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tv   Stroika  NTV  June 29, 2024 3:10am-3:51am MSK

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not someone’s stupid questions, nothing would have happened, it’s not about my curiosity, it’s about your complexes, i’m curious what the complex is, initially we agreed that we would buy ordinary windows that we could afford, granovsky recommended a company to us, we went sign an agreement, why did you bother with this of yours, oh, what’s so cute there, i didn’t say that, this is the most worthy option in the economy segment, we’ll sign the agreement today... the measurer will come tomorrow, where to sign? oh, why is this so cute? one second, it's famous german brand, built-in burglary protection, invisible silver coating, guarantee for 600,000 openings, but this is already a luxury segment. wow, by the way, ilya mikhailovich installed exactly these in his home, well, granovsky has everything luxury, we can’t afford that, then let’s go back to the economy segment, wait.
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wait, how much does it cost? from 25,000 depending on the size and configuration, as i say, exactly twice as expensive as ours, don’t worry, but of course, silver is generally antlers for suckers, yes, no, it’s obvious another level, well, yes, they sneezed, they opened , they swelled, they closed, all at the same time, well, no, no, no, after all , there are still some differences, you’re into football, well, which team do you support, spartak? imagine, moscow spartak and bayern munich meet in the semi-finals of the champions league, the outcome is clear, although the other team has qualified football players. no, well, if we are talking about spartak, the beginning of the nineties, by the way, there is a promotion for them now. what kind of promotion? when purchasing from twenty windows, you you get a 50% discount. well, we only have 14.
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yes, unfortunately, well, shall we sign? nuscia gets the same price as ours. max, stop it, what’s the real story, what else should i do with six? well, yes, let's offer it to someone at half price, so they won't take it, or what? how long will this promotion last for you? another week, but if you decide, we can extend it for you for a few more days, and i'll wait. with your leadership, well, you said that silver is a show-off, no, silver is a special coating that allows you to save up to 50% of electricity, imagine, it’s cool in the summer without air conditioning, and warm in the winter, saving money, well, i don’t know, no, let’s take these and not bother, that’s it, give us a couple of days to think, come on... we let’s decide, i
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’ll call you, have a good one, goodbye, thank you, hello, i don’t understand why you decided to compare windows with granovsky, but what does this have to do with flying business class at an economy price, this is a very good offer, where are you if you take on more passengers, i don’t know, i’ll go see my friends for starters, what kind of friends do you have, you only have two of them, one of them is me, who is the second, that’s it.
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i still regret that i didn’t go to this match, and what does andryusha do with football, i ’ll make her a great goalkeeper, he won’t be at a single training session, my mother and i drive three times a week, my son went to trainings, dad has to go to work, but quietly, quietly, quietly, let's get down to business. what happened at that match, he started his own game during his son’s game, well done, what can i bear now , yours, yeah, mine, congratulations, thank you, and mine is out
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sits, his coach doesn’t bet on games at all, well, maybe he just doesn’t really fit into the gaming model, i generally... think that everyone should be given the opportunity to play, he’s a football player, why are they so slim and beautiful, because they play a lot, and how will vinichko get into shape if he constantly sits, so i run on the track, so i’m slim, well, yes, well, maradona was generally chubby as a child, and then nothing, he started playing, he had a normal coach, he saw the talent, and this one is stubborn like a sheep, i asked directly, maybe something needs to be done for the team, make repairs in the locker room, give money, let the child play, well, yes, nothing, nothing, you ’re just acting too directly, i don’t
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understand, but in fact this is a bribe, the coach is a former football player, he has his own principles, if he accepts help from you personally, he will feel obligated, but how could it be otherwise? “it is necessary that the initiative comes from someone else, well, for example, regarding the repair, finished, sanechka, smart, well done, little, for example, from the captain’s father team, but the captain’s father needs this, and i just want our children to have the best, well, that’s what i’m for. i’m very glad to meet you, well, finally, we have three games left to win and we’re going to a tournament in cyprus, but provided, provided that we don’t skip training, of course, we go to
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bed as early as possible, of course, make sure that the boys don’t catch a cold, that’s all, now just a second, can i ask a question, yes, well, or rather, even suggest it. tell me, have you ever thought that it’s time to renovate the locker room? we are with you this has already been discussed, but at the moment there is no such possibility. yes, it’s just that the guy rarely comes here. gentlemen, please let me go, i have to pick up my older one from school, you’ve been arguing here for a whole hour. wait a second, that is, you are all satisfied with the conditions in which our children study, half of our lockers do not close, the walls are shabby. and the windows, and not older, this comrade, are siphoning from them now, what will happen in winter, think about it, forgive me, please, well, personally, for example, i don’t have that kind of money, yeah, also windows, and since we chip in five thousand, and by the way , there was so much for everything for free,
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let the section pay, or the trade unions, which trade unions, the parents are not ready to chip in, but the section doesn’t have such funds, i’m ready to pay for everything.
