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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  July 2, 2024 8:25am-10:01am MSK

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all this at a dismal 10°, while in yakutia the heat reaches a peak of 35, extreme fire danger in the absence of precipitation, in the south of the mainland it is also confidently over 30 and a sharp jump in temperature in khabarovsk, there today is +29. in siberia, on the contrary, the temperature is dropping, today in krasnoyarsk it is +27 and it will rain from omsk to tyumen, there it is 22-23, the coldest weather will be in narilsk, on taimyr air from the cold arctic seas, cold in the north of europe. cyclones make their way there, they are forced to bypass the anticyclone, it has established itself in the middle zone blocked all entrances and exits. tomorrow the temperature will drop further. the northwestern region is also rainy and cool; in the center there is a very hot week, dangerous sun, and extremely high air temperatures. residents are saving themselves as best they can; on the rivers and reservoirs of the moscow region, the water has already warmed up to resort values ​​of +22-23. the season of water activities is in full swing, but beware of hiding from the active sun. the same. recommendations for
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the southern regions blazing sun in the kuban in the lower don in the crimea in sevastopol +32 in sochi - rain and thunderstorm and +28. in st. petersburg too rain with thunderstorms, during the day it’s only +22, in moscow this temperature is in the morning, and in the afternoon there’s bright sun and 32-34, then even higher. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. it's a birthday. say discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone's birthday. polaris fan for 2,499, narzan mineral water for 349. children's suit mika yumi for 509. i am a lada with green gel horsepower, my legs are always. dance. in the sportsmaster, prices are half. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. moscow coffee shop on the fields. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. mentovsky.
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listen, how are you doing? it turns out, and sleight of hand you hear is technical, let's go, damn it!
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listen, does this idiot really not even know about anything, a person must be used in such a way that he does not know about it. it's easy if you know his habits.
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and let's all get out, faster, faster,
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what did you say, that you shook? eh, can’t you see that he’s turned off, what the hell, what’s the herald wearing, yes, answer, that’s it, let ’s fuck off, maxim. in short, the guard was brought in before my arrival, they say they gave him a great treatment, but will live, wow, how many of them there were , six, they managed in 5 minutes, well
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, to be precise in 4:42, i watched the video, you know, the most interesting thing is that they didn’t have boxes with this rubbish. so, that means the boxes were hidden somewhere in the parking lot, apparently there was an accomplice, do you think one of the owners of the cars, this is exactly what we have to find out now, really, fly, listen, in my opinion, you’re trying in vain, muktar there is no help for us here, but what is this about, dmitrievich? hello, lenochka, well, do you feel what there’s a smell, it’s everywhere here, you know? it seems that mukhtar has his own opinion on this matter.
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check this out. tolik, please find out who the owner of the car is and invite me for an interview. ok. artyom, i'm going to the department. yes, artyom, did i underestimate your dog? ay, what a great guy! i don't understand. what does it have to do with me, that is, you continue to claim that you have nothing to do with this
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case, you call it a case, some degenerate teenagers, they damaged a dozen cars, and the whole department is involved in this case, i hope my car was not damaged, well, this is what’s strange, but no, it’s strange that you ’re interrogating me. and not the victims, presumably in your car a liquid was transported to the parking lot, with the help of which all the cars were mutilated, and your car was not damaged, how can you explain this, well, how should i know, but i think that there will be some explanation, it seems you have a son, but how... does this have anything to do with the matter? tell me, couldn’t he
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use the keys to your car? what are you getting at? my son has nothing to do with this. i officially declare this to you. the security guard who was beaten half to death had nothing to do with it either . he was just trying to save your property. listen, my son is an ordinary teenager, he skates from morning to night on these damn roller skates, but he is simply not capable of anything like that. sorry, i'm lvovich, but i think that we will have to meet with your son. i don't think you will succeed. why? the thing is, i have no idea where he is now. you see, he left in the evening, and i still
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haven’t seen him, do you have a photograph of him? yes, artyom, do you park your car too ? no, mine is under the window, you’re not afraid, but my mukhtar is better than any alarm system, if anything happens to the car, he’ll smell it right away, but i’m still thinking whether i should get a car or not, okay, dmitrich, you don’t pull, better tell us what kind of liquid it was, ordinary phenol-formaldehyde, a preparation based on formic acid plus a solvent, an amazing effect on... car paints, by the way, here’s the conclusion, you can read it, that’s
