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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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intellectual-engineering special forces - this is what the advanced engineering school prepares . the ministry of education and science told the president about how the state helps students quickly transform
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. in 5 years, it intends to double the number of auto tourists, making road travel comfortable and safe, what is required for this, alexey kvashenki figured out. hello, welcome to the information service. ntv television company. this is the program today, hosted by elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the kremlin discussed today federal project advanced engineering schools. these are new higher educational institutions that are now being opened on behalf of the president. they must raise higher technical education to a new level and resolve the personnel issue in industry. both are necessary to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. minister of science and higher education valery folkov reported on the implementation of the project. he noted that engineering schools
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are already operating in all federal districts and , what is important, they work closely with science, with production. nikita korzin, more details. for young men, and even girls, who are contemplating life, deciding to make a life, who can now say, without hesitation, to pay attention to advanced engineering schools, write, if in short, they are created on the basis of a university together with technological giants. gazprom, for example, opened a laboratory of artificial intelligence in industry at tomsk polytechnic university, which means that the graduate will receive what he needs. the customer of knowledge will understand exactly where to find application. development of domestic technologies today a state priority, which is why pish is generally a designated federal project. we have recently been paying a lot of attention, and rightly so , to the creation of engineering schools and the training of appropriate personnel, as i understand it, this is where you would like to start, right? yes, dear vladimirevich, thank you very much. the demand for these schools was so serious that in 2023 we held another competition, literally.
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in november, we planned at least ten, selected 20 advanced engineering schools, which is why today we have such a good set, 50 schools, 28 regions in all federal districts without exception. each such advanced engineering school, falkov specified, solving the problems of updating the entire system of higher education, becomes an experimental testing ground for the transformation of teaching technical sciences. on the other hand, this is ensuring technological sovereignty, because well , we know, that has always been achilles's pit, high school.
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is at the forefront of this process and at the forefront, and we looked if in the first year those schools that we selected approximately there for every state ruble, a ruble of 30 kopecks was given, then the last schools according to promises, well, now let’s look at the twenty-fourth, more than 1 ruble 70 kopecks for every state, now the main task is to learn how to quickly turn ideas into technologies, products and service, valery folkov emphasized, so the next years will be marked by the introduction of new domestic developments created on the basis of engineering schools. and practice is
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ensured, provided by practice, that is, literally training takes place, there - above teams, student teams, are led by leaders from, say, kamaz or rosselmash.
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accordingly, we will extend the program to the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. there were conditions for agriculture there before , which, despite the difficult situation, make it possible to harvest good harvests; the decision made will be an additional
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incentive for local farmers, including, very importantly, the creation of new jobs. it is necessary that the appropriate there was funding for rural areas in these four regions. will also be established, the government is improving the mechanism of state and municipal procurement, on behalf of the president, we will systematize the procedure for their implementation for small needs, as a rule, below 600,000 rubles. and for this they use the services of a single supplier,
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which in many cases is a barrier for small medium-sized enterprises. a special catalog will now be created describing specific products with an emphasis on digital passports, domestic...
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russian assault units go on the attack along with the acacias. the name of these powerful artillery pieces is well known to the enemy. self-propelled howubs with medical shots inflict
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serious damage on ukrainian nationalists, thereby helping our fighters move forward. sergei pikulin reports from the dpr. do you see a self-propelled gun here? no, what if it’s like this. green paint now, of course, helps a lot in camouflage, but in order to hide such a colossus as an acacia, you still have to cover it special camouflage nets. in principle, to bring it into combat position, the guys need less than 5 minutes, these are our artillery from primorye, self-propelled gun groups, here are the tracks, to the east, you can see in the eyes of a young fighter, and he is already a gun commander, awarded a medal for courage, the st. george cross and order of zhukov, says: now they are working on the outskirts of the harvest, the enemy snaps at one location shot, in response
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, several fpv drones of the ukrainian armed forces may arrive. yesterday there were three at once, there are, but they are now in the wilderness, there are rap, there is a reb system, yes, they turned on the system, they shot it down on approach, it turns out, well, it exploded in the air and slightly damaged it with fragments, so everything is fine now, these are shots of objective control from our drone. in the valleys of the house there is a mortar crew of the armed forces of ukraine, which does not allow our infantry to approach, an acacia shell lands accurately, the assault begins, cover, after the defensive post is taken, the artillery again comes to the fore, because new positions need to be held, and the enemy immediately begins to bombard them with shells , so our gun begins its counter-battery struggle.