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it’s not true, these are golden words, we agree, ours was sick twice that winter, oh, without end of voting, well, whatever you want, well , that’s great, wow, don’t be so upset, we’re doing the same thing, well, do it, do it, do. you won’t believe what philip kirkorov spent 20 million rubles on. kolya baskov loves antiques very much, and i love modern art. natasha koroleva and tarzan forgot about their very personal holiday, that is, this is it, it’s amazing,
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by the way, you are the first to congratulate us, somehow we even forgot why evelina bledans is looking for a rich sponsor so that i can walk naked, for what celebrities eat cockroaches. crickets and sorancia, but don’t you want pizza with worms, well, there is pizza with worms, you won’t believe it, tomorrow at 22:25 on ntv. from roman shilov. not a job, but a resort, the resort just shoots a little, it’s hot all around, the sea problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are driving the wave, it’s time to stop shilov, this is already a political question, and colleagues, they are still fruits, i want to make a statement, fuck you all... manda, cop wars, well, you’ll stay for dinner,
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i won’t stay today, why? we need to save the world, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. explain to me how you can put a center forward in goal. did you even see it? the most i could do was... put him in the goal and hope that the ball would hit him, well, you said it yourself andryusha is a real captain, that he is a leader, no longer, maxim valerievich, let's be honest, i would warn you that this is a vicious practice, lydia has already paid for the trip to cyprus, renovations will begin one of these days, the children are playing in new, beautiful uniforms, and you that you order me to take all this away from them, i love to please. children, and not upset, what do you order us to do, go to fight? well, now there are two goalkeepers on the team,
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they will take turns, there is a good tv, i will watch the matches, this is called healthy competition, but what is it? competition, competition, well, look, there is you, and then there is this... fat boy, the coach , and he also decided to give him a chance, so that later he could decide which of you is better, oh, no goalkeeper, he missed three goals and didn’t even didn’t jump once, we lost for him today, the next game the coach will give you a chance, and you will prove to everyone that you are the best, understand? no, this is some kind of sick competition, well, the coach decided so, you will still be grateful to him later, andryush. you have to be able to fight for your place in the sun, have you heard this expression? no, here you go
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remember, okay, but fatass is not a goalkeeper, this is a kind of upbringing, first drive a child into the darkest corner, and then recommend that he fight for a place in the sun, well, i didn’t say, go and punch him in the face, children take everything literally, stop , i can guess this melody. note, he went and poked the hot bass in the eye, but if you want to know my opinion, then in this case your andryusha had an acquittal, it was necessary to let go, you yourself said, to fight for a place in the sun, i figuratively, he first time me summoned the captain and called him a loser, this does not mean that you need to get involved... don’t shout, it’s your fault, it’s your fault, it’s your fault, you’ll destroy me at home for this, but now i ask you both to keep quiet,
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i’ll speak, well, i think we we listened to the morozov family’s apology, but as a disciplinary punishment, andrei will miss two games and give it to the captain. bandage, i'm the captain, keep quiet, yes, he will let you through and give it back, i think this is unnecessary, you don't need to miss anything, let the child play, and maxim valerievich sounded quite sincere, we are all sincere we’re sorry, it will be enough if their son himself apologizes to benjamin on his knees, that he’s a loser, you’re a loser, calm down!
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katya, katya, well, we need a minute, excuse me, katya, now we’ll get to 100. and now, in front of this leopard toad, put my son on his knees, we don’t have that kind of money, you know perfectly well, but i’d rather do it myself i’ll go sell windows, if so, who are you talking to? where, if necessary, i’ll go through the entrances, and what we say to her, i’ll say it, you ’re silent, katya, katya, we... consulted and decided, you know, you’re right, our son, of course very guilty, but instead of bringing him to his knees, we came up with a counter -proposal, very interesting, i suggest you take your son’s candy bar, wrap it in a five-thousand-dollar bill, shove it up your ass, and what should we do now in all
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the apartments? no wife, much less the desire to buy luxury windows, with such abilities you need to work in a housing department, there on the right, under each window there is an air conditioner, it’s a satellite dish, people have money, but the window is so-so, great, look, both like ours and geral on the window, probably the same people as us, uh-huh, nazrupachka, he’s a vinicolat, well, something like that,
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well, i think that’s all with our entrance, well, let’s move on? uh-huh, i’m somehow nervous, it’s not clear what to say, how to behave, where to run next, just press it already, there’s a paper clipper and a gynecologist, shut up, what do you need, hello, and we would like to offer you inexpensive windows, why inexpensive- then, dears, just nipples, well, yes, we just take it for ourselves and we don’t need to say this now, why not, i’m just trying to explain to the person that you tell me about spraying, about this already invisible. yes, people like us, that’s why you bothered, you’re not saying the right thing at all, remember what the salesman said in the store, well , he would have said it himself then, since he’s so smart, but i’ll say, good day to you, excuse me , that i am distracting, but what i want to offer you
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will change your life forever, go again, honest. where are you robbing, sectarians, damned, people just need a different approach, let's go, sectarian, hello, forgive me for bothering you, this situation just arose, that's it it will be fine, mom, be quiet, call again, maybe something to eat, they’ll give you more, forgive us for contacting you, we ourselves are not local, let’s go without the theater now, it’s pressed, we don’t put pressure, we don’t voice an offer to the club,
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take off your tie, grandmaster of sales. hello, good afternoon, we would like to take 5 minutes of your time and discuss one delicate proposal. a delicate proposal is right on target. come in, i'll be happy to listen to you. i see, go ahead. and i didn’t even know that we had such large apartments in our house, we combined two-room three-room apartments, we just have a lot of guests, come in, settle down, i ’ll be right up, yeah.
