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tv   Stroika  NTV  July 1, 2024 3:15am-4:01am MSK

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i need you to transfer my body into the house, let's go, listen, i've definitely seen you somewhere. you haven’t driven me before, why are you driving so slowly? 300 horses under the hood, come on , press it, you see how the horse-drawn strip wipes the glass, that he’s so bundled up, he’s got a cold, he’s got a cold, don’t go to the doctors with a cold, they can kill you, i know that there was a case, i went to treat a tooth, it’s a good clinic, the owner, a client at my bank, me...
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sorry, i didn’t understand this, is it you, did they order me, or what? no, i work here, but it can’t be that the best the city's dentist can't work as a sober driver, maybe if he's building a house, his wife is pregnant and they don't pay him a salary, okay, half the city sits without a salary, you know? crisis, crisis, schmizis, crisis
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of conscience of your employers, they bought foreign currency with your salary, sit, wait, the rates are growing every day, no, you will receive your salary in two weeks, they will receive a good novar, just like that, but you how do you know all this, and because they are running this whole scheme through my bank, and your gronovsky is also taking advantage of your patience. well and what can we do, this is his clinic, we depend on him, but nothing depends on him, he depends on you, i’m so tired, let’s go home, quickly, i don’t know when we start working next week, no, call me back, goodbye please.
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come on, put on your dressing gowns in my office, please, calm down, sit down, we’ll see you now, your job, tell me right away what you’re talking about, well , i’m on strike, you won’t believe life, it has nothing to do with it, no one told me anything, take off your mask, why? , at your moronic smile i want to see the anesthesia, come on, prepare the filling, be patient a little. 3 minutes, well
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, there was a rumor going around here, i don’t believe in it, talk about the fact that you pulled off some kind of scam with our salaries, something about currency, and they also say about some kind of collective complaint in labor inspectorate, why aren’t you with them, do you feel sorry? became, okay, come on, hold the saliva suction, 15 patients in a day, yes, i didn’t even have this with a link, well, what should you do, i don’t mean, you have two options, yeah, the first one is to recruit new ones people, it will take two months, bringing them up to the level of the previous personnel will take another month. but this is already
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without me, no, this does not suit us, the second option is to pay people their salaries and apologize. why, okay, i can apologize for you, that’s it, oh, i’ll go, yeah, prepare the office for tomorrow, sterilize the instruments, take out the trash, fuck you, i get it, i get it, you’re not revolutionaries, you’re trade union leaders , yes, at least the wives of the decembrists, the main thing is that granovsky paid off all his debts and people went to work... the mood improved, not for long, dad, i have three a's today, and how many two's, not a single one, you'll buy me a new goalkeeper's uniform and new pads, i'll buy it, i'll buy it, mom, where, hello,
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hello, this is for you, thank you, hungry, sit down, and again buckwheat, i found it we have amazing german plumbing fixtures, but we need to take them
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now, children's bedroom, children's room. bedrooms , children's, children's, children's, this is not a family, this is some kind of ponopticon, there is no need to write it down, there is no need to write it down, so let's do it again from the beginning, your mistake is that you decorated the wrong ceiling, no, mine the mistake is that i started construction with a pregnant woman, and if you find yourself in the same situation, you have only two options, either you buy yourself a voice recorder and record everything behind her, or you will rebuild it every time. the house is new, i have someone to write down, great, then write down the diagnosis of proactive schizophrenic, that’s who asked you to repaint the bedroom, the children’s room, yes the bedroom, the children’s room, that’s it, take a rest, my god, there is so much
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garbage, frost, i hate garbage, it will be over soon, look what... you're not for trash look, you look into the future, the future, here it is, i see, the walls are not painted, this is a long-term construction, the third day everything will be like this, here it is the future, come on, let’s go, what will i show, now i’ll show her that the garbage is on the second floor, let's go, close your eyes and don't peek, you're leading me to the abyss, don't peek, let's go, how do you like it? what is this? why are there stars in the bedroom? morozov, what's wrong with you? katya, which bedroom? this is a child’s room, you and i discussed this, this is a child’s room, this is a bedroom there, you said it yourself, and then you changed your mind, and then you decided back? when later? i didn't think
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that you will realize your artistic fantasies in our bedroom. let's paint it over, you like to do everything twice, that's why everything drags on so long. why are you doing this, why? well, you like it all, or something, so torment me, i won’t redo anything for you, i won’t have time before the birth, there will be a nursery here, i want a bedroom where we decided, and there’s no need to torment yourself, it’s still you you won’t have time before the birth, relax, painter, the granos people have arrived, unexpectedly, why are they, they weren’t invited at all, there’s nowhere to sit, dirt everywhere. why are you like this, people are interested, they came to look, and we see, we were passing by, let’s think, let’s stop by, otherwise there’s so much talk, house, house, great, so interesting, when we were building, ilya
