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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  June 30, 2024 5:40am-6:36am MSK

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the call went through, this is already good, it doesn’t suit, okay, let’s not stop calling until we see what the hell is going on, let’s go, write it down, death occurred around midnight, i haven’t seen alochka since the morning, she probably left for work, and who does she work for? in finance, like this, as a broker, i don’t understand this, but he makes good money, and who owns the house, and it was built by his late father, vasily nikitich, he was a famous antique dealer. alochka
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saved his entire collection, and oh, comrades policemen, maybe there’s no need to take my fool, he’s so quiet, only sometimes, the devils are drunk and chasing, well, if only the devils are suffering, then we won’t take it, i just did it for myself, from the house or something, well, well, it’s definitely from there, we need to break it in. well, that means we’re hacking, get your tools, well, you see, and you said not to... hack,
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wow, yes, so, don’t grab anything with your hands, don’t trample anything with your feet, this is not the first day, like this, andryukha, hold, hold , in the air, in the air in the air, on the tent, eat, hold, on the phone, collect, oh, well, better, what a horror, what a horror, i remember the complaint from such a time, i was cleaning their house all the time under the still-deceased father, he cheated early, tell me, but you didn’t hear anything suspicious from the house yesterday, not exactly, oh, i’ll tell you who the murderer is, who is alochka’s husband stepan, he came yesterday in a car, they were arguing so much in the street i could hear it, i jumped out into the street, i saw stepan walking away from the house along the path , staggering. it was immediately obvious that the scarf,
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the scarf, was covered in blood, who the husband was, the husband was an artist, i don’t know where she picked him up, well, she suffered so much, spree, cheating, until she decided to get a divorce, and you don’t know who should have passed on property after divorce, and this is if if only they had joint property, and he only has a tramp from his one-room apartment in the city, she even bought him a workshop, but as she knew, she registered it in her name, but... it was as if they were going to get a divorce, or rather it doesn’t happen, alochka’s boyfriend has appeared, he’s such a respectable man, the car is expensive, basically, it’s a love triangle, but what kind of man is this? well, i didn’t ask him for documents, but the car is a black foreign car, they didn’t remember the license plate number, oh no, okay, we’ll check everything, if you cleaned the house, at first glance you can tell that it’s missing, of course, yes, yes, yes. the hostess seems to have been stabbed to death with the same knife as
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the guard, but the time of death coincides, oh , please look carefully at what ’s missing, lord, everything is missing that the late owner saved, this house was stuffed with antiques, oh, that’s where the service stood , silver glasses from the 19th century.
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in general, i went to the bank, i’ll look at this cell, come on, come on, well, then you and i will go to the murdered husband, finish everything here, sorry, but we don’t pick him up... well, you don’t know, you’ll save on the engine , you will have a rowing boat, what's wrong with you now you’re mocking, no, an old sick man, well, where am i and where are the oars, well, unless you’re chained to them, which is what i wanted to say,
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and you’re a police lieutenant colonel, well, 20 years in the police, they won’t just give you a license, so i don’t just want to get my license, i really want it all. study, she doesn’t even know that i’m from the police, she doesn’t even know that i’m from the police, i really want to be able to drive a boat, you know, so that the nose is here, so that it swells, so that the cheeks swell, i’ll take a minute, yeah, that’s it. wow, well, i don't think it's that simple, here you go i feel this way.
