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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the ministry of defense showed footage of the destruction of vzo aircraft at an airfield in the poltava region, these are not bikers, this is modern reality. acquired immunity, the us supreme court granted donald trump an indulgence allowing him to continue his fight for the presidency. mortgage rates are going up again, which explains the banks' decision. and ice is fire for now... areas in yakutia are engulfed
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in forest fires, and hail has hit others. hello, watch the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, a state of emergency has been introduced in yakutia due to forest fires. situations of a federal nature. now in the republic forests are burning on an area of ​​over 350 hectares. more than a hundred outbreaks have been recorded, this was reported by the regional operational headquarters. 1,500 people, as well as equipment and an aviation firefighting train, were involved in the fire extinguishing effort. in three settlements. there is a high degree of smoke; according to the latest data , no one was injured. the situation is difficult in the trans-baikal territory, where hot weather and increased thunderstorm activity persist in the absence of precipitation. this seriously complicates the situation with forest fires, which are more often most often occur in remote, inaccessible areas. temperatures will be above normal this week almost throughout the country; due to the abnormal heat, a high alert regime has been introduced in several municipalities of the amur region. well and. while in some places of yakutia
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the forests were engulfed in fire, in others there was hail, an ice floe the size of a chicken egg destroyed vegetable gardens, cars, roofs of houses in the nyurba region of the republic. all this was accompanied by a strong wind. now local authorities are assessing the damage, and residents of the affected areas are replacing broken windows. element hit st. petersburg the day before. three people died from the strong hurricane. the wind knocked down trees, tore off metal roof cladding, toppled fences and even knocked over a construction site. pulkovo airport suspended operations, all city parks were closed. chronology of events by nikolai bulkin. neither the trees nor even the steel tower crane could withstand its onslaught. the huge structure collapsed before the eyes of eyewitnesses. the construction company assured that there were no casualties during the emergency, but a fallen crane destroyed nearby garages. the turret cabin turned out to be right inside one of the garages, the garage was completely destroyed and it’s remarkable that part of this huge steel structure fell right onto the site. for receiving metal.
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the prosecutor's office is investigating whether the crane was properly secured, and garage owners are now waiting for heavy equipment to begin clearing the rubble to assess the damage. in total , eight garages were damaged, one way or another, in these three, which are located on this side, as for cars, exact certainty, cars, cars, are not here, it will be most difficult to determine there, because they were so broken that you couldn’t look in and see, there were many more fallen trees, hundreds, unfortunately. this is how the hurricane claimed several human lives. the tragedy occurred in this st. petersburg courtyard. a strong gust of wind knocked down poplar. there was a woman here at that moment. she was taking out the trash. the heavy barrel fell and hit him right in the head. the second victim was an eleven-year-old boy. he was taken to the hospital in serious condition, but he could not be saved. and another person died in the leningrad region. there are also injured people. there are now two women in serious condition in the gachina hospital. they were at a public transport stop. when
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a fallen tree fell on them, the patients are now in the intensive care unit, they are in serious condition, but stable, we now hope for the improvement of the patients’ condition, well , i repeat that they are in quite serious condition, because the tree hit them directly yesterday, gusts of wind they tore off the roofs from houses in the historical center, carried away baby strollers, fortunately there were no children in the new buildings, the hurricane interfered with the restoration of the facades, carrying away scaffolding and raising real sand and dust storms. we are at the epicenter of this. on highways, drivers, fearing for their lives and to avoid an accident, significantly slowed down. it's tough, you can't see anything. on st. petersburg and regional streets , some trees fell on cars. as a result , dozens of broken cars. at this time, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and public utilities are removing fallen structures and restoring power lines. the hurricane has appeared. it was after a hot day
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short-term, but the consequences were already severe, the bad weather came with a thunderstorm, lightning effectively struck the tower of the lakhta center skyscraper, the lightning rod worked, but to divert the trouble from the city. according to the ministry of defense, the russian military launched a group iskander missile attack on the mirgorod airfield in the poltava region, as a result of the attack seven enemy su-27 fighters were destroyed. according to a number of media reports, there were losses among the flight crew. by the way, it was mirgorod that the ukrainian air force used as a jump airfield for aircraft that attacked hit. in crimea and zaporozhye region. there is also an opinion that this airfield could be used to land american f-16 fighters promised by the west to kiev. just the day before, the dutch authorities issued a license to export the first twenty-four f-16 fighters to ukraine. the planes
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are allegedly already preparing for departure, but the date has not been specified. previously, the dutch ministry of defense promised kiev to deliver the initial batch of f-16s after the summer. well, in the kherson direction of the northern military district zone, the crews of the mstas group guns. troops dnepr destroyed armored vehicles, boats and fortified enemy positions on the right bank of the river. ammunition depots also came under artillery fire, and aerial reconnaissance discovered the targets. and in the ugledar direction, during the liberation of the village of staromaiskaya, attack aircraft of the vostok group used motorcycles. this greatly accelerated progress through open areas , reducing the risk of attack by drones, and also made it possible to take the enemy by surprise. i met with the soldiers of the motorized squad.
