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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  July 1, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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and siberia is extremely hot. hot weather hotspot off the coast of lake baikal and in tyva. it’s +35 in kazel, but the south of the krasnoyarsk region will be covered by relative coolness that comes from the west. shower thunderstorms will cool the air in krasnoyarsk to 27°. around 27, it will also rain there from tomsk to yekaterinburg. on the european territory of russia, july takes over the hot relay from june, although a cyclone with colder air is approaching from the atlantic. trusts are huge, then all processes will take place very rapidly, especially in the kaliningrad region, where heavy rains and thunderstorms with gusty winds, in the middle zone there is an anticyclone guarding the hot weather, the rain will completely disappear within a week and from the door to voronezh 30-32, sultry indicators in the volga region, in the lower reaches of the don, in kalmykia, the air will heat up to +35, above 30 in crimea, in sochi 28. in st. petersburg the temperature is even higher than in sochi, 33 there, but with showers and thunderstorms. in moscow, second month. summer
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will begin with thirty-degree heat, and there will be no precipitation throughout the working week. and by this time i’m all about the weather, all the best to you, see you meetings. kingfisher - new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. pay less. cruassany 7 days 1190. delivery with 25% discount. from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out , connect your sber subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to wokko films and tv series and music in sound, and cashback up to 70% in the megamarket in sber is more profitable with prime. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv.
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so, please, would i like these cherry juices? cigarettes.
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what's happened? damn, was the car stolen? your car? yes, of course, horror in broad daylight.
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egorov, what do you think about zaberezhny’s car? what is there to think? the car was stolen, it is insured with us, we have to pay. well, what do we have in our database? in what database? a unified database of all insurers, where all unscrupulous insurers are entered, don’t you know anything about this? it was only my second day, or at least my first, that i should have immediately become familiar with the methods of our work. where is this database located? in computer,
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dear, i understand, i am not very computer savvy. i don’t understand it, we’ll assume that i didn’t hear this, figure it out quickly, otherwise you’ll look for another job, so contact petya, he ’ll help you in the first few steps, clearly, i’m quicker, quicker, i don’t even understand how you they served in the police until they retired. so that's it, let's go, leave already, really, people,
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what are you saying, but the fact that i'm allergic to wool, you understand that, only you think only about yourself, mom, don't worry, i can do it take you for a walk now, you have there won’t be any allergies, but mukhtar, thank you, of course, but for some reason no one asked me if i even wanted to have a dog in this house, people, don’t get started, but of course, you men, you decided everything, you artyom’s car, danka’s dog, and for me, i’ll buy you a cake, if you want, well done, artyom, he went to the sanatorium and pushed it over there for me. lud, well, he was wounded, what are you doing? okay, that's it, we 're late, let's go, what? well, be careful there, from someone else’s car, and that i didn’t buy the license, i handed it over myself, however, the second time he passed, yes, how many times have you
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been driving since then, also two, okay, bye, let's go, just, don't forget about... the cake, drink, yes, you understand the database, which one, well, the one between insurance companies, and why, you can’t help, what is there to help, everything is very simple, but you know, there’s something i can’t fully understand, help, read, sing, i’m seriously asking you, well, help, well, give me , in this database there is nothing... nothing, this is basic computer literacy, you know, i have something with these electronics, well, no no absolutely, well, look, here is this field where we enter the first or last name, what last name interests you, zaberezhny, zaberezhny, here in
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the drop-down menu we select the search type by last name in the menu, are you seeing a computer for the first time or something, no, i was working , well, earlier? something doesn’t look the same, look, and also, if nothing is clear, you can always bring up help in the context menu, wait, how did you do all that? yes, a complete lame, yeah, look, this zaberezhny’s to-do list has appeared, here’s the first car, insurance period, theft, here’s the second, and you can also wool the poenet. well, i told you that she would swear, yes, she always swears, but now she’s completely gone, but what can you do, you’ll soon artyom is back, or something, but he still has a whole week to rest, what,