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yes, this is such a still life. no, andryusha, this is more like an everyday genre, the only thing missing is a sincere confession, in writing. hello, georgievich, we are at the apartment of vishnevskaya’s husband, he is lying here dead drunk, he has a knife with obvious traces of blood, yeah, well, perhaps stolen things from the house. yes, yes, well, come on, call us bulkin, an expert, we are waiting in ades, that’s it, yes, yes, we are waiting, good morning, hello, who are you, who are so-and-so,
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huh? so there is no crime on stepan, no we were convicted and there were no arrests either, look, he doesn’t have a car, there’s so much property lost there that you can’t pull it out on your back, there’s no registered car for him, okay, that’s it, see you soon, uh-huh, i’m looking forward to it, about the knife , what can you say, it looks like we killed vishnevskaya, but i’ll say for sure after the examination, oh, lesh, only with the examination, let’s hurry up, okay,
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“i didn’t kill anyone, i, i was at the dacha yesterday, i came to alli, i wanted to go with her talk, improve relations, i wanted to kiss her, she hit me in the nose and broke it, then kicked me out, i came home, bought a bottle, got drunk, i don’t remember anything else, maybe. what were they fighting about? well, why? i didn’t want to get a divorce, but she, and she said that she had someone else, and she didn’t need me anymore. well, could they commit murder out of jealousy? no, have you ever
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seen your wife's lover? well, why have you never? where are the other things? excuse me, what things? ok. take her to the department, i’ll come too later. get ready, we are waiting for you. comrade colonel, we are pursuing the theory that vishnevskaya is a security guard her husband killed her, committed murder out of hatred, allegedly she left him without money, well, he robbed the apartment. no, radanov, something doesn’t fit with you, it doesn’t fit, look, what was found in stepan’s apartment was only a coin and a candlestick, and where tell me all this, in order to get all this out, you need at least a car. means stabbing him so that he admits where he’s doing all this, we’ll stab him, but the knife, the knife with which they killed
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the guard and vishnevskaya, this is direct evidence against stepan, yes, you can, i’ll just say a few words, about the blood on stepan’s scarf , expertise showed that it was his blood, but if he killed someone, he could not help but get dirty, with a knife, with a knife, this is exactly the knife that was used to kill both of them, the blood of the guard konstantinov was on the blade and red. there are no fingerprints on the handle, they have been carefully erased, everything, wow, it feels like this artist was specially slipped to us, here you go, i agree with volkov, but we won’t let him go now, he’s still sitting for 48 hours, maybe during this time he will sober up and tell us something interesting, so i’m interested in this: the killer calmly walked past the guards, the owner...
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just from the bank i inspected vishnevskaya’s safe deposit box and found there a notarized promissory note addressed to taras leonich makeev. thank you. for 3 million rubles. 3 million rub. at 20% per annum. yes, no bank offers such interest rates. who is makeev? broker, just like vishnevskaya. we worked together before, then he decided to separate. by the way, he took the money for promotion. for our own operations, perhaps rita and i will take care of it, comrade colonel. good,
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considering that a large number were stolen antiques, we need to check all the purchases to see if anything stolen will turn up there? krymov, you take care of this. i remember that in this environment, according to intelligence data, everything is not bad. and i’ll give you one little man. yes. what if things were stolen? to order. my father has a vishnevskaya antique collection, known since soviet times. well, please, check with antique dealers. igor sergeevich, forgive me, please, but aleg georgievich has an unscheduled day off, right? incorrectly asked question, margarita. let's just say that oleg georgievich is now at advanced training courses. oh, my god, my god,
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maxim, yes, dad, in a good way, oleg georgievich, you should study, yes study , yes, i understand, sorry, i almost got into trouble with you... i was rude, yes, fortunately he is insured by the school , i don’t know, i don’t know how you ’ll pass the exams in the gymnasium, the examiners there are beasts, which is worse than in the traffic police, traffic police officers are children compared to them, well , i won’t pass the first time, i won’t pass the second time, but it’s worth the pain and nervousness , you’re just going to get an ulcer, we can somehow reach an amicable agreement, that’s what you’re hinting at, yes i i’m not hinting,
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now he’s looking for money, but did he borrow money from alla vishnevskaya? not only at vishnevskaya’s, creditors come to us every day as if they were at home, we’ll probably have to sell the apartment, it’s some kind of nightmare, yes, when he returns, they promised to call him, but his phone is out of range, we need to check
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his wife’s words regarding her husband's departure to moscow, yeah.
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house? yes, residential, there is also a mini-hotel tarzan on the ground floor, yeah, now i’ll call andrey so that they go and take this tarzan, and i have many things from yours i know the list well, igor, please sit down, just be careful, be careful, like this, vishnevskaya got something from me. tell me, please, could these things go on sale in an antique salon? it’s legal with a passport, to cover up your grandmother’s inheritance, never, igor, calm down, no, these are things, they’re collectibles, but if it’s done illegally, without documents, well, just don’t
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tell me that there are no illegal transactions in your business, of course i i don’t mean you personally, but what do you mean? this is frank crime, but none of my colleagues will get involved with this. igoryusha, my soul, i assure you, neither in st. petersburg nor in moscow, these things are legal. have you already sent out stoplists, naturally arcaded, are you offending? so i, so i ’ll add this on my own behalf. if someone brings these things to ours in an hour, i will know about it, and in another 15 minutes you will know about it, i know how to be grateful, this memory has never let me down, i
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will help you, my dear, thank you, arkadilvich, you're welcome, thank you. well tarzan, if he's in hotel, that means there must be his car somewhere here, there must be, here it is, here it is, let's go, let's go.