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never let me into the construction site , i was so offended, well, am i in the way, or something, throw it away, please, why are you standing there, sit down? excuse me, i have, i have new jeans, and these are italian, but ours were made under license, can’t be distinguished from italian ones, well, yes, yes, oh! what an unexpected surprise, hi, listen, max, there was so much talk, i thought you were building a cathedral, it’s quite a house, but we treat living space differently, nothing superfluous, you see how the walls are made, you know how many meters it gave, well, two, but i like it, it’s a cute house, you can just knock, no need to shout to each other, like we do, exactly, you’re great, great, let’s go upstairs? you know how much space there is, let's go, come on, show posenda, and how
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romantic the stars are in the bedroom, it's so cool, you wake up in the morning, look at the stars and make a wish, even she realized that there bedroom, yul, a star for a child, but for a child, and i am also like a child. in my opinion, the ideal place for a bedroom would be here. thank you, ilya, i’m tired of explaining to him. and i’m tired of your interruptions, and i ’m not going to redo anything, i’ll finish it before the birth, as promised. and i'm not going to live here. well, because of me? i said something wrong again. you said everything correctly. max doesn't get it well. kat, well, max was wrong, we all make mistakes, sometimes even in basic things. max, you need to admit mistakes, go forward... thank you
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ilya for at least you can hear me, morozov, stop puffing yourself up, i would have managed everything a long time ago, ilya, don’t you understand, it’s all her fault, she doesn’t let me do everything, she’s nakedly pregnant, everything changes for her five times a day, then we have here a nursery, then a bedroom, then the gray color of the walls, then green, then at home. made of wood, you understand that it’s made of stone, and oh, not italian, how nervous you are, pregnant, let me show you the bedroom, but the nursery is not ready yet, and there’s no point in going there, i can’t decide where to make the wardrobe, okay, that you have arrived, can you give me some advice? a? “yes, champagne in the face is an original
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way to celebrate a housewarming, but you did well, well done, you didn’t lose your composure, but it would have been better if you had, otherwise then a quiet horror began that he came home, took the battle and staged a pogrom, as i say, a quiet one. max, where are you? are you okay? max,
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please forgive me, i was wrong. do you hear what i’m saying? am i offended by you? well, katya, how are you feeling today ? led? everything is fine with her, i was so relaxed, i felt like i was in the dead sea. it's good that everything is fine with us.
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there is no one string, but that’s okay, the kazakhs play on two, well, you did it on purpose, forgive me, please, i couldn’t restrain myself, what else should i do, and now i don’t do it often. the order of life has taken and changed, please stop ignoring me, and i don’t even dream of quiet days, trowel. i replaced nature, it’s a shame, i once
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sang a love serenata to you on it, it was a long time ago, as if it wasn’t with us, with us... with us, i don’t understand you, i wanted a house, i was building it, if you don’t want a house, i’m not building it, i’m sitting at home, resting, so you don’t let me rest, maxim, my dear, good one, do what you want, build how you want, the room where you want, what color, anyone, i just ask you, please don’t go crazy, if you want, i’ll move there right now, i don’t need it now, i’ll finish the building, move, okay, i’ll finish the building. finish it, if you want, i won’t even give birth until you tell me, i chose the nursery correctly, my dear, well, of course, it’s right, but remember, remember how you threw eggs at me, i’ll give you a sirenade under the window i remember singing at 5:00 in the morning, but do you remember how
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whole you were? i made a plan on how to conquer me, wrote out every step, the plan, it has already worked, how, morozov, what are you scribbling, katya? you're absolutely right, unitsa - my plan, what, that's it, that's all, it's all there, from minute to minute construction plan, and what's not from second to second, what are you talking about, you yourself said that we need to build, you'll see, for i’ll do everything in 7 days, you ’re completely sick, you’re going to sleep, but according to
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the plan, i’ll wake up in an hour, please don’t forget that your children will need... healthy father. and then i realized that he had really gone crazy. to be honest, i thought this would happen much earlier. i am not crazy. i simply acted according to plan, and if i had not been disturbed, i would have made it. this is the typical stage of denial. well, do you understand? yes. while both of you are a big question for me , continue, what is this, why are you sleeping, maxim, you said not to move until you arrive, so you froze, we are waiting, we are already tired of lying, it’s clear, so, i brought you a plan, here .
