawn flowers, pink rose hips, you won my heart, young... colonel, my heart is torn from my chest, and my soul languishes, even this dark night, i dream about the colonel, oh, well done,
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thank you , relax! yes, what are we celebrating, stepan grigorievich, ah, and you, exploded, colonel, i am the first secretary, your party boss, ah, that’s it, that means you, yeah, and you, that means, dark business is happening behind my back, i don’t understand something, at a fur factory. i thought we wouldn’t find out, but no, there are good people who knock on us too, he imagines himself to be the master, the master is the party in our country, and the party is here, i, colonel, yes, you are the power during the day, and i am the power
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at night, we need negotiate, don’t overestimate yourself, colonel, who do you think will get through to andropov first, me or you? that’s it, so from today you decide everything through me. and otherwise i’ll crush you like a bug, well, tell me, andrey nikolaevich, what kind of news do you have in your department?
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galya, a komsomol thieve, good evening, good people, oops, forests, came running to the smell of something, come, sit down with me, stop.
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when you arrive at the psychiatric hospital in the morning, the nurse on duty will be asleep, the key to the emergency entrance is there, the prosecutor’s office is there. on the third floor you will open the door with this key, in the evening you will pump him up on the cream so that he won’t wake up, give him this, well, what kind of rubbish is this, but you don’t care who will wet it, who will stand on the nix, it’s up to you to do it everything must be done by you personally, don’t send any sixes, what the hell? how easy it is to count you, old man, so they thought that i would start to repent,
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they personally offer you the following: do the job and find out who hit your wife and son. sprat, you can’t trust her, but you demand that you live according to your standards, but smomo had a family, lala, a komsomol member.
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sponsor so i can walk around naked, why do celebrities eat cockroaches, crickets and locusts? and you don’t want pizza with worms, well, there is pizza with worms, you won’t believe it, tomorrow at 22:25 on ntv.
11:05 pm
cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. tariff 24 is all you need in the summer, 30 gb of internet, mts music, and unused communication minutes can be exchanged for... trips on mts yuren scooters - all this for 399 rubles in the first month. uncle dim, will you pay? do you have too many benefits in life? will you pay for it yourself? vacation is pretty good. and yandex travel is also profitable. yandex travel - cashback up to 20% with plus points on any hotel. magnet - the price is what you need. barmi bear 79.99. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can get 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit
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with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, everyone, everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone rubs in the right places, rub in the right places, play the instant lottery. stoloto wins every second ticket. hurry up to buy in stoloto branded stores. series wink. i ask you to be my fatal prisoner again. st. petersburg has always been full of terrible secrets. this is a sweet young lady. she is not who she claims to be. there is no need to run anywhere, you will not run away from me. clean. see naving.
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niyas ildyly shakirovka gazshebol ishline otyzly onaynan kutlautapyz. enjoy being different, fill your summer with bright looks, on ozone, discounts up to 70% on rio fiora summer shoes, that’s it. one of my
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friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end there will be jago-dzhego only in a megaphone on... pita khvatamba discounts for people from people until july 7 , we've been waiting for this for 3 years, great football event, the game is close, who will you bet on, register in the betting league application and get free betlove. when the moon
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rises, i will poison your book with poison, and you will be my reward, and if you don’t like it, then i will enchant the knowledge.
11:10 pm
alcoholic, toothless and swollen, destroyed me, kill me. all of moscow found out where i was, out of the theater, foreign tours were banned, my own daughter buried me alive.
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you’re leaving in the morning, i don’t need these walks into the past. who are we going to call? by the way, all our telephones are tapped, by whom? kgb, voronets. “this is his fatherland, and
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not only here, the whole city, they are harassing me here, i know, i know, knorin, on the orders of the voronets and with the participation of the nagornos, moreover, with his full knowledge, i don’t believe, i don’t believe you, without ears, here you can only talk in one place. in our saint’s office, the nagornys have two keys, one is his, the other is his shepherd, al alexandrna, but i hope you won’t give me away, just quietly, quietly, quietly. , quietly, quietly, let's go, let's go, let's go, this is your medical record, yeah, here's everything he registered on the mountain, you recognize the signatures, and
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ephedri, ephedrine, uh-huh, now we’re opening moshkovsky’s directory, uh-huh. what is phedrine and how does it work? come on, come on, albat, read it. i do not see. ephedrine is a psychotropic drug. increases blood pressure and stimulates muscle activity. by the way, if you take it for a while and then stop abruptly. yes. withdrawal begins. here are all the signs of an avid drug addict. here you compare. serial number with an entry in your medical record, uh-huh, here's the ampoule medications that are in your body, and there should be other medications, others, for example, aminosin, goloperidol, yeah, from
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which you should sleep peacefully, like a gopher, and not rush at people, so my dear, you don’t need to call anyone, voronets, he holds everyone in his fist, everyone, you know, and anyone will do what he orders, and as for you, what he holds you all on, well , it’s clear to you, on the mistakes of the past, theft in vladimir, forgery of documents in kostroma, knorin steals drugs for his drunks, and michal ilyich, he, why is he... a renowned doctor, he, and his authority, is inflated, all his dissertations are just scientific nonsense, written on the orders of the kgb, and sometimes he simply falls into dictation, but there is no real current schizophrenia is an invention of the security officers
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in order to have a reason to put everyone who is undesirable in the hospital, well, if the prison does not accept, for example, people like you, yeah. voronets nagorny has made his entire career, earned him honor, respect, authority, so he is like a bob on a short leash, he will do whatever he orders, well, in extreme cases, he will close his eyes, i told you, yes i told you, leave here, leave. it's impossible, is it?