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remember, well then provide us with the lists of those who lived in your hotel for the last week, this is confidential information, and i have no right to disclose it, girl, you are not convinced by our ids, they are not enough for you, why were they convinced, just on what basis are you asking i have these questions, i see, girl, you are legally savvy, okay, then we are now calling the seizure group, the amonovites, the residents will be urgently evicted, the safes will be opened, checking the documentation, i understood everything, i understood everything. yep, thanks, yes! so thank you, girl, for your help in operational-search activities to catch
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murders, and just a huge human thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, good dog pet store, go through a wide selection of gorms, accessories, clothes. including a medical one, the good dog store, come in, come in, don’t be shy, mira street 15, the good dog store, all have pets, no, well then come to our new store urgently, good dog, gerashchenko, you or something, hello, comrade captain, great, hello, well, how’s the new job, i like it, it’s cool, but it’s stuffy, like in a bathhouse, but thank you for helping out, an extra penny won’t hurt, well, i ’ll actually do something for you. i understand that you need to find out who, but no, look, please, you need to find out what from this list could emerge from your friends who are buyers of stolen goods, but igor
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viktorovich, here is demisen porcelain, and where are my buyers, they don’t know such a word, not my contacts are usually stolen by a mobile phone, a laptop works for hours, but by salt we don’t have an antique dealer right off the bat, well, we somehow go to reputable antique dealers ourselves, and you let’s work according to your contingent. i ask if anything happens, when i ring, okay, be healthy, i don’t understand, but what happened to the hand, to lieutenant margarita behind the star the forest along the drainpipe, fell off, how is she there, thriving, okay, none of your damn business, work , i’m listening, the new pet store is a good dog, yes, handsome cornflower made a tip, yes, well, the car is here, if the car is here, then it’s in the house, we’re here until... we’ll be jumping up and down, until we find it, let's go push, yeah, so, if
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it jumps out, hold it here, i'm behind the car, okay, girl, what's the matter, listen, please remove your car, this is my parking space, where does it say that this is yours parking space, of course it’s not written anywhere here, but it’s just my parking space, i live here, you know, this is my place, i park under my windows, go to hell, mr. makeev, yes, yes, i’ll give everything, in a week they will money, we are not coming to you about debts, inter-unit homicide department, you you are suspected of murdering vishnevskaya and her guard, what a murder, what are you doing, i didn’t kill anyone, let’s figure out which apartment you were in now, number thirty-nine. who is there now? friend, faith, just her? yes, clearly, rit, take him to the department, i’m welcome to hell, offer handcuffs, no need, how to live until
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the golden wedding so that it won’t be bitter, you immediately say that i have nothing, everything will remain for my wife, everything, apartment there is one, one, there is why the wives call viktor rybin and roman pavlyuchenko shoe fairies, hello, roma with shoes, i'm going. further sash, have you washed your shoes at least once in your life, no, no, who in lera kudrevtseva’s family needs nerves of steel, come, there’s no cup, now i’ll start complaining, oh so, i said, that means everyone in lena katina’s family is a victim , who is the tyrant, you can’t take it here, that i can’t understand anything, i’ll leave, i said, i’ll leave, and then i came back, what kind of sacrifices are celebrity wives willing to make to save their family? i stood up from behind. i grabbed her for something, i don’t remember what she was wearing, just like that the neighboring table is bitter in the program the stars have aligned today at 20:20 on ntv kingfisher -
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a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sbery and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sbery. cop wars, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element. stop defeating the fire, the calling of the strong. observer pilots, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, air forest fire fighters of ros leskhoz, reliable shield russian forest. yes, i didn’t kill her, i didn’t even know about the murder. where were you
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tonight? well, who slept at home? can confirm this, my wife returned from the dacha at 10 in the morning, so i was at home, this is not an alibi, money, hello, you couldn’t give the instructions, given your critical financial situation, it’s unlikely you would have given it back, the interest was growing, you probably still really wanted to find a promissory note, yes, what are you talking about, we are brokers, i’m sure she kept my receipt in a safe deposit box, citizen makeev, you have been detained as the main suspect, sit down and think, we have time you will, you admit, have a prison term, what should i confess, so citizen makey, get up and go, support and release, and then i’ll arrange for you, well, we’ll figure it out, mish, escort the detainee, what’s the news, i interrogated him mistress, convincingly fights in hysterics, sobs, says that she knows nothing about makeev’s affairs, there are no valuables from vishneskaya’s house in her apartment. so, let