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i wrote everything down here, if you follow it, then we’ll make it in 7 days, yes, lena, i know, i’m driving, well, entertain them somehow, give them magazines, lollipops, no, don’t give them lollipops, they have bad teeth, that’s it, come on, hang up, don’t worry , do everything in time. the lord created the earth in 6 days, on the seventh he rested, we are not gods, we won’t rest, we won’t, great, i’m glad that we hear each other, go ahead, i’ll come, i’ll check, if you’re behind the plan, god forbid, mark , i ’ll mark it on my cop, thank you, thank you, well, now you
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have everything, everything, now you have it, well, that’s great, that’s it, i ran, connections, remember, every minute is a road, a road, a traffic inspector, here are my documents, check them, everything is fine there, i didn’t violate anything, i’m driving strictly according to plan, within the limits... please get out of the car and walk with me for medical certification. okay, i'm ready. how long will you take me?
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does it depend on how much you drank? and i told him that i didn’t drink, he didn’t believe me, well, now i can go, colleague, have you ever been observed in a mental hospital? only at the ophthalmologist? will you allow me? turn away, colleague, oh, sorry, but can you one more is better than two, i haven’t left since the morning, tell me... how many people can you receive in an hour? there are 30 people, if without writing, then all 100. wow, but it can take me 2 hours for one, or maybe, you know, or even 5 minutes,
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it’s very difficult to plan. that's it, are you sure? well, judging by the test, tresv. but something is clearly wrong with you, you’re mistaken, i haven’t felt this good for a long time, oh, hello, hello, so, you’re having an extraction, open your mouth, yeah, hello, hello, so you’re coming to me, you’re going there too , yes. yanochka, i'm here i’m already finishing, there ’s one in the corridor for removal, give him an injection, i ’ll take care of it later, are you sure, this can’t be done, she’s faster, faster, why are you sitting there, i
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told you, change, so, of course you shouldn’t have changed, oh well, your place is clean, thank you, everything is clean here too, now let’s go to the cash register, throw away the cotton wool at home, let’s hurry up, hurry up, and... the next one, what are you doing, why are you scaring my patients, let me give it to you i'll inject you, calm down, what am i, don't you understand, this is a different traffic flow, more patients, more patients, more money, it's a sprinkling, it's completely, and look at yourself, what's too much of your outerwear, that's it, i'm suspending you for a week, go home, rest before you hurt anyone, i have everything according to plan, ilya, look, here you go i have 11 people a day, i can’t help but work, i need this money. i need to finish building a house, i don’t care what you have to finish building there, i don’t give a damn what’s going on here, it’s clear, neither do i, so go and finish building your
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house there, i won’t let you destroy the clinic, but here everything rests on me, stop and stop flattering yourself, you, you have no rights, this is illegal, stop the hysterics, otherwise i will call security, call them. max, if i call security, then you will never come to this clinic again. okay, i’ll leave now, but then i ’ll come back and you and i will continue the conversation. to myself. why are you so early, did something happen? i'm tired, i left work for a week, i'll
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finish building the same as i left, well, how, how all the people are leaving, he said that i'm leaving, i don't have time to work here, i have other things to do, so okay, i'll leave the milk for you, our faucet is leaking , do it something, well, yes, is flowing. fix it, just out of spite or something, well, as always, just like that, and if i hadn’t come, well, you would have come up with something, yes, well, you came, take a rag, wrap it up, pick up this plumbing fixture, i’ll do the little things i don’t have time to study, i’m setting up, setting up, lunch according to our plan ended an hour ago, so we... it doesn’t matter, i made a plan for you, where is it? yes, why are you like
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animals, i tried for you, who, who tore it off, mahmud, mahmud, how did what happen? it happened, come on in, sit down. thank you. i need your help. yes. help max. kat. what should he have