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hello, can i have colonel verisov, this is guselnikov, oh well, he’s already left for the dacha, i know the number, thank you, hello, galina davidovna, this is guselnikov, ignat sovelich, yeah. when he arrives, tell him, let him call me right away, right away, i found burdasov, i know whose last name he is, i have the notebook of his friend shchapov, galin davidovna, i’ll be waiting, oh, it’s you,
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come on in, come on in. to be discharged from the hospital on the personal orders of comrade andrupov, please, comrade, please!
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what the hell, they rolled up the slubyanki for prokurovsky, oh, the rudders to the varanets, you are making the rudders, i’m shooting! well, michal alievich, vitamins, i checked everything, knorin gave the drugs strictly according to my instructions, that’s exactly what you think, don’t say goodbye, not to you, not to knoren. of course, yes, yes,
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i won’t be there until monday, sorogin knows, uh-huh, yes, for now, andropova is not covering up, she’s in charge, enough for moscow, well done, i’ll... i’ll stop by in moscow, he’ll arrange this for us, it’s yours patron, my girl, he will twist them into a rock lizard, i helped him so many times, he me, you know, that he will rip their head off, so don’t worry, why did you come here, just get out of the house and finish the job, he has a son there , well , that means my son is a waste, i’ll build it as if it’s a robbery for the pilots. clearly, no, i can’t do that, i’m not a creature, you, you’re a creature,
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a creature, and shut your mouth, or i’ll tell you who you really are, i may be from yours, but i don’t fight with children, you hear, bye, what are you doing, dog, don’t interfere, who are you calling, hand it over here, who knocked mine out on the road, what a bitch, who knocked them out? the duty chair behind the wheel, come on, bitch, hold on, take the keys, we need to remove the car, where are the car keys? please, what are you reaping, please, please, i beg you, i beg
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you, please, don’t, please, yegor matveevich. i warned my wife, he will do something like this again, an instant divorce, but you will forgive me too, yegor matveevich, guselnikov was killed, before his death he called veres, he wanted to say something important, they put him on the wanted list dmitruk, shchapov’s cohabitant, witnesses say that they saw her in the yard of svyatoslav petrovich, all valuables were stolen from the apartment . well, why are you silent, here to the right, where
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are we going anyway, to visit some of the currency prostitutes, thanks to the voronets, she became the queen of the thieves’ world, let’s do a little more. good morning, good morning, good, then they haven’t released him, he’s already home, i’m going to the cemetery to see tanya, if you’re with me, you have 5 minutes to get ready, comrade colonel, there are two corpses in the house, a voronets and his mistress lyalya still life . how did you end up there, i’ll report later, ignat sovelich, burdasov was here, and burdasov
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is a finger, the boronets was killed by a blow to the ear with a syringe, which means it’s still a finger. yes, a car flew past us, registration number 0597 yare, i ’m sure there were fingers in it, we need to put them on the wanted list, call the traffic police and the patrol guard, get in touch, valentina, don’t rush to get a divorce, everyone has the right to make a mistake, so don't rush. why are we hanging around here? we need to finish some work, so here you are!
11:24 pm
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for 99 rubles per month, the game is close, who you bet on, register in the betting league application and say hello. this finger really ages the saint, just put it there and hold it. egor matveevich, ivan and varvara burdasov, crimea july 1916
11:30 pm
, comrade major, the persian’s car and the tape were spotted, they were in the city an hour ago, the man was killed to death, where? there is a car at a roadside canteen 10 km from yaroslavl in side of kostroma, it’s so clear, everyone continue, valentin, let’s go, stop, stop,
11:31 pm
why the hell am i going to shoot, that’s it, come on, come on, come on, press the tapes, oh you, yegor matveevich, we’re catching up, come in with... come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, clamp the wheel, bitch,
11:32 pm
slow down, motherfucker! let's leave, coffee, let's leave, now, i'll just kill this bitch, and i'll catch up, she'll quit, you're like, valentin, okay, scratch.