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listen, this is not a car artyom yells. i think she, yes, i’ll go and have a look, let’s go, let’s go , well, move away from the car so that i don’t see you here anymore, stand, quietly, only, great, hello, what’s not sitting at home? or something, they recently spent time on retirement, but don’t sit still, listen, this isn’t artyom’s car, it’s his yes, he was in a sanatorium due to an injury, but he gave me a ride, and of course, it’s not insured, no, so if anything happens, it’s all on me, listen, just, i
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came to you on business, well, let’s go, well, take it, count it, surely, trust, but check, you are a cunning man, you took money from me, and from the insurers, if it weren’t for me, it wouldn’t be for you, but at least i respect you to your face, and you’re not afraid that this time you’ll get your ass they’ll take it, but what if i’m working with you for the first time, everything will be tip-top, well, everything’s in order, everything ’s here, well, come on then, all the best,
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nikita panfila, here’s the deal, the old lady gave birth, obstetrician on weekends at 20:00 on ntv. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably. in the bank app or on the alfa travel website,
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july 7 hvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to auto products on avito. subscribe to sber prime. more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series in okka and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. slavana petrovna, good afternoon, service the security of your bank, in just a moment, access to the money would have been according to your instructions. turned on the intelligence officer, the count went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank myself , i hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, settle down, yeah, now i’ll call lenka, len, hi, this is
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tolik, listen, you can come to us now, but egorov is here, he showed up. yes, well, let's wait, tell me, what happened to you? you see, i got a job with insurers, well, insurance detectives, and how is it better than our service? yes, i didn’t understand that it’s only been 2 days, i’ve just settled down, what fate is there, you were just talking about retiring a month ago. hello, lenochka, i came to you guys for help, so tell me, tell me, so, someone from zaberezhnye insured our company a very expensive, good car, it was stolen, so now he demands money for the insurance, so what, so the boss is tearing and throwing around,
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the amount is huge, in short, guys, i got it... your boss decided that this was a scam, yes, yeah, he dug up this guy in the database, well, something, but i understand computers, he’s like a mokhtar in oranges, wait, what do you usually do in such situations , contacts the police with an official request, a criminal case is being opened regarding the theft, do you think we can help, but i can’t find it? “nothing, guys, all my hope is only in you, help me out, well, i don’t know, we need to see what can be done, and if things get worse, maybe it took place somewhere, well, i think, with let's start with this, guys, thank you very much,
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okay, there's no reason we haven't done anything yet, but no, it doesn't matter, ah, okay, but it's hard for me, but okay, come on, see you, bye, so, zaberezhny,
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if you don’t find the car, insurance is at your expense, by the way, i made inquiries, your job is not to make inquiries, but to prove that the off-shore fraudster, i will try, try, try very hard. so, it seems, that's it, let's go, mukhtar, mukhtar, the little guy will kill us, now, if you think that i will be indignant, then you are very mistaken, but if you come today with
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mukhtar, then you’ll sleep with him, you’ll hit the rugs in front of the door, toe, to anyone. the end is coming, well, crazy, listen, and egorov was right, you know, i looked here and there and dug up a decent dossier on this zaberezhnye. so what, the fact that he was a witness in the fraud case could not be proven with his participation; those with whom he worked are still in prison. so, yeah, that means we know that he is a fraudster, but we can’t prove it, yes, but you know, i
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came up with something, what if we make him he himself led us to this car, how can we provoke him, we’ll tell him that the theft case has been solved, let’s see where he runs, and do you think he’ll lead us to the car? the probability, of course, is not great, but you can take a risk, ugh, wait, well, he can just call and find out that it’s not true, well, yes, and then egorov will tell him that all phones are tapped, that’s all, fine, i i think so too, okay, listen, go ahead, call egorov, let him come to us. and agree on the details,
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okay, here you go, the documents, well, now i i hope i can get my money, unfortunately, not yet, how so? you said that you need these certificates, i brought them, in other companies they paid me money faster, and there were a lot of these other companies, but this does not concern you, maybe you are right, especially since i have good news for you, what , and we found a gang of your hijackers? that you, yes, imagine, development is underway, we are tapping phones, interrogating, but the car, well, the car
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has not yet been found, but i assure you that in the near future you will see your car intact, yes, yes, that would be, we are also very glad that we could help you, goodbye, all the best, see you. quiet, quiet, egorov, where are you, what are you saying? let's hurry up, he'll leave now.