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if the car is working it means the fighter is alive during storming strong points that are located in a forest belt, the most difficult thing for attack aircraft is not even to go into the trenches, but... to overcome, as the military themselves call it, a postcard, this is an open area, because here the terrain is mainly fields. it was for the postcard that attack aircraft, vostok groups from primorye began to use motorcycles, fast, maneuverable, unlike armored vehicles, the target itself is small. to direct the artillery at us, it will take quite a while, at least three or four minutes, and the motorcycle overcomes the fast distance, that is, the enemy simply does not have time to aim. these are frames from a camera installed on the rear wing of a motorcycle, the speed is about a hundred, rough terrain , the soldier is wearing a bulletproof vest, a helmet, a machine gun and ammunition, all together weighing 40 kilograms, and from the starting point to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces - 5 km, walking with such a weight means... storm already tired, the fighters
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of the motorized group are the first to enter the trenches, a grenade. let's go, at this time the second foot group approaches the forest belt without losses, they are led by our uav operators. well done, drown, drown, drown, swamp, go into the little forest. our units began to use this tactic during the assault on staromaisky, thanks to the effect of surprise, the first three streets were taken in 40 minutes, half of the population in 3 hours. derska brazenly carried out this task, drove straight into staromaiskoe, flew straight into the trenches...
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prime minister viktor orban arrived on a visit to kiev for the first time since february 22 , until today he remained the only european leader who did not visit ukraine since the beginning of the conflict. there is no official footage of this visit yet, only the passage of the motorcade through the streets of kiev, filmed by random eyewitnesses. orban is expected
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to hold talks with zelensky. the main topic is discussions of the possibilities for peaceful resolution of conflicts, and issues of difficult bilateral relations between budapest and kiev are also on the agenda. the day before, hungary took over the chairmanship. in the council of the european union and viktor orban once again emphasized that budapest opposes the eu’s military support for ukraine and calls for peaceful negotiations. the us supreme court upheld donald trump's immunity from criminal prosecution, and although this decision concerns the time when he served as head of state, it means that trump, who, among other things, could have gotten into big trouble in connection with the case of storming the capitol, will now die in peace and will continue to fight for the presidency. trump's associates called the court's decision historic, but joe biden said that the verdict is a dangerous precedent and undermines the constitution. alexey veselovsky, more details. donald trump now has even fewer problems before the election, the decision of the us supreme court to grant the first
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a person of the state has immunity from criminal prosecution for actions committed within the scope of his official powers, which means that the most dangerous criminal case for him, about an attempt to change the results of the presidential elections in 2020, is postponed for a long time, if not forever. trump celebrates victory. “i’m proud to be an american,” the ex-president wrote on social networks. the supreme court clarified that not all actions of the us president in office can be considered official, unofficial immunity does not apply, but even with this wording the case with special counsel jack smith 's election interference case open against trump hanging in the balance, lower courts will now have to sort out which of trump's actions in office are considered official and which are not when he spoke to his supporters on january 6 before they went. whether congress was within the scope of its official powers or not, it will take many
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months to clarify all these nuances and there is simply no chance left before the elections in november, as the special prosecutor was counting on . this is an absolute win for donald. trump. there are elections ahead, and donald trump has already made it clear that if he wins, this matter will be closed. the supreme court's decision could sink other cases against trump. in georgia, where the ex-president was also accused of trying to change the election results, and in florida, where. reconsidered through the prism of presidential immunity. i think this is the best supreme court decision we could have expected. in some paragraphs i personally saw criticism of the haste with which trump was charged, on the basis of immunity we will continue our fight in the courts. trump and his supporters are celebrating, and democrats are horrified by the decision, because now the head of the white house will have virtually a free hand. but when addressing the nation, president biden , of course, did not mean himself, but only his
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rival. today's decision almost certainly means there are virtually no limits to what a president can do, and that sets a dangerous precedent. sonia satamaer, one of three liberal supreme court justices who dissented from the decision, wrote that it turns the us president into a king. who is not afraid of any laws if the president orders the navy. cats kill a political opponent, immunity, organizes an armed coup to stay in power, immunity, congresswoman of the democratic party alexandria cortez promised to impeach the judges who supported trump's immunity. congress must protect our country from authoritarian takeover, and i intend to introduce articles of impeachment as soon as we return to work. the democrats' irritation is understandable; their main goal is out of reach, but cortez's threat empty.