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military institutions. in addition, employees
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of the military social center will deal with issues of supporting the families of military officers, as well as military retirees. the office that opened today in moscow is central; in the near future, branches will open in all districts. and today on poklonnaya hill in moscow , and also routing for medical honors of veterans of all local conflicts. participants in the hostilities traditionally laid flowers at the monument to the soldiers and internationalists. in victory park, they honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, then they marched solemnly. veterans of past conflicts also remembered the exploits of the fighters who are now defending russia’s interests in different parts of the globe, including in the special operations zone. hello, dear afghans and combat veterans! hooray! hooray! hooray! every year the geography of this holiday is growing, the number of participants is growing, a new
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category of veterans of a special military operation has appeared, and we are doing everything to ensure that this holiday is included directly in the state register of holidays. today veterans of local conflicts of the post-war period gathered here on poklonnaya hill, starting in 1945, russia had to defend the interests of the soviet union about 40 times, and then...
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intense, uh, tell me honestly, you don’t know, you have a very big program, you’re tired , honestly admit to me, no, maybe shorten something, reduce it, no, just extend it, then, then an angel for you on the way, have a good trip,
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the brightest, kindest, good impressions from this trip. we love you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you, and i, as an inspector, will now go check the carriages, how life is there, i will check, if there are any comments, we will correct them, but when we talked about next year, believe me, we have enough carriages to attach for many more countries, and not only the former. we are ready to continue inviting guys from china, india, the brix countries, and other countries, so the train will be longer and longer each time. the journey will end on july 5 in minsk, where schoolchildren will take part in ceremonial events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from german fascist invaders. criminal
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charges against the former president. trump was nominated in the united states; they will not prevent him from taking part in the presidential elections. the supreme court announced this today. it ruled that trump retains significant immunity from prosecution for actions he committed while in office. the former president himself, who became a defendant in several criminal cases in his homeland, including incitement to storm the capitol, has already commented on today’s the court's decision. in his social networks, he called it a big victory for... his supporters are coming to their senses after the announcement of the results of the first round of parliamentary elections, the coalition of the current head of state took only third place, and in the first place is the right-wing party national association marine lepen. having learned about the election results
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, thousands of dissatisfied people took to the streets of french cities, the success of the right, swept across the country without... imman is the third, but not like napoleon the third, in the case of macron it is not a title, but only the place he occupies his party in the elections to the national assembly. the national rally lupin is the leader of the first round with 33% of the vote, the coalition of the left, the new popular front is the second, 28%. macron's bloc together. in third place, they have 20% with a tiny tail. france recovered, the government became sad. this is a defeat, this is a defeat for our presidential majority, a defeat for our political camp. this is a historic moment of realignment of political forces in our country, and it greatly saddens me. finance minister lehmer has been promoted by the lepin party. he calls
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mokronist voters, gather the remnants of their strength and vote in the second round for the left, socialists, communists.
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was re-elected in the first round, she has an overwhelming advantage, in the next round her party can receive an absolute majority if it gains 289 mandates. she will be able to appoint her own prime minister and deal not only with internal affairs, but also with external ones. it’s not for nothing that lepine called macron’s role as commander-in-chief simply honorable. dear compatriots, democracy has spoken and the french people have set a national unification at the head, practically destroying the mokronist bloc. french.