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daddy, hi, oh, hi, link. why didn’t you warn me that you were coming for lunch, i have nothing to feed you, but i just came, but just like that, well done, dad, and this is a memoir,
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memoir, memoir, and let me read it, no, no, this is a draft, ok, ok, quiet, quiet, you’ll get over it over time, what’s new, work, okay, what about the brolks? what are you working on? the case about car insurance, did you find the video? it looks like yes, listen, i don’t understand, why are you doing this business? do these insurance companies not have their own detectives, or what? eat. well, this detective came to us out of old friendship. do you remember egorov? well, he recently retired and... got a job as a detective at an insurance company, egorov, this is such a round guy, yes, yeah, he’s already retired, it’s necessary, how time flies, well
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. he, tolik and mukhtar are looking for where this swindler hid the car. reasonable. why is tolik and mukhtar? where is artyom? and he's on tori now n after injury. have you visited him? not yet. these are also what i call friends. he is egor, retired. and he comes to you. dad, well, he's at work. come on, it doesn't matter. you still don’t know how to be friends, you’re still young, but let’s go, i’ll tell you now, in the summer on ntv, roman shillov will plant, weed and mow down criminal elements, summer cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv, kingfisher.
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new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. almost everyone waits for the right moment to get down to business. glue the moment with you so that you don't they were afraid to start and finish what they started. look for inspiration and create. the moment will do the rest. a moment for those who get down to business. profitable again. not again, every day, it’s profitable for the price tags. low price chocolate cookies 1199, pyaterochka helps out, everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone, work is where it’s needed, instant stoloto lottery, every second ticket wins, hurry up to buy in stoloto branded stores, include a bright color with care for hair, long-lasting cream -pallet paint gives a rich color, triple the care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, without gray hair, the palette is
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stylish. smooth hair like after a salon every day. what kind of square is this? interesting? let me show. this marking code is an honest sign. your assistant for safe shopping. the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods to pass through. labeling protects your purchases. this is the cash register. this is an honest sign. cop wars. today at 16:45 on ntv. will our money fly away too? yours in security here, in any of the 185 countries. uniform conditions for roaming with beline in almost all countries of the world. beline is the safest operator. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. cosmically delicious. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears.
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cherkiz. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family, strong relationships, admire how the country ahead is blossoming. even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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what are you doing, you idiot? listen, the insurance investigator said that you were covered, for you, the goat, now they will definitely cover you, why, what, you brought the tail of the slaughter, what a tail, i didn’t see anyone, i wanted to warn you, but i saw, you’re on he brought me in, you idiot, he brought me in, but lena’s head figured it all out, lenka is great, we’re all great. well, it's time, let's go take it, don't rush, let's first assess the situation, and if there are a dozen of them, we’ll suddenly miss it, in this case we have a mukhtar, even if
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they yell at me, they ended up in the same asshole, we’ll still see who’s in what asshole, well , take your car, get out of here, why is this, with besides, it is illuminated, i understand what to do now? this doesn’t concern me, hit the car, get out of here, but what should i do with it? this is your problem, don’t forget to return the money, the one i gave you, and the 20 on top, i understand, wait, you didn’t repaint it, you didn’t change the numbers, why? sit down and get out of here, you freak, otherwise i'll kill you i’ll throw it away with the car, remember, you won’t bring the money yourself. they will come for them, i understand, get out of here.