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and a minimum range of 90 km to confirm flight stability, the new missile is said to be capable of carrying a warhead weighing 4.5 tons, south korea has expressed doubts about the success of the tests. sberbank raised mortgage rates for the second time in a month, further business news and denis talalaev, denis, what is the reason for the latest decision? banks explain everything by the key rate in russia, the high key rate, it will obviously continue to rise. starting today, sberbank is increasing rates on its own mortgage programs by 1.3% points, and now for such
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loan rates in zber will start from 19.5%. this applies to mortgages for new buildings, secondary housing, home construction and refinancing programs. programs with state support - this rate increase naturally does not apply. sber already raised mortgage rates less than a month ago, on june 5, then the increase was one and a half percentage points. and from july 1, mortgage rates were increased for the second time by the russian bank vtb. now loans for the purchase of apartments from him start at 9.2%. banks explain their actions by saying that... then money becomes more and more expensive, against the background with a high key rate, the yield on federal loan bonds increases, which means the cost of resources for banks also increases. the next meeting of the board of directors of the central bank will take place on july 26, and there is a high probability that the key rate will rise again after a six-month pause. the russian stock market continues yesterday's growth;
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investor optimism is supported by a new fall in the ruble, which traditionally helps exporter shares. on the interbank market, the dollar and euro are each growing by about one and a half rubles at these minutes, the american is 88.50, the european costs 94.79. and also about dollars, the world bank has transferred russia to the category of high-income countries, we are talking about such an indicator as gross national income per capita, and in order to be considered a high-income country, you need to reach the level of 14.6 dollars, russia according to the results of last year 14 the world bank explains that economic activity in russia was affected by a large increase in military spending, as well as a recovery in trade, the financial sector, and construction. russia was already included in the high-income group from 2012 to 2014, and now, along with russia , bulgaria and
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palau have also moved into the category of high-income countries. in total, the world bank has counted more than seventy such countries and territories, this rating is necessary. to say a very unexpected leader: the country with the highest per capita income is bermuda, there is almost $135,000 per person. airlines warned that if they start collecting money from them to repair airfields, then tickets could become even more expensive. the point is that they are going to create a special fund in russia reconstruction of airfields, the federal air transport agency proposes to fill it by increasing air navigation fees from the airline. and now i'm on the eve. the head of the federal air transport agency, dmitry yadrov , said that 10-12 billion rubles should accumulate in the fund every year. and the interfax agency, citing a representative of the federal air transport agency, clarified that the air navigation fee for airlines on domestic flights is proposed to be increased by 37%, but on international flights by 100%. and so the s7 airline told rbc that
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they do not support such an initiative, because on november 22, air navigation fees already increased by 76%.
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and his company produces industrial gases, argon, helium, masked people grabbed stefanov in the center of the capital, put him in a minibus, took him to bryansk and held him there, detectives quickly found the foreigner, he was freed by special forces, immediately after the abduction, the main version was, of course, kidnapping , but what the criminals really needed from the italian, you will find out in a few minutes.
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this is the adventure of italians in russia, thank you, marat, well, it’s good that everything is fine it's over, well, i'm with you on this for now. i say goodbye until the next newscast on ntv, see you at 16:00. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sbert business. attacked by credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go , conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. more prizes on mobile magnit app. buy with a card from the application, win summer prizes and a million rubles for a great summer. magnet. on
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make everything you dream come true. and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register a business in tebank and get 6 months free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the marat sednikov studio, we are live. and in one of the apartment buildings in sterlitamak there was a gas explosion. according to preliminary information, one person was killed, six more were injured, the moment of the explosion was caught on a surveillance camera, and a woman with two was seen approaching the entrance. children, as soon as she dialed the intercom code and opened the door, an explosion occurred,
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there was no smell of gas in our entrance, but here people say that in general in the chat they wrote that the smell of gas was present in the first entrance, and well, today the emergency service was working at that moment, at the moment of the explosion. the woman and children survived, the rescuer evacuated 80 people from the house. there is information that among the victims were two gas service employees who were working in one of the apartments on the second floor. the kidnapper of the italian businessman is now being chosen as a preventive measure in the zamoskvarets court. stefan guideutti has been working in russia for a long time, his company produces industrial gases, such as argon and helium. people in masks grabbed. ivan's connection immediately after
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the kidnapping is in charge.


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