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both during protests against pension reform and during farmer strikes. in britain , boris johnson decided to take a similar step, holding snap elections in 2019, in order to push
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his vision of brexit through parliament, then he received the majority, but firstly, he had a clear goal, and his voter voted to close boring topic of brexit forever, besides, johnson was personally popular then, however, this quickly ended, while macron now there is no such popularity as john. 5 years ago and there is no such clear, understandable goal. macron, sitting without a trump card, took a risk, hurried, it seems his adventure failed. macron’s position is difficult, they said in the socialist party. he continues to kiss their heads to appease voters, but he has already hung his own head. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and natalya markevich, ntv television company. paris. results of parliamentary elections in france today. commented in the kremlin, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, moscow understands the preference of french voters. we are
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, of course, very closely following the progress of these elections; the trends that had previously emerged in a number of european countries, including france, are being confirmed. but we’ll probably wait for the second round, although we more or less understand the preference of french voters. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. a large construction project in kazan, alexander tankikh will talk about how the city is preparing for the brix form, which will take place in october this year. the route has been built, the government intends to double the number of motor tourists in 5 years , making road travel comfortable and safe. alexey kvashenko figured out what this requires. business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. pay
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at 22:10 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. it's over in russia state program for the most widespread preferential mortgages on new buildings at 8%. it worked for more than 4 years, but recently the ministry of finance and the central bank have repeatedly said that it was time to stop the program. further business news with us denis telolaev. denis, what’s so bad about this program? they spoke in munfin and the central bank. that this large-scale preferential mortgage on a new building has somehow dragged on too long ; on the contrary, it is already reducing the affordability of housing. as of today , the state program of preferential mortgages for new buildings has stopped in russia at 8%. they launched it back in the spring of 1920, when they announced measures to support developers and citizens during the covid period. over the entire period, as calculated by the house of the russian federation, more than one and a half million
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loans were issued under this program. the conditions were periodically tightened, but still this program led to the fact that housing in russia became significantly more expensive. and in april of this year, deputy minister of finance ivan chebyaskov stated that without a preferential mortgage it is almost impossible to buy an apartment, it has become not a help, but a necessity, the availability of housing over time the implementation of preferential programs has decreased. at the end of the twenty-first year, the head of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, called for curtailing the massive preferential mortgages and making them more targeted, but this did not happen.
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after the termination of the preferential mortgage on a new building, because the rate on it was 8%, and market rates are now somewhere from 18%, which means that the demand for housing should drop significantly, but the analysts surveyed by our program cannot please future buyers, unfortunately, i can’t talk about the reduction in prices for new buildings, because prices are new buildings depend not only on demand, but also on factors such as project financing, land cost, and the price of changing the type of destroyed use, and the cost of construction and installation work, labor, unfortunately, all these cost items do not fall, but it should to say that probably this summer real estate prices, well, at least there in large markets, will stagnate, in the next 3 months the price at least will not rise, but we very much expect prices to rise again, i would not expect a fall prices,
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because now developers and banks will come up with various subsidy schemes so that such low rates will still somehow remain, so... even if prices somehow slow down in growth, i think it will be some kind of temporary process. managing director of the expert rating agency yuri belikov also does not expect a quick decline in real estate prices and explains: yes, developers will experience a drop in demand from a reduction in preferential mortgages and from the central bank’s measures to cool the market and from an increase in the debt burden of citizens and... in under these conditions, the ability of developers to stimulate demand by reducing prices, according to yuri belikov, is extremely limited. there was optimism on european stock exchanges today. the french index added more than a percent by the forties.