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bulkin draw up makeev’s testimony, that’s it, i ’ll prepare for the exam, good luck, to hell with everyone, ma’. let's get eggs from a natural village, from our village, eggs from a rooster, igor viktorovich, it’s me, gerashchenko, the clear sea, and i ’m looking for a dog here, and i work part-time at a poultry farm in the evenings, and you’re a workaholic here, yes, i have a contact at your request, yeah, lay it out, they brought a candelabra to lyokha pelikan, so who, the red one, charged fifty dollars, but strangled lyokha the toad to give such money, he says, i won’t give more than twenty, so... the red-haired one is now looking for someone to take this candelabra, from the very same there are no outlets for antique dealers, he used to supply all kinds of mutoten to lechs, there are ladies' ones handbags, jewelry, mobile phone, red-haired gopnik, ordinary, so you say gopnik, yes, give this red-haired one an address, where will i
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get it from, and i’ll draw it for you now, uh-huh, igor viktorevich, oh, and then you can lieutenant margarita tell me, well... the police lieutenant colonel, yes solovets, damn it, yesterday i offered to give him a bribe to the examiner, oh, what if there was a hidden test, and a tap on your tongue,
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they wanted something, young man, sit down, expensive chair , well, what are you doing, what do you owe, what’s your name, i’m eduard borisovich, forgive you, gena, gena, genochka, it’s very nice, on what issue, then, eduard borisovich, a question of this nature, yeah, things need to be sold, the thing, in short, is ancient, so normal, normal. but it’s interesting, extremely, interesting, the inheritance from grandmother, yeah, from grandfather, is worth 70,000, well, young man, grandfather deceived you, no way, no more than sixty,
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okay, listen, okay, give me the money right away, no, like a quickie darlings, of course you can, take your passport with you, listen, passport, passport, listen, passport at home, need money. well, it’s absolutely impossible, well , it’s absolutely impossible, well, my dear, but to be honest, it’s awkward to offer such things, i can place an order as if from a friend, you know, yes, you have 40 in your hands, but i ’m not afraid of this word, twenty, not- no, no, wait, wait, edward, eddie, 50, i’ll give you a tenner, well, my dear man, what are you doing to me, honestly, come on, at least 45, otherwise it’s robbery among the whites day, and i dare to assure you, my last word is, well, it’s normal, eddie, it’s normal, come on, that’s just from sympathy for you, young man, because you
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called me what my mother called me as a child, greed is very bad, genetic, oops, what the hell, criminal investigation, what’s your last name? the devil knows that taras leonidovich, we apologize to you, you understand, such work, unfortunately, cannot be done without costs, don’t be afraid, there are only costs, but no work, here are your things, everything is intact , sign for them were not safe, you will answer for my illegal detention, they almost broke my nose, you bastards, i i’ll sue you all, well, well, don’t get so excited, i ’ve already apologized to you once, if i demand it... do it again, you don’t know yet that i have a brother, a prosecutor, he ’ll gladly take care of you, oh , i would not advise you to do this, you are aware that if you have to involve a prosecutor in this case, we will be forced to make public
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where, when and under what circumstances you were detained, bastards, well, this is already an insult to an employee execution, well, andrey, do you use prohibited ones? yeah, s such people only need to speak their language. uh-huh, uh-huh. well, citizen red, you’re really not a redhead at all, i see. and you’re not an antique, well, i think that a sincere confession is better, really, than a life sentence, wait, commander, what life sentence, for what? for what, for the double murder of the financial broker alla vishnevskaya, as well as her security guard, by the way, you cleverly came up with the idea of ​​her husband to frame this drunken artist, you came up with it yourself or someone suggested it, right? listen to me here, captain, comrade captain, what a vishnevskaya,
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what a security guard, what a drunk, i don’t drink at all, who i killed, so that’s it, all this was confiscated from your apartment, so what next, it was confiscated according to all the rules, with witnesses on record, then you will deny it, no, no you will, right, so tell me where you got it all, in a car, in what car, i don’t know, some dark foreign car, where? at a gas station, while the driver was filling up, i went to the toilet, i don’t know, i drank tea, well, i opened the trunk, took my purse, that’s all, and there, by the way, there were two more of the same kind, i didn’t understand, but why didn’t you take those two, listen, it’s true that i didn’t take it, listen, there was some kind of blood on the clothes there, well, i fucked up, it’s unpleasant, after all, yes, it’s really unpleasant, but you’ll show me where refueling
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with successful passing of the exam, what exam, i haven’t taken anything yet, here are your rights, comrade colonel, lieutenant colonel, after all , they figured it out, yes, yeah, that’s what i’ll tell you, i’ll take it on a general basis, and i’ll only get a license then when i earn them, understand? alexander mikhailovich.