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is this artyom's car? hey, hello, buktar,
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hands, hands here, quickly, for what, for complicity in a crime. what crime, participation in a false theft in order to obtain insurance, to whom did you plan to sell the car? what to sell, i’m not guilty of anything, yes, yes, tell me, my friend asked me to keep his car in my garage, well, i gave him a little money for renting a garage, that’s all, and of course, about the fact that car varovna, you didn’t even guess, yes, but where did he say that? that his garage was opened , he asked me to let his car stay with me for a few days, and now he took it, now we’ll go to the police station and tell you everything there, you have no right, wait
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, there’s really nothing to take him for, wait, that’s because he’s the door hit, wrecked the car, i didn’t see you, it all happened by accident, if... walk, bye, hello, hello, how are you, listen, some circumstances have changed here, uh, well, in general, well, could you deregister my car? well no, well, like i'm her
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i found it myself, i understand that it’s difficult, well, i, well , i understand, yes, they don’t do that in the traffic police, okay, okay, i’ll pay, yes, just as soon as possible, okay, thank you. people 's work is like work, but our dad's job is not like other people's, but i like dad's work and all the adventures, cool, kids used to dream of becoming astronauts, uh-huh, drinking from tubes, merci, danka, enough cake for you, you'll burst. oh, my god, my god, what kind of day
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is it today? mom, don’t be upset, but i won’t become an astronaut, i’ll be a detective. mukhtar for the sake of the puppy, i will raise him, and we mukhtar jr., we will catch up with criminals, like dad. dan, mukhtar cannot. darling, an ordinary dog ​​can’t do it, but a fly can do anything, lenka, i crashed artyom’s car, now my hair is hanging upside down, now she’s where, yes, where, where is egorov, he called his familiar traffic cops, a tow truck came and took her away. to artyom's garage, and what about zaberezhnye? we let him in, well, now
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egorov will come, tell everything in detail, have you seen the car? we saw it boiling on it, so what are your suggestions, what’s next? i don’t know, egorov had some idea, but i really didn’t hear him well, now he’ll come and tell me, i can imagine artyom’s eyes when he sees his field, alas. mukhtar, why did you miss it, and now my wife definitely won’t let me in the door, take him to your place, what can i do with you, i’ll take him, letochka, hello, meet me, this is petya, our computer genius, hello everyone, just don't exaggerate so much. he looked in this, what’s her name, and
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not the third one, yes, in short, he ’ll tell you everything himself now, come on, tell me nothing special , i found zaberezhny’s missaga on the internet a month ago, in which he offers to buy this car, well, what does that give us, the man wanted to sell the car, and why don’t they go to jail for this, lenochka, but you can look like a million bucks, aunt lena’s mukhtar. and why? well, i just
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thought, what else happened? lyudmila, just please don’t worry. the car is in a safe place with good people. dad, did you break artyom’s car? no, why did you break it right away? no, you know, cars, there’s only one thing i can’t understand, how... lyusya, this is my work colleague, he kindly agreed, yeah, to cover you from your wife, funny, very, i love it, he just needs our prompt help, if we don’t help him, he’ll be fired from his job, you know, we have something to conquer a person with, of course,
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have a seat, thank you very much, thank you , have something to drink, well, who, a person? it will do, i swear, well, we sent our message, now we have to wait, no, no, no, you really explain it to me, look, this is an advertisement for sale, it was hanging here on the board a month ago, and before it was stolen, it was... took it off, but it turns out he already had clients in advance was looking, in general, i answered him, as if we accidentally found this saga, the car was returned to him, now he doesn’t know what to do with it, it’s burning his hands, as if our boss had screwed up himself, he personally insured him, no having broken through the database, well, yes,
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he wanted to make me a scapegoat, now zaberezhny will try to sell his car as soon as possible, yes, that’s right, here we are... and we, our lenochka, well, okay, he will respond to our answer, and then what , and then, let’s drink some coffee, think about maybe some more coffee, but no, i don’t feel like it, oh, your swindler?