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the far-right party marine le pen won the first round of parliamentary elections in france. but investors were pleased that the gap between this party and the rest was not as large as predicted. the russian stock market also ended today with growth. brain index. pushed the stock exchange up rising oil prices, the rts dollar index dipped, because the ruble again noticeably fell in price against the dollar and the euro. the official rates that the central bank set for tomorrow are dollar 87.30, euro 93.96. pobeda airlines has launched paid meals on its flights. 10 years after its founding. previously , the low-cost airline said that due to the lack of on-board meals , costs are reduced and tickets are cheaper, but now the victory menu will include sandwiches, salads, cold cuts and cheeses, desserts, drinks, even children’s sets, a dish from 300 rubles, as it is reported that drinks start from 90, the service can be ordered on flights from sheremetyevo and pulkovo through the website or in the application. previously, victory had already
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launched a service called food at the gate, food could be obtained immediately before boarding. tourists who traveled to antalya faced long hours. with flight delays at the local airport. according to the flight radar website, yesterday 94% of flights departed from this popular turkish resort with delays, today 59%. naturally, all this affected russian tourists, for example, on the airport website vnukov indicated that some flights from antalya arrived today one and a half hours late, two, one flight was late by 5 hours, the other by six. there are cases when the flight from antalya was delayed for more than a day. the turkish press writes that: the problem with departure from antalya is associated with a strike by air traffic controllers, or more precisely with the fact that during the high tourist season they decided to refuse overtime and demanded improved working conditions. in addition to the fact that flights are delayed
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due to the strike, there are also technical problems, the airline issued after three, for example, hours of waiting on the airfield, makes it difficult to refuel the aircraft; there have been cases of crew replacements. technical breakdowns, all this together increases the number of delayed flights; according to dmitry gorin, antalya airport serves at least 1,150 flights every day. well, everything about economics. thank you, denis. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. there is a lot of construction going on in kazan these days. the city is actively preparing for the brix summit, which starts in the capital of tatarstan in october. russia is presiding this year. v the organization expects the arrival of about 30 delegations. well, in order to adequately receive all guests, including high-ranking ones, hotels in kazan are being modernized, avenues and embankment squares are being reconstructed, and even traffic on the streets will change during the summit. alexander
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tankikh will tell you how the city is being transformed. once upon a time there was a bed of the kazanka river, then the territory was filled up, they were going to build houses, but the city defended the space. and now at the end of summer one of them will open here. based on the analysis and communication with residents, we we realized that what was missing was a children's park that was aimed at young children and families. the second idea was to create a kind of green space on the territory. kazan has turned into a large construction site, there is a lot of equipment and workers on the streets, squares and parks are being renovated.
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with the presidential number there must be a room for his assistant secretary, there must be a room for security, it all must be on one floor, this hotel overlooks the millennium square, it too... was renovated, new lighting was installed, the paths and lawn were updated. there are more flowers and shrubs here. light poles were replaced with paving stones on the pedestrian bauman street, and new floating fountains were installed near the kremlin. this is the bulak channel. fountains were installed here back in 203 kuniversyad. and this year the equipment was completely updated, instead of twenty-two fountains there were 56 and the height was twice as large. at first they wanted to change the square with the eternal flame and the monument to the fallen soldier beyond recognition.
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millennium bridge. it was built almost 20 years ago. this year we made the first capital repair. now everything is ready, workers are finishing the supports. during the work , an asphalt-concrete surface, three-layer waterproofing was installed, the pylons were painted, and a new barrier fence was installed. new architectural and artistic lighting has been installed. they are updating the facades of houses, roads in the center of residential areas. thanks to the summit , 40 areas are being overhauled at once. our central office is preparing for the summit.
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they plan to complete it by the city and republic day at the end of august, and the brix summit in kazan starts on october 22. alexandrki, sergey skvartsov, nikolay datsun, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv. kazan. now a short advertisement. and that’s what we’ll talk about after it. the route has been built. the government intends to double the number of motor tourists in 5 years , making road travel comfortable and safe. alexey kuvashen figured out what this requires.
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not just profitable. alpha is profitable. such is the father, such is the fellow! this is the program today, we continue our release. israel is going to test a pilot model of governance in the gaza strip using so -called hamas-free bubbles. this became known to the financial times newspaper. according to the publication's sources, the plan
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is to create certain humanitarian enclaves to which the israelis will send aid to trusted local palestinians, and they, in turn, will receive it. since the start of the israeli army's operation iron swords, according to the palestinian authorities , almost 38 thousand civilians have already died in the gaza strip. today russia became chairman of the un security council for a month. in mid-july , the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, will hold a debate whose topics will be the formation of
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a more equitable world order and middle east settlement. planned also a discussion of un cooperation with other organizations of the csto, cis and russia. orban consistently advocates resolving the conflict in ukraine and against the supply of western weapons to kiev. in russia , more and more people not only choose new places for vacation, but also go there by car, and not always based on economic considerations. a personal car
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gives you freedom of choice. the plan of where to go can be changed at any moment. well, the authorities strive to make such trips as comfortable as possible. government on behalf of president approved the concept for the development of auto tourism for several years, and the main task is the construction of infrastructure, in particular multifunctional areas where you can spend the night, have a snack, and relax. alexey kvashenkin got to know the route better. auto tourism in russia is gaining momentum. over the past 5 years , the number of companies publishing motorhomes for rent has more than tripled, there are already about 100 of them. in july alone. there are five major festivals for car travelers: geography from the republic of moriel to tatarstan. of course, most of us are used to getting there by plane, train, or, in extreme cases, by boat, but at the same time , road travelers themselves think.