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done? well, you see, lately he ’s become completely insane, that’s right, you’re friends with him, you could have stopped him, you understand why he left work, now he ’ll completely disappear at this construction site, that is, it’s him i told you that he left, well, yes, how hard i tried to keep him, you see? without him , i’m completely screwed, the whole clinic rests on him, i even tried to keep my strength , i honestly don’t know what to do, well, if you want, i’ll go see them, i’ll go, talk, do everything i can, want? “i had no doubt
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that you would help me, what a scoundrel you are, what are you doing, i know why you really came, well, really, i feel that you still love me, do you?” “and you’re out of your mind, and i kicked out max and your loser, he didn’t leave, but i kicked him out, and it’s high time for you to leave him, i have the best husband in the world, don’t be jealous granovsky, mahmudik, forgive me,
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don’t be offended on me, i’ll definitely finish you off. max, max. who are you talking to? what do you want? just after the last conversation? somehow i can’t find you in our place. in my opinion, they would squirm. what do you think? come on, i don’t hold it against you, but you just weren’t acting friendly. well, we're friends, that's why i'm here. listen, friend. lend me
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money, you see, i need to hire workers, help me out, oh, excuse me, i have a principle, i don’t give loans, if i wasted money, i would never have opened a clinic, especially since you owe me anyway, i i’ll give it to you, you know, well, help me out, please, although, what, what, what did you want? yes, i wrote a song for yulia, want. perform on the piano, maybe you can arrange a lesson with katya, let him teach you, katya with you, what can you do, well, no, no, okay, it ’s still good that we talked, if you need anything from me, well, besides money, you come on, come on, you were talking to someone, i won’t interfere, come on, wait, will you have classes with
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katya? this is a conversation: 5.00 per hour, for that kind of money i’ll order a string quartet, a quartet, well then. four, three, 10 lessons ahead, good, good, why did you decide that katya would agree, katya, she was delighted, only let’s immediately agree that you are a student, and she is a teacher, max, who do you take me for, imagine, he sold me for 30 pieces of silver, judas, i didn’t sell you, your lessons, i didn’t see another opportunity to finish the construction, you’d better tell me how you gave erotic solfeggio lessons, i
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heard right, that’s what i thought, i don’t know what you were thinking, by that moment maxim was completely moved, and i decided that jealousy was the only thing that could bring him to his senses. yeah, and why does this shock therapy help? yes, but perhaps a side effect effects, outbursts of anger, bruises, unemployment, kicked out workers, slackers, it’s okay, i’ll find new ones, i’ll stand over everyone’s soul, frosts, we need to have a serious talk, yes, i’m coming to you. there is also a very important matter, speak up, i’m listening, you are the first thing you see, your wife, a beautiful woman, a pregnant
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woman who is very scary, i’m alone all the time, andryusha, with my mother, you’re at a construction site, and if it starts, well what might start, but no, well , don’t... worry, but i worry, sometimes it’s hard for me to even get something off the shelf, and you you know how i put on my boots, and you don’t go anywhere, i’ll move everything down from the shelves, and if labor starts, here’s plan b, my actions in nature, that’s all here, you don’t understand that it’s impossible to plan, katya, my dear my little man. “i’m a doctor, i will always come to your aid, i understand you very well, you are alone now, there are no students, there is no socialization, you are my recluse, but i will make you happy, you will have a student, a new one,
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you will have something to do in the evening, what are you talking about, student, where did you find him, just like that, yes, i was looking, and now i found it, you think that i ’m not for you..." and you said that i’m pregnant? well , of course, this is ilya granovsky, our very good friend. granovsky? friend? that is, you’ve already taken me to him aren’t you jealous? at first i was jealous, but now i thought that 10 years have already passed, all this is in the past, right? so, these lessons are about something else. you ’re a professional teacher with a capital letter. letter p, i will not give any lessons to this person, you are really abnormal, i am normal, gronovsky composed a love song for yulia, we