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max, let's get out of here, what are you, two-three, at least eight windows, these lovely girls are ready to bring to life any of your most delicate continuations. meet max, two-three. have a nice day, all
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the best, so excuse me, to begin with, i couldn’t even imagine that in an ordinary house this could happen, so that’s it, morozov. “if i find out that you left our entrance, didn’t go right, left, go, i’m with i’ll divorce you, it’s clear, stop it, and the number is like this, the main one, okay, okay, what do we have next on the list, you were right, we’re not sellers, maybe we won’t go, or maybe we’ll just tell the truth, huh?". let's not sell anything, okay, last try, good evening, hello, good one,
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we're from the next door, we want to offer you to buy the windows together, you're interested, right? and it's a tempting offer, imagine, no one is even with us i didn’t want to talk, but you don’t know our neighbors, what we need, listen, but they really so good, of course, that’s the point, that a completely different level of windows for the same price, you know, how many openings are calculated 600,000, 600, what are you talking about, but i’ll be the one dying, i’ll ask how many i have left, and i they’ll say 400,000, but that’s it, you can die, that’s enough for your grandchildren, well, another drink, yes, with pleasure, so unusual, thank you very much, katyusha, so here’s a mix of dried fruits, a herbal mixture, i don’t even
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know, they both are so delicious, and i know you'd prefer the herbal prenatal formula very, very useful, so what did you say there, the frames are super strong, have a special silver coating, that is, they don’t let out cold and don’t let in heat, i didn’t understand, on the contrary, well... yes, that is, on the contrary, yes, yes, yes, i heard about this, but i never thought that i could afford it, and we didn’t, but together we can, well, for our framework agreement with you, that means yes, hurray, but it’s a pity for the old man, you know how, although you can’t , it probably won’t work out, why, well, you need it right now, but i have all the money on my card, they scared me, well, of course, we'll wait until tomorrow, right? well, tomorrow i ’ll bring the money to your house right in the morning, okay? well, that's it, hurray, hurray, it's so nice
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to meet decent neighbors, you know what, let me give you some tea, thank you very much, i actually wanted to ask you where you buy it, i would also get my mother one of these, oh so tea, it’s not... you can buy it everywhere, thank you, oh, but i don’t have 300 rubles in change, oh, yes, stop, such nonsense, it was very nice to meet you, that’s it, thank you, goodbye, see you tomorrow is so good man, and we’re great, though, it ’s unclear where we need so much tea, oh well, well, the laws of the market, bart. dear neighbors, take the windows,
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i changed my mind, tomorrow they will bring tea for joints, come in, you swindler, you bastard, huh? he’s not a swindler, he’s a professional salesman , unlike you, i’ll take all the tea, shove it to him, you know where i am, that’s it, everything is already quiet, you can’t do anything, let’s drink, they’ve sold out, oh, what do you want, mahogany or tibetan dragon hair and some kind of suicide. but i’m still on time, hello, maxim valerievich, hello, i’m calling to remind you that in the week the promotion ends you need to pay the balance, otherwise we
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are forced to.
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no, no, no, you don’t understand, this concerns everyone, listen, i don’t understand what you want from all of us, but specifically, what do you want from us, firstly, i want to prohibit lydia from sponsoring our club, so you yourself suggested it, yes, i was wrong, i admit, i didn’t listen to our coach, well, your boy hit her boy, why do we all have to suffer now, some strange nonsense is happening, because you don’t understand- then this, this is just...