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all for now, yes, but about the burnt car, well it the drug is essentially a solvent for washing off car paint, it is very flammable, no matter what... i can smell it, well done, yeah, and this hair dryer is degit, yes, degit, you can generally find it somewhere, let’s say, in a hardware store or something else, well, it’s unlikely in the economic sector, it is mainly used in production, well , in general, getting it is not a problem, a lot of companies sell it, which means you have no clue here, well, perhaps yes. ilkovsky is listening, and lenochka, is that you? yes, as you say, i
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asked you to come in, okay, thank you, thank you, health, bon appetit, thank you, good morning, i'm back home, grandpa. are you crazy, firit? we will win this war. you 've gone too far, kazyma. i want to escape from my father. with me, you're safe. he plays. the more you allow him, the worse he will behave, he needs to be taught a lesson, i don’t want you to give my wife any advice, that i’m sorry, but maybe marriage in principle is an abnormal thing, it’s not about marriage, it’s about you, you make me unhappy,
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kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. cop wars today at 16:45 on ntv. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls only at a tasty point. for the first time on screens. meet us! on avito! on avito! khvatamba has arrived! and discounts for people from people. only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from cabinets to car products. on avito, maybe with a sister, appetite anywhere, dad is crap, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad is crap, dad can have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, if you don’t have an appetite, sausages will help, we at persil are taking
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fine. the documents for osharin arrived. and what? it turns out that last summer asharin’s son took part in the pogrom on tverskaya. do you remember there was a real massacre there? after the japan-russia match he made excuses, but the protocol of the transaction was preserved, i don’t understand where teenagers have so much aggression and desire to destroy everything around, they express themselves in this way, yes, thank god, at least the matter got off the ground, but good, that’s it you'll say now khrulev, he’s just calling us. oh, i feel that this is not good, it calls us kru-khru, let's go, let's go!
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didn’t sign up, and are you already all wet, no, that means, i’m paying money, and you
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’re working, so shut up and do your job, why don’t you shut up yourself, and what are you, you snot, i’m on the asphalt i’ll smear you, yes, as if you wouldn’t be smeared here yourself, crap, but take your hands off. that's it guys, let's fuck off, we won't work with this freak anymore. why are you taking your time today, sit down, you
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said there was news? yes, packages with the liquid was transported to the parking lot in osharin’s car. here are the documents. what did you say? osharin? yes, osharin. last year, osharin's son, vladimir ilyevich osharin. was detained during the pogrom on tverskaya, and what kind of liquid? installed? yes, there is an examination, uh-huh, phenol, who comes up with these names, what else? osharin's car was the only one not damaged, osharin's son did not spend the night at home, and until today his whereabouts are unknown, it is unknown to say whether he is at school today. walking, no one i didn’t see him from my classmates, so i didn’t see him, right? did you register the sharina? that’s right, let him come to me, but now explain
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to me, gentlemen detectives, how it is that your only suspect spent the night in our monkey barn, and i find out about this from the duty officer, right? nikolai nikolaevich, can i? come in, i wanted to thank you for everything you did for my aboltus. say thank you, comrade lieutenant colonel. thank you, it’s not me who needs to speak, but the higher authorities. if it were up to me, your idiot would be sitting now with criminals. well, in vain, that's it. nikolai nikolavich, i ’ll deal with him myself at home, goodbye, comrade lieutenant colonel, move on. the younger one comes out, but sharin has nothing to do with it,
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he wasn’t in the parking lot, that’s for sure , he was detained for painting the walls in the subway, what other versions of what happened do you have, comrade operatives?
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see the trick? yes, only a professional can do this. hello, len, hi, yes, it’s me, i have a minute, lena, listen to me, i’m watching the video right now, yes, it looks like we screwed up big time today, okay, whatever you say, we with mukhtar, okay, okay, table, we screwed up the table, and you held on well, i ’m not for you, i’m for mukhtar, listen, this doesn’t look like teenage hooliganism, this is a clearly
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planned action. there’s clearly someone behind her , okay, bye, our clients are tough and arrogant, nothing like the current punks, so you need to look for them creatively, it’s accepted at the carnival at the carnival, we invite you to the collapse, it seems like... they’re going to kill, well, here we go nice, the prosecutor’s office doesn’t stop cases against cops, but what about the law, cop wars, today in 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, just an asterisk, my legs are just numb.