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be careful with her, don’t accelerate too much, she has high acceleration, but don’t worry so much, i’ll return you in a day or two, but still, oh well, do n’t shake, she’s not insured with you, she’s insured, so why are you worried, there's nothing to worry about, um, wait, what are you doing? are you going to use it to pursue your criminals? of course not, why would i dress up? by the way, why is it so beautiful? that’s how it should be, so look, i’m leaving it to you, this is a fair exchange, if something happens to the car, the dog is yours, that is, how? well, that's it,
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i have to go, you helped me out a lot. alexey, hello, good afternoon, how long have you been waiting? yes, about 40 minutes, as agreed, delayed, husband’s business, where is your car? well, let's take a walk, why did you decide to look at mine with such a luxurious car? well, the fact is that my husband and i recently bought
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a house outside the city, and as you know on our roads, a jeep is much more convenient, so we decided to buy something simpler and cheaper. i see, well, here she is. and i’m a beauty, yes, it’s really nothing, if i didn’t need money, i would never sell it, hello, alexey viktorovich, so the car was found, alexey, what does it mean it was found, who is this person, everything is in order, yes, everything is in perfect order, i’m glad, very glad, well, since he’s like that. so you’ll come and see us tomorrow, okay, yes, of course, well, all the best, goodbye. you know, alexey, something doesn’t suit me, i ’ll explain everything to you, no, no, no, no, all the best, well, if you want to eat, so do i,
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try it, i don’t like it, don’t, well, maybe , shashlik? you don’t like it either, so what should i feed you? maybe i’ll give you cakes, i can’t stand them, yes, now.
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what's wrong with the car? it's not the general manager? why was she insured at all if it was known in the database that it was zaberezhny. fraudster, i asked a specific question, okay, i’ll answer specifically, the car was found, how
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was it found? the car was found as a result of a specially designed operation, and zaberezhny, tomorrow morning we will deal with it here, then we will go to the place with the police and draw up a report. egorov, you can consider that your probationary period has been completed successfully, i ’ll give you a bonus, well, a bonus is of course good, but we just need to get the car repaired at the expense of the company, here it is, the car was damaged as a result of operational search activities, which car, measures with bmw audi, is cooler. jeep, niva, we’ll fix it, of course, no problem, thank you
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very much, thank you, i’m constantly nervous when i’m next to her. we left there together. let's go there together, kingfisher, new season, we need to find a way to fix everything, for example, you, your father could disappear from my son's life, then he would return home, but what if you stop attacking me and my family, think about what is needed do for happiness of firit himself, today at 14:00 on ntv, mintov wars, today at 16:45 on ntv, it seems that just recently you loved space and freedom, and then your habits changed a little, then a little more, and again,
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month. oh, my good one, hello, fly, hello, helen, lord, finally, take your dog, he won’t let me live, he follows me all the time and whines, well, you should feed him, that’s what you think, i didn't you feed him? yes, he is a glutton for you, he will soon devour me. okay, i’ll pick it up, just eat it at the gas station, otherwise you know, your mercedes eats too, be healthy. no, i’ll refuel myself, well, whatever you want, fly, well, did you come up with this on purpose, right? well done!
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yes, i understand. did you find the crook? no, he's walking. but his next scam failed. money is like that remained with the insurance company. yes. the worst thing is when the criminal cannot
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be punished. well, how will he punish dad? she’s a beauty, but my heart almost stops on the shore, i could hit her with a rod, well , you’re a cop, so what, a cop isn’t a human being, or what? well, okay, with the song, of course, you put me on the computer, well... and here i can teach you, look, birds, if they don’t peck to the point of iron, they will definitely shit, and their crap
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eats right through imported paint, so your office should compensate him for the damage, no, it shouldn’t, he has the insurance ended yesterday, he’s a miser who only insured for two months, so gu...
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mikhail sanych, yes, you have a visitor, let him come in. hello, mish, seryoga, come in, sit down, yeah, your office is nice,
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spacious, where did you come from, on business or something, on business, that is, i really have a good office. you've settled in well, mishanya, he's a secretary, beautiful, he didn't want to let me in, i had to explain that i'm your classmate, maybe tea, coffee, and you're already leaving your classmates without pants, you bastards. what? where is my 30 thousand dollars? i'll shake the soul out of you now, you bastard.
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stand still, take another step, i’ll shoot him. head, what do you need, first leave the room, i need to talk to my boss, one on one, come out, okay, you trained him. well, now let's talk seriously, why do you want to? i want you to return my money to me, and you will return it to me.