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we are making a 500 km circle, conditionally sticking it into krasnodar, these areas are now very well closed in the direction, for example to
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the east, the same new toll highway, the pace is very good. sergei is an experienced traveler, he has climbed by car to places where not everyone would dare on foot, but his varied geography of travel around the world leads to one conclusion: extreme sports in place, this may be good, now we will save you, how did you fly away, lord, but the majority here... bringing them up to modern technical requirements, aesthetic others. if we are talking about the construction of a new section
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of the road, then yes, of course, this can already be provided for in the project. that is why such recreation areas are located, as a rule, along toll roads. on the one hand, everything is logical: if you want to travel in comfort, pay, if you don’t want to, choose a detour route, but you need to understand that an hourly road trip in russia is not type of recreation, and the only opportunity to save money. what kind of savings is there if the moscow-krasnodar route costs almost 5,000 rubles for travel alone, plus the cost of gasoline. the state house proposed making such travel free for large families. what do you think? i think it's a great idea because even a penny saved goes towards extending their trip and improving their trip. there is the experience of a chinese one-manufacturer, a year ago they made travel free for one brand and... it was a great experience, the owners of these chinese cars really went there, because in both directions, for example, a trip to the south
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is 10,000 rubles now, and 10,000 rubles for even a large family is a day or two of vacation at sea. europe has more than 55 billion euros for the development of automobile tourism in this direction, and we have not even been legally defined in any way, this is now at the present time. a good start, and we are confident that the task set by the government is now considered to be 22 million motor tourists, and in 5 years there should be twice as many, this task is doable, everyone will feel good, because russia is a country so big and so diverse, there will be enough travel for a lifetime, even if the route is never repeated. alexey kuvashen, ekaterina katilevskaya, pyotr polikov and anastasia marchukova. tv company. tv. in two russian regions, tuva and yakutia , a
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federal emergency was declared today due to natural fires. hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest are burning. the state of emergency will allow local authorities to increase their firefighting forces, including more widely involve groups of rescuers from other regions. firefighters are being hampered by dry, hot weather in eastern siberia, with thermometers exceeding +30° for several days now. and the temperature is above normal, and in some places below 40. this week it will be almost all over russia. the ministry of emergency situations advises everyone to stay close to the shade and air conditioners, and to drink as much water as possible. ksenia ignatova will tell you what else will help you survive in the sultry reality. this evening the air warmed up to 31°, well, by the middle of the week they promise all 33. today we drove around the city and looked on poskvichi. there are not many people, but they were probably scared, they hid in offices, in apartments, sitting there under air conditioners, but the
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most fearless or the most, let’s say, prepared. in the summer we went out to sunbathe in the park like this, how do you generally cope with such heat? ok, great with a bottle of water. against the backdrop of the heat, the moscow metro began distributing free water, rescuers increased their duty on the water, and the capital's utility workers began watering roads and carrying out aeration more often. it turns out where it probably moved on these hot days all of moscow, here at vdnkh to the friendship of peoples fountain, on a working day. it’s not over, there are people here, well, it’s just a pond, well , in fact, if you stand on the leeward side, you can get right under the spray from the fountain, the beauty is incredible, the ice cream fountains, this is our salvation, i’m just allergic to the sun, well, to be honest, very it’s hot, so the water in our zones is also easy to
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eat right away, for example, this is so beautiful. fan, as weather forecasters say, the heat has reached a record high, there have not been such temperatures in moscow these days 90 years, if thermometers show more than 31.9°, the capital's residents will feel how the city melted in early july 1890; the next days there will be a crazy heat of 34-36°, it is especially important to emphasize that the heat is felt not only in the post-pole period. hours, but also at night, so the minimum night temperatures in the residential areas of moscow are 20-21°, in the center 23-25, after all, already on friday, in the afternoon, according to calculations, changes in circulation begin, air masses will begin to move from the west and a well-defined cold front will pass through moscow, by in the evening the temperature will drop. in general, in