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obliged to help him, for his money, and let him sing. song, well, yes, as you say, yes, well, here we are, we agreed, you’re not late, well done, punctual student, thank you for the flowers, this is not for you, katya, ilya came with flowers, come out, and you come in, now hold it . hello, hello, flowers are not necessary, well, they are not necessary, any woman is pleased to receive flowers, yes, something really, well , a person has come to join the art of something, that’s it, that’s it, i’m off to the construction site, and
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let’s rehearse, come on, yeah, that's it, yes, i have a plan, i have a plan. like, yeah, come on, recite, i actually came to apologize, that’s all yesterday. it just happened, you behaved like the last boor, i agree, you just waited 10 years to express your feelings, so you expressed them as best you could, expressed them, yeah, that’s it, let ’s sing a note, you can, now, gronovsky, well, you’re hard of hearing no, yes no, so i came then? come on, let’s sing, i
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won’t reproach you, i don’t dare, we parted so long ago and so absurdly, but i loved you and you loved me, why did you leave, please come back, i don’t understand, why do you need music lessons, in my opinion you sing well, so original, yes i love you. i love, i beg you, oh let, oh let me live again, come back, beautiful, yes, i wrote it myself, yes, i was born here, seriously, here, uh-huh, ah, i’m afraid to upset you, this romance is already 100 years old, really, well for love has no age, you are very beautiful, i hope yulia likes the song, so
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she won’t hear it, this is for you, well, that’s it, we worked out, and why are you so sad, everything is fine with you, no, the tap is leaking. mahmu mahmushka, my dear, my kyrgyz brother, forgive me, please, well, i, i it’s not out of malice, i’m not kyrgyz, it doesn’t matter, but you are also good, you got into a pose, where to get ours, there, lead me to them, work is waiting for us. and there’s money, there’s money, that’s it, everything will be, the main thing
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is work, i’m glad that we found a common language with you, it’s not for nothing that ancient people cemented their friendship over food by eating together, then we’ll go to the bathhouse with you, but first we need to finish the construction, i i don’t worry about that at all, but i’ll go with you, don’t worry, i took your simple steps into account, i corrected everything in the plan, on time, if you make it in time, i ’ll give you a bonus, a big one, i also thought, i’ll invite you to the housewarming party, but my closest ones go to the housewarming party, and you are my closest ones now, there’s nowhere closer, and bring your wives, i’ll introduce you to mine, you know what i have, she’s my best and favorite. well
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, it looks like everything, now we’ll check, that’s it, take it, mistress, there won’t be any more children, how much i owe you, well, let’s agree, sorry, uh-huh, hello, it’s not over yet, which means it’s not over, 3 hours have already passed, really, i didn’t even notice, you’re so cute there, what’s going on with you, i’m with the workers, i’ll be there soon, but don’t rush, build calmly, don’t disturb us, that’s it, i ’m switching off,
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well, thank you again, it’s time for you, oh, hush, be quiet, oh, my legs are numb, i ’ll get better now, well, i have no doubt, oh god, how. .. what a thrill, oh, keep going, honey, you built everything, what does that mean?
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come on, return the money, i came here, why freeze, calm down, thank you for the evening, thank you for the music, thank you, you are a very capable student, don’t you dare come here ever again, no question, i won’t come myself comes to me.
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how did i understand in the first place you are an asshole and you the second time i got tired of both. so, so, i ’ll send your slipper t-shirt with the driver, i understand, keep it as a souvenir, you’re fired, family of psychos, damn it,
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well, you’re frozen, guys, you can push the car, it won’t start, that pump is flooded, let’s push, let's push, come on, come on, come on,
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friend, with a friend inside, we can't escape, with a friend inside, we can't escape, i need to
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go to the toilet.


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