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police, we have a terrorist. yes, my boss was just taken hostage, a man came with a gun and threatened to kill me. shchosevo 12, construction company mortgage. why are you needed, why do you need a salary? they pay if he kills mikhail alexandrovich, nothing could be done, olya, nothing, he has a gun, as soon as i twitched and he would have shot mihalach, you should have seen his eyes, but i need his eyes, what should i do? olya, olya, stay calm, you will fuss and only harm the boss, okay, what should you do?
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calmly, just calmly, wait for the police, but why are you needed? shchepkin, who do you think is the father of our child, in what sense? no, it’s a normal move, are you doubting it or what? and not only me, at school he is also interested, does our danka have a father, and if he does, what does he look like? oh, i understand, you completely abandoned it? what do you mean abandoned? and that means you’re not doing it at all. it’s not just me who sees this anymore, even people at school have realized it. just recently.
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okay, i’m going down, this is artyom, he ’s waiting for me downstairs, well, we agreed, well, i said, the word is opera, that’s it, thank you, good luck, yes, there it is again, the best in the country, credit sbercard, 120 days without interest, free forever , arrange it already. at roman shilov’s, it’s not
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a job, it’s a resort, the resort is only being shot at it’s a bit hot all around, there’s a sea of ​​problems, why do you have three corpses here, they know how to work, the bosses are making waves, it’s time to stop this. this is already a political question, and colleagues, those are still fruits, i want to make a statement, uh-huh, you all went to kathmandu, cop wars, well , you’ll stay for dinner, or what? i won't stay today, why? we need to save the world, today at 16:45 on... tv. kingfisher - new season.
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today at 14:00 on ntv. travel with alfabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service. and get a superkick on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably at bank application or on the alpha travel website. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. and for breakfast in the old courtyard there are sochenki. oh my darlings. do you know why they are so juicy? we take juicy okoro, aromatic spices, and cook the juices in the oven. let me show you how i cook them? i cook it, cut it, fill it with omelette and it’s done! misha, you came up with a great idea! these are all our juices, old-fashioned stuff, truly delicious. x5 club presents. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, i didn’t forget to get cashback up to 50% with service package. did not forget.
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your business needs acceleration, use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank, open a current account on yours.
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what money do you demand from me? i demand
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30,000 dollars. $30.0? are you out of your mind? where can you even get that kind of money? where? 5 years, 5 years i worked like crazy, denied myself, my family, everything, you were on my table on major holidays, you came and took it, nonsense, shut up, otherwise order yourself a coffin, i understand, okay, speak, i will , and you sit and listen. well, what happened to you? tem, cover for me, but i need to get out early,
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today i need to run to danka’s school, my wife is completely drunk, oh well, that’s why mukhtar and i live like bachelors. really, fly, look at the road, oh well, don’t worry, it’s true, now i’ll cause an accident, if you don’t shut up, i’m silent, but i can’t help but think to myself, i really am today, how should i be at school, you will, you think i'm sure it would be good, thank you. “i’ve lived in a communal apartment all my life, as long as i can remember, first with my parents, then with my wife. tsein was born in...”