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8:57 am
the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. choose up to five top ones every month. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category on all. transfer money to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber subscription. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the fraudulent transaction on your account would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i called the bank and
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hung up. scammers pretend to be all kinds of people to get money out of you. hang up without talking. " assuming that osharin is not involved in this matter has nothing to do with how the criminals managed to bypass the security system in the parking lot? true, really, who besides the security guards of the car owners can know the alarm codes, only the company that installed it, yes, version, we need to promote the company that serviced the parking lot, yes, it doesn’t hurt to promote”? trollers, you know, i have i can’t get this roller skating trick out of my head, listen, and lenka, in my opinion , said that sharin’s son is one of these, she can ask him, listen, this is an idea, yes, let’s go, we
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it’s time to go to khrulev, our time has come, let’s go. mukha, are you here? i 'll tell you this, everyone who works in the security alarm systems market says that theirs is the most reliable. so we don’t say this, we guarantee, i dare to assure, that such situations will not happen in your parking lot again. i really wouldn't want to. true, your company’s services are quite expensive, but the recommendations are simply excellent. security system is a brand. well, i'm ready to make an agreement with you. volodya, volodya, go and see
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what, where, how, to install. and we are with you we will discuss how to optimize your costs, we are always happy to please our customers. yes, hello, nikolai nikolaevich, did you call? come in, sit down, here lena has prepared reports for the month, this is the picture that emerges. last week the boutique was destroyed, and even earlier. unknown people damaged the antennas on the roof of an elite building, but how did they get there? the alarm did not work, but there is still interesting information, what is it?
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today in moscow, not counting fly-by-night companies, there are about twelve companies, who install and maintain security systems, and as i understand it, this is on the list of these companies, right? yes, nikolai nikolaevich, why are only three companies noted? and this is the so-called security elite. companies, and what’s interesting is that in all three cases that interest us, security systems were installed by these very companies, yeah, it’s a war of competitors, i don’t know, last year a new company appeared, security systems, and what’s most interesting, everywhere where pogroms, some time later this one...
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security systems guarantee of security, well , everything is top-notch, an order and a bonus, read, the security system becomes a leader, so what? what did you need to prove? you read where
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it is underlined. was the security guard hospitalized? well, are you satisfied? yes, a black guy with a security guard, it would be worth making more noise. yeah, what to do with the cops, to hell with them too, you know that sisari is already collecting lists from all the security companies, oh well, they only imitate vigorous activity, and if they are seriously digging, they have enough to do without it. write to something roller hooliganism, mass riots, we
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've already been through this, why the hell did you get there in the first place, if i had given the money to the boys , they would have dumped it quickly, but what would they have done without me, and they certainly wouldn't have beaten the guard , that's for sure, keep in mind, if the guard wakes up and recognizes you. “i won’t cover your ass, then keep in mind that if they push me against the wall, i’ll pull you along with me, and what do i have to lose? volochka, there’s no need to scare me, i don’t know what you do when you ’re not working time". "when you they chased you from everywhere, i picked you up on the street,
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onto the street and threw you out, you picked me up, it ’s true, only i, in my opinion, have already paid off my debt, the money flowed to you through me, but don’t worry, i’m like a security guard i'll figure it out somehow. keep in mind that if the guard wakes up and identifies you, i won’t cover your ass, but we’ve already explained everything, we’d like to talk to your son, so let him go. don't worry, we want to consult with him, please come
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here, look carefully, wow, cool, cool, and now tell us, who can do such a somersault, well, tell me, why are you silent? do you want a monkey bar again? well, it's just valtor. so, who is walter? well how are you? so, well, what's there? oh, 36.9, if
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it continues like this, look, in a couple of weeks you will be discharged, but for me, at least. you’re too fast, you want to eat, i want to sleep, but who won’t let you, sleep to your health, well, sleep , sleep, selivanov ivan petrovich, uh-huh, what year of birth, one minute, registration. well, they just called, no one told you he’s rude, so what about the police, we ’re also dealing with business here, by the way, i’m just explaining to you that they just called about your security guard and also threatened to come,
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please again, petrovich, good morning, i ’m back home, grandpa, you are you crazy, firit, we will win this war, you have gone too far, kazyma, i want to escape from my father, with me, you are safe, he is playing with my feelings, then don’t let him play with them, the more you allow him, the worse he will behave and... you need to teach him a lesson, i don’t want you to give my wife any advice, i’m sorry, maybe marriage in principle is an abnormal thing, siron, it’s not about marriage, it’s about you, you make me unhappy, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on
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ntv, cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. it seems that just recently you loved space and freedom, and then your habits changed a little. then a little more and another. no matter how you and your home habits change, in hoff you will always find everything you need to furnish your home comfortably. thank you for these cozy 15 years. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest
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hello, marie, i’ll be with you for a long time. serious relations with turkish tv series begin with evie. the largest catalog of turkish tv series with easy subscription for 99 rubles per month. okay, great, what do we have here? bogomolov kirill vitalievich, 76 gr. third degree concussion with suspected subarchiodal hemorrhage in the brain. transferred to ward number 14.