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yes, cinema and the germans, hello, vasya, listen, try one car for me. so, here we are, alexander petukhov, born in seventy-three. thank you very much, vasya, please, print out everything about this petukhov for me. okay , okay, that’s it, let’s go, happily, and could you throw it all on a disk for me, comrade colonel, we need to take petukhov to stab him for murder, and stab him hard, listen to rydanov, stab him hard - this is the last method when the opera doesn’t work well and there is no evidence, comrade colonel, well, the fact is that he is a master of roosters and a thief, two convictions, the first for theft, the second for stealing from a museum. smuggling, there is obvious criminal growth here, now
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he will go to slaughter, well then igor sergeevich, we have evidence on him, there is video surveillance on him, so to speak, he showed up in profile from the front, and if he stole things from vishnevskaya, he has already sold it, where will you take it, how will you prove that the red-haired man stole the candelabra from his car, in my opinion, the video recording does not show what exactly he takes out of there, yes, we have no direct evidence, we need to investigate petukhov while he is stealing things . didn’t come true, except as andryukha said, gets set aside, then look for petukhov and, well, in general, further on, depending on the circumstances, you are free, i almost forgot, find you, from whom from your admirer, gerashchinka, so, gentlemen, operational workers, that’s all in the corridor, let’s go, let’s go, here he, captain,
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igor, we accepted him, insure him. andryushka, let’s be more careful so that he doesn’t copy us, he will. well, anyway, i'm going after them. that's it, accept, we are waiting for guests, what other guests? no one will take my brother's place, those who disagree can leave, either the rules will remain the same, or what, firit, kingfisher, new season, you ruined everything, so figure it out, otherwise you can immediately forget about a quiet life, until they leave,
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i will not calm down, today at 13:00 on ntv, cop wars, at 16:45 on ntv. troxivozin experts know everything about varicose veins. troxaktiv tablets and troxyvosin gels against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help strengthen capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxactiv troxyvosin - an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. buy from city health pharmacies. with on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can receive cashback. on the other hand, it is possible. pay for anything and receive goods for it for 1 rub. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozoonbank card. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. the main feature of modern youth
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long-term savings program in a non-state pension fund, the future. spasm, pain, spasm. who cares? double-acting spasmogon fights pain and relieves spasms. cramped from pain and spasm, buy in city health pharmacies, everything that was on the lists is not here, at the last moment you couldn’t get some of the things, then your reward will be somewhat less, just be careful, you violated... agreements , the lack of things can be deducted from the sums, it’s good to stand still, not twitch, but damn you, the criminal investigation department, guys, i’m behind the witnesses, come on, i don’t think. that's so fast, like that well, we didn’t think about it ourselves.