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russia, for the second day in a row, weather forecasters recorded more than two dozen records in... for example, in kaliningrad, tula, anapa, and also in siberia, temperatures above 32° were in kemerovo, barnaul and novokuznetsk. the hottest place was minusinsk, 37.7°. if you do have to be outside, it is advisable that you spend most of your time in the shade. if you are relaxing, then , in fact, be in the open sun only in the morning or evening hours. in addition, you need to remember that... clothes should be loose, preferably light colors, it is worth limiting the consumption of fried, fatty, salty foods, it is worth drinking enough liquid, giving up alcohol and smoking. due to high temperatures in 58 regions of the country, the risk of forest fires occurring and spreading remains. rescuers are forced to increase their frequency of raids in green areas, but
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forest fires could not be avoided in transbaikalia, yakutia and the far east. according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, today the fire has already covered more than 330,000 hectares of territory yakutia. there are 107 natural fires in the republic. somewhere it’s more common, somewhere it ’s a swampy area, somewhere it’s dry land, somewhere you work in the forest. but basically these are swamps, swamps. the situation in the yakut forests is monitored by the russian ministry of emergency situations using drones. now, according to the department , there are 541 outbreaks in the country. natural fires in 37 regions, the most difficult situation is in the far eastern federal district, more than 600,000 hectares are engulfed in fire, more than 2 thousand local residents have been evacuated, the situation is now in central russia stable - the air forest protection department reports. ivan ozerov, alexander plotnikov, ulyana talpa, yana fedorarischeva, tv broadcaster. and now
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is the time to find out the weather forecast from irina. well , in winter we know it’s cold, in summer it’s hot, in general the heat is here for a long time, today it was somehow really hot for our latitudes, yes, it’s already 5-6 degrees too much, it will be even hotter, the synoptic situation in most of the russian plain is concentrated while the heat is only gaining strength, coolness can only penetrate in the northwest, for everyone else, the air flow from the mediterranean country plus our own warming up from the abundance of the sun, the result in the moscow region in almost all central regions... and now all this without the slightest hint of precipitation, the volga region is crossing the psychologically significant mark of 30°, while the smolensk tver region will feel the approach of a cold atmospheric front tomorrow, but only an approach, in the north-west there will be heavy rains, thunderstorms, squalls , a noticeable cooling, in pskov tomorrow the maximum will be +20. there will be more clouds in the south and
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this is no longer only in the caucasus. thunderstorms are possible all the way to the south-krasnodar region, including sochi, the temperature will not react to this much. the maximum heat is in the ozovo region on the don, and a thunderstorm cold front is passing through st. petersburg right now. so no more heat, tomorrow thunderstorms are possible again and the maximum is 21:23, but in moscow everything is still higher, there is almost no doubt that records will be broken, because such heat in the capital in early july has never really been recorded, here, or rather here coolness has begun, but while the heat and scorching sun are already officially a dangerous weather phenomenon, we will cool ourselves under the air conditioners, thanks to iri, thanks to irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, that’s it. news by this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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but judging by your appearance, the evening was a success in all directions, colonel, real men do not discuss their romantic adventures. in any case, i am your debt roma. the main thing is that you talk about it remembered. roma, i am her, roman. here is a certificate, but here are only general phrases, but not in the open ones,
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let’s look at others, in short, excuse me, when did you go with her, good morning, let me come in, so you’ve already entered, do you remember me, the circumstances? whom we met, eliminates the possibility of forgetting you, so i can go and talk to people, maybe coffee, no, thank you, then sit down, roman georgievich, we are accompanying the work of your predecessor, we would like to. with the cases that he personally supervised, whom he called, with whom he talked? tell me, how is a drunken shootout in a restaurant related to the affairs of the department? it seems to me that an operational measure for such a simple crime boils down to obtaining certificates
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to ensure investigative actions, no? we have a different opinion. may i know which one? not yet, but no, as they say, and no trial. through my superiors. please, you know the procedure for access to operational materials, and i heard that you often neglect bureaucratic rules, but then you should know what it sometimes cost me, we not enemies, we'll see. who is this? all-seeing eye. listen, zheka will lead the meeting, but i need to leave.


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