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call the cops and find out, your guard doesn’t recognize anyone now. sorry, young man, you can't bring a dog. i know a place to sit. wait for me, i'll be there soon. good afternoon, i can visit
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kirill vitalievich bogomolov, i called for about an hour ago, they told me, he came here, and who will you be to him? yes, in general, outsiders are not allowed to visit him, excuse me, this is the order, the fact is that i am an outsider from the police, senior lieutenant stripe, okay? i’ll take a look now, wait a little, something is wrong, it’s strange, but it looks like you were late, in what sense you were late, it says here that bogomololov died. wait, like me, i won’t understand anything myself, just an hour ago he was transferred from intensive care. can i talk to
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the next doctor? yes, of course, he's here in the emergency room. where is it? you will walk along corridor, go downstairs, with forgiveness from fimtsev. ok, thank you. stepanov, by. golovnin, past, makarov, past, yes, as a child i imagined this work differently, yes, fights, chases, something like that, this work is as good as milk from a goat, i say, sharina needs to shake you, lena, we need... who worked in all three organizations, you know, and sharin was most likely just framed, well, if you want, let's give up, come on.
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kirilenko vladimir aleksandrovich, yes,
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wait, wait, kirilenko, where did he just go? was here, yes, here he is, forty the first one, well, yes, well, i’m telling you, you ’re already seeing double, right, and now let’s see what we have here, uh, kirilenka, well, wait, wait , this guy, working in all three companies that interest us, installed alarms at all these facilities. do you know where he works now, just don’t say that he’s at security systems, yes, listen, we urgently need to call artyom, kolos is listening, hello, this is of course wonderful, but the fact
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is that we don’t have proof. that's because of the tail, you know, the guard died, but i i don’t understand anything myself, no, i’m here for now, i want to talk to the doctor, maybe the guard said something before his death, excuse me, you are doctor ufimtsev, ufimtsev, what’s the matter, just a minute, excuse me, i’ll call you back, i’m from the police , regarding the mantis, maybe you’d be better off with him yourself, at the registry office. they told me that he died just now. what are you saying? i just visited him. probably some kind of mistake. let's go to the post and calmly sort everything out there. so, time of death? indeed 12:03.
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this simply cannot be, you understand, he was absolutely stable, in which ward he was lying, in the fourteenth, where he is higher, a full clinic. maybe you can at least explain what's going on here?
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what are you doing here?
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and where did i take you out, dog? well, shall we try on the bracelets? fly.
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listen, i am a respected person, if they don’t immediately explain to me why i was brought here, then we will have a lot of trouble, it seems that’s exactly what you wanted to say, yes, leave us, sit down, miroslav nikolaevich, miroslav nikolaevich. “i am waiting for an explanation, i would ask you to answer several questions related to your professional activities,
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as well as the fact of beating a security guard in a parking lot, the beating of a security guard has nothing to do with my professional activities, but the destruction of a boutique? and the destruction of parabolic antennas on one of the moscow new buildings? continue the list? what kind of nonsense, why do i need this? well, perhaps this way you wanted to prove to potential customers that the security systems installed by your competitors are not able to protect, even from teenagers. yes, but you won’t be able to prove it, you ’re smiling in vain, miroslav nikolaevich, what do you
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say to this, what the hell got you there anyway, i’d give the money to the boys, they’d dump it quickly, and what would they do without me? okay, i'll answer all your questions.