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well, oleg georgievich, you passed the exam, which is true, congratulations, thank you, uh-huh,
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thank you very much, i passed, i became honest, he slightly ruined my engine, repairing about 30 pieces, oh, come on, tell me, yes, what can i tell ? i don’t know anyone like that, enough of the comedy, we just need to compare your mobile number with the numbers in the list of contacts of those killed, and this already proves the fact that you met, well, okay, i knew both of them , then nothing, but the things that you they were stolen from vishnevskaya and found in your garage, so what, i found them, or maybe they were planted on me on purpose, so... i shouldn’t put them, this has already happened to stepan, and who is stepan? there is a result, the blood found
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in the trunk of petukhov’s car belongs to vishnevskaya’s security guard konstantinov, here’s the report , great, thank you very much, lyush, let’s go, like this, what will you sing now, mr. petukhov, and if i tell you everything as it was in truth, i taste it. you do, but you don’t deserve to turn yourself in, you don’t deserve any concessions, but if you sincerely repent, we might think about it, but i repent, it’s me, both of them, where when i met alla, a month ago in a cafe, during a business lunch, to tell the truth, i immediately liked her, i didn’t have any thoughts of killing me, everything was completely normal. well, we started dating, i ended up at her house, and there were a lot of antiques there, i was confused for a long time, i didn’t know what to do, hire someone and
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organize a murder, the chances of getting caught were too high, so i decided, i came to her, the security guard knew me, i missed it, she rushed to me, met me, started kissing me, and i, but then she killed the guard. well, i took out the disk with recordings of the traffic cameras from the computer, then ran into the car, took several bags, grabbed all the most valuable things there and left. stepan, how did they set it up? yes, i was sure that he would be closed along with the case, alla told me on the phone that he called her, came to her, she kicked him out, she was sure that he would get drunk after their meeting, but after the murder i went to see him , he didn’t even... close the door, didn’t have to break it in, he was lying drunk, and i threw things at him, he didn’t even blink blinked, yes, everything turned out as
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well as possible, but i was unlucky with you, okay, i’m taking him to the cell, let bulkin sort it out, get up, yes, calmly, such love, and you, alyak georgievich, missed the most interesting thing, oh , reed, i ’ve already seen so much of this interesting stuff. well, congratulations on the disclosure, thank you, thank you, well, as i understand it, we can congratulate you too, face, you’re happy with georgy, and come on, i’ve already had my eye on the boat, ours is domestic, they call it progress, but it’s japanese , but the beast, but from you prostava, or did you already take the helm on the night voyage, no, no, here’s the cleaning, we don’t need much, oh, can you imagine, i crammed, i chiselled, a little bit, a little bit at a time, oh, i was so
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worried, well 7 feet under your head and... for disclosing and giving us a ride, hurray, definitely, hurray, the very first debate with trump ended in real disaster for biden and, according to american media reports, the democratic party is already looking for a replacement for the failed candidate, but if this is true, then who, instead of biden, will risk challenging... trump, well this question is very interesting, because michelle obama, that is, the wife of former president obama, who was called a likely replacement for biden, has reportedly already refused this option. in general, right now we will not just talk about the main events of this week, but we will try to explain them. good evening, good evening, my name is vadim takmenev. today is saturday, june 29, in most cities where we are now watched, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin.
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trump's strange plan, why in exchange for peace negotiations he wants to promise kiev even more weapons? is the ex-president going to try to put out the fire by pouring gasoline on it? julianach, the long way home, how the odyssey of the most famous whistleblower journalist ended, why washington decided to replace prosecution with a deal, why does biden need it? why do modern children and teenagers need mustaches, paws and a tail, why do they get on all fours and imitate the living?
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he is god and the devil rolled into one, as a st. petersburg businessman organized a fire on a paradise island in the indian ocean. he said that he has a pride, lioness masha, lioness lera, assistants or concubines who managed to get lost among the tourists, these are the kind of people in this pride there can be, what they were ready for for the sake of their master, you must run around, massage his dirty feet, if he wants you to peel off, you will lick them , what tools? used the guru to convince him, he started screaming, now i will resist, he will stab me with scissors, why did he get away with it for so long, go get some normal clothes, at least someone testified against the possessed slave owner, anton nashchil three times, in the power of pheromone in the author's project of andrey kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20 on ntv. it's
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ozone's birthday, say discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday. weasel washing gel for 749, xiaomi headphones for 2,299, kremlin candies for 499. i have a question for you: do you have a clear idea of ​​your future? do such thoughts scare you? you can just close your eyes, but you know what it will be like. open your eyes to your future, start with the long-term savings program in the npf future, with yota your money will not fly away, there are gigantic minutes left, we return rubles for them, you can use iota on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, 10% discount.


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