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apartment, separate, i worked like a dray , despite the fact that i really wanted to live in my own horse, i saved money, there was advertising, such a powerful one on tv, newspapers, build apartments together with contractors, prices at cost, who believes advertising, seryoga, and i believed it, misha. and gave this company all my money, everything i earned, saved up 3,000 dollars, as a result, i and hundreds of other investors were left with nothing, and it is useless to sue, i know this for sure, last week i learned something very interesting, to say you, what i learned, well, what did you find out, i found out that the owner of this fucking company,
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and the police, the police, come on, slow down, what happened, guys, there ’s shooting up there, up there, call the police. so one more step, i’ll shoot him in the head, sit down, don’t take it upon
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yourself, you won’t get out of here, it’s not up to you to decide, get out, close the door behind you, do what he says, well, in vain - misha. seryoga, are you a bad shooter? it’s okay, next time i won’t miss, but you also agree, throwing figurines that we are children is, perhaps, not respectable, or you haven’t realized yet that this is not children’s games for you, i understand, got it, got it, do what you're told. prayingly, order oleg ivanovich to prepare
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30,000 dollars, as soon as they are available, let him deliver them to my office. just don’t worry, i understood everything, senior stage of the kolosov police, senior lieutenant melitsiya shchevkin, what’s your name? olya, olenka, tell me what happened? well, in general, he came in, i didn’t want to let him in yet, he wasn’t registered, but he said that the boss’s classmate was a supervisor. went, and then started shooting, now mikhail alexandrovich told him to they brought 30 thousand dollars into the office, 30,000, i worked like a draft horse, and you came and took it in one minute, how much have you earned lately, how much has your company earned? seryoga, decent people don’t ask such questions. such questions are not
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asked of decent people, but they can be asked of you. have you called the police? yes, when, about five minutes. are you a security guard? yes, what happened? he has a gun. i ran into the office, but he ordered me to get out, otherwise i would shoot the boss. did he walk past you with a gun? like this could it happen? yes, he could not pass with a pistol. we scan everyone who comes in. scan sucks. is it possible to go from the office to this particular room? yes, through the window. so, go outside, watch the window, just
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be careful, if anything happens, let us know. he identified himself as to who the visitor was, exactly, he said his last name, i wrote it down, here are tsvetkov, sergei tsvetkov, sergei svetkov, we have already handed over the money, no, what are you saying, to collect such a sum, time is needed, you will now go on an assault , olenka, if we go on an assault, you no one. will write out the salary, but what does that have to do with it, what do you intend to do, drink tea, whatever, they’re talking, i found out everything, misha, about your business, i understood one thing,
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it’s useless to sue you if it’s from kiiskov? your company won all the cases, you should have prepared earlier, earlier, why didn’t you come to me right away, how did i know that the owner of this fucking office is my classmate, you never know the pavlovs in the world, but how did i know that you were among my classmates , if you had come to me, i probably wouldn’t have taken your money. that's it, probably yes, i would take it and not choke, i’ll call, hello, lena, yes, it’s me, well, where are you going,
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artyom, there’s something going on here, a carriage and a small cart. when will you be? when we do one small thing. what else is this business? we found ourselves in the midst of very interesting events. shooting, hostage taking. len, this is very cool. where are you located? shchyusevo street 12. mortgage construction and installation company. construction and installation, mortgage. wait, repeat the name again. street 12. construction company, mortgage, who was taken hostage, head of the company, pavlov mikhail alexandrovich, pavlov mikhail alexandrovich. it's a strange thing on the internet.
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there is no company, look in the general register of commercial companies, now, what do they want, well, in the sense of terrorists, well, first of all, he is alone, he wants 30,000, he called himself sergei tsvetkov, sergei tsvetkov, he says that he is a classmate of pavlov, i ask you, look at each other, as soon as you break, let me know, i'm waiting, okay, bye, hello, ivanov, hello, this is lena, uh, listen, you can't help me, well andrey, stop it, then, then,
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first do it, do it, there you go. listen, i i need information about mikhail aleksandrovich pavlov, he is the director of a construction, installation, mortgage company, yes, uh-huh, thank you, seryoga, 3000 dollars is not a joke, this is a lot of money, for this amount a person should check everything, every little thing, to do, that and they throw me away, thanks for the science, i understand, you have to pay for everything, but wait, you can still fix it, you’re wrong, not everything, irka left me, irka,
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what an irka, irina, my wife, and my son with me for.. . and doesn’t let me near him, do you know why? why? considers me a complete loser, and does not want my son to follow in my opinion... topan, so to speak, it’s all thanks to you, seryoga, well, maybe everything is for the best, if he left you, it means he couldn’t stand the test, well, then, who are you, who are you to give my wife a test, and who are you to control our destinies? you’ve won dozens of lawsuits, but how many didn’t go to court at all, how many people laid hands because of you, what do you think you are? are you god? seryoga, that’s not what i meant, i’ll kill you, bitch! seryoga, are you listening, what are you saying, stop it! i
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get nervous all the time when i'm around her. we we left there together, we will go in there together! kingfisher, new season, we need to find a way to make things right. for example, you and your father could disappear from my son’s life, then he would return home. what if you stop attacking me and my family, think about what needs to be done for the happiness of firit himself. today at 14:00 on ntv. the peculiarity of crohn blanche bier is non-alcoholic, with a soft wheat taste and notes of citrus. everything fits together perfectly. discover a special taste, eat something egg, what to do? in case of poisoning enterum, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving useful substances,
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betsy's sandals are waiting for you at a discount, also shoes for the hot summer, shoes, sandals are more profitable with a vb-wallet. our homeland is a country of great victories and achievements. from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite all the difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to their limits. opportunities to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal.