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don’t you want to leave, don’t you miss home, a whole week has passed, i haven’t seen moscow at all, it’s my fault, but i’ll correct myself, in real life you never have time, sir, i can take the boy around the city, good idea, frank how are you, friend, maybe let's go ride, yes, just buy me a cola, i'm thirsty . okay,
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okay. frank, i'll go away for a minute, you be alone, okay, they said, hello, yes, yes, everything is fine. dad, we just
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broke up, are you going to call me every 5 minutes? yes, i love you too, bye, you took the keys from me. let's drive, come on, step on the gas, drive in, before the driver gives up, before he calls the police, he'll be in time, we arrived at this supermarket on time, yes, after all, it's the exact car that we need, the customer will never stop crying. i've already
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lost hope, i probably always said, the main thing is make a decision in time, sometimes improvisation is better than any well-thought-out plan, and yes, you can’t waste skill. decide, yes, come in, meet me, this is major semyonov, he represents the state security agencies, well, we already understood that, your task is very clear, you work in conjunction with major semyonov.
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i must tell you that i don’t remember such an emergency on our territory. they kidnapped the son of a military atache at the united states embassy and stole his car, so i’m here because this happened on your territory. i want to warn you right away that there is no amateur activity. your task is simple: patrolling, checking suspicious people according to the first option, following our instructions. okay, i'm sorry, toshe is waiting for me, goodbye, serious, sir, well, state security. and you
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put a lot of effort into it, it’s still resting, probably, yes, it didn’t seem enough to him how long we were chasing such a car, four months, counting six months. eh, oh, well, now you can go to the bottom, i mean in yalt, don’t take the skin in advance, you still have to sell this bear, but where is he is this bear going to get away?
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oops, where did you come from? listen to me, is there a state of emergency on our territory? yes, yes, on our territory. guys, the rest of the employees will be engaged in patrolling, this is understandable, but you, you three. must take this matter very seriously, i express myself clearly, the prestige of the entire domestic security service and our department is at stake, what is more important is clear, clear to you, decide the issue, come on,
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how far do our powers extend, but i think not very far. but you have to turn yourself inside out, that's understandable, well there you go decide to go, go, damn it, why did this have to happen today? well, why not, it’s just like any other day, yeah, an ordinary day, only my son’s birthday is today, oh, what are you talking about, how old is he, he’s already nine, congratulations, listen, luda, congratulate me, okay, too , congratulations,
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you are owed, if i don’t come back, today on time, she’ll definitely eat it, she won’t eat it, you have a wonderful wife, what a woman. will tolerate our work, our character, so guys, enough with family squabbles, let's think about where we should start, but what is there to think about? usually, you need to interrogate witnesses, as usual, interrogate the attaché, who will give it to you? do you have other options? well, is there another driver? well, that means let's go to him, i'm afraid that they won't let us in either, we have to at least try, just guys, i know you can do it, i'm with you in my thoughts, well, it's as usual, well, let's go, let's go, a fly is rushing into fight, go ahead, again it is the best in
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i brought him soon, as you know, patients are taken to the emergency department, i don’t have that information, you can inquire there, okay, if you don’t need me anymore, i’m sorry, i got a loan, yes, thank you . excuse me, can you speak, who are you? i'm from the police. try to remember and tell what happened. “i don’t remember anything, frank, you
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found him, we are looking for him, tell me what you remember, lord, what the boss will say, what will happen to the boy, listen, calm down, try. remember, you owe us help, yes, yes, ask, tell me, at the time of the attack you were in the car, no, i, i was approaching the car and they grabbed me from behind and hit me very hard, i wanted to get up, they just hit me with force again, i don’t remember anything . did you see these people, how many were there? there were
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two of them, yes, there were two of them, tell me, can you identify them? that if you see them, you will be able to recognize them? i'm not sure, they hit it that hard. i don’t remember anything, it’s unlikely, forgive me, calm down, that means there were two of them, yes, more precisely there were two of them, okay, and now you i need to rest, get well, if you remember something, i’ll leave you a business card, let me know, okay, that’s it, goodbye, thank you,