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we’ll install new windows, then little by little we’ll save up for the trip, so step by step we’ll get off this sponsorship needle, then, after some time, we’ll be able to finally look our children in the eyes, come on , let's become a team ourselves, well said, just like trotsky, listen, how many windows do you need? wonderful speech, i almost shed tears, it’s a pity, but not entirely sincere. do you know why maxim
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valerievich insisted that you throw yourself on the windows, not on the cabinet, not on doors, windows, order, projectile number 150, customer moroz mv, production of twenty luxury plastic windows, but here it is necessary to explain that maxim valeryuch is now building a house for himself and he simply urgently needed you to buy. i propose to expel the morozovs from the section and then our agreements will remain in force, moreover, we will have our own bus, which means who to expel and who
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to enroll... only i decide to enroll here, andrey is a wonderful guy, a wonderful goalkeeper, i ’m not going to kick him off the team. i'm mine i voiced the conditions, decide, i agree, i’m guilty, i’m paying for the windows myself, listen, we don’t need your windows. your money is not needed, poor children, they bullied your own children, you solve your problems at their expense, well, how can this be done at their expense, you know, i think, to hell with them, we dream of going on a trip ourselves, that’s right, i’m putting it to a vote. went.
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believe me, it will be better, yeah, at least today we learned a lot about each other, but nevertheless i am grateful to you. i wonder why? well, thanks to your windows, parents began to understand that they need to invest in their children. the windows are really good. oh, that's enough, that's enough, tell andryusha to come back, i'm counting on him. where? he goes, no, he doesn’t, he missed two training sessions, one game, he was probably upset about everything, he’s a smart guy, it’s a pity if he quits, thank you, hello, katya.
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how was the training, okay, tell me, we ’re interested, mom, you don’t understand football, so you started to get interested, tell mom, everything was running around playing as usual, then... hit something, save, penalty , two, two, are you so cool, from which corner? one in the center, and the other from
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nine, from nine, nine is the top corner, yes, well, how did you get there, i ’ll show you now, it was like this, here, here, here’s an example, like this, look at him, he lies and doesn’t blush, genna, what kind of spy games, you just need to talk to him, you first need to understand where he will go, there he is, he’s out, let’s quietly follow him. a friend walks with a brisk step, but if he walks into the entrance to drug addicts or to our apartment number 69, it’s not
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funny at all, the child may be injured, and you explain, this is nonsense, he’s stupidly skipping, look, the fark has gone. wait in the car, i ’ll talk to him like a man, wait, just don’t scold him, wait, what did i say, who am i talking to? andryusha, i’m serious now, what’s the matter, why are you skipping football, why are you deceiving us with your mother, shame on you, i wo n’t go there anymore, which means i won’t go, it’s all because of
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you, your ok, they’re laughing at me pyatievova, what’s more not the goalkeeper, not the captain, they say that because of me they lost two games, wait, what does the window have to do with it? "i'm not little the coach punished me because of hot temper, you yourself said that i needed to fight, and then you wanted me to get on my knees, andryusha, well, well, you completely misunderstood everything, wait, yes, maxim aleevich, hello, i’m calling to remind you , that the promotion ends tomorrow , you need to pay the rest of the amount and i remember, you can extend it for another week, unfortunately, i can’t agree with the management, okay, then you can just go to yours, plus six more windows, i i’ll pay for them, but without any sizes, and then at a discount, unfortunately, we don’t do that we're working, you'll do it, wait, wait,
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wait, have you ever broken a window, what? why did he take the robot, he’s coming with us on a mission, he’s ready, like yes, norman, let him rest for now.
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so take a stone, no, well, you won’t break anything like that, take a bigger one, look, dad, it’s not a stone, well, it’s dark here, you just can’t see, take another, it’s great, just remember, we’re here for a reason, y you and me... an important mission: put into your throw all the resentment towards this bastard behind the windows and even a little towards me, not a little, okay, come on, quit, 2 years it’s like we’re already doing sports, learn, scythe, okay, let’s come closer, take the stone, three, one, two. three, cool, why are you
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having fun, we still have four windows left, let's run, let's run. hell, yes, you understood everything correctly, i broke six windows to make peace with my son, i broke it, we broke it, and you are ready to pay for them, with pleasure, yeah, rashi yes, welcome, come see me, please, and akhmed
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aslanbekovich take it with you, yeah, the fact is that you broke the windows of the freestyle wrestlers, and not us, they, in turn, thought that it was boxers, they have some kind of graters, and they broke their windows, but those corresponding to us, here... proshit amirovich, akhmet islambekovich, meet. maxim, very nice. maxim, no, we have already found out everything, the man came confessing and is ready to pay for all 14 windows. wait, well, yeah, there are 28 windows in total,
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by the way, i talked to my management, every third window will be installed for you absolutely free. and the school has good windows, no one gets sick.


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