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the medal is plated with 999 pure silver. the obverse depicts a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. call to order. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. well hello, i'll be with you for a long time. serious relationships with turkish tv series begin with evie. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy subscription for 99 rubles per month. what kind of information will i have? you'll
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look pale if you don't stop, listen, dear, every minute, don’t be rude, okay, you’re interested in construction, mortgage, owner pavlov, mikhail aleksandrovich, that ’s right, don’t torment your soul, everything is according to the law, there are a lot of complaints against the company, but there... they’ll spoil the nose, and what do they do? they are building housing, uh, that is, they declare that they are building, but in fact not a single house has been built yet. wait, how's that? very simple, they collect money, dig a large pit, then the investors’ money is transferred to the contractor’s company, after a while the contractor goes bankrupt and the money disappear, a normal business designed
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for... suckers, and that it is impossible to get the money back, you can get it back from the thimble makers, and then once in a million, here it’s not, it’s impossible to sue the money invested, here you can even break yourself into a piece of cake, at least hire famous lawyers, and if your psycho, who took pavlo hostage, invested his own.
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“if i heard about him, then that means i knew something about him, and if i don’t know anything about him, that means he’s a nobody, and well, yes, it’s logical, excuse me, i need to call, hello, artyom, listen, i have some information for you"? mukhtar, well done, wait until, just quietly, quietly, i understand, yes, okay, len, i understand, thank you for your help, well, she thinks that he invested money in this office and went broke, that’s it.
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but he invested a lot, apparently, these same 30,000 dollars, and so this means that he came for his own, right, and if so, then he is unlikely to be dangerous, you can try to talk to him, tell me, do you have electronic communication, there is? works, can you talk? sergei tsvetkov, senior police lieutenant is speaking to you, kolosov, my name is artyom, we can talk, listen, you are there, i have
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nothing to lose, okay? everyone has something to lose, but i have nothing, i had everything, a wife, a son, and now because of this bastard i have nothing, and no family, and don’t meddle in my affairs, i understand, i understand, listen, sergei, we we know what happened to you, you are stressed, you are nervous, in this state you can do something stupid, please try to pull yourself together, calm down, let go. hostage, hand over your weapons to us, listen, i want to give you a chance, well, understand, everyone may have problems problems, but no, really, well, let 's try to talk without weapons, i'll try to sort everything out humanly, like a man, unnecessary emotions like a human being, any court will dismiss him, everything is according to the law, you bastards, wait, sergey, shut up, you say, to sort it out like a man, so now i ’m dealing with him like a man, so if
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they don’t bring me the money in 10 minutes, i ’ll shoot at him, seryoga, you shook your head, they won’t let you out of here with that kind of money, do n’t let it bother you worries, now tell your comrades something, did you cheat on me? threw it, you knew that you're throwing me away, i haven't seen you for 100 years, it doesn't matter, you knew that the house wouldn't be built, don't lie, you knew, you knew, louder, you knew, you're happy, now hurry them up with the money, olya, what's wrong with the money, i i am waiting. i helped you, yes, thank you, and i deserve your gratitude.
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t-80 tanks eliminated dugouts in the ssu. the lack of coordination of the crew is also a very important thing, so our crew consists purely of contract soldiers who have been serving together for a long time. and ukrainians are trying to escape mobilization. they started shooting draft dodgers right at the border. france hit by a wave protests after the regular parliamentary elections. why does unrest benefit the incumbent president? about how macron wanted to play brilliantly, but lost miserably? elizabeth gerson. the route has been built.
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the government intends to increase the number of motor tourists in 5 years.


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