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what are you doing here? working. by the way, is the man who entered the room the boy’s father? i ask, what were you doing in the ward? i asked the driver a few questions. the usual thing. i'll tell you what, eldest. this is an unusual matter. this is a completely unusual thing. do you understand? no more surveys, yes, but i, all that is required of you, patrolling, checking for suspicious people, doing our orders, clearly, no initiative, there is still a question, yes, just one, i can
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talk to the atasha. you’re heading for trouble, i gave it to you, that means you can’t, what’s your name, senior lieutenant, you, don’t interfere, don’t go crazy, understand? did you miss them? no, i talked, well , no way, it’s clear, let’s go, not now, what are you up to, i want to talk to the atasha, that
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’s how, you don’t want to talk to, but if prince charles is kidnapped on our territory, we’ll definitely talk, but don’t go crazy, amazing coincidence, what a coincidence, semyonov advised the same thing, let's go. let me in, close his fingers, one more word, boy, say goodbye to life, i realized that we didn’t take him to the garage, yeah, the buyer will come, and who is this, and we are him, this is the owner of the car, like, yes, where should he go? now, on the boat,
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no one will look for you here, in short, so boy. if you want to see mom and dad, be quiet, okay? got it, mom, did you call dad? i called and what did he say? he said he's busy, he's always busy. by the way, did you remind me that today is actually my birthday? of course, but he that's how he remembers everything. don’t worry, dad said he’ll call again, but will he come
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on time? i hope it comes. are you doing well? that's it, i've already done everything. and i always knew that i had the smartest son in the world. by the way, mom, will i put out the candles on the cake? of course, what kind of question is that? good morning, i 'm back home, grandpa. are you crazy? firit, we will win this war. you've gone too far, kazyma. i want to escape from my father. with me, you're safe. he plays with my feelings. then don't let him with them play. the more you allow him, the worse he will behave. he needs to be taught a lesson. i don't want you to give my wife
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i’ll tell you what you shouldn’t tell, got it, okay, you shouldn't tell us fairy tales, you should tell us the truth, got it? got it, really. the whole truth and nothing but the truth, advanced, who are you, what is your name? frank, what's my name...
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sorry, my russian is not very good, what did you say about masks, are you kidding me? no, i really don’t understand you, he doesn’t understand, now we’re all, wait, wait, american, you say, yes, i’m in the united states of america, come on, say something in english.
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bring the mukhtar out, we are acting according to plan, mr. atasha, can you have a minute, don’t go crazy, what do you allow yourself, mr. atasha, i am a senior police lieutenant, kolosov, i need to talk to you, this is extremely important, lord. i don’t work alone, our team has a very high-class specialist, who do you mean, try to get into the car, i don’t recommend doing this, it will break right away.
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okay, you have 2 minutes, just remove the dog, please, the fly, the car, let's go, the car doesn't have our license plates, maybe it really is the american atache's car?
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here you are, i'm going to kill you right here, boy and no international scandal, understand? yes , he’s an american, and they always say what they think, shut up, better, better, shut up, without half a liter you won’t be able to figure this out, yes, let’s go and use our brains, what can we do with this? let
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him sit here for now, no one will look for him here, we went, and you sit here for now, you can yell as much as you want, no one will hear, don’t break in, they will be locked tightly, i would advise you to call the police yourself, it’s better not to open it mouth, understand? understood. tell me do you have something your son, you mean hope, there is a baseball cap, yesterday we were driving in this car, he
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forgot it, your gift is suitable, quite, i can take it for a while, yes, of course, if it helps us find our match, tell me, he speaks russian, he says, does he know the city? i'm afraid that he doesn't know moscow yet. how did it happen that there is no security in the city? he was a pimp. it's clear. tell me, does he have a mobile phone with him? yes, but he is always unavailable or out of range. i 'm afraid he turned it off. i call him every 5 minutes. but this is not worth doing. this is true. it means he is hiding the fact that he has a phone, your call can give him away, we will find your son, mr. taschen, we have put all services on their feet, an interception plan has been introduced in the city, we will definitely find him, yes, mr. taschen, we will find him his.
10:00 am
these are not bikers, these are modern realities of military operations, our units use motorcycles when storming positions of the ukrainian armed forces, the enemy does not even have time to understand how our fighters end up in their rear, what else the advantage of such attacks, sergei pikulin understood. feast during the plague, zelensky's wife bought a car worth 45 million euros. there were no casualties. about the consequences of a quick, demolished trees, construction cranes and roof, but not a strong hurricane in st. petersburg. nikolay bulkin.


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