11:33 pm
quiet, that's it, he's gone, eh!
11:34 pm
gardeev, i lived, i lived, i lived, but here is a voronets, he sent me my file, saying that we remember all your sins, and the bible, so that you can pray, here is all mine a biography that no one knows, yes, and about how i am there.
11:35 pm
who wrote the first denunciation against him? maybe with me, i made a decision, i’m returning to the factory in my workshop, and i heard before the war, you got along well with the tractor, think, maybe you, what are you, a puppy, get out of here! tractor, all traitors, i'm getting out, sberbank has increased the deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sberbank shares as a gift, deposit, the best interest rate, egor matveevich. well,
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are you going to carry out repression? but i decided not to wait, i submitted an application, i’m retiring, i’m not leaving the city, yeah, the investigation has a lot of questions for you, yeah, and i heard they decided to appoint rivkin instead of the nagorny ones, huh? egor matveevich, i just returned from yuzhno-sakhalinsk yesterday, there was grief, a nurse from the ambulance train, dasha golovach died a month ago, i didn’t have time to come to my senses, and here
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is this? and you couldn’t help but think what was going on in the hospital, in your hospital, what kind of head doctor are you after that, let alone drive you out of here it is necessary, you could not help but guess, but you chose not to notice, not to see, your patients were robbed, others were killed, and you, you are a kakraus. they buried their heads in the sand, you should be judged for cowardice and only military exploits save you, i was afraid, i understand, i admit, i was afraid that they would kick me out, it’s not a big loss, your authority is inflated, theses were written in the interests of the kgb, not science, i’m not for ...
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i was afraid of you, i was afraid for my daughter, for yulenka, if they kicked me out, how would she get medicine, don’t laugh, listen, don’t you dare hide behind your daughter, you’re an officer, you front-line soldier turned out to be a coward, at least don’t embarrass yourself now. yes, i'm disgusted with myself, i don't want to live, i'll leave. i will leave and never go anywhere, i only ask for one thing, let me open an exhibition in the museum, because tatyana
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pallovna and i have been preparing it for 2 years, let me finish the job for which she essentially... gave life in memory of tatyana palovna, in in memory of dasha golovach, in memory of my fallen comrades of the ambulance train. egor matveevich, the fingers were found.
11:40 pm
burdasov, come out! burdasov, i'm waiting! you kurdats at home circle come in, kurdasov i'm waiting!
11:41 pm
show your hands, i said hands, don’t shoot, don’t shoot! i said don't shoot!
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, the activities of a criminal group operating in yaroslavl and the region were discovered and suppressed. comrade sabolin, report. the investigation is still ongoing, witnesses are being interviewed, documents are being studied, but overall the picture is clear. criminals stole the property of patients in a psychiatric hospital. apartments, dachas, cars, jewelry. in addition, we stopped the activities of an underground clothing production workshop, they worked on a large scale, the criminal group was headed by kgb colonel voronets, yes, yes, yes, andrei nikolaevich voronets, at the hospital the scheme was as follows: the doctor knorin, whom voronets once saved from prison, drove patients with inheritance to madness by suicide, hypnosis, drug overdose, hypnosis? yes, this method works, no matter how fantastic it may
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sound, the kgb has known about this for a long time. brother-in-law, colonel voronets mishchersky, was engaged in redecorating the patients’ apartments. i believe the suicide of city executive officer mishchersky also occurred under hypnosis. voronets was afraid that mishchersky would speak during interrogations. and the criminals koleshin and perst sold property. yes, using fake documents. the lion's share of the criminal group's total income, of course. perst in leningrad, appropriating his identity.
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it turns out that the voronets got to the bottom of the real past of the criminal perst, and thereby blackmailed him. the investigation is absolutely sure of this. the picture finally took shape when perst’s cache was found on the landing stage, in it is this photograph, this is burdasov and his sister varvara. signed on the back. already here? ok, thank you. hello, comrades, i am a colonel of the state security register. central management. comrades, you have done a great job. management expresses gratitude to you. but by personal order of the kgb chairman yuri vladimirovich andropov, this case will be classified. it has been agreed with the prosecutor general's office. yegor
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matveevich, how unfair it is. that tatyana pavlovna is not with us today, mikhailavich, you have the phone there, yes, thank you, yes, nagornykh is listening, this is maria trifilova, that is, nokova, the filsher on the ambulance train, you remember, mashenka, of course, lord, you... . where are you calling from yaroslavl michal ilyevich, one day just passing through, i heard about the exhibition, everyone is talking about you, well, me and yes, yes, yes, yes, the exhibition is tomorrow, and where are you now, in a hotel, a tourist, very good, very good. “egor
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matveevich, they called me, it’s an urgent matter, i ’ll be gone for a couple of hours, of course,


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