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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 2, 2024 8:00am-8:25am MSK

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[000:00:18;00] ilya ushenin will talk about how attack army aviation supports the advance of the southern group of troops. due to the heat , an orange level was declared in the moscow region. water danger, and the northern capital experienced a powerful hurricane. demolished trees, construction cranes and roofs, but there were no casualties. about the consequences of a quick but strong hurricane in st. petersburg. nikolai bulkin. who is joe biden's family blaming for his televised debate failure, as well. another victory for trump, this time in the us supreme court, he received partial immunity from criminal
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persecution. how will this affect the cases against trump? in the report by alexey veselovsky. first aid. why in russia the majority not only don’t know how to provide it, but they don’t even always know what it is, where you can learn it and how volunteers work, whose tasks to help the victim have not been postponed - alexey kovoshenkin found out. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. and let's start with the situation in the nwo zone. tankers of the group of troops in the center destroyed the stronghold apu point in the avdeevsky direction. the shooting was carried out by direct fire from a t-72 tank at a distance of about a kilometer. after the firing points were eliminated, the assault groups were able to capture ukrainian positions and gain a foothold in the area. according to the clock,
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the actions on... the units were supported by paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces. using grad multiple launch rocket systems, they destroyed ukrainian armored vehicles and personnel . in the kherson sector, russian artillery from msta s self-propelled howitzers hit fortified positions and boats of the ukrainian armed forces. all the targets were successfully hit. and the crews of the strela 10 anti-aircraft missile systems protect our units from air strikes. to work as efficiently as possible , we cover, so to speak, our senior comrades, the tor, ortu anti-aircraft missile systems, we cover the assault units during the march, during the assaults, that is, we are in the middle, so to speak, in the middle, the grenade launchers of the west group of troops destroyed the ukrainian dugouts, during the retreat, the nationalists threw away american machine gun cartridges and
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nato-made helmets. from here we are the machine gun was taken away, meanwhile, air supremacy is ensured by our aviation; in all directions of the special operation, fighters and helicopters destroy strongholds and firing points, and also strike at ammunition depots and armored vehicles. to avoid being attacked by air defense systems, flights take place at ultra-low altitudes. to protect our assault troops, crews fly out on duty every day. ilya ushan observed the combat work of the pilots. they can see everything from above, and they use it very skillfully. attack aircraft pilots, one of the main characters special military operation. on their su-25 attack aircraft, they sometimes do what seemed impossible in peacetime. flights at ultra-low altitudes, so that fragments from artillery explosions reach the plane, anti-missile maneuvers - all this several times a day, but the results of their work speak
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for themselves. we worked in... in the bakhman direction, we also took part in the liberation, well, we have made significant progress, as they say, last year we flew before bakhmut, and this year we are flying behind it, that is, we already directly see the city itself as we fly through it. it is clear that attack aircraft are always a desirable target for manpads and any air defense, and the aircraft get damaged, but the ground crew is always ready to help and quickly return the rooks, as the su-25 is called , to service. after all, it’s not for nothing that the pilots themselves call these planes. a flying tank, there were cases where missiles hit it, landed on one engine, fought off on one, it was leaking all over, but it returned home, here, no matter, they, yes, landed safely, that’s it, they fixed the failures in a timely manner, there, they changed the engines and that’s it, and a day or two later he was back in action in battle, together with the rooks the army
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strike aviation was sent on a combat mission. by the way, it is also called a flying tank because of its powerful armor. both helicopters complement each other in battle; together they are
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a formidable force. just now... you don’t get excited because of some kind of courage, well, you always seem to have a cool, sober head, that is, there’s no shame in being afraid, right? well, of course, fear should be present in any person, this is a normal phenomenon. immediately after refueling to replenish ammunition, the pilots they went on combat missions again, because they were supported by attack aircraft already on the ground, who continued to advance on enemy positions. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company, southern direction, special military operation. seven people. including a child, wounded in the belgorod region as a result of an evening attack by the ukrainian armed forces. six victims were sent to hospitals. in belgorod, 22 private houses were damaged, one was completely destroyed. the safety of another one
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will be assessed by experts. about ten cars were cut by shrapnel; there was destruction in a private quarter of the neighboring village of maisky. and in shibeikin, the ukrainian armed forces launched their own terrorist attack. they dropped explosives from a drone to rescuers, extinguished a fire after a previous attack, and an emergencies ministry employee was injured. in moscow, due to the heat, an orange level of weather danger was announced. the warning will be in effect until wednesday evening; according to forecasters, these days in the capital it will be up to +36. temperatures will return to normal values ​​only over the weekend. due to the abnormal heat, city services were switched to enhanced operating mode, and residents capitals were recommended to be. be careful, stay in the shade more to avoid heat stroke, and do not leave children and animals in locked cars. dry, hot weather has settled in other russian regions. in pryamurye, several municipalities have introduced a high alert regime;
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the thermometer is expected to rise to 36°. and forest fires are raging in yakutia; their area has already reached 350 thousand hectares. over a hundred outbreaks have been recorded in the republic. attracted fire train aviation, including airplanes, sounders. and in st. petersburg, after more than a thousand people, as well as equipment, thirty-degree heat, heavy rains and thunderstorms came. bad weather raged in the northern capital the night before. the storm felled trees, cars did not fall on people, a woman died, and several other people were injured. due to bad weather , aircraft departures were suspended at pulkovo airport. report from st. petersburg. nikolai bulkin. it struck in the late afternoon and neither the trees nor even the steel tower crane could withstand its onslaught. the huge structure collapsed before the eyes of eyewitnesses. construction companies assured that the multi-meter crane fell without injuries. indeed, abnormal weather conditions
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and hurricane winds led to the fall of a crane at one of the company’s three sites. at the time of the emergency, the crane operators had completed their work and carried out all the necessary measures provided for in the safety instructions in case of bad weather. and according to our data, thanks. there were no casualties in the incident. there are many more fallen trees, unfortunately, this is how the hurricane also claimed human life. the tragedy occurred in this st. petersburg courtyard : a strong gust of wind knocked down a poplar tree. there was a woman here at that moment. she was taking out the trash, a heavy barrel fell and hit her right in the head. gusts of wind tore off the roofs of houses in the historical center and carried away baby strollers, fortunately there were no children in the new buildings. the hurricane interfered with the restoration of the facades, carrying away scaffolding and... raised sandstorms. on highways with a speed limit of 110 km/h, drivers, fearing for their lives and in order to avoid accidents, significantly slowed down speed. and on st. petersburg city streets , some trees still fell, right on cars. while
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there is currently no information about other victims of the hurricane, several victims are already known. doctors continue to provide assistance to them in hospitals. at this time, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and public utilities are removing fallen structures, trees and restoring power lines. hurricane. appeared after a hot day, it was short-lived, but the consequences turned out to be serious, the bad weather came with a thunderstorm, and the skyscraper tower was hit spectacularly lightning, the lightning rod worked, but to avert the trouble. it didn’t work out from the city entirely. nikolay bulkin, victor khudi, pavel zelenkov, ntv, st. petersburg. joe biden's family has named those responsible for the collapse of the televised debate with donald trump. as the politician writes, everyone who prepared the performance got it, from the main advisers and the lawyer who portrayed trump at rehearsals, to the make-up artist who did too pale makeup and even the director. he allegedly did not tell the american president which camera to look at. biden's relatives demand dismissal
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advisors or at least demote them. according to the publication, the debate marked the bottom of biden’s long-term political career. despite this, the family demands that he remain in the presidential race. and his fellow democratic party members are rushing to officially announce him as a candidate for the top post in order to put an end to discussions about a replacement after the tv disaster. the official nomination may not even take place in
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august as planned. clarified that not all actions of the us president in office can be considered official, but informal immunity does not apply, lower courts will now have to sort out which of trump's actions in office are considered official and which are not, when he spoke to his supporters on january 6 before they stormed congress, it was within the scope of his official authority or no, it will take many months to understand all these nuances. this is an absolute victory for donald trump. this decision does not say that trump did this in an attempt to influence
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the outcome of the election, thanks to this immunity, it will take a long time to find out. there is simply no time, elections are ahead, and donald trump has already made it clear that if he wins, this matter will be closed. the supreme court's decision could also sink other cases against trump in georgia, where the ex-president was also accused of trying to change the election results, and in florida, where a case is pending against trump for improperly storing classified documents. i think. this is the best supreme court decision we could expect. the judge outlined a fairly broad doctrine of immunity for former presidents. in in some paragraphs, i personally saw criticism of the haste with which trump was charged. trump and his supporters are celebrating, and democrats are horrified by the decision, because now the head of the white house will have virtually a free hand, but when addressing the nation, president biden, of course, did not mean himself,
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only his rival. the usa is a king who is not afraid of any laws. congresswoman from the democratic party alexandria casio cortez promised to impeach the judges who supported trump's immunity. it's possible to irritate democrats. about obstructionism, obstruction of power, it was successfully used to charge trump supporters detained during the storming of congress in january 2021, now many of these cases will have to be reviewed, here is another obvious victory for conservatives. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dzekin and polina timofeeva, ntv. usa. in london, the guards'
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horses were caught again; three horses escaped during an exercise; one of them got scared of the bus and rushed down the street; two more threw off their riders and rushed after the first. catch them yourself. royal the guards were unable to do so, turned to the police, and through joint efforts the animals were found and returned to the stables. the last time the horses ran away was in april, then they were not afraid of the loud sounds of the tuning. five horses had to be caught. a large-scale program to teach first aid skills has been launched in russian regions. the teachers were specialists from the ministry of health, disaster medicine centers and volunteers. as part of the course, they will tell you what to do in case of injuries and wounds, as well as what needs to be put in the first aid kit. in class
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alexey kvashenkin visited. let's start with the main thing: how many people know how to provide first aid? unfortunately, practice shows that in our country, well , if we talk about russia... yes, the number of people trained in first aid is very, very small, that is, well, about a percentage, but how much is needed, we need to train 15% of the population well . according to statistics, first aid, and not always qualified, is provided in only 4% of all accidents, despite the fact that the chances of salvation when provided approximately double, for an ambulance the standard is 20 minutes, a volunteer rescuer may be nearby, thereby the start of first aid will begin earlier, it will be more... let's immediately define the terminology: first aid does not require medical education, it is not medical, but simply first aid, that is, we are not doctors. probably one of the most advanced organizations for training in first aid in russia, a rescuer is nearby, they have branches, and their own application on the phone, patrols, and their own uniform. now
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i will apply cold to you, we are not an ambulance, we are a rescuer, we provide first aid, an ambulance yes, we will meet and see you off. we can ask our victim how you feel? i feel very comfortable and i now remember what was explained to me before, in fact, i already took first aid courses, but the fact is that it was a one-time event, and in a good way such things should be done at least every year, yes. .. to go to the northern military district zone, and it is vital for them
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to be able to properly provide first aid, including to themselves. the state is meeting halfway, grants are being allocated, equipment is being purchased, laws are being adjusted. in last year, the president of the russian federation signed amendments to the federal law on the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the russian federation, and from september 1 of this year , new compositions of first aid kits, packs, kits come into effect , and for the first time, the procedure for providing first aid in our country appears. at the same time, we must understand that you and i are given the opportunity to learn lifeguard skills more than once. and if you look, 100% of our citizens pass. in school, a slightly smaller percentage goes on to study at higher education institutions, but there too there are classes in bjd. then why, in a critical situation, do we either not know or are lost and cannot figure out what to do? you can watch videos on the internet, but there is no opportunity to practice practical skills, that is, learn to provide first aid with your hands. and for practice you need equipment. it doesn’t matter what kind of training center it is, paid
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or free, it needs equipment, for example, i’m wearing such pads so as not to shock beginners: bleeding is a rag, a fracture. this is a bone, but there are naturalistic models with fake blood and terrible-looking injuries, and these used to be silent fools, now the simulator is a high-tech product, it itself helps to monitor the condition of an imaginary patient, and can also evaluate the work of the rescuer for incorrect actions and scold him, a fracture has occurred, incorrect position, incorrect position of the hands, incorrect position hands during heart massage. so, there is equipment. there are grants, there are even organizations, not everywhere, but better than nothing, the main thing is missing, so that as many people as possible, ordinary people, not enthusiasts or volunteers, wanted to learn where to start, from the simplest basics, what even an untrained person can do, firstly, look around, make sure that the whole place is safe, secondly,
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turn a person in some confused unclear consciousness on his side, in any way, as long as he lies on his side, the third thing is to find some kind of polyethylene, and protection and... with this, we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. hop sale for all your want a bed with a lifting mechanism for only 21.990. do it. purchases in kopecks sberbank mortgage for any type of housing: house, resale or new building. find
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, the rainy season will start all this at a dismal 10°. at the same time, in yakutia the heat reaches a peak of 35 and there is extreme fire danger in the absence of precipitation. in the south of the continent it is also confidently over 30 and a sharp jump in temperature in khabarovsk, where today it is +29. in siberia , on the contrary, the temperature is dropping, today in krasnoyarsk +27 and it will rain. from omsk to tyumen, there it is 22-23, the coldest weather will be in narilsk, in taimyr the air is from the cold arctic seas, cold in the north of european territory, cyclones are making their way there, they are forced to bypass the anticyclone, it has established itself in the middle zone and has blocked all passages and exits, tomorrow the temperature will drop further, the northwestern region is also in rain and coolness, in the center there is a very hot week, dangerous sun, extremely high air temperatures, residents are fleeing as best they can on the rivers and reservoirs. in the moscow region, the water has already warmed up


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