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tv   Stroika  NTV  June 30, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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no, i’m seeing him for the first time, well, that’s it, the light is going out in the wet windows, only we haven’t been there for a long time, we don’t know what happens next, as if connected by the rain. in this ghostly castle made of rain there are only two, you and me, you and me, compensation for the police, well wait, so every time... every time you first
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trample me into the dirt, and then arrange cheap clowneries so that i forgive you, there is a limit to everything, well, wait, wait, well, i got our house back, i redid everything there, now we can live in it, look, i still don’t understand anything, it’s not about the house, it’s about us, i’m afraid, yet we’ll finish building it,
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girl, we’ll install gas on a turn-key basis, all the equipment will be approved for 4000, thank you, i’m already, hello, how long will it take to send a master, let’s give it about nine o’clock. next, is that all, did you want anything else? no, it’s just that i’ve been here for 3 months for work, i thought it would somehow happen more solemnly, congratulations, the next one, oh well, oh well, that’s all. famous
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went to various authorities, collected papers, traveler fyodor konekhov decided to get a gas permit on his own, here he is submitted documents and set off on a trip around the world, but when he returned, he was asked to deliver another certificate. i collected everything, certificates, permits, certificates for... permission, permission for certificates, i saved 2000 for the family budget, all that was left was to turn the valve, i couldn’t know that because of some box they wouldn’t turn on anything for us, but this is the very ventilation thing that you redid, yes, and i told him that this box is not in the gas project, that it could become a problem, well, first of all, you know very well that there was no other way redo it, and secondly, i was sure that such issues could be resolved on the spot, for a couple of thousand rubles. so, what is this? this is
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a box, there is ventilation, we just had to redo something, there is no box in the project, damn it, max, i told you, stop it, this is a trifle, on the internet, by the way, it is written that it does not affect safety at all, so let's do it. you won’t explain to me what affects safety and what doesn’t, well, please, please, just don’t get angry, we just really need gas, well, in principle, you can leave it, you just have to redo the project and re-coordinate the documentation, once again, max, i can’t stand it, it’s better to remove it, where to remove it, katya, i told you a million times that this is unrealistic, wherever you want, i want, i don’t want, i’m in yours.
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nice, we are strict with this now, i can’t help you with anything, please, well, i beg you, we heat the house with heat guns, you know how much they eat, 3000 a month, listen, she’s just about to give birth, we need to move without gas , well, just tell me how much, but not how much, no, well, that doesn’t happen, the only thing i can do for you is don’t record violations,
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since i’m sure no one there will even listen to you, you understand that if we don’t turn on the gas, all the finishing will fall off, which means we’ll continue to drown with cannons, we no longer have money for that, that’s it , we won’t connect the gas, we’ll have to stop the finishing, i’m sure i’ll come to an agreement, negotiate, but without me, there were no options, i went to the head of the obblarekgaz.
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he was going through such a serious crisis called to take or not to take. how i love these shy boys, doubts in their eyes, sweaty palms, nervous biting of lips, this one , in moments of anxiety, began to utter such nonsense that it was completely impossible to understand what he really meant, oh no, i can’t sign this, or you remove the boxes and then they’ll turn everything on for you right away, or you re-execute all the documents with registration, it takes three months to re-register, but for us it’s going to stop. repairs we need to move in the winter, blood and wear and tear, so what do you want from me? i want you to sign, but you and i both know that the boxed security of the house does not affect the security of the house in any way, this is a mere formality, but it doesn’t affect, but you know what, if tomorrow, god forbid , something happens to you, there will be a trial, the inspection authorities will raise the documents, see
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my signature, they will put me in prison, or maybe i ’ll just pay you a fine, a fine in the size that you personally specify? “i perfectly understand your risks, i wouldn’t want you to help me free of charge, as an exception, you’ll go north, you’ll go south, you’ll go west, you’ll go east, in a vicious circle there’s no way to get out of the threshold, but what do you think? creativity, beautiful, but what about gas? you know, i’ll give you a collection of my poems. now, i don’t understand my poems, no, thank you, but i would like to resolve the issue with, and you
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read, it’s important for me to know what you say, and you’re kidding me now, maybe you don’t understand, i need to connect the gas, you know, i i’m ready to pay you for it, so take it, he agreed, this is some kind of madhouse, i told him about a fine, and he told me, in response , he began to read his poems, i’ll tell you now, wait, motherland, trampling birch trees, ears of corn grass, oponki-oponki, now he’s going to make me sick, wait, what are you doing, he’s tired of it hinting at a bribe, katya, i told him straight, i told him straight, and he gave me a book of his
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poems, well, off he goes, apparently he doesn’t need the money anymore, he’s drawn to creativity, you’re an idiot, what are you looking at, stop? agree 100.00 agree, ah, damn, well, you are an innocent creature, i met an altruistic poet in the rekgazy region, wow, the scale, 100,000 for a signature, well, where can i get that kind of money now, i don’t understand, well, yes, i didn’t spend so much effort for that and saved money so that later i could give it to some graphomaniac, what suggestions do you have, to heat more expensively, to stop construction is not an option, well, we don’t have money anyway, well, we’ll come up with something, max, well , what will we come up with, you understand that we are not in such a situation now, in normal life you can just find 100,000, but not now, we’ve already borrowed everything from everyone , we’ve opened up all our stashes, i’ll take out a loan. a loan for a bribe, a brilliant idea, what are you going to say at the bank, tomik doesn’t have enough poems, but
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your mother, and yours, that’s all, only if it’s from granovsky, i told you 100 times, i won’t take anything from him , now it’s the other way around i’m doing this to part with him faster, i don’t know other places where we can urgently get so much money, be careful, red, damn, well done, senior lieutenant udoltsov, your documents, please, what are you, ekaterina vasilievna, being reckless , in your situation, excuse me, i didn’t notice, we’re rushing to see our son, i distracted the girl. i’m to blame , please forgive me, there’s a red light, there’s no road, you know, there’s a poem, i beg you,
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let’s just do it without poetry, fine us since we violated, and you know what you’re going through a week the insurance ends, and that this is also a violation, no, this is still a warning, wait, wait a second, thank you for stopping, please contact me, so, shall we write something out? write it out, write it out, why are you so happy, the prospect of paying for insurance made me happy, i know where to get money for our poetry lover now, i don’t understand, we’ve been paying them for 5 years, let them pay us a little, have they decided to deceive the insurance company? this is already an article, i can put you in prison, i’m for it, i’ve been paying insurance for two years
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cars, i’ve never used them, i have the right, they say they click on people who want to get rich at once, well, not all of them, there are a lot of different schemes, stuntmen who beat up cars for write-off, special offices that rent out already damaged parts , that is, you put a damaged bumper on your car, arrange an accident, and receive a payment from the insurance company. and you put your new one back later, well, i would choose a stuntman, at least it’s fun, well, i found an easier way, on a special forum you negotiate with a person, you find a place for ttp with a blind turn, you knock lightly, everyone receives a payment from their insurance, i found a certain ruslan, called him, made an agreement, i keep thinking, i already have the money in my pocket, here it is, why should i just donate like that your... katya,
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are you joking now, or what? my car is twice as expensive, yours is a cheap plastic little thing. whichever one i bought, that’s the one i drive, and i don’t dare offend my mother at all. well, okay, sorry, sorry, i just have a very complex device, it’s difficult to hit it without internal damage. we'll get more money for yours. kat, well, everything is much more complicated there. well, why are you lying? fine.
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well, let's argue who has more scratches, then we'll hit the car, come on, if you break it, break it yourself, right away. one, right away, two, three, all the way to the metal, four, here you have a chip, and we also count the chips, well then our competition can be terminated early, here on the wing, two more,
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on the threshold, the rear wing, i’m generally silent. there 's just no paint here, max, did you see it, what the hell, damn it, right through three parts, damn it, well, what is this, this is a winning scratch. how did i not notice, maybe it was just about to appear, yes katya, well, you can’t hit my car, it’s in charge, i’d be ashamed to drive a broken one, a deal is a deal, kitten, you have twice as many scratches, i have one, a long one, where will you hit me, in front
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or behind, those spars are there, i’ll figure it out. what are you? let me draw the same one on your forehead now. so, to order. otherwise, i ’ll also draw something for you in the court decision. i responded to male impudence with female cunning. i will never talk to you again after this, and don’t talk to me talk, tell the court how, because of your love for your car, you almost ruined our construction site, you look great, maxim varenyevich, great, yes, it was scratched, some kind of
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creature, well, these are the patients taking revenge. why are you worried, you have insurance, yes, you do, well, today you won’t go anywhere anyway, i introduce myself, about, he was in the regional ministry of emergency situations, saved a million rubles for the clinic, so i’m celebrating, that is, i can count on bonus, no, you can’t, i ’m not talking about that, now you’re confusing me, you know, we have security measures in the clinic conditionally. ilya, i don’t know this, well, now you know, so i basically collected the money, went to the general, i went into the office, and on his wall there was a poster of tupac shakur fun, guess what, a rapper, well, i immediately pretended to be a wild fan, they say rap is the poetry of the soul and all that, blah blah blah, a normal guy started talking, it turned out, i later gave him a vinyl disc that i brought from america, that’s it,
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the millionth issue has been resolved, so... the office says everything about the owner , office, i read your poems and i really liked it, i would like buy yourself a volume, if possible, bad, bad, what day is it today, thursday, thursday, today , as always, is the fourth day of any week, and i’m more than ever tired of all seven, i’m already damn tired of it, you changed your mind, but maybe i would change my mind, from can you really get rid of you, here’s the phone number, the printing house, go, buy a copy, everything will be fine, thank you
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very much, you have such wonderful poems, and in response... i would also like to present you something, i just saw that you have a football theme everywhere here, oh, what is this, a ball with autographs is legit from spartak, here tikhanov, romantsev, cherenkov, yeah, thank you for this, this is a gift, you are somehow connected with football, well, i’m an experienced fan, i also played at the institute as a goalkeeper, so... in the corporate league, goalkeeper , well, yes. “hello, talyan, i found a goalkeeper there, oh, tomorrow we’ll play, a good goalkeeper, a good one,
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he stood for the city team, that’s it, we’ll play, see you tomorrow, i don’t, well, tomorrow we have a very important match with the regional networks, will you stand for us, well, i’m not in very good shape, but we’ll give you a uniform, well, then i’ll just give you a book, well, i i don't know if it's possible. and gas, i said, i’ll donate it, i, i’ll be very glad to speak for the region, hello, ruslan, this is maxim, we’re canceling our tpp, i have a circumstance. goodbye, rude, not a group, we understand, yes, so that
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there aren’t any of these yellow ones, and so along with smile, more fun, victory will be ours, the brother has come, it’s great, it’s like a formation, a combat one, yes, that is, and you - then you will play, where should i go? dmitry bulykin, yes, he constantly plays for the nets, dmitry, listen, well, i probably just didn’t understand you very correctly, it’s somehow too everything is serious, my god, and the africans are also russian legionnaires, one for ours, the other for them, that i was confused, no, a little, i’m just more of an amateur, please tell me, maybe we’ll go back to the plan after all , what kind of plan, well, will you go with poetry? to the north you will go out to the south, to the west you will go out, i ’ll come out to you now, all my bosses are sitting here, oh, hello, good game, and to you, dim, also, good game, and you’re
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a goalkeeper, or something, no, yes , that is, yes, and i’m a striker, so i’ll see you for sure, tell me, please, where is that toilet, you need gas, really, well then, full speed ahead, we have these electronics with you today. they have to break it up, this is now a matter of cleanliness for us, i got it, uh-huh, i got it, the team of the regional energy network physical education team, the team of the regional energy network physical education team, hello,
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get it together, get it together. katya, where is our house? cold? how are you sewing? well,
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there is no gas, and there never will be. our house froze and crumbled. it can’t be, he’s somewhere here, where our house is, katya, katya, hey, goalkeeper, hey, goalkeeper, he’s alive, he seems to have come to his senses, but i think his nose is broken, take it out.
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well, forgive me, forgive me, it’s my fault, i didn’t know that this would happen, i tried for you and me, honestly, i’ll fix everything, everything will be fine, don’t be afraid, that’s it, come on, hold on, i’m with you. hello, ruslan, why is it so weak? there's a fool here, let's do it again, let's do it again, come on faster, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me! are you a moron or what? are you
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here to mate cars or earn money? what, the blow seemed to be strong? yeah, a scratch of about 5 thousand appeared. can you press the gas normally? i can go on gas, i can go on gas, i can go on gas, well then, stuntman, oh my. oh, good one, here you go, as i understand it, there was enough damage, everything went surprisingly smoothly with the insurance company, but the official didn’t want to take the money, oh well, because of the match he was slightly upset by the score, but he told me that with football it didn’t work out very well and the official still asked to pay, felt that he didn’t want
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to talk to him and sent me away. he’s pregnant, he’s unlikely to refuse, he’s a coward, and you’re a psychopath, you almost buried our gas. thus, the team of the gas river region, led by its captain, ventel, oleg vladimech, will forever enter into the history of the corporate energy league. it is unlikely that anyone else will manage to concede 23 goals in one match. we are very embarrassed, we are ready to compensate, yeah. having bought the book, no, forget about it, i met your family halfway, i was ready to commit a crime for your sake, and you disgraced my name, go away, it’s just football, what, comrade wendel, have you completely lost the thread, forgive me , this is all a joke
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according to you, ugh! they lost, but you’d better think about ordinary people, they’ve been here for months we knock on your thresholds, we go to work, girl, go home, you know that you specially organized everything here so that people could not connect their gas, when they crawl to you exhausted, you finish them off with your mediocre poems,
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but they didn’t hear such a phrase on tv? so this no longer applies to your family, you will never have gas, goodbye, where 47 last month there were 30 in total, winter, tariffs are higher and workers heat more. "well, this is unrealistic, you have to stop, go through so much, so that at the finish line some direct ventel blocked everything for us, and without his signature we won’t have gas, as you called him there, graphomaniac, corrupt graphomaniac, yes, i had to go to him, you already went, now your nose is broken, broken car, but there’s no gas and there won’t be any, i’ll call him now, he’s probably already left, he said that
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he knows our family? he doesn’t want to anymore, he’s not picking up the phone, oh, he hung up, he’s probably busy, he’ll call back later now, i doubt it tomorrow i’ll go to him, i’ll talk like a human being, i’ll apologize to him 100 times, i think they’re greedy will take it if you or your wife again, and i shove your ball into you, practical threats, i would... go to bow to him again, yes, but they didn’t let me go further than the entrance, imagine, i wasn’t too lazy, because i found him in
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there was a photo of max on the internet, i printed it out at the guards and hung it up, but i found out through granovsky that our ventel goes to the city administration once a week, we must give tribute to maxim this time. ingenuity unusual for him, it was impossible to guard the entrance or lobbies, the security would have asked me from there anyway, on every floor in the administration has its own access system, only the elevator remained, it’s like in action movies or something, you climbed onto the roof of the elevator and waited for your victim there, no, inside, these were the two most unforgettable hours of my life, i didn’t know. that the meeting was postponed from 11 to 23.
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oh, don’t be alarmed, they just hit me with a sword, then another accident happened, bam. no, why was it necessary to upset, man,
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first, come out, i’m taller. overload, someone should come out that i weigh 70 kg. yes, it’s impossible to eat this already, and damn it, listen, why are you doing this olivier? i took another egg with mayonnaise, bean soup in
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a casserole, three fish cutlets, tea with a bun, well, where is this, because i eat once a day, a normal canteen, what are you pearl barley soup, it went well with rosemary, i can’t , hold the elevator, please, excuse me, please, thank you, it's not me.
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which one do you want, click.
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don’t come out, i need to go upstairs, what do you mean it’s a roller coaster, i really need to be here, in the elevator, yes, well, let’s sweep it up! people complain about you, i can’t, really, you’re strange, for a long time, back and forth several times, everything, ok, go for a ride, if anything, there’s a business center across the road. there are such elevators, mirrors,
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music, if necessary, i’ll tell my brother, he’s worth a thousand there, thank you, i like this one, damned elevatorphiles. alek vladimirich, what the hell are you doing here, i want to talk, i have no reason to talk to you, you didn’t receive my sms, you did, i read it, but i still really need to talk, listen, hey, you, you allow yourself, what are you doing, i really need gas,
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meet us halfway, we really need gas, and what you asked for is almost there, i was scared to death, move away, i immediately had to behave normally, now that’s it, the train has left, but if so, well... you’ll leave now and then i won’t be able to buy 100,000 agreeables from you twice , i just couldn’t come up with a rhyme louder he was still yelling here, you’re a football player, no poet, so-so. i agree, this is how the essence of the bureaucracy
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emerged, all matters were resolved in a two-volume book, by the way, is it a yamp or a harey? well, yes, probably still amphibrachs, so where did you get 100 thousand? has justice really triumphed? her matilda also went to the firebox of our family hearth, and that i had a choice, well, in the end you still took it, okay, well, how can i say, except for the fact that i almost died at that moment, then it ’s quite normal, you understand or not, i understand , and the fact that we are causing irreparable damage to our homeland, you understand this, of course, i understand, oleg vladimirovich, but can i open the door a crack, that it’s so hard to breathe, but i’m suffocating from
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this whole nightmare, from corruption everywhere, only i escaped, i just started to respect myself, here you are with your problems, sorry, please, i wouldn’t, honestly, but 6 months, 6 months, i didn’t take a single ruble, i felt absolutely good, my soul began to heal, i, i understand you perfectly, i certainly do, but what should i do? , the construction for me is completely up to the canal, my wife is pregnant and is about to give birth, but there is still no gas, who is to blame, it’s a mistake? yourself, and now you’re forcing me to commit a crime, you’re ashamed, i must be ashamed, not very ashamed, but i’m asking you, please, one last time, when my wife gives birth, in 2 months,
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my eldest is 9 years old soon, a football goalkeeper. football brother, what should i do now, and take money for sure, and it’s a sin not to help a young family, well, for the sake of the flowers of life, for the sake of the children, for the sake of the future of russia and mother, i’ll ask, help, for the last time, help, help, let’s go, where, in my jacket pocket, i am now, i’ll come now, i’m here... take with you, on the skids of the winter dawn, on the snow crisp with sparks, black beauties, three parsons shared the cart, oh, the bells of fate, in the depths of our roots ,
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those who are closer to the pipe, those who are further they feed you beautifully, i’ll give half of it to the church, or not there, blue blood, under the feet of everyone you meet is wealth, sin, and love. this is a valve, yeah, it can be knocked out on a boiler, well, of course, it’s all amazing, the country is full of gas, all the equipment is connected, and you can only get it through poetry, football, and sauna logs, he also spoke in poetry, it’s contagious, it’s just
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our fate is it like this with you, everything is in one place, or we... we just love adventures.
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well, it’s quiet